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Lost Friends

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Lost Friends Empty Lost Friends

Post by Dustin Waugh March 27th 2013, 9:19 pm

It seemed very hot today maybe it because Dustin was walking around. he looked down the road at some of the things that we had to offer or well man had to offer. Even tho he could make things twice as good he could at least appreciate how far they come. He look towards the inside of the city and seen how all the buildings just got bigger. Why people thought to do this was unowned. He started his walk in the hopes to find something affordable to live so he have to sleep on the streets and be classified as a hobo. Even if he could easily keep himself warm and others around him. He just did not like laying on the hard ground. He would melt it so it was smooth through the night, but then would have to answer questions about why it was there. maybe some people should own a TV and at the very least look at some of the things going on.

Especially with the Talons, Shade and especially Dominos being some of the major groups doing some of the far out things. Weather it be hero, villain, or out to seek everyone things seem to be going to crap. He walked into a local cafe and ordered some food to pass the time. Even tho he had to keep looking; he was feeling of-fly hungry.

He sat down and enjoyed what he had. Drinking a Frapachino because it was delicious and cold and it was good to put something in his stomach that he would at least enjoy. He did not favor this cafe because they lacked the main food that everyone best love and want, and that's donuts. They were the food used to take your mind off of anything and send you to a state of heaven. He looked at his watch and seen he had to get out of his state of enjoyment and to keep looking, but it all seemed hopeless.

He got on a bus hoping the other side of the city would have something decent he could live in. He walked down the side walk seeing the bus stop. But his bus was a well good time away from the time he needed to get on. Now to make things interesting he seen a guy take a purse away form the old lady sitting there and had another guy stand in the way. He ran down another alley and jumped in front of the guy making him fall. He got back up and ran in the different direction. As he at least got some distance away he did not expect a thing. Dustin placed his finger on the ground and made the path in front of the guy melt down to what now appeared to be lava. Although melted concrete was almost no difference. As the guy slid to a halt and turned around Dustin was right there waiting for him to turn. He snatched the purse and pushed the guy in. No longer that a few seconds and the guy had melted down to nothing but pieces.

He walked back with the purse in his hand and seen the other guy come running at him. With a simple touch Dustin melted the insides of the man to mush making him fall to his knees then down to his chest in a heap to get air. He to slowly died out, but he made sure the lady didn't see so she wouldn't run away. The lady was in tears and as he sat down he gave her a gentle hug. It's okay, plus I got your purse back. He said as he gave the purse to her. She tried giving him an award but he kept pushing it away until her bus came. He basically forced her on it so she couldn't give him the reward. Now to wait for my bus.
Dustin Waugh
Dustin Waugh
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Lost Friends Empty Re: Lost Friends

Post by Samael Christensen March 27th 2013, 11:40 pm

His work day went well as far as he was concerned, but it could have gone much better really. People would find things to complain about and he would have to, with as much feigned concern as possible help them out with their problems. A bank is far more hassle than one would expect really but at the end of the day he got by, the money was not that bad either. Unlike what he heard of most meta humans, Patrick actually made his way within the world instead of proclaimed himself a hero and expected royalties from undying fans that would worship the ground he walked upon. No, he was living the simple life of a bank teller, dealing with the day to day grind that never seemed to end really.

He stepped into his lovely (shoddy) vehicle and cranked it up, well he would have if the damn thing were not currently being repaired; something about a faulty fuel gauge for some shit, but whatever the case was, he would have to take a damn bus. With much reluctance he made his way to the nearest bus stop, which was around a good three blocks from the damn bank that he worked at which, towered among the many skyscrapers that dotted the great city of Chicago. It was still daylight, which meant he was less likely to have to deal with any jackass trying to rob him or whatever people did to each other in the dark these days. There was what sounded like a woman screaming and then the distinct smell of something burning, which was rather offensive to his nostrils.

Unlike your average heroic jackass, Patrick would ignore the foul smell and move on with his life, not really caring what happened as long as it did not concern him. Digging his hands deeply into the pockets of his work required khaki pants, he took a deep breath looking up to the sky, wondering what he would have for dinner tonight. Whatever it was, he was going to be sure that it didn't disagree with his stomach, otherwise that would have no been a very fun night at all. It only took him about ten minutes to reach said bus stop and the strange smell grew stronger, but perhaps that was just big city smell?

He did not really notice what looked like a familiar face, considering that they had changed within the time that he had last saw him and also he just did not recognize him. Not like anyone is perfect or anything. Digging into his pocket, Patrick pulled out a cellphone as he waited for someone to text him back, a rather mysterious blonde guy he had met at an even more mysterious club.
Samael Christensen
Samael Christensen

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Lost Friends Empty Re: Lost Friends

Post by Dustin Waugh March 28th 2013, 12:04 am

Dustin stretched out in the attempt to awaken himself from the bore people offered. Now that he was waiting for his bus he decided to take a nap. Surely no one would touch him plus if they did there finger would probably catch on fire. But before that a man come walking by and was going to sit down so he did not bother to swing himself around to sleep he just remain in a sitting form. He watched the guy sit down but he could tell he need food he was probably skinnier than he was and that was bad. He looked at the ground and rested his head on his arms and watched as the ants walked around.

He purposely heated the concrete at different points and watched as the ants learned and automatically knew to go around. If only some people were like these ants. Maybe they would not die so much. Dustin seemed to be chanting to himself and playing with the ants at the same time. He raised up and looked at the man now wondering who he was. He sort of stared to the point it could be bothersome to people who cared.

As soon as he seen his face he remembered seeing him from somewhere. Now he just had to recap where. Um hello have we met? He asked trying to at least make conversation. After he said that it could have hit him like a ton of bricks, but how could he not notice it sooner. Patrick! What the hell are you doing here? He said knowing it would easily get his attention.
Dustin Waugh
Dustin Waugh
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Lost Friends Empty Re: Lost Friends

Post by Samael Christensen March 28th 2013, 9:53 pm

Patrick found himself drifting off into his own thoughts when he heard what sounded like a slightly familiar voice, something that he had not heard in a few years and he was not sure how to really react to it. He turned towards the familiar face, raising a singular brown eyebrow as he tried to draw the face from the many that cluttered up his mind and put a name with it, it took a minute but he finally did it. 'Well Dustin, I live here. Not like I'm some damn tourist or anything.” He was not just another of those damn tourists.

It did not really take Pat long to find out why people disliked tourists, but they brought in the revenue, so they were tolerated. ”The better question is what you are doing here? You live in Chicago too or are you just passing through?” He asked basically redirecting his question, people talking as if the two males were not even there. That was how the large cities worked really. No one was aware of each other, and that was how people went about with their lives.
Samael Christensen
Samael Christensen

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Lost Friends Empty Re: Lost Friends

Post by Dustin Waugh March 28th 2013, 10:14 pm

Well actually I use to live in New York, but I'm pretty sure you know what happened. I had to get out of the aftermath. Had to kill a few people who challenged me before I tried leaving. Now I made my way here to live a normal life, but apparently that doesn't happen. Oh and please mind the smell. I got a little out of hand. He looked a Pat as if he never left each other all them days before. If Dustin did not try and attempt all the things he had planned he would have never left his friends behind all them years ago. Well now he has attempted to make a life here if possible.

What are you doing now a day. I bet your still trying to get all the men right? he at least wanted to joke with him because he still considered him a friend even tho he did not have any connection to him for quite some time. Also right now I'm looking for somewhere to live. Got any pointers? He hoped now that he could live closer to him so maybe they could communicate more now. He looked at him while he pushed on his back to pop it.
Dustin Waugh
Dustin Waugh
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Lost Friends Empty Re: Lost Friends

Post by Samael Christensen March 28th 2013, 10:25 pm

”Yeah I heard about New York, nasty bit of business that was, and all that death was....unfortunate. Then there was that nasty Holocaust guy wrecking it up again, but the news didn't really tell us much about that either, they like blacked out the broadcast or whatever.” Patrick shrugged. He remembered a time when he wanted to go to New York, but that had died....along with a lot of things. Patrick found himself pausing for a second, at lost for words before he quickly caught up with himself. Dusting was talking more, something about him getting all the men or something like that.

”Oh you know, trying to make it by with today economy, but that isn't going very well if you ask me.” he paused for a second before going into how his love life were going, which was pretty well things considered. ”Well I'm talking to someone, he's loaded but I don't know.” He said crossing arms over his chest as his mind shot back to the strange blonde that he had met by chance. He was pretty damn built and that wavy hair was something else, being a twin was a bonus as well. Patrick never really asked him anything else, but numbers were exchanged, so that had to mean something.

”You're looking for some where to live? I could offer you a room, but you would have to help pay the rent. Not that I would make this offer to anyone, but we're friends after all, so I would be willing to help you out.”
Samael Christensen
Samael Christensen

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Lost Friends Empty Re: Lost Friends

Post by Dustin Waugh March 28th 2013, 10:54 pm

You know what; that would be awesome. Oh and rent I can easily pay so its no problem there. he looked at Pat and had high expectations when he heard all the things he partially did, and how he too was trying to fit into society even tho of a few complications like himself. if the cops were to know they would not stop to catch us, but only for a little extra reward. Probably money in there own pockets, but it did not matter. If they shot first or do something first, by all law he would protect who ever is being turned on even if it was himself. Especially if it was himself.

His mind snapped back and asked what Pat was living in, but also in the instant wait you have a guys number even now. Holy shit dude even now you always have some source of man to get to on your off time. He smiled and wanted to mess with him about it. just the thought was funny. Not that he cant get men but that he always has one trying to screw his leg. He turned toward Pat and propped his knee on the seat he was sitting on. Also he just realized he was catching the same bus so he must live somewhere on the route of this bus. He reached over in the effort to poke Pat on his side. He also smiled with a evil sinister face that if anyone seen they would probably bust out laughing.
Dustin Waugh
Dustin Waugh
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Lost Friends Empty Re: Lost Friends

Post by Samael Christensen March 28th 2013, 11:07 pm

”Good, then my apartment won't be so lonely. Gets boring living in one when you can practically hear your neighbors banging through the wall and god do they do it loud.” It was surprising how Christians enjoyed their sex, and he knew that his neighbors did it on a regular basis, even though they followed the religion of whatever. ”But it would be cool if you came and lived with me.” Patrick intertwined his fingers, as his breath came in a near silent hiss through his teeth, left foot tapping against the concrete almost silently. Then came another of Dustin’s outbursts about his sex life, but it was to be expected really.

”Yeah, its pretty easy really if you know the right club and from what I hear this guy is pretty loaded, and he's not that bad looking either.” he said with a sly grin raising an eyebrow in what could be called a mischievous expression. He may have not been known for his ability to keep a relationship, but that may have been simple things that in the end just made the other not willing to keep it going.

Before he could say more, the bus has made its appearance around the curve, the door opening as Pat moved to stand to his feet. ”Well looks like our ride is here, so lets get going.” He said motioning for Dustin to follow him before he stepped onto the bus. Taking the emptiest seat that he could find pat would wait for Dustin to sit next to him, crossing one leg over the other as he did the usual while sitting on a bus, which was scoping out the strangest of Chicagos' buses.
Samael Christensen
Samael Christensen

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Lost Friends Empty Re: Lost Friends

Post by Dustin Waugh March 28th 2013, 11:47 pm

He smiled but was not really happy when pat got up. He was not able to poke him which sucked. He liked poking people because it seemed fun. But hey Pat and him had powers and he has not seen his in a long time. He climbed on the bus and paid for his ticket. He walked by a couple people until he made his way to the seat Patrick was sitting at. He planted his tushy in the some what comfortable seat that the bus had. it wasn't the best but it was good enough.

Well off to your apartment I guess oh and I don't have any luggage if you notice. It was all burnt to shit thanks to me. The guy who attacked me made me blow up my own house along with everything in it. As he was talking he rolled his eyes a few times. He also couldn't stop moving his hands in the motion of taking. He looked out the window at the passing buildings and trees and then over to Pat.
Dustin Waugh
Dustin Waugh
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Lost Friends Empty Re: Lost Friends

Post by Samael Christensen March 29th 2013, 12:54 am

”Oh, sounds like quite the adventure. Can't say I’ve done anything as exciting personally, just the usual.” He would listen to Dustin talk, avoiding the general motions of his hands as he did, some people just like to enunciate when they spoke. He would wait until the slightly younger male would finish speaking before he would say anything else, listening polity as he had grown used to over the years.

”I would appreciate it if you avoided blowing my apartment up though, landlord would raise hell if that did happen.' Pat said this with a small chuckle, looking out the window as his stop came into view. ”Well here’s our stop.” He said with an undertone of relief, standing up as the bus came to its stop. He was sure that Dustin would follow him out of the bus, stepping down the steps as he looked up to the apartment complex that was now in front of them. Having an apartment so close to a bus stop was pretty damn good if you rode the bus.

”Here we are, my own little slice of the world. Well its one of the apartments but you get what I mean.”

The immortal with not enough patience for this- Adam Johnson (Vampire boi)
The Ravens Son- Samael Christensen
The Half angel/Half brother - Nathaniel Christensen
Samael Christensen
Samael Christensen

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Lost Friends Empty Re: Lost Friends

Post by Dustin Waugh April 1st 2013, 12:11 am

As he sat and talked Patrick said out lowed to him that they had reached there stop. He stood up and Dustin let Pat through. After that Dustin got up behind him and started walking behind him. He twisted side ways knowing the middle path way on a bus was always very slim. It was rather annoying that they cant make something bigger because for one Dustin does not like to rub against some kids snot or saliva he had left there probably yesterday.

The driver opened the door and both him and pat got off. He was standing on the side walk looking at another bus stop. Hopefully I can get my own car soon he said to himself. He looked around and it seemed like the neighborhoods on TV. Well it all looks nice for right now, but you know me I cant wait to hear those couples in the next house. He said it to be funny for that was pure sarcasm. he looked at Pat again and started walking. Hmm? What way is your house he asked as his movement was halted waiting for the answer from Pat. He looked at all the houses and seen one in particular and guessed it would be that one.
Dustin Waugh
Dustin Waugh
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Lost Friends Empty Re: Lost Friends

Post by Samael Christensen April 1st 2013, 12:30 am

He looked up to the complex, eyes scanning for the door that would lead him to his home. He didn't need to, considering that going home became a monotonous thing but it was just something that his mind did. "Oh yeah, I sure do know you." Pat said with a weak chuckle, approaching the apartment complex with a slow, almost deliberate pace as he passed through the parking lot and walked up the small metal stairs to where his door was. He produced a small key and unlocked the door before walking through, taking in the full sight of his apartment.

"Welcome to apartment number four, I hope you enjoy your stay." He said somewhat cheekily, stepping onto the plush carpet before kicking off his Nikes next to the entrance. It was simple enough, considering that he only had a two room apartment, but what could one expect on a bank tellers salary. There was a small mattress layed out across the floor with a few blankets to stave off whatever cold came, though there was also a fan in case heat hit him. A moderately sized television glared out from one end of the room, its blue glare illuminating the otherwise dark room.

With the flick of a switch, the room came to life with artificial light as Patrick walked over to the kitchen section of the living area and pulled out a small can of coke. Opening the can, he took a swig, the cold liquid flowing down his throat quickly. "I have the combo living/kitchen/dining/bed room and there is a room for the bathroom. It's not the best place for a person to live in, but its where I live, and I like it."
Samael Christensen
Samael Christensen

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Lost Friends Empty Re: Lost Friends

Post by Dustin Waugh April 1st 2013, 1:10 am

He looked at Pat as he walked up to the apartment. yep just the one he picked. He was just happy to guess it right. he laughed to him self as they walked up the metal stairs. As he walked in the door pat said to him welcome to his apartment.. As he walked in he sat his coat on the wall next to the door. He looked around as he explained it was a 2 bed room apartment and it was a big combo type thing.

He thought to him self as it reminded him of a comic or manga he read when he was 18. Oh Scott Pillgram I know how your life is now. Hey Wallace Wells get in here. He said it allowed to where Pat could hear it perfectly, but before Patrick could start moving he already done walked up to him.

This apartment is better than okay. But if you do decide to move we can always live together and I can help pay my way in this apartment or another. He said this giving the thought that now he could help Patrick live better since both of them will have a job. Although that was not in the book. Scott almost never got a job until far later. Also I want to know how far you have gotten with your powers? Are they any stronger and can you control the full thing now. He said this raising up his hands and creating a pitch black sphere in one and a ball of red looking energy in the other. He could change the color of the energy but not the darkness. He used red and black mainly because they go together.

He smiled and told Patrick that he would like to become strong with him or he could become strong along side Dustin. But all Dustin wanted now was a tutorial of Patrick's abilities.
Dustin Waugh
Dustin Waugh
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Lost Friends Empty Re: Lost Friends

Post by Samael Christensen April 1st 2013, 1:35 pm

”I guess that makes you my bitch forever, right?” Pat said with a wry smirk, picking up a small remote and changing the channel to the local new, or the pointless bullshit as he had come to know it as. There were a few uninteresting stories really, mostly the things that no one really cared about and some national news bullshit. More of the Dominus stuff that had found it way into the daily grind, but in the end he never really listened to it. Dustin went on, talking about moving into a better place, which was something that Pat would have loved, but then again he was unsure if he could afford to do that.

”When I get another job I plan to find a better place, even though this one is pretty cozy.” It was then that he got to his powers, something that he was hoping that Dustin had forgotten about but then again he never seemed to forget things, did he?

”They've gotten more powerful but can't say my control has progressed much, though now I don't destroy everything around me.” Dustin showed an example of what his power could do, and it seemed that her expected Pat to show an example of his powers as well. He held his hand palm upward, creating a small sphere of wind that caused a minor current of wind to circulate throughout the entire room Next came a few spark of electricity coming off if, and then in an instant he allowed the construct to cease, along with it the current.

”There ya go.”
Samael Christensen
Samael Christensen

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Lost Friends Empty Re: Lost Friends

Post by Dustin Waugh April 1st 2013, 1:49 pm

Hmm? That is a pickle. If you were to use this in public how would you be able to protect the innocent people. He thought of things that could help him control it better but he did not think Pat would want to do it now since he just got off of work. He looked at the TV and seen the news for this city. Saying something about finding bodies near a bus stop. One woman said a nice young fellow stopped and helped her retrieve her purse from the thugs.

He smiled when she said that, especially since she said he pushed her onto the bus so she couldn't give him a reward. She was happy he helped her but she did not like the fact he over did it on the two. He sighed as he turned back around. Well what should we do first. If you want i could teach you how to keep control of your power. Maybe protect the people doing this. Or we can go out to eat or go out and find me a job. He grabbed a paper and flipped through it until he seen the perfect thing for him. His dark ability cubed off the part of the sheet he had seen. He put the news paper down and grabbed the piece he cut off. Well i think i found a job that is suitable for me.

He hands over the strip of paper to Patrick pointing out that it was a Microsoft job. The pay was great and he loved working with them. Everyone felt like family. He was glad he took online classes in all the computer programs over the year. Now it was easy to get a job.
Dustin Waugh
Dustin Waugh
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