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It's Showtime. Street-Style. [Psynapse and Sarah Milosi]

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It's Showtime. Street-Style. [Psynapse and Sarah Milosi] - Page 2 Empty Re: It's Showtime. Street-Style. [Psynapse and Sarah Milosi]

Post by Forceaus September 20th 2012, 8:19 pm

Sarah listened closely to the individual responses to both the word of warning that she provided to the psychic simply because she would prefer to not have somebody die whom that she herself could have potentially saved simply by alerting them to any potential dangers that may arise from essentially reveal one's self as somebody with special abilities.The young man took heed of her warning for which was something that she was quite relieved to hear.It also mean't that it prevented any sort of argument of some kind from breaking out.That was something she was very interested in avoiding.

She also payed close attention to the brief story provided by the boy about his somewhat frightening encounter with fire wielding hooker as he called her.She certainly sounded very unpleasant based on what he was saying.She sounded like someone who was in to capturing and torturing people for fun and having such powers were just a way to make doing so both easier and alot more fun for her.Definitely somebody who used such abilities for purposes that were not of good intent.Sarah wondered if those people that had attacked her knew about this person.Or for that matter the young psychic she was currently sitting next to.

"They may not be normal, but they are still people." Sarah quietly told the kid in hopes he would know that such a thing were true and not become prejudiced against such people in their entirety.She took a sip from her drink as the psychic questioned her about her intrigue into the dangerous woman that the kid had met and for her to introduce herself.Sarah finished sipping from her cup then let out a small breath before stating to them both a concocted story she had came up with a few weeks ago in order to address such a situation."My name young sir is Elise and I concern myself with folks with special powers that use them irresponsibly."

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It's Showtime. Street-Style. [Psynapse and Sarah Milosi] - Page 2 Empty Re: It's Showtime. Street-Style. [Psynapse and Sarah Milosi]

Post by Isak Zielinski-White September 26th 2012, 9:56 am

Isak listened to her as she described her goal fairly quickly. He looked at her, then at Francisco, and her again. So they were both special people, he thought. while he was simply human, not that this fact bothered him much. He finished eating while he was looking at them. Lunch was good, Isak was happy, but he had to focus on the current matter. But something crossed Isak's mind. Who were they exactly? Francisco was nice and all, not just a good ''magician'', but was it some sort of cover? Isak shook he head in his mind, so he wouldn't look weird. This guy seemed honest. But that girl, Elise, he didn't know her and she had just appeared at their table to ask him question and warn Francisco. That, to Isak, looked rather suspicious but how would the boy know if she was planning something bad? And why was he thinking like that in the first place? Isak felt bad for being that suspicious, so he tried to forget those negative feelings and simply smiled. Maybe he was acting weird to them, but better that than to think about negative stuff.

Isak thought he'd be good to ask them about their background and what they were. Maybe that would give a new tone to this conversation. He took a deep breath and talked with a clear voice, trying to be as confident as possible.

-I've talked about myself, but both of you didn't so why do you talk a bit about that? That could be cool to hear.

He hoped he didn't sound too out of place by saying that. If it did, he wondered if the magician would say something funny or start a whole new subject with the newcomer. Either way, Isak waited and watched them. What could possibly happen in a cafe in Montreal?

It's Showtime. Street-Style. [Psynapse and Sarah Milosi] - Page 2 Offica10

Isak Zielinski-White
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It's Showtime. Street-Style. [Psynapse and Sarah Milosi] - Page 2 Empty Re: It's Showtime. Street-Style. [Psynapse and Sarah Milosi]

Post by Psynapse December 28th 2012, 8:45 pm

Francisco raised an eyebrow, he was definitely more skeptical now. "Well then, Elise, it's nice to meet you." Francisco then noticed that Isak looked tense and uncomfortable, he could feel the tension around the table, so he tried to start a new topic about their background. "I, myself, have told you a good amount of my background. I did forget to mention the fact that I'm from Brazil and am fluent in six languages." Francisco said with a slight nod of his head. He then turned towards and said "Elise is a German name, correct? Are you German or do you happen to speak German?" This was just a simple question, he wanted to keep the conversation going.

"I've always loved the German culture, so diverse and rich. And their schnitzel is delicious, I could eat it for an eternity. Though I feel their history will forever be tarnished by the tyrannical Adolf Hitler." Francisco said with a shrug. Francisco was trying his best to keep the conversation going without making it too awkward. He sat back in his chair and waited for their responses.

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It's Showtime. Street-Style. [Psynapse and Sarah Milosi] - Page 2 Empty Re: It's Showtime. Street-Style. [Psynapse and Sarah Milosi]

Post by Isak Zielinski-White February 23rd 2013, 9:15 pm

And so Isak continued to talk to Elise et Francisco, and it went on for two more hours. Isak finally had to leave and said farewell to both of them. He then left the little cafe and headed out of the Quartiers des Spectacles. He would surely keep in mind everything he heard today. But he was happy he had met some nice people today, even though that Elise girl seemed mysterious. Would he meet them again? Maybe, maybe not, who knows?

It's Showtime. Street-Style. [Psynapse and Sarah Milosi] - Page 2 Offica10

Isak Zielinski-White
Isak Zielinski-White
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Registration date : 2012-07-06

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