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Post by Chellizard January 27th 2013, 7:38 pm

A sweet, carefree giggle escaped her petite lips while a blush crawled over her cheeks. She gently tapped his shoulder, a playful swat. "Definitely noht mai toiype~.." she mocked, attempting a British or French-like accent, but it likely came out as a disaster, but she saved herself with her charming laughter and an innocent blush while she twirled in Prince Cilian's arms. His fairy tail story was so dreamy, and she was left swooning; good thing she had great balance, or she would be on the floor. "Well, I would accept your rose, give it a smell test, and compliment your smile.. by only smiling in return." She giggled again and pressed herself into him while they danced, her heart beat quickening in pace. "Thankfully.." she said, her voice a hushed whisper while her eyes flicked back and forth between his.

They moved and danced, and almost never broke their partnership while they swirled into the mixture of couples on the dance floor. Anna would, occasionally, steal glances at Chelle, whom did not show up at all that night. She must have been much more busy. The heavy echoing ding of the grand clock in the ball room struck midnight, and Anna's mask was lifted by her Prince. She blushed, but smiled and gently curled into his form, her head tilting up while she stood upon her toes. "A drink sounds lovely, to be honest," she cooed, her voice light and feathery while she walked with him, her heels clicking lightly against the marble hallway. Her dainty grip was laced with his, their fingers latticed perfectly. She glanced at their hands and saw a butterfly whisper across Cilian's flesh, and following it was what looked like a word resembling Love.

She clutched onto him as they rose up into the air, her thoughts stirring away from her fantasy and to real life; where her fantasy was coming true with every passing moment. Once they were perched on the balcony, she wanted to slide out of her heels and stretch her toes, but didn't yet. "I.. hope you don't mind," she muttered, her fox ears and tail becoming visible while she sighed, her form glancing to the bottle of Dom Perignon. Once he poured them both a glass, she accepted her's gingerly and took a sip. "I rarely drink, so definitely a lightweight.. though, I have no idea.." she giggled and sat herself down, and accepted his massage offer. She slid her feet into his lap, careful not to scratch her heel against his pant leg before her heels were removed to show off her, slightly cold, dainty feet.

Soft, barely audible moans of pleasure passed her lips, though they were only from the foot massage. A treat she hadn't received since her last pedicure. "Well, I'm practically royalty, afterall~.." she giggled and sipped her Dom perignon, a sigh of relief passing her lips while she tilted her head back. her ears twitched lightly, the white fur blending with her white hair. She giggled from the kiss, it tickling up her leg while her ears twitched and she cooed her other foot outside of his grip snaking along his thigh. Her eyes, smoldering with passion, were locked on Cilian's own while she looked at him. Her ears picked up the firework while it soared upward, and her head tilted back so she could see a bright smile on her lips.

"No.. I think this is a proper ending," she said, her eyes landing back on Cilian. She shifted from her seat and moved toward him, her hands placed on his lap. She leaned forward and gently pressed her lips into his, another set of fireworks launching into the air the moment their lips met. She cradled his jawline gently, her fingertips just barely caressing his face. A perfect kiss to lock these two into a never breaking bond.

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Post by Twinkletoes January 29th 2013, 9:23 am

~ Several months later ~

The windswept countryside of the renaissance hill-town of Pienza was awash in a late afternoon glow, the rich auburn and startling violets dancing across the sky as the sun dipped its golden head underneath the horizon. The elements had finally come together in a harmonious communion of sights and sounds, not once fracturing the peace of Casale di Pastore, the premier getaway destination for wine lovers and photographers. Birds sang their evening songs, the soft breeze skimming over the lush rolling hills as nature slowly took it's final crescendo into the comfortable embrace of night. This all provided the perfect portrait for passionate romance and adventurous escapades, something that was being utilised at that very moment. A captivating couple, with carefree smiles and joyous laughter dancing off their lips, frolicked amongst the vineyards. A game of hide-and-seek had quickly turned into a playful tickling match amongst the grapes and one would have to take a second glance to ensure that neither were rogue supermodels re-enacting some overly romantic perfume commercial. The smoulder in their eyes was only matched by the elated giggles escaping their lips, the pure and simple joy resounding across the dreamy landscape.

Cilian finally had the time, resources and the jet (he 'borrowed' it) to take his diminutive lover out on a spontaneous adventure to Tuscanny. The wily French prince of thrones had heard good word of the restored Villa and insantly set his sights on taking Anna with him. He had only packed the essentials; several suits, suede shoes, his cologne and some money to entertain them for the duration of their stay. He had also sneaked a few secret items into Anna's luggage as well, a cheeky little surprise involving certain pieces of lingerie and other suprise gifts.

Their relationship was as sweet as can be, two gushing individuals who giddily kept it a secret from their peers all the while adoring the hushed romance they shared behind closed doors. The Queen probably had an idea but as of yet she had done nothing but hinted to having knowledge of it all. Cilian kept the pace slow with the white haired servantgirl, not yet going so far as to initiate coitus with her but keeping the passion as alive as ever; he kept her warm at nights (always the big spoon), massaged her feet after she had done a long day's administrating and bought her pretty items of clothing that only a prince could purchase. He concocted a rather believable cover story for his trip with Anna; "Examine the mafia and use Anna as a decoy to get inside". Fortunately for both participants the local gangs of the area had moved on to better things, like politics and baking and upon their arrival the most trouble they had faced was where to park the plane. They had set off to taste the local produce and take trips alongside the wine capitals of Montepulciano and Montalcino, never once losing sight of one another.

Their day eventually brought them to the vineyard, where the prince had allowed his lover to gain the upper hand, she had pinned him to the ground and all he could do was chuckle. His suit was slightly dishevelled but he could not care less, the lady on top of him was his most stunning obsession and if fate allowed it he would have chosen to never let this moment end. His hands had naturally found their way clasping her behind, the only face he could pull was a cheekily smug one as he allowed her dish out whatever playful punishment she believed he was worthy of. It was a very 'hands on' game and he played it as such.

"Now play nice Anna! You don't want to bruise a prince now do you?", he gleamed, lightly chuckling as visible tattoos danced across his chest. Patting her rump with shameless glee he mockingly rolled his eyes whilst shaking his head, "Such a naughty servant girl, taking advantage of a poor gentleman in distress. Oh me oh my who could possibly save me now?" he cried with exaggerated panic. His arms snaked their way around her petite waist and began to scribble away again, ignoring her cries for release as he took advantage of her position. "I do think naughty servant girls should get certain punishments...", he whispered, his honeyed words dripping off his tongue, "Which means no dessert for you tonight, I'll be having your portion!" he grinned, tapping her nose.

"Now are you going to get off me or will I have to pick you up and carry you to dinner?", he questioned with a knowing grin, resting his hands around her hips as he allowed the breeze to wash over him.

This holiday was the best idea ever.

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