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Genesis Empty Genesis

Post by Guest May 27th 2013, 12:48 am

I'm not a demon, but I am a monster.

Basic Biography

Real Name:Edgar McClellan
Title: N/A
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Age: 28
Gender: Male
Race: Polymetaphasic Being
Hair: Black
Eyes: Brown
Height: 8'5"
Weight: 337 lbs
Blood type: Polymetaphasic Blood

The Looks

He's not human, at least not in appearance. Edgar has changed into something far more complex. His form at first appears as a jet black humanoid. His head has a similar build to a canine but aspects of other mammals are apparent such as bat like ears. He also doesn't have fur but rather a rough skin that seems like a midway between leather and scales. His muscular build becomes apparent at his shoulders where massive muscles flow down his arms. He has four fingers instead of five and they end in short claws. Wings sprout from his back with two large wings dominating over another smaller set of wings. The wings have insectoid characteristics like chitin plating along the wings edges and bright coloration on his wings like a butterfly. His legs posses an extra joint similar to a cat's. A tail protrudes from his rear in which it ends in a tuft of spines.

Edgar would be the first to say he is a monster but that doesn't mean he doesn't behave like a human. He tries to dress as best he can. He has managed to rig some pants to fit over his abnormal legs and although difficult to put on he dawns them anyway. It tends to be sweatpants but, with some help, he managed to rig up some jeans to fit. Shirts don't work as well due to his wings but he will often wear a large trenchcoat that covers both his large stature and his wings. He will also wear a wide brimmed hat so as to hide his face while he is wearing the trenchcoat. Shoes do not fit due to his feet being sharply clawed.

The Legacy

Despite his monstrous appearance, Edgar is a geeky intellectual at heart. He has always enjoyed playing the newest big name video game and has spent many a years playing Dungeons and Dragons. He collects collectable card games and is easily sidetracked by talk of movies, books, and games. As expected, he isn't that great with the ladies and extremely naive. For all his nerdiness he is also intelligent. Math, science, physics are among his favorite subjects and although he has lost a lot of his knowledge in genetics he is still considered an expert in that field. He has never been a reclusive person though, he can be very sociable and can be a delight to talk with.

With the transformation of his body has also come changes to his mind. When his mind was being overwritten by countless variations of instincts he inevitably obtained new quirks to his personality. Animalistic behavior like being territorial or stalking pray often come out in his behavior. Luckily, he hasn't gained much in terms of aggressiveness and is still a kind geeky person but if angered he can easily lose control. He tries extra hard to keep his anger reeled in for fear of hurting others.

Edgar is riddled with guilt. After his accident, he had to come to terms with the end results and has taken on a heavy burden. He sees himself as a monster and now he struggles to find ways to do good in the world to make up for his sins. He is certainly a little tormented which is perhaps why he seeks solace in religion, trying to find redemption through faith. He still hasn't forgotten his scientific roots but he is searching for some new purpose and doesn't have the answers one needs.

Genesis: Noun, The origin or mode of formation of something. It is an apt description of Edgar as he is now but he was obviously not born this way. He was a famous scientist, young, a prodigy. He was set for success in his field of genetic engineering. He was so advanced for his time that the government hired him to develop a way to give normal humans mutant powers to "level the playing field". It was dubbed Project Equilibrium and he was placed as lead scientist. Like many others, Edgar feared the power mutants had and believed that humans needed a way to defend themselves. His idea was to create a way to give any human similar powers. The trick was that the genetic coding was supposed to be temporary and fade away leaving the normal human after a mission is completed.

It was an ambitious goal and one that he felt confident in achieving. It took a coupe years but he was able to discover a way to project a special particle radiation he invented called McCellan Particles or MP77. MP77 was a breakthrough in that the radiation would bombard DNA allowing it to exist in two or more states at the same time. The only problem they had facing them was duration. As it was, exposure to the radiation only lasted a few minutes but the military was very encouraged by the results. With more funding arriving Edgar was able to lead the team to further the experiment. It led to the discovery of a new type of being which he dubbed a Polymetaphasic being, or multi-state being. They literally were multiple creatures at the same time.

There were mutants that learned on the project around this time and decided to stop the project...the hard way. Edgar was their main target but they were also determined to destroy the compound he works in as well. When they attacked Edgar was busy working on the machine that exposes people to MP77. It happened quickly, the mutants came in and attacked fiercely. They killed many soldiers and scientists in there attack and made it to where Edgar was. Edgar was inside the machine at the time a mutant with electric powers shot a powerful beam at him. The blast activated the machine and created a massive feedback loop of power and MP77 particles to descend on Edgar.

Edgar does not remember anything after this. He came to later...his claws embedded within the woman he loves.

Edgar was a geek by nature and he fell in love with another scientist in his project. She was very talented and when by the name Lurren Glaydow. She was almost as brilliant as Edgar with genetic manipulation and it was their combined efforts that made the project possible. When Edgar was transformed she was able to deduce that the transformation was not only changing his body but also his mind. It was long known that instinct is also genetically engraved. His mind was being overloaded with instincts, primal urges, and more. Edgar quickly lost his human form and went on a rampage and started attacking everything. The mutants made a good distraction. As he went fro target to target Lurren reset the machine. It was damaged but workable. She needed to stop Edgar's metamorphasis. With the machine set...she used herself as bait.

When Edgar came to, his beloved was dead but parts of his mind were saved. He had new instincts driving his body and knowledge he once knew were now gone. Even some of his memories were lost to him but he remembered his beloved well. To wake at such a moment was damaging to his soul. It damaged his mind, it damage him. Horror stricken, he fled and despite others attempts to stop him he escaped the compound of Project Equilibrium. He has not seen anyone from the project since.

Grief stricken and distraught, blinded by tears, he eventually collapsed. He stayed in hiding for weeks but he eventually learned that the funeral for his beloved was to be held. He couldn't resist and made his way to the church that was to hold to ceremony. He watched from afar discovering that his sight had been highly enhanced. He waited until dark when the ceremony was over to make his was to the newly dug grave. He was careful to make sure no one saw him make his way and soon he was before Lurren's grave. He was in the middle of asking her for forgiveness when a priest attacked him.

His name was Father Randaldt. The Russian priest was a trained demon hunter and upon seeing Edgar attacked him with cross and holy water. They had no effect on Edgar but the magical spells that bound him to the ground did. He didn't want to fight and when the hunter was going to strike the final blow Edgar said, "It is just as well...I am a monster." it wasn't so much the words that stopped the priest from killing Edgar as much as his tears. Demons do not cry and yet here was one in front of him. He was spared but held captive instead as the priest did not know what to think yet.

Over time, the priest learned that Edgar was indeed human, but just an unfortunate one. The priest took him in and gave him shelter at the church. To say Edgar brooded is an understatement but over time he was helped out of his depression by Father Randaldt. It took a couple years but Edgar found a bit of stability within the church, a hidden phantom that took solace in religion as science had abandoned him. On occasion, Randaldt would take Edgar with him to hunt demons, it was very obvious that Edgar's new found abilities were handy for the old demon slayer. Edgar was a neonate as far as demon hunting went, but it was something to do and he felt it was as good a place as any to start redeeming himself and making up for his mistakes.

The Powers

Metaphasic Healing: The most prominent ability Genesis has is his healing abilities. His DNA has been altered so that every cell in his body possesses an abnormal amount of energy which can be redirected to any wound causing a rapid healing effect. His wound will become luminescent while it heals taking a dark reddish glow. Minor wounds heal in a few seconds, major ones in a minute and fatal ones in couple minutes. He can even regrow a severed limb in several minutes.

Thermal Discharge: Genesis' body produces and stores an abnormal amount of thermal energy. Normally, this would cause any body to burn up. His body takes a mammal's thermal regulation to a whole new level. Every cell in his body is designed to store excess heat. This is to prevent the incredible thermal reactions taking place inside his body from burning his body from the inside out. This means that his cells build up large amounts of thermal energy which he can expel from his body. There does not appear to be a limit to the amount of heat they can store effectively making him immune to getting burned. Genesis has control over this and can expel the heat in a variety of ways; anything from heat beams, melting touch, superheat aura, fireballs, breathing fire and more are at his disposal. Depending on how he manifest this heat can result in his skin gaining a red glow that varies in intensity.

Heightened Senses: Due to the massive changes to Edgar's physiology he has highly enhanced senses. Sight has been enhanced and he can now see in the dark as well as much further. Hearing is enhanced to a point of nearly having sonar. Smell and taste has also been enhanced.

Intelligence: 4
Occult: 2
Strength: 5
Speed: 4
Durability: 5
Ability: 7
Fighting Skills: 1
Magic: 0
Spells: 0
Flight: 2
Wealth: 0


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Genesis Empty Re: Genesis

Post by Forceaus May 30th 2013, 9:01 pm

The 3 powers will need separate points in ability placed into them. The heightened senses will cost only 1. The other 2 will be more powerful with the more points put into them.

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