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Awakening Mirshann Rosin (Forcewave, Ranger, Clergy, Max)

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Awakening Mirshann Rosin (Forcewave, Ranger, Clergy, Max) Empty Awakening Mirshann Rosin (Forcewave, Ranger, Clergy, Max)

Post by Chellizard December 18th 2012, 7:46 pm


"Calm down, calm down!"

"No way can I calm down right now, Frank! I've finally got the funding! AND the stupid meta humans that wanna help out!"

"Thom, that's no way to talk about people like me.."

"You're hardly a meta, Frank. You can sort of move objects with your mind. I still say you have a trick up your sleeve, though."

"Whatever, Thom. You're a dick,"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. And you're a saint. Shut up, Frank. The Meta's should be here any minute now!"

The two voices jabbering back and forth were Frank and Thom Derringer. Thom had been planning for weeks and weeks and months and months and days on end for this day. Today was the day they will take a boat from the coast of New York to a small floating Island near Iceland. The ship was about average ice boat size; could fit a crew of six, and had a below deck area enough to fit that crew. Thom was just the guide that had been studying the Island through old books he had found, and it all started with a story he heard from an older looking gentleman with one the finest beards he had ever seen. You see, Thom is a skinny fellow, with bony knees, and a crooked set of bottom teeth, baggy eyes and saggy pale skin; he's hardly good looking, and he smells like salt water and dirt. But he has a dream, and his dream is to find Mirshann Rosin and her sacred bow, Forever Changing.

"I think I see them, Frank!" Thom shouted, his bony form bounding toward the edge of his ship. It was nestled into the harbor, it's old rusted frame breathing with the waves. "You seriously need to pull yourself together; as Captain I order you to calm the hell down, Thom." Frank scolded his twin brother, his head shaking lightly before he noticed someone, or a few people, approaching their little voyage. However Thom got them interested was odd to Frank, but whatever. The more help, the better. The Island is rumored to house quite the creepy creature or two.

-My DeviantArt-
Awakening Mirshann Rosin (Forcewave, Ranger, Clergy, Max) JiLqjv0
~Main Characters~
Naomi | Skyler | Nate | Chelle | Tyuki | Gerard | Miri | Uzma |  Malus | Vihaan
Anna | Girl Alive!
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : "A woman's place is in the sky with the goddamn birds."

Nekromonga (08/23/2017 10:05PM): Chellizard the Internet Born, Mother of Nerds, first of her name, Queen of the Gamers and the Roleplayers

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 5019
Location : The Internet
Age : 31
Job : I Work Full time/Artist/Charizard Enthusiast
Humor : [18:47:50] Spirit Corgi : Dear mods, I need my apps unapproved. If you don't do it an orderly time, I will compare you to nazis and tell everyone how you are stiffening my creativity, yours truly, a loving member of the site.
Registration date : 2009-11-15

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Awakening Mirshann Rosin (Forcewave, Ranger, Clergy, Max) Empty Re: Awakening Mirshann Rosin (Forcewave, Ranger, Clergy, Max)

Post by Max Ahlberg Hale December 18th 2012, 8:14 pm

The red man visited me in a dream. He only told me a few words, like awakening, elf, magic, and Mirshann. I had no idea what any of these words meant at the time of the dream. It was also confusing to me that the red man wanted to speak with me. Apparently he was really interested in whatever was happening, so he wanted me to check it out? After a few days of researching and talking to people, I knew what he wanted from me. There is supposed to be a race of people from a distant planet. We would call them elves, they were attacked and they sent their princess to Earth. She is supposed to be found and awakened, but I guess no one did that yet. The red man wanted to have me wake her up. For what reasons, who knows? He never really tells me much anyway, like, why he has my soul? What is he doing with it? That's definitely a scary thought that I will not want to go into. As time went on, my research paid off. Apparently there are a set of twins that are looking for her as well. I guess they are as curious as I am?

To be honest, I was really excited. I like when I meet people who are like me, but someone who is magical, like me, but a totally different race? Now that's awesome! I hope I don't embarrass myself in front of her when I meet her. I've never met royalty, so I will probably be nervous, but this was a chance to get out in the world and make a name for myself. I want people to know that I exist and if they try to hurt others or destroy towns, I want them to know that I am after them. I don't want this poor elf princess to be put down a horrible road to war and chaos, she had to put up with it enough. I hope that my meeting with her will make her want to help people and not want to hurt others. I could also sympathize with her, since we are very similar. Me with being a ghoul and her... being... an elf... Okay, so maybe we aren't that similar, but we aren't human, there's a similarity!

As I approached the New York coastline, I found myself face to face with a two men, the twins, I assumed. As I approached them I noticed that one of them was horribly ugly. I don't like judging people, but DAY-UM! I had to put up with this guy for the whole trip? I guess I would just have to deal with it, I could cope somehow. Maybe I could pretend to see Abel when I look at him or something like that. Shit, I just went gay again. There's no time for being gay right now, I got a princess to meet/save/awaken/...whatever! I was ready, regardless of any ugly man, monsters, or gay fantasies that come my way! I was packed for a good week or two in my suitcase, I don't really need that many changes of clothing, and I figure it's going to be a messy job anyway. I was dressed for the occasion, though, with a red T-Shirt, (Coats and such in the bag) sturdy hiking pants, and a great set of boots. As I got into talking distance with the two guides, I noticed that others showed up as well, I wonder who they were. I actually am excited that others are here, new people to meet and become friends with; at least, I hope I become friends with them, but who knows? I have yet to meet them.

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Max Ahlberg Hale
Max Ahlberg Hale

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Location : Pittsburgh, PA
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Registration date : 2012-12-09

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Awakening Mirshann Rosin (Forcewave, Ranger, Clergy, Max) Empty Re: Awakening Mirshann Rosin (Forcewave, Ranger, Clergy, Max)

Post by The Ranger December 18th 2012, 8:40 pm

Rey Adrian Miller, lawyer, hockey player, and superhero. He was on his way to meet two guys about some legend they were apparently researching and wanted some meta-humans to come help them when they were on the island. Now, usually Rey would stay away from things like this as he knew they didn’t really concern him, but he felt as if this one did. The reason being was because apparently the thing they were looking for on the island wasn’t just any old treasure, no it was an old archer who needed to be woken up or some crazy shit like that. He wasn’t much of one to like magic and that sort of things, but he did understand archery and if the person…elf…was an archer than he felt obliged to help at least somewhat. He had left his ‘apprentice’, as the kid had come to calling himself, back in Atlanta as he himself took off to investigate whatever this was.

It didn’t take Rey long to find out what he needed to know about this legend, and he had to admit that after a bit of digging up information he was hooked. The legend that revolved around the ‘Elf’s’ history and how he ended up on their planet reminded him of some comic book he read when he was a kid but he couldn’t quite place is finger on which one it was, started with an s or something though. Anyway, as soon as he had the chance he called the two brothers, on an untraceable number of course, and told them they could count him in on their little ‘treasure’ hunt. As soon as the call was over he ‘borrowed’ the Phantom Jet, packed it with two extra quiver’s full of his trick arrows, donned his suit and took off towards their meeting point.

It didn’t take him long to arrive at the location but the boat wasn’t what he had expected and he was half tempted to simply fly over head in the jet to wherever they were going. But, alas he was almost out of fuel from the flight from Chicago to New York and didn’t want to get to the island only to have to leave the jet there. The Black Knight would kill him if he ever found out, if he ever came back from wherever he was that is. He circled the boat and docks twice before finally deciding to land on a building a little bit off. When he had landed on the roof he got out of the jet, closed the hatch back up and locked the top. He rolled his neck and pulled the hood of his costume down a little further over his face.

Jumping off the top of the building he landed on the ground in a crouched position before standing up and making sure his bow and one quiver were still strung over his back. The extra two quivers in his left hand he stood up and walked over to the dock where the boat was, well docked. When he got there he nodded to the two men, introducing himself as The Ranger and there for the trip to the supposed island of their little legend before he set his extra quivers down on the ground. He was the first one there it seemed, but when he turned around he saw someone else approaching the boat, a kid who didn’t look too much older than Dark Arrow or whatever it was the kid called himself was.

The Ranger
The Ranger's Stuff
Awakening Mirshann Rosin (Forcewave, Ranger, Clergy, Max) TheRangerFinishedResize-1
The Ranger
The Ranger
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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 535
Location : everywhere but nowhere at the same time
Age : 27
Job : Lawyer in training
Registration date : 2011-05-13

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Awakening Mirshann Rosin (Forcewave, Ranger, Clergy, Max) Empty Re: Awakening Mirshann Rosin (Forcewave, Ranger, Clergy, Max)

Post by The Clergyman December 18th 2012, 9:39 pm

Levi adjusted his top hat as he bid farewell to the family he had stayed at for the night. Their brash son Peter had clearly not heard of the term 'don't run with a pair of scissors', and had ended up with a profusely bleeding scratch on his face. They had been lucky that Levi was passing by while it had happened, as they did not have the money to bring him to a hospital and Levi was more than experienced enough to deal with such an injury. He had simply stitched up the wound after giving Peter some Arka leaves to help null the pain, then applied a poultice of Akebia to prevent infection. The boys parents wanted to thank him, and Levi was a very fair man, as he only took what his patients had. In this case, it was a bed to sleep in and a meal, though it was slightly annoying when the mother had asked what such a young child was doing by himself, and he had politely informed her that he was 26, not 13. This plan of arrangemant was fine to Levi, as he had been only staying temporarily.

Levi set off with his black doctors bag in hand, and his assistant Teddy trailing close behind him. With his old-fashioned attire and childish appearance and the walking giant teddy bear, they did attract a few stares, but Levi simply ignored them and continued on toward the docks, where the brothers were waiting. He had caught wind of two brothers on a search for Mirshann Rosin, an elfen princess of legend. He had read about her a few times as he explored his fathers extensive library, and from some research of his own, her home world had apparently been destroyed in a world of sorts. She had led her kingdoms army, but her parents had sent her somewhere safe when it was obvious they would not win. Levi didn't care much for her backstory, but rather was only coming to stop the two fools from dabbling with magic they had no sense of. There were things mortal should keep out of, himself included.

After several minutes of walking, the dock started to come into view, and he could make out a group of several men, and he headed that way. It seemed he wasn't the one with the strangest appearance, as one man had a bow and several quivers of arrows, and another young looking one with a rather strange hair color. He approached the brothers, ignoring any double-takes he might receive as a result of his young appearance.

"It appears I am a bit late, seeing how two have already arrived before me. Should we start with introductions?" he asked not aiming the question at anyone in particular. He cast his hollow black eyes across the gathered men, taking note of their features.

The Clergyman
The Clergyman

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 13
Registration date : 2012-12-11

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Awakening Mirshann Rosin (Forcewave, Ranger, Clergy, Max) Empty Re: Awakening Mirshann Rosin (Forcewave, Ranger, Clergy, Max)

Post by Forceaus December 18th 2012, 9:42 pm

Ailill Hale was in the wreckage of New York city at the harbor in order to board a ship that was ready to set sail. Off on an island near the small northern atlantic nation of Iceland lie an island that held some historical significance of the magical nature.Stories of elves having lived there were prominent in his research.Ailill knew this quite well from his studies.Being a member of the prestigious Hale family helped him know of such things quite well.His travels of the world had only expanded upon that already exponential knowledge.As great as it was however it was nowhere near complete.That was probably the very reason he was making this trip to that island.That or this way no other member of his family would.Jealousy can be such a powerful emotion.

On that note he got a call coming in on his phone and it was none other than one his relatives.His aunt Arianna to be more specific.Ailill pondered for a moment before answering.He really did not feel like talking at the moment.Well, didn't feel like talking to her.But he went ahead and answered the call anyways simply because it was polite.

"Hello aunt Arianna.What do you need?" he answered politely.She was his aunt after all and the one who was his primary teacher over the years.

"Have you boarded the ship yet?"

"I'm just about to.You don't have to worry.Anything else?"

"Nothing.Just be safe."

"Alright.I will." with that he hung up the phone.Immediately doing so he turned to somebody who had been staring at him while he was talking."Do you need something I wonder.You should not eavesdrop in on other's conversations.It's rude." he told the man who seemed to be one of the workers for the city's repair efforts.Should be focusing more on the work at hand rather than listening in on Ailill's conversation.The city was not going to repair itself after all.

He walked forward directly to where the ship was docked and looked upon the vessel he would soon be boarding.It was not as grand as the vessel owned by his family which he would have preferred to take but unfortunately none of his family knew the exact location of the island and these people did.Then again at least this way he would not have to ask to use the family yacht.

He walked up to the twin men who were captaining this vessel and its trip and greeted them.As he was doing so he saw a plane flying above them.It circled the ship a couple of times before landing on a nearby building."Now who is that flying that thing?What are they doing?Are they going to board this thing as well." he was thinking.He then boarded the ship.As it turns out he was the first to board it and was the only one on it for only a minute or so.A few others were boarding as well.Such a thing he was finding inconvient.Ailill was rather hoping to not have to deal with others on this trip.Just more work to have to do and he hated manual labor in general.Just so annoying.So annoying indeed.

Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

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Quote : I am hilarious, and you will quote everything I say.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2604
Location : You're locked in with me at it.
Job : It pays the bills
Humor : I'm the cult of personality and history shows again and again that nature points out the folly of man.
Registration date : 2011-12-22

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Awakening Mirshann Rosin (Forcewave, Ranger, Clergy, Max) Empty Re: Awakening Mirshann Rosin (Forcewave, Ranger, Clergy, Max)

Post by Chellizard December 19th 2012, 4:58 pm

"Heheheh hello, hello, hello!" was boasted cheerfully while Thom eagerly bounced from foot to foot. He was giddy, and ready to shove off on this adventure.

"Ugh, what an embarrassment," muttered Frank, his head shaking while his tall, muscular, and well built frame leaned against the rail of the ship.

"Can it, Frank! Can't you see our guests have arrived?!" Thom hissed, his eyes narrowing while his hunched back hunched even more. Thom sure was ugly.

"Whatever ya' say, Chief." Frank said, throwing up a lazy Boy Scout salute.

Frank sauntered to the steering of the ship after adjusting a few ropes to let out the sails.

Thom was almost bursting at the seams with happiness. He was a child in a toy shop for the first time when the final members of their rag tag crew arrived.

"Ah yes! Introductions! I am Thom Derringer; Yes, T-h-o-m; but it's pronounced Tom." While his fast-paced jibber jabber, clipped an hyper, raced passed his chapped lips and crooked bottom teeth, Frank started them on their voyage.

"I hope were all settled. It's a pleasure to have all of you here. I am pleased to be in your company!" he cooed and waved a bony hand around as he talked.

"The boat trip will take us roughly three days. I hope you're ready for the storm.."

And as soon as Thom spoke, thunder rolled across the sky.

The sun was peaking, just barely, through spaces between large roots of a very, very old Oak tree. It's warm embrace cut straight through the glass of a beautiful tomb. The occupant of the vessel was Mirshann Rosin. Her deep sleeping form lay peacefully, her chest rising and falling with every soft breath. Her prized bow, Thir'ku Mal'rak, was resting in it's own case below her hibernating form. As the sun curled through the roots, clouds came and brought a fresh rain over the whole island for two days. A magic unlike any other was shrouding the island, keeping it mysteriously floating around the world, and also keeping it's seasons very mild. From the outside of the island at Ocean view, it looked like a large pointless island, but when a ship was docked near it's shore, and anyone dared to step foot on the beach, the island revealed it's actual appearance. Lush, beautiful scenery and gorgeous plant and animal life.

The days passed faster than imagined, and when Thom saw the island come into view, he was all smiles.

"THERE IT IS! AHH!" he called, completely overwhelmed with how different it looked as soon as his feet touched the sandy beach.

"Whoa.." was all Frank could muster.

Thom turned to the others and gave a big smile and spread his arms out to his sides. "Welcome to Paradise!" He laughed and shook his head and hunched over. His whole form seemed like it was going to explode with giddiness.

"Ah, I believe it's time to start our trek.. Everyone ready?" Thom asked, his eyes bright with wonderment as he glanced around. He grimaced when he saw a few skeletons baring armor laying on the beach. There were even remains to an old ship docked on the island's side.

He shrugged that off and started walking forward, a backpack hooked around his frail bony shoulders. Frank took up the front, a machete in his hand to clear a path.

The fun had all but started.

-My DeviantArt-
Awakening Mirshann Rosin (Forcewave, Ranger, Clergy, Max) JiLqjv0
~Main Characters~
Naomi | Skyler | Nate | Chelle | Tyuki | Gerard | Miri | Uzma |  Malus | Vihaan
Anna | Girl Alive!
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : "A woman's place is in the sky with the goddamn birds."

Nekromonga (08/23/2017 10:05PM): Chellizard the Internet Born, Mother of Nerds, first of her name, Queen of the Gamers and the Roleplayers

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 5019
Location : The Internet
Age : 31
Job : I Work Full time/Artist/Charizard Enthusiast
Humor : [18:47:50] Spirit Corgi : Dear mods, I need my apps unapproved. If you don't do it an orderly time, I will compare you to nazis and tell everyone how you are stiffening my creativity, yours truly, a loving member of the site.
Registration date : 2009-11-15

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Awakening Mirshann Rosin (Forcewave, Ranger, Clergy, Max) Empty Re: Awakening Mirshann Rosin (Forcewave, Ranger, Clergy, Max)

Post by Max Ahlberg Hale December 21st 2012, 11:21 am

The boat ride to the island was exciting. The storm was a little scary at times, especially since I've never actually been on a boat before. It definitely wasn't anything that I have ever experienced in my life. During the ride, I introduced myself to the rest of the group. I didn't have any problems with them, they all seemed cool in their own way. I did notice, though, that everyone here seemed to have their own reason for coming here. I suppose I did as well, so I am probably no different. I will keep this is mind, though, if anyone tries to hurt her or turn her towards a dark path, they better get ready to have their asses handed to them. I'm not going to threaten them, but if it happens, I'm not holding back. But if she is evil to begin with, I'm pretty screwed. If she's both good and evil at times, then I suppose I'm going to have to go with the situation.

I was never much of an outdoor person, come to think about it, I used to try anything to get out of hiking, swimming, or anything else like that. But today was different. I guess living in New York (at least before the shit storm hit it) never really helped me with liking the outdoors. Sure, there are parks, but nothing was comparable to this island. It was so beautiful, with its lush landscape and greenery.

Everything looked a little too beautiful. I wish I brought my camera, if I had one. I could've brought my cell phone and use it, but there was more than likely no service here, so why break my phone? It's not like they are really cheap, or anything. It was pretty obvious that there would be no service, I don't even know where the hell I am. I don't think anyone does. Is this island populated? Yes, the princess "lives" here, I suppose I could say, but there are probably not any houses or anything.

As we started our hike into the island, I saw Thom grimace towards one direction, I looked over and saw skeletons. I kept my cool, I was a little terrified when I saw them, but I figured that it was just a team of explorers that got lost a long time ago, so I didn't bring it up, nor did I lose my composure. This was really going to be interesting, I probably knew that for sure.

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Max Ahlberg Hale
Max Ahlberg Hale

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Location : Pittsburgh, PA
Age : 29
Job : Student, Clerk
Humor : Anything that isn't too immature.
Registration date : 2012-12-09

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Awakening Mirshann Rosin (Forcewave, Ranger, Clergy, Max) Empty Re: Awakening Mirshann Rosin (Forcewave, Ranger, Clergy, Max)

Post by The Ranger December 21st 2012, 3:02 pm

The trip took longer than he expected it too, longer than he wanted it too, but as you can’t control everything that happens in your life The Ranger just went along with it. He learned what he could about the others from listening to them talk amongst themselves and even introduced himself when they did their little introductions, but besides all of that he mostly kept to himself as was his usual routine while under the guise of The Ranger. The trip was a boring one to say the least; the only semi interesting conversations that ever went on were the ones between Tom and Frank, and only because of Tom’s end of their little arguments. Yet, finally the third day came rolling around and everyone seemed ready to hit the island and start the little adventure.
For Rey Adrian Miller though he was in his room, they had all been given quarters to change and sleep in when needed, doing just that. His costume didn’t take too long to put on but it did give him the time he needed to think everything over and formulate a plan of sorts. He did not truly trust anyone on this boat, and that would not bode well during this miniature quest of theirs and something would need to be worked out. Pulling his gloves on he looked into the little mirror and sighed shaking his head, did they even know where to look when they arrived on the island? Did any of them even truly know if the elf girl existed? He had always assumed magic was simply trickery or a potent form of one’s meta-human abilities but these people believed their powers to actually be magic and it being the reason for what was going on in this island.

He shook his head and pulled his hood on over it before making sure his quiver had sufficient arrows in it, and then he grabbed his long bow and slung it over his back as well. All this magic mumbo jumbo was not his area of expertise at all and although he had an open mind he didn’t see how it was really what was going on, there was always a logical explanation to things, right? He thought so at least, and it was what he continued to believe as he stepped up onto the upper deck of the boat, looking out onto the island just as Thom stepped down onto the sand, being the first one on land of course as was his right as the ‘captain’ of the journey.

He slowly followed behind as was the archer’s job in the old days, they’d follow behind keep an eye on everything, make sure nothing snuck up on them and that was what Ranger planned on doing. He stepped off the boat and onto the sand, leaning lightly against the boat as he waited for everyone to get ready before he himself nodded in response to the question Thom imposed. Without giving much time for anyone to truly respond though Thom strode forward, Frank taking the lead and cutting through the vines and brush with a machete. Ranger in the back to keep watch over everyone, he was there to see the rumored Elvin Archer and that was about it, but if need be he’d immobilize anyone who tried to do anything tricky.

The Ranger
The Ranger's Stuff
Awakening Mirshann Rosin (Forcewave, Ranger, Clergy, Max) TheRangerFinishedResize-1
The Ranger
The Ranger
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Location : everywhere but nowhere at the same time
Age : 27
Job : Lawyer in training
Registration date : 2011-05-13

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Awakening Mirshann Rosin (Forcewave, Ranger, Clergy, Max) Empty Re: Awakening Mirshann Rosin (Forcewave, Ranger, Clergy, Max)

Post by The Clergyman December 22nd 2012, 3:11 pm

After giving a very brief introduction, Levi realized Thom had conveniently left out the minor detail of the exact length of the trip, and so Levi was quite bored for the next dew days. He mostly spent the time reorganizing his supplies. And spying on his traveling companions. He had possessed a rubber ball, brought along specifically for this purpose. It was very small, about the circumference of a quarter, and it was almost transparent, perfect for espionage. He sat on the floor, switching between watching Thom, Rey, and Max. He skipped Frank since he seemed to not have any interest at all in Mirshann Rosin, and was only coming along to help out his brother. Levi was more worried about Thom. He needed to know exactly what Thom wanted to do once they had found Mirshann. If his intentions were more...malevolent, Levi may be forced to somehow sabotage the trip, as unsightly as that option seemed.

The Ranger seemed to be along just for the thrill, though he couldn't be sure as people didn't talk a lot when they were by themselves. And Max was still a mystery in the case of his intentions. After a few boring days, they had finally reached the island, and Levi walked out onto the deck with Teddy trailing behind him holding his bag. Not seeing anything of much interest, he jumped slightly when his vision changed as his shoes touched the hot sand. Levi was astonished by the plant-life before him. How could such a marvel of life go so long without being discovered? The skeletons lying half-buried in the ground answered that question.

While Frank took the lead, Levi observed the plants as he passed by, wishing he had brought along a notebook to write down his observations. For now he would have to commit what he could to memory. It was getting quite hot in his coat so he took it off and stuffed it into his bag. He wondered if Thom knew where Mirshann actually was, or they were just walking around blindly.

"Thom, we are going in a specific trail, are we? Cause i'd like to know if you're leading us on a wild goose chase."

The Clergyman
The Clergyman

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 13
Registration date : 2012-12-11

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Awakening Mirshann Rosin (Forcewave, Ranger, Clergy, Max) Empty Re: Awakening Mirshann Rosin (Forcewave, Ranger, Clergy, Max)

Post by Forceaus December 22nd 2012, 9:53 pm

Three days.For three long days Ailill waited aboard the ship just to get to the island where this supposedly famous elf lay dormant.A trip longer than he had hoping it had been.Luckily he did not get seasick or this trip would have really turned out badly.Then again if he did he would not have been able to come aboard this here vessel at all would he now? No not at all.He had spent most of it avoiding all the other passengers as much as he possibly could mainly by staying in his room and studying up on the island's ancient lore.Ailill was trying to know as much as there possibly could be known about what was on that island before stepping foot on it.He was sure to have an advantage over the others in this department.He also spent some time on the deck playing shuffleboard alone.Every time somebody tried to engage him in conversation while he was playing he would pretend that they were messing up his concentration simply so they would go away.He also tried fishing at one point but that was to no avail.Not because the boat moving made it impossible to ever catch anything but because the line was not even long enough to reach the waters.That moment was kind of embarrassing for him to experience.Ailill was not interested in interacting with any of the others too much so.He would listen when they talked sure but did not respond.If he was going to have to deal with these folks in this upcoming task then he wanted a leg up on information.Having that may make dealing with them easier.He was determined to get to the elven ground's location and find this mysterious Mirshann Rosin figure first and all by himself.

After three whole days that seemed alot longer due to him not expecting the trip to take so long they finally reached the shores of the island.When Ailill first heard word of them approaching he had gathered everything of his possession and headed out to the deck to watch as it docked.The island was quite the sight to behold.It was surprisingly unlike the area around it.It was alot less colder looking for sure.The boat docked and all the two hosts and all the passengers walked off the ship and onto the island.Ailill could just sense the magical energies emanating from the island.This energy would be very helpful in making finding the destination easy for him.As they all made their way towards the trees Ailill started searching for any spirits he could find to give him the information he sought after.Once he had the exact location found out he would not need these fellows anymore.The question was would he simply try and sneak away or eliminate them.Sneaking away was the far easier option but it mean't having to hurry towards the location and dealing with them trying to chase him down or possibly interfering with him while he was at the elven ground's location.Perhaps there was some way of delaying them.As one of the crew members started chopping through the brush and vines with a machete some ideas went through the mage's mind.Some pretty brilliant ideas.
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

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Quote : I am hilarious, and you will quote everything I say.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2604
Location : You're locked in with me at it.
Job : It pays the bills
Humor : I'm the cult of personality and history shows again and again that nature points out the folly of man.
Registration date : 2011-12-22

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Awakening Mirshann Rosin (Forcewave, Ranger, Clergy, Max) Empty Re: Awakening Mirshann Rosin (Forcewave, Ranger, Clergy, Max)

Post by Chellizard December 22nd 2012, 11:05 pm

. o O ( I give you...
I hope you like the teeny sketch. Gives you an idea of what they look like, eh? Kitty Face Thom has a black eye, and Frank is being all dopey and amazingly handsomely buff. So hunky! Hubbahubba! )

When any of the other party attempted to speak with Thom, he waved them off in an annoyed fashion and insisted they stick to the path and try not to keep themselves lost in conversation. They had to be all eyes and ears for this trip; no need to fall off into a hole, or get bitten by something foreign.

"Thom, I think we've strayed from the path.." huffed an annoyed Frank.

"No.. no no no nonooonononononooo. No. That's not possible. Weeee have been on the correct path this whooole time. See?" he demanded, huffing and puffing and red in the face.

Thom pointed at the center of the map, his eyes watering with fear and sorrow and annoyance when he noticed he had accidentally left the map double folded and the path overlapped to an unknown route. He smacked himself with the map and stomped in a circle before slumping onto his knees where he repeatedly smacked his head on the ground.

"Ah, Thom.. look," he muttered, pointing off to the right.

In the distance was a narrow clearing, but it was definitely more noticeable than any other direction. In the center of the clearing was a large tree with even larger roots, wide spreading branches, and gorgeous green leaves. A grand old Oak. Thom gently peaked up from his tear stained sleeve and then a bright expression coiled over his features.

"FRANK! EVERYONE ELSE..! We have.. arrived!" he jerked himself up and started bounding toward the tree. His eyes were wide with amazement and just pure giddiness. He was giggling with excitement, and his map was left fluttering in the wind when his grip was lost. Turns out, the fold in the map wasn't that severe.

"I have no idea how we're even related.." Frank muttered, his head shaking while one of his hands rubbed through his short, spikey blonde mop.

When Thom was close enough to the tree, he made his way through a narrow space in the roots. Frank was behind him, and made some harsh cuts and hacks to make a space large enough for his bulky form, and the others to follow after him.

"Wow.." Thom said, his eyes wide and just full of complete shock and awe.

When Thom Derringer walked into the space below the old Oak tree, he got out his lantern from his pack and turned it on. The light filled the smaller space, and brought the room to life. The light flickered off of the gem and jewel encrusted casket that kept the hibernating form of Mirshann Rosin safe and sound. Thom, being greedy and very impatient, stepped forward and let his hands touch the glass. He then let his hands glide down to the handle that would, essentially, lift the lid of the casket. He did not think twice. He yanked the lid up, and, something amazing happened. Not only did Thom fall backwards onto his ass and almost break his lantern, but the body hibernating inside of the casket was coated from head to toe with a shimmering glittery golden white aura. The body then started to become fully animated. Instead of it's soft, shallow breathing, it's eyes opened and then the body gasped and started to arch and sat up.

Mirshann Rosin had awakened.

She looked around frantically, her eyes flitting around of the room. She held out her right hand and her bow started to appear within her grip while her hand scrambled to adjust a bit of hair in her eyes. She opened her mouth to speak, but a squeak followed before she finally found her voice. "Vel'uss ph' dos?" (Who are you?) she demanded, her voice a bit foreign to herself, but she felt as if not a single day had passed since the moments of her on the battlefield against 'The Strange Ones.' She narrowed her eyes, the cerulean irises bright against the lantern light while she shifted the simple yew bow in her hands. Because the bow did not feel threatened, it had not awakened to reveal Thir'ku Mal'rak. She was confused beyond belief, but she was finally out of her coma. She was back, but not in the right time or place. Poor girl, what had she just stumbled into?

Off in the distance on the island, a dark swirling entity started whisking it's way through the island, sticking and suctioning itself onto animal and plant life. Creatures of strange and odd appearances with black eyes and wickedly shaped features started to wander and walk toward the Grand Oak where Mirshann lay, asleep. Weaker minions of the Strange Ones. Miri knew this, but no one else on this island did. Mirshann had no idea they creatures were on the island, but soon they would creep upon them. For now? They were on their way...

Mirshann let her eyes sweep the odd beings before her. A man, with thick arms and a broad chest and shoulders. A frail man that was on the ground, crying with pale, saggy flesh. Another man with a hood and a bow; but it was an odd bow. A younger looking boy with a large Teddy Bear and a bag. Another man with a seemingly majestic air about him, and finally her eyes laid upon a final man with shorter brownish black hair, and soft eyes, despite his somewhat wild smile. She stitched her brows together again and spoke. "Lu'oh xunus dos ragar uns'aa? Vel'klar tlun Usstan?" (How did you find me? Where am I?)

Last edited by Chellizard on December 27th 2012, 3:13 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Awakening Mirshann Rosin (Forcewave, Ranger, Clergy, Max) Empty Re: Awakening Mirshann Rosin (Forcewave, Ranger, Clergy, Max)

Post by Max Ahlberg Hale December 23rd 2012, 10:25 am

She was beautiful, she was majestic, and she was innocent. This was the elf princess, Mirshann Rosin. As her capsule opened up, I could feel the power emanating from her body, she was a force to be reckoned with, I could definitely tell that about her. But her innocence was off putting of this. It didn't make any sense, my head started spinning. I've never experienced a sensory overload like this before. It quickly turned into intense pain inside of my head. I could barely take it, I wanted to scream in pain, just to have that temporary release, but I might scare her, I couldn't do it. As she looked around with her bright blue eyes, her eyes briefly landed on me. The pain became even worse, I couldn't even keep a straight face, and I must've looked like an idiot. What a great impression on the princess. The pain then started in my stomach, I couldn't even stand up, so I knelt down and tried to take the pain. It was then that the red man began to talk to me again; he has never spoken to me outside of my dreams or his domain, so I must've done something horribly wrong, because he was beyond angry. I had no choice but to listen.

Figured it out yet, you disgusting piece of shit? I guess you didn't, you always were a dumbass, after all. You see, the reason I never tried to make you go on a path towards evil was because I thought you would go on the path yourself, I suppose I was stupid for thinking so. I must inform you that going on this good path will be your downfall. I refuse to train you anymore in the dark arts, you can fend for yourself, you're a big boy now, right? Also, I refuse to keep your disgusting soul with me; I want to put the burden on someone else. The bitch in front of you is of mystical origin, so she should be able to keep your soul, whether she likes it or not. But not now, that would be too cruel. You better become good friends with her, or else you're shit out of luck. This is probably better than just simply destroying it, that would be too much work for your pain in the ass. I wish I never took you in, you mean nothing to me now. Oh, I forgot to tell you, you will still be a ghoul, nothing's going to change, and you are still a monster. Have fun now, because hell only knows that I won't make your life any better,

I sat there and took all of this in. Apparently no time has passed since he started talking; I guess demons can do that. The pain instantly vanished and I was back to normal. I knew that I wanted to be good friends with the princess, but now it's become a necessity. I feel guilty that this was forced upon her by me. But I can't apologize for being good, for being the hero that I want to be. For now, all I really have is damage control. If she is going to be forced to put up with me, I might as well make it enjoyable for her, too. The problem is, I don't know how to speak her language and she doesn't know how to speak mine. Maybe she can pick up on my language; the red man told me that elves are extremely intelligent. I suppose she asked about whom we were and why she was here, because she looked very confused, so I got the first opportunity to speak, so I did so.

"My name is Max." That is a good way to start, keep it simple. "We have come to find you. You have been asleep for a long time. Welcome to Earth." I gave her one of my genuine smiles, I was really happy that she was found by us of all people, and that she was more curious than hostile. I honestly didn't want to go into too much detail; she probably didn't have any idea what I was saying. I wonder if anyone else knows whatever language she is speaking, that would be awesome. I shut my mouth and gave everyone else a chance to say something.

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Max Ahlberg Hale
Max Ahlberg Hale

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Awakening Mirshann Rosin (Forcewave, Ranger, Clergy, Max) Empty Re: Awakening Mirshann Rosin (Forcewave, Ranger, Clergy, Max)

Post by The Ranger December 23rd 2012, 11:39 am

At some point, quite early on, Ranger noticed they were lost it was easy to tell when they passed the same tree more than once but he said nothing because he had no clue where they were going and because he’d get the same reply from Thom that everyone else got when they tried to point out they might be lost. Of course when Frank finally decided to point it out to the man it worked perfectly and Thom went to double check himself, sadly or thankfully, the tree wasn’t too far away. He shook his head still at the back of the path, having been watching everything and everyone throughout the entire time to make sure nothing bad happened. Though a slight smile flashed upon his face when they all turned and went to the grand old Oak Tree.

As Thom let the map fly from his hand rushing to the tree Ranger caught the map just in case it was needed to find their way back, which hopefully they wouldn’t need if this place really was ‘magical’ like they claimed. As he was the last in line he was the last to arrive when the woman stepped from the Oak Tree. He leaned against a tree letting out a low whistle when the Elf stepped from the tree, he had to admit she was stunning but could she really be an elf? He shrugged watching the elf talk in some language he never understood. He watched her movements, watched her eyes and how they darted from person to person. It was as if she was more scared and confused than happy about whom they were. Max speaking up first and trying to communicate with Elf was sweetish in its own way but obviously the lady was still confused.

Now although it wasn’t his right to do this he figured if anyone was going to tell this Elf why they were here it would be Thom, he did have the right. So, standing up and walking over to the balling man on the ground he picked him up, placed him on two legs and lightly pushed him towards the Elven Archer. “Alright Thom, you’ve been waiting for this, right? Well then tell her who we are, where she is, and why we’re here…all that good stuff.” His actions might surprise the group of people here as that was the most he had spoken throughout the entire trip but it needed to be done, someone had to tell the poor lady what was going on and who better than the ‘man’ who commissioned the rip?

The Ranger
The Ranger's Stuff
Awakening Mirshann Rosin (Forcewave, Ranger, Clergy, Max) TheRangerFinishedResize-1
The Ranger
The Ranger
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Awakening Mirshann Rosin (Forcewave, Ranger, Clergy, Max) Empty Re: Awakening Mirshann Rosin (Forcewave, Ranger, Clergy, Max)

Post by The Clergyman December 24th 2012, 3:37 pm

Thom was starting to get on Levi's nerves, refusing to answer any of their questions and shushing them before they could speak. He began to question the capability of their guide, especially after he realized he was reading the map wrong. "For the love of god, he better know what he's doing or else I'm going to dissect him." he muttered under his breathe. But it seemed God was shining down on Thom that day, as the next moment they had arrived at an abnormally large oak tree, underneath which Mirshann was slumbering. He navigated through the thick roots, following the other members of the party.

Thom had already rushed forward and awoken the elf princess, guessing from the way he was now lying on his butt, most likely a reaction of touching the case. Mirshann was now sitting up, slightly alarmed, and speaking in a tongue Levi faintly recognized. His mind went back to an extremely wornout text back in his fathers study, contained in a secret compartment inside one of the shelves. He had only been able to translate a small section of the language, and he struggled to remember what he could. He ended up giving up and going with plain old english.

"Hello there, I'm Levi, Levi Merrian Ashton. Please don't be alarmed, as I'm sure none of us seek to harm you, assuming you are indeed Mirshann Rosin." he looked side to side to see who would introduce themelves next. The Ranger had decided to make Thom introduce himself to the confused girl, a logical choice to Levi. As leader of this expedition, it was Thom's responsibility to explain the reason for their presence here, even if Mirshann didn't understand english. Hopefully she would be able to pick up the language without too much trouble, considering she would go back with them. "You better not mess this up, Thom." he said quietly.

The Clergyman
The Clergyman

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Registration date : 2012-12-11

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Awakening Mirshann Rosin (Forcewave, Ranger, Clergy, Max) Empty Re: Awakening Mirshann Rosin (Forcewave, Ranger, Clergy, Max)

Post by Forceaus December 26th 2012, 6:34 pm

Travelling through the jungle seemed to be very strenous for everybody.The journey seemed to go on for awhile so much so that It had seemed they were lost.All the while Ailill continued to attempt to seek out any spirits residing on the island in order to converse with one so he could find the exact location where the Elf happened to lie dormant and get there before any of these others could.He was having alot of difficulty getting in touch with any."Where are all the spirits?What, are there no spirits on this island at all?" and other thoughts similiar in nature kept going through his mind as he searched about for something to commune with.It was beginning to frustrate him.He needed to know where it was first in order to plan out how to ditch these people and get there by himself but the spirit realm would yield no information for him on this day.Something quite unusual.On most occasions he could easily gain information from roaming spirits but today he was getting nothing.Perhaps they were very protective of the Elf's location.

The complete lack of information received made making any sort of plans practically impossible.All he could hope to do now was just continue along with the others until they found the place and then act immediately upon arriving or something.Ailill certainly had the tools and capabilities necessary to do such a thing if need be.As much as he did not want to harm any of these fellows the Elf may possess valuable information he could use and needed access to it and in order for that to happen may have to get them all out of the way.All was for naught however.They had arrived.The two hosts exclamated gleefully as they approached.A massive Oak tree stood there and at its roots was a tomb.One of the men, Thom if he remembered correctly walked up to the jewel encrusted tomb and opened it.Once it was opened a bright light emerged from it and dissipated and there stood the elf.

The elf seemed quite shocked by the fact that it had been awakened.Their presence at her tomb was probably not welcome."So this is the elf." Ailill thought."Wonder if she is as special as the rumors suggest." he thought.The others were all introducing themselves to her but did not seem to be putting much effort into providing her with the information she asked of them in her own native language.A language he knew about from his studies.He could remember the words for only a bit of the language and had no knowledge of proper enunciation of the words they used so he had no clue if she would fully understand what he was saying.It was still worth a shot attempting to introduce himself with it. "Vendui', ussta kaas zhah Ailill Hale.(Hello, my name is Ailill Hale) That was really about all he could say in her own language that would make any sense to her to say.He would have to settle for continuing on with english and spoke slowly so she might have a chance of comprehending."I'm afraid I remember only a few words of your language.You are on an island in the northern seas.Legends of your people are known amongst some and we came here because of them." he stopped speaking due to something strange.

He was hearing something in his mind.Finally the spirits on the island were making their presences known to him.They were in distress about something.Perhaps it was because the elf had awakened.Ailill grabbed his dimensional sack feeling as he would soon need it.

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