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Building Bridges (Saileyra)

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Building Bridges (Saileyra) Empty Building Bridges (Saileyra)

Post by The Guardian June 19th 2013, 9:02 pm

The Guardian strolled along the North Avenue bridge in Chicago. The sun was just rising to begin the morning, it's first beams of light glinting of the many tall buildings. Some of the city was clearly is a state of disrepair; a fire by the looks of what remained. But a majority of the city was as beautiful and titanic as ever.

New York had been mostly destroyed, which meant that there was nothing for The Guardian there. The biggest aggressors there were a group of people who claimed they were protecting the city and it's people. But he felt this city call out to him. Chicago. He could see the city was quite large, almost rivaling New York. It would make sense that after the destruction more people would flock here, bringing with them crime and violence. The Guardian could almost feel it in the air around him- the anger, the hate. The city had a war between criminals and people of law, and it had been ongoing for a long time. He had been called here to do what he could.

As Guardian neared the middle of the bascule bridge, a series of explosions boomed from before and behind him. His eyes saw the smoke and fire, the screams and panic that followed the booms. The cracking of stone and the crunching of steel. And then he felt the bridge under him begin to fall, just as he saw the bridge in front of him begin to plummet as well. He reacted quickly.

He dropped to one knee and put both his hands on the bridge under him, palms facing down. His appearance changed from a tall, long blond haired, Northern-European to a night-sky skinned celestial with wings. Light sped from his hands until the light spanned the entirety of the bridge to the land on either side. He willed the light to raise up the fallen parts of the bridge. In less than a minute the entire bridge looked mostly put back together, besides a few holes and cracks. But the only thing holding the bridge up and together was Guardian and his light.

"Go!" Guardian's voice strained, yelling as loud as he could over the panicked screams and distant sirens. "Every get off the bridge, now!"

It took all of his power just to hold up the bridge. Ushering people off the bridge on top of that would be too much for the newly-awakened Guardian. Hopefully someone would have the presence of mind to do what Guardian wished he could.

"The World shall perish only after I do."
Building Bridges (Saileyra) GuardianGrid_zps66733f34
The Guardian
The Guardian

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Building Bridges (Saileyra) Empty Re: Building Bridges (Saileyra)

Post by Saileyra June 23rd 2013, 2:14 am

"London Bridges Falling Down, Falling Down, Falling Down..."
Of course in this case it wasn't the london bridge it was bascule bridge. The usual act of terrorism occurred where many bombs were planted across the bridge. Leaving nothing but the wake of the bridges edges broken and mangled. Would there be a hero to save the day? Help the people? Give them light in the darkness? There would be so many questions with so little answers in this world that stripped away her powers. But, none the less, Saileyra herself would be actually on the opposite side of the bridge down the street. Why Chicago? Well, this was the place where she met Angel, a new OCEAN operative and someone she could trust. Together, they took out a demon and one who meant business.

As usual, a small hobby she developed in this world as seeing the sights. In her own time none of this existed it was nothing but rape, death, and multitudes of corpses of many different planets from the separation of her race becoming evil. Her brother Pai taking over by this disgusting disease they called The Spread. Taking over his body and his mind, making him something he was not. Power swalling him giving him nothing to work off of, of course, there would be the stolen first born XETA child stolen away. Many of these memories were hard deep in her heart but there were screams cries for help.

Noticing a man, well, more or less a celestial figure her eyes scanned it her eyes noticing the height of six two. Him screaming for the people to find safety, the gauntlet on her arm seemed to twitch with life. Her form adorned in spider-silk graphene hugging every curve in what appeared to be almost 'leathery' material. But it was dense, could absorb bullets and was quite the feat. Of course, specialized meta bullets would easily break through it. Human bullets? Right that would work. Taking to a run, she reviewed the standards Titan given her. How this world was not in war, that killing so many would not be necessary. Taking all this into consideration the woman launched across the bridge.

"I want cars to car pool I want people to run organized. Go." She was authorative, commander like, then again she truely was a commander. She was the commander of OCEAN, the one who would 'make the shots' so to speak. But she was fair, listened to her operatives concerns and made plans based on them for them all to follow. Her intelligence was rampant and with the people seeking someone to listen to it would happen people were trying to be calm..trying to be organized. But how long could the hero above hold before sacrifices would be made?

Building Bridges (Saileyra) SaiSig_zpsbe04a7d2
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Building Bridges (Saileyra) Empty Re: Building Bridges (Saileyra)

Post by The Guardian June 23rd 2013, 2:35 am

So much weight. So much exhaustion. At his peak of ability, Guardian would be able to easily hold up this bridge (and a lot more) for a much longer, extended period of time. But he had only been awakened for less than a month. He was lucky he was doing what he was. But his lucky began to run out, at least partially. Parts of his light structure began to dissipate, causing chunks of bridge to fall into the water below. What luck of his that remained had made it so that a woman had come by and began moving people off the bridge faster and more efficiently. He had only glanced at her direction and he hadn't payed attention to how she was doing it, but she was stepping up and taking a commanding position to get people off the bridge. And it was good fortune that she had managed to get everyone off the bridge. Everyone but one celestial humanoid, that was. But he couldn't get off the bridge, not anymore. It was too late for that. All his concentration and strength was already pouring out just to maintain the failing construct holding up the bridge. Getting off himself would be impossible. But being The Guardian, he was more than willing to sacrifice himself, even if it meant only saving a single life.

A minute after everybody had been evacuated off the bridge, all the remained of the bascule bridge was a single chunk of bridge hovering over the middle of the river below. The chunk The Guardian was on. The light below the chunk of bridge began to flicker, the flickering increasing in tempo until it was gone. The Guardian collapsed from exhaustion onto the plummeting chunk of bridge. The chunk of bridge and The Guardian hit the water, and sunk below the current. 

Unseen, Guardian's form changed to a long, blonde-haired Northern European after he collapsed. And that's the form he'd die in unless someone could save him. But that's the risk he was willing to take. Those people on the bridge wouldn't come back in 500 years if they died. The Guardian would. It was either his dime-a-dozen life or their thousands of priceless lives. The choice was all too easy. Hopefully the choice to go after Guardian and save him would be just as easy for someone else.

"The World shall perish only after I do."
Building Bridges (Saileyra) GuardianGrid_zps66733f34
The Guardian
The Guardian

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Warnings : Banned
Number of posts : 18
Registration date : 2013-05-21

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Building Bridges (Saileyra) Empty Re: Building Bridges (Saileyra)

Post by Saileyra June 23rd 2013, 12:08 pm

It was easy enough, the people went in organized fashions, cars pulled people and bigger trucks offered space. All of them made it somehow, the directions spread and for the caustic in part of time. The man holding the bridge had to be there for at least a few hours, holding on, and the chunks were breaking off. People were panicing, they needed order, of course she offered it. Giving them a sense of guidance she directed them to the left and right giving them the directions calming some down. She was in the middle giving lee way to all the traffic all the people were now gone off the bridge. It wasn't to long before she felt it shaking, quaking, she noticed the man not to far away.

At least what appeared to be a man? She ran towards him, her long legs carried her as she accelerated at 30MPH. Her thoughts became almost frantic but she kept calm. Taking a deep breathe she jumped her jump much further than her run. Noticing the man now falling, the bridge seemed to break apart from her feet she tackled him. Caught him, her arms wrapping around his waist as she took a deep breathe. They were going to crash into the middle of water, she would have a long swim with his happy ass on her back. Landing in the water, she kicked, strong legs bringing her up as she breathed the air. The creature on her back, right arm being held by the shoulder of her right hand. Two hundred pounds rested on her back, she felt lighter in the water luckily.

Treading water, she glanced over her shoulder noticing the illusion. Seeing the ability, how it worked, not that she could do anything to negate it. She could see through things like this, see molecules move, music waves pound. How dust fell through the air, her xeno-perception was the only thing that remained of what one could consider 'powers', but it was all to do with her intelligence. Grasping him tight, she glanced, noticing he was..two creatures? A human form on the outside, a divine form on the in. Curious, but she had to get to ground, now swimming she would eventually reach land placing him down on the edge of water as she had taken a seat on the coast to breathe watching the rubble dance over the lithe waters.

Building Bridges (Saileyra) SaiSig_zpsbe04a7d2
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Building Bridges (Saileyra) Empty Re: Building Bridges (Saileyra)

Post by The Guardian June 23rd 2013, 1:43 pm

The Guardian's eyes fluttered open. He was no longer underwater. His first thought was that he had died and been returned to the future, but a glance at the still destroyed bridge and debris floating down the river said otherwise. Somehow, he had not drowned in the water. A glance to his right, and he saw that somehow. The woman who had been ushering people off the bridge sat next to him, just as soaked as he was.

"I assume that the thanks for my life belongs to you. I doubted anyone would come for me, though I...." Guardian paused. He looked like a human, currently. Last time people had learned of his identity, they attacked him, even though he did nothing wrong.

"Perhaps it would be better if I kept my true identity concealed. I should play it as if I were a simple bystander caught in the chaos, a believable tale."

"...Though I did hope that that celestial figure would be able to save me. But again, thank you for coming along to my rescue. And I would love to properly reward you, but I have nothing to give you but my gratitude. I must go now though, I was headed somewhere when the bombs went off. Excuse me."

And with that, Guardian began to walk away, hoping the woman would believe that he was a bystander. Most likely she would, he thought. It wasn't as if humans could see his true form underneath his human guise.

"The World shall perish only after I do."
Building Bridges (Saileyra) GuardianGrid_zps66733f34
The Guardian
The Guardian

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Number of posts : 18
Registration date : 2013-05-21

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Building Bridges (Saileyra) Empty Re: Building Bridges (Saileyra)

Post by Saileyra June 23rd 2013, 2:48 pm

Her durability was good, but she was not fast it took her a long while to get the man up onto the fucking shore. Glancing over to him she noticed him sit up, his shoulders were lithe. But it was odd how she seen it on the outside she seen a human but the skin seemed to flutter in and out. The way her perception showed it was there was a man of norm on the outside but within there were wings tucked into the back, there was strong shoulders for it was far from natural. Staring at his eyes she scanned seeing double color, green, to human norm. It was odd, something that intrigued her but she did not address it at the current moment. 

As he stood, there was no way for a normal human to survive that fall. They would have been broken, mangled, she was far from dumb. Quite frankly, she didn't like being lied to. "I do know you are the celestial figure up there." She said to his back, her arms wrapping around her legs not giving him the satisfaction of a lie. Letting him know that she knew, "No normal human could survive a fall from that high. The impact from the water alone would break bones and cause the human to easily drown much more than you could have." Hitting him with facts as she glanced over to his form walking away. Standing, she decided to pursue him, she didn't like being lied to let alone walked away from.

Following, her form grabbed him by the wrist, it was gentle brief only to drag his attention, "You heard me? Or are you just going to walk away?" She said somewhat fustrated, her eyes staring, giving him a cold yet menacing stare.

Building Bridges (Saileyra) SaiSig_zpsbe04a7d2
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Building Bridges (Saileyra) Empty Re: Building Bridges (Saileyra)

Post by The Guardian June 27th 2013, 10:16 pm

The Guardian pulled his hand out of the woman's grip. He turned to face her, putting on a look of seriousness (which was not hard for The Guardian to do). He looked into her eyes and prepared to lie as convincingly and straight-faced as he had ever said anything, but the look on her face told him that she would not believe anything he told her but the real truth. And he would have to tell it to her, despite how that might bring yet another extraordinary person to attack him. In New York City, the first people that saw him that didn't run attacked him. And they had abilities normal humans did not. This woman could very well be just likes those people. She could definitely do more than a normal person, diving through the water and air and swimming herself and him to shore. She was more than a normal person, just as he was. Based on experience, she would attack him like the others. But she would only believe the truth, and not telling the truth would likely garner the same reaction from her as telling the truth.

"But maybe I avoid conflict by telling half the truth..."

"You have caught me, and now you know my secret. I am an otherwise normal man gifted with invulnerability and some other extraordinary abilities that other men lack. You, also, can be handled more roughly than the average man. The coordination and agility to maneuver through the air and water to catch me, the durability to survive the dive, and the strength to carry me and yourself to shore. Yes, I am a man who is tougher than most men, but so are you."

"The World shall perish only after I do."
Building Bridges (Saileyra) GuardianGrid_zps66733f34
The Guardian
The Guardian

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Number of posts : 18
Registration date : 2013-05-21

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Building Bridges (Saileyra) Empty Re: Building Bridges (Saileyra)

Post by Saileyra June 27th 2013, 10:31 pm

New York city, she wasn't there for the annhilation, she only seen the results. It was nothing worrisome to her, it only convinced her ever so the more that this entire world was at war and she needed to kill to survive until she realized in New York that this was not the way. It was to save others and not kill so she decided to do what she could to save others, but sometimes accidents happened and sacrifices were made. She couldn't say she was a hero, she definitely wasn't, but she was better than the villains and much more sane then they are.

He turned, his hand moved away, her arms crossed as she stared him. Her eyes scanned him staring back at the hues as she listened. He was still lying, there was some truth but not all. She shook her head as she placed an hand on her hip. Magenta eyes scanned, stared, maybe if she related? Maybe if she made him understand further? "I am a XETA. I am not human. Nor am I from this time period. They call us Xeno-Evolutionary Terrestrial Ascendants." She explained, her voice flat rather straight to the point. "There are 26 of us we are born with the capabilities to adapt, learn, and become a deity." She said flatly, her arms crossing, "We in our world, have a sixth sense, can use psionics or ki, and also bend time to our will if we wished. In this world, I am limited, comparable to the metahumans on this planet. I paradoxed onto this planet but one thing does remain my xenoperception. I can see through illusions, shadows, abilities; and you are both man and what looks to be bird."

She said putting him on spot now, throwing his lie in his face, giving him the indication that she did know she had seen the bird within the celestial green eyes. "Your green eyes from the tip of the large wings." She said flatly, not giving much more else for him to work off of other than her pert tone of voice.

Building Bridges (Saileyra) SaiSig_zpsbe04a7d2
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