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The Hunter becomes the Hunted(Dark Fang only)

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The Hunter becomes the Hunted(Dark Fang only) Empty The Hunter becomes the Hunted(Dark Fang only)

Post by Sparrow November 23rd 2011, 2:10 pm

His name was Trace Foalan, the one she was hired to kill. Whoever he was, she would kill him soon, and it would be easy. No one the Huntress was sent to kill, had yet to survive the encounter, that is how it always has been. Tonight would be no different. She stood opposite a building she assumed was where he lived, where her target a prominent lawyer was supposed to be. So she stood waiting hidden on a nearbye rooftop. Powerful eyes like an eagle keeping watch over any point that he could be an easy target, where she would make her move.

It was all as simple as a cross bolt covered with enough toxins to kill an elephant. Brown hair fluttered in a light breeze from under her favorite costume for a job. It seemed somewhat medevil, but suited her just fine. With a click of the metal box on her wrist the crossbow folded out from within itself, as it came to form. A bolt drawn from the pouch on her thigh, as it was fitted for the kill. This would be all too easy, though it felt too easy.

It was all a matter of waiting now, if he appeared in a window the bolt would be sent flying. Unlike most, this was made to peirce even glass, so nothing could protect him.the bolts were made to be more potent than a bullet. His image was one she made sure to never forget, mistakes could no be made. Never could they be made, after all. She was one of the best in the business. Time to show why that was. Once his visage appeared, the bolt would fly, aimed for his head. She never missed, so it was sure to hit, unless he dodged of course, but no one ever did.

The Hunter becomes the Hunted(Dark Fang only) 0M6YA
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Number of posts : 165
Registration date : 2011-09-19

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The Hunter becomes the Hunted(Dark Fang only) Empty Re: The Hunter becomes the Hunted(Dark Fang only)

Post by Dark Fang November 23rd 2011, 3:53 pm

Trace was at home, but still working. He ruffled through a file, and sat there, his head in his hands as he figured his way through the case. The trial was a month away, but he was determined to put the scumbag criminal away for good. "He's preyed on the innocent and the nearly innocent for too long." He thought with some contempt. A yawn rolled from his mouth. "I need a coffee." He said simply. Getting up, he walked into the kitchen and started to pour a cup of coffee. There was something in the air, a tension that one could cut with a knife.

"DUCK TRACE FAOLAN!" Screamed Romolus inside the lawyer's head. Following the wolf god's advice, Trace threw himself to the ground, missing the cross bolt by a hair's breadth. He stared up at it as it quivered in the wall, and a growl from the doorway got his attention. Krieg, his loyal servant stood there, with Blitz a few inches behind. Trace sniffed the air. Even in his human form, the bitter smell of what he assumed were poisons made his nose wrinkle up in disgust. He climbed to his feet and looked through the smashed window. He thought he saw the outline of a figure in the night sky.

"I'm still alive! You can run along home and tell your boss that I'll make the trial!" He assumed this was to do with his work. One couldn't prosecute criminals and get away without making some enemies. But who was this person? Was the bolt merely a warning, or an intended killing blow? Surely with the poisons coating the bolt, it was intended for his skull.

Dark Fang
Dark Fang

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 92
Location : Where you'd least expect
Age : 31
Humor : Dry sarcasm
Registration date : 2011-03-21

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The Hunter becomes the Hunted(Dark Fang only) Empty Re: The Hunter becomes the Hunted(Dark Fang only)

Post by Sparrow November 23rd 2011, 9:48 pm

He dodged it, which was impressive indeed. Whoever he was, Theresa would have a fun time killing him. Only if he didn't prove to be a push over like others she had killed before. pulling a length of metal wiring from her pouch on her back with a hook attached tot he end, she attached it to her crossbow. With a simple press, the hook made contact with the roof silently, on the other end was a hook as well, which she attached to her crossbow, and shot in the opposite direction. latching on to another roof top. Now things were all set as she wanted them. Pulling the hilt of her collapsable katana, Huntress ziplined on the strangely flexible metal cord, going at high speeds, as she crashed through the window of the house. His scent was on her nose, as she was in a frenzy. Silver blade flashing in the dim light as she caught sigh of her target, slashing at his throat."Lets see you dodge this" She mentally snarled.

The Hunter becomes the Hunted(Dark Fang only) 0M6YA
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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 165
Registration date : 2011-09-19

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The Hunter becomes the Hunted(Dark Fang only) Empty Re: The Hunter becomes the Hunted(Dark Fang only)

Post by Dark Fang November 24th 2011, 4:47 pm

The figure suddenly zipped through thin air like some nightmarish ghoul homing in on him. He ran out of the kitchen and jumped over his two wolf servants. Turning as she broke through the window, he barked at the wolves. "Blitz! Krieg! Back!" The wolves retreated from what Trace could now see was a woman, who swung a sword at him. Her power and speed were impressive, shocking Trace. He started to move, but her sword cut a long bloody slash down his arm. He looked up at her, his eyes filled with rage. If one looked closely, his pupils became slits. His mouth pulled open and his teeth had become sharp fangs. "I work every minute..." He said, dropping to a knee, clutching his injured arm inwards, towards his chest. "...of every day, keeping the monster inside me shackled. The focus it takes is incomprehensible. You have broken my focus, and the chains are broken." He finished simply. His hands clenched into fists, and he started to pant deeply and fast. His body trembled, and his mouth tore open in a long, silent scream.

"RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" He roared, his voice much deeper than before, as fur exploded all over his body, and he started to grow in size and shape. " touch ROMOLUS?!" He screamed in the same voice as he stood, his previous size seeming puny compared to how he now looked. "You will rue the day you stood against Romolus Weylyn for what remains of your pitiful life!" It seemed the wolf god was truly in charge, as he swung at the female with a set of razor sharp claws.

"I will protect Master Romolus from this intruder!" Growled Krieg, incomprehensible to humans. Blitz stood in front of his brother, and stayed there, staring his stronger brother down. "Move." The wolf growled simply. "I will not." Replied Blitz, in perfect English. "Master Romolus ordered us back. Back we shall stay." Krieg growled. "Our master is injured! He shall be killed! Do you not care?" Blitz tilted his hair to the side in that confused way dogs sometimes do. "We will aid only when he requests it." In a matter of fact way, Blitz had refused to move.

Dark Fang
Dark Fang

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 92
Location : Where you'd least expect
Age : 31
Humor : Dry sarcasm
Registration date : 2011-03-21

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The Hunter becomes the Hunted(Dark Fang only) Empty Re: The Hunter becomes the Hunted(Dark Fang only)

Post by Sparrow November 29th 2011, 5:04 pm

The claws were elementery to dodge, but they held behind them deadly power. This would be deadly if his claws connected, but she had claws of her own with more bite."Are you finished? because I am tired of hearing you, and we've only just met. I don't care who you are, or what you do, I was payed to kill you, and I shall." She clicked the diamond claws together, as they gleamed in the weak light. Hatred was practically a scent on this being, whoever he was. Though she would kill him like the rest of those she had to face in her line of work. With not a second of warning she luined forward to lash out the inch long claws at his throat. They were tough enough, as well as sharp enought o slice any humans throat like paper, so he would prove no different. This would be fun, she hadn't had a fight in a while.

The Hunter becomes the Hunted(Dark Fang only) 0M6YA
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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 165
Registration date : 2011-09-19

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The Hunter becomes the Hunted(Dark Fang only) Empty Re: The Hunter becomes the Hunted(Dark Fang only)

Post by Dark Fang November 30th 2011, 4:17 pm

She...mocked Romolus? The Lord of Wolves? She would regret her words soon, as she looked up at the god standing over her broken and battered body. His preoccupation with focusing on the future made him lose his grasp of the present and he nearly paid for this with his life. Jerking backwards, the sharp claws swiped air as they attempted to tear out Romolus' throat. "Krieg!" Romolus yelled. "Töte den Eindringling!" The German phrase forced an immediate reaction. Upon hearing it, the door flew open, the large wolf growling at the woman. In a growl, Krieg spoke to the sleeker wolf by his side.

The sleeker wolf listened a moment, then looked up at the assassin. "My brother here wishes to inform you that touching Master Romolus was the biggest mistake you have ever made. And it will also be the last one you ever make." With this, Krieg leaped at the woman's chest, attempting to use his raw strength to overpower her and tear her up with his claws and teeth. At the same time, Blitz zipped speedily at her legs, attempting to knock her backwards. Romolus looked on coldly.

"Dammit Rom! They'll die!" Screamed Trace, heard only by the wolf god.

"They know, Trace Faolan, that they are expendable." The wolf god spoke to himself.

Dark Fang
Dark Fang

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 92
Location : Where you'd least expect
Age : 31
Humor : Dry sarcasm
Registration date : 2011-03-21

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The Hunter becomes the Hunted(Dark Fang only) Empty Re: The Hunter becomes the Hunted(Dark Fang only)

Post by Sparrow December 1st 2011, 4:33 pm

She had hit a button that set the wolf off like an explosive. Thought hat was only to her advantage as she moved before the wolves managed to. They had no chance of hitting her with such balefully slow speed, though maybe it was not that they were slow, but she was too fast? With an almost inhuman flexibility, Theresa moved her body in a side flip, barely out of the way of the deadly claws, and teeth. Killing him just grew harder, though that meant nothing in the end. She had killed groups of people with relative ease in her movement. Not a second after her move she reached into the leather pouch on her side, pulling out two bolts with precision, throwing them at the wolves. Both tipped with enough poison to kill grown men in seconds. After them would be their little leader, with a slash aimed at his belly.

The Hunter becomes the Hunted(Dark Fang only) 0M6YA
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Number of posts : 165
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The Hunter becomes the Hunted(Dark Fang only) Empty Re: The Hunter becomes the Hunted(Dark Fang only)

Post by Dark Fang December 1st 2011, 4:45 pm

"Krieg! Watch out!" Romolus shouted as the woman threw a pair of bolts. "Blitz, run!" The two wolves complied, Blitz darting out of the way. Krieg was not as fast as his twin, and as such, received a nasty gash along his flank. "KRIEG!" Screamed the wolf god, shocked.

"KRIEG!" Echoed Blitz. "NO!" The stronger wolf limped away from the battle, pacified. "I'll be fine." He growled. "Just a scratch." He started to move, but gave a wheezing breath and toppled over, his breathing shallow.

Romolus dodged backwards from the swing aimed at his belly. Had it been centimetres closer, he would've been slipping on his own guts. "You killed my mightiest servant, assassin. Now you shall meet him at the gates of Hades!" Clenching one fist, he unleashed a powerful punch aimed at the woman's chest, using all the speed and strength he had, roaring with the rage of an uncaged beast.

Almost simultaneously, Blitz seemed to perform a kamikaze attack, charging at the woman's legs with no thought of his own safety. His mind was consumed with avenging his brother. "Krieg was a brave soldier! The least I can do is die on my feet, fighting to the end, like he would!" The wolf thought fearlessly.

Dark Fang
Dark Fang

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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 92
Location : Where you'd least expect
Age : 31
Humor : Dry sarcasm
Registration date : 2011-03-21

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The Hunter becomes the Hunted(Dark Fang only) Empty Re: The Hunter becomes the Hunted(Dark Fang only)

Post by Sparrow December 8th 2011, 4:43 pm

Her aim was true for the wolf, and soon he would be dead from the deadly poison that coursed through his veins. Even if he survived this encounter, he would die soon enough. No one except her could make a poison in the time required to do so. Though they were on ehr already, both with a punch of exceptional forc, as well as a biting attack. Though she calculated how to deal witht his also. leaning back fully, she dodged the chest punch. Leaning back with a foot lashing out at the wolf charging her legs with an admirable determination. With a twitch of her ankle, a flash of silver lashed out from the heel of her boot. If the wolf didn't dodge he would be skewered. if you hunt, always bring an ace. Thats how you win in this world. Once whatever happened, she would roll into a stand. Prepared for another attack.

The Hunter becomes the Hunted(Dark Fang only) 0M6YA
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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 165
Registration date : 2011-09-19

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The Hunter becomes the Hunted(Dark Fang only) Empty Re: The Hunter becomes the Hunted(Dark Fang only)

Post by Dark Fang December 14th 2011, 3:37 pm

Blitz's charge seemed to be too defined, his momentum too much to carry him anywhere but across the assassin's blades. Romolus changed direction on his swing, opened his hand and, at the final moment, pulled back on his strike. His hand seemed to touch the wolf's side lightly, but it flew away from the blade. "If that was the best you have, hunter, then you have failed to impress Romolus." As a typically egomaniacal god-like being, Romolus invariably referred to himself in the third person.

"Watch her blades, Romolus. Order Blitz back." Trace ordered the wolf god. Romolus complied, ordering Blitz and Krieg away from the Huntress.

"Grrr..." Romolus growled lowly. "You wounded me, struck down my bodyguard, and have vandalised my home. I give you this final chance to exit my life, forever, swear yourself to secrecy about my turning into a wolf man, and forget this incident. If you don't, I will kill you." His voice was that of a fearless hunter. Without warning, a demonstration of his speed, he flew at her, baring his fangs at her throat. He would surely kill her soon.

Dark Fang
Dark Fang

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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 92
Location : Where you'd least expect
Age : 31
Humor : Dry sarcasm
Registration date : 2011-03-21

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