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Rise of Otac (Open)

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Rise of Otac (Open) - Page 2 Empty Re: Rise of Otac (Open)

Post by Otac November 27th 2011, 4:06 pm

Otac pushed the suit case away from him as a sign of him not needing Richter's money. The point is that he had already taken thirty million from the bank in the form of hundred dollar bills and didn't need anymore for some time.

"As long as the mercenaries are trained and the recruits are fresh I will not need further aid. As for contacting me, do not worry, I will contact you."

He stood up as he prepared to leave, ignoring what he assumed was the teenager's threats. But as soon as he saw the gore and the sheer power she wielded his heart wept of jealousy. That was the kind of power he wanted.

"Richter, I think I'm inlove."

He said jokingly as he held his hands out towards Elena. One mental blast, one single thought that manipulated into an invisible projectile, pushing through the gore, blasted towards the pumpkins and Elena, creating a gaping hole the size of a truck through the bar window. The blast wasn't meant to kill but to show what powers he has. He walked through the hole, the dust cleared out as the wind blew, the sky blackened by the missile that had been set off prematurely.

Otac to Elena
"My dear, I believe you have found the perpetrator. Let me introduce myself. I am Otac, the Younger. As for the elder, well, he's dead. Also the missile was meant for Central Park to open a message that will ring out throughout the world, saying 'Otac'."

His heart raced with every word he spoke through his mask his arms held out to a sun that barely showed through the clouds as his madness showed. He lowered his hands and waited for whatever action to happen next.


Number of posts : 95
Registration date : 2011-11-08

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Rise of Otac (Open) - Page 2 Empty Re: Rise of Otac (Open)

Post by Crime_Reaper November 29th 2011, 2:43 am

Richter took a look at what he just saw, he hardly cared about the people that were just slaughtered in the bar.

Richter Desmond
"Ah it appears this is my lucky day, madam I know you and my associate appear to have an issue but i think i speak for us all when I say leave it for now. I think you guys should get ready to leave!"

Richter pulled up a man who was tied up and is badly beaten and bloodied.

Richter Desmond
"Madam, You wouldnt happen to have any nail polish remover have you? It appears he does not approve of the Vance Family's presence in New York City.

The Bartender spit in Richters face.

"You killed my son! fuck you."

Richter Desmond
"Your son was part of the Gallo Crime Famly, they once tried to make a move into Providence, luckly the Vance Family and the Savages pushed them back, into New York and New Jersey. We then expanded into New York and Jersey and did what they failed to do. Your sons death was when we took the Gallos compound in Soho, Infact Im wearing some of his face right now.

"For years our family ruled these streets with an iron fist! I was the top Capo in the family, I chased gangs out of this town when you were in Diapers!"

Richter Desmond
"Ah yes, I remember you now,you killed some pretty big guys back in the day, Lorenzo Macmillian, Olaf Nikita Sr. and a few others, do you know who I am?

"I know who you are Richter, heh your probably expecting me to fear you. I hear your the best torture killer on the east coast. I embrace my fate, I knew even retirement would end in my death. It is sad to hear that the my family was ended by the Vances, such a disgrace. Im sure you cant do any worse to me than I did to your brother Dougy Desmond."

Richter Desmond
"yes...HAHAHA! I remember you now! At first I was just going to kill you slowly, but now I think im going to spend days killing you. Think about it! All the injections and chemicals! All the slashes and amputations! This is going to be more fun than that kiddy fucking priest in Boston! Otac be a lamb and destroy this establishment for me. Call me in a couple of days so that you can get your ticket to Toronto, I hear its nice this time of year. Evening maam.

Richter carries off his new toy.

" of you just kill me now. I beg of you!"

Richter opened the door and whistled for his wheelman and waited for him to come.

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 49
Registration date : 2010-11-11

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Rise of Otac (Open) - Page 2 Empty Re: Rise of Otac (Open)

Post by Otac November 30th 2011, 7:25 pm

Otac froze as he was given an order from Richter, the very word causing a massive headache of rage.

"Did you....just give order?"

He asked through heavy, angry breaths. He turned around, ignoring the new comer for now, and sent a mental blast to Richter so powerful, it pierced through the building and onto the other side of the street.

"No one, NO ONE! Gives me orders!"

His mind was blank for a moment as he realized he could have messed up his chance of becoming a super villain. He turned back to Elena, his hands held back as if welcoming someone.

"Are you going to stand there all day or are we going to kill each other?"


Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 95
Age : 31
Registration date : 2011-11-08

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Rise of Otac (Open) - Page 2 Empty Re: Rise of Otac (Open)

Post by Crime_Reaper November 30th 2011, 11:29 pm

Richter was blasted through the wall of the bar, His arms were bent in a very awkward position.
Richter Desmond
"Ohh im gonna love having this guy on my side! He's so full of power."

Richter bent his arms back into position, the bones sliced his flesh open but they closed up.

Richter looked down and realized the man who killed his cousin had not survived the attack

Richter Desmond
"Well that just tears it, time to have a little bit of fun. HAHAHAHAHA!

Richter then took off his coat and placed it nicely on the corpse next to him.

Richter Desmond
"Well my friend, I guess this is the way things have to be. I do apologise for giving you an order, it was out of line. However, causing the quick death of a man who I wanted to make suffer for days is grounds for a little friendly beating. Maybe you should show me what your made of. HEYAHH!

Richter threw a grenade up into the air to distract Otac, the grenade blew in the air and Richter let out a flurry of punches and kicks, he switched between martial arts styles and stances at an alarming rate. After the flurry of attacks he jumped back and drew out a machete.

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 49
Registration date : 2010-11-11

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Rise of Otac (Open) - Page 2 Empty Re: Rise of Otac (Open)

Post by Otac December 7th 2011, 3:09 pm

The grenade distraction worked on Otac, for the moment. He had jumped back in order to not be hit by any of the debry the grenade gave off. He saw the first fist fly towards him and then, his mind proceeded to calculate. The world around him seemed to stop as his thoughts blazed past inside his mind, coming up with possibilities to counter. He had 47 possibilities, 45 ending up with him getting hit, and 2 ending with no wounds from both sides. He hated those options but there was no choice. With a placed mental blast, a force that would push against his punches and kicks, he had blocked most of the attacks but had exercised beyond his normal focus. He could normally focus on multiple objects but to stop focus, focus, then change the focus quickly was almost exhausting. He stepped back while pushing the kicks and punches away with mental blasts, making sure to be safe from attack. He breathed heavily, as if he had exercised intensely, his brain spinning for the moment but then he held his hand out, pointing two fingers at Desmond.

"My turn."

He closed the space between his fingers and two cars flew towards Desmond, tumbling from being pushed with a mental blast and colliding with one another in a sandvich he assumed would be Desmond in the middle.


Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 95
Age : 31
Registration date : 2011-11-08

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Rise of Otac (Open) - Page 2 Empty Re: Rise of Otac (Open)

Post by Crime_Reaper December 7th 2011, 10:59 pm

Richter realized that his onslaught of attacks did not have the intended effect on Otac, but by that time he was smushed between a 1979 Chrysler New Yorker and a Buick Skylark.

Richter Desmond
" Ouch this is really painful, hmm how do I get out of this one?"

Richter than managed to push out of the car sandwich he fell down to the ground seemingly defeated, however he began to laugh maniacally.

Richter Desmond

Desmond than stood up, he had some exposed bones and tissue from his wounds.

Richter Desmond
"You see the thing about pain is; you hate it at first, you try to avoid getting hurt. but after years of feeling it so often it starts to feel good...real fuckin good, and I can feel it ALL.....I......WANT!

Richters wounds begin to heal up at an extended rate, the lacerations heal around the protruding bones, which he has to snap off and readjust so that he can heal properly, his tissue is covered by skin. His face mask is heavly damaged so he pulls it off, exposing his tissue and skull, the tiny holes where he had sewn and stapled healed up.

Richter Desmond
"Now Otac, why dont we stop this little scuffle and shake hands? and I guess I'l destroy the bar myself.

Richter then pulls out his cellphone and types in a few numbers, the bar explodes. Glass and brick fly all across the street. RIchter than offers a handshake while the building burns.

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 49
Registration date : 2010-11-11

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Rise of Otac (Open) - Page 2 Empty Re: Rise of Otac (Open)

Post by Otac December 14th 2011, 1:06 am

Otac could clearly see that his opponent could not be killed like normal men. A well placed mental blast to the head could do the job but where would the fun be in that? He watched as the bricks came flying from the explosion, the dust rising up like a fog from a lake, the debry passing by him stopped with just a thought. He dropped the debry around Richter as his hand was held out to offer a deal. For five whole minutes he just stood there and looked down at the hand. He held his hand out but then stopped in mid grasp, lowering the hand back.

"I have a better idea."

He turned around, walking away, and then stopping between Elena and Richter.

"I will be on a killing spree in either a Mall, a street, or even a hospital. If any of you, villains or heroes, finds me and either offers me a better deal, a partnership, nothing less, then I will bend on one knee and kiss the hand of the offer!"

His heart raced at the feeling of adrenaline as he spoke, the fact of a massacre and a deal at the end made his heart leap further. With one, singular mental blast, he pushed the two away from him, running off into an alleyway.

OOC(Sorry I just got out of exams)


Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 95
Age : 31
Registration date : 2011-11-08

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