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The Summoner

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The Summoner Empty The Summoner

Post by The Legion July 24th 2013, 5:22 am

Grace Merwin
"What I do creeps me out"

Basic Biography

Real Name: Grace Merwin
Renegade/Hero/Villain Name: The Summoner
Title: Demon Queen
Alignment: Lawful Good
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Blue
Height: 6.1
Weight: 63kg
Blood type: AB+

The Looks

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The Legacy

Grace is an extremely kind and gentle person and like she says "My power freaks me out". Although she has strong virtues she will do whatever in her power to protect the innocent. She also doesn't really like the boyfriend, girlfriend concept.

Grace was born without ever knowing her dad, in some ways it is sad, but it made her the person she is today. Her mother was cheerful and kind but her face would always drop when Grace would mention her dad and she would never talk about him only saying he was handsome and he is where he is supposed to be. When she was born she had a small rune mark on her left shoulder that no-one could explain but her mum saying, "It is a beauty mark".
She was living a normal life, she was cool and people loved hanging out with her, but that all changed when she got the call from the cops saying her mum had had a run in with a criminal and had not made it. Her life had just taken a whole new turn.
She was taken to the orphanage the next day, the orphanage workers trying to assure that everything would be okay, but that was not to be. Her first day at the orphanage was filled with bullying and so was the next and the next and the next. He mind become tortured and she hated the bully with all her heart. The next day he came to bully her the rune mark started shining brightly under her t-shirt and out of thin air a massive cat that was black and had three legs and 2 tentacles with claws on them ripped the boy to shreds leaving pieces of him spread along the floor. The orphanage was a madhouse, the cops came and studied and everyone said a monster had attacked the boy and it was true in a sense, but Grace knew she had summoned it. Deciding it was time to leave she ran away in search of her father.

After 2 years of searching her life had reached its low, with a gun to her head she was prepared to take her life, but before she could pull the trigger another monster that was handsome and was part man, part bull appeared out of nowhere, she screamed and aimed the gun at the monster.
"Whoa, don't shoot me, I've been looking for you for ages" the man looked at the gun,"looks like i did just in time".
After Grace talked to the man it turned out he was a demon and she was a demon summoner, and the most shocking news of all...he was her dad.

Now Grace has a new lease on life, summoning demons to protect earth.

The Powers

Power 1: Demon Summoning,8: Grace has the power to summon demons from the aether region, a power only known in Grace. She has a vast array of demons unlockable just using her mind, the list of demons she can unlock grows just about every time she uses her power. This power can also freak out the living lights out of every normal human and even a few meta-humans. Summoning 5 average demons is a simple task and she barely feels tired. Summoning 4 powerful demons can leave her a bit light headed and tired but she gets over the effects rather quickly. But summoning 3 epic demons can nearly have her faint on the spot, she takes a lot longer to recover.  She can produce 5 average demons at once, 4 powerful demons at once and 3 epic demon at once.
The demons: [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

Fighting Skills:4

Last edited by C-art on July 30th 2013, 10:10 pm; edited 6 times in total

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"We're just like him..." "A hero who lost it all..."
"A voice, a heart of a people..." "A player in the game of life..."
"An artist painting a new world."
The Legion
The Legion
Post Mate
Post Mate

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 112
Age : 24
Registration date : 2013-07-07

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The Summoner Empty Re: The Summoner

Post by The Legion July 29th 2013, 6:01 pm

Ready for approval

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"We're just like him..." "A hero who lost it all..."
"A voice, a heart of a people..." "A player in the game of life..."
"An artist painting a new world."
The Legion
The Legion
Post Mate
Post Mate

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 112
Age : 24
Registration date : 2013-07-07

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The Summoner Empty Re: The Summoner

Post by Danger July 30th 2013, 10:29 pm


Status :

Quote : "Totally saved Sadie."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 541
Registration date : 2011-03-01

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