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Fast and Hard [closed to Chunko and Inky]

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Fast and Hard [closed to Chunko and Inky] Empty Fast and Hard [closed to Chunko and Inky]

Post by Brorschach January 1st 2013, 4:03 am

Arthur stood there, listening to the subtle beats escalate and fall once more, each beat of the drum rippling through him, sending shivers down his spine. He was a fan of heavy metal and the song coming from the boombox was one such song. He found it odd, how amidst the rubble and debris, a single boombox had managed to survive relatively intact. While scavenging for spare change or something he could pawn, he had discovered it and instead of immediately rushing off to see who he could peddle it off to, he sat beside it and swayed gently. The bliss didn't last long however as the song abruptly changed, switching to something that reminded him of a cat being run over by a snowmobile. It was country music, a heavily accented man was going on and on about his truck or some other such nonsense and seemed intent on making you feel sorry that he'd lost it. The man obviously hadn't felt real pain, or he'd know exactly how infinitesimal a loss like that was. Arthur had lost so much more... but then again, he'd also gained quite a bit.
Was it a fair trade off? The loss of his family and -arguably- his sanity in exchange for the power he had gained. He wasn't sure. He knew he'd always had the power inside of him. After all, it was apparently genetic... At least that was what Hargrave had said. Arthur wondered what had become of Hargrave after he'd left the asylum. The bespectacled man had still been there when he left, that strangely placating demeanor of his belying exactly how far he would go in his pursuit of knowledge. Arthur shivered, the memory of the man gave him a bad taste in his mouth, though he wasn't sure why. As far as he could remember, Hargrave hadn't done anything beyond some semi-invasive surgery. Shaking his head, he looked down at the boombox and switched it off, causing the god awful music to finally cease. How could a station go from such a sweet symphony to... that? He didn't know and he didn't care. The piece would fetch him at least forty dollars at the pawn shop a few blocks away. Picking it up, he began walking, humming what he remembered of the tune.

Arthur was in a surprisingly good mood today, despite the fact that it was cloudy and looked to be on the verge of a bad storm. He truly enjoyed music, it was one of the few things that took him away from the harsh realities of his situation. For all intents and purposes, he was homeless. Unlike most people in the city, he'd been that way before it was destroyed. Being confined to an insane asylum for several years tended to kill your chances at employment. Combine that with the fact that he never took off his helmet, his surprisingly upscale attire was filthy, and that he tended to give off the vibe that he was one of those 'quiet, psychotic types' and any small window of hope for a job collapsed in on itself faster than a house of cards in a landslide. As he walked down the street, people kept looking nervously at him and taking a rather obvious step to one side as they passed. Almost like they thought he might lash out and strangle one of them simply because they were within arm's reach. It made him sad, though not enough to make him stop humming. People were so jumpy, which was surprising given the fact that it seemed almost impossible to avoid seeing a costumed hero or some such oddity on a daily basis.

Finally, Arthur stopped, looking up and seeing the sign in bright neon letters. It read 'Neil's Pawn Shop and Consignment Warehouse. Open 24/7'. All he could think about as he walked in the door was how insanely high the place's electric bill must be to keep that thing on all day, every day. Reaching the counter, he silently placed the boombox in front of him. The attendant -a fat, balding man who he could only assume was Neil, just stared in response. When it became painfully apparent that Arthur wasn't going to say anything, the man sighed.

"You wanna put that up for consignment buddy?" he said in an irritable voice. His eyes were red, likely from lack of sleep. Either that or drugs.

Arthur shook his head.

"So you want me to buy this then?"

Arthur nodded and extended his hand, palm up.

The man raised his eyebrow and pushed the boombox back.

"Look weirdo, I'm not buying anything from you unless you actually say something" He said, the irritation in his voice replaced by a nervous whine. He was clearly scared, though judging by the way he was leaning, there was a gun under the counter.

"Please buy this" was the only thing Arthur said in response, once more extending his hand. He had no desire to engage in conversation with the unpleasant man.

The man glared at Arthur, as though he was considering drawing whatever his hidden weapon was. In the end, the man chose the better part of valor and pulled the boombox over, setting it down behind the counter.

"Hold on" he grunted and leaned down. Arthur heard a jingling noise and the sound of locks turning. A few moments later the man rose up and thrust something like sixty dollars into Arthur's hand. Almost equally as fast, he turned away and went about depositing his newly acquired merchandise on the shelf behind him. Arthur stood there for a few more moments before turning and exiting the store. Almost immediately after leaving, he felt hungry. Unsurprising given that he hadn't eaten since two days prior. He needed to find some food.

Nearly an hour later, the rain still threatened to come as the clouds only grew darker, faint rumbles of thunder echoing through them, the sound amplified by the skyscrapers which reached into their depths. Arthur sat on a park bench shoving hot dog after hot dog into his mouth, the beefy flavor filling him with satisfaction. On the bench next to him sat several other hot dogs, each and every one quickly disappearing as he munched them.

So consumed in his meal, he didn't even notice the sound of someone walking up to him, apparently trying to engage him in conversation.



Blame Jack

"A man who barely maintains an armistice with himself has no business poking about in a foreign soul"
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Fast and Hard [closed to Chunko and Inky] Empty Re: Fast and Hard [closed to Chunko and Inky]

Post by Chunko January 1st 2013, 4:56 am

Celerity was sprinting down the streets as he always does when he has a troubled mind. Sort of a therapy to him. He practically glided over the ground, leaving that streak of purple and yellow blur behind him. Celerity passed cars, trucks, and generally anything on the streets in almost a blink. He loved it. The air pressing against his partially bare face, the blurs of shapes around him. If he wasn't the fastest man alive, he sure as hell felt like it. He returned to thought and left the sprinting to the so-called 'auto pilot' people get when they drive without thinking about it.

As if I'm a real threat. What would a bounty hunter want with me? Not only that, what was that tech? I wonder what my bounty was. Gotta be pretty high for a fellow like myself, Celerity thought, smiling at the last part. Maybe high thousands? Millions? Woah, man. I'm in the big leagues now! What if it was just a hundred, though? Nah, gotta be up there! Celerity returned from his thoughts just in time to dodge a parked truck. He did a juke around it, still at blurring speed, and kept running. He tried to be more attentive while he traveled. For the guy who could probably outrun time, he was always a minute late.

He heard his stomach growl after running for a bit more, so he slowed to almost a walk for him, an Olympic sprint for most humans. He looked around for a place to get a bite. He hated his metabolism. Always hungry. But he simply loved food. As if it were a divine gift from the heavens or something, he ate food like a beast. He didn't see anything he particularly liked so he slowed to a normal walk. He continued to look around as his stomach continued to growl for attention. "There, there little guy. I'll fill you up. Just hang in there," Celerity said to himself, with his hand over his stomach. He saw people in the streets and at random vendors and such, saying his hellos and waving as he passed them by. Celerity was a nice man, and made quite a collection of friends. He got to a park and looked around for something. Anything at this point.

He saw a man wearing a helmet sitting on a park bench stuffing hot dogs into his mouth like it were oxygen. Celerity thought it was quite strange. Not the eating habits, his were just about the same. The fact that a man would be sitting at a park bench when a storm was soon to come was odd. He blurred over to the man, arriving in front of him in a few seconds. He was maybe ten feet away from the stranger, respecting personal bubbles. He looked at the hot dogs, and his stomach roared for it. He waved to the strange man and said, "Hello sir! Could I bother you for one of those amazing hot dogs? I'd definitely owe you one!" Celerity stood in front of the man, awaiting an answer. He was a bit curious about the helmet, but he himself was wearing a mask. His stomach growled again, screaming and aching for fuel.

Last edited by Chunko on January 2nd 2013, 2:03 am; edited 1 time in total

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 12
Location : Louisiana
Job : Being awesome.
Humor : Witty, clever.
Registration date : 2012-12-26

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Fast and Hard [closed to Chunko and Inky] Empty Re: Fast and Hard [closed to Chunko and Inky]

Post by Mr Wonton January 1st 2013, 6:37 am

Piercing golden eyes creaked open amidst the sing-song voices of the morning birds that pranced around the amusement park. Soft breaths brushed against pale skin, crimson lips pursing into a thin line before stretching into a feline yawn. The petite scarcely clothed individual was nestled in the tight embrace of a lover, legs intertwined like the coils of exotic plants amongst the warm beige sheets that were draped around the two female bodies. This was a moment of gentle comfort for the smaller woman, a woman who had only ever known violent lust and the hard burn of disappointment. Not many people could survive long enough to fully sate her twisted passions ..everyone except for the Albino pyromaniac who had slowly but surely snatched Daji's affection. Esmerelda had unwittingly become Daji's lover and confidant, a feat that was particularly impressive considering the oriental Princess' knack for emotional and occasional sexual abuse.

"Good morning...", she mumbled softly, brushing her lips against the drowsy albino's neck, making sure her mouth traced the curve of Essa's jawline. A grunt was all that was returned but it was enough to elicit a little grin from the porcelain princess."I need to get going, before the crimson bitch comes in and ruins our morning..", the woman frowned, whispering in her lover's ear before quietly slipping out of the silken covers. Essa was sure to sleep in and Daji thought it best to simply leave her with a quick peck. The day's chore was surely going be a quick one, Shade's princess was going to make sure of that.


Her mission was quite simple, although simple was necessarily a good thing. This was a petty chore, a task she would much rather leave to the dim witted fools who were part of Elena's motley crew of evildoers. Another capture 'mission', a duty much more fitting for a lower class ape than the graceful powerhouse that Daji was. Her mark was a certain fellow who went by the title of 'Empathy', a title the snarky princess thought particularly amusing. She cared not for his name or why he was needed, she honestly had no care for his worthless existence at all, he was but another male rodent staining her world. She had tracked down his last whereabouts, none other than the decrepit remains of America's once glorious New York...a disgusting concrete and metal blemish that stunk of death and decay, a reminder that normal humans could not even fend for themselves. She was completely apathetic to the pain and suffering, to the point that even thinking about it forced a snarl to rip across her feminine lips.

Daji, however was a woman of instinct, a predatory being whose constant burning lust had to be sated through the most purest of delicacies. The stench of men made her gag, but the fine succulent chi that exuded from the more delicate sex always had her mouth water. Her search for the elusive metahuman had reached a pit stop, not that she planned it, an opportunity simply arose and she ruthlessly stalked after it like a tiger amongst the reeds. The cause for this sudden divergence in her focus was none other than a lone young woman hastily making her way passed the dreary ruins that scarred the earth. A pretty girl indeed, so pretty in fact that a devious grin had slowly quivered across the princess's lips. "Time for some breakfast..", she uttered, brushing midnight black hair out of her eyes and behind her ear. The young woman, possibly a teenager, was brunette and rather pretty compared to her surroundings. A pack of domesticated dogs scampered around her in a tight little herd of furry bodies and twisted leashes. The girl was obviously some slave of the rich upper class, expected to service the animal's needs for exercise and embarrass herself like a circus performer on display.

Daji quietly tip toed alongside the edge of a building, the soles of her feet brushing against the cold concrete as her eyes tracked her prey's movement. This was too easy, so easy in fact that the oriental acrobat saw no need in making her attack hidden, the girl was all alone with nothing but an excitable pack of terriers to protect her. Lightly stepping over the lip of the roof the princess hopped onto a nearby stairwell, balancing on the metal beams like a spectre, a seemingly easy task that would prove exceedingly challenging for any normal peasant. Her sudden arrival was greeted with a chorus of high pitched barks and a questionable gaze from her soon-to-be appetiser. Slipping her body through the gap in the stairwell Daji effortlessly scaled down the wall like a creature of the night, her gaze never leaving the girl's body.

"Good morning peasant, how's your morning walk with these...adorable little things?" she purred, biting her lips as she slinked closer to the girl. Ignoring the fear ridden whimpers of the dogs that surrounded them. It was no secret that Daji adored animals, her obsession with them was a surprisingly healthy one but in some cases the creatures simply did not return her affection. Weak willed animals feared her, weak willed animals like the human sacks of flesh staining the very ground she tread upon.

"'s good I guess. Umm you a dog person or something?", the girl stammered, averting her gaze as she tentatively brushed sandy brown locks out of her pretty visage. There was fear and apprehension, Daji could smell it.

"Dog person? Maybe...but I prefer pussies if you must really know", Daji gleamed, revealing her pointed canines as her crimson lips spread into a malevolent Cheshire grin. A dark attempt at humour was always a fun way to break the ice, even if the jokes knly ever amused the one saying them. The girl's reaction was expected, fear and confusion but Daji did not care. She enjoyed toying with the minds of lesser beings, tugging at their deepest fears, penetrating their very being before she took hold of them and used them like obsolete toys.

"Uhh ex-excuse me? I'm sorry but are you trying to hit on me?" the girl questioned, any attempt at sounding tough was compromised by her shaky voice. This dog walker, or 'Bitch pleaser' as Daji would like to name her was a peasant and nothing more than a peasant. The snarling Princess believed she had every right to sate her desires on the unwilling girl and the mere fact that it was assumed that she was flirting with the girl resulted in her cackling with manic amusement.

"Oh aren't you precious. But sorry to disappoint you but I plan on using your body and then taking you back home with me if you survive..." , Shade's princess snarled, her toxic words dripping with malicious intent. No sooner had the last venomous word sliced through the air did she bound straight towards the stunned teenager, sharpened nails caressing the back of the girl's neck until a small trail of blood oozed out. "...if you're a good girl I might actually wrap you up and bring you home as a present for my ...good friend..", she whispered in the girl's ear before ruthlessly proceeding with the despicable act. She was going to enjoy this, maybe the Bitch pleaser was going to live up to her title but regardless of that Daji was going to enjoy herself.

Enjoy the struggle.

Enjoy the ear piercing cries for help.

Enjoy it all.

Daji / Daji's weapons

Human Form
Mr Wonton
Mr Wonton

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 85
Registration date : 2012-06-25

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Fast and Hard [closed to Chunko and Inky] Empty Re: Fast and Hard [closed to Chunko and Inky]

Post by Brorschach January 1st 2013, 9:50 pm

Arthur continued eating, the fact that the hot dogs were plain and bordered on unappetizing mattered little. By the time he was aware that someone had spoken to him, the once monumental pile contained less than twenty hotdogs, just as his pockets now held less than ten dollars. In his insane desire for food, he had bought far more than he could eat, even though he'd nearly had twenty three already. The man in front of him -dressed in a purple and gold suit reminded him of the fabled 'new york pimp' look he'd heard about from one of his friends when he was younger, though Arthur doubted that pimps and this man shared anything beside a love for the color purple. His outfit didn't fit the bill, it lacked the gaudy hat and overcoat, not to mention this man's speech -while casual- didn't scream of tacky or low class. More than likely, he was some sort of superhuman, much like Arthur himself. Upon closer inspection, the man's outfit seemed to be mostly comprised of a lightly armored jumpsuit and slip on gloves. Arthur didn't bother to look down, the man's light gaze set him on edge. He wasn't used to anyone being so jovial with him. Usually anyone who talked to him did it in a nervous tone with the only intent being to speed the conversation along as quick as possible so that they might be able to get away from the strange helmeted man that they saw him as. Then he realized, the man had asked him something. What had it been? Arthur followed the man's line of sight down to the bench next to him. The hotdogs... this man wanted his hotdogs. Though you couldn't see it, he had raised his eyebrow. Was he really expecting Arthur to simply agree? Admittedly he was considering it, given how full he was and how short the shelf-life of such products were, but were that not the case, the man's request would have been ridiculous.

Given the circumstances, Arthur simply nodded to the man and scooted over to the side, giving the man room to sit. While the man struck him as strangely dressed, he wasn't much one to talk. He was after all, wearing a skull like helm himself. Looking away, he assumed the man was eating. Arthur hoped the man didn't want to speak to him, his casual demeanor was making Arthur feel rather out-of-sorts. As he sat there, the sound of a woman's scream filled his ears. It was faint to be sure, but he would know that sound anywhere. It resonated in him, bringing back memories of the day his mother had died. In a flurry of black cloth and the clacking of boots, he was off.

"Mother!" he yelled instinctively, already having blurred out the world around him. He needed to save her, this woman, whoever she was. In only a minute he was past the repaired buildings and was in a ruined part of town, the first light raindrops beginning to fall. It wasn't constant yet, just the occasional patter against his helmet. It was as though the sky was testing to see if the earth was ready or could be taken by surprise. The sound of the drops was quickly drowned out by the loud barking from around the corner, several dogs were standing around the edge of a ruined apartment building, each one barking as hard as their little lungs would allow. What they were barking at surprised Arthur. It was a woman in loose garb holding a much younger girl tightly, the younger woman was screaming, somewhat in pain and somewhat in... something else.

Arthur casually walked up to the pair, stopping a good ten feet away, lest he jump the gun and attack two innocent -if odd- lovers in the throes of passion.

"Excuse me, please stop" was all he could think to say. The situation was both awkward and delicate, just awaiting someone to make a wrong move and shatter the relative peace of the day.



Blame Jack

"A man who barely maintains an armistice with himself has no business poking about in a foreign soul"
Posting Apprentice
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Registration date : 2012-04-17

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Fast and Hard [closed to Chunko and Inky] Empty Re: Fast and Hard [closed to Chunko and Inky]

Post by Chunko January 2nd 2013, 1:21 am

Not even a mere second after the stranger had moved, Celerity blurred to sit on the bench. He began shoving hot dog after hot dog into his mouth assisted by his super speed. His hyperactive metabolism helped him to devour the food like it was nothing. He finished off the pile of hot dogs not even ten seconds into sitting down. He let out a deep belch and quickly apologized for it, even though he was sure the person next to him wasn't paying attention. Neither of them were talking, and the guy didn't seem interested in conversation, so Celerity let his thoughts take over.

I'm getting too old to be running from this anymore. Maybe it's time to slow down. Get a girl, maybe. Settle down and have a life. Celerity shuddered at the thought. Me? Slowing down? No way. I'm the fastest man alive. Faster than time! No way can I slow down. Celerity smiled for an instant but a frown took over just as quick. Maybe a girl would be good for you, champ. A nice, pretty one. One that would make mom proud. Celerity felt his world slowing down around him, the stranger next to him almost a statue. His eyes looked up, tears starting to form over the green irises. Mom.. I miss you. Never a day goes by that I don't try to impress you. Well, I hope I'm doing well for you. I'll try to snag a girl for you. One day. I'm-- His thoughts were interrupted by a scream. Wiping away the sadness from his eyes, he didn't even see the stranger get up from the bench. When Celerity looked up and saw the man running, he heard him yell something. "Oh no, you won't get this one on me." Celerity smirked and jumped from the bench. He took off sprinting, leaving his trail of purple blur with golden streaks. He passed the strange man on his way, a gust of wind pushing on him from the speed of Celerity.

The ground was slightly dripped on by the coming rain, and the drops that did happen to land on Celerity quickly was wiped away by the rush of air. He arrived at the place of the scream. He saw two women together, surrounded by dogs. Celerity was unsure of what was happening. He leaned on a nearby tree, just watching the two. He didn't want to approach them without knowing what to do. So he waited for more of the scene to unfold. But after watching the two for a little bit, the stranger finally arrived to the place. He didn't even notice Celerity, focused on the two women. When he opened his mouth and asked them to stop, Celerity stood off of the tree and readied for something to happen. Thanks for the hot dogs, man. Consider that debt paid, Celerity thought to himself.

"You two need some privacy?" asked Celerity, in a jokingly way. He stepped close to the helmet-wearing stranger. He wasn't sure if they were friends or enemies yet, but he was sure this will definitely shape that relationship.

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 12
Location : Louisiana
Job : Being awesome.
Humor : Witty, clever.
Registration date : 2012-12-26

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Fast and Hard [closed to Chunko and Inky] Empty Re: Fast and Hard [closed to Chunko and Inky]

Post by Mr Wonton January 2nd 2013, 7:26 pm

A low animalistic purr erupted from a particular Princess' throat, like a hellish velvet brushing against the tense air the petite acrobat's growls of dominion locked her prey in place. Sharply manicured nails dragged against the warm supple skin, tracing the girl's shivering jawline with the edge of vicious crimson fingers. Daji was dragging the terror on, her piercing golden eyes never leaving the shivering girl's, burning away all defences so that only the purest fear remained. Clicking her toungue against the roof of her mouth the porcelain skinned princess grabbed the girl's freckled face, her lips spreading into a malicious snarl, "Now all that you have to do is enjoy yourself..", she whispered, the venomous words tearing away any doubts the poor girl may have held onto. Daji was a woman who did not compromise herself, tending to never stop once she starts.

Her grip on the girls face tightened, her delicate hands clenching the shivering jaw to the point that a pained whimper gurgled out of her victim's lips. The panicky little dogs surrounded them had scattered in the nearby area, some yelping and barking whilst others spent their time shoving their wet noses in a whole variety of shudder-worthy places. As Daji dragged her whimpering victim by the roots of her hair into an abandoned alleyway fate decided to send her the biggest lady-boner killers ever...a man, not just any man but one who looked like a circus sideshow. A freak. A disgusting peasant who happened to be none other than her mark. Her crimson lips curled into a fearsome snarl as she swivelled on her heels, staring daggers at the fellow who just happened to ruin her soon-to-be fun. A beastly growl erupted from her throat as her grip on the girl's neck tightened...just what was this ridiculously dressed freakshow wanting from her?

"Please stop?! Who do you think you are to speak to me like so?", she uttered, baring her pearly white fangs as she slowly circled the area on the very tips of her toes, making sure her grip on her prey did not falter. "Such audacity to speak to royalty like so..especially with your face covered and your knees not touching the ground. Disgusting." she snarled, quickly glancing at the rolling clouds above her. Mother Nature was reacting to the drastic change in mood, like the Princess' snarling fury and lust had affected the sky itself.

No sooner had she berated helmet-head did another worthless male dare to approach her, this one looki g equally ridiculous with his purple and gold outfit. "You are in fact invading my privacy so how about you run along before I gut you and feed you to Fifi over there..", she uttered with malicious intent, popping her blade out of its scabbard as she motioned to a fluffy little Pomeranian with a collar titled 'Fifi'. "What will it be peasants? Acting hero will only get you along before I tear your face off!", she growled, yanking the girl's hair backwards with a sharp tug. She was not going to allow them to ruin her fun.

Daji / Daji's weapons

Human Form
Mr Wonton
Mr Wonton

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 85
Registration date : 2012-06-25

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Fast and Hard [closed to Chunko and Inky] Empty Re: Fast and Hard [closed to Chunko and Inky]

Post by Brorschach January 2nd 2013, 10:55 pm

Arthur's eyes flicked from the two women over to the man in purple. How had he gotten there before him? Now that the man was at least a couple yards away, Arthur could examine him without worrying about being taken by surprise. His lightly armored purple outfit had golden zigzags placed along key points and two similarly shaped protrusions jutting out from the sides of his mask. What were they meant to be? Lightning bolts seemed to be the most plausible answer. Lightning bolts, arriving there before him. Did the man have super speed? Probably. It would explain his appetite and the sudden gust of wind that Arthur had felt on the way to the two women. He had taken it as a simple indication of the coming storm but in retrospect, a speedster was equally as likely. His gaze moved away from the purple clad man and he found himself staring at the rather tall woman, her seemingly gentle hold of the younger girl instantaneously revealed to be a stranglehold as she spoke. Her words -though biting and hostile- were far easier for Arthur to understand than the purple man's previously friendly remarks. Nearly everyone that he'd met since his release from the asylum had treated him that way, a mix of fear and irrational anger directed at him, so the woman's comments were just par for the course. Admittedly however, she delivered her bilious words with far more venom than the common rabble. Then she threatened him... While Arthur had an aversion to striking or even speaking to women, this one obviously believed she could fight him. Arthur's vision briefly flicked over to the purple clad man. He had said something to the woman, sounded like he wanted them to stop as well. Was he a hero? It would explain the getup. Either that or he was just a New Yorker with super speed and a dislike of rape. Either way, Arthur believed he wouldn't be a threat. At least not to him.

A small smile appeared on his face, though it was nigh-impossible to see beneath his skull like helmet. Slowly he removed his gloves and stowed them in his pockets before cracking his knuckles. To the outside observer, what happened next might seem like a strange form of interpretive dance as Arthur began stretching, rolling his wrists and doing squats. It had been a while since he'd had to fight anyone half seriously, let alone a real criminal. The woman in front of him looked deadly, her sour mood seeming to speed up the progression of the coming storm. A planned formed in Arthur's head, not a good one, but a plan nonetheless. Turning towards the purple clad speedster Arthur attempted to sound friendly -definitely not one of his strong suits-.

"Hello, I'm Empathy. Please grab the girl." he said, somewhat too loud. The splashing of raindrops against his helmet was messing with his ability to hear things.

Without waiting for the man's response, he leaped forward, intent on grabbing the vicious woman and knocking her out with a single blow. The brand of pain he chose was a simple application of blunt force. Despite the woman's arrogance and obvious lack of moral fortitude, Arthur couldn't bring himself to inflict anything too torturous on the fairer sex.



Blame Jack

"A man who barely maintains an armistice with himself has no business poking about in a foreign soul"
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Fast and Hard [closed to Chunko and Inky] Empty Re: Fast and Hard [closed to Chunko and Inky]

Post by Chunko January 3rd 2013, 12:03 am

Celerity stood there, listening and analyzing. This was the only time he was ever truly still. His eyes were scanning the area, thinking of plans after plans. His thoughts were zooming in his mind almost as fast as he could run. Maybe I could, no. Maybe, no. How about, no. Then, no. What if, no, Celerity thought of ideas and almost instantly discarded them. He usually over thought things too often. Came with the curse of speed. His attention was grabbed when the woman started to talk. She didn't sound too thrilled to be interrupted.

"Woah, lady! No need to call each other names," Celerity said, unfolding his arms. He never liked the serious approach. If he could try to lighten the mood, he would. He started to feel the rain sprinkle heavier drops. He thought to himself, I've never tried to run in the rain. I wonder if it's like drifting a car on a wet road. Man! That would be sweet! He snapped back from this thrilling thought when the woman said something about running. He smiled a little, and looked over at the helmet man. He was staring at Celerity. Maybe there was something on his chin. Something from the hot dogs maybe? Celerity wiped his chin just in case.

The man introduced himself and asked for Celerity to grab the girl. Which girl? He thought, confused. "Celerity, nice to meet you. Which--" Celerity started to ask. He was cut off when Empathy started for the angry one. The girl he meant became obvious and Celerity dashed for the victim. A blur of purple and golden streaks made it's way to the hurt girl and swept her up. Celerity continued to run back to the park bench. He put the scared girl down on the same bench he and Empathy were sitting earlier. "You'll be safe here. Go ahead and get to a hospital or a police station. Let us handle this," Celerity assured her. He left with a wave and a smile and blurred his way back to the fight.

When he returned, mere seconds had passed. Empathy was still making his way to the girl. The rain had picked up and was starting to make things harder. The drops plipped off of Celerity's suit. This was about to get interesting. Celerity got down on his hands and feet, assuming the sprinter's position he so very much loved. "This woman wants me to run? Well, how about this for a peasant!" Celerity said to himself. The event happened so quick, it has to be explained in slow motion.

He kicked back from his planted feet, first the back one, and then the closest one. This transferred energy being compiled in his calves into the ground beneath him. As soon as his leg muscles flexed, the earth under his feet cracked. Not simply dug into, or tore apart. Cracked. Like a seismic event cracks plates of earth. Pressing off the ground, energy rippled up from his legs and into his hands. He pushed from the ground with this energy, again causing the earth to crack. By now he is in a low sprinting position. He continues to catch speed as he runs toward the woman. Faster and faster, the famous blur behind already formed. The amount of momentum would smash into the woman if he hit his target, which he did fairly often since this event takes place faster than a blink. The wind caused from this dispersed the rain around him like he was a race car zooming through a wet track.

In real time, Celerity got into a sprinter's position. The earth cracked beneath him and he pushed off in an instant, leaving his blur behind him. An instant. Imagine that. Now make it faster. This motion was directed for the woman. If she was as fast as Celerity, which he doubted, she could have dodged it. Maybe. But it was a narrow window. And it was closing fast.

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Job : Being awesome.
Humor : Witty, clever.
Registration date : 2012-12-26

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Fast and Hard [closed to Chunko and Inky] Empty Re: Fast and Hard [closed to Chunko and Inky]

Post by Mr Wonton January 5th 2013, 6:14 am

Daji's ferocious warning to the two freakshows in front of her fell on ignorant ears, stupid male peasants who thought themselves above her word. Grinding her teeth the woman slowly and carefully traced an arc in front of her with the tip of her foot, signalling a stance more often than not associated with her killing style. She still clung to the barely conscious girl, her manicured nails sharply digging into the soft supple teenage flesh of her victim's neck to the point that fresh warm blood trickled down her porcelain fingers. This was not the first time her fun times had been interrupted. Whilst most cases involved horny testosterone filled teenage boys spying on her it was not uncommon for those with apparent 'moral superiority' to jump in and spoil her well deserved fun. Staring these two weirdos, helmet head and the indigo idiot, down like they were nothin more than a contagious parasite the dainty princess snarled, a rippling crimson chi emanating from her skin. "You come any closer and ill make sure your deaths are slow, painful and intimate. I'll slowly skin you alive and force you to feast on your own flesh and then I will - WHAT THE FUCK!?!", she screeched, not only from having her rather morbid monologue cut short but also from having her yet-to-be-tasted toy snatched right from her grip. There was nothing worse than committing the double crime of stealing from the princess whilst interrupted her when she spoke. Who did these peasants think they were, surely they wished for a painful death now that they had taken away her pleasure toy.

Crimson lips tore open into a feral snarl, sharpened white teeth exposed as the woman's body began to shudder with rage. The rain that began to fall seemed to quiver around her form as the demonic aura began to affect the very environment itself. Tossing stray strand of midnight black hair behind her ear Daji tensed her lithe body, prepared to pounce as her golden eyes darted aroundthe general vicinity of the abandoned alleyway. "I'm going to enjoy seeing what's under that helmet of yours...", she growled, an unpleasant beastly sound expected from wild predators and not refined nobility like Daji...but then again she wasn't exactly one to care for etiquette once her lust for battle was spurred, what more would she enjoy at that moment than teach these two troublesome peasants a lesson in respect.

Helmet head did not waste time charging at her, baring his flesh as his body hurtled towards her like an ox chasing after red linen. She watched his body move, the strain of his muscles as his heavy footfalls hit the wet cement, listening to the sound of muffled breaths and the putter patter of rain as he launched his silly assault. Weaving underneath his strike with animalistic agility and grace the oriental concubine quickly drew her blade in retaliation, carefully swinging it in the direction of his elbow, hoping to extend his suffering by striking at vulnerable bony areas until he was a heaving bloody mess. She did not have the time to see if she had properly wounded him, noticing the blur in her peripherals as another attack hurtled towards her. Flicking the blade over to her right hand she spun on the balls of her feet, lightly hopping over a puddle before sweeping the ornate blade out in front of her, tearing water particles in the process. Her second for was fast, but his speed was matched by her own and the acrobatic reflexes not only allowed for dodging but also provided her with an instinctual offensive blow when faced with such opponents.

"You're petty tricks are pointless. Just bow down and die!", she spat, twirling midair as she parried a quick blow with the hilt of her blade. The silk robes flowed gracefully after her body, fluidly traversing the wet air as the princess somersaulted and parried her way through the too men who believed her lower than them. Dashing over to a rusted mound of bricks, iron and shattered glass, a perfectly hazardous environment for the speedster and helmet head. Even though the grey skies churned above her she still payed no heed to it, rain was but a silly inconvenience that caused her hair to get knotted and her thin clothing choices to become easily see-through. This environment was her domain, chaotic and ruthlessly speckled with a multitude of hazards...New York's corpse had finally proven itself in assisting her like so.

"So who wants to lose their manhood first?", she cackled with malevolent glee, swinging the elegant blade in the air as a crack of thunder resounded across the ruined city. This was surely going to end well...

Daji / Daji's weapons

Human Form
Mr Wonton
Mr Wonton

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