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This encounter better be good(Keblinky)

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This encounter better be good(Keblinky) Empty This encounter better be good(Keblinky)

Post by Forceaus June 8th 2013, 7:05 pm

Long days, even longer nights. He had not slept properly in so many days. The wear and tear of so many daily tasks that were placed upon his shoulders was driving to a sleep deprived state of sadness and misery. Even the things he normally enjoyed were doing little to nothing for him. He felt like he was going through the wringer of a mid life crisis. Something John Capore was way, way, way to young to be going through. He was only seventeen. Not even an adult yet according to the federal law of this country. How could he possibly be going through a mid life crisis? He couldn't, not unless he was going to wind up living a really short one and this was legitimately one for him. That would just suck if it was. It really would. John wanted to at least live until 50. He wouldn't mind dying at that age. Even if fifty years of age was still far below the national average.

The young man walked up and down the streets looking at sign after sign, staring through window display after display, admiring the scenery. Admiring was not the right word for it. His utter boredom and depression made even the most mundane things feel like they needed to be done. Oh, he really should talk to somebody about this. There was just nobody for him to have this conversation with. Only tiny bits would ever be spoken. Tiny bits that would do little.

His feelings of misery were starting to annoy him. This angst made him roll his eyes like it were not even his own. He needed to do something to get it all off of his mind. Do something more than sound like one of those angsty, annoying teens he often found himself at odds with. He wandered away from the busy sections of the city. A quieter place he now found himself. John preferred the quiet. It just made things better for him. He began to relax, but his attempts were prevented. A disturbance, of the sort he was used to seeing. Criminal activity over at the nearby shopping section. It may seem like an odd place to rob, but banks were becoming increasingly harder for anyone to rob with all the additional security that they now possessed.

Daily crimefighting may be one of the things that was giving him such grief, but it was a minor one compared to the rest. It would not take him long to get into action to stop this robbery. Just a quick trip to a good hiding spot, like the one only a few feet away. He would then change into costume and get to work on stopping these guys. As he got to doing this it started to seem like he was wasting his time.

Mega Poster!
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Quote : I am hilarious, and you will quote everything I say.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2604
Location : You're locked in with me at it.
Job : It pays the bills
Humor : I'm the cult of personality and history shows again and again that nature points out the folly of man.
Registration date : 2011-12-22

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This encounter better be good(Keblinky) Empty Re: This encounter better be good(Keblinky)

Post by keblinky June 9th 2013, 1:42 pm

Arcadia really was a nice place to hang around. At least the Spring and Summer courts were, here the world was in a perpetual state of bloom, everyone was happy, and magic was practically bouncing off the walls. But too much of a good thing would certainly be tiring, and this was the case with Frisiel. Sure, running around Arcadia chasing after a sprite was fun enough, but what he needed right now was a good old-fashioned romp across Earth. With a last wave to his friends, Frisiel went back to his home. He needed to do some preparing.

Looking around, Frisiel saw that his abode was in a state of total chaos. Clothing was strewn across the floor, magical artifacts were bouncing around the room, and three mirrors were shattered. He breathed it in. This was simply wonderful. Others envied his lack of care when it came to his living space, but in truth the chaos was well planned. There was (no matter how clichéd it sounds) a method to his madness. With a quick movement, the Fae threw on human clothing, just a black jacket and some jeans, nothing too fancy, too fancy got you noticed too fast, and that was great sometimes, but not for now. With a last look back at Arcadia, Frisiel stepped through the door to his back garden.

With a blue green flash, a Scottish man appeared in the middle of a shopping center. Damn it! He had been aiming for Nepal. Seriously, he needed that transdimensional jump door fixed. It was like it was bringing him to America on purpose. With a glance around, Frisiel, now taking the name of Rory, noticed something strange. First, nobody was cowering in fear from his appearance. Shit, that was his favorite part! Second of all, there were a bunch of thugs with guns screaming at him in some weird language. Oh, nope, that was English, damn; he kept forgetting all these languages stuck in his head. With a shake of his head, Rory heard their words correctly now. "Get on your knees! GET DOWN OR WE WILL KILL YOU!" Wow, these guys were idiots. They just saw a man blink into existence. Were they seriously threatening him?

The Fae looked around the shopping center. There was a water fountain over on one wall, and two others just across from it. Score! With a flick of his wrist, the water fountains exploded, and a dazzling white stream of water flew from all of them. The thugs soon found their guns in pieces, and the jets of magically infused water were forcing a few down. "Have no fear citizens, Riverdance is here! That's how the whole superhero thing is supposed to go right? Well, all ya mortals can scamper on along, these fucks won't be giving you much trouble anymore." Rory was about to bow, when he heard a strange noise. Was that… oh shit it was a rocket launcher. With an instinctive flick of his wrist, a shield of water rose in front of him, blocking the blast from directly hitting him. He had still been blown back, but at least now he had the advantage. "Oh great, so you've decided to bring out the big guns? I wonder if ANYONE can help me, being only a poor damsel in distress." Rory tensed now, ready to cut these fools to pieces. Really, this superhero malarkey was fun!
Post Mate
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This encounter better be good(Keblinky) Empty Re: This encounter better be good(Keblinky)

Post by Forceaus June 9th 2013, 9:50 pm

There was something crazy going on in that shopping center. It seemed like it was just a robbery at first. Then water was flowing about everywhere. It was like they had shot open the pipes and flooded the place. Reckless firing of their weapons may lead to them drowning. One might think that at first glance. Now in full costume Forcewave looked through the windows from a safe distance, hidden from sight unless they were to be looking directly at him and expecting to see somebody, even then they might see nothing though. He saw from here that the water was being controlled by somebody. He just could not make out who it was. He knew of two people capable of controlling water. Could it be one of them? Considering how both were people that he thought of as allies it was probably best that he go in to increase their chances of surviving. Even though it seemed they were doing well, things could go poorly at any moment.

An explosion. One of them had a rocket launcher of all things on them. These guys were definitely serious about robbing this place. Bringing a rocket launcher certainly signifies that. Forcewave left his hiding place and dashed towards the place at a fast pace. He was there within seconds. He blasted his way through the door and that same blast shot through the rocket launcher to destroy it. One less dangerous thing to deal with. He now stood in the building looking about. There stood the criminals, the place was waterlogged and in shambles. He then turned to see who it was that had brought forth all this water. It was neither person he thought it might be. He did not know this person at all. He was alive though. That was at least fortunate. "You alright over there?" he called over to him as he prepared to deal with the robbers further.

Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

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Quote : I am hilarious, and you will quote everything I say.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2604
Location : You're locked in with me at it.
Job : It pays the bills
Humor : I'm the cult of personality and history shows again and again that nature points out the folly of man.
Registration date : 2011-12-22

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This encounter better be good(Keblinky) Empty Re: This encounter better be good(Keblinky)

Post by keblinky June 11th 2013, 5:50 pm

"You alright over there?" At this, Riverdance spun around to face the speaker. It was a man. Well, man was overstating it a little. Boy was more like it. A youth, he couldn't be more than nineteen, yet he had donned a superhero outfit and was fighting crime. That was certainly impressive.

"Oh? A superhero? Tally ho! I could use a bit of help to be honest, didn't think that robbers would have rocket launchers. Not something you really see quite often on them, eh? Insurgents, PMCs, sure, but robbers? Pretty well funded if ya ask me. But really, thanks for the offer, I think some of them are getting up." With this, Riverdance put a hand into his pocket, and pulled out a pistol. It looked quite a lot like an old flintlock pistol, and one of the robbers laughed. What a fool that man was. With a grin, the Fae took aim and fired.

The man was knocked off his feet and through a window, crashing into a mannequin display. Riverdance had made sure the shot wasn't fatal, these idiots needed to be taught a lesson. With a nod at the boy who just appeared, Riverdance leapt forward, now flying.

One, two, three, four. With each count, Riverdance had a robber on the floor. Each of them were currently choking on water, the sloshing pool that was forming on the ground was slowly getting larger and larger. He turned around to face the boy, releasing the men who had been choking as he did so. "You want to take care of the rest bud? Or should I just kill em? I'm fine with it either way, haven’t had a good fight in months."
Post Mate
Post Mate

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Quote : "quantity has a quality all its own"

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 163
Location : Albany
Age : 25
Registration date : 2012-05-05

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This encounter better be good(Keblinky) Empty Re: This encounter better be good(Keblinky)

Post by Forceaus June 12th 2013, 9:13 pm

"Yeah, okay." That's it. That was he initially responded to the guy with. Yeah, he was a superhero. A pretty good one based on the standards they were held up to. Standards he did not even know that well. "I'm not surprised. Criminals nowadays tend to be at least somewhat prepared to fight off the superhumans that attempt to stop their activities." It was what he was about to say. He did not get very deep into the second sentence before his words to mere mumbling as he was surprised by what he had just witnessed. The guy he had just saved had pulled out a pistol. Forcewave was worried for a second that he might start shooting them all dead. Not something he would prefer to witness, nor would be too happy to see happen. Luckily it was not a normal pistol. "It not being normal is lucky? What am I even thinking?" he asked himself incredulously. The person who had been shot was down, but thankfully not dead. 

Forcewave stood on his toes as he looked over at the knocked out guy to make sure of such a thing. He heard himself being addressed and turned to see the others being drowned by the floating water that was being controlled by the person whom he just helped out's powers. "I'll take care of them." He responded urgently to make sure he stopped drowning them already. "You should probably get out of here before anybody else shows up. Doing what we just did doesn't always have the best of consequences around here." he told him. Forcewave pretty much expected him to just leave and they would wind up never seeing each other again. Perhaps that would not happen though.

Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : I am hilarious, and you will quote everything I say.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2604
Location : You're locked in with me at it.
Job : It pays the bills
Humor : I'm the cult of personality and history shows again and again that nature points out the folly of man.
Registration date : 2011-12-22

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