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Collision Course [Open] Empty Collision Course [Open]

Post by Kennyrules March 12th 2013, 2:02 pm

Well, it had been a long night. Victor was making his way home from the library, where he usually stayed much later than he should studying more arcana and rehearsing... well, his special talents. The wheelchair made the trip slow going, which was another reason Victor liked waiting until it was later. Less people to look and stare as he passed by. Unfortunately, his arms were still underdeveloped as well, and they got tired, so he had to take frequent breaks.

Earlier that day, Victor had been forced to take the snotty slobbering students with minds full of mush on a tour of the schools library. And it was an extravagant library indeed. Except that none of the students even knew what books were for. Victor would be surprised if he even saw more than a tenth of them again, and even moreso if any of them showed a significant interest in literature.

There were sirens off in the distance, as there usually were each night in town, and Victor just tuned them out. Except this time. Something was different this time. They were getting closer. Out of mere curiosity, Victor waited. He wanted to see just what was going on, and it sounded like the sirens were coming right down towards him. It was just over the hill, from the sound of it...

And then the getaway car peaked the hill.

Spiraling out of control thanks to a turn taken too sharply, the car was rocketing down the hill and showing no signs of stopping. Or even slowing down. In fact, so far as Victor could tell in the few moments he had to appraise the situation, the car was in fact going much faster. Gravity and a downward incline and what not. Unfortunately, Victor was at the bottom of the hill, stuck in his wheelchair, just at the corner. And with that car rocketing out of control, Victor didn't have a lot of time to react to the situation.

"Well shit."

The car hit the wall, and started screeching down the sidewalk in a beeline to Victor. Victor reacted slowly, reaching out to wires in the surrounding area, but the amount it would take to stop the car was too many, and there just wasn't quite enough time. Police lights flickered in the background as the car rocketed ever closer to where Victor was, as Victor watched on helplessly, wondering if he'd survive a car crash or if he'd die right here...

Collision Course [Open] MechaSonicSig
Victor Ryuu's Items

Telepathically Speaking

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Number of posts : 50
Registration date : 2013-03-09

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Collision Course [Open] Empty Re: Collision Course [Open]

Post by Rex March 12th 2013, 9:58 pm

A large man walked the city streets at night hands in pocket as he breathed the air and smelled the familiarity between a city and New York. The smog, the smoke, the world itself all was the same. Rex liked it at night for not only did it bring out the dumb riffraff who thought to be tough it also brought quiet and calm. The sounds of the world rolled around him from cars to dogs. The city lights glowed above blocking out the stars and casting the world into a humanity made darkness. Sighing the warrior continued along his journey. The day hadn't been very exciting he had knocked out a purse snatcher, clotheslined a shop lifter and helped a kid steal a bag of groceries for his family by "Accidently" Tripping the store manager.

The night was coming closer to the end already it was late and not much had been done by the criminals of the night, he began to wonder if there was any crime at night anymore. Shrugging he turned onto 7th street and continued his walk down the sidewalk. His eyes roamed all over as he looked for anything to interfere with anything at all to make this not a total waste of time. He was rewarded with the sound of sirens and they were coming his way fast. Running towards the noise he turned onto another street than another and came upon a scene. A speeding car on the sidewalk, a crippled man in a wheelchair, cop car behind. In a way it looked a little like Bo and Duke kinda moment minus the crippled man about to be roadkill.

Rex bent his legs and leaped across the street using his powerful leg muscles to clear the distance. Upon landing he turned as the car collided with his upraised foot like he was placing it on a car to impress a girl. The car hood made a crunching sound as metal collided with a unmovable object and gave way. The engine inside was crushed into a pancake and the glass of the car shattered, both men were thrown forward and caught in the big mans arms. He held them like a baseball player holding the ball of the championship game at the last out on the 9th inning. Clocking their heads together the two men went to dream land. Rex turned around looking at the man in the chair. "Need help crossing the street?"

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Post by Kennyrules March 13th 2013, 12:34 pm

Victor just watched in silence as his life was about to end... and then as his life was promptly saved by someone who very clearly resembled superman, without the dramatic flying. There were plenty of superpowers out there. The news was abuzz with it, what with New York's complete destruction at the hand of these superpowered individuals. Victor himself had a superpower, but that was something he tended to keep to himself. Now he found himself face to face with someone with a super power of a much different type.

Well this could be... fun. I wonder how he'll handle a super-cripple. Let's see.

Victor ripped one of the wires out of the engine in the car he had just stopped, and slide it up along the super's leg, activating one of his most basic spells in the same moment. Now Victor could communicate telepathically through any wire he was manipulating. So unless this super went crazy reaching up his pants leg to remove the wire wrapped around his ankle, Victor could communicate with him without using words... and this super could do the same.

"Yes, actually. That would be nice. Since you've already stopped the car with your leg and apprehended the bad guys."

"My name is Victor. And while my ability isn't quite as powerful as yours, it still has its uses. And I believe I owe you a favor for stopping the car."

Out loud, to the police, it would merely sound as though Victor was taking the super up on his offer. But Rex would hear Victor's voice in his head, clear as day. As for Victor, he wasn't quite sure how this new guy would react. He was probably the typical hero type, with how he acted with the dramatic save and cheesy "help across the street" line afterwards. Victor needed some powerful friends in this day and age. He had kept his powers on the down low so far, but it was getting dangerous, and it was only so long that Victor could hide his identity...

Collision Course [Open] MechaSonicSig
Victor Ryuu's Items

Telepathically Speaking

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Registration date : 2013-03-09

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Collision Course [Open] Empty Re: Collision Course [Open]

Post by Skyscraper March 13th 2013, 7:58 pm

Skyscraper was flying down the streets of Chicago. He despised this city. Just staring down at him pissed him off. Perhaps it was his growing up in Saint Louis, Missouri. Home of the Saint Louis Cardinals, rivals of the Chicago Cubs. However, his anger toward the city was much more then that. It was a mixture of the people, the climate, and the overall aura of the city. He just didn't feel right there.

He would pause and stare down at the city and took a deep breath. "It'd be a shame, if someone were to cause a disturbance here in the city wouldn't it?" He mumbled under his breath. He smirked and just looked at the streets below. He clearly could see crime. Drug dealing in the alleys, people being mugged, various other altercations. It made him sick that the humans would just tear each other apart.

"Pitiful creatures." He mumbled as he pointed his hand down toward the streets. "Let's give you a little preview of what I got." He mumbled and he began to fire a beam of energy down at the streets below. He would increase of electricity, tearing through the ground from the violent currents as he began to laugh. "Watch and admire my abilities human, and simply look in desire as you witness my power."

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Registration date : 2013-02-28

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Collision Course [Open] Empty Re: Collision Course [Open]

Post by Rex March 14th 2013, 11:09 am

Rex stared dwn at the wire around his leg than looked at the man in the chair, his expression was blank as his hand opened and closed figuring it be easier to disable the mans power with a left jab instead of a right hook. Left jab KO right hook no head gotcha. The wire around his leg he thought was seriously invading his personal space and going into someones head without permission just wasn't right. Reaching down he grabbed the wire and ripped it away from his leg dropping it. "You want to talk than spit it out of your mouth, use that power on me again and I'll use you like a punting dummy. As for crossing the street it was a joke, cops are over there if you want a public servant they are bound by law to help you." Kicking away the car which rolled a few feet back Rex continued his walk.

The sound of screams and explosions drew his attention and now the fun was beginning. Running towards the screams he wasn't very fast his power was physical not speed. Bending his legs he used his strength to push off the ground and leap through the air. The wind flew by as his one jump sent him blocks towards the screams. Landing he found smoke and death, looking around Rex didn't see the person who had done it but whoever it was used some kind of energy. He hoped it wasn't lightning again he already dealt with lightning for a lifetime. "WHO IS OUT THERE? SHOW YOURSELF!*

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Registration date : 2010-12-05

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Collision Course [Open] Empty Re: Collision Course [Open]

Post by Kennyrules March 14th 2013, 6:50 pm

The man did not take that very well. Victor just shrugged - it was a nice thought. This fellow didn't seem very amiable, and Victor didn't have much patience for imbeciles. Still, the man saved his life. So Victor owed him a favor. As he sped off towards the destruction, a small wire eyeball hovered along with him, unseen and keeping to the shadows. If Victor could help, he would. Otherwise, he'd let the man handle it himself.

While his eyeball watched from a distance as Rex screamed for the unseen assailant to come, Victor slowly wheeled himself back to the police, and calmly asked if they would help him across the street. Unfortunately, they were a bit preoccupied with the latest bout of chaos and destruction.

PIty. Victor's arms were still very tired.

Collision Course [Open] MechaSonicSig
Victor Ryuu's Items

Telepathically Speaking

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 50
Registration date : 2013-03-09

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Collision Course [Open] Empty Re: Collision Course [Open]

Post by Skyscraper March 14th 2013, 8:55 pm

Skyscraper was beginning descending and he heard someone yelling, telling him to show himself. "I'm not hiding!" He shouted in reply as he looked and saw someone standing down there. He avoided as many humans as possible, and the most damage he would due is slightly stun someone due to some discharge. He was considered a villain, and hated the humans but he would never murder one for no reason. He wasn't insane.

"I think it's my careless upbringing that causes me to cause so much destruction. Perhaps, I should cut it out?" He said, as he rose his hand and created a sword made of electricity and twirled it in his hand. He looked straight at the one who told him to reveal himself.

'Who are you? You don't look too impressive." He said as he put his other hand out and created a second blade of electricity. He smiled and slashed both blades forward and got into a stance. "Show me something kid." He yelled at the one below as he awaited some type of reply.

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Number of posts : 42
Registration date : 2013-02-28

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Collision Course [Open] Empty Re: Collision Course [Open]

Post by Rex March 17th 2013, 7:32 pm

Rex watched the flying young man come closer, in his hand a sword of lightning was created. Rex sighed having gotten electrocuted enough to last a lifetime but gave a simple shrug for it was what it was. He smirked stepping into a wushu stance as the man with the blade twirled it. Rex had been considering sometype of weapon maybe a warhammer or a claymore but killing others wasn't part of his agenda. "I hope your ready twerp." His eyes filled with the lust of battle as he worked different strategies and scenarios for the upcoming fight. His opponent could fly, fire beams of energy and apprently create constructs. Rex knew this was going to be a very fun battle.

The city blocks had been emptying since the attack and now they were clear. Cars, trucks, vans, buildings, and all sort of city scenes. Now the area was clear Rex could really have a go, unlike others who cared for collaterial damage he himself reasoned that that was what insurance was for. By now they must have hero/villian attacks and battle insurance. If not well someone should offer that in this day and age.

Walking closer to the man he grabbed a stop sign and ripped it up and tore off the stop sign part, grabbing the tip he twisted it into a sharpened point to even the odds of weapon on weapon. Rolling his shoulders the warrior stepped into a spear stance. "You ready?" His voice was deep baritone with a strong confidence underline.

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Posting Apprentice

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Registration date : 2010-12-05

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Collision Course [Open] Empty Re: Collision Course [Open]

Post by Kennyrules March 19th 2013, 8:33 am

Victor just kept wheeling himself home. That was easy enough - his apartment was in the other direction. But his wire eye just kept watching... and when the fight was about to break out, Victor had a change of heart. He found a safe little diner where he could sit without interruption. And once there, he focused more of his stamina on the wires around the combat area. He moved them slowly, a little at a time, with some coming from buildings and computers and all manner of sources. It would not be long before these little wires were enough to create a wire construct.

As they slithered along the edge of brick houses and gravel streets, invisible in the evening to all but those actively looking for them, they would start to gather in a nearby alleyway. It would only take a few moments, and they would group together into a gigantic wire "man". The wire man was just a bunch of wires fitted together to take a humanoid shape, with the eye moving to where the eyeballs would normally be. Now Victor had a wire suit to fight with... and interfere with.

But not yet. Victor watched in silence as the two faced off. He could not hear what they were saying, but their actions spoke loudly enough. The assailant had created a sword of lightning, while his savior had ripped a street sign out of the ground to use as an impromptu bludgeoning device. Superpowers made things so complicated in Chicago.

The wire man would just wait. Maybe he'd be discovered. Maybe he'd find a good opportunity to interfere with the fight in some mischievous way. Regardless, Victor was having a bit of fun now...

Collision Course [Open] MechaSonicSig
Victor Ryuu's Items

Telepathically Speaking

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 50
Registration date : 2013-03-09

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Collision Course [Open] Empty Re: Collision Course [Open]

Post by Skyscraper March 19th 2013, 3:10 pm

"Twerp? I hope you know who you are talking to like that child." He got into a stance of his own with the blade. Skyscraper was trained in martial arts as well. He would be able to hold his own in a physical fight It was something about this guy Skyscraper didn't quite like. He wanted to just wipe the floor with him and be done with it. However, he wanted to hurt this guy's immense pride. He wanted to make him feel obsolete.

"Alright, show some of that enthusiasm in this fight. Let's go!" He shouted as with the hand without the sword of lightning, rose up and pointed straight at the one who was holding the stop sign. "It's no use your about to get fried. I'll spare you. Maybe." He said to his target as he began to fire a rapid amount of electric blasts straight at his target. He didn't know if he could doge easy but he didn't put much effort into it just yet.

"Show me that power!"

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Registration date : 2013-02-28

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Collision Course [Open] Empty Re: Collision Course [Open]

Post by Rex March 20th 2013, 2:36 am

Rex side stepped the incoming attacks but instead of going backwards each step carred him forward until he was much closer. Once the blasts ceased rex hefted his make shift javelin and using his strength and skills he hurled it at his opponent. The pole lightweight as it was backed by the immense strength of the bruiser rushed through the air at over 694mph with the little space of seventeen feet between them. Trajectory was left leg top where muscles moved the leg allowing flexibility and weight balance to stand. The speed and suddeness of the attack would make dodging extremely hard since the weapon looked to be a bludgon instead of a projectile made it a surprise attack.

Backed by the fact he didn't throw it overhand to reveal what he did but simply flicked his wrist putting his strength behind that one motion, now a unexpected club-now-projectile was soaring at his oppononet. Rex cracked his knuckles readying himself for what came next. A thought went back to that wire dude wondering if he got home ok but it wasn't his job to wheel people home. Saved cripple guy from car: check. Rex grew tired of the macho mumbo jumbo now it was just the fight.

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Collision Course [Open] Empty Re: Collision Course [Open]

Post by Kennyrules March 20th 2013, 7:28 am

Victor kept on watching the fight. It was off to a start finally, with the behemoth fellow that saved him launching the first attack. Of course, the fight was still silent, as the wires had no ears, but Victor could see what was going on just fine. He would continue to watch in silence as things unfolded.

Meanwhile, Victor was wheeling his wheelchair on home, but got stuck on an uphill incline. This caused Victor to swear repeatedly as he made his way slowly but surely up the incline. It was hard, after all. And Victor was, for all his many talents, still a scrawny weakling. He huffed and puffed and finally made it up the hill. By the time he was able to stop madly pushing away at the wheels of his wheelchair, Victor didn't have any breath left in him.

So there he was, at the top of the hill, panting and gasping for air, and trying very hard to keep himself from rolling backwards down the hill, when he saw it. It was right there, just off the side of the road. A small puppy, wandering home just off the side of the road. How adorable. For a moment, Victor considered scooping up the puppy and taking it home with him, but then he remembered that he was in a combat thread now, and needed to stop making irrelevant posts.

Focusing back again on the fight, he waited for an opportunity. He figured it would come very soon...

Collision Course [Open] MechaSonicSig
Victor Ryuu's Items

Telepathically Speaking

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 50
Registration date : 2013-03-09

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Collision Course [Open] Empty Re: Collision Course [Open]

Post by Skyscraper March 20th 2013, 10:03 am

Skyscraper smiled as he saw his opponent approach with each blast of lightning he fired. As he fired his last one, he would turn into a lightning bolt himself and start flying himself downward to the ground before the make shift javelin was thrown.

He wouldn't be too far from his opponent, and as he hit the ground he would then expel a large field of electricity outward toward the one who had tossed the javelin straight at him. The field would expel outward at least twenty meters and would be used as a concussive force to send him flying and electrocute him if it made contact with him.

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Number of posts : 42
Registration date : 2013-02-28

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Collision Course [Open] Empty Re: Collision Course [Open]

Post by Rex March 20th 2013, 11:05 am

As the man slammed into the ground forming his own electrical field that was spread out, Rex retaliated by slamming his hands together to create a Shockwave the same size and power which slammed into the wave causing the two opposing forces to cancel each other out. Rex smirked tilting his head before popping his knuckles. Walking towards his opponent he was eager for the next attack. "Come on twerp, you don't have what it takes punk I'm tougher than you." A old line he remembered from his mentor who vanished off the face of the earth. It still hurt a bit he would never see Pain again but damn the suns if he was going to let the mans legacy die.

His hand hit the ground at a angle as he closed the distance now only ten feet away, upon impact the ground spiked forward literally as dozens of long earthly spikes were pulled up from the ground at an angle. The impact and shockwave in a certain way caused the ground to react by pushing up stone at a angle instead of straight up or rolling since it was a heavier impact. The Spikes spread out ten meters and were rushing forward at a hundred and fifty mph, the spikes were between ten inches and five feet. They didn't move but the shockwave under the ground continued pushing up more in the field making it seem like they were coming faster.

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Collision Course [Open] Empty Re: Collision Course [Open]

Post by Kennyrules March 20th 2013, 12:01 pm

And now it was time for the wire man to interfere. Both combatants were on the ground, and both were sending out shockwaves. Luckily, shockwaves did little to slow down a man made entirely of wire, and the wireframe figure simply rode out the wave and stayed put, scattering and then subsequently reforming as through nothing had happened. Electricity did not harm wires, nor did shockwaves from a strike to the ground. Victor's animated wire man was immune to a great deal of their attacks, it would seem.

But what to do? This wasn't Victor's fight. How was he supposed to help? The electric man was clearly the villain here, but how to deal with him? The big man with the big muscles was doing a good enough job keeping up, of course. There was still a chance he'd fail or get trapped. Victor wondered for a moment what to do. And then it hit him. It was time for a free for all.

The wire man entered the fray, but he was not about to give up his element of surprise. The Wire Eye detached from the body, and floated off into a nearby building, where it could be easily concealed and could still keep a bird's eye view on the battle. With Wire Saw activated, the wire man burrowed under the now-shattered gravel into the clay and dirt underneath. And when he was under the two fighters, he would poke a few wires up.

With an easy gauge on where the other two fighters were, the wire man would slowly burrow around until it was under one of them - preferably the electricity using villain - and spring up, snaring the legs first and then wrapping up the rest of them. The Wire Saw would be controlled in such a way as not to harm the captive.

Collision Course [Open] MechaSonicSig
Victor Ryuu's Items

Telepathically Speaking

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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 50
Registration date : 2013-03-09

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