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Awakening Mirshann Rosin (Forcewave, Ranger, Clergy, Max)

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Awakening Mirshann Rosin (Forcewave, Ranger, Clergy, Max) - Page 3 Empty Re: Awakening Mirshann Rosin (Forcewave, Ranger, Clergy, Max)

Post by Forceaus January 11th 2013, 6:01 pm

Ailill was now ready to leave the island under the assumption that there was nothing here left worth looking for since he had only heard of the Elf's tomb and what had been inside and they had already gotten to that. The elf was free now just as the Derringers had been hoping to have happen for whatever reason. This was now bugging him a bit. Why had they arranged such a thing to happen? They could have just come alone. Then again only Mirshann would have been able to fight off those creatures once they attacked. Assuming they didn't do so before reaching the tomb. Perhaps the very reason for the invitation was to use others to protect them. Perhaps there was more to the two brothers than they were letting on.Then again they did just lose the map.

He glanced around for any sign of the dropped map but did not see it anywhere. That map wasn't the only thing Thom had dropped. He had after all dropped the book that the elf had given him.The man seemed to possess a tendencies for dropping things of value.Not a good quality. Speaking of the elf she had found their footprints from when they first came here. They could just follow those back to the ship. Ailill informed the others of this so they could get moving. "Everyone, we can just follow our own footprints back.We won't even need the map to get out of here. Let's get going then people." he exclaimed to them all only for any attempt to actually leave to be interrupted.

More. More creatures had come for them. As if there numbers were infinite.Perhaps they would never stop coming. Who knows at this point. It started with just one, but one became many. This time around the little group was more prepared. The creatures were taken out quickly thus allowing them once again the opportunity to get moving again. "Let's get off this island now. We have our path to the ship so we should take it." He shouted determinedly to let them all know that he mean't it this time. There was neither time left or reason anymore to linger around here anymore.

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Awakening Mirshann Rosin (Forcewave, Ranger, Clergy, Max) - Page 3 Empty Re: Awakening Mirshann Rosin (Forcewave, Ranger, Clergy, Max)

Post by Chellizard January 15th 2013, 7:18 am

Mirshann had been calm, and even when Max, her blue haired ally, had used his ground spell. She had to admit that she was impressed with his display of skill and power. Her attention turned toward Frank and Thom. Thom decided to speak. "So, Princess Mirshann, are we heading in the right direction?" he queried, his Drow a bit shaky while he panted. Mirshann simply nodded, and spoke quickly. "Yes," she said, in her native tongue, of course. She held up a closed fist, signaling her party to halt. Her eyes glanced toward the child with the large bear. Despite his small stature, the kid was well experienced and that also impressed Mirshann. She would have to talk to him. She was proud to have met someone like him within her first moments of her new life. She then let her eyes sway over Ailill, then to Max again, and finally upon the Ranger. She was curious as to why he wore a hood. Hiding his face like that shrouds your vision when using a bow, but she had no reason to judge him. She simply shrugged that comment off mentally and closed her eyes. "Let me see it all," while she announced her spell, the Drow came out smooth and with a bit of pride in her voice.

With her eyes opening, there was a loud, rumbling sound that mocked a tree falling. And then it came again. She could not hear the sounds that well, but she could see. Oh boy could she see. This started to thump it's way through the jungle and was on it's way, directly toward them. And Mirshann had seen it before the others did. Trying not to get the others into a panic, she shook her head and muttered 'cancel' to deactivate her spell. "Gaer zhah natha phindar pholor olt i'dol ulan udossa. Xun naut inbau tahta. Qualla tesso l' byrren, talinthin gaer zhah natha xanalress kulggen tu'fyr uns'aa lu' mina." calmly turning her attention from Thom, she drew her bow; Thir'ku Mal'rak. Thom, in response to Mirshann, started to freak out and Frank shook Thom. "What the hell did the pointy ear lady say, you idiot?!?!" Frank shouted. Thom was blabbering, but managed to get out a few words. "MONSTER! US! DON'T PANIC! MIRSHANN SAY'S!" Thom then fainted when he caught the first sight of the large, scaled, gray monster. Around of his feet were roughly fifty or more of the shadow monsters. Mirshann missed that factor from this distance. She glanced toward her allies, their translator passed out.

"Flohlu ussta moraden," (Follow my lead.) smiling, she notched an arrow and aimed for the right eye. "Ditronw!" she shouted, expressing she had the right eye. Hopefully her party would not wimp out on her now. She needed them more than ever. Would they stay and fight? Or leave Mirshann Rosin to die alone.

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Quote : "A woman's place is in the sky with the goddamn birds."

Nekromonga (08/23/2017 10:05PM): Chellizard the Internet Born, Mother of Nerds, first of her name, Queen of the Gamers and the Roleplayers

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Awakening Mirshann Rosin (Forcewave, Ranger, Clergy, Max) - Page 3 Empty Re: Awakening Mirshann Rosin (Forcewave, Ranger, Clergy, Max)

Post by Max Ahlberg Hale January 16th 2013, 9:33 pm

"What the hell...?" Was all I could say as I rushed with Mirishann towards the large creature. Only a minute or so before, she spoke her elven language. I had no idea what she was saying, but by her body language, it was clear that she was preparing for something. Something big. I mean, really big. Not only was this thing huge, but it was surrounded by many other creatures. I wanted to panic, but Thom translated for us that Mirshann told us not to panic. If it was for the princess, if she was actually confident that we could take this thing, minions and all, then I'm pretty okay with doing this. I haven't faced anything like this before, but hey, I'm a super hero, or at least I think I am, I need to do this.

I need to try out one of my new spells that I recently learned with my time with Aaron and the Hales, they really didn't teach me the spell, but I kind of learned it myself. It was just unlocked, in a sense. I honestly don't mind the surprise of acquiring new spells, it was pretty all right in my book. I'm still pretty rusty at them, but I might as well try them out again. It would be better than nothing, since I used my earth strike already, I will have to wait a little while before I can use it again. If I used my water spell on the demon, it might take away from the others attacks, especially if they are trying to use fire, they might have to wait for all of the water to clear up. I suppose it didn't matter, they are all smart, probably smarter than I am, so I probably won't affect their attacks too much. Okay, no holding back now, I'm going to do this.

I didn't want to throw in a stupid comment this time, only because I'm not as confident of this spell as I want to be. I gathered the energy in my hands, I could see the water vapor above the giant, scaly, scary monster's head. It was forming into visible water. It was being held in the air, as if I'm holding all of it in some invisible bucket. It doesn't take long to fill up the "bucket," so within seconds, I was ready to "pour" the water out. I shouted towards the monster and its friends, "Splash!" The "bucket tipped over" onto the monsters and would hopefully pour all over them. If this did what I hoped it would do, then it would damage the monster with the force of the water, while drowning/carrying away some of the minions. If everything worked, the most that would happen to the rest of us would be getting our shoes, maybe even up to our knees drenched in water, but I think wet shoes/pants is a small price to pay for sending these creatures back to their maker!

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Max Ahlberg Hale
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Awakening Mirshann Rosin (Forcewave, Ranger, Clergy, Max) - Page 3 Empty Re: Awakening Mirshann Rosin (Forcewave, Ranger, Clergy, Max)

Post by The Ranger January 27th 2013, 1:40 pm

Thump, Thump, Thump, went the Earth as the island shook from the force of the monster’s steps. The Ranger heard the noise but he just couldn’t place what was making it, at first he thought earthquake but it was too strange and didn’t seem to originate from the Earth out, more like out down to the Earth. His suspicions were only confirmed when Thom yelled out that there was a monster and when Miri drew her bow. This of course lead to him drawing his own bow and notching an explosive arrow on it. He wasn’t quite sure what exactly was making the noise but a monster was obviously it and if it could make the thumping noise he had been hearing than it was certainly big enough to at least take the blunt force of his strongest arrow.

Miri and Max attacked first, closely followed by Ranger himself. Although he couldn’t understand what Mirshann was saying by watching her body movements he could tell where she was going to fire her arrow, the monster’s right eye. Meaning the left eye was all up to him, and he was glad to accept. A split second before her arrow was released at the beast’s right eye he let his own fly towards the left eye of the scaly beast. As the exploding arrow hit he noticed the water that had drenched down upon it and the yell of splash coming from the Max kid. At that moment he was glad he had decided to use an exploding arrow and not an electric arrow because the water was now up to his knees and everyone else’s knees as well now perhaps. Although it would have certainly shocked the monster’s it would have been a shocking experience for him and his allies as well.

This of course gave him an idea and he jumped up into a tree prompting his allies to do the same as well, hopefully they caught what he was doing. “Hey Max, can you do that water spell once more?” He asked with a sly grin on his face, drawing an electric arrow he aimed it at the big monster, “and this time try not to get any of us wet, ‘ight?” If Max agreed he waited for the kid to dump the water before letting his arrow fly and electrifying the beast, if not he simply switched the arrow out for a snare arrow and shot one out in front of the big bad monster’s feet. Either one of these plans should be enough to either knock down the beast or give his allies the edge they need to ‘finish it off’.

The Ranger
The Ranger's Stuff
Awakening Mirshann Rosin (Forcewave, Ranger, Clergy, Max) - Page 3 TheRangerFinishedResize-1
The Ranger
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Awakening Mirshann Rosin (Forcewave, Ranger, Clergy, Max) - Page 3 Empty Re: Awakening Mirshann Rosin (Forcewave, Ranger, Clergy, Max)

Post by The Clergyman January 27th 2013, 5:28 pm

Levi was slightly frustrated as the rest of the party swiftly took out the group of shadow monsters surrounding them. Or rather, were surrounding them. He didn't have any ranged attacks, as his skills were based more in the medical field. He could've used Teddy, but he didn't want to risk destroying his bear by getting in the way of Mirshann's glowing arrows or Max's spell. Max's magical ability was quite impressive, much more than Levi could do. So he just stood back, arms crossed, while the other finished them off. Thinking them safe for now, he started down the path again, but stopped as the ground started shaking. His shoulders tensed up as he sensed a dark being approach them.

As the thudding noise got closer and closer and Mirshann drew her bow, Levi realized this fight wasn't over. He watched with a slightly worried expression as the large and hideous beast entered the clearing, a horde of more shadow monsters at its feet. "Teddy, get ready." his furry companion nodded and bared its needle like teeth. But, once again, the others reacted first. Max's water spell was very potent, washing away some monsters. Unfortunately, being the shortest, the water came up to his waist, completely soaking his pants. And soggy pants were not comfortable in the least. Seeing the Ranger climb up a tree, Levi beckoned Teddy to come over and help him up as well. The Ranger likely had a plan and didn't want them in the way. But some of the very few remaining shadow creatures clawed at the base of the tree, one of them using the others as a ladder to climb up surprisingly fast. When it got to the low branch Levi was sitting on, he scowled and raised his hand in its face.

Chanting his heat spell under his breathe, the thing screeched as its face was almost melted off, and it fell back down the ground, clutching its face. It created a large splash, but there was no sign of it when the water settled. Where had it gone? You're a magical expert here, Levi, use your brain. The best hypothesis he came up with was that whatever magic had been holding it together had fallen apart, rendering it unable to hold its form any longer. Now would the Ranger's arrows be enough to take down the giant monster?

The Clergyman
The Clergyman

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Awakening Mirshann Rosin (Forcewave, Ranger, Clergy, Max) - Page 3 Empty Re: Awakening Mirshann Rosin (Forcewave, Ranger, Clergy, Max)

Post by Forceaus January 27th 2013, 5:35 pm

Ailill had been waiting for everyone to quit stalling and start heading back to the boat already because they were not accomplishing anything by just standing around now were they. Two sudden encounters with a bunch of creatures that were altogether relatively easy for them to defeat had seemingly caused them all to lose their train of thought and could now only focus on the concept of fighting even though there were currently none in sight. They all kind of looked like they were just going to stand around and wait for more to come even if it took hours for anything to even show up. He was getting ready to just leave all by himself at the rate that this was going. Ailill knew how to sail a yacht so that problem would not be a problem at all. Navigating back to his intended destination might prove difficult however. He would have to get the Derringer brothers to return to the boat and by the looks of things it was going to take awhile to do so.

He whistled. He was trying to get their full attention so they would hear him. The very instant after his whistle traveled past his lips and into the air another sound came. A much louder one that drowned it out. Then came another. This time even louder. With each passing second more and more of that same rumbling sound could be heard getting increasingly louder each and every time. This could only mean that whatever it was that was making it was getting ever so closer to them. Something big was coming towards them. Then, it arrived. A massive beast whose very appearance was like something that didn't belong in this world. At its feet lie even more of the smaller creatures from earlier. An amount larger than what they had previously encountered. Now the stakes had gotten high.

A new battle had begun and this time Ailill figured he would be needed. He cast forth his invisibility spell to disappear from everyone's view.From there he moved aside and out of the general path of the battle and placed himself in a more suitable position. His special boots were swapped in place of his normal shoes just in case they were needed. He could see one of them using water as a means of attack so his fire rod would not be all that effective at the moment. So instead he put that back in the sack and withdrew something else. His dagger and one of the shuriken which he threw at the creatures repeatedly in order to start picking them off.

Ranger and Max were working out some sort of plan and by the looks of things it was easy to tell what it was. How well it would work however was a different story altogether mind you. Ailill activated his barrier spell just in case the effects of what was about to come were more widespread than they intended and prepared something else. Just in case their plan happened to not succeed entirely at least one more blow would hit that massive beast. Ailill's greatest attack was charged up and ready to fire. The very instant after the combined efforts of the other two were made he let loose his own attack upon all the evil creatures still remaining and the monstrosity itself. His mana cannon was unleashed. To what end it would accomplish was difficult to know but based on what Ailill was truly capable of it surely would render this threat null.

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Awakening Mirshann Rosin (Forcewave, Ranger, Clergy, Max) - Page 3 Empty Re: Awakening Mirshann Rosin (Forcewave, Ranger, Clergy, Max)

Post by Chellizard January 27th 2013, 6:16 pm

Everything was falling into place like the tumblers in a safe, or the lock of a door. When the Ranger fired his arrow and the explosion occurred, Mirshann almost jumped out of her skin. The loud boom reverberated around of the jungle, and the monstrous creature roared and reared it's head back with anger. "Up!" she shouted and jerked up Thom, Frank helping her while she made her way up into a tree. She took long strides and ran, her form sprinting up the trunk of the tree until she was close enough to a sturdy branch. Her bow had been slipped around of her form, her arms hoisting her up while a breeze ripped through and sent the tail of her skirt up. Not that she was embarrassed, but anyone watching might have been.

The magic that was being used could be felt coursing around of them, mixing into the very fiber of everything living, and nonliving. She closed her eyes for a moment and breathed in, taking just the few seconds to let everything around of her settle. She then felt something swell up in her chest and she opened her mouth to speak. Instead of her native tongue, it was a thickly accented set of English. Barely distinguishable, but definitely understood. "This beast is not what it seems. Do not kill him. Only bring him down to his knees!" she said, and then three arrows were notched and she let them fly, her form standing poised with her feet shoulder width apart. She was perched on a branch, her hair flowing out behind of her with the wind.

Thir'ku Mal'rak was illuminated a bit brighter. Something inside the bow had woken up, something more powerful than it's normal self. Something of the ancient magic of her peoples. It was, perhaps, the door to the soul stream opening to help fuel her arrows. A soul, much like people think, is only the image of the person in the afterlife. But, that's not it. It's truly their life energy; their whole being in ethereal form. Cosmic dust, or energy; pure life energy. But it's marked with the personality of it's old host; making it a soul. A mirror into someone's life. At least, that's how it was for Mirshann's peoples. She focused back onto battle, and with her new found English, she spoke again. "Levi! Watch out!" she shouted just after she glanced over her shoulder. Levi, and his teddy bear, were getting into a tree, but a few of the shadow creatures were perched on a few branches higher than them. Miri notched an arrow, but would she be fast enough?

-My DeviantArt-
Awakening Mirshann Rosin (Forcewave, Ranger, Clergy, Max) - Page 3 JiLqjv0
~Main Characters~
Naomi | Skyler | Nate | Chelle | Tyuki | Gerard | Miri | Uzma |  Malus | Vihaan
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Quote : "A woman's place is in the sky with the goddamn birds."

Nekromonga (08/23/2017 10:05PM): Chellizard the Internet Born, Mother of Nerds, first of her name, Queen of the Gamers and the Roleplayers

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Humor : [18:47:50] Spirit Corgi : Dear mods, I need my apps unapproved. If you don't do it an orderly time, I will compare you to nazis and tell everyone how you are stiffening my creativity, yours truly, a loving member of the site.
Registration date : 2009-11-15

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Awakening Mirshann Rosin (Forcewave, Ranger, Clergy, Max) - Page 3 Empty Re: Awakening Mirshann Rosin (Forcewave, Ranger, Clergy, Max)

Post by Max Ahlberg Hale January 27th 2013, 7:26 pm

"Sorry Ranger, I have to wait a little bit on my magic. If I try to casts my spells over and over again, I can't do it, nothing happens. Maybe if something else stops us, then it could work, but not now. I would just uselessly hurt myself." I called up into the tree. It is actually a pretty awesome combo, that would've annihilated them, too. It was nice that I didn't, though. Mirshann called out to us in accented English that we shouldn't kill the monster, so it's good that we didn't...

Wait... She is speaking English already? Holy shit! She's fast at this, she must be very smart. Maybe her whole race is like that? I wanted to shout a congratulations to her, but then I noticed her screaming at Levi to watch out for something. I had no idea what she was talking about until I looked over and saw him struggling to get up the tree. I then saw the shadows looking to get him. I looked over and saw that Mirshann was loading an arrow, but how many could she take out. Dammit, I had to do something, let the others get a chance to fight.

I immediately ran towards Levi, hoping to use my fighting skills to help him out. I could probably hit one or two of them and hopefully with the help of Mirshann and maybe Teddy, I could help him out with the monsters. I hope he was okay, I don't want anyone else getting hurt in this. If I did, whatever, I had my own healing, not too much of a big deal, after all. I think a straight punch to the face would definitely take care of these ugly things. It would make them go pop and we would be out of danger.

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Awakening Mirshann Rosin (Forcewave, Ranger, Clergy, Max) - Page 3 Empty Re: Awakening Mirshann Rosin (Forcewave, Ranger, Clergy, Max)

Post by The Ranger January 30th 2013, 7:03 pm

Max’s water magic was a no go, Clergy and his teddy bear were getting attacked by shadow monsters, Allil was of doing his own thing and Miri was speaking English. Wait, Miri was speaking English already?!?!? Ranger raised an eyebrow at this little revelation but shook his head nonetheless and continued looking on what he was doing. The water and electricity stunt was a no go so the next best thing, as the monster’s eyes had already been taken care of, was to knock it down and hopefully put it out of commission without killing it. So notching a snare arrow from his quiver into his bow he aimed for the tree just mere inches away from the monster’s feet and fired. It was a risky shot, and even the slightest step forward from the beast would render the tactic useless, but he had a feeling it would work.

As soon as the snare wrapped around the base of the tree he pulled the rope and tied it around the trunk of the tree he himself was standing on. The plan was simple but it should work, the monster would step forward and hopefully stumble or trip on the snare then go plummeting down to the ground. As soon as that happened Ranger notched a tranquilizer arrow, with a weary look on his face of course. He wasn’t sure exactly what the tranquilizer would do to this thing, sure the specific one was modified to work on animals but this was no animal he had ever seen before. So, he didn’t exactly know what would happen if he let the arrow fly and it let the medicine slide into the beast’s bloodstream.

‘Well, got nothing to lose right?’ Rey asked himself before shrugging the thought off mentally and letting the tranquilizer arrow fly from the bow through the air and into the front ‘shoulder’ of the scaly beast. Hell, he wasn’t even sure if the tranquilizer would make a dent in the scales but he did aim for a reasonably weak looking section of the scaled ‘armor’ and he hoped it would sink in, let the medicine ooze out and take its effect. Within a good three minutes or so it should be down and out if everything worked out perfectly. But, when did things ever truly seem to go the way you wanted them to?

The Ranger
The Ranger's Stuff
Awakening Mirshann Rosin (Forcewave, Ranger, Clergy, Max) - Page 3 TheRangerFinishedResize-1
The Ranger
The Ranger
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 535
Location : everywhere but nowhere at the same time
Age : 27
Job : Lawyer in training
Registration date : 2011-05-13

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Awakening Mirshann Rosin (Forcewave, Ranger, Clergy, Max) - Page 3 Empty Re: Awakening Mirshann Rosin (Forcewave, Ranger, Clergy, Max)

Post by Forceaus February 19th 2013, 4:47 pm

Events were making him a bit uneasy. Ailill returned to a state of visibility again and stood there boldly as if to challenge anyone or anything to dare and come for him. And indeed he was ready for anything. A torrent of flames arose from staff and set forth towards the massive monstrosity and all the remaining underlings scattered about. "Watch yourselves." He yelled out to the others as the fire set forth. First the flames swept over the small creatures of the shadows, razing them with the flames until they were burnt to death and proceeding onwards over all of them and eventually towards the beastly behemoth itself. As they drew closer the fire suddenly split in two mere feet from the beast's face and twisted about and around its head and then came together again forming a chain around its neck almost like a collar.

Well, the elf had asked for them to restrain the giant ethereal wolf thing rather than slay it so here was an effort. The flames were powerful and sure to at least have some effect on the monster. As for the rest of the creatures it seems that they had been dealt with. There didn't seem to be many still alive, yet alone that capable of continuing their aggression towards them. Perhaps for now they could focus their primary efforts on the wolf itself. Ailill was unsure as to how hard it would be to defeat it as of now. Most of their attacks had seemingly done little more that scratch it. Hopefully the fiery restraint will provide some effort against it. The others had fallen back to keep themselves protected. As of now Ailill was the closest to the creature. He stood there thinking of the best method to use next. It was starting to look worn down. Perhaps its defeat was coming soon.
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Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : I am hilarious, and you will quote everything I say.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2604
Location : You're locked in with me at it.
Job : It pays the bills
Humor : I'm the cult of personality and history shows again and again that nature points out the folly of man.
Registration date : 2011-12-22

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Awakening Mirshann Rosin (Forcewave, Ranger, Clergy, Max) - Page 3 Empty Re: Awakening Mirshann Rosin (Forcewave, Ranger, Clergy, Max)

Post by Chellizard March 2nd 2013, 5:18 pm

Mirshann's reflexes were phenomenal, at least with her bow in hand. She let out a battle cry, an arrow being flung forward toward the inky monsters after Levi. The arrow split into four glowing projectiles, taking out the inky monstrosities. Satisfied that Levi was safe now, she turned back to face the large canine looking monster. She knew there was something else about this beast; something was off. When Ailill called in his fire, she almost leaped to take the blast herself to stop him, but watching closely, she noticed the large fiery collar curl around of the beasts neck. "Amazing.." she muttered, swallowing the fear that had welled up in her throat. Fear for the animals life, of course. She hung her bow around of her body, all of the other inky creatures having fallen to their demise. She stepped forward and then bent down, her hand grasping the branch. Lifting herself up with her right hand, she twirled once and pushed off, springing into the air. She flipped and landed gracefully, a light thud when her thigh high boot covered feet landed on the damp Earth.

She looked toward Ranger, and then toward Max. Giving both of them a nod, she stepped forward. "Stay in my path; Mage," she said, glancing toward Ailill. "Keep him held," she said. Her accent was still very thick, her words masked with a seemingly Russian accent; but it wasn't quite that. It was a bit thicker, if possible. Her long legs carried her forward, prancing toward the beast with agile strides. Once she reached him, she glanced toward a tree and then dashed toward it. Using her strength, she climbed it quickly and ran the length of a tall branch. She then took a leap of faith, and reached out, landing on the bridge of it's muzzle. The big beast reared it's head and thrashed in protest to the fiery collar. "Shhhhh.." she said, stepping forward, her knees bending while she took the dangerous steps forward.

She could feel the heat from the flames, and could also feel the sorrow and pain the beast was feeling while she knelt down and let her hands gently press onto the dark inky skin. "Show me what you really are.." she said, the beasts eyes staring at her before it let out a hellacious roar. It's head was thrashed back and forth, her hands glowing magnificently while she held her palms firmly against the beasts skin. One by one, inky creatures started to peel off and fall from the beasts' form. As the inky creatures fell, the beast shrunk in size. Over time, Miri was left knelt on the ground, a wolf looking canine left in a circle of flames. Miri was smiling widely, the wolf raising it's head to nuzzle it's nose into the crook of her neck. She laughed happily and hugged her arms around of the animal.

It's soft yellow eyes were accented with white designs in it's silvery gray fur. It's massive paws padded the Earth before standing on it's hind legs to wrap it's front paws around of Miri's shoulders. She gently hugged the animal, smiling. "Ryzo.." she muttered, a name for the animal. Her new companion. Ryzo shifted himself off of Miri and trotted forward, leaping over the flames to move toward the other members of the group. Mirshann followed, lunging over the flames to roll before standing to her feet. She was straight faced, but a soft smile was in her eyes. "How do I say.." she started. "I am honored to have shared my first moments of awakening with you all. I cannot begin to show my gratitude." she bowed herself down, looking each of them in the eye respectfully, save for a passed out Thom.

-My DeviantArt-
Awakening Mirshann Rosin (Forcewave, Ranger, Clergy, Max) - Page 3 JiLqjv0
~Main Characters~
Naomi | Skyler | Nate | Chelle | Tyuki | Gerard | Miri | Uzma |  Malus | Vihaan
Anna | Girl Alive!
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : "A woman's place is in the sky with the goddamn birds."

Nekromonga (08/23/2017 10:05PM): Chellizard the Internet Born, Mother of Nerds, first of her name, Queen of the Gamers and the Roleplayers

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 5019
Location : The Internet
Age : 31
Job : I Work Full time/Artist/Charizard Enthusiast
Humor : [18:47:50] Spirit Corgi : Dear mods, I need my apps unapproved. If you don't do it an orderly time, I will compare you to nazis and tell everyone how you are stiffening my creativity, yours truly, a loving member of the site.
Registration date : 2009-11-15

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Awakening Mirshann Rosin (Forcewave, Ranger, Clergy, Max) - Page 3 Empty Re: Awakening Mirshann Rosin (Forcewave, Ranger, Clergy, Max)

Post by The Ranger March 5th 2013, 5:47 pm

Rey watched the scene unfold before him as if an old timey movie wheel was playing it out in slow motion. Miri jumping up into the tree and then over onto the muzzle of the beast had given him more than enough reason to grab an arrow from his quiver, but when the beast roared its hellhound roar he notched it. Ready to fire the electric arrow at a moment’s notice he stood in shock watching everything that she did, and although he could not hear the Elven princess he was certain she had said something that allowed the beast to calm down. He wasn’t too sure what it was she could have said but even him, a man of science and religion, was starting to wonder if all this magic business was truly real and not just multiple forms of Energy Projection.

Patting Max on the shoulder he jumped down from the tree, landing in a barrel roll before getting up and walking over to stand behind Allil. A laugh escaped his lips as he watched the giant beast they had just been fighting slowly deform, if you will, down into that of a wolf with magnificent silver fur and piercing yellow eyes. Watching the two forms Elven and wolfish a like step out of the flames and come towards him made Rey wonder once more if magic was truly real, it was only the second time in his life the thought had crossed his mind and it hadn’t even been a day let alone five minutes sense the first time he had thought about magic being real.

He stood silently as Mirshann Rose stopped in front of the group and spoke out to the five, six if you counted the unconscious Thom, of them. It was a short speech, in her newly found English, but it was one that Ranger understood perfectly well. He nodded his head, holding his bow up to her slightly before placing it upon his back. Although he would usually be the one to say nothing and go about his ways now he decided the tiny ‘speech’ deserved some sort of reply from the hooded archer. “It was an honor to fight alongside another archer, and one as skilled as yourself Mirshann, I would gladly do it again. The same goes to any of you, if you ever find yourselves in Chicago, and require help The Phantoms will gladly step in to assist you.”

The Ranger
The Ranger's Stuff
Awakening Mirshann Rosin (Forcewave, Ranger, Clergy, Max) - Page 3 TheRangerFinishedResize-1
The Ranger
The Ranger
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Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 535
Location : everywhere but nowhere at the same time
Age : 27
Job : Lawyer in training
Registration date : 2011-05-13

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Awakening Mirshann Rosin (Forcewave, Ranger, Clergy, Max) - Page 3 Empty Re: Awakening Mirshann Rosin (Forcewave, Ranger, Clergy, Max)

Post by Forceaus March 6th 2013, 10:29 pm

Ailill continued to hold the flames in place around the massive canine looking abomination's neck, struggling to hold it in place and allow for the mystical fire to keep burning its way through the creature's ethereal energy and potentially lead to its defeat. Or even death depending on just how effective the flames prove against it. Sure Mirshann had asked of them to spare the monstrosity but if he was required to slay it in order to keep himself and the others alive then he would do so without even the slightest hesitation. The wolf writhed its colossal neck back and forth in attempts to break free of the fiery collar but Ailill held the flames in place despite these efforts. "Somebody do something or another already if you would be so kind." he shouted to the others with gritted teeth. This creature was not easy for him to hold after all.

It seems somebody listened to what he had just said. Mirshann had charged forward with something in mind telling him to continue to hold on to it. "That's what I've been doing lass." he told her hoping that whatever she was about to do would work. Ailill reached into his bag with his free hand and searched through it for something in particular just in case the beast broke free of the fiery chain around its neck. The elf landed on the bridge of the creature's face at which point Ailill really moved to hold the thing in place so that it didn't just fling her right off and probably send her flying to her death. As he did so something happened. The beast stopped and started to dissipate.

Slowly its ethereal form went away. A form generated by more of the shadow creatures which kept dying mere seconds after being detached from the beast's form. Eventually all that remained was a mere abnormal looking canine that seemed to be quite gentle. Mirshann accepted it full-heartedly like it was her long lost pet or something. Ailill waited a few seconds to keep an eye on what was about to happen before calling the flames back into his staff and putting it away for now. His left hand still remained inside the bag holding on to something just in case more dangers were to come. At this point in time it was best to expect such. "Well, now that we've dealt with that threat we should now finally return to the boat before something else comes." he told them all glancing towards thom's unconscious body wondering who would volunteer to help him out. His own brother seemed the best option for it.

Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : I am hilarious, and you will quote everything I say.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2604
Location : You're locked in with me at it.
Job : It pays the bills
Humor : I'm the cult of personality and history shows again and again that nature points out the folly of man.
Registration date : 2011-12-22

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Awakening Mirshann Rosin (Forcewave, Ranger, Clergy, Max) - Page 3 Empty Re: Awakening Mirshann Rosin (Forcewave, Ranger, Clergy, Max)

Post by Chellizard March 12th 2013, 2:58 pm

Mirshann moved along the path, guiding the others to their ship to get off of this floating island. It's trip would take them to the Bermuda Triangle eventually; not for months and months, but it was best to get off of this place before they got trapped here. Thom was carried by Frank, and Miri's new companion wagged his tail and kept up with the group. Once she reached the boat, she stood there for a moment, looking back to the island. "The closest thing to home.. and I am already saying good bye.." she said, smiling weakly. Her accent was still thick, and it made her words hard to understand. Ryzo let out a lonely howl and looked at the group before taking the shaky walk up the wooden sloped bridge to the vessel. Stepping on, Thom regained consciousness. "Oh my! We're already setting sail for home!?" he asked.

"It seems as such," she said, her accent still very thick. Her bright blue eyes, soft blonde hair, and gentle features were met with a sea breeze. The salty smell filled her senses and she relaxed. For the trip, she played with Ryzo, and tried to avoid small talk with the others. She had a feeling she would be setting out on a lone quest to adjust to her new life. That was, until they docked back in New York. Thom approached Miri and spoke in drow. He explained she should stay with him and Frank. That she would be safe. That she would be able to adjust easier with their bountiful research and knowledge on her kind. Nodding, she bowed to her other companions and took the walk with Frank and Thom to their old beat up car. It was an odd vessel, but it reminded her of a horse drawn carriage. She was skeptical of getting on it at first, but she sat in the back seat, Ryzo hopping in as well. She looked out of the window and was just bewildered with all the new things.

Her new life had started.

-My DeviantArt-
Awakening Mirshann Rosin (Forcewave, Ranger, Clergy, Max) - Page 3 JiLqjv0
~Main Characters~
Naomi | Skyler | Nate | Chelle | Tyuki | Gerard | Miri | Uzma |  Malus | Vihaan
Anna | Girl Alive!
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : "A woman's place is in the sky with the goddamn birds."

Nekromonga (08/23/2017 10:05PM): Chellizard the Internet Born, Mother of Nerds, first of her name, Queen of the Gamers and the Roleplayers

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 5019
Location : The Internet
Age : 31
Job : I Work Full time/Artist/Charizard Enthusiast
Humor : [18:47:50] Spirit Corgi : Dear mods, I need my apps unapproved. If you don't do it an orderly time, I will compare you to nazis and tell everyone how you are stiffening my creativity, yours truly, a loving member of the site.
Registration date : 2009-11-15

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Awakening Mirshann Rosin (Forcewave, Ranger, Clergy, Max) - Page 3 Empty Re: Awakening Mirshann Rosin (Forcewave, Ranger, Clergy, Max)

Post by The Ranger March 16th 2013, 4:34 pm

They were on the boat and on the way home. Rey shook his head and leaned against the boat as he listened to the very mute conversations that were going on around them. Sure, he himself wasn't much of a talker but that didn't mean he had to like it exactly. He was used to listening to conversations and taking in everything so that nothing could go unaccounted for. Yet with these people talking did not seem to be something they were very fond of. Yet that all changed when Thom woke up and broke the silence, it would be nice to ride the boat back to land and then from there going back to Atlanta where he was still working on renovating the new Phantom's base. But, he had a quicker way and decided that was what he was going to to do instead.

Pressing a button on his watch it beeped once, and then twice before a roaring noise could be heard coming out from the distance. A minute or two later a black jet could be seen streaking across the sky and over above the boat, there it rested staying just in tune with the boat as Ranger nodded his head saying his goodbyes. "The offer still stands, if any of you ever find yourselves in Atlanta or Chicago you only need ask and I'll come and help." He said with a slight grin on his face. A wire came down from the jet and grabbing on he pulled himself up and into the plane. As the glass slid over him and clicked closed he himself took control from the auto pilot and took off. This trip although interesting was over and had served its purpose.
((Exit Ranger))

The Ranger
The Ranger's Stuff
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The Ranger
The Ranger
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Location : everywhere but nowhere at the same time
Age : 27
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Registration date : 2011-05-13

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Awakening Mirshann Rosin (Forcewave, Ranger, Clergy, Max) - Page 3 Empty Re: Awakening Mirshann Rosin (Forcewave, Ranger, Clergy, Max)

Post by Forceaus March 16th 2013, 5:06 pm

Ailill was walking along the path along with the others back to the boat. Finally they could get off this island. He kept himself wary of any further dangers as they all collectively strode along the jungle path towards the vessel that had carried them here and would soon hopefully carry them home. Getting stuck on this island would not be a pleasant experience. After a short trip through the previously traveled through terrain they had arrived back at the boat and were quickly boarding it. As the passengers took their places the vessel set sail back from whence it came.

All throughout the trip home Ailill spent his time in his room. A lot of it was spent reading through that tome of Elven lore he had picked up in the midst of all the fighting that had occurred throughout their time spent on that island. It would surely be easier to decipher all the texts and manuscript, along with the complex diagrams once he got back home and could get his hands on his book of the drow language that he had in his private library. If only he had made sure to learn and master the language beforehand. Instead he had focused elsewhere. Oh well. Once they arrived back on the mainland Ailill eventually found his own way back home with some plans in the back of his mind being prepped up.


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Job : It pays the bills
Humor : I'm the cult of personality and history shows again and again that nature points out the folly of man.
Registration date : 2011-12-22

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