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I Don't Think About You Anymore But, I Don't Think About You Anyless (Closed to Inky)

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I Don't Think About You Anymore But, I Don't Think About You Anyless (Closed to Inky) Empty I Don't Think About You Anymore But, I Don't Think About You Anyless (Closed to Inky)

Post by Chellizard November 5th 2012, 9:02 am

"Anna, darling.. please sit with Cilian.. I have work to do. I am a phone call away. I want updates on the hour, every hour. Be safe, my love." was uttered passed Chelle's lips before the woman, in a ripped dress and speckled with blood slipped out of the room. All that was left was the soft beeping of monitors, and a petite set of hands clasping around of the hand of one Cilian Blanc, Prince of Thrones. The petite hands belonged to Miss Anna Daniels, trusted life time servant and best friend to Queen Chelle. She was smaller in frame, despite her lovely hips, wonderfully pronounced bosom, pouty lips, and bedroom eyes. Her soft white hair was curling gently around of her face. There was a bit of blood staining her clothes, her skin, her hair. Her fox ears and tail were twitching with anticipation for The Prince to wake up. A soft whining coo passed her lips while her grip tightened, but not too much. She watched him breathe, every rise and fall of his chest peaking her interest. Her eyes, bright green and filled with soft passion for this man, became wet and glossy. Soft, subtle tears started streaming down her face. A gentle sob racked her small frame, her head leaning down to press her forehead into her wrists, her grip staying laced into Cilian's. He had made sure she was safe. Despite Chelle being there, Cilian was the reason she was alive.


I was terrified, and I had no idea what to do. I was panicking, frantically glancing around while I stumbled toward the fire escape, away from my Queen and the Prince. We were on a rooftop, and my arm was feeling a bit better, despite the hole in my shoulder. I had stopped losing blood, and my regeneration was finally taking over. I screamed, my voice shrill while my heart leaped up into my throat. "!" I fell down and curled up, my tail tucking along the back of my leg. I was so afraid. The sound of a knife cutting the wind was heard, and then everything settled for a moment. My ears perked up, and my heart skipped a beat when Chelle ordered the Prince to carry me off. "Get Anna, and get her to safety.. come to my aid once you've gotten her somewhere that isn't in the heat of battle!" was growled passed Chelle's lips. I admired that woman so much, and she has been so good to me. I am called her servant, but I know I am more than that. She is like a mother to me, and I love her dearly. When Cilian's arms circle around of me bridal style, I am in a fit of blushing madness and I try to hide it with my hair. I'm surprised he can fly, and his method is very interesting. I keep my attention on breathing and when my feet hit the pavement, I don't know what to say. He takes my hand, it shaking with anxiety, and gently kisses it. I feel my heart unlock from a cage it had been in for some time. Men had been my enemy, but this man... He was something else. "Stay safe, mon cherie.. I promise, I will return." he said to me. My heart started to beat heavily, and he kissed my hand one more time before flitting away into the night.

I waited for him.

He returned.


And now, Anna sits, her thoughts stirring gently while she wept. Her tears were softly seeping into the blankets that kept Cilian warm, and her grip was finally answered when his hand tightened around of her's. She sat up and used her shoulder to wipe her cheek off on. She looked at him with wide, hopeful eyes, the tears halting while a soft whine passed her lips. "My Prince..?" she murmured, cooing sweetly while one of her hands slipped to caress his face. His tattoos were alive and gently dancing around of his body. His breathing was becoming lighter, a bit quicker. He was waking up. She composed herself and stood up from her perch on the edge of the bed, her hands grasping for her phone to send a text to Chelle. She had to inform her Queen that the Prince would be all right, and that he would be alive and well to live another day.

-My DeviantArt-
I Don't Think About You Anymore But, I Don't Think About You Anyless (Closed to Inky) JiLqjv0
~Main Characters~
Naomi | Skyler | Nate | Chelle | Tyuki | Gerard | Miri | Uzma |  Malus | Vihaan
Anna | Girl Alive!
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Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : "A woman's place is in the sky with the goddamn birds."

Nekromonga (08/23/2017 10:05PM): Chellizard the Internet Born, Mother of Nerds, first of her name, Queen of the Gamers and the Roleplayers

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Job : I Work Full time/Artist/Charizard Enthusiast
Humor : [18:47:50] Spirit Corgi : Dear mods, I need my apps unapproved. If you don't do it an orderly time, I will compare you to nazis and tell everyone how you are stiffening my creativity, yours truly, a loving member of the site.
Registration date : 2009-11-15

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Post by Twinkletoes November 5th 2012, 10:06 pm

Dry lips slowly spread open, parched from the lack of fluids and deathly pale from blood-loss, the only sound managing to penetrate the parched throat being a soft raspy sigh. The lips tasted the dry sterile air, the crisp chill from the artificial air-conditioning brushing against the face of a man whose mind and body still clung to the comforting embrace of a painless slumber. The young man, effortlessly handsome even in his sorrystate was none other than Cilian Blanc, the wily Prince of thrones and most recent victim of Dominus' any-metahuman agenda. His eyes flickered thrice, blinking away the light that burned into his vision, threatening to wash out the peaceful darkness he had arisen from. His body felt numb, to the point that he had to creak his eyes open to see if he still actually had a body to call his own. His golden eyes glazed over his tattooed form, the uncanny designs swirling about his skin like fish in a lake reacting to their master's awakening. He was naked, save for the strange hospital loincloth covering his lower region and the multitude of tubes, bandages and needles that adorned his skin.

Cilian retained a rather bemused look on his face, slowly raising his eyebrow at the barely-there protection over his manhood. Taking a deep sigh he glanced over, finally realizing that he had company and for the first few seconds of thinking it was an angel his mind finally registered the familiar face (and body) of Queen Chelle's loyal servant girl, Anna. Her soft small hands were interlaced with his own, threatening to break his digits even though he could not fully register feeling where their skin touched. He slowly lolled his head over to give the woman a more proper look..well as proper as his lagged eyelids allowed him. She was dressed in the same clothing she had been shot in, blood splattered over her petite body...making him cringe from the mere sight; such a pretty girl did not deserve such a rancid addition to her style. He attempted to smile, an awkward separation of his quivering lips..not the usual charming grin he often had painted on his face.

He straggling fingers gently brushed against the back of her hand, motioning to her that he was now comscious and fully aware of her distraught...the red cheeks and watery eyes allowing the Frenchman some discernment into her current mood. Clearing his unfair as best as he could he gazed up at her, a cheeky grin gradually growing on his pale face, "Do we has any Sauvignon blanc...?, he croaked, his typically honeyed and charming voice completely reduced to a hoarse whisper. If anything his attempt at humor should pay off, he was in need of some sustenance...regardless of the alcohol level and how damaged he was. Surely the servant girl, whom he had shamelessly flirted with in the past, would allow him a little sip of his favourite drink.

He was fairly certain he knew what her answer was going to be so he playfully pouted, ignoring the throbbing pain in his chest and the annoying beeps of the contraptions next to him. He did not know how long he had been bed ridden, or where Chelle was or even if Sheryll had popped back into existence. It was like reality had been torn from his grips whilst unconscious and his mind ached from the mere attempt of trying to recollect his last memory. The smell of blood and smoke, the feeling of relentless rain against his skin and the soft whispers of whoever guided him back into life was all that the Prince could remember from that incident. It all seemed rather silly but the young Frenchman was certain that he had a guardian watching over him the whole time his mind disappeared, the hazy memories of a longing touch, gentle whispers and protective caresses danced around his consciousness, not ever giving him the full details of what his memory had suppressed.

He stretched out his finger, slowly tracing the Anna's knuckles in an attempt to focus his mind on something else other than his mental stress. "Tell me...what happened know...are you feeling better now?" he whispered, returning his quivering hands back into the protective clutch of the petite woman, patiently waiting for his soft words to to settle into her mind...

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Quote : Hard as diamonds, soft as silk

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Registration date : 2012-05-24

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Post by Chellizard November 9th 2012, 4:26 pm

Her hands gently released Cilian's, but in a very quick fashion. She stood up and bowed curtly, her ears folding back while her tail tucked to the back of her left leg. The way his hand had caressed her's was still a lingering feeling, and she smiled slightly while her ears perked back up. She stood up correctly when he asked if they had any Sauvignon Blanc. Of course they did. It was one of Chelle's must have when it comes to decadent wines. But... would Anna give Cilian a glass? She stared with her large, tear painted eyes and gave him a soft smile. I wish.. I could, my Prince.. the best I can offer is a mineral rich water with electrolytes and potassium.." She felt a blush crawl over her cheeks, her fair skin speckled with debris and blood. She carefully smoothed out her wrinkled attire, her pin skirt ripped up one side slightly, and her blouse disheveled. Her hair had been in a braided bun, but now it was a tangled mess, half up, half down. She had not a care for her appearance at this moment in time. She cooed gently and then felt her expression become a bit serious.

"Are you comfortable? Shall I fetch more pillows? A heating pad..?" she asked, her ears twitching and folding back slightly. The white fur of her ears was softly groomed and almost completely clear of dust and blood. Her hair helped protect her ears and tail completely. She placed herself back on the edge of the bed and moved a hand to brush along the side of his face. She then let her hand slip back and glide into his. "Madam will be pleased you're conscious, my Prince." Anna then slid a hand from his grasp yet again and grabbed for her phone. She was about to send a message when he questioned if she was feeling better now. She felt her heart skip a beat, and her stomach felt as if a whole net of butterflies was released. "Uh.. hehe.. I'm fine. Madam has fled to take care of important business, and I am appointed at your side, my Prince." She gave him a soft smile, her gorgeous green eyes growing ever brighter, if possible. She felt a crush forming for Cilian Blanc. She wondered what Madam would do if she found out.. likely celebrate with a glass of wine and hugs all around.. but not right now. Times are becoming grim, so Anna must try to keep her crush at bay.

-My DeviantArt-
I Don't Think About You Anymore But, I Don't Think About You Anyless (Closed to Inky) JiLqjv0
~Main Characters~
Naomi | Skyler | Nate | Chelle | Tyuki | Gerard | Miri | Uzma |  Malus | Vihaan
Anna | Girl Alive!
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : "A woman's place is in the sky with the goddamn birds."

Nekromonga (08/23/2017 10:05PM): Chellizard the Internet Born, Mother of Nerds, first of her name, Queen of the Gamers and the Roleplayers

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 5018
Location : The Internet
Age : 31
Job : I Work Full time/Artist/Charizard Enthusiast
Humor : [18:47:50] Spirit Corgi : Dear mods, I need my apps unapproved. If you don't do it an orderly time, I will compare you to nazis and tell everyone how you are stiffening my creativity, yours truly, a loving member of the site.
Registration date : 2009-11-15

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Post by Twinkletoes November 11th 2012, 6:25 am

The dashing Frenchman's lips curled into a grin as he watched the woman's ears twitch and flick, it was as if they had a life of their own.Asking her to feel her ears and tail is probably rude... he thought to himself, lightly chuckling underneath his shallow breaths whilst his caramel eyes traced the woman's form, from the tip of her peculiar white hair down to the tiny waist still covered in blood, there was no mistake that this servant girl truly was a gorgeous woman...and that was a lot coming from a man who was particularly experienced in wooing the prettiest members of the opposite sex. Her hands were warm, soft and small; delicate digits intertwined with his own as if they were perfectly moulded to fit into one another, but that was silly, such grand and slighty cringe worthy romantic sentiments often made Cilian mentally gag and any further thought of such things were dashed from his head by paying attention to her supple pouted lips.

"Well I must say, you're the much better option than all of our other friends..Dylan would not of let me hear the end of it," he chuckled, lightly wincing as his aching chest reacted to his momentary joy, "I don't think I've seen that much isn't even my colour..", his breath esaped, cashing the last remnants of his voice to disappear into a strained puff. Rolling his eyes at his predicament the wily Prince gazed down at his exposed body, the ever shifting tattoos were relentlessly trawling his skin, trekking over the scarred abs and bandaged shoulders like intangible spirits wandering the most peculiar dimension ever. Occasionally the designs would mutate into a vague image, a sparrow briefly flying around his knuckles its little wings gliding across the fingers that were connects with the pretty lady's; a cackling man hobbled across his belly and a jackal sprinted down the length of his arm only to merge back into the faceless swirls that adorned his body once it pounced into his palm. Cilian was truly content, he was in good company and his body seemed fairly well taken care of than the last time he saw his tattered bleeding form.

"Remind me to take you out for dinner once I'm allowed to anything other than 'mineral rich water with electrolytes and potassium'...hopefully you like French food. Yes, I'm going to take you out for some French food...that is if uhh fox people can eat French food..", he grinned cheekily, staring up into her eyes as he told Anna rather than asked her. It was the least he could do for the poor girl being forced to sit by his side with nothing else to do but flirt with him...not that it was a bad was just that dinner seemed more of a fitting place to fawn over each other than a sterile white operating room.

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Post by Chellizard November 14th 2012, 8:31 pm

A soft giggle escaped her lips in response to his mild compliment, and then his talk of Robert, another Thrones' member. Her smiling face then coiled into a soft frown, her eyes diverting his gaze to stare at their entwined fingers. "I don't think red is any of our colors.." she sighed, the images of the night racing her mind. She was exhausted, and could honestly fall asleep right here. Their night was filled with a lot of trouble she would rather have avoided. Good thing Cilian was with Chelle, or things would have gone badly. Sheryll was also a nice help, but too bad she's tied up with that horrid group, Dominus. The thoughts of that group made Anna's stomach curl and she hated the thought. Her almond eyes closed and her brows furrowed before Cilian's weak form spoke again. Oh? And I have no say, do I? Hehe. I suppose I'll remind you," she said, giggling yet again.

She was glad he was so sweet, and his way with words had her blushing slightly, and smiling for the rest of the night. She stayed awake as long as she could stand it, giving hourly reports on his vitals to Chelle. She ended up sitting in a chair, and falling asleep with her form curled up, and a spare blanket coiled around of her frail form. She was crushing on the Prince, and maybe she could be his Princess.

-My DeviantArt-
I Don't Think About You Anymore But, I Don't Think About You Anyless (Closed to Inky) JiLqjv0
~Main Characters~
Naomi | Skyler | Nate | Chelle | Tyuki | Gerard | Miri | Uzma |  Malus | Vihaan
Anna | Girl Alive!
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : "A woman's place is in the sky with the goddamn birds."

Nekromonga (08/23/2017 10:05PM): Chellizard the Internet Born, Mother of Nerds, first of her name, Queen of the Gamers and the Roleplayers

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 5018
Location : The Internet
Age : 31
Job : I Work Full time/Artist/Charizard Enthusiast
Humor : [18:47:50] Spirit Corgi : Dear mods, I need my apps unapproved. If you don't do it an orderly time, I will compare you to nazis and tell everyone how you are stiffening my creativity, yours truly, a loving member of the site.
Registration date : 2009-11-15

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Post by Twinkletoes November 15th 2012, 9:29 am

~ 4 months later ~

Summer was coming to close, the inescapable heat had coerced people to escape their dreary lives and dash into the comforting embrace of the nearest body of water had now dwindled to a mere warm breeze, everything had slowed down...everything but the Thrones Villa. Maids scurried to and fro, aiming to complete their chores with delicate precision and professionalism whilst the kitchen hands and chefs tirelessly encouraged alchemy within their bustling kitchen, creating dishes that would snatch the hearts of the coldest man. Yes, the grand mansion of one of the most elite groups was in a controlled state of panic. Why? The Thrones had achieved an outstanding ensemble of ranked members that had exceeded any other roster that had been created before and they were all coming to celebrate. The manic preparations were all achieved with pinpoint accuracy, each member was having their most favourite dish served up and the mansion was being fitted with various pieces of design that would startle the most accomplished interior designer in the world. They were either arriving by the private jet or some other over-the-top form of transport and it made sense that the bustling plebeians did their jobs well, please some of the most powerful beings in existence.

One member in particular was having no trouble mindlessly swaying through the busy houseworkers, a content grin plastered on his admittedly handsome face as he gracefully swerved around any obstruction that would happen to obscure his little stroll. Cilian Blanc was now almost fully recovered from his injuries, a slight limp was all that remained after his face off with Dominus but such a thing did not bother him...just gave him more of an excuse to purchase a 19th century lacquered cane. The wily prince cracked smiles at the passing maids, patting the shoulders of the butlers and making sure that no piece of lint dared to encroach on his suit. His tattoos were covered and he was dressed for the occasion, already prepping himself for the 'pre-party' drinks and festivities that he had spontaneously planned that night.

However, such an interesting event was in need of some attendees and the Frenchman had his eyes set on one woman in particular, Anna. The captivating white haired lady was the Young man's current obsession, that and the restocked wine chamber down below. She had graced his dreams and more often than not his sentient tattoos took the form of the petite female when he was out and about...this man, who was infamous for his love for the opposite sex had finally found the girl of his dreams..and chasing her was part of the fun. They teased each other, shamelessly flirted whenever possible and often made excuses to see each other, like toddlers in a preschool the two were infatuated with the other and it made sense that Cilian made it his duty to find the pretty woman and send out his invite to the recently-planned night of festivities.

His search took him throughout the much of the mansions extensive grounds and it was only by chance did his peripheral vision catch sight of her white hair bobbing in the wind. She was outside, looking over some decoration...absorbed in her duties and completely unaware of his presence. She was a busy and surprisingly independent woman, unlike him who chose to do whatever his body yearned for, and that's what made her special, she was not afraid to boss him around and contrast his flippant mannerisms. Such an adoration for her personality had the playfulness running around his mind...maybe she wasn't too busy to spare him some time..

Slowly waltzing behind her petite frame the Frenchman silently grinned before making a pincer motion with his fingers and no sooner had a slight giggle escape his lips did his cheeky fingers pinch the woman's behind. Although many would have found such behaviour completely unnecessary and vulgar this was a mere addition to their shameless interactions. "Don't mind me...there was just some dirt on your skirt..", he cracked a smile all the while trying to keep a straight face. "Now why would you possibly be worrying about coloured ribbons when you can join me and a few others, minus the others of course, for a drink?" he whispered in her ear, his voice honeyed with playfulness and wit that only he was capable of getting away with...

Last edited by Inkblot on December 7th 2012, 7:46 am; edited 1 time in total

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Quote : Hard as diamonds, soft as silk

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I Don't Think About You Anymore But, I Don't Think About You Anyless (Closed to Inky) Empty Re: I Don't Think About You Anymore But, I Don't Think About You Anyless (Closed to Inky)

Post by Chellizard November 22nd 2012, 4:19 pm

A soft yawn passed Anna's lips while she attempted to wake herself up properly. She had fallen asleep in her Queen's bed, Chelle likely sleeping on her fainting couch, or not sleeping at all. Anna was worried about Chelle, the poor woman pushing and planning and plucking people from their normal lives so they can work for Thrones. So much to do, so little time. Anna was sent to make sure breakfast was prepared and sent to Chelle's quarters. "No Rest for the Wicked" and all that. She was also decorating the ball room for this evening.

The villa, in Italy, was warm and alive. Today was a grand ball of sorts, and it was a masquerade, too. Anna had picked out her costume and found a kitsune mask that complimented her perfectly. She was excited to dress up for it. She swayed down the hallway, her hips waving while she nodded and greeted the other Villa maids and workers. She cooed and then felt a pinch on her behind, the pin skirt shifting under the hand that brushed against her bottom. She jumped and squeaked and then twirled around readying to slap whoever her attacker was. It was Cilian. She blushed instantly, but then a soft, sultry haze coiled around of her expression. She had a crush on this man, ever since he promised to come back for her.. and he did. She had never felt this way for a member of the opposite sex before.

Her heart pitter pattered and she was a bit flustered for a moment, but her big green eyes said hello and then her lips parted. His whispering voice sent chills down her spine, and she would've loved a drink, but not right now. She carefully slid her head away from his, her eyes greeting him sweetly. "Good morning Master Cilian.." she patted him on the nose and flicked a bit of her hair from her eyes. She then shook the ribbons toward Cilian and stuck out her tongue. "The masquerade is tonight.. please tell me you're attending... I imagine you with a mask made of ink.." she purred, her kitsune demon shining through while a cute little grin stole her lips. She chuckled and sashayed her hips before twirling to continue down the hall. "Maybe after I'm sure our Queen has breakfast in her chambers, and I have someone set up with my job of helping with decorations, I could make time for a drink with you. My schedule is mighty busy, you know." She shrugged lightly, her form sauntering down the hall, Cilian likely trailing behind of her to watch her skirt tighten and relax around of the curvature of her buttocks.

-My DeviantArt-
I Don't Think About You Anymore But, I Don't Think About You Anyless (Closed to Inky) JiLqjv0
~Main Characters~
Naomi | Skyler | Nate | Chelle | Tyuki | Gerard | Miri | Uzma |  Malus | Vihaan
Anna | Girl Alive!
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : "A woman's place is in the sky with the goddamn birds."

Nekromonga (08/23/2017 10:05PM): Chellizard the Internet Born, Mother of Nerds, first of her name, Queen of the Gamers and the Roleplayers

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 5018
Location : The Internet
Age : 31
Job : I Work Full time/Artist/Charizard Enthusiast
Humor : [18:47:50] Spirit Corgi : Dear mods, I need my apps unapproved. If you don't do it an orderly time, I will compare you to nazis and tell everyone how you are stiffening my creativity, yours truly, a loving member of the site.
Registration date : 2009-11-15

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Post by Twinkletoes November 23rd 2012, 8:37 am

The Prince grinned, not for any particular reason other than the fact that simply being with her made him happy, made him whole. It was no lie that he had encountered a whole myriad of beautiful ladies in his 24 years of life, stunning models, enchanting gypsies and the occasional super powered heroine but none compared to the petite white haired woman...she just seemed so grounded, a welcome contrast to his usual flippancy and flamboyance. Her current excuse for not immediately going along with his spontaneous planning was somewhat justified, her work was needed and a woman of her skill was definitely required for the task at hand...but then again, tying ribbons just seemed so utterly redundant in the face of things. Anna deserved more than such a menial job, she needed a break, a massage and an opinion on which suit he should wear later that night.

"Oh of course I'm attending, I simply need 'someones' opinion on what I should wear...", CIlian raised his eyebrow, a playful smirk on his face. The 'someone was enunciated for obvious reasons, a 'hint-hint, nudge nudge' if you will. "...and I've desperately searching for a partner for the event tonight. Where oh where do you think i could find a beautiful single female with the guts to dance with a lonely frenchman?", he theatrically spoke, flapping his hands in the air and attempting a look of exaggerated worry; every Prince needs a Princess for a dance and his not-so-subtle humour was more than likely being processed through her pretty little head.

"Oh and don't worry about the ribbons...I know some guys who could do that job for you..", he winked before buttoning his sleeves back, revealing the shifting tattoos that traversed the length of his skin. Outstretching his fingers, black globules of ink slowly began to seep out of his skin and form into a swirling mass in the middle the palm of his hand, dripping off each digit onto the floor. Soon enough five squirming balls of black liquid lay at his feet and with a click of his finger they unfurled to reveal chubby little black monsters, wide grins adorning their neckless heads and strange giggles escaping their lips. "they may be stupid...but they get the job done, quick and efficient. They also know how to make martinis so that's a plus!", he chuckled, giving his awkwardly adorable creations a silly grin before pointing them in the direction of the ribbon preparations. With gleeful gurgles the five little ink monsters waddled off to take charge of the ribbons, leaving Cilian and Anna alone.

"Now you have no excuses, no other options and it seems your work has been stolen from you. Such a shame.", Cilian chuckled, cracking a boyish smile before taking his place next to her and offering his arm to escort her to somewhere less frantic. "How does some Rosé des Riceys sound? Good? Good.", he chirped, leading her to the cellar where his 'children' awaited, "I also do hope you have a dress chosen for tonight's activities..", he said aloud with a smile growing on his face, swaying his head as his second attempt at not-so-subtle comments took the better of his humour.

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I Don't Think About You Anymore But, I Don't Think About You Anyless (Closed to Inky) Empty Re: I Don't Think About You Anymore But, I Don't Think About You Anyless (Closed to Inky)

Post by Chellizard November 23rd 2012, 2:30 pm

Anna had always been a lover for Chelle. Someone for the Queen to come home to. A prized servant, and sometimes, best friend. She felt a bit bad right now, though. Her feelings for Cilian were growing every day, and when he was away on missions, and she was in Italy, New York, Tokyo.. she missed him even more. Her heart longed for him; his touch, smell, and the sweet kisses he brushed on the back of her knuckles as a greeting. He was her ideal partner. She was in love.

"There are a number of girls that will attend this ball that would be more than willing to dance with a lonely French man," she cooed, her head turning to glance at them while they walked. She stopped walking just above the mouth of the grand staircase, her head cocking to the left. She placed a hand on her hip, waiting as patiently as she could. "Oh really?" she asked, a brow raising curiously while her eyes sized him up. When he rolled up his sleeve, her eyes watched the tattoos become a mass of ink that crawled to the tips of his slender fingers. The adorable new creatures that stood between Anna and Cilian brought a bright smile to her lips. She gingerly offered her ribbons to the creatures, and they all scurried to help with the Masquerade preparations. "I bet these little guys helped you win some hearts." She purred, a chuckle following.

"Chelle needs her breakfast.." she said and then a passing maid was called over. "Her Majesty requests breakfast in her chambers. Don't forget her mug of O negative." She said, waving a pointing finger in the air before her eyes were back on Cilian. The maid was scurrying to gather breakfast for the Queen. She giggled and shook her head. "It's so early.. at least for me. I do love a good French Wine, but can't we gather something for a.. picnic maybe? The garden is lovely this time of year~.." she followed close to Cilian, her arm linked with his. "I do. I have to pick it up from the Tailor, along with our Queen's. So that means we have to head into town later. Or, send another maid.. hehe." she was blushing, and she knew why. She had never gone against her Queen's word like this before, and even so, behind of her back.

-My DeviantArt-
I Don't Think About You Anymore But, I Don't Think About You Anyless (Closed to Inky) JiLqjv0
~Main Characters~
Naomi | Skyler | Nate | Chelle | Tyuki | Gerard | Miri | Uzma |  Malus | Vihaan
Anna | Girl Alive!
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Status :

Quote : "A woman's place is in the sky with the goddamn birds."

Nekromonga (08/23/2017 10:05PM): Chellizard the Internet Born, Mother of Nerds, first of her name, Queen of the Gamers and the Roleplayers

Warnings : 0 Warnings
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Job : I Work Full time/Artist/Charizard Enthusiast
Humor : [18:47:50] Spirit Corgi : Dear mods, I need my apps unapproved. If you don't do it an orderly time, I will compare you to nazis and tell everyone how you are stiffening my creativity, yours truly, a loving member of the site.
Registration date : 2009-11-15

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I Don't Think About You Anymore But, I Don't Think About You Anyless (Closed to Inky) Empty Re: I Don't Think About You Anymore But, I Don't Think About You Anyless (Closed to Inky)

Post by Twinkletoes November 26th 2012, 9:23 am

Cilian's typically long strides were whittled down to a slow yet graceful pace, keeping up with Anna whose shorter legs would not allow her the luxury of such lengthy steps. They had exited the mansion and wandered into the lush western garden which overlooked the shimmering mediterranean sea, the dazzling blue water sparkling underneath the soft light from the fiery orb high in the sky. Nature was at the cusp of it's beauty that morning, the panicky shambles of the maids and servants not touching the tranquility that embraced the garden's in the calm, serene atmosphere and for a moment the Prince became entranced with the sheer spectacle, his grip on Anna slightly tightening as he led her to the pier overlooking a shallow reef pool. "I'm sure I could snatch something from the kitchen...Pietro is quite a talented chef if I might say so myself..", he grinned, glancing at the petite woman before brushing a strand of hair out of her face.

"Oooh what is this? Little Anna doing something without Chelle's knowledge!?", Cilian chuckled, his honeyed voice dancing in the breeze, "...I accept all responsibility for creating such a rebellious servant girl, who knows what our Queen would do if she finds her most prized helper frolicking in the gardens with her prince?", he attempted to say with a straight face, failing halfway when a cheeky grin took over his visage. It was silent for a moment, the soft sounds of the water lapping against the limestone creating a peaceful melody that swayed in the background. CIlian gazed at the woman, drinking in all of her beauty, those small and special fragments of her form that only he could notice and appreciate. She was beautiful and no majestic scenery was going to overwhelm that in the slightest.

"I'm sure another maid would be up for it..." , his voice was now a low, gentle whisper; caressing the air with every succulent word that escaped his lips. His eyes never left hers and his hands did not ignore the soft small digits interlaced with his own. His cheeky demeanour had faded into a peaceful and warm expression, the gentle smile traversing his mouth only giving a hint to what was to come next. Nudging the woman's chin up with his finger the wily Frenchman slowly dipped his head down so that it met hers, their eyes interlocking, quivering breaths brushing against the other's mouth as the tension hung frozen in the air. In the last second his smooth voice danced from his lips, the whispery melodic timbre of his voice drowning the woman in the genuine love he felt for her...

"Be mine."

Time ceased to move, their lips coming together in a dance that only their hearts knew. Such grace as their eyes closed, lost in the moment; sharing their breath as if it were their last. Time had lost meaning, as did their surroundings and all of the stresses of today and tomorrow..they were were lost in the rapture of a perfect dance, their hearts and souls intertwining as their mouth's moulded against one another. The first kiss was not outdone by the second nor the third, but overlaid over one another like the gentle strokes of a master artist's brush against paper. Cilian's lips, the skin that had learnt to disguise the torment and pain behind his maverick expressions finally met Anna's in a moment of blissful, unrestrained passion that would not dare end with the cold burn of reality. Every sweet second that lasted in that moment of joy continued to waltz in their minds as the day progressed, nothing was ever going to impede on the connection that only ever grew stringer as each minute went by.

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I Don't Think About You Anymore But, I Don't Think About You Anyless (Closed to Inky) Empty Re: I Don't Think About You Anymore But, I Don't Think About You Anyless (Closed to Inky)

Post by Chellizard December 3rd 2012, 3:40 am

Once she was whisked into the garden, she was given a moment to just bask in the morning dew kissed plant and wild life. Everything looked lush and freshly painted to life. The sun was gently coaxing away the soft dew, but even with the Morning Glory's winking awake, and the Crocus flowers stretching open, the twinkling garden was breath taking. It literally made Anna stop and take in the whole scenery. She cooed sweetly, a little hum passing her lips while she twirled around and stopped in front of Cilian. She smiled at him when his hand rose to brush a bit of Ivory hair from her face. The way his fingers danced just before they whisked her hair away had her heart skip a beat. "That.. that sounds wonderful.." she said with her eyes fluttering for a moment, her lips hanging open for a just a second longer before she licked them and shied away from him.

"Hehe, yes. I'm sure she'll let this one slide~." she purred, her voice a light, sweet song dancing into the wind to coil around of Cilian's own soft voice. A few morning birds decided it was time to start singing their songs, and then rose the gorgeous volume to the wildlife symphony. Water splashing into water gently beat it's drum to set a steady rhythm that nearly matched Anna's heart. She was inching closer, and closer to her Prince. She had no idea that she was, either. His whole aroma was just pulling her in and whisking her away into a land she had no idea existed. Was this love? Was it? How had she been living a life full of such wonderful adventures, but she was missing out on something better? Maybe it was just fate that she did not know love until her eyes laid upon this man. Until she was alone with him here, in the garden. "I~.. I'm sure another maid would do it but--.. But I~.." She stammered nervously, her cheeks becoming a warm rosy red.

Her hands were almost shaking, and a warm morning breeze whipped through the garden and set loose Cherry Blossom petals into a whirling waltz. Anna was caught off guard when Cilian swept her into a kiss, his lips completely cutting the girl off. She was going to try and talk her way out of this, but at the same time? She knew she wanted it more than anything. She closed her eyes, and let their lips do the talking. Her hands found their way out of his and into his hair. She stood up on her toes, her shoes barely staying on her feet while she leaned up and into the wily French Prince Cilian. Every second that passed during their entwined persons was so precious. They were more than just two people falling in love. They were soul mates finally meeting to become more than just a couple. They were being swept off their feet by love, and boy did it feel great. Pulling away slowly, her eyes fluttered open and she finally mustered up her voice to speak.


-My DeviantArt-
I Don't Think About You Anymore But, I Don't Think About You Anyless (Closed to Inky) JiLqjv0
~Main Characters~
Naomi | Skyler | Nate | Chelle | Tyuki | Gerard | Miri | Uzma |  Malus | Vihaan
Anna | Girl Alive!
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : "A woman's place is in the sky with the goddamn birds."

Nekromonga (08/23/2017 10:05PM): Chellizard the Internet Born, Mother of Nerds, first of her name, Queen of the Gamers and the Roleplayers

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Humor : [18:47:50] Spirit Corgi : Dear mods, I need my apps unapproved. If you don't do it an orderly time, I will compare you to nazis and tell everyone how you are stiffening my creativity, yours truly, a loving member of the site.
Registration date : 2009-11-15

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I Don't Think About You Anymore But, I Don't Think About You Anyless (Closed to Inky) Empty Re: I Don't Think About You Anymore But, I Don't Think About You Anyless (Closed to Inky)

Post by Twinkletoes December 7th 2012, 9:45 am

The night was young, a crisp breeze danced through the deep indigo air as it brushed against the hanging lanterns shattered across the grand Villa. Distant stars roaming galaxies unseen cried their soft, silent melodies as their twinkling gaze fell upon the pateons that waltzed under the open air. Thrones annual masquerade ball had commenced on the eve of dusk, those attending expected to have their masks on by the time the sun had dipped its head underneath the horizon. Everyone was dressed to impress, even the maids were fashioned to perfection as true testament to the calibre of who they were working for. One maid in particular looked absolutely ravishjng that night, Queen Chelle's trusted personal helper, Anna Daniels and it made sense that she had been quickly snatched up as someone's date for that night's formalities.

Time had passed with a blissful rhythm that day, Cilian Blanc adoring every single second of it; squeezing every last drop of joy from the time spent with Anna and basking in the sheer delight of simply being around her. They did not leave each other's side for the rest of the day, spending a considerable amount of time in the Western gardens frolicking amongst the cherry blossoms. They were lost in the tangle of innocent attraction. Coy smiles, flirty glances and warm smiles filled the gaps in the days activities, marking every second with spontaneous excitement and entertainment. He had found his suit but he did not really was his date for that night that had snatched his attention and any mention of million dollar formal wear fell on deaf ears...his focus was on Anna and Anna only.

A string quartet played in the background, the beautiful melody whisking those present into an intimate and delicate performance. Grace and beauty spun together like a petals in a gust if wind, the vibrant hues and intricate dresses evoking a visual stimulant like no other. Everyone moved in perfect cohesion and snychronisation, their graceful spins and steps fluid and controlled. The a Prince and his ivory haired princess whisked each other into an intimate Waltz, gently clutching onto one another as their combined skill carried them into a world of their own.

It was just Cilian and Anna. Eyes peaking through masks as their lips occasionally brushed against one another, the light touches of refined affection taking them on a sweet ride like none other.

"My dear, you're much too beautiful for me...forgive me of I stare too long" Cilian chuckled, clasping the tips of her fingers as he spun her into a gentle embrace. "I'm sure our Queen would be quite curious as to why neither of us have changed partners yet...", he grinned, his honeyed voice whispered into her ear as he placed a kiss on her neck. "Whoever is first to trip over has to tell her," he chuckled, attempting to stifle a grin as his body elegantly swayed with the enchanting lullaby. Every chance he had, every hidden gap where they were obscured from the majority's view he would kiss her, softly, sweetly and so lovingly that it was as if her very mouth held the key to immortality, that her pale neck was lined with the sweetest fruit that man could ever taste.

In the moment of mystery, where their identity was shielded from the world they had found one another and it was then that they knew they had joined together in the fateful dance of love.

A sweet secret of pure joy.

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I Don't Think About You Anymore But, I Don't Think About You Anyless (Closed to Inky) Empty Re: I Don't Think About You Anymore But, I Don't Think About You Anyless (Closed to Inky)

Post by Chellizard December 8th 2012, 4:28 am

Anna stood, her whole form intricately decorated with the most perfect laces and silks. Her dress was a soft silver with blue lace crawling around of her arms and neck. She looked like a winter snowflake, and her hair was gently dressed up and decorated to match. Her Queen was also dressed in something as divine, if not more. "Anna, darling; do you think I went too over-the-top with this years Masquerade?" Chelle asked, her lips curling into a soft smile to show her fangs while she leaned into her mirror. Anna was standing behind of her Queen, patiently smiling when she heard soft foot steps. "Ah, I hope I'm not interrupting, ladies~.." came a soft, yet very cheerful voice along with a bow and a lop-sided-to-die-for grin. Anna's heart fluttered, and her eyes lit up at the sight of Cilian. He had only stepped away to get dressed.

"No, no! Not at all, Prince Cilian," Anna purred, her lips trying to hide a smile that inevitably forced its way upon her peachy lips. "Of course not, Cilian. I suspect you've come to steal Anna away again.." she said the second part of her sentence a bit softer, and before Anna or Cilian could poke at her words, the Queen simply smiled. "Cilian, mind escorting Anna to the ball room? I'm sure the other royal guests will be jealous of the two of you.." Chelle smiled and stood, gathering the skirts of her gown. She placed a kiss on either cheek of both Anna and Cilian, and then shooed them away. Chelle had a few things to take care of before she spoiled herself to fine wine and dancing.


The music was soft, but drove Anna and her partner, Cilian Blanc, into a dance like no other. The string quartet was the only sounds, other than their own voices, that penetrated their immediate area. Anna was driving out all the other guests, despite how gorgeous they were, or how wonderfully dressed they were. "I'm sure she hasn't even joined the party yet; she said she was busy, after all.. hehe. But you can tell her if either of us trips." She coos and spins into his arms, the skirts of her dress swaying and then curling around of her legs. She gasps and leans into Cilian's form, her lashes batting to blink away a bit of glitter that fell off of her mask that resembled snowflakes. Her whole attire made her look like some form of Ice or Snow Princess, but she had not a care in the world about what she was wearing. All she cared about was her partner; Cilian. "What would you do.. if I were just a girl standing alone on the side lines.. and our eyes met," she said, trailing off while her lips dared to near his.

"And then.. I blushed, but kept my gaze on you. We were complete strangers, and all we knew was there was someone behind of our masks. We had no idea who each other were just that we were two people that happen to be at this ball. Would you approach me, Prince Cilian~?" She cooed and smiled brightly when she was twirled around again, her form swaying along with his as they danced until her feet were sore and she craved for more than just a dance filled with strangers behind of masks.

-My DeviantArt-
I Don't Think About You Anymore But, I Don't Think About You Anyless (Closed to Inky) JiLqjv0
~Main Characters~
Naomi | Skyler | Nate | Chelle | Tyuki | Gerard | Miri | Uzma |  Malus | Vihaan
Anna | Girl Alive!
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : "A woman's place is in the sky with the goddamn birds."

Nekromonga (08/23/2017 10:05PM): Chellizard the Internet Born, Mother of Nerds, first of her name, Queen of the Gamers and the Roleplayers

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 5018
Location : The Internet
Age : 31
Job : I Work Full time/Artist/Charizard Enthusiast
Humor : [18:47:50] Spirit Corgi : Dear mods, I need my apps unapproved. If you don't do it an orderly time, I will compare you to nazis and tell everyone how you are stiffening my creativity, yours truly, a loving member of the site.
Registration date : 2009-11-15

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I Don't Think About You Anymore But, I Don't Think About You Anyless (Closed to Inky) Empty Re: I Don't Think About You Anymore But, I Don't Think About You Anyless (Closed to Inky)

Post by Twinkletoes December 8th 2012, 10:09 am

The Prince grinned at her little hypothetical situation, playfully cocking his head to the side as he thought it through. "Well firstly I would check and see if you were truly staring back at me and not at the musclebound fellow behind us,", he cheekily simpered, nodding his head at the ape of a man twirling with his partner behind the two lovebirds. "Once I've made sure you weren't distracted by his awfully well toned biceps I would stroll over to you, rose in hand and introduce myself as 'the local prince of this fine island'",he smiled, theatrically waving his hand in the air all the while twirling the pretty woman across the polished ballroom floor. "Knowing that you would not resist my charm I would grab your hand and kiss it. Sweetly, softly like this", he said in an almost hushed tone bringing her petite hand up to his lips and kissing it twice. "We would then dance the night away, I would sate my curiosity and ask this beautiful mystery lady questions about where she worked and so on. But I will not ask who exactly she is. That's for when the clock strikes twelve and we all remove our masks!" he whispered, drawing her body closer to his as the melodic tune in the background became noticeably slower.

"Thankfully, such formalities are all but left void since I already have you here, in my arms", his honeyed voice dripped into her pale ears, clasping her petite waist as the final waltz came to its finale. They danced in silence for a while, basking in each other's sweet aromas. They did not leave each other at all during that night and when the bell finally struck midnight Cilian gently lifted the ornate mask away from her face, marvelling at the perfection before him. "Exquisite" he whispered, his fingers interlocking with her pale slender digits as he led her off the dance floor and into his arms away from the bustling crowd. "I think I deserve a drink and you deserve a massage,", he smiled, biting his lips like a cheeky schoolboy before escorting her to the more private area.

Cradling her body in his arms Cilian flew up into the balcony of the third floor, gently placing her on a waiting picnic mat complete with the finest Dom perignon. Uncorking it with relative ease the Frenchman poured them both a glass. "I guess now is a good time to determine whether your a heavyweight or a lightweight", he giggled, raising his eyebrow before toasting the night and tapping his glass against her own. They were alone, completely lost in their own little world aside from the twinkling stars overhead and the gentle breeze that playfully licked their skin.

Motioning Anna to give him her feet he slowly and carefully removed her heels, keeping them to the side before placing her small pale feet in his lap. Taking a sip of his wine and placing it down next to her exquisite footwear he gave her a warm grin, lightly kneading her soles all the while never ridding his gaze off her. "Such a spoilt girl you are", he tittered, bowing his head by a slight degree before placing a gentle kiss on tip of her big toe, a little smirk on his lips. He resumed the foot massage, keeping the rhythm fluid yet firm all the while enticing her with more wine, keeping her as happy as possible.

"Well I do think this is a fitting end to today's festivities" he smiled, nodding his head towards the first firework that soared into the night sky. The quiet whistling bulb nstantly evolving into a loud and colourful display of light as the masquerade came to a grand close. A triumphant ending to a day like none other. This was merely the first chapter in their loving connection with one another.

Soul mates who have just begun their grand journey.

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I Don't Think About You Anymore But, I Don't Think About You Anyless (Closed to Inky) Empty Re: I Don't Think About You Anymore But, I Don't Think About You Anyless (Closed to Inky)

Post by Chellizard January 27th 2013, 7:38 pm

A sweet, carefree giggle escaped her petite lips while a blush crawled over her cheeks. She gently tapped his shoulder, a playful swat. "Definitely noht mai toiype~.." she mocked, attempting a British or French-like accent, but it likely came out as a disaster, but she saved herself with her charming laughter and an innocent blush while she twirled in Prince Cilian's arms. His fairy tail story was so dreamy, and she was left swooning; good thing she had great balance, or she would be on the floor. "Well, I would accept your rose, give it a smell test, and compliment your smile.. by only smiling in return." She giggled again and pressed herself into him while they danced, her heart beat quickening in pace. "Thankfully.." she said, her voice a hushed whisper while her eyes flicked back and forth between his.

They moved and danced, and almost never broke their partnership while they swirled into the mixture of couples on the dance floor. Anna would, occasionally, steal glances at Chelle, whom did not show up at all that night. She must have been much more busy. The heavy echoing ding of the grand clock in the ball room struck midnight, and Anna's mask was lifted by her Prince. She blushed, but smiled and gently curled into his form, her head tilting up while she stood upon her toes. "A drink sounds lovely, to be honest," she cooed, her voice light and feathery while she walked with him, her heels clicking lightly against the marble hallway. Her dainty grip was laced with his, their fingers latticed perfectly. She glanced at their hands and saw a butterfly whisper across Cilian's flesh, and following it was what looked like a word resembling Love.

She clutched onto him as they rose up into the air, her thoughts stirring away from her fantasy and to real life; where her fantasy was coming true with every passing moment. Once they were perched on the balcony, she wanted to slide out of her heels and stretch her toes, but didn't yet. "I.. hope you don't mind," she muttered, her fox ears and tail becoming visible while she sighed, her form glancing to the bottle of Dom Perignon. Once he poured them both a glass, she accepted her's gingerly and took a sip. "I rarely drink, so definitely a lightweight.. though, I have no idea.." she giggled and sat herself down, and accepted his massage offer. She slid her feet into his lap, careful not to scratch her heel against his pant leg before her heels were removed to show off her, slightly cold, dainty feet.

Soft, barely audible moans of pleasure passed her lips, though they were only from the foot massage. A treat she hadn't received since her last pedicure. "Well, I'm practically royalty, afterall~.." she giggled and sipped her Dom perignon, a sigh of relief passing her lips while she tilted her head back. her ears twitched lightly, the white fur blending with her white hair. She giggled from the kiss, it tickling up her leg while her ears twitched and she cooed her other foot outside of his grip snaking along his thigh. Her eyes, smoldering with passion, were locked on Cilian's own while she looked at him. Her ears picked up the firework while it soared upward, and her head tilted back so she could see a bright smile on her lips.

"No.. I think this is a proper ending," she said, her eyes landing back on Cilian. She shifted from her seat and moved toward him, her hands placed on his lap. She leaned forward and gently pressed her lips into his, another set of fireworks launching into the air the moment their lips met. She cradled his jawline gently, her fingertips just barely caressing his face. A perfect kiss to lock these two into a never breaking bond.

-My DeviantArt-
I Don't Think About You Anymore But, I Don't Think About You Anyless (Closed to Inky) JiLqjv0
~Main Characters~
Naomi | Skyler | Nate | Chelle | Tyuki | Gerard | Miri | Uzma |  Malus | Vihaan
Anna | Girl Alive!
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Status :

Quote : "A woman's place is in the sky with the goddamn birds."

Nekromonga (08/23/2017 10:05PM): Chellizard the Internet Born, Mother of Nerds, first of her name, Queen of the Gamers and the Roleplayers

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Humor : [18:47:50] Spirit Corgi : Dear mods, I need my apps unapproved. If you don't do it an orderly time, I will compare you to nazis and tell everyone how you are stiffening my creativity, yours truly, a loving member of the site.
Registration date : 2009-11-15

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