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It's Showtime. Street-Style. [Psynapse and Sarah Milosi]

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It's Showtime. Street-Style. [Psynapse and Sarah Milosi] Empty It's Showtime. Street-Style. [Psynapse and Sarah Milosi]

Post by Isak Zielinski-White August 8th 2012, 6:45 pm

Summer was well in place and so were the festivals. Montreal was, as always, very energetic every year with the festivities occuring, among other places, in the city. The Quartier des Spectacles, the artistic hub of the metropolis, was filled with streets performers of every kind, from dancers to dog tamers. The community was here for entertainment, and the show was on. Isak was not the kind to wander around during those festive times, but he decided to give it a go. Why not? After all, he almost died at the hand of a crazed lady acting as a hooker about two weeks ago so he might just enjoy the summer season more. And this place was the right one for that, for now. Isak was simply walking around, looking at the various free performances given by the people, while some visitors were throwing coins in hats, guitar cases and pots near them. Isak had no money for them, even though he felt bad for watching them without giving something in return other than a round of applause. Artist's life was hard, money never comes easily unless you got a good manager behind you. Anyway, Isak walked from one performer to another, not thrilled by what he was looking at, but it was decent.

After a while, he started to hear people talking about some psychic guy who was amazing. Isak didn't gave them much attention at first, but when it's like more than twenty times you're hearing ''Have you seen that psychic dude? No?! You should!'', Isak decided to go see for himself what was this fuzz all about. The location was a bit apart from the rest, the crowd was smaller and so was the noise. Isak arrived where the excitement was about. He walked through the crowd with difficulty since people were all pressing forward to see, but somehow he managed to get at the front. He looked up and saw the one who was making people talk of himself. People were shouting ''More! More! More! More!'' in many languages as tourists and locals were mixed together. Isak was silent. Curiosity made him silent as he watched a new performance start under the roaring applause of the crowd.

It's Showtime. Street-Style. [Psynapse and Sarah Milosi] Offica10

Isak Zielinski-White
Isak Zielinski-White
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Number of posts : 214
Location : Quebec
Age : 31
Job : Full-time Student :3
Humor : Scarce
Registration date : 2012-07-06

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It's Showtime. Street-Style. [Psynapse and Sarah Milosi] Empty Re: It's Showtime. Street-Style. [Psynapse and Sarah Milosi]

Post by Psynapse August 8th 2012, 11:27 pm

Francisco was walking around Montreal, one of Canada's premier cities. He had weapons on him, he was in a city he didn't know well, so he couldn't be too safe. He decided he wanted a little vacation up north, it was summer, so the weather was lovely up here. He was told that one of the spots for tourists was known as The Quartier des Spectacles, so he figured why not? Francisco arrived and was amazed, people were doing all types of street performances. And everyone was enjoying themselves, it seemed that most of the performers were attracting audiences of various ages. Francisco was impressed, so he gave some of the performers he enjoyed money. They truly deserved it.

As he was watching a fire-breathing street performer, he saw a child drop his ice cream cone... almost. Francisco caught it with his mind, the child was in awe and so was his mother, they just stared at the cone. Francisco walked towards the two, while putting the cone back in the child's hand with his mind. "Try to be more careful next time." he said with a smile on his face. The two then exclaimed for him to do more and who was Francisco to resist. Shortly after, he was at his own little corner, doing tricks for different people. He took out his 5 metal balls and had them float around his head the entire time.

Francisco didn't know what he got himself into, but this wasn't the time to back out. Every time they tried to give him money, he sent it back to them with his mind. He didn't want nor need their money. People were shouting at him in different languages, he could understand most, thankfully. The crowd suddenly was huge and he was now the hugest attraction here, so he decided he would go out with a bang. He was going to speak in English, as that was a language most understood. "Alright guys, this is going to be my final trick of the day. I'm going to choose a volunteer." He looked through the crowd and saw a big, burly man. He looked like a hunter. He pointed at him and told him to come here, he came with confidence. He handed him a handgun and warned the crowd "Don't try this at home, it's extremely dangerous. Now this man is going to stand 25 feet away and fire bullets at me and I'm going to stop them with my mind." The man was a little hesitant, but Francisco told him it was okay, nothing would go wrong.

The man backed up 25 feet and a few seconds later, fired 5 bullets. Francisco stopped them all withing inches of his body, they were still spinning, but he just stopped their forward momentum. He smiled at the crowd. He floated the 5 bullets above his head where the balls were orbiting. He then said "There should be one more bullet left, let it out." The man, now not as nervous, shot the last bullet. Francisco turned his head away from the crowd as if he had been horribly injured. The objects above his head stopped orbiting, as if they were frozen in time. The crowd was scared, talking among themselves and screaming. Francisco then looked at the crowd and said "Tada!" with the bullet between his teeth and the objects began orbiting again. The crowd cheered, they were amazed. He waved at all of them, while taking the gun back. He put all the bullets into the garbage and put the metal balls into his pocket. He then walked off, satisfied with making so many people happy. He walked into a coffee shop and ordered a cappuccino, he sat down and drink the coffee. A few of the people recognized him, it was nice to have a little fame, it was a nice little ego boost.

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Registration date : 2012-06-28

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It's Showtime. Street-Style. [Psynapse and Sarah Milosi] Empty Re: It's Showtime. Street-Style. [Psynapse and Sarah Milosi]

Post by Forceaus August 9th 2012, 6:38 pm

Sarah had travelled all the way up north, past the border and into Canada.More specifically the city of Montreal, located in the province of Quebec.She was here simply because some feeling inside her had guided her to this place.What more could she say about why she had decided to come here.That was the only reason she had for being here.Then again nowadays she seemed to only follow the strange feelings that enveloped her mind and nothing more.I guess when you have nowhere to go and no place to be, you just go whereever.

It was summer so the area wasn't cold like it would get during the wintertime.Instead of bleak, winter weather this place was active.A festival of some sort was taking place.Upon investigating further she found out she had arrived at the Quartier des Spectacles.My how fitting.Of course she would wind up here.She was suddenly reminiscing about reading up on this place many years ago.As soon as she started having these thoughts was as soon as they went away.There was just no time for such ridiculous thoughts right now.There were things that she needed to do.What those things were however she had no clue.All she could do was follow the feeling inside her.

This place was full of street performers.Each putting on an act of some sorts in order to attract a crowd which would pay them for the entertainment that they were providing.Some of these acts that were being performed were quite impressive while others were low brow and rather dreary.One of these acts however seemed to be a major one.People all around were talking about something amazing that was occuring.Even those in the crowd of an act that was entertaining already were leaving to go see this absolutely amazing, can't miss act.

Now Sarah was curious.What exactly could be so spectacular that everyone around was insistent on seeing?And for some reason she really wanted to know what this was about.She was driven to follow everyone else towards this place.Upon arriving she found out what all the fuss was about.A young man was putting on a show unlike any other.This was by no means some trick of some kind.She could tell just by looking.No this one here seemed to possess some kind of strange ability of his own.Just like others she had met in recent years.Now she knew why she had felt the need to come here.

She continued to watch this young man's so called act until the end of it.Afterwards he walked away as the crowd dispersed still excited over what they had witnessed.This was actually surprising to her what with all the various people with special abilities that were known to walk the earth that such a thing would not make all those that gathered simply think he was one too.Maybe they just wanted to be entertained that much that they decided to ignore the obvious.After the show she followed the psychic into a coffee shop.After ordering a drink of her own she simply sat down at a table casually watching the psychic from across the shop from out of the corner of her eye so as to avoid suspicion.

Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

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Quote : I am hilarious, and you will quote everything I say.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2604
Location : You're locked in with me at it.
Job : It pays the bills
Humor : I'm the cult of personality and history shows again and again that nature points out the folly of man.
Registration date : 2011-12-22

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It's Showtime. Street-Style. [Psynapse and Sarah Milosi] Empty Re: It's Showtime. Street-Style. [Psynapse and Sarah Milosi]

Post by Isak Zielinski-White August 10th 2012, 9:19 pm

Isak watched him as he handed a gun to one of a man in the crowd. Isak thought the firearm was a fake one or would fire blank cartridges, like they do in movies' gun fights. Isak did adopt a defensive stance, since gunshots were not a familiar sound for him, but his reaction expressed surprise. His eyes widened as he witnessed the performer's abilities to stop the bullets. Surely there was some tricks behind that, Isak thought. But he couldn't think of any. The final bullet caused some people to scream as the believed the street performer got hit, but the man stopped that last shot as well, with his teeth. Isak was in shock because of that stunning performance, and he gave a good applause like the others. He got out of the crowd and started walking not long after, sighting as if he wanted to let go the pressure of watching such a thing. But as curious as it could be, Isak got hungry from watching that, so he headed to the nearest place of interest at them moment, namely a coffee shop.

He went into the shop and ordered a simple iced tea with a sandwich. He started to wonder about something as he was eating. A bullet is fired with an explosion, so that would make it hot. Isak remembered the final move of the showman : catching the final bullet with his teeth. Wouldnt that be dangerous? Isak sighted as he could not find any sufficient explanations from what he knew about the subject. He looked around, annoyed by that fact, only to see the man. His face brigthened as he got up. He could ask him, but what if he wanted to be alone? Isak swept that thought away. He wouldn't be the first to do that. He approached the man yet timidly, and asked him on a polite tone and a smile.

-Excuse me sir. I've seen your performance and... it was very cool and all but... How can you stop a bullet like that? I mean, with your teeth. Isn't a bullet supposed to be damn hot or something?

He was standing in front of him, not sure if he should sit or not. In any case, Isak decided to simply wait for an answer from the man.

It's Showtime. Street-Style. [Psynapse and Sarah Milosi] Offica10

Isak Zielinski-White
Isak Zielinski-White
Posting Apprentice
Posting Apprentice

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 214
Location : Quebec
Age : 31
Job : Full-time Student :3
Humor : Scarce
Registration date : 2012-07-06

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It's Showtime. Street-Style. [Psynapse and Sarah Milosi] Empty Re: It's Showtime. Street-Style. [Psynapse and Sarah Milosi]

Post by Psynapse August 10th 2012, 10:55 pm

Francisco took a couple of sips of the coffee, it was delicious and soothing. He let out a huge breath, but now he was getting a little hungry. One of the workers walked by and Francisco stopped him and asked him if he could have what the guy approaching him was having. He said of course and walked away to fill the order. As the guy approached he asked a question, it was about his final act, catching the bullet with his teeth. Francisco's face started glowing a bit because that was a great question. He could have lied to the man and said that it was all some huge fake magic trick, but there was no point in doing that. "Well, the thing is, I have this power of sorts... psychokinesis as some would say. The bullet was in fact REALLY hot, but I stopped it right before it entered my mouth and I grabbed it with my teeth." he said while pointing at his teeth.

"I made sure the bullet didn't touch my lips or tongue or it would have done some real damage." he said with a smile. He then looked at the man, he seemed a bit awkward to be standing there. "Why don't you sit down? You look a bit uncomfortable, plus I need a bit a company." he said while moving the chair across from him with a flick of a finger. The waiter came soon after with his sandwich, he exclaimed with excitement and thanked the waiter. He gave him some money and told him to keep the change. He took a bite, chewed, swallowed and said "You ordered a nice sandwich." He looked at the man and said "Well, let's talk. What's your name? I'm Francisco."

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 9
Registration date : 2012-06-28

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It's Showtime. Street-Style. [Psynapse and Sarah Milosi] Empty Re: It's Showtime. Street-Style. [Psynapse and Sarah Milosi]

Post by Forceaus August 12th 2012, 3:35 pm

Sarah continued to just sit at her table while watching the psychic out of the corner of her eye.She wasn't sure why exactly she was doing this.Of what importance this person was she simply could not figure out.He seemed no more special than any of the other numerous metahumans and such that were spread across the world.There was nothing that differentiated this one from any of those others.Not as far as she could tell.Maybe there was something she was missing.Something she had yet to notice.It was worth waiting around a little bit longer to see if there was.That and she really had nothing better to do.

So she just continued to sit there watching.That was when another young man stepped forward and went over to talk to him.She recognized this one as one of the people in the crowd that had gathered to see the show that the psychic had been putting on.Probably just someone who had enjoyed the show and was asking for autograph.Instead she heard him outright ask for the secret behind his act.Amazingly he gave away the secret of his powers just like that.No caution or secrecy whatsoever.He then proved this to be a true statement with another display of his powers.This one was not afraid of letting people know what he really was at all.This was something she had found to be rare amongst those with such abilities.

Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : I am hilarious, and you will quote everything I say.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2604
Location : You're locked in with me at it.
Job : It pays the bills
Humor : I'm the cult of personality and history shows again and again that nature points out the folly of man.
Registration date : 2011-12-22

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It's Showtime. Street-Style. [Psynapse and Sarah Milosi] Empty Re: It's Showtime. Street-Style. [Psynapse and Sarah Milosi]

Post by Isak Zielinski-White August 12th 2012, 9:34 pm

Isak listened to him as he revealed the secret of his act. He had psychokinesis? Isak couldn't believe it as the man told him that out of the blue but the performance was still a good proof of what he was saying. Then he invited him to sit down with him. Isak looked at the chair and at the table he was before. He quickly took his belongings and brought them to the magician's, or psychokinesist's, table and sat down. As the man took a bite of his order and complimented him on his culinary tastes, he introduced himself as being Francisco. Isak nodded, smilling a bit timidly and did the same.

-I'm Isak. Pleased to meet you sir.

Isak drank some iced tea and looked at him. He was a kinda good-looking guy, probably since it was part of being a ''magician'' to have good looks. In any case, Isak had to find something else to say. He quickly pondered, not to say didn't thought, and asked him a question.

-Are you a street performer or more of a.... stage one? Because you look like you could perform for bigger crowds.

Isak scratched his head and did a sweeping motion with his other hand, embarassed

-Forget that, I think it is kinda obvious with those powers....

He looked away, having remembered that night encounter with the lady. Maybe he would know about her. He just had to ask. After all, the worst thing that could happen would be a no.

-Do you.... Mr.... Francisco, by any chance.... know about a euhm.... a lady that... throws fireballs and act as a hooker... pardon, a prostitute, to trap people? It's because....

Isak hesitated, but that man helped him gain some confidence, so he continued.

-Because I was attacked not so long ago and... I could have died that night... so...

He felt uneasy talking about it, but he hoped that man could give him an answer. He also apologized.

-Sorry if I ruined the atmosphere...

It's Showtime. Street-Style. [Psynapse and Sarah Milosi] Offica10

Isak Zielinski-White
Isak Zielinski-White
Posting Apprentice
Posting Apprentice

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 214
Location : Quebec
Age : 31
Job : Full-time Student :3
Humor : Scarce
Registration date : 2012-07-06

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It's Showtime. Street-Style. [Psynapse and Sarah Milosi] Empty Re: It's Showtime. Street-Style. [Psynapse and Sarah Milosi]

Post by Psynapse August 16th 2012, 2:00 am

Francisco liked the guy, he was a nice fellow, and full of curiosity. He seemed to be interested in Francisco as he brought his belongings to the table, so he was now anchored into this conversation. While he was doing so, Francisco took a couple of bites of his sandwich, it really was fantastic. Francisco didn't mind that Isak brought his items over, he was a social person and loved to communicate with people. He finished the coffee, it was satisfying. When Isak got back he introduced himself and then began to ask questions about him being a magician. Francisco looked at him with a raised eyebrow, he was scrambling for a topic, anything to talk about. Francisco chuckled, he wondered why he was so flustered. Was he possibly intimidated? Or was he just always a shy person? Francisco was used to talking to people who were brimming with confidence.

Before Francisco could answer the previous question he asked another one, about a fire manipulating prostitute? How odd. Francisco looked t him caring eyes and said "Well, let's clear something up: I'm not a magician of any sort, I'm actually unemployed, which is fine by me." he said this with a smile. He then answered the odd question, about the prostitute. "A lady of the night who throws fireballs and traps people... Sorry, but I've never heard of such a woman. Is there any way I could help you? She sounds like a dangerous woman. And stop being such a worrywart, Isak! You haven't ruined the atmosphere at all." Francisco pondered. He seemed to attract strange company, he had poor luck.

It seemed that Isak wasn't the only one who brought on strange attention. He noticed earlier that someone had been watching him, it wasn't obvious, but subtle. This woman had came in the same time he did and sat a safe distance away from him. He looked over at her, with a glare that could cut through steel. Ironically, he didn't like to be watched. He stared at her for a few seconds, he knew she could feel his glare. He then returned to his conversation with Isak. He, of course, didn't tell the guy, as he figured it would make him worry.

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 9
Registration date : 2012-06-28

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It's Showtime. Street-Style. [Psynapse and Sarah Milosi] Empty Re: It's Showtime. Street-Style. [Psynapse and Sarah Milosi]

Post by Forceaus August 16th 2012, 10:17 pm

All she did for the next few minutes was listen intently in on the conversation that was occuring between the psychic showman and the seemingly would be fan.She was mainly trying to see if anything interesting would come out of it.Though she doubted anything would be so important as to warrant her having to stay here longer.It's not like she didn't have anything better to do.Well to be honest she really didn't.Or couldn't think of anything maybe.Maybe she just didn't want to be here at all.Who knows anymore.

Sarah just sat there continuing to listen.She wasn't finding either of these people to be the kind of people she might take a disliking to, but she wasn't really seeing anything she liked about either one of them either.Nonetheless she kept up trying to learn more.There had to be a reason for being here and she wanted to find out.

She listened in and heard them talk about a woman who had pretended to be a prostitute in order to do something or another and seemed to possess some kind of fire using abilities.The young boy didn't specify.He probably didn't know since he avoided capture.Probably best for his sake considering how scared of this woman he was just through the encounter itself.The psychic was also very interested in this story.He seemed to want to do something about this.Does that mean he's one of the heroic types of the metahumans that existed in this world.

As she was listening she didn't realize that she wasn't being as inconspicous as she intended to be.Instead of only looking out of the corner of her eye she was practically looking directly at them.This did not go unnoticed.The psychic saw that she was looking at him.Dammit.How stupid could she be for being so absentminded enough to just let them know she was snooping in on their conversation

Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : I am hilarious, and you will quote everything I say.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2604
Location : You're locked in with me at it.
Job : It pays the bills
Humor : I'm the cult of personality and history shows again and again that nature points out the folly of man.
Registration date : 2011-12-22

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It's Showtime. Street-Style. [Psynapse and Sarah Milosi] Empty Re: It's Showtime. Street-Style. [Psynapse and Sarah Milosi]

Post by Isak Zielinski-White August 19th 2012, 7:10 pm

Isak felt a bit disappointed, but the world was vast and maybe these people didn't know all about the others who were roaming around. Isak shrugged for himself and took another bite of his lunch. He had to think of something else to talk about. Luckily, this guy was a magician, in some way, and Isak totally knew what he could talk about now.

-Anyway.... you're doing magic tricks or... rather you use your powers to do so. But what's your background? You have any diplomas in some scientific fields or something? There is a local magician, well he's older now but he had a masters in optics and another college degree in physics and stuff. How about you? Or.... is it confidential?

He hoped that would do the trick in order to restore the more joyful atmosphere of earlier. Isak was smiling timidly, also hoping that this guy would appreciate his efforts to maintain the conversation. The boy wasn't really the kind to have a lot of public relations skills but he was able to get himself out of most troublesome situations such as this one if he was lucky enough to find a good comeback. Still, Isak was still waiting for a reaction from Francisco. He looked around and saw a girl looking at them. He felt like she was staring at them. But Isak didn't mind and reported his attention back to the psychic man.

It's Showtime. Street-Style. [Psynapse and Sarah Milosi] Offica10

Isak Zielinski-White
Isak Zielinski-White
Posting Apprentice
Posting Apprentice

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 214
Location : Quebec
Age : 31
Job : Full-time Student :3
Humor : Scarce
Registration date : 2012-07-06

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It's Showtime. Street-Style. [Psynapse and Sarah Milosi] Empty Re: It's Showtime. Street-Style. [Psynapse and Sarah Milosi]

Post by Psynapse August 29th 2012, 9:53 pm

Francisco listened to Isak talk, it seemed that he still thought Francisco was a magician, which made him chuckle a little bit. He didn't pay any attention to the staring women, as she wasn't a danger, so far that is. He wiped his mouth with a napkin and straightened up his posture a bit. "Well, sorry to disappoint, but I don't have any degrees of that sort, or any degrees at all for that matter. I was a model for most of my younger years and was consequently home-schooled because of all the travel, but I don't think that degrees emulate someone's intelligence. Though, I do have a certain interest in physics, which should make sense. Not much is private to me, Isak, you can ask as many questions as you'd like." He said this in a polite manner. Francisco lived an exciting life and he had been all around the world and seen things that most people wouldn't see in their life, it's something that has humbled him.

"So, tell me about yourself. You look relatively young, so are you in college? What's YOUR background?" Francisco asked the guy. He seemed to be in his late teens, possibly 18 or 19. Francisco felt like he was talking about himself and he didn't like that too much, he'd rather hear from Isak, as to what he had to say. Then it hit him again, though he pushed it away, he started thinking about who the woman was. He couldn't really come up with an answer, as he didn't have any enemies, well not any that he knew of. He looked at her for a slight second, she didn't look familiar. Guess she was of no importance, she would probably reveal herself when the time arose. As he waited for Isak to answer, he asked for a glass of water to one of the workers, he was feeling parched. It arrived quickly and Francisco took a couple of sips from it, how refreshing.

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 9
Registration date : 2012-06-28

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It's Showtime. Street-Style. [Psynapse and Sarah Milosi] Empty Re: It's Showtime. Street-Style. [Psynapse and Sarah Milosi]

Post by Forceaus August 30th 2012, 5:43 pm

At this point in time with no point in pretending to be just there since both of them had noticed her eavesdropping in on their conversation.Next time be better at doing so went through her mind before planning out her next course of action.Well since there was no point in just sitting there anymore she might as well do something else.Sarah wound up doing exactly what she had no intention of doing originally for she did not want to draw attention to herself in any way, shape or form due to the fact that she was somewhat in hiding.She got up out of her seat and slowly walked over to where they were sitting.

"Mind if I sit here." she asked of the two of them.Once getting a response she took as such.She turned to the psychic for he was the one that had interested her in the first place and said something to him that could be taken as either a word of warning or something else depending on how somebody might react to it."Look, I should let you know that showing off your abilities may not be the smartest idea.There are those who might enjoy watching them in effect like with the crowd that you entertained so wildly not too long ago, but there are also those that might not take too kindly to such a thing.In fact there's people out there that wouldn't want someone who does things like you do even around at all.Just a word of warning I thought I'd provide that's all." she said to the psychic before turning to the other kid."So tell me if you would about this fiery hooker."

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Humor : I'm the cult of personality and history shows again and again that nature points out the folly of man.
Registration date : 2011-12-22

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It's Showtime. Street-Style. [Psynapse and Sarah Milosi] Empty Re: It's Showtime. Street-Style. [Psynapse and Sarah Milosi]

Post by Isak Zielinski-White September 1st 2012, 11:42 am

Isak listened to him as he talked once more. This man seemed to have been well educated or maybe it was just the experience from his performances that made him so receptive in a conversation. Either way, Isak felt lucky to talk to such an individual. He was about to talk about himself as Francisco asked him to but Isak was interrupted by a girl that arrived and asked to sit with them. Isak replied in an affirmative way and he bacame the witness to an odd conversation, or maybe more of a monologue, a short one, from the newly arrived lady. Isak didn't tried to answer but it seemed she had some interest in him since she asked him about the night lady or earlier. Isak looked at them both and started talking, not sure how to handle two people asking you to talk about different subjects of conversation. But still, he gave it a go.

-Well, first of all, I'd like to introduce myself to you. I'm Isak Zielinski-White. I am half Canadian and half Polish, the latter comes from my mother and I have my high school and college, which is called cegep here, diplomas. I am planning to go to university but I am not sure of what I want to do so I haven't registered for the upcoming semester. So now, to answer you miss, I don't..... I don't know much about people like Francisco or that hooker, assuming I can regroup them both in the same category since they are not normal human beings.

He made a brief pause, then he continued.

-But about that hooker.... Hum, I am not sure he she was a real one or if she wasn't. But yeah, she threw fireballs and she got furious because I didn't felt any pain when she kissed me and burned my lips a bit. Oh yeah about that I.... I have a medical condition that makes me indifferent to pain even though I can still feel things. Yep...

He didn't know what to say next so he sat there, silent, and waiting for the two of them to react to what he just said.

It's Showtime. Street-Style. [Psynapse and Sarah Milosi] Offica10

Isak Zielinski-White
Isak Zielinski-White
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It's Showtime. Street-Style. [Psynapse and Sarah Milosi] Empty Re: It's Showtime. Street-Style. [Psynapse and Sarah Milosi]

Post by Psynapse September 20th 2012, 12:59 am

Francisco watched, with a raised eyebrow, as the woman finally approached the table where him and Isak were currently residing. "So, you finally decided to join our little party." he said with a smirk. As soon as she sat down she turned to him and gave him a mini lecture on the use of his powers, which was unexpected. The way she said it made it seem as if she knew of some hidden agenda, a warning possibly? "I'm perfectly capable of defending myself, but I guess I will heed your warning." he said while taking a sip of his water. Who was this woman? Aesthetically, she looked like a normal woman, but maybe there was something special about her. In this world, you never knew anymore.

Francisco diverted his attention away from the woman and back onto Isak. From what absorbed, Isak was a prosaic teenager with an odd medical condition. "Ah, so you're part Polish! That's one language I cannot speak, as of yet that is. But you can't feel pain... that must have its pros and cons, for pain makes one stronger." Francisco said with a chuckle. After he said that, he looked at the woman and asked in a curious manner "What's your fascination with this woman?". "Also, who are you? You should introduce yourself to us. I'm Francisco." he said in a greeting tone. Despite his skepticism, he was still a charismatic individual. Though, they didn't get off on a good note, Francisco wasn't going to let it end that way. He was raised to always be kind to other, no matter what. It was his way of attaining true peace within himself.

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

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Number of posts : 9
Registration date : 2012-06-28

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It's Showtime. Street-Style. [Psynapse and Sarah Milosi] Empty Re: It's Showtime. Street-Style. [Psynapse and Sarah Milosi]

Post by Forceaus September 20th 2012, 8:19 pm

Sarah listened closely to the individual responses to both the word of warning that she provided to the psychic simply because she would prefer to not have somebody die whom that she herself could have potentially saved simply by alerting them to any potential dangers that may arise from essentially reveal one's self as somebody with special abilities.The young man took heed of her warning for which was something that she was quite relieved to hear.It also mean't that it prevented any sort of argument of some kind from breaking out.That was something she was very interested in avoiding.

She also payed close attention to the brief story provided by the boy about his somewhat frightening encounter with fire wielding hooker as he called her.She certainly sounded very unpleasant based on what he was saying.She sounded like someone who was in to capturing and torturing people for fun and having such powers were just a way to make doing so both easier and alot more fun for her.Definitely somebody who used such abilities for purposes that were not of good intent.Sarah wondered if those people that had attacked her knew about this person.Or for that matter the young psychic she was currently sitting next to.

"They may not be normal, but they are still people." Sarah quietly told the kid in hopes he would know that such a thing were true and not become prejudiced against such people in their entirety.She took a sip from her drink as the psychic questioned her about her intrigue into the dangerous woman that the kid had met and for her to introduce herself.Sarah finished sipping from her cup then let out a small breath before stating to them both a concocted story she had came up with a few weeks ago in order to address such a situation."My name young sir is Elise and I concern myself with folks with special powers that use them irresponsibly."

Mega Poster!
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Quote : I am hilarious, and you will quote everything I say.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
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Location : You're locked in with me at it.
Job : It pays the bills
Humor : I'm the cult of personality and history shows again and again that nature points out the folly of man.
Registration date : 2011-12-22

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It's Showtime. Street-Style. [Psynapse and Sarah Milosi] Empty Re: It's Showtime. Street-Style. [Psynapse and Sarah Milosi]

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