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Enter The Soulless (Open)

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Enter The Soulless (Open) - Page 3 Empty Re: Enter The Soulless (Open)

Post by Max Ahlberg Hale December 30th 2012, 10:57 pm

I listened to Aaron's words carefully. His honesty was a lot to take in at one time, but he was right. If there is anything that I have to learn from having this magic, it is that I have to know that I am not normal. I wasn't the most normal person before the shit hit the fan, but I wasn't a super, or anything. I wondered if I would even be considered a mage by others. Maybe I am, maybe I am not. Oh well, that's a discussion for another time with another person, maybe even Aaron, but not now.

Right now, I was invited over to stay at his house. It made sense for me to go, but at the same time, there were many problems to it. I figured I should just tell him now, before I get his hopes up.

"I really appreciate your offer, Aaron, but I have a family who is taking care of me right now. I just woke up, so I might as well stay with them for a little while, just so they don't worry. They aren't the best family, but I might as well be nice to them while I can, they did wait for me to wake up, after all." I can't move out just yet, maybe within a few months. I don't want any harm to come to them, but right now, it seems as if they want don't want any harm to come to me, instead. I guess I need to tell them that I am going to help people, once I do, I will probably find my own place after that. Maybe they would want me to get out, who knows?

In the end, he did invite me to his house, even if I don't live there, I might as well have the courtesy to go and visit. "That doesn't mean I don't want to come over, is it okay if I just come over to visit, instead? I've haven't been to a friend’s house in a long time, so it will be a breath of fresh air to visit a friend again and when was the last time you had a friend over?" I gave another big smile, I was really excited about this, true, I wouldn't move in, but I think it would be really nice to visit him at his house. This day is just getting better and better.

Max Ahlberg Hale

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Enter The Soulless (Open) - Page 3 Empty Re: Enter The Soulless (Open)

Post by Hyperion December 31st 2012, 12:02 am

It seemed his gracious offer was not well received by all but that did not bother him too much,they would realize the worth of Hale protection soon enough. The world was becoming a dangerous place,even for mages that he initially thought would be free from this scrutiny. He could see there was something between the two,something that is so painfully maimed within spoken language but Aaron wasn't really interested in something so painfully dull when he had what was still a potential member of the house within his hands.

”I do warn you that this will be a long walk my friend,so I hope you don't mind that. If we don't waste anytime we can reach my home within a half hour,where i'm sure you will be hungry Max.” He said this as if giving a friendly warning,his tone filled with a strange warmth to it that would usually seem uncharacteristic to him;then again he was not his Cousin,nor his brother. There was also his twin which was the polar opposite to Aaron in almost every way it seemed,including the annoying way he sagged his pants. This was civilized society,not prison where you sagged your damn pants to show availability;dating websites were for that.

The walk did indeed take around half an hour and near the end of it Aaron felt pretty tired. Not that he would show it in front of the prospective Hale family member,keeping that cool facade up. He wondered for a moment if Sean were up and if he were if that would cause any sort of difficulties. The large white mansion seemed almost like a fortress against the ruin that had claimed New York,its perfection seeming almost false against a backdrop of desolation. ”This is the mansion where i'm staying at and any Hale visiting New York stays at when they need a pace to rest their head.” He explained with a small bit of pride.

The front gates opened for them as he lead Max further into the compound as the massive wooden front gate opened. A plus to immense telekinetic powers was that he had to open nothing manually but do so with a thought. Standing on the other side of the door was someone that he was not expecting to see and it made his shoulders sag considerably. Sure meeting other family members here was to be expected but he wasn't expecting someone so soon. He looked like Aaron mostly except that he dressed far different and his mannerisms were different as well. He wore a goofy smile with wavy hair that would make anyone swoon really,unless one did not go for the pretty boy look. He was dressed in cozy sweat pants and a white muscle shirt.

Sure Brandon Hale did not the scary power of most Hale's but he was proportionally stronger,most likely the dwarven blood in fruition. Even through his white t-shirt one could see a powerful body,the young man stepping a few feet back as he gauged Max with interest. ”Oh,who is this interesting guy? Is he your new......” He chuckled to some sort of private joke as a small amount of color came to Aaron's cheeks. ”You know i''m kidding,don't be such a prude."He turned his attention to Max "Hello stranger,the names Brandon Hale.” He offered a hand waiting for the man to shake.
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Enter The Soulless (Open) - Page 3 Empty Re: Enter The Soulless (Open)

Post by Max Ahlberg Hale December 31st 2012, 12:53 am

The walk wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. The red man trained me for this kind of stuff, so I wasn't tired when I got there, I was actually pretty happy to walk, I haven't walked this much since I woke up. I am actually very happy to get out of the ruins, they were really depressing. I got what I wanted and more from going to those ruins today, but I now need to leave. I will be back someday; I will come back to my house again, but not now. Maybe when things are better. Maybe my house will even be rebuilt, who knows? All I know is that I got a picture of my family, thanks to Abel. He even became my friend. I think that Aaron might be another friend as well, that would be nice! I'm really glad that I came out here today; it was really worth it so far, now I am going to a mansion! I've never been to a rich person's house before; I wonder what it's like...

I got my answer very quickly. As Aaron and I reached the front gate, I noticed how great the house was. I mean, this thing was huge! I was as giddy as a kid in a candy store; I've never seen anything this awesome before. I bet Aaron must've noticed the stupid expression on my face, because I saw a lot of pride in his. He really deserved it, this house was great. I wonder how much it cost to make it. Then again, I don't want to know, too many zeros for me, probably. Even the gates were amazing, they couldn't even be opened manually, they probably had to be opened with magic or just really great technology. The house was too much for me.

As I was being mesmerized by Aaron's house, I saw another young man who looked similar to Aaron. Was he his brother? Cousin? I really didn't know at first, but he looked a lot larger than both Aaron and me. He probably worked out a lot. From how he was dressed, it seems as if he was a party goer or hip person, certainly in the "in crowd" more than Aaron. He told me that his name was Brandon Hale and put out his hand. I immediately shook his hand. He was the same type of pretty boy as Aaron, but just more muscular. He seemed very kind and I was actually excited to meet another mage.

"Nice to meet you! I'm glad that I could meet one of Aaron's relatives! I've been meeting a lot of people today. You're family seems really big, just like your house." I let out a nice laugh; I really liked this family so far. They seem so happy together, like my own family. I started to feel sad, but happy at the same time. I was happy that there are still families out there that can be somewhat happy together. I'm glad that there are other people who have nice families. Just because I can't have mine doesn't mean I can't be happy for others and their families.

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Enter The Soulless (Open) - Page 3 Empty Re: Enter The Soulless (Open)

Post by Hyperion January 1st 2013, 8:50 pm

Brandon examined the youth for a brief second,intrigued by who he was exactly but letting that concern slip his mind. Her turned around as he trotted off,popping each knuckle with an audible click as his eyes darted to what seemed like a blur running down the long winding staircase that lead to the second floor. In a second Brandon found himself on his back,with a single foot on his chest and what seemed like a diminutive black haired male standing over him. His lips were stretched into a a toothy grin,dressed in a simple muscle shirt and boxers. If someone looked closely they could see what looked like a small patch of scar tissue on his left shoulder;peeking out from the shirt. ”Gotcha this time.” He said slyly removing his foot from the mans chest and taking a few steps back.

Aaron pressed his palm against his face,breathing a deep sigh as he furrowed blonde brows. ”Sean please stop playing around with my brother and put some damn pants on.” He said annoyed massaging the bridge of his nose softly. The diminutive male raised an eyebrow as is gaze moved over to Max,curious of who this strange male was that had accompanied Aaron here.

”So who do we have here?” He wondered stroking his chin in thought for a moment before approaching him. ”I won't pry in your business though,even if its very interesting.” In an instant he had bridged the distance between him and the pair. ”Hello strange guy I don't know. The names Sean.” He flashed a bright smile quickly not even bothering to offer a handshake.

Anyone magically sensitive could feel the massive amount of energy flowing off of Sean,though most did not. If anything he was powerful like his mother but honestly not able to match her immense amount of energy. ”This is Max and he is a guest.” Aaron glared at Sean,his eyes narrowing into slits. He knew what Sean was insinuating but he was not like his partner,who apparently was as some would call him “a whore”,but some people are just insatiable in that way. It was also not the first time he walked around without pants infront of his quests.

Shael Atterrius
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Enter The Soulless (Open) - Page 3 Empty Re: Enter The Soulless (Open)

Post by Max Ahlberg Hale January 1st 2013, 9:50 pm

After I said my giddy greeting to Brandon, he sat there, studying me, as if he was trying to figure out what I was. He didn't really have enough time to, I suppose one could say, because a strange male came up to hit and kicked him in the chest. I just sat there, totally oblivious to what was happening, next thing I knew, Brandon was on the ground. My eyes grew wide, I actually thought someone was attacking him, but it was some strange man with no pants on. Why he had no pants on, I had no idea, honestly, I guess some people really don't like wearing pants. I didn't really get much time to actually ponder who he was and why he didn't have any pants on, because I was hit with energy that was stronger than what I felt before.

This strange, strange man had a lot of power. It was practically bouncing off of him. When I first felt it, it felt more like someone was pushing me. I wondered if he could feel my aura as well. He was definitely a mage, no doubt about that. He was powerful, no doubt about that. He was weird... No doubt about that. After he was done attacking Brandon, he turned and looked at me, Aaron said that his name was Sean. Was this another relative? He didn't tell me his last name, but he never really told me much, anyway. He was more curious as if I had "business" with Aaron, whatever that meant... Wait, did he mean...? You know what, screw it. I'm not going to make it worse by answering to his comment. I mean, can't a gay guy and a pretty guy walk into a house together and not be considered a couple? I guess not. Unless Aaron is gay as well. That would make a lot more sense. The man named Sean offered me a handshake and I gladly accepted it. Even if he was strange, which he is, he is still a mage. I want to be kind to him, maybe we can be friends. I had a lot of strange friends in high school, so this was no different.

Aaron introduced me to Sean, so I guess I don't have to waste any time saying my name. I didn't know what to say, so I just gave a little back story to my visit. "Aaron met me just today in the New York ruins, I used to live there and he felt some kind of magic energy from me, I felt his, next thing you know, he invited me to stay at his house. I am just visiting, for now, and it is an awesome house, by the way." I gave him a look from head to toe before speaking again. "For having such a nice house, you are all very informal. You would think that everyone would be uptight about being formal here, but seeing as how you are dressed, even with guests over, my guess is that this is a nice place to live." Normally, that would've sounded sarcastic, but I was actually being genuine, this seems like a nice place to live, maybe I should consider staying here. Maybe.

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Max Ahlberg Hale

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Enter The Soulless (Open) - Page 3 Empty Re: Enter The Soulless (Open)

Post by Hyperion January 2nd 2013, 11:19 pm

It seemed that Max was not as put off as he had expected by Sean and that was a good thing. Sure he would continue to demand that Sean put on some pants but at least the two were getting along well enough. Letting out a deep sigh he tapped his left foot lightly on the ground before letting his mind probe the home,exerting an almost inperceptible pressure through out the building as he he mapped it. It was a very basic application of his power but useful enough as he let the pressure up,mostly trying to see if anyone else were within the compound. ”I would apologize for Sean's rudeness but I doubt he would appreciate that very much.” Aaron said finally as the black haired male gave him a look.

”Damn right,not like I need to worry about how I act in my own damn home.” he muttered wryly before returning his attention to max. ”I'm glad you like the house though. Hales really like to make a place look nice,especially if they intend to live in it. Not as good as Caster architecture but pretty damn good if you ask me,much better than the house I was raised in.” he began to ramble on as Aaron simply stood with impatience on his mind,mostly by how annoying Sean could be sometimes but they somehow managed to co-exist. That was as some would say a miracle within itself,though they did not always have these mini arguments.

”This is a very nice place to live but not as good as the house in Chicago. Its around three times larger than this one and far more crowded. Then again that’s where the Hale''s hold the most power,so I guess its expected for the mansion to be larger.” He brushed a single strand of blonde from his eyes before making a few steps forward,one hand on Sean's shoulder that seemed to guide him easier than expect him;the grip enhanced by his telekinetic powers. ”Now could you please put some pants on? As much as I know you enjoy entertaining guests,I don't want you showing anything that needn't be shown off.” he said this plainly.

”Fine.” Sean said rolling his eyes dramatically pressing his lips lightly against Aaron's in a flash of motion before making his way off in a blur. Leaving Aaron and max alone with Brandon who was rubbing the back of his head. Sean never really seemed to change it seemed but that was kind of what he liked about him. He was always that knucklehead that he knew since they were young. It only took Sean two minutes before he appeared to them again with a pair of jeans with the knees torn to hell. ”There,I have pants on.” he grumbled. ”Happy now?”

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Enter The Soulless (Open) - Page 3 Empty Re: Enter The Soulless (Open)

Post by Max Ahlberg Hale January 3rd 2013, 11:36 am

I sat there as the fiasco between Aaron and Sean kept going. I actually found it kind of funny, to tell the truth. This was like something straight from some family sitcom skit, normally, those really aren't funny, but they are hilarious when it happens in real life. I kept thinking about how this was a great place to live. It seems like this kind of stuff happened all the time... Like some family sitcom. Family...

I'm not going to cry, I don't need to. It's just that this made me learn so much about family. Maybe family doesn't have to be a simple parent to child set up. I guess that families are just places where I can come home and be welcomed, no matter what happens. I looked towards Aaron, he seemed like he was annoyed, but deep down, he would miss this life if it was taken away from him. I suppose people don't really know what they have until it's gone, after all. I am not saying that being annoyed is a bad thing, but I wonder if he knows that this could be taken away from him at any time. I certainly hope that he never has to worry about stuff like that. Not until everyone is old and happy.

I kept wondering if this is a family that I would like to belong to. I kept wondering if the family I had now is even worth considering a family. I wonder how fast they would get rid of me if they knew that I might leave them. I should probably stop wasting my time with these questions that don't have any answers. I needed to get the answers myself, not just wonder about them.

I looked over towards the others and it seems that Brandon luckily recovered from his attack by Sean and Aaron finally got Sean to put some pants on. I guess Sean eventually gave in. Wait. Is Sean even apart of the Hale family? I need to ask him, because it looks like everyone in the room lives here, but this house doesn't have to be exclusively for Hales. I suppose I should get my answers now, no sense in just sitting around and thinking all of the time. I turned towards Aaron and started asking him questions. "Aaron, do you really want me to live here? Because from seeing all of this that has been happening, it seems like you all have a great family with each other. I wish I could say the same. If you really wanted me to, I could see what could happen, maybe I could stay here with you all and be a part of this wacky, awesome family. But my question is why did you pick me of all people? I'm not a Mage like you all, I'm not a family member, so why ask me to stay?"

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Post by Hyperion January 3rd 2013, 5:08 pm

Aaron was somewhat surprised by how straightforward Max was with the question but didn't really think too much of it,a smirk permeating his expression as he considered what exactly to say in return to that. It was a really simple answer though and that was all that he needed though. ”I could say that its the duty of the Hale family to take in anyone that would prove beneficial to the family as a whole but that I don't think that would be accurate in this situation. Honestly its far too dangerous for someone of your power to be alone,its my duty to shelter you the best way that I can.” he said this simply,since there was really no other way to say something like that.

”I'm sure there are things that I can teach you and there’s plenty that I could learn from you,as well as this house can do with some new faces.” It was true enough that he would enjoy some new people living with him other than just Sean and occasionally his annoying twin.

”I won't force you to accept the offer but I would strongly suggest it. You'll be surprised the perks of joining the family,” he said this in a friendly tone. Sure he knew the chance that he would deny the offer was as equal as he would except it but no harm in trying at any rate. Sean was somewhat annoyed by the guy personally but then again he never understood why Aaron chose the people that he did,possibly was just some sort of sixth sense he had or something.

Perhaps he was trying to make up for all the brothers he had lost years ago but then again he had nearly died if not for Elena Marie,that potion master.

Shael Atterrius
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Enter The Soulless (Open) - Page 3 Empty Re: Enter The Soulless (Open)

Post by Max Ahlberg Hale January 3rd 2013, 9:13 pm

So Aaron wants to take me in as a mentor? He says that I need someone to look after me. I swear, more and more people have cared for me since I joined this world as a superhero. It really felt great that he cares about me so much. Today has probably been the best day in my life. I met a wonderful person who I became friends with and maybe even have feelings for and I got a family that actually cares about me since my family died. I never felt this much care at once, before. Sure, my family cared about me a lot, but they did it everyday, they made sure that I got enough care without suffocating me...

They were really a great family. I will truly miss them, they were the best parents in the world. I'll never experience a love like that ever again, but I will cherish every memory of them that I had. If I forget, then it must've just been locked away in my memory vault, never leaving my heart, staying there forever. Now there are new memories to make with a family that will care about me as much. Yeah, they will never be able to replace them in my heart, but who says that I can't add any room for others? Who cares if they aren't my true brothers? Why can't I just see them that way in the end? I was ready to pick up the pieces of my life and start piecing them back together. It will be tough, but now that I know that there will be so many people who can help me with those pieces. But first, I need to actually tell Aaron that I want to be a part of the family, of course, then probably call my relatives. The call will suck, but I guess I have to do it.

"Aaron, you now have a new member of the family, thank you so much for letting me join your family. You have no idea how much this means to me. Maximilian Ahlberg Hale, I think I like the sound of that. That is, if you let me take the family name, but it's cool if you don't want me to, I'll understand." I was smiling from ear to ear, I couldn't contain myself, I've never been so happy in my life. Next was to call my "folks." "I will be right back, I'm going to call my relatives and tell them the news." I ran a few feet away from the lot of them and called my relatives. It was my aunt who answered the phone.

"Hey auntie, I have some good news. You know how you wanted me to get out of the house? Well, I found another, it's great and everyone is just like me, they want to make sure that I am trained and not a hazard to anyone." ... "What? What do you mean I can't get any of my things?" ... "YOU DONT OWN THEM! HOW DARE YOU THROW THEM OUT!" ... "Shit? They were from my parents! They were special to me!" ... "What do you mean, cheap? You bitch! I hate you!" ... "You always thought I was a burden... huh?" ... "You really didn't need to tell me the truth..." ... "Can I at least pick up my clothes?" ... "I guess I can always buy new ones, the money is in my account, now, right?" ... "Thanks for the money and the time I had with you. Tell Teresa that she was a great cousin." ... "You won't? Fine... I'm sorry that I was such a burden." ... "Don't lie, you never loved me... Bye."

I stood there for a second with my cell phone in my hand. I didn't know what to do at the moment. I ended up just dropping the phone and then dropping to my knees. They hated me? Not surprising, they were always angry with me. But to kick me out, today of all days, when I can finally get out of the house? How evil are they? I can't believe it, they don't love me at all... I started crying again, but I didn't want them to see me like this. Whatever, I don't care anymore. They were not a family at all, I can't believe that they would do that to me... What did I do to them? I had no clue, but I can't take this anymore. It isn't fair. Now I'm just complaining. I need to stop this from happening to others... I just have to. I can't let anyone be like this, because I know the next person might not be so lucky. This is strengthening my resolve, there is no doubt in my mind what I must do. I must help others, no matter what the cost. I don't want a super hero name, I don't need it. When I stop someone from destroying another's life, I want them to know who the hell I am. I am Maximilian Ahlberg Hale and I won't let anyone be like me. No one. This isn't revenge, this is prevention, even if I have to die again, I will be damned if I don't stop another's life from spiraling as low as mine was, it won't happen... I'll make sure of it. I stood up and walked towards Aaron, my eyes were still red and my face was still wet, but I walked over towards him with confidence that I never knew that I had. I wiped the tears from my eyes and faced my new life, no matter what was in store for me. I'm ready for whatever life throws at me, mess with the peace, villains, I dare you, I'll be there to bring you down, just wait.

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Post by Hyperion January 3rd 2013, 11:28 pm

He had taken the offer well enough but Aaron could see that he was pleased with the developments taking place,he was happy. Next was to inform his family of the development,which he hoped would go smoothly,unless they were not so privy upon the magical aspect of him. Aaron would wait for the conversation to end,Sean popping each finer individually as he seemed to hum a tune to himself silently. Why did you really take him in?” Sean asked raising a black brow,lips pursing.

”Perhaps this is what he needs. I can tell hes had his fair share of rough times and I won't be the one to add onto that. I'm sure you can understand that Sean.” Sean made a derisive sound but did not continue in attempting to question why Aaron was helping this guy. He talked to his family for a few moments before walking back to him but Aaron could see that something had caused him some form of emotional distress;yet he had a resolve within his eyes. Whatever had transpired had hurt him deeply,yet Aaron was no good at comforting people.

Sean on the other hand took this as a sort of cue,quickly wrapping his arms around the male though he only came up to around his chest. ”Welcome to the family.”He said this sentence in his usual jovial tone but it always meant something,Aaron had a new brother or whatever he would like to consider him. The hug persisted for a brief moment before Sean pulled back and returned to Aaron's side.

”If you want I can show you to your room. It won't be to your taste yet i'm sure but there is plenty of time to have it furnished tomorrow,and if you are hungry there is a fully stocked kitchen. We don't have any servants too meet all of your needs but I can make you something if thats what you really want.” He was mostly trying to make sure that Max felt as comfortable as possible within this new environment. Sean snorted amused by the offer he made to cook when he was nowhere as good as a cook as Sean. Brandon was busy typing into a cellphone,probably doing whatever it was that he did;not that anyone present would find it interesting anyway.

”Anyway i'm starvin so i'm gonna cook something up.” He looked to everyone else. ”Anyone want anything?'

Shael Atterrius
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Enter The Soulless (Open) - Page 3 Empty Re: Enter The Soulless (Open)

Post by Max Ahlberg Hale January 4th 2013, 12:06 am

The first thing that I got when I joined the family was a hug from Sean. He was a lot shorter than me, he only came up to my chest, but it was still very nice of him to do that for me. I felt welcomed by the hug, like everything was settled and that this was my start to my new family. Yeah, my hateful relatives are going to put a nice little dent in my happiness for a small while, but it was definitely overshadowed by this moment. I was happy again. My day seemed like a emotional rollercoaster. I guess today is making up for the shitty drama that I missed while I was dead. It was tiring, I wanted to go to bed, but I also wanted to spend some time with my new family. I was also hungry.

Aaron gave me two choices, either go take a tour first, or we could eat. It was a hard choice, I am a teenager, so sleep is nice, but eating was nice as well. I chose eating. I wanted to get to know my new family a little better. Both Sean and Aaron suggested that they should cook something for everyone, while Brandon was playing with his phone. To be honest, I love cooking as well, so when Sean asked if I wanted him to cook me something, I spoke up.

"I haven't eaten anything all day. I guess I could always get a tour of the house later. But I like cooking, why don't I help you guys? I'm really in the mood for bacon right now. That crispy, greasy goodness can't hide from me forever!" If we're all going to eat, then I might as well chip in and have some fun doing it! I think this day is going to get a whole lot unhealthier, but so much better. I hadn't really much of anything to eat since I've woken up. This was the first day where I was at full strength to leave and do whatever I want, so I was really hungry! I could probably eat a whole pig worth of bacon if I could. "I don't know if you guys like breakfast foods, but that is definitely my specialty, I can cook up an amazing batch of omelets, bacon, sausage, all types of eggs. If you guys are in the mood for breakfast food, then I definitely want to help!" I told them excitedly, I always loved cooking breakfast for my family, now I have another chance to, I definitely don't want to pass it up.

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Enter The Soulless (Open) - Page 3 Empty Re: Enter The Soulless (Open)

Post by Hyperion January 5th 2013, 3:37 pm

He could already tell Sean would like Max the moment he mentioned cooking breakfast foods,mostly because that was his favorite thing to eat next to Italian. Honestly if Aaron didn't protest he would eat Italian all day every day and would probably bloat to the size of a whale from all of that in take.

”Hell yeah!” Sean said basically in agreement before dashing off to the kitchen at his inhuman speed leaving the two standing there. He apparently just couldn't wait to get some food or he just thought they were too slow for his taste. Either way it would only take them a few minutes to reach the kitchen anyway,so it wasn't like they would be loosing anytime since food never would cook any faster because he was fast.

”Well I guess you have your answer.” Aaron said shrugging before rapping Brandon on the back of his head. ”Which means stop focusing on your damn phone.” He barely seemed to notice the sensation of someone hitting him on the back of his head but he turned his gaze to Aaron for a second before dramatically sighing.

Returning his attention back to max,he motion for him to follow with a simple motion. The kitchen was not too far away,only down a simple hallway and after only around a minute or two of walking they had found it. Upon entering they would see Sean leaning against one of the marble counter tops,one bare foot tapping against the tiled floor methodically. He acted as if he had been waiting for a good hour but they knew that he hadn't been.

”Took you long enough.” He said with a smirk before opening the large refrigerator,pulling out a large amount of eggs and anything else that would be required to cook a good breakfast. In a matter of minutes he had everything ready. ”Well I guess thats everything we need.” Sean muttered to himself pleased.

Shael Atterrius
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Enter The Soulless (Open) - Page 3 Empty Re: Enter The Soulless (Open)

Post by Max Ahlberg Hale January 5th 2013, 6:12 pm

Wow, this house was stocked with everything that I would've needed to create the best breakfast in the world! Breakfast at this house is just going to prove to be awesome. My parents taught me how to cook and they taught me well. I always loved cooking breakfast, so now I get to cook it for my new family. Sean was extremely excited for the food that I was making. So excited, that he practically ran at an amazing speed to get there. It gave me a good chance to start looking at the house without being too distracted. As I walked through the hallways, I realized how beautiful this house was. Whoever designed it seemed to really be into the making of it. Maybe he was paid a lot to do it, maybe it was a mage, I didn't know.

I remember that my house wasn't nearly as large as this, but it was a great house, it was three stories tall, had a wonderful baby blue painting on the outside. The house was skinny, but long. All of the rooms in this house were probably wider than my house. But I liked how the house was decorated. Since it was so thin, everyone was more friendly and social with one another, maybe because we were so tightly packed into it. My parents weren't the richest, but they definitely made life comfortable for me when I needed it to be. I will try to never forget the greatness of my house, but I have to make sure that doesn't prevent me from loving my new one.

As we made it to the kitchen, Sean was sitting there as if he had waited forever for the rest of us to get there. There kitchen was beautiful as well, but so was the whole house, so I wasn't surprised. Sean then proceeded to get out some ingredients for the cooking, mainly eggs. So. Many. Eggs. I was going to cook so much food, that it could feed a whole castle. My relatives didn't give me a chance to cook; they mainly kept me in my room all day and brought food up to me. That house was more like a prison, once I think about it. Once everything was set up, I got everything I needed for my eggs, a bowl for scrambling the eggs, (scrambled eggs were my specialty) an egg beater, eggs, some milk, a pan to put them in, and some butter to make sure they don't stick. I washed my hands, then I got to the cracking of the eggs, I was so good at making eggs that no bits even got into the egg. It always struck me as nasty when I had to pick them out. Next I got my mighty egg beater and got to work, destroying the eggs and mixing them into one giant mixture of yellow. I poured some milk into the eggs, giving them a nice taste. I made sure not to put too much in, since I don't want the eggs to be watery. I put the eggs into the pans and started to heat them up. I made sure I asked everyone how many eggs they would want on their plate while the egg mixture was becoming, as I called it, flippable. A few minutes later, all of the pans were finished and I was able to flip them all. A few more minutes later, the eggs were done. I cut the eggs up according to how much everyone wanted and served them.

I hope that Sean and I were as great of cooks as we boasted to be, because if one of us messed up, it could ruin the whole meal and it was crucial that this breakfast was amazing, I have to feed my new family, they looked pretty hungry! Who wants to eat a bad breakfast, anyway?

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Enter The Soulless (Open) - Page 3 Empty Re: Enter The Soulless (Open)

Post by Hyperion January 6th 2013, 4:12 pm

While Max was hard at work preparing the eggs,Sean did what he was best at;which was preparing the pancakes and the bacon. If anything that had to be his best breakfast food,considering that anyone so far that has eaten it didn't seem to complain about how it tasted. He had the batter ready within a matter of minutes,stirring rapidly before reaching for the bacon and throwing upon one of the many pans on their enormous stove. Grease hissed as the bacon made contact with the frying pans and the smell permeated the room like ambrosia,filling the nostrils of anyone within it. Aaron would let the two keep at it,seeing as he had no cooking skills of his own and that left him at a slight disadvantage if he ever wanted to live alone.

Him and Brandon were mere spectators really,though his twin was more focused on whatever had his attention on his phone. Max asked how many eggs they wanted and they answered him,Aaron then letting his mind wonder,reaching out to touch Sean's. ”So what do you really think of Max?” He asked using a mental connection to get the questions through. Sean didn't really recoil at the contact,still cooking while his mind seemed to come up with some sort of reply.

”He seems like a nice enough guy and hes not that bad lookin either. I do get this odd sensation from him though but then again I don't have that great of a magical sense.” Aaron could have expected that he would make a comment upon his appearance but that was just Sean being Sean. Then again he confirmed that there was something off about this guy and it was not just him;there hung an ominous aura about him. He must have done something but whatever it was he did not know,nor did he care to. In what seemed like only a few minutes Sean had finished making a mound of pancakes and a large amount of bacon,all ready for them to eat. Aaron pulled out the containers of orange juice,milk and anything else people drank at breakfast.

”Well looks like we are done here.”

Shael Atterrius
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Enter The Soulless (Open) - Page 3 Empty Re: Enter The Soulless (Open)

Post by Max Ahlberg Hale January 6th 2013, 4:31 pm

Sean took care of the other foods, while I took care of all of the eggs, everything went better than expected. It was a breakfast for kings! I served my food to everyone, since eggs aren't really a buffet type of deal in breakfast. The pancakes and bacon that Sean made looked amazing. I couldn't wait to dig in. It all smelled delicious and had a homemade feel to them, as if this wasn't some random breakfast, but a family activity. We all started to eat and I felt as if I needed to explain to everyone else about my past. I can't leave everyone in the dark, it wouldn't be fair. So while we were all eating, I brought it up like a normal conversation.

"So, I've explained what I am to Aaron, but I haven't really explained what I am to you to. I guess I should begin with the fact that I do not have a soul. No, I am not a mage, nor was I born under any mage family. If anything, I am just a magical being at best. I died in the New York Assault. My whole family died as well. I made a deal with a demon who trained me in 'magic' and fighting, so I wouldn't die so easily. He said that when I died, he would give me my soul back. Whether he was being truthful or not, I don't know. I don't want to hide anything from you all, so I want you to know exactly what I am, in case you don't want me around or you don't welcome me. If you don't, I understand. By the way, the pancakes and bacon is delicious, Sean."

I continued picking at my food, I was nervous again, I am now telling my story to two people at one time, instead of one. That's really scary, especially when I have no idea how they are going to react. I shouldn't really be scared, but I suppose it's for the better. I ate a little more and wondered about the Hale history or the history of the mage families in general. I turned towards Aaron and asked him, "If you don't mind me asking, how did the mage families start? I have no idea what they are about, but I did know that they existed. I was always curious about them. I know that I will never be a true family member, but it's nice to know a little history about magic in general." Maybe I am asking too much, but a great sit down meal is the greatest time to get to know everyone and reveal one of your deepest darkest secrets. The food really doesn't allow for many negative emotions.

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Enter The Soulless (Open) - Page 3 Empty Re: Enter The Soulless (Open)

Post by Hyperion January 7th 2013, 11:37 pm

Sean simply sat thee and listened to Max explain what he was,though it wasn't like he was really going to react any differently than Aaron would have reacted. He might have even been interested by the story that Max was telling him,which would have proved valuable. Eating his food with a steady pace he let his mind wonder over whom that guy was with and why he gave Aaron the strangest vibe as if he were the hunter and Max the harmless prey. Sure he was not all that harmless but no need to make him seem meeker than he really was. ”These eggs are great Max,best I’ve had in a long while.” he said with a smile preparing his explanation of the families,which would have involved a large amount of sensitive information.

”As for your question I have no idea where to begin on the families. All of the families have one thing in common besides magic and that my friend is their bloodlines,which stretch back farther than humankind can really date. We Hales descend from a line that is rich with the blood of Dwarves and as such we are skilled in weaving....enchantments I suppose the best word for it is,though we can also create weapons by hand if we have the gift of metal work. Some of us inherit the dwarven strength and physicality if enough of the blood is present,while some have little access to the magic dormant within our blood.” He of course omitted the sacred ritual of the blooding for those who proved that they could have their place within the family but that was to be divulged later of he truly wanted family membership.

”I cannot speak for the other families as they are rather secretive upon their information,so if you truly want to know anything I would suggest that you search for a member of their family and ask yourself.” He finished his explanation by taking a swig of the orange juice mug within his hand and letting out a deep sigh after the deluge of information that was released in this small moment. Sean continued to eat while he let Max take all of it in before he was sure to ask more questions.

Shael Atterrius
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