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A Nightly Ride (Open)

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A Nightly Ride (Open) Empty A Nightly Ride (Open)

Post by hazard5259 Sat Mar 09, 2013 1:27 pm

It was sunset Billy came down the stairs afer his afternoon nap and shower. He came down in combat boots carcoal grey cargo pants and and a towel over his left shoulder and used his right hand filled with the towel drying his hair off. Walking down the hallway to his kitchen he pulled out a Monster broke the sseal and took one big glug, draining 1/3 of the can in the matter of a couple seconds. He walked into the garage next through the towel onto the dryer and the opened up the fuse box hitting a switch. Then reaching next to the fusr box he lifted a panel revealing a number pad and hitting a few numbers suddenly the empty wall behinde him lifted up to reveal a range of bb guns and several containers full of bb's. From the newly revealed weapons rack he pulled a black shirt and through it on, and a combat vest following that. He hated that his father made him use kevlar vests, but when they kept him from haveing another piece of lead pulled out of his body he couldn't help but thank him. He quickly loaded up the rest of his gear. A T-68 Paintball pistol, a 1911 stlyed bb' gun that was air powered and an M-4 styled bb gunthat was also air powered. He prefered thease of electric and spring powered becasue they where more accurte made less noise and simply lasted onger in a fight. After loading up on ammo and grabbing a few flash bangs Billy was loaded to bare.

Billy heard a car pull up and quickly pulled a pistol from a thy holster. He walked back into the house as the front door opened. Billy could hear keys gingling and watched as a man in uniform walked in and locked the door behinde him. When the man turned Billy lowered his pistol. "Your supposed to call when your running late." Billy told his father.

"And your supposed to shoot first and ask questions latter." HIs father quiped back, "You look like your about ready to go." His father said pulling the pistol from his belt and placing it in the drawer. "Finish getting read, I'll start booting up Ops."

"Rodg" Billy said walking back into the garage closing the door behinde him and grabbing his mask and helmet. His attire made him look like he was on the SWAT team. He just needed the propper patches on his vest. Billy walked back to the pin pad and hit another sode closing the wall up, and then walked over to the back wall and hit the button for the garage door. Finnely he pulled a bust cover off of amass revealing a black speed bike.

Over his ear piece Billy heard "Mic check," as he revved up the bike.

"Your Good Old man." Billy said, "I can hear you nice and clear." Billy revved the bike and drove into the streets of Chicago. "Let me know what the Scanners bring up, I'm heading to uptown." Billy said as he sped off into the early night,

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A Nightly Ride (Open) Empty Re: A Nightly Ride (Open)

Post by Rex Tue Mar 12, 2013 9:23 am

Hot shower water steam filled the room and fogged the mirrior. the water splashed on tile and flesh cleaning the activites of the past few days away. Rex could have sworn he gained three pounds of just dirt, grime, and grease alone. Finally clean he stepped out of the shower, walking over to the sink he wiped away the fog and grabbed his razor cleaning away the excess stuble. Toothbrush, deoderent, and mouthwash followed than the combing of the hair. Rex sighed staring into the mirror looking back at his reflection, he could have made millions doing some record challenges or wrestling but instead he chose the life of a hero. Half-shrugging the thought away he turned wrapping the towel around his waist and walked out of the bathroom.

His feet lead him to a bed in the one room motel, Rex wasn't picky about where he stayed but damnit he was going to have a bed and a shower. His clothes now clean and repaired were laid out for use. The towel having done it's work found itself in the pantry, clothes came next. A black button up skin tight shirt, a pair of black and thin white stripes dress pants, two white socks and black boots, and to top it off his black leather jacket that hid his well muscled arms and shoulders. Turning on the news he heard of gun fights, muggings, murders, and bank robeers. Rex sighed and not for the last time wondered why the news never reported anything good like a kid winning a spelling Bee or a Dog saving a kitten.

Turning off the tv, Rex walked down stairs and sat down to a meal that was offered free whenever you stayed the night. Not a bad setup really. Steak, waffles, eggs, bacon, suasage links and regular smoked suasage, bowl of rice krispies and a bowl of biscuits and sausage gravy. The entire meal was eaten and washed down with a cup of highly sugared and cream coffee and a tangy but delicious orange juice. Getting up he walked to the vending machine and got a large powerade and a bag of Cool Ranch chips. He waived to the pretty lady behind the desk who smiled and batted her eyes, chuckling he left the motel and walked over to his bike.

His hands moved lovingly over the handle bars as he sat down on his modified 2015 Harley Davidson bike, jet engine motor, aerodynamic lush leather, solid steel with snake skin band leather for the hands, the metal frame seperated into two wheels on the front the bike designed when turning one wheel rose up and the other balanced it out, the back wheel was one larger wheel that kept balance when turning on the backside. A T-Rex head on the front with two lights in it's mouth both a bright blue. The biker started it up with a loud roaring sound, popping the kickstand he gave it some gas and set his feet on the foot pedals that hooked upwards at the end. Rex headed out once more just to do his part.

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A Nightly Ride (Open) Empty Re: A Nightly Ride (Open)

Post by hazard5259 Tue Mar 12, 2013 3:17 pm

"Kid" Billy heard over his ear piece, "I just got a something comming over the police channels. There is a 211 at the bank on Butterfield and Kirk."

"I keep telling you old man. I DONT KNOW POLICE CODE!"

"Sorry, Sorry I keep forgeting, "but you should be able to put two and two together and get Robbery."

"Right Right," Billy said. 'Duh' he thought to himself. "Right I'm two blocks out." Billy revved the bike andquickly sped past the cars in front on him. Taking a tight turn going ovet the side walk and back on to the road Billy could see the bank at the end of the road. He pulled up hitting the break. He could hear the sirens going ashe stepped off his bike and quickly pulled the M-4 Carbine Modeled BB gun from his back. "Going Radio Silent. Reestablish contact when operation is complete." He said

"Rodger, Good Luck" Billy's father said and with that he shut the mic set up off and begain running towards the situation. He aimed the rifle up the stairs and into the bank. He click his flash light on and it reflected the light offf the broken glass. He started to approach the whole that was made as a wave of pressure hit him andthe sounds of explosives hit his ears. Billy couldn't see the glow of the explosives behinde the Bank, but he defently had felt it.

"Damm" Billy said, "Someone has some experince with explosives oor lack there of." The glass crunched under his feet as he entered the building. Sirens begain to approach, but where still several minutes out and he knew it, as he assumed did they. They whom ever they maybe obviously had this planned well. The main lobby had been shut down for some time so was empty. Billy kept moving quitely and quickly tring to figure out where the Vault was loacted.

A Nightly Ride (Open) Hazardsmall

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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 47
Registration date : 2013-03-01

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A Nightly Ride (Open) Empty Re: A Nightly Ride (Open)

Post by Rex Tue Mar 12, 2013 7:06 pm

Rex came upon the robbery more by accident than anything else, guy just cruising along looking for trouble all he did was follow the sirens and the smell of testostarone it was much simpler than most think.His bike parked behind the line of lookatmeiamimportant cops and of course the S.W.A.T. team of emotionally troubled men looking for a excuse to shoot someone and their captain arguing with a member of the mayors office who "Wanted this wrapped up cleanly and quick" not realizing that bank robbers were not going to come along cleanly and quick. Guns, humans, authority, and civilians. Yep this wasn't going to turn bad quick.

Sighing Rex stepped off his bike and kicked down the kickstand since that's what its job was...a kickstand. Rex took off his leather jacket and laid it on his handlebars, turning he walked towards the bank and past the line. Cops stared at him than one grabbed his arm well almost since the mans hand couldn't even fully go around the hard muscle flesh. He opened his mouth to speak than stopped as he stared into the cold eyes of the man infront of him. Rex lifted the mans hand away like a father moving a childs hand from a stove and continued his walk. Soon he was confronted by both the captain and the mayors aid whom to Rex both looked like preened up Peacocks. Rex ignored them and just pushed through the captain in outrage drew his gun and pointed it at the big man. Rex turned and grabbed the mans gun crushing the barrel into scrap.

The captain stared at his gun than looked at the man who just kept walking towards the bank. Rex didn't much care for the tactics and strategy in a situation like this, it was simple. Kill a hostage he ripped a limb off, hurt a hostage he broke your bones, threaten him with a hostages life well he would grind the bones in your hand to little bitty pieces. His fist balled and slammed into the wall and like that he was inside. The room was empty so instead he headed towards the vault.

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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 265
Registration date : 2010-12-05

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A Nightly Ride (Open) Empty Re: A Nightly Ride (Open)

Post by hazard5259 Tue Mar 12, 2013 8:22 pm

As he moved down the final flight of stairs taking the one to the right, he listened closely and heard voices coming from what he thought was the vault. The language was not one he was familiar with, but he assumed was Russian. "Great. That makes things more fun." Billy thought, "I'm not going to be surprised if I see AK's now." Billy could feel the new Assault rifle Wounds in his chest now. He prepared to round the corner taking a deep breath, then.

Rounding the corner Billy raised the M-4 like rifle and dropped three round bursts into the closest target which was course had an AK-47 in his hands. Billy took a moment to taken in the scene. One more target on the other side of the hallway. Tile walkway, tight corridor and no vault door. Just another T-Intersection. Returning to the reality of the moment Billy moved his rifle to the last target and put another burst into him. He heard two bodies hit the ground. He quickly slung his rifle, and ran to the bodies binding their hands and feet with plastic Quick tie cuffs, courtesy of his father, and then patting them down quickly removing their Ak's, side arms, and pocket knives. He then tossed them in the corner.

A Nightly Ride (Open) Hazardsmall

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Number of posts : 47
Registration date : 2013-03-01

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A Nightly Ride (Open) Empty Re: A Nightly Ride (Open)

Post by Rex Tue Mar 12, 2013 8:42 pm

Rex walked through the bank looking around, it was professionaly done alright whoever these people were they were pro. Moving through the bank he saw that it had all been done elegentaly enough since there was no bullet holes around the walls meant these men were already inside when they held it up. A single body lay sprawled on the floor taken out exectuion style. The obvious way to make others behave was an example and here one was lying on the floor. Not the manager for he would be needed but obviously someone who worked here. Middle aged probably just a rep.

Walking down towards the vault he heard the sound of...was that a air rifle? Shaking away the thought as something he must have just imagined he found himself walking into a scene. Two men down tied up and another standing over them. Rex folded his arms and cleared his throat loudly to get the mans attention. Looking around he saw the hallway and the T shapped ending that lead between the vault and the lock boxes. His attention turned to the man and waited a explanation. Either he was with them or trying to stop them though if he was it would be a bit more boring.

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Number of posts : 265
Registration date : 2010-12-05

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A Nightly Ride (Open) Empty Re: A Nightly Ride (Open)

Post by hazard5259 Tue Mar 12, 2013 9:01 pm

'Impossible' Billy thought 'I cleared the up floor.' His eyes widened at the noise he quickly turned around towards the noise and pulled the pistol from his thy holster. Which one did he grab he thought, not looking at but feeling it. His Tiberarus, not intimidating, but still effective. The man was unarmed but rather large, he towered over Billy, but that still didn't effect him. "Where the hell did you come from?"

He didn't look like he belonged with the group that was hitting the bank,epecially since he wasn't armed so he wasn't to concearned about him. "Look just get out of here" Billy said, "you obviously aren't with thease guys, so it will be safer if you just keft now." Billy listened behinde him encaswe the group started comming to the front. Then something clicked in his head. Thease guys where takinthg to long. Up until now they had this planned right. So wouldn't they have been gone by now.

"Shoot", Billy thought, "I don't have time for this." That means either they have either an alternate exit or a diffrent goal then just Robbing a bank.

"Get out of here I have a job to do." Billy said. Keeping the gun pointed at him not sure if he was friend or foe.

A Nightly Ride (Open) Hazardsmall

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 47
Registration date : 2013-03-01

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A Nightly Ride (Open) Empty Re: A Nightly Ride (Open)

Post by Rex Tue Mar 12, 2013 9:17 pm

Rex stared at the gun and smiled before turning and walking down the hallway towards the silence at the other end, the man behind him with the gun would find a very painful ass kicking if he fired that puny little gun at him. Rex shrugged and stepped into the area between the T just as a rain of bullets fired and slammed into the large man who simply turned and looked at the man with the MK-14 who stared gaping as his bullets richoceted off and even fell to the ground. Rushing forward Rex grabbed the man and slammed him full body into the side of the wall.

Stepping past the man into the vault he saw a huge hole dug in and all the money already gone, turning around he walked the other way and stopped at the locked boxes which amazing were untouched and that made no sense at all. The people were even gone which made Rex wnder even more. Walking over he kneeled down and looked down into the hole. There was a old tunnel going through which actually made the big man laugh. "Now that is what I call straight up clever." turning around he wondered if the man had joined him.

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Number of posts : 265
Registration date : 2010-12-05

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A Nightly Ride (Open) Empty Re: A Nightly Ride (Open)

Post by hazard5259 Tue Mar 12, 2013 9:49 pm

"What the hell are you doing?" Billy screamed, "are you crazy?" Billy said running after him. Thats when the bullets hit. A stray one riochetted off and hit Billy in the arm. A flesh wound. Nothing he couldn't handle. Billy watched as the man went around the corner. WhenBilly rounded it himself he was to late the man had been tslammed against the wall, and the money was gone. Billy flipped on his Mic set. "Aftermath to Ops the thieves are gone. Exited throught a whole in the ground which leads to a tunnel below. Continue to prosue, let the LEO's know the buildins clear." Billy then turned off the mic set up and looked to the man who was with him.

"Your lucky I didn't shoot you." Billy said, pulling cuffs from his vest and tieing the man up who had been slammed against the wall. "I know that threat might not seem like much of one to a guy who bullets just bounce off of, but know mine will drop you either way."

Billy looked down the hole. "Damm this is going to suck." He thought. He had left his rope at home so he was going to have to jump down himself. He looked around trying to figure out how they got down and then saw the ropelines that where secured. He quickly grab one making a few quick knots and tied it to himself. Wasn't the best realing set up but it would have to do.

A Nightly Ride (Open) Hazardsmall

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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 47
Registration date : 2013-03-01

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A Nightly Ride (Open) Empty Re: A Nightly Ride (Open)

Post by Rex Wed Mar 13, 2013 12:10 pm

Rex looked at the kid and actually laughed and winked. "Try it little man and you and your guns will be crumpled together." With that he walked to the edge of the hole and ignoring the rope simply stepped off and dropped to land on the concrete like he was stepping down stairs. Looking ahead he saw lights on the wall the industrial mining type meaning these people had some background in holes and deep caves. Spulunkers or miners but couldn't be sure. Rex followed down the tunnel making sure to keep his steps quiet. He didn't bother staying low man made weapons and even some super man made weapons didn't effect him.

The tunnel continued on but two quarters of the way down he found another hole and by the ladders it was still being used. Bending his knees he leaped up into the store now finding himself in a jewelry store. Five men moved through the rows shattering glass. With the bank robbery...of course all the electricity on the block would have been shut off and since this was a closed day the jewels were left wide open. The vault held the real treasure and these men had all the time in the world before the teams infilitrated the bank. Rex leaned down considering the best way to take them out, an all out frontal attack sounded more fun but he didn't expect the kid not to follow him up and he wasn't bullet proof.

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A Nightly Ride (Open) Empty Re: A Nightly Ride (Open)

Post by hazard5259 Wed Mar 13, 2013 12:50 pm

"Dont tempt me." Billy said to the guy as he jumped into the whole, Billy himself starting his repel down. Billy's boots hit the ground as Rex was about half way down the tunnel. He pulled the M-4 from his back and pointed it down the hall. This guy had no tactical awareness. "Then again when your bullet proof i suppose you need none," Billy thought to himself. as Billy aproached the ladders he watched 'the Big guy' leap up into the building above. 'No plan no care just head first and hope for the best.' Billy thought, "This guys nuts, but he can afford to be."

Billy re slung his rifel and quickly assended the ladder and founf Rex knealing down. 'Now he wants to think,' Billy said to himself. Billy took a moment to take in the scene, 5 targets, jewerly store, probably a blaock maybe two away from the bank. "Thease guys are good I'll give them that." Billy thought. He shouldered his rifle. "Alright Mr. Invulnerable" Billy said with an almost sarcastic tone, "heres the plan. You stand up and act as a walking Riot sheild. I'll stand behinde you and shoot the targets. Any objections?"

A Nightly Ride (Open) Hazardsmall

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Number of posts : 47
Registration date : 2013-03-01

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A Nightly Ride (Open) Empty Re: A Nightly Ride (Open)

Post by Rex Thu Mar 14, 2013 8:26 am

Rex looked at the kid and gave a playful smile, looking at the five men he couldn't help but admire the plan. A bank and a jewelry story on the same day with the cops just standing outside eating doughnuts and drinking coffee. If they weren't willing to shoot at him he would shake their hands right before he grounded them with a elbow but it was still a masterful plan. Turning his eyes back to Billy, he sat down laying his head against the lower wall and yawned. He hadn't slept much lately and he was starting to get bored with these bad guys. He handled super powered villians and monsters, psycopaths and planet destroyers. Now here he was with some kid playing Billy the Kid.

He ignored the jibe about a riot shield though the thought of using the kid like a human cannonball to floor the two closest was a tempting idea. Rex placed two of his fingers near his eyes than did a location chop of his hand, pointing at himself he moved his arm in a curve stating he would go around towards them and for Billy to go the other way for a pincer movement. Without waiting for Billy to respond, he moved quickly and stayed low. It was more to let the kid take out as many as he could for rex this was like him stomping the school bully with a fact he did that when he was a kid once. Shaking away the memories he readied himself for some well very quick fun.

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A Nightly Ride (Open) Empty Re: A Nightly Ride (Open)

Post by hazard5259 Thu Mar 14, 2013 9:25 pm

Billy understood hand signals, but didn't realize this man did. He couldn't belive it. This guys had gone from no tactical awareness to that of a spec ops operater. "Who the hell is this guy?" Billy asked himself. BIlly swapped mags. Even with the high capacity mags he thought it best to have a full one for this. Billy himself silently walked into postion as he locked the new mag into postion. Billy turned his eyes to the Big guy and waited for him to get inot postion. When he seemed ready Billy put three fingers up and dropped one downthen the second and then the third, bring his fist down as he did, and brougth it back to the front of his rifle and stood up.

Five targets stood in front of him. Two looking right at him pulling weapons up as they saw him, the others still smashing glass. Billy heard something in foreign language again. "God I need a gadget guy." Billy though again, "I need a translater, thermal lenses." Billy stopped himself in mid though. "Focus task at hand." His father voise attacked him from inside his own mind. Billy's first shots his center of mass. Solid hits but no effect. the vest he was wearing must have been none conductive so he raised the gun and let another burst hit him square in the face. Dangerous, but effective, and since Billy was a good shot all for the throat. the next target had brought his gun up in time. Billy took two to the chest. Both hit hard but didn't puncture, the third which really had hit first hit him in the thy. Nothing Billy couldn't handle. The pain was bad, but billy had been shot to many times to let that stop him. Billy fired again nowing where to hit this time and fire true. Another stunned body hit the floor. Three left.

A Nightly Ride (Open) Hazardsmall

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Number of posts : 47
Registration date : 2013-03-01

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A Nightly Ride (Open) Empty Re: A Nightly Ride (Open)

Post by Rex Thu Mar 14, 2013 10:35 pm

Rex leaped the first case his feet slamming into one of the mens chest and sending him rolling on the ground, a loud snap sounded upon contact; two low ribs breaking even through the vest. Landing one swung a gun to face him only for Rex to grab the barrel and bend it into a U, a swift elbow to the lower jaw sent the robber sprawling. Looking at the last guy who yelled and fired his Uzi from the hip point blank to rex's chest. Rex stood still letting the bullets slam into his body and just bounce off, with a forward motion he did a superman punch into the bridge of the man's nose, upon contact he grabbed him and drove his knee once into the crooks gut and let him go.

The man crumpled to the floor next to his buddies, looking around at the broken glass from the richochated bullets he simply shrugged. Insurance would pay for broken glass alot faster than millions in jewels so they would be relieved or should be relieved enough to pay this without a problem. Turning to the kid he saw the wounds and smirked. "Hero work is dangerous kiddo; you sure your in the right line of work?" Reaching down he began to pull the robbers onto his shoulders like a kid picking up a kitten. Having them all up he put them in a sitting position and placed their hands together. "Kid you got some rope? If you don't I'll have to put them in a coma for a couple of weeks." He looked at the kid his face still blank even now there was zero emotion or any sign of humanity. He could have just as easily killed these men as he could have bought a slushie from seven eleven.

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A Nightly Ride (Open) Empty Re: A Nightly Ride (Open)

Post by hazard5259 Thu Mar 14, 2013 11:26 pm

"No rope, but riot cuff should do the same trick. Billy said tossing him a few sets and taking a few himself. the blood dripping from While the majority of Billy's face was cover, his eyes could show the pain he held. "First It's not Kidd. The papers and the news get it wrong, it is not Kidd BB" Billy almost sounded adjitated by the kidd comments, "it's Aftermath." Billy zipped the riot cuff tight around the two he dropped. He then pulled from a pocket a bandage wrap and quickly tied off the wound before he lost more blood. "and for the record this wound will be closed up before I wake up in the morning, and I'll be back to normal before I ride tommorow."

Billy looked around, something was still off, something was missing. "This isn't it. Theres something we are missing." Billy couldn't place his thumb on it. Billy looked down at his vest and pulled a bullet from his vest, and dropped it on the ground. He popped on his radio transmitter "Aftermath to Opps. Hostiles neturilized info the LEOS they are restained at the end of the tunnel beneath the bank in a jewerly store 1 to 2 blocks away."

'Rodger that kidd, you comming home or staying out." Billy's father asked him.

"Dunno something abouth this doesn't sit right with me." Billy told him.

"Any wounded" Hos father asked, "just my self a through and through in the leg, and some here who where knocked out by a guy who happened to be in the area. Super strength, possible concusions. I would suggest full examinations on them. Logging off for now."

Billy hit the nob and shut the transmitter off.

A Nightly Ride (Open) Hazardsmall

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