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College ROCKS! (Closed to Ancestor Dragon)

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College ROCKS! (Closed to Ancestor Dragon) Empty College ROCKS! (Closed to Ancestor Dragon)

Post by Guest May 30th 2013, 3:57 pm

Brayden smiled as he drug Zell to the party. He knew that his little 'pup' wasn't happy about this. Brayden wouldn't just ditch his braniac dormmate to be the social recluse he ALWAYS is. No tonight would be different, and Brayden was about to make sure of it. He looked at his buddy, Tony and nodded. Tonight was gonna rock!

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College ROCKS! (Closed to Ancestor Dragon) Empty Re: College ROCKS! (Closed to Ancestor Dragon)

Post by Zell May 30th 2013, 4:33 pm

Zell quite often wondered as to why he chose to go to Chicago for schooling. Truth be told, he’d probably be better off where the professor was then where he was at right now. To anyone who saw him right now, it’d most likely only be relatable to the concept of a brain-dead idiot who was staring at a screen of pretty colors. The other students all around him struggled to keep up with Professor Borgia, said like Borzha (Bores-ya in Zell’s opinion), while Zell simply looked at the screen and blinked.
“Mr. Atterrius, would you care to explain why-” he began Zell groaned.
“You can’t just throw around animal’s different genetic coding together because if you do that you’ll screw up and result in worthless genes that will most likely result as cancer. Let’s also not forget the fact that different animals have different genetic heritages. For example the Chicken is believed to have come from the Tyrannosaurus Rex, while the tiger is said to share a common ancestor with the sabertooth. The genetics are FAR too diverse to do anything with. However if I wanted to make a chicken more aggressive, I would search for other descendants of the T-Rex in order to find a more aggressive adaptation, This minimizes the gap between what you’re trying to accomplish and how much genetic modification would be needed. If I wanted to make a Dog to be more like a human I’d first need to alter it’s genetics to bring it to a point where it’s as if it and humans had a common ancestor. They would need several genetic modifications, each gene would need to be tested, you’d need to find the right host for such a gene and you’d need to make it so that the gene you created is prominent and effective enough to bolster the genetic success of that species. Also this Theroy isn't one hundred percent proven. Just like everything else in science, it's only a theory.” Zell concluded. The professor just looked at him, almost shocked. He earned a ton of approving looks from his fellow classmates, and some not so nice ones from the other members of the ‘genius’ group. Zell smirked at how loosely he had to through the term around. None of these people we up to his caliber. Hell, he’d be one of Mensa’s brightest, although he declined the invite. He’d eventually think it over, but for now he just wanted to be as normal of a kid as possible. Then again, managing a company that brings in a 10 Billion dollar profit, AFTER you donate 40% to charity (and that’s on a slow year), and also doubling as Excalibur City’s only Hero whenever he could made it hard to be normal.
They were dismissed from class and he found himself graced by the presence of his second best buddy, Brayden. Brayden ran up, threw an arm over Zell’s shoulders and pulled him in laughing like he was just told the funniest joke ever. Zell smiled and shook his head. In all honesty he wasn’t sure he wanted to know what his friend was laughing at.
Brayden was all excited about how Zell one-upped the professor. Zell just smiled as they walked down campus. They did their usual gig, they went to the cafeteria and ate. Zell ate his salad quietly, which warranted his friend to tease him for not eating like a man. Then they went back to the dorm to study. Well, to help Brayden study… to try and help Brayden study…. To give up and play on the X-box with Brayden. There was a loud knock on the door, Zell jumped a little and Brayden roughed up his hair and smiled sayingh relax pup or something to the effect. Pup was Zell’s nickname, and despite it sounding really condescending, it was a term of endearment. Brayden opened the door and their friend from across the hall, Tony, fell in laughing.
“D-dude! We gotta go!” He said, slurring in between fits of laughter.
“Where?” Zell asked,now standing to help helping the other guy stand up.
“To the place across Zeta tau alpha!” he cheered. Zell’s better than average nose picked up on the strong whiskey. Zell looked back to the television screen and looked emotionless at it.
Brayden eyed Zell wolfishly and it made Zell shrink back a bit.
“OOOOH YEAH! Bring pup!” Tony said excitedly. Zell had a reputation around campus. He was at his first party and a drunken football player just walked up to him and pushed him. The guy was ranting on and on about how some ‘rich-prick’ managed to buy his way into school early. They guy came across with the standard ‘it’s a god eat dog world’ and so Zell proved that he could hold his own. He took out the drunk guy that night, and then three weeks later when the guy was completely sober and wanted revenge. From that point on Zell was known as ‘Pup’, because he proved that even though he was young, he was definitely a dog in this dog eat dog world. Zell didn’t really every party after that, until now apparently.
“Uh-I-I’m good here guys.” He protested nervously. Brayden just shook his head and pulled Zell in to a headlock. Zell could have easily gotten free, but he learned a long time ago that Brayden and God had similar philosophies. The ‘My will be done’ kind, the main difference is that Brayden lacked any form of smiting power.
They drug him out across the entire campus until they got to the party. They went into the larger frat house and Zell almost died from smoke inhalation right then and there. Zell walked in and immediately Brayden let him go and he smiled at his younger friend. Zell turned to face him and he heard the shrill squeal of a girl from behind. The tapping kept interrupting his thoughts. ‘tap-tap’ Please let there be a murder ‘tap-tap’ God if you do exist ‘tap-tap’ please don’t let it be… ‘tap-tap’ the noise stopped and Zell felt arms around his neck from behind him.
"ZELLY!" The annoying voice called out
[color=chartreuse]“-Aaaamy!” He forced himself to say in a happy surprised tone. His friend and his friends buddies all laughing at the pained look on Zell’s face that the young lady couldn’t see. Amy Whittaker was perhaps one of the most annoying pests the planet earth had in Zell’s eyes. The news lit up with propaganda for getting rid of people like Eleina Vexus, or Eleina Marie. In Zell’s eyes they were missing the real threat to society, this twenty-year old whore who kept trying to get in his pants ever goddamn time she saw him!
“How are you Zelly?” She cooed seductively in his ear. His hair stood on end and a chill went down his spine. It wasn’t the aroused chill either, he felt like the new guy in the prison showers.
“Meh…been better, been worse.” Zell said indifferently, trying to ignore her rocking into him. Zell honestly was tempted to sleep with her just to see if he could get her arrested for it. ‘I’m not that mean…I’m not THAT desperate to be rid of her either.’ He convinced himself. Her hands slipped lower and his eyes widened as he stepped out of her hold. ‘Seriously rethinking my position on that one…’ He sighed, already mentally exhausted by her advances.
“Sooo boys, I’m gonna take my little Zelly here and introduce him to some REAL party animals.” She said at Brayden and the others. Zell rolled his eyes as she grabbed his hand with a rather impressive amount of strength and started leading him away. Zell looked back and quickly, and clearly mouthed the words ‘HELP ME!’
How could he have guessed that the ‘Party animals’ were upstairs, in the back, doing god knows what drugs and whatever else. Amy had led him to a seat on the couch and pushed him down. He flopped back and looked around, wide-eyed. It was like taking a deer into a room full of people. He wanted out, he wanted released, he wanted freedom!
]“So, Zelly…” Amy said as one of the girls took a seat on either side of him, Amy across from him. “This is Ally, and this is Lexi.”
“Hh-hi…” Zell said with an unusual drawl.
“We’ve heard a LOT about you” Lexi said excitedly.
“Yes we have” The other one said. Now not only was he being mind-raped by the lady across the room from him, but two people kept touching him. Zell was not a violent person, but he had half a mind to slap the hands away. This whole ‘try and sleep with the rich smart kid’ had gone on for a long enough time that he was just over it. If he were in a situation like this back at home, he’d just have his AI call himself and act like it was important to his business…but he had to leave the AI at home to manage his company. Zell suddenly had an idea. He looked around and bit his lower lip, chattering his teeth on his lip.
“There a bathroom up here?” He asked. Amy nodded and pointed across the hall to a larger bathroom. Zell had really wished to get away, but from what he could see this was a no-window bathroom and the only exit was in Amy’s sight. Zell hopped up quickly. “Be right back.” He said with a smile. He went into the bathroom and closed the door. He pulled out his phone and called Brayden.
“Yello!” A response came.
“Is a primary color now come up here and SAVE ME” Zell snapped viciously, but quietly into the phone.
“Dude, relax and get laid, you need it bro. You stressin’ to the max!” Tony said.
“I can’t believe we’ve been here less than fifteen minutes and you’re somehow stoned.” Zell sighed in disbelief. There was no way. A light rap on the door cam and Zell jumped a bit. “Just a sec, almost done.”
“Pup, just let it HAPPEEEEEN!” Tony said, apparently there was a reason for cheering.
“LET’S GO PUP!” Three guys in the background were chanting.
“I hate you!” Zell seethed as he ended the call and opened the medicine cabinet. Halcion, 0.125g. Zell smiled at his luck and snatched the pill bottle. He turned on and off the water to act like he washed his hands, then left the bathroom. Amy stood there with an eyebrow raised.
“All done?” Amy asked.
“Not quite…” Zell replied with a sigh. “Wanna drink?”
“Sure, you’ll bring it?” She asked. She was almost cute the way she looked shocked. Too bad for her that his plans were far beyond what she was thinking. She smiled and began twirling her hair nervously.

Last edited by Zell Atterrius on May 30th 2013, 8:48 pm; edited 1 time in total

College ROCKS! (Closed to Ancestor Dragon) Samhai10

"Gone from light, lead astray. Soul turned to darkness in a single day. Lead me back to the light. Killing me...the only way to set things right."
The Once and Future King
The Once and Future King

Status :

Quote : "A villain is just a victim whose story you haven't learned yet."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1417
Location : In my room...or a coffee shop.
Age : 28
Job : Existential Crisis Manager
Humor : [19:57:45] @ Spirit Corgi : In order to produce minions we require you to find two minions who love each other.
Registration date : 2013-05-07

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College ROCKS! (Closed to Ancestor Dragon) Empty Re: College ROCKS! (Closed to Ancestor Dragon)

Post by Guest May 30th 2013, 6:56 pm

Brayden was busy partying his ass off. The music was going, the beer was flowing, and the drugs were going every which way. Brayden himself only smoked a joint occasionally, nothing too heavy, but he could drink enough to bankrupt a small church. He was busy at the moment on the dance floor, grinding up against some pretty little thing that had come from upstairs. He was at the point now where it wasn’t dancing anymore, it was practically sex standing up with MOST of their clothing on. Braydin got rid of his shirt to let his body breath, and to show off his sweat-glistening body. His personality may be a little rough, but he was worth putting up with just for his body. He eventually had to stop and step away when his phone rang. He backed up and walked off the floor to answer it. HE went to pick it up when his friend Tony snagged it from him.
“Yello?” Tony asked. Brayden could smell the weed on him. He was damn stoned, like ROCK bottom. Brayden went to take his phone back, but Tony just hopped back and giggled. “Duhuuhude, relax and get laid, you need it bro. You stressin’ to the max!” Tony said, trying to be all gangsta and stuff. Brayden’s eyes widened and he started reaching for the phone with some authority. The fact that Tony was even talking about someone needing laid tipped him off to Pup. Pup was probably the only virgin still in this place anyway.
“Dude. Give.Me.The. PHONE!” Brayden snapped as he violently slammed Tony against the wall. Tony held up the phone and Brayden had noticed that their other friend, Austin and Ross were there.
“Pup. Juuuust let it haaaaappen.” Tony said into the phone. What he said and HOW he said it made it seem like he was raping Zell. “Let’s go Pup!” He chanted. “Let’s go Pup!” He said slightly louder. Suddenly Ross and Austing along with three or four other people were chanting it.
“Let’s go pup, let’s go Pup, let’s go Pup!” They all chanted into the phone. Brayden furiously snatched the phone and spoke into it.
“Pup, PUP!?” He asked into the phone. Tony had hung up and now he was left to wonder WHERE his little bud had been taken off to.
“He’ll be fiiine Bray.” Tony whined as he threw an arm over his violent jock friend.
”Dude, not fucking cool, where is he?” Brayden snapped on his stoned friend. Tony just smiled and started leading Brayden to the table and he looked at Brayden with an eyebrow raised. ”No! Not happening, where’s Pup?” Brayden said defensively.
“Make you a deal… take on the table-top and I’ll get Pup.” Tony said. Brayden was happy enough about it, considering Tony would bail Zell outta any trouble he was in, and Brayden got to drink, what better deal was there?
Brayden went and lay onto the table and they placed a funnel in his mouth. Of course there was practically nothing on his mind after the fifth or sixth beer they poured into it. Tony helped keep the funnel up and in while Ross and Austin ran around collecting almost every type of alcohol they could find. Yngling, Yeager, miller, everything you could think of beer wise. Whiskey, vodka and all the other strong stuff went in after that. The best feeling for him though was the total burning sensation of the Moonshine they poured in the funnel. It was the best shit EVER. Finally he was finished and he just turned over onto his stomach and belched. There was a whole crowd around him now, and he had completely forgotten about Zell being in whatever trouble he was in. Something told him he should stop drinking, but he wasn’t sure WHY.
He’d visit the table at least two more times, but now was FUN time. He took a few hits here and there of what was being passed around, he went back to grinding against people and he even ended up with a babe in each arm. While he was busy sitting in the chair, looking like a pimp with his two ladies, he bit his bottom lip, drowning in the ecstasy of the moment. Life really couldn’t get much better. He finally ended up back at the table, the funnel in his mouth again and they poured moonshine after moonshine. The burn was so good, it made him wonder if he was masochistic even. Suddenly the pain brought something back to mind.
“where the hell is Zell?” He asked Tony. Tony just shrugged, ”I gotta find him, I’m sssoooo gonna need help back.” Brayden laughed.
”ONE MORE!” Tony called out. Everyone cheered. Brayden wasn’t one to disappoint his audience.
”Okay, one more.” Brayden said. Everyone cheered once more. Brayden closed his eyes and began gulping down everything they put in it, one after another. Finally he opened his eyes to see Zell there. He popped open a bottle of something and with a sick, twisted, and sinister smile dumped the tomato soup like liquid into the funnel.

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College ROCKS! (Closed to Ancestor Dragon) Empty Re: College ROCKS! (Closed to Ancestor Dragon)

Post by Zell May 30th 2013, 8:21 pm

Zell just smiled and nodded as he went down the stairs. She was almost cute the way she looked shocked. Too bad for her that his plans were far beyond what she was thinking. She smiled and began twirling her hair nervously. Zell just smiled and nodded, as he went down stairs to the massive party keg in the kitchen. He first got a clear cup and opened the sleeping pills.
“Bioavailability of oral tablets is around the 40 percent region. 0.125 grams and she weighs about 121 pounds.” Zell whispered to himself as he took out four pills. He stopped himself. “C17-H12-Cl2-N4 is administered in 0.25 mg + 0.125 mg. for every 70 pound weight increment over 40 pounds. These pills are all 0.125mg. She’ll need 3 pills to get close.” He continued as he dropped the fourth pill back. He then twisted the capsules and poured the powder from them into the cup. He mixed the beer in and smirked as he got himself water. He walked back upstairs to find Amy sitting on the couch, her eyes almost lit up when he walked in.
“Didn’t think you’d come back.” She said with a feigned surprise. Truth was he didn’t want to, but he wasn’t the kind of person to embarrass another human, if he could avoid it that is. Instead he’d rather knock them out with sleeping pills and leave it at the whole ‘well you fell asleep’ thing.
“So, what’s your major anyway, I don’t see you in any of my classes.” Zell began. Lame excuse to avoid her advances, he knew, but hopefully it would work.
“I’m a primary in Pharmacy.” She began. She then looked away a little embarrassed and added in “Dual major in Musical Therapy.”
“Wow, and I thought I chose tough.” Zell said. She looked at him like she couldn’t believe he was serious. In truth Zell knew that his classes were tougher. He just drugged the pharmacist with one of the strongest sleeping drugs out there It couldn’t be THAT hard. Although in truth he figured he’d say that anything to keep conversation going at this point was a step in the right direction. Eventually the conversation shifted to all the differences between the two and Zell held out as long as possible. It’s not that Zell didn’t LIKE her; it’s that he simply didn’t have time to be messing around with the girl he goes to church with. The next moment she straddled him and hugged him, not letting him move. There was an awkward pause before Zell broke the silence. “Amy?” She snored in response.
Brayden was in the middle of chugging from a funnel when Zell went down stairs to see what had happened since he managed to escape from under his sleeping his would-be statutory rapist friend. She might have been safe under the whole Romeo and Juliet thing though. Law was the one thing Zell didn’t get very into. Not to say that he didn’t understand it, he simply didn’t have a personal interest in the laws. He walked over to the kitchen counter and looked around for something to pour into the funnel. A malicious grin crept onto his face when he saw exactly what he was looking for. Unfortunately for Brayden, Zell knew of his intense distaste and inability to handle anything above MILD in the spiced/Hot sauce spectrum. Zell had just armed himself with two atomic-hot bottles and twisted off both the covers. He walked up to the funnel and stepped up onto the chair to pour as his friend was lying on the table. Brayden took a breath and gasped laughing like an idiot as everyone cheered.
“Okay, next one!” He called out resting the funnel in his mouth. He noticed Zell step up on the chair and his eyes widened. Zell put down the one bottle and pressed in the funnel, making sure his big buddy couldn’t get out of this.
“The citizen of Hiroshima cried out ‘Help me!’… but to the fools I said ‘Nooo’” Zell said. He wouldn’t lie; he liked the concept of revenge. Zell turned Braydens throat into Hiroshima as he poured the atomic hot-sauce down the funnel. Brayden’s abdomen began to convulse and Zell pulled out the funnel and rolled him over. He threw up everywhere and everyone began cheering. After his moment of victory, Zell promptly went back to his dorm room.
“Y-you lil….ashhh hooooooole.” Brayden said as he entered at three in the morning. Zell just shrugged.
“Help me get away next time.” Zell snapped at him, venom practically dripping from his tongue.
“W-why don’ you like her?” Brayden asked.
“I don’t have time for a girlfriend.” Zell replied plainly. He pulled his comforter up over his chin and turned his back to Brayden.
“Whoooah…” Brayden said like he was amazed. Zell gave a frustrated sigh. Zell only needed two hours of sleep a night, a part of his ‘ascension’ as his oh so loving step-father called it. But that’s something no one else knew, not even Brayden, or Zell’s brother even for that matter. He’d always wait for Brayden to go to sleep then sneak out to do something on his own.
“What!?” Zell snapped. Brayden giggled like an idiot.
“Tomorrow is Saturday.” Brayden said.
‘no shit Sherlock.’ Zell thought to himself as he rolled his eyes and exhaled a calming breath. “Yeah, so?”
“I was talking with Ross and Tony…can we go with you this time?” Brayden asked, sounding almost sober. Zell’s eyes widened.
“No.” Zell deadpanned
‘Because there goes my normal life if you do.’ Zell hissed to himself. He then sighed. “We’ll see. Let me just get through my first class and I’ll get back to ya.”

College ROCKS! (Closed to Ancestor Dragon) Samhai10

"Gone from light, lead astray. Soul turned to darkness in a single day. Lead me back to the light. Killing me...the only way to set things right."
The Once and Future King
The Once and Future King

Status :

Quote : "A villain is just a victim whose story you haven't learned yet."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1417
Location : In my room...or a coffee shop.
Age : 28
Job : Existential Crisis Manager
Humor : [19:57:45] @ Spirit Corgi : In order to produce minions we require you to find two minions who love each other.
Registration date : 2013-05-07

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College ROCKS! (Closed to Ancestor Dragon) Empty Re: College ROCKS! (Closed to Ancestor Dragon)

Post by Guest May 30th 2013, 11:29 pm

Brayden woke up with the biggest damn hangover. He remembered it all though. That asshole poured atomic hot sauce down his throat and made him puke. Brayden also remembered that Zell said he'd get back to him about the whole getting back to him in the morning. Brayden looked over to see that he had fallen asleeo on Zell's bed, and it was now 10:30am. He already missed his class, so he knew that the others had too. He noticed that Zells drawrs wereall empty. he smiled when he thought about it. Zell had already packed up and had taken his stuff with him towards class. 'that lying retard!' He sniggered as he flipped open his phone. He dialed in the conference call and got Tony and Ross on each side.
"Guys, get your stuff and we're goin with Pup this weekend." Brayden said as heritly as he could with his agonizing hangover. He shot up and went into the shower, scrubbed himself up in the hot water. He dried himself off and went back into their room to change. He put on his typical jeans, then put on a tight metallica shirt and sprayed himself with his bodyspray. He rummaged around his room, grabbing everything he might need. while he went over and got his underware and shorts from his dresser next to Zell's he noticed something thay caught his eyes. There was a rather large cylindrical object. It was a long cold black metal with square slots all over it. It had red lights on it next to the slots. It looked like some form of battery charger or something/ Brayden was just glad It wasn't anything gross or freaky, but it was like seeing a rolled up black japanese scroll, except with a hard metal exterior. He decided it was best not to take something from Zell's drawers and he took off to meet the others. They all arrived and Zell showed up.
"Hey Pup!" Brayden greeted his little buddy.
Zell greeted him back, almost shocked to see him. Brayden loved throwing Zell off his game. It was the one way to keep thd little freaky-genius from thinking he was god or some shit I turned around and yelled at the other two who were lazily waddeling up with their bags.
"oh no." Zell muttered under his breath. Braybed smiled and had to figh the urge to say 'ooh yeah pup'
"Yea boi!" Brayden cheered as Ross and Tony got closer.
"Partaay with Pup" Ross said as he bumped into Zell. Zell and Ross were the young'uns. Zell at 17 and Ross at 19. despite thay, Zell always seemed to get along better with Brayden.
They all watchedas a long-ass limo puled around to pick them up. The limo drove them to the airpirt about twenty minutes away. Once there the limo pulled up into the take off and landing zones, which made Brayden worry about being crushed.
]"Go on, im gonna be a second." Zell said. Brayden was all to haopy to oblige, checking out the hotrod jet! This was one sweet ride. It even had the cutest littke waitress thingy.The way she smiked at Zell made Brayden wiggle an eyebrow at him. He was about to ask how mNy times Zell got with that on the flight.
"No." Zell growled at him. Brayden only rolled his eyes...the chick was hot. Why WWOULDN'T YOU!? he wanted to scream out. Eventuakly they took off into the air.

Last edited by Void on May 31st 2013, 2:15 am; edited 1 time in total

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College ROCKS! (Closed to Ancestor Dragon) Empty Re: College ROCKS! (Closed to Ancestor Dragon)

Post by Zell May 30th 2013, 11:58 pm

Zell’s first class was Programming and computer assembly. This class he actually enjoyed due to his ability to show off, WHILE also learning. His professor was a freaky genius like Zell, maybe not AS smart as Zell, where Zell was smarter the professor was more experienced. This was the perfect class for him. He’d assemble super computers, and he’d learn how to make cybernetic connections and fail-safes for his computer systems. He even learned how to manually take control of the firewalls and direct what items to quarantine. The class was over all too soon in Zell’s opinion, yet even though he loved the class he loved going home even more so. Zell ended up out of class and he decided to head straight for where he met the limo

“Hey pup!” a voice yelled. It was Brayden, obviously. Zell had really hoped that he was too drunk to remember. The guy seems to ONLY remember what happens when he’s trashed.
“Brayden.” Zell nodded, hoping he wasn’t doing what Zell thought he was doing.
“Let’s go!” He cheered as the other two showed up with bags.
“Oh no…” Zell groaned.
“Yeah boi!” Brayden called out in his New-York styled accent.
“Party with Pup!” Ross called out as they all trailed behind Zell. He knew he wasn’t getting outta this.
The limo pulled up and the elderly driver stepped out. He wasn’t OLD really, but to Zell anything beyond forty constituted. He got out along side two big men in suits, who quickly came up to Zell and company to take their bags. Zell sighed as the other three started freaking out about the limo. Zell simply walked over to the limo with his head down while his friends all got in behind him, looking around with the deer in headlights look. The men in suits sat on either side of Zell, doing their job as Gene-tech bodyguards. The ride to the airport was quick; the airport really wasn’t too far off from the college. Once the limo pulled up, a gate was opened, that allowed the limo to go onto the runway to deliver them up to the sleek lustrous black jet
”We gonna get run over?” Brayden asked. The slight quivering in his voice made it certain that he wasn’t joking. Even though he asked, no one bothered to answer him. Zell liked Brayden, he was second only to Thorgron, but damn was he a little dense at times. This thought prompted Zell to reconsider the company he keeps. Thorgron and Brayden were…. Simpletons. That was really the most politically correct and nicest way to put it. They could hold a conversation and offer some unique and enlightening insight, but they weren’t the brightest bulbs in the building. In fact had they worked for him, he would have considered them to be the two bulbs that needed replaced. The limo finally stopped and the doors opened. Zell was escorted out and helped the men take the bags, while Zell instructed the others to simply go ahead into the jet.
Zell finally got on the jet, he sat in the comfy plush chair across from the table from Brayden. Ross plopped down in the seat next to Zell and threw an arm around his shoulder. Ross was also a ‘buddy’ of Zell’s but Zell was very much a fan of persona space, something that Ross and Tony both didn’t have a real good concept of. Finally the beautiful flight attendant came up.
”May I get you anything?” She asked.
”Sure, coke?” Brayden asked. The young lady nodded her head.
”Uh, RC cola please.” Zell said with a smile. She smiled back and looked around at the others. Ross got a Mountain Dew, which he didn’t NEED by any means. He’s like a goddamn gerbil on crack, he doesn’t NEED caffeine. Tony got his brisk iced tea and the flight attendant looked back to Zell with another smile. Brayden looked at Zell and raised a questioning brow. [color=chartreuse]”No.” Zell said sternly. Brayden rolled his eyes.
”Ah you’re no fun.” Brayden scoffed, almost like he was disappointed in Zell. ”What company do you run again?” He added to his questions. Zell sighed and rolled his eyes.
”I never told you.” Zell said plainly.
”Good evening Mr.Atterrius and company, this is your captain speaking. Please fasten your safety belts at this time and remain seated until instructed otherwise. The sooner we take off the sooner we get there. We are due to arrive at Gene-Tech’s Main facility in Four hours and thirty six minutes approximately. Enjoy the flight.” The voice said over the intercom. The woman returned with the drinks and Zell simply sat as his friends all looked at him like Ashton Kutcher was gonna pop out and say they were punked. Zell didn’t let the stares phase him at all, he calmly took a sip from his RC cola and leaned back.
"Gene-Tech...THE GENE-TECH!?" Ross asked with utter shock.
"You didn'ttell us you ran THAT company, you rich little jerk!" Tony started laughing as if he didn't believe it.
"wow..." was all Brayden could say. He knew Zell was gifted with the whole genetic research and all that...but GENE-TECH!?
“I just want to be a normal kid and not have looks like THIS every time I walk into a room.” Zell barked. Everyone immediately stopped looking at him and began looking around the jet, taking in the beautiful luxury of the thing.
They were in the air for maybe fifteen minutes when they all removed the safety belts and started exploring. Zell got up and walked back into his own private ‘bedroom’. He sat down on the blue bed and looked out the window to see the ground below. He couldn’t wait to get home. He missed Niall, he missed Thorgron, and he missed being a corporate jackass who was able to put other snobby rich people in their place. Most of all though, he missed his brother Corbin, and being able to suit himself up and become the Ancestor Dragon. The thing he missed LEAST of all, was the first thing he had to do when he got back. Soon he’d have briefings, questions and meetings galore to attend. He needed to get brought up to speed by Niall, Then Thorgron will need to tell him how the S.T.A.R.K corps were coming. Zell would need to speak with a businessman from New York, and a huge European engineering company. Today was going to be busy as Hell. Now not only did he have all THAT to do, but he knew his friends were going to be around. He suddenly fell pale. He began sweating profusely, and he had to calm himself. What if they were to mess around in his house and discover his lab, or what if Thorgron wasn’t thinking, like usual, and just started flailing his blood around like a masochistic freak. This wasn’t a good thought; He decided he’d worry about crossing that bridge when he came to it. Maybe if he was lucky there wouldn’t be any crime while he was at home this weekend. He knew that wasn’t the case, and that he was most likely needing to walk on eggshells.
Ross knocked on the door and sauntered in with the dopy grin on his face. Zell just kind of gave him the ‘how ya doing?’ grin and nodded. Ross walked over to the window and sighed. Zell scoffed and rolled his eyes while smiling. It made Ross show the pearly whites and he sat down next to Zell on the bed, and they both looked out the window. They didn’t say anything for a while and they just watched the clouds pass.
”So…why go through all the trouble to follow me home this weekend?” Zell asked casually. Ross shrugged and looked at his clasped hands.
“I’ve kinda always wondered what YOUR life is like, I mean. We go home for christman and we end up talking about our families, and we talk about all the cool things that happen, but you’re just…all quiet and stuff.” Ross said. He looked back out at the clouds, no expression on his face.
”Well I hope you guys don’t like me THAT much…”Zell began with a sigh. He dropped back on his bed and placed his arms above his had with a groan. His back let out little pops and cracks. Ross licked his lips and looked at Zell, working up the courage to ask Zell what he meant by that.
”We’re your pals, of course we care.” Was all he could manage. Zell smirked as he just dangled there.
“I’ve god a busy as hell life, the only time you guys are gonna have time to see me are at nights. I have three days to get my company ready for the upcoming week. They have to last an entire week without me, so I work really hard on these three days to prepare them for the next four when I’m AWOL.” Zell sighed. Helooked up at Ross who promptly stood up and nervously nodded and started for the door.
”Tony’s calling me.” He sighed. Zell raised an eyebrow and waved awkwardly at the leaving guest. Not two seconds later Brayden charged in the room and jumped right on the bed next to Zell.
”nuh-huh!” Zell said as he rolled away.
“Oh yeah!” Brayden snickered as he let out a relaxed exhale.
”Not no but HELL NO. You stole my bed last night!” Zell whined as he booted Brayden off full force. Brayden was knocked onto the floor where he started rubbing his tailbone. ”Ya Bastard.” Zell said, mocking Brayden’s accent.

College ROCKS! (Closed to Ancestor Dragon) Samhai10

"Gone from light, lead astray. Soul turned to darkness in a single day. Lead me back to the light. Killing me...the only way to set things right."
The Once and Future King
The Once and Future King

Status :

Quote : "A villain is just a victim whose story you haven't learned yet."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1417
Location : In my room...or a coffee shop.
Age : 28
Job : Existential Crisis Manager
Humor : [19:57:45] @ Spirit Corgi : In order to produce minions we require you to find two minions who love each other.
Registration date : 2013-05-07

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College ROCKS! (Closed to Ancestor Dragon) Empty Re: College ROCKS! (Closed to Ancestor Dragon)

Post by Guest May 31st 2013, 1:48 am

”You little bitch-boy!” Brayden scoffed as he stopped rubbing his ass and stood up. Zell sprawled out on his bed and just kept his eyes trained on Brayden. He wasn’t about to give up his bed. Brayden was curious as to why Ross had just left abruptly. Zell didn’t seem any different, did he say something to offend Ross or some shit? Brayden really didn’t give a hoot. He just wanted on that comfy looking bed. Brayden walked over and picked up Zell tossing him off the bed and onto the sofa outside. Ross looked like he was guilty of murdering a bus of slow kids, and Tony was plastered with a look of shock. Brayden just kept looking on, almost helpless at the prospect that there was now something that Tony knew that Brayden himself didn’t. And that’s just unacceptable he thought to himself with a sly grin. He watched as Zell shot up and the flight attendant walked out to see them rough-housing. Zell ended up in a headlock, but Brayden was pretty sure he only got away with it because he was buddy-buddy with Pup. Zell was a little scrapper, and he’d probably give Brayden a run for his money. Zell was taken back into the previous room and Brayden smirked as he went onto the bed.
”oooh this is really cozy.” Brayden teased.
”Not cool man.” Zell said with a defeated sigh.
”So…Tony knows something about Ross, something that’s makin ol rooie boy RE-AL guilty lookin.” Brayden said with a little bit of mischief painted on his face. Zell shook his head and raised his hands. Pup had always been a little too passive for Brayden’s taste, but he was hoping to break the little doggy of that. He whad his ways of convincing Zell. Brayden was one of the few people who was close enough to Zell that his IQ really didn’t matter, it was something else that did. Brayden never took advantage of Zell in the situation, but the kid goes on and on about wanting to have a normal life, well he’s gonna be a normal kid and start a little bit of mischief. Or Brayden is gonna get REAL persuasive.
Brayden already had a plan in store too. Ross liked Zell most out of any of the group there, even though he grew up with Tony. Tony and Ross had bad blood in the past, Tony was a bully or something like that, they’re fine now, but Ross views Zell as his best friend. Brayden also views Zell in that regard, but the difference is that Zell is what’s gonna find out that little secret.
”Xharr Den Mul.” Brayden heard, he thought for sure that there was someone blasting a movie in the other room. Sure enough, it was AvP, and Brayden just smiled, starting to quote the movie. Zell just stared at him. Brayden just kept quoting the movie.
”gittoff my bed!” Zell said again. Brayden reluctantly and slowly got off the bed and stretched out a little bit. Zell plopped down and Brayden ended up sitting at the edge of it. He looked over his shoulder at Zell.
”so…. Here’s how this goes.” Brayden said with a sharp breath in.”We gonna have some fun while we’re here. You’re gonna show us around Excalibur at some point, and you’re gonna let US help you with your work.” Brayden demanded. Zell grinned like he couldn’t believe what he had just heard. Brayden wasn’t so amused. He was serious. Zell was gonna play by Brayden’s rules, and in doing so they were gonna have one big happy adventure time. Like Fin and Jake. Their adventure is being kids on the town, and running a highly successful business revolving around genes. It’s like a school visit or something. Not to mention they were gonna discover all sorts of goodies on the way, like why is Rossie boy so down in the dumps? This was gonna be an awesome weekend.

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College ROCKS! (Closed to Ancestor Dragon) Empty Re: College ROCKS! (Closed to Ancestor Dragon)

Post by Zell June 1st 2013, 4:07 pm

Was he serious? Zell had a multibillion dollar company to run! He had over twenty different global locations he had to prepare and direct for the next three days before he ended up in college again on Tuesday! Zell loved being a kid, and getting into mischief like everyone else, but the time to be a kid was NOT NOW. He wasn't exactly sure what Brayden had planned, but he was pretty sure that Brayden had something planned. He had the eyes of a predator eyeing up Zell like lunch. Zell raised an eyebrow and gave a rather challenging smirk. He was practically taunting his older friend. There was NO waythat Brayden could out fox Zell. Brayden didn't even have HALF the IQ. Zell smiled though, it was sort of cute the way Brayden thoought he was one up. When Zell said cute, he ment in the sort of way where you see a little puppy playfully and happily running across the road, but then you AND the puppy realize that there's a semi turck headed your way and SPLAT. Brayden was the puppy who so adoribly though he could take on the world. Zell, was the truck. Despite his better judgement, Zell gave in a little bit and decided to play along.
"We'll see what we can do." Zell said. Brayden gave a content grin and that was the end of that. Brayden left the room and Zell flopped back on his bed. he let his body relax, he felt his spine relax and the muscles loosen up while the blood in his vessles coursed through him. Finally in the blissful enviornment of silence and solitude, Zell could just relax and think. He clsoed his eyes and began to sleep a little. His eyes drooped in exhausted and he let out a little relaxed groan as he laid to rest. He fell into a dark sleep, and stirred around as he dreamed about his past. The same reoccuring dream haunted him since Kurt Summers had stabbed him with the needle. He was in a funeral home. His mom, his Dad, Kurt, and a couple of his old 'friends' from around the facility who had 'mysteriously' disappeared. He opened his eyes fully refreshed, only to find that he'd only slept for fifteen minutes. [color=chartreuse]'That's the ONLY good thing that's come of this.' Zell thought. He really enjoyed not wasting 8 hours sleeping. Most humans waste a third of their life in the state of sleeping, Zell didn't have that kind of time to waste. His time was being cut short as it was. He noticed that there was a shadow lurking in the threshold of the doorway. He wondered is Brayden had even left prior. Speak of the devil, Brayden wandered in and peeked around the corener.
"You comin' Pup?" He asked with his head poking in the room. Zell took in a deep breath and sat up he streched out a bit and hopped off his bed. He went with Bray into the next room, where Tony and Ross were back to their usual selves. They were busy rough housing it all over the place. Ross kept looking to Zell with a smile and reaching out to 'tag' him for help. Zell shirked back away from Ross' reach. Zell had to keep himself calm as the other two-three, Brayden just jumped into it-guys beating up on each other across the plane. It sort of jumped on his last nerve too, it's not like Zell was ANTI-fUN or anything like that, but he didn't like this rough-housing in the jet for two reasons. One, It was a high-class luxury jet, Donlad Trump WISHES he could get on this, and these three are trashing it like it was something Zell could simply buy another one. He could, but the point was that there are people starving in the streets he could just give the money too, he'd rather not need a new jet or a new peice of furnishings for it. Two, This was just an unneeded temptation for Zell to get in trouble with. He needed to start getting in the mindset of a professional CEO, not a college kid on break with his friends.
The ride was done, the Gene-Tech building was in sight. The captain made his announcements to refasten the safety belts and that they were going to land. Zell ignored the request and went back into his room to change. "Go ahead and get off whern we get there. The'll show you inside to the CEO suite. I gotta get changed." Zell explained. He went back and opened his 'closet' thing by his bed and he began to change. He felt the plane land as he popped his collar and put on the black blazer. He matted down his hair and cracked his neck. He let his top shirt buttons open some, like he always did. He was dressed up, that didn't mean he couldn't look good doing it. He walked out of the jet to see that his friends had made it out alive and into the building. Zell managed to get inside and look at his watch. He had thirty minutes to get to the restaurant to meet his 'group'. He also needed to finish up there quickly and balance meeting Brayden's idea of being a 'kid'. Today he had an very, VERY important meeting. He was meeting with some of the investors he met with during the Gene-Tech charity, and Zell had secretly been hoping to see Mr.Roderick there. Zell had become a bit fond of the older man, it was rare for Zell to find company of an intellect such as his own, and so Zell naturally liked him. He also wanted to speak with Roderick about a rather personal matter, The fate of the Gene-Tech company. Surly the wise Roderick would have SOME good advice. Zell was a mind of his own however, he knew that he coulldn't trust another business man whom he knew so little about. It was a complicated relationship.
"'Ey, Zell, 'wehcom bahk!" A familiar irish voice called out. Zell looked to see the 'Human' body of Naill, his artificial intelligence who ran assisted in running the company in Zell's absence. Niall was a a completely different person, but Zell and Niall were so used to being inside each other's minds that they knew exactly how each other thought, which made Niall the perfect temporary executive director. This platform he was in right now, he had skin, muscle, bone, a complete organic body that stayed in stasis until it was needed. In that platfrom the only thing NOT human about Naill was his mechanical core inside the organic brain that allowed Niall to enter the body.
"So, what's on the agenda?" Zell asked. walking past his friends, they all followed him down the hall into the CEO suite.
"Dinneh ehn therteh tocks, and ah 'aircut ehn the mornin' " Niall responded.
"Great, I'm off to dinner for the meeting. Niall, stick with these guys and don't let them BREAK anything." Zell said, the enmphesis on break was basically the code word for Keep them away from Thorgron, S.T.A.R.K forces, the labs and anythign else that could reveal who I really am. He got onto the elevator and turned around waving. "I'll catch you guys later, We'll go around Excalibur tonight." Zell said to Brayden. Brayden just smiled
"Later Pup!" He said.
"Bye Pup!" Ross called.
"Bye man!" Tony said.
"G'Luck mate!" Naill added. Zell just smiled and nodded.

College ROCKS! (Closed to Ancestor Dragon) Samhai10

"Gone from light, lead astray. Soul turned to darkness in a single day. Lead me back to the light. Killing me...the only way to set things right."
The Once and Future King
The Once and Future King

Status :

Quote : "A villain is just a victim whose story you haven't learned yet."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1417
Location : In my room...or a coffee shop.
Age : 28
Job : Existential Crisis Manager
Humor : [19:57:45] @ Spirit Corgi : In order to produce minions we require you to find two minions who love each other.
Registration date : 2013-05-07

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College ROCKS! (Closed to Ancestor Dragon) Empty Re: College ROCKS! (Closed to Ancestor Dragon)

Post by Guest June 1st 2013, 11:07 pm

Zell had FINALLY finished his boring dinner meeting, and he was pretty disappoiunted about something. Of course Pup never stayed upset for long, he quickly rebounded and was back to his mopey self. Brayden smiled when Zell took them down into the garage where there were four cars lined up. An amazing line up, the best cars money could buy, and each one was pimped out and had all sorts of crazy gadgets on it. Zell went over and started inspecting them up and down. He looked over to Brayden and asked for Brayden's opinion. Brayden smiled and picked the awesome one. Well the most awesome one.
....This one....
They went through the town, Zell showing them every which landmark. The city was bright and alive, it was like Vegas in Canada at night! This was awesome, there were a ton of bars, a ton of gambling places, and there was just show after show. This place even had an incredibly low crime rate. Apparently some superhero kept the place quiet, and it got even quieter when he scored an ally who wrecks shop just by walking. There was a great time to be had anywhere. Eventually Ross and Tony wandered off together, and Zell stuck with Brayden until they all met back up. It was midnight, the bar was closing in two hours, and Brayden had had just about enough. Thgen he looked at the clock and said "Time for round two" with a drunken cheer.
Zell stuck with him, but it was a LONG night for them. It was two in the morning when they finally got out of the bars and their 'sight-seeing' visits. It was time for all of the americans and Zell to meet back up at Gene-Tech, but things didn't so as planned. In hsi drunken stupor Brayden did somethign stupid and managed to hit Zell in the back of the head. Zelll quickly reacted and Brayden eneded up pissed at his friend hitting him on purpose.
"I d-didit on accident ya bitch-boy!~" Brayden snapped. He felt a fire in his stomach, too bad this wan't a bar still, or it'd been fun to start up a fight right about now.
"Stop calling me that damnit! Zell snapped at Brayden. Zell had to have been HAMMERED, he never snapped back like that. Brayden shoved him and pinned him up agains the wall but then it all went black.
In a brilliant blue blaze, Zell witnessed as Brayden turned into a living monster, he was a full out MONSTER. It was shocking no doubt, to see a friend turn into a monster. The fire started in his abdomen, and began to slowly singe through to his skin, charing it. His skin had blue molton cracks everywhere, and he dropped to his knees in agonizing pain. His skin began to flake off, and his hair turned an electric blue, and the fire began to blaze forth from his scalp. The entire time, Brayden cried out for someone to please make it stop, bu tthere was no one who could. He was becoming the very thing he had been cursed to become. He was becoming Disarmonia.

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College ROCKS! (Closed to Ancestor Dragon) Empty Re: College ROCKS! (Closed to Ancestor Dragon)

Post by Zell June 1st 2013, 11:37 pm

Brayden was being a douch, more than normal. Zell liked Brayden, he was one of the few people Zell counted as a friend. But the only friend who could get away with shoving him was Thorgron, and Bray didn't have fire-red hair damnit! Zell elbowed his friend and instantly felt bad. There were times he'd forgotten how used he was to fighting, but that didn't make it right. Brayden shoved him, and rightfully so. Zell took it, but then Brayden pinned him up against the wall and looked at him. Zell kept pleading in his mind that Brayden force him to really do anything excessive. Just as he was thinking that, he say Bray drop to his knees crying out in pain.
"ZELL PLEASE!" Brayden yelled, Zell went to look at what was wrong only to see his friend clutching at his chest.
"Christ, it's a heart attack!" He thought. He was instantly flooded with emotion. The logical, emotionless kid was scared. He didn't want to lose a friend. Especially one like Bray. Sure Brayden was a total asshole, and almost intolerable, but for some reason Brayden was like a big brother to him. He seemed to GET the fact that life is precious, and that doesn't mean that you need to get rid of fun to protect it. Zell risked looking like a rapist, but He tore his friends shirt when he saw the smoke. What he saw was something of the likes no man had ever truly seen before.
Glowing cornflower blue veins and lines sprouting fromj his abdomen. The smel of burning flesh took over the air, making Zell want to throw up. The cries of his friend made him feel so helpless, so useless. Powerless, that's something Zell could never accept. Soemthign he would NEVER accept. He began by trying to reason out that it could be. The skin began to peal away, but beneat it there was no muscle, there was oly a charred black skeleton. and fire surrounding it. Reality seemed to warp as a black sphere of swirling blue and black energy began to expand form the center of his dying friend. The skeleton had turned bright white, and the fire turned red. The fure turned into a horizontal vortex around the body. Zell watched as the flaming tornado tslowly pivoted on the Y axis of the dimensiosn and turned upright. Once perfectly upright the black sphere closed in and formed a second skin of sotrs over the body. There before him stood something that he'd never seen before. It was a warrior looking thing with a pressence that was almost surreal. Zell couldn't believe what he had seen. Zell was a man of science, not of magic, he had very little understanding of this. He was not afraid, even Magic had a logical explanation, but it was beyond him exactly HOW it happened.
Black armor, a blood red cape. He looked like that of a knight, one that spawned from the deepest parts of Hell. He was a knight who could give the Satan nightmares. a Kite-shaped glowing blue energy was emmiting from hsi chest, his entire being was smoking, almsot as if he were constantly evaporating and regenerating at the same time. The helmet was by far the most intimidating feature. Two feirce horns sweeping bak on either side of his head, a demonic and wolfish looking skill adorned his head, or WAS his head rather. Beneath the helmet you couldd see the same blue energy taking form. Zell was in a bad situation, and he knew it. Just when he thought it couldn't get any worse, the creature attacked.

College ROCKS! (Closed to Ancestor Dragon) Samhai10

"Gone from light, lead astray. Soul turned to darkness in a single day. Lead me back to the light. Killing me...the only way to set things right."
The Once and Future King
The Once and Future King

Status :

Quote : "A villain is just a victim whose story you haven't learned yet."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1417
Location : In my room...or a coffee shop.
Age : 28
Job : Existential Crisis Manager
Humor : [19:57:45] @ Spirit Corgi : In order to produce minions we require you to find two minions who love each other.
Registration date : 2013-05-07

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College ROCKS! (Closed to Ancestor Dragon) Empty Re: College ROCKS! (Closed to Ancestor Dragon)

Post by Guest June 3rd 2013, 11:20 pm

He couldn't control himself any longer. Brayden had bled from this world, and in his place was the dark visage of Disarmonia. Before the very eyes of his friend, Brayden almost leveled a city block, pushing cars back as if he were a magnet. Disarmonia fell with a growling chuckle within his deep, feral and hollow voice. Disarmonia pointed teasingly at Zell and in an instant he began walking towards him.
"Time....To....DIE!" Disarmonia chuckled at his prey.

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College ROCKS! (Closed to Ancestor Dragon) Empty Re: College ROCKS! (Closed to Ancestor Dragon)

Post by Zell June 4th 2013, 12:44 pm

Zell was in a situation. He needed a to survive, just long enough for Lourishna to bring him the Portisuit. The beast looked like something out of a first class horror film. This this was straight from Stephen King pretty much, and right now Zell was the next victim. It wouldn't at Lourishna's speed, but in a situation like this, every minute counts

College ROCKS! (Closed to Ancestor Dragon) Samhai10

"Gone from light, lead astray. Soul turned to darkness in a single day. Lead me back to the light. Killing me...the only way to set things right."
The Once and Future King
The Once and Future King

Status :

Quote : "A villain is just a victim whose story you haven't learned yet."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1417
Location : In my room...or a coffee shop.
Age : 28
Job : Existential Crisis Manager
Humor : [19:57:45] @ Spirit Corgi : In order to produce minions we require you to find two minions who love each other.
Registration date : 2013-05-07

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College ROCKS! (Closed to Ancestor Dragon) Empty Re: College ROCKS! (Closed to Ancestor Dragon)

Post by Guest June 5th 2013, 2:02 am

Disarmonia chuckeld at the small child. So helpless, so fragile. Disarmonia chuckled as he began stepping towards his soon to be victim. He could feel himself grinning like a lion prepared to devour his prey. The word mercy was not in his vocabulary. This was the begining of a long, and painful end for this child.
"Xah e-rah Nonxem" Disarmonia said as he held out an open hand. A light from the side of the road up'rooted' and flew upon the monster's command, hurdeling at Zell. Disarmonia watched in amusement at the boy's next movements.

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College ROCKS! (Closed to Ancestor Dragon) Empty Re: College ROCKS! (Closed to Ancestor Dragon)

Post by Zell June 6th 2013, 2:50 pm

The thing kept chuckeling at him. What the hell was so funny!? Zell knew that like this he couldn't do anything, He watched as the demonic looking thing said somesort of mantra and uplifted a street light from the ground and threw it at him in a spinning motion. Zell turned and ran af best as he could, but he wasn't the fastest, and was still hit by it. Thankfully it didn't land ON him, it just knocked him down and put him in a lot of pain. Zell looked over his shoulder to find the demonic figure walking after him slowly, still chuckling. The bastard was toying with him. The whispy eyes of energy were intimidating, but still able to be read. It was taking a sick, sadistic pleasure in Zell's struggling. If Zell didn't have his suit soon, he'd have to kiss his ass goodbye.

College ROCKS! (Closed to Ancestor Dragon) Samhai10

"Gone from light, lead astray. Soul turned to darkness in a single day. Lead me back to the light. Killing me...the only way to set things right."
The Once and Future King
The Once and Future King

Status :

Quote : "A villain is just a victim whose story you haven't learned yet."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1417
Location : In my room...or a coffee shop.
Age : 28
Job : Existential Crisis Manager
Humor : [19:57:45] @ Spirit Corgi : In order to produce minions we require you to find two minions who love each other.
Registration date : 2013-05-07

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College ROCKS! (Closed to Ancestor Dragon) Empty Re: College ROCKS! (Closed to Ancestor Dragon)

Post by Guest June 6th 2013, 8:28 pm

(OoC: Telekenesis lasts 4 more posts)
The poor defenseless little human. The futility of his escape attempts, his groans and the sound of his body dropping to the ground. Disarmonia just kept walking. His slow stepps were resemblant to that of the walking dead, so dreadedly lethargic and almost predatory in the same breath. He kept going, and going, every street light he walked past was uprooted, until four of them circled around him in a rythmic dancing fashion. Disarmonia stopped walking when the young human stood up again. He gave a low snigger and then roared, sending all four of them at the human at low velocities. Disarmonia wanted to hurt him, but where's the fun in a quick kill?

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