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Back from the grave(open)

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Back from the grave(open) Empty Back from the grave(open)

Post by XxRedxX March 17th 2013, 1:41 pm

"Three months ago, we finally put an end to that damned Vigilante plaguing our criminal union and yet here we all are still hiding in the shadows." An obese man calmly stated, folding his hands together as he observed the other five crime lords. They were on edge, after all, they hadn't had a meeting like this since they killed the vigilante Red who had been destroying their organization operation after operation. The man, known as six to the other five, slammed his fist down onto the table and stood up. "It is high time we get our operation back into full motion and take over the criminal element in Chicago."

"I agree." four shouted out, an older Asian woman adorned in oriental jewelry which covered her lush red dress, embroidered with golden thread which formed Chinese symbols. "I have lost far to much profit in Chicago and I expect that to change or I am out of this little game of yours." She crossed her arms, gazing at the group scornfully hoping that her death glare would convince them to grow a pair and start monopolizing the cities crime. She was older but far from feeble and was the one who found the meta human assassin they hired to kill Red. She had taken full credit for the demise of the hero.

Number one, a muscular man wearing a business suit which seemed to be ready to explode due to the mans massive frame, nodded his head and motioned for the two to remain silent. They complied, for out of all six crime lords, number one was the most powerful and could just as easily have them killed if they ever started getting ideas of over throwing him. "Why do you think I called this meeting?" He stated, his voice was deep and strong which echoed through the hollow warehouse they had arranged this meeting to be held at. For some reason, criminals loved the docks, which is probably because they could dispose of bodies far easier when they were closer to the water. Number one reached into his coat, causing all the other crime lords to reach for their guns but before a shoot out could occur number one pulled out a rolled up piece of paper. "Relax...It is only paper, cowards." The titan of a man unrolled the paper on the table which revealed a map of Chicago with six color coded sections. Five were evenly sized but one was far larger and included the entire dock.

"What the hell is this?" Shouted out four, seeing that number one would have majority control over Chicago. "How is this a fair division? I especially should have the most because I killed that damned vigilante!" Drawing her 9mm, she pointed it at number one but suddenly her face was lite up with several red dots. The other four crime lords quickly stood up and drew their handguns as they had now just realized they were surrounded by number ones men. "This isn't a negotiation." Number one stated, smirking at the group. He had been preparing this moment for a while. He originally wanted to form this alliance to combat the heroes but with the events in New York and the murder of Red, it didn't seem it was required but he still didn't want to be the sole owner of Chicago considering it would paint him as a target, "You will get your land, and you will run your petty business but I will receive 50% of all profits."

"That's insane!" griped number two, his face turning red with anger and then looking around he realized he was in no position to argue. Number one was feared for a reason, and that was because anyone who crossed him round up dead, even Red.

or so they thought...

"You sure you are ready for this?" Nathaniel asked while assembling his .50 caliber sniper rifle. "You've been out of commission for months and have only just recovered from nearly being beaten to death."

"I should have died that night Nate, but I survived, and there was a reason for that." Connor loaded a live clip into his LNR SMG. "The world is entering a new era and there is no room for dirt bags like The Six." Connor entered the building quietly through a window and dropped down silently onto the catwalks above the meeting. There were five armed men who had their weapons trained on the group were loudly arguing over territory they ultimately would never get control of, not while Red was still alive. Tapping the equip, the SMG digitalized and was stored as data while Connor sprinted towards the five snipers.

"Take the shot." Red stated coldly, as he leapt up to fly kick the first assailant in the head. Meanwhile, across the way Nathaniel, the hellfire marine adorned in full body armor, lined up a shot and fired. The round pierced through the thin sheet metal walls and pierced through number twos skull. The crime lords instantly opened fire on each other, thinking one of them had taken the shot. Four, who for her age was agile, managed to perform a series of acrobats into cover while number one gunned down the other remaining Crime lords with an Uzi.

Having his kick land squarely against the face of the sniper, Red tapped his foot of the railing to propel him towards the next henchman which found a mid-air round house kick to the skull making two snipers down and three to go. Tapping on the equip, Connor pulled out the LNR bolter and fired at the other three and watched their bodies fall to the ground convulsing from the electrical shock rounds he used on them. Dropping down from the catwalk, Number One opened fire at Red but was meet with resistance as Number Four tried to take him out with her 9mm.
Red dropped the bolter and quickly drew throwing discs which he tossed at both Number one and Number Four. Number one was disarmed but Four simply ducked back into cover.

Before Number one could recover, Red already had the LNR bolter aimed at him. "If I were you Four, I wouldn't move or the sniper who took out number two will surely put you down and believe me I have no problem with that."

Back from the grave(open) Picnikcollage
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Back from the grave(open) Empty Re: Back from the grave(open)

Post by The Phantom March 17th 2013, 2:56 pm

The Six as they were known were once again moving back in Chicago after they had 'taken' out a certain vigilante known as Red. It was as if they had forgotten that the Crime Syndicate was the real force behind anything and everything that happened not only in Chicago but in the world. As it was largest criminal organization on the planet and stationed out of Chicago. The Phantom was mildly surprised they actually had the guts to have their 'secret' meeting on how they would split his city up and asking for body guards openly. So, of course he couldn't refuse the offer letting himself be positioned as their 'body' guard for their , not so secret, very secret meeting. For what better way could one truly listen in on a conversation than if they were there to listen themselves?

So, as Lucifer Hermes Mercury stood just outside the door listening in on everything that was being said he heard the first sniper shot ring out from the room and then all of the other blood thirsty fools killed off each other too. It was going even better than if he himself had planned the attack, alas if he wanted to look like a good body guard he would have to go in now and save whomever was left. But, first that a sniper would need to be dealt with. Pulling out a phone he quickly contacted his associate, the real Number One, figurehead leader of the Crime Syndicate. Or JohnVonJohn and the man turned visible behind Blue, or Nathaniel. "I'd put the sniper down if I were you boy, you have other problems to deal with." John spoke out as he swung a baseball bat down at the top of the man's head. Around this time Mr. Mercury would be walking into the 'fun' little meeting room.

Which is exactly what he did. As he walked in he winked at Number Four allowing her memory, as well as Number One's, for what good it would do for him. As he walked in they would recover all memory of him that had previously been blocked out by Phantom's 'Forget Me' power. This of course would allow them to remember just whose city it was they were about to carve up into tiny little pieces. After he saved their hides today they'd be lucky if he allowed them even five percent of his city. "Ah, Red is it not? I would not worry about that sniper of yours. He will not be going anywhere for quite some time. I am the one you need concentrating on. Call me Lucifer. It is a pleasure to finally meet you. Though I must say I expected you to be...taller."

Repositioning his cane Phantom nodded his head before slamming it down on the ground. Upon the bottom of the cane touching the floor the entire building would begin to shake, as if an earthquake was happening just in that room alone, spreading out from Lucifer to where Red was standing. It was not a means of a direct attack on any means but was mainly there to show the man that he wasn't the only one with tricks up his sleeve. From his waistband pocket Lucifer drew a six shooter revolver specially made and crafted by he himself. The Gentleman's Revolver as he donned it and fired one shot out at the Man's chest. "I do so hope you enjoy hell."

The Phantom
The Syndicate's Six
The Phantom
The Phantom
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Back from the grave(open) Empty Re: Back from the grave(open)

Post by hazard5259 March 19th 2013, 1:37 am

((Hope you dont mind a third. If you do I don't mind delleting this.))
Billy revved the bike as he pulled out of his home, geared and ready for another night on patrol. His father came on over the head set, “No special Operation’s tonight Son, just a standard patrol.” Billy revved the bike more as he tore off onto the main street, his black bike reflecting the light of the street. He was geared up like any normal night; two pistols in holsters on his thighs, a set of batons on his belt, a backup at his ankle, and a rifle on his back. Tonight though instead of running a BB gun as a main he was running a paintball gun. Specifically a new T4.1 his father had just recently added to the armory. Tonight was the field test to see how viable in the field a mag fed paintball marker would be.

“Rodger Old man,” Billy told his father as he revved the bike more and danced through the traffic. “Now flip through the scanner and give me a target.” Billy asked. He was excited about tonight’s test, he figure it would be an easy night tonight, not knowing what was to come. As he headed around some of the shadier sides of town Billy had a feeling like the town was to quite this night.

“Alright here’s one for ya kid.” Billy’s father said to him, “A call silent alarm went off at a jewelry store.” After reading off the street address Billy turned towards the disturbance. “Wait a second Kid. I’m redirecting you, we have a situation boiling. Shots fired. It doesn’t sound good and SWAT teams are a good thirty minutes out. Sounds big and some of the dispatchers sound uneasy. Better get out there.”

“Rodger.” Billy said, “Location?” Billy asked. His father read off the address from the repot but added in the area, so Billy would have to figure that part out when he got there. Billy revved the bike and turned the bike around jumping the barrier and speeding off into the night.

Back from the grave(open) Hazardsmall

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Back from the grave(open) Empty Re: Back from the grave(open)

Post by XxRedxX March 19th 2013, 8:19 pm

Without a word, Nathaniel dodged to the left by performing a roll off to the left close to the edge of the roof top. Raising the sniper rifle, he took no time to aim and rapped off a few rounds at his attacker. Most likely, he would miss the target but by rapid firing his fifty cal like he did it would be a clear distinct warning to Red that they had company. "Jewel, identify assailants." Nathaniel was in no mood for pleasantries, Red had only just finished recovering and he was now in there alone without support. "Walk away now and live a few extra days." He called out, reviewing scenarios in his head for his next coarse of action.

"Commencing identification process." Came the disembodied monotone voice of the sister AI to AIVAS. She was far less advanced than AIVAS, and was originally designed to work with Connor Clarets failed attempt at creating a private police force, The Hellfire Marines. Within the HUD to Nathaniel's helmet, a small window displaying JEWELS progress appeared and anything that might be accessible about this man would soon be revealed.

Meanwhile, Connor heard the ringing of the shots fired outside alerting him that something outside was amidst but it would seem that he had his own problems to deal with as a new member to this little party entered. The man walked with a cane, and upon tapping it on the ground the earth beneath Reds' feet began to shake. 'Meta-human?' Connor thought to himself, quickly turning to aim his hand gun at the new arrival.

"Sorry to disappoint you, but nature is what nature is." He said, waiting to see what this mans intentions were. The mans attentions were made clear, as the well dressed man un holstered a revolver and took a shot at Red. Moving as soon as the attacker reached for the gun, Red was able to maneuver the bullet but felt a sharp scratch from the bullet nearly piercing through his bicep. Firing off three rounds aimed at the mans chest, Red retaliated accordingly. "You're at the wrong ball tux and you caught me on a bad night so I suggest you head on back to where ever you rented that shabby suit at and hang it up!" Red took cover behind a steel beam, thick enough to protect him from gun fire and gave him a good overview of the room.

Number one and number four suddenly gained memories of who the man was. Four was stricken with fear while Number one grew angry. He wanted that city, and seizing the moment he drew a second weapon from his back. "Screw you!" Number one opened fire at the gentleman but Four picked up her weapon and unloaded into Number one who had a bullet pierce his skull after he fired several shots at Lucifer.

Back from the grave(open) Picnikcollage
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Back from the grave(open) Empty Re: Back from the grave(open)

Post by The Phantom March 19th 2013, 8:58 pm

Number One, the real Number One, only had time to curse as the bullets came flying out one by one from the sniper rifle. He was only really able to dive down and roll out of the way of the bullets before having to stand up again. If the shots had been percise and accurate at this range he was sure he’d be down for the count, but as they were mearly spray fire he was luckily not hit from the randomness of the shots and thus survived. The shots had surely warned this man’s boss and that of course was not going to fly with Lucifer, not one bit. Discarding the bat by throwing it at the man with all of his strength he rushed forward behind it. Now, John may not have been the greatest fighter in the world but he did know what he was doing. So upon getting close he dropped to his knees and sent out a sweeping kick intended to nock the man off his own feet. If the bat hadn’t done that for him.

Returning back to the main event Lucifer shook his head upon hearing what the man named Red had to say. There was such arogance in today’s younger generation, and the talk of a cheap suit. Why it was preposterous ever suit Lucifer owned was hand crafted and fitted just for him. They were certainly not cheap in anyway shape or form that much could be said about his suits, but something as degrading as that? No, that surely could not be said, at least not to The World’s Greatest Theif’s face. He simply would not allow it. The bullets came quickly and Phantom did the most logical thing he could think of, when he saw the man reaching for the gun he grabbed a meat suit from one of the dead ‘Number’s and used it as a shield. The bullets hit the dead mans body and Mr. Mercury dropped the already dead man’s body to the ground. “Now, is that anyway to treat your elders? I can assure you though that my suit is real…”

As if things couldn’t get worse though the bastard who called himself ‘Number One’ decided now would be a good time to shoot at him, when he was saving all of their lives. Shaking his head he turned his body intangible and allowed for the bullets to simply phase right through him. Number Four, always a loyal girl that one, killed off the idiodic man for him and Lucifer tipped his hat her way. “Thank you my dear, now if you would kindly help me remove this pest. I may let you keep your memories this time.” He said re-holstering the Gentelman’s Revolver and removed a vial from the top of his cane. A vial contained a poison which could put even superhumans to sleep, and all he had to do was inject it into the man. Should be simple enough..he hoped.

Lucifer walked forward and past the metal pole, turning invisible as well as intangible as he did so, right up to where the man was hiding. Behind him of course. Without making so much of a whisper he turned tangible, allowing him to come in contact with the man’s body and not and thrusted the needle forward. If it connected he would get out of the man’s reach as quickly as he could, because the poision did not take immediate effect and he would not want to be in this man’s reach when it did. A couple feet away he unsheathed the Gentelman’s Revolver and unloaded two shots at him as he turned visable. “This is a fun game is it not, though I wonder if you know you will lose than why ever do you persue it Mr. Red?”

The Phantom
The Syndicate's Six
The Phantom
The Phantom
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Back from the grave(open) Empty Re: Back from the grave(open)

Post by hazard5259 March 19th 2013, 9:31 pm

Billy had just enetered the area, brining his bike to a stop. He turned the key shutting the bike off as he did. As the light turned off Billy heard shots comming from not far away. He quickly pulled the Rifle from his back and started running in the direction of the shots. He didn't like the sound of it. To him they sounded like sniper rounds. More shots, pistol rounds, in the builidng next to him. Billy ran to the door and tried to turn the knob. 'Locked, Dam' Billy thought, 'No time to be clever.' He pulled a pistol mag and grabbed his right pistol as the rifle dropped and was caught by the sling he wore.He dropped the mag, and put the new one in. Placing the barrel a few inchs from the lock he fired three rounds into it.

Billy's special fire rounds made short work of the lock melting it in seconds. Reholstering the gun Billy kicked the door. The lock still hot broke with easy and Billy moved in pulling his rifle up clearing the entrance hallway. Two shots above him rang out. "Perfect timing," Billy said, and began to try to locate stairs, turning a corner he found it and quickly made his way up them. Billy couldn't help but think, "What the hell was happening here. there are just to many rounds going off for comfort." Billy saw an open door ran to it takeing a postion next to the door ready to breach the room. He had no idea what he was about to walk into.

Back from the grave(open) Hazardsmall

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Registration date : 2013-03-01

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Back from the grave(open) Empty Re: Back from the grave(open)

Post by XxRedxX March 23rd 2013, 4:08 pm

Nathaniel barely had time to react as the baseball bat his attacker once tried using to bash his head in was now made into a rapidly spinning projectile. For a blunt object to slice through the air that quickly meant only one thing to the Hellfire Marine, this guy wasn't ordinary. The sniper rifle was empty, and useless in close quarters combat. Nate dodged the bat by rolling the side and leaving dropping the sniper rifle where he previously stood. The attacker took no time bring the combat even closer as he came up to Nathaniel to perform a sweeping kick to his legs. Leaping over the sweep, Nathaniel used the momentum of his fall to come down with his fist aiming to slam the metallic knuckled of his gloves into the top of the attackers skull.

Only two remaining on the inside of the building, it will take some time before Nathaniel defeats who ever attacked him outside so Connor would be on his own. The man called for number Four to aid him in finishing him off though their little plan just didn't fit into Reds' schedule, not at all. He had one target remaining but it seemed like he stumbled upon an even bigger crime boss than ones he has battled against before. It looked like Red would have to step up his game in order to ensure he comes out of this one in tact. He kept a trained eye on the man was he walked passed a metal pole, disappearing, but before Connor could do anything Number four began opening fire at the metal beam he had taken cover behind.

"AIVAS, establish link with Nathaniel and identify this man." Red ordered the AI. They always broke the line of communication in order to protect AIVAS and JEWEL from super humans hackers. "Still kickin'?" Suddenly, Connor felt pressure hit him in the back but his armor prevented what ever it was from puncturing skin. Quickly swinging around, Connor attempted to back hand the suited man but missed as the attacker backed away by several feet and drew his powerful revolver once more. Connor quickly tapped the equip on his belt and a tweeter appeared in his hand. Activating it and dropping to the ground, he started to make himself into a moving target. The Tweeter he dropped to the ground let out a high pitched, ear shattering, squeal which would be painful to anyone without protection. Tapping the equip again, Connor pulled out more throwing disks which he three two at the suited man. One aimed for the hand holding the revolver and the other the bridge of the mans nose. The third sliced number fours hand, forcing he to drop he gun once against. Taking aim with the Bolter, he fired off a shot and pierced her shoulder with a bullet sending her to the ground thriving in pain. He then turned his attention back to the clothed man.

Back from the grave(open) Picnikcollage
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Back from the grave(open) Empty Re: Back from the grave(open)

Post by The Phantom March 26th 2013, 3:53 pm

The man came falling twoards Number One’s face fast and the only thing he had the ability to do was move he arms up in the way of the attack and allow them to get hit by the punch. It hurt like hell but it wasn’t nearly enough to break his bones, not yet at least, he still had a lot of fight left in him and this man was not going to get out of this situation with the upperhand. Pushing back agaisnt the man who would now be on top of him with all his strength he slid out from under the man and quickly stood up to his feet where he rose his right fist and like using a jack hammer brought it down aiming to crack the man’s back or at least attempt to seriously injure it.

The posion had failed to pinitrate the man’s armor and of course he dodged the two bullets fired from the revolver leaving him with just two more shots left in the gentelman’s revolver. Tucking it back into its holster he watched as the tweeter was released from the man and let out the ear pearcing screech, quickly covering his ears Lucifer tried to drown out thos noise moving behind another pole just as the shurikens collided with said pole and planted themselves deep inside the metal. He had gotten lucky with that attack, and had he been a few inches more to the left would himself have the shurikens implanted in him instead. That would not have been a good thing at all, not in the slightest. The gunshots and dropping of a gun indicated that Number Four was temporarily out of buisness and was certainly not pleasant for Lucifer. He would need all the help he could get for the fight agaisnt this man.

“You could say that,” Phantom said with a smle as he snapped his hands two people rose up from the ground, grabbed Number Four and too her out of the room. Another snap and the entire room was filled with members of the Crime Syndicate either moving in from the walls or becoming visable and revealing their presence to the man. All of them were pointing guns at the man named Red. Phantom came out from behind the wall both hands resting on top of his cane. “Now, Mr. Red I believe we have a proposition to talk about. Mainly being the control of this city and how things are run. He said a smirk rising onto his face. While outside the door a man tapped on the shoulder of ‘Billy’ “Mr. Lucifer doesn’t like evesdropers.” He would say putting a gun to the man’s head.

The Phantom
The Syndicate's Six
The Phantom
The Phantom
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Back from the grave(open) Empty Re: Back from the grave(open)

Post by hazard5259 March 26th 2013, 4:58 pm

Billy was getting ready to breach the room as more shots went flying. He held for a moment and as his foot began step out he felt a tap on his shoulder. He turned and saw the gun pointed at his head. He froze for a moment. Billy had never been shot in the head, and feared that was a wound he might not walk away from. His hand was still on the rifle but he didn't think he had the time to pull the trigger before he did, plus the risk of him jerking at the electrical burst entering his system when he did also gave a chance of him pulling the trigger. Billy was having a difficult time finding a way out of this. 'Well life ain't with out risks." he thought to himself.

Billy looked at the man and went for the direct approach. "And I don't like guns going off in my city." he said as he raised his hands off his paintball gun. Billy then acted fast, he ducked down and tried to sweep the legs. As he dropped down he reached down to his thy holster and pulled the 1911 Airsoft gun from his right holster and brought it up aiming at the man that appeared. Billy pulled the trigger One, Two, Three times, the gas powered gun moving at semi-auto speed. "Now get out of my way." he said. Hoping that if the sweep didn't drop him the eclectically charged BB's would.

Back from the grave(open) Hazardsmall

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Registration date : 2013-03-01

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Back from the grave(open) Empty Re: Back from the grave(open)

Post by XxRedxX March 27th 2013, 6:33 pm

"Call upon the son of Zeus." Red whispered, AIVAS picking up on the voice and transmitting a coded signal off to Reds base. Simultaneously, AIVAS pulled up its search results on the mystery man and found nothing. Taking it upon itself, AIVAS began recording data on the man to add to the criminal records back at HQ. Not sure as to what Nathaniels' fate was, Connor had to buy himself time and for some reason, like most villain's, this one wanted to talk. "Not sure I like the way things are run in Chicago." Connor looked around, allowing AIVAS to take count of all the targets and relay the information, building layout, and a constant feed of their positions to the H-1. "But thanks to you, I now know there is bigger game in the city than just these dirt bags." Slowly, and signaling he wasn't going to make any sudden movements, Connor tapped his 'equip' and allowed the bolter to be digitized and stored as data. "However, if I want to protect this city i'll have to live to fight another day. So what is your proposition?"

Meanwhile, several miles in the basement of the CRDI building in the abandoned Hellfire HQ Connor had built for the failed effort to create an organized crime fighting militia, lights activated illuminating a large robot with multiple tubes and wires attached. As soon as the signal from AIVAS reached the H-1, the tubes and wires ejected off and the machine came to life. Stepping down from its powering station, the H-1 quickly utilized gps to locate Red from where its current position was. Once it got its heading, it start a slow jog out into an abandoned rail way which lead out into the open a distance away from the CRDI building. Using its jump jets, it began leaping its way towards Red.

Meanwhile, it seemed like Nate had the advantage when he landed his attack but the man was resilient and strong, super strong. The man easily lifted Nathaniel off of him and slipped behind him slamming his fist into his back. If it hadn't been for the armor he was wearing he surely would have been seriously injured, but instead he felt himself slammed into the roof. Reaching for his belt, he unclipped a tweeter from his belt and activated. It was his best chance at escaping the man before he had a chance to smash him again, the armor back plating was already cracked and couldn't take much more punishment.

Back from the grave(open) Picnikcollage
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Back from the grave(open) Empty Re: Back from the grave(open)

Post by The Phantom March 31st 2013, 10:35 pm

Ah, the beauty of intangibility, thought the member of the Crime Syndicate as the fools foot swooped through his body and the electrified BB gun pellets also went flying through him and hit the wall. Anything the boy had tried ended up being useless. So, the Member of the Crime Syndicate fired off his gun, which was an actual gun and not some toy, straight at the man’s knee cap. Lucifer didn't like it too much when they killed people, especially if that person was a kid and you did not want to make Lucifer mad. This young child, was not going to get away with sticking his noise where it didn't belong without an injury or two…or three.

Back inside the city a faint laugh could be heard coming from the leader of the Crime Syndicate, a certain Lucifer Hermes Mercury, The Phantom had found what Red said to be funny. “Neither do I Red, and that is why I have finally decided to make myself known to you.” He spoke out thinking to himself ‘not that you will remember who I am after this conversation is over though.’ He thought to himself signaling for two people to attend to the wounds of Number Four, she could still be of service. “All that I ask is that you leave the Crime Syndicate alone, most of the members you see here are but thieves trying to get by in life or doing what they do for the thrill of the challenge. Let the cops deal with them, and we will leave you to clean up the rest of the city.”

He gave the man a small smile to let him know he was being honest with this, “I might even have my men lend a hand in helping you clean up the city, I count this as my city as well and would hate to see it come to harm. You leave us alone to tend to our own devices we allow you to live and clean up the city’s super villains however you wish.” This was the proposition he proposed and although a small one at that it was still a proposition none the less, all he needed to do now was sit back and wait to hear what the man in red had to say about his proposition. Well that and hope that John had dealt with the little problem that was occurring outside. Couldn't have any loose ends, now could we?

Speaking out outside JohnVonJohn had finally decided it was time to end the little game and show the man in the suit of armor just what he could do. The tweeter went off and he could hear the ringing echoing through his ears but no true pain was felt by the man other than it being seriously disorienting. Standing up and shaking his head he slammed his hands down on the device cracking it and shutting it up as well. After that was done he reached down for the man intending to pick him up and then chuck him across the building into the door that lead to the inside of the building with all of his strength. No restraints were used this time, JohnVonJohn could lift ninety tons and this man in a suit of armor was like a baseball in comparison.

The Phantom
The Syndicate's Six
The Phantom
The Phantom
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Back from the grave(open) Empty Re: Back from the grave(open)

Post by hazard5259 March 31st 2013, 11:14 pm

Billy's knee took the hit. He only wore armor on his head and chest he hadn't excepted to be shot in the knee. He felt a lot of pain from the shot as it shattered the bone. It was not a through and through, and Billy knew that, which made it even more painful because he knew his father was going to have to dig it out tonight when he got home, if he got home. He made sure to note that his father would have to order more Kevlar soon, this was something he never wanted to experience again. As his back hit the ground he was able to look into the room and hear the conversation that was going on, even above his screams of agony.

despite the pain he still caught a glimpse of the scene in the room he was about to breach, and it looked like a worse situation then the one he was in. Billy had to think quickly he didn't have many options. He remembered he hadn't exchanged mags in the left bb gun, not that it would help much. He would need more then just what where in there to melt through the ground. Then he remembered his fathers instance of Flash Bangs in his vest. He quickly pulled two out of the vest and popped off both of their pins. One went into the room with the guy named Red, and the other went at the feet at the guy who had just shot him. He started to count down in his head from 4, waiting for the bang to go off.

Back from the grave(open) Hazardsmall

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Post by XxRedxX April 2nd 2013, 8:24 pm

"So, leave you alone and let you steal the hard earned money the people of Chicago make or die." Red called out, examining his surroundings and plotting an escape. There was no denying it, escape for a normal human being like himself was impossible, not without any outside help and by the sound of gun shots outside it would appear that Nate had his hands full enough with what ever he was dealing with. It is times like these he wished Violet were still alive or Blue hadn't disappeared, the back up would of been appreciated. Suddenly, something came flying through the door, bouncing off the ground and heading towards Red. It as one of many things, a grenade, a flash bang, or a smoke bomb. either way, the best thing to do was look away just in case. What followed was a bright flash of light, meaning it was a flash bang of sorts, and which also meant that the majority of the room would surely be blinded.

Excellent, who ever had just thrown that may have saved Connors life. His HUD was naturally resistant to flash bangs, considering how often he used them himself as well as the fact that he looked away from the capsule. Tapping the equip on his belt, smoke pellet fell beneath his feet and quickly dispersed a smoke screen for the hero as he also took hold of a throwing disc and tossed it at the main conduit protruding from the 277 VAC electrical box. Most fluorescent lights in warehouses such as that one used 277, and by throwing a disc into that conduit, cutting into it and slicing into the wires Connor created a phase to phase fault resulting in the panel sparking until the breakers to the lighting system tripped. The building went dark, and Connor switched over to night vision. One last distraction, just to make him even more invisible, was a tap on the equip and a tweeter which he dropped were he was standing, activated. As the tweeter let out it's screeching hell, Connor bolted for the nearest window, leaping threw it to the outside opposite the side in which Nathaniel was posted.

Meanwhile, outside, the tweeter Nate activated only seemed to piss the man off and disorientate him for a second. Not enough for him to escape as the man took hold of his armor platting and hoisted him above his head. With little options, and a fear of being thrown clear across Chicago, Nathaniel unclipped his armor and slide out of the cuirass behind the man. Quickly using the fist with the gauntlet attached to punch the back of the titanic mans' knee. Now he knew he couldn't hurt him with his strength alone considering the mans strength, but he knew there was a chance the grapple hook he launched would do the trick. The hook was capable of penetrating stone and steel, Nate's hopes were that this mans knee would be just as vulnerable considering it was a generally soft spot on any man, woman, or thing.

Back from the grave(open) Picnikcollage
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Back from the grave(open) Empty Re: Back from the grave(open)

Post by The Phantom April 11th 2013, 4:15 pm

The Lone Member of the Crime Syndicate standing outside of the room watched as the man dropped a grenade at his feet, he reacted as quickly as he could, picking it up and chucking it down the hallway and out of range. He covered his eyes as he turned around to face the boy in front of him and taking his arm flung it out in a backhanding motion to the child’s face. Although he may not have been the strongest human ever he could still through a punch and the damage done to the kid should be enough to at least knock him out if the backhand hit. “You little twerp, getting into business that doesn’t involve you..” He muttered off under his breath.

A false grin came upon Lucifer’s face upon hearing what Red had to say to his offer. “Exactly, you can still stop all those big bad super heroes and anyone not a part of the Crime Syndicate, but you will leave us alone.” He said before taking notice of the object flying in through the door, it was a grenade and from his knowledge of weapons a flash bang at that. “Cover your eyes! Don’t look at it!” He called out to the rest of the Crime Syndicate members in the room as he too looked away covering his eyes from the blinding light that was sure to follow the explosion of the grenade. It seemed this Red man was not the only person in the building at this time.

All that happened next went too fast for Phantom to truly catch as he opened his eyes only to see the lights bust and go out, leaving them in a pitch dark room. This of course was no problem as he put on his night vision/heat vision glasses allowing him to see everything the man was trying to do. The smoke grenade blurred the vision a tiny bit but quickly switching to heat vision with a tap on the side of the glasses he sprinted out after the man only to watch him drop the teeter and jump out of the window. Cursing his own foolishness and the man under his breath Phantom reactivated his powers and the man would soon start to forget everything about Phantom, only for his memories to be replaced by another individual, if at all.

Outside where Number One resided he grunted feeling the grappling hook hit the back of his knee and stumbled forward a little but nothing more than that phased the man. He may not be the most durable or strongest man alive but the hook did not faze him more than leaving a bruise upon impact on his skin. He turned around, slower than normal though, and swung his fist down at the man’s now unprotected head using only about half of his strength. He was not out to kill the man, no, he only was setting out to cripple and knock the man out so he could not help his ally inside the building that Lucifer resided in.

The Phantom
The Syndicate's Six
The Phantom
The Phantom
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Back from the grave(open) Empty Re: Back from the grave(open)

Post by hazard5259 April 12th 2013, 3:35 pm

'Cook it Billy.' He told himself as the man picked up the grenade and threw it. He was running out of ideas and back up was not coming for him. The room to his right flashed, sparked and then grew dark. His leg was messed up, and was unable to start healing until the round was pulled out. If Billy could get himself up he knew he would be able to hop down to his bike and get out of dodge. The grenade exploded behind the man, and Billy was unable to act fast enough, but when he saw the back hand coming he knew what he had to do. Years of martial arts training had taught Billy how to take a hit, so he didn't try to block or to dodge it. Instead he reached for the stun bb gun he had dropped when he was shot in the knee and brought it around quickly, the man was already committed he pulled the trigger three times the first right before the man connected, the second when he did, and the third after. With luck this time the man would drop from the electricity flowing though his body.

"I'm not little and I'm not a twerp. I"M AFTERMATH." Billy screamed as the rounds where let lose. Billy's head was racked by the hit and caused him to spin around but he was still conscious. He felt like he had been hit by a ton of bricks but he was still awake and conscious and that was all he needed. He figured even if the man went intangible again he could get up in the time it would take him to reform. So he reached over to the wall and pulled himself on to his good leg and then turned to look at the guy to see if he had fallen.

Back from the grave(open) Hazardsmall

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Registration date : 2013-03-01

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