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Glen Oaks Nightmares. (Open to Heros and Villains)

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Glen Oaks Nightmares. (Open to Heros and Villains) - Page 3 Empty Re: Glen Oaks Nightmares. (Open to Heros and Villains)

Post by Dr Everyone December 8th 2010, 9:51 pm

Dr.Everyone landed outside the hospital.

"This place looks like Hell. But without the things that gives Hell it's charm. Whoever brought me here shall need to find better accommodations for next time."

Dr.Everyone walked slowly and confidently to the front of the hospital. He morphed into a rat outside the door and scuttled through a hole to get inside the hospital.

Enter discreetly. Now to bring some attention.

Dr.Everyone morphed back into his regular form and summoned some fire, into an open cone shape. It resembled a megaphone and and shape and design would amplify his voice a little.


D.Everyone snickered, and then whispered to himself "Don't even know if anyone is here."

He then began to walk down a random hallway, not sure where to go.

Dr Everyone
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Glen Oaks Nightmares. (Open to Heros and Villains) - Page 3 Empty Re: Glen Oaks Nightmares. (Open to Heros and Villains)

Post by Guest December 8th 2010, 11:09 pm

(I enjoy this thread.)

Nightkill gasped. It really was Amy. He rechecked his mechanical sensors. No, Amy was at New York. Then how was she here? Disturbed, he figured the best thing to do was follow.

"I'm coming!" he yelled, running at his full speed. Which, you may not know, is pretty damn fast.

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Glen Oaks Nightmares. (Open to Heros and Villains) - Page 3 Empty Re: Glen Oaks Nightmares. (Open to Heros and Villains)

Post by Bliss December 9th 2010, 2:02 am

Bliss smiled and took his hand. "You are far too kind sir. To invite me to this utopia and than grace me with such eloquence. I'm so happy to meet you; I'm just afraid of what would happen to you if I weren't here, aren't you afraid of losing me?" She looked around the halls as she clasped his hand.


Mitsy's Boutique


Glen Oaks Nightmares. (Open to Heros and Villains) - Page 3 D3d4aa511c4d025601eecb3540adc5f1


Status :

Quote : I'm pretty much the Captain Kirk of this place when I'm not too busy being the Han Solo.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2166
Job : Exerter of feminine "Whiles"
Humor : [16:00:27] devistation : bliss you only bann me because you are scared you use your moderator powers to get rid of people u know is right but hate because they are right but if anything there is treatment for your disease of being scared of better people so you should go by some have fun bye bye
Registration date : 2010-11-18

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Glen Oaks Nightmares. (Open to Heros and Villains) - Page 3 Empty Re: Glen Oaks Nightmares. (Open to Heros and Villains)

Post by Rex December 9th 2010, 1:48 pm

A person stood looking at the newest entry his head tilted before he laughed opening his arm's "Well if it isn't Dr. Fredrick Van Flamel Here at last. The man was old with graying white hair and sparkling blue eyes, He wore a white lab coat and held a sheet of papers "Come on come on dear boy we have so much work to do" The man turned walking deeper into the Hospital.

The body of Amy turned looking at Nightkill, It had reformed but blood still poured and bone showed from the ravaging bites, Her eyes were full of pain and sorrow as a huge cage slammed closed around her and more demons pooled from the ground. They stared at the intruder opening there hands and drooling jaws "We have come to feast, Will you be our meal too" There eyes were nothing but stone but everything else was grizzled rotting flesh.

Nightmare took the woman's hand and nodded obviously having gotten deeper into her mind, "I am glad your here and now you will be safe" The shadows drew them down, down, down into the dark basement. Nightmare landed on the smooth stone while Eclipse would fall into his shadow cage that was placed under her feet, The cage slammed shut as the image of the boy vanished and Nightmare stood in front of her wreathed in shadows with only red eyes staring at her "Welcome to my home Eclipse I am happy to meet you at last" Nightmare opened his hands as scorpions rained down from the ceiling into the cage "Covered in scorpions".

(That last part was requested by a fan)

Posting Apprentice
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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

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Glen Oaks Nightmares. (Open to Heros and Villains) - Page 3 Empty Re: Glen Oaks Nightmares. (Open to Heros and Villains)

Post by Bash December 9th 2010, 3:11 pm

Tobais shook his head, why is this happening? What is the wizards goal? Why is the wizard toying with him so? Almost to strengthen his confusion. A small voice came out of the pool of blood, "Why?" Why Indeed. He looked to the side, to see a boy running up to him. Why was he here? was he lost? Who was he? And almost to answer his question, he said, "Was it worth it to get what you wanted?" Tobais got a good look at him, it was... Tobais? as a Kid? this did'nt make sense. "This was what we aimed for true power take the lives of innocent to gain what you are meant to be.....ME" He said. This deterred tobais away from the nightmare. Almost immediately Obsidiors voice reminded him in his head, "I need you to follow me, it is important. Leave the body I will explain everything." Why would HE be THERE? Why was he looking at a younger version of himself. This was obviously a trick of the wizard.

Tobais woke from the nightmare, not paying attention to the boy. It was a trick of the Wizard. Nothing more nothing less. The wizard mearly used illusions to mess with him. He knew that for a fact. His family, body soul and mind, was inside him. There would be no way the wizard could extract them and resurrect them like that. Tobais walked up to the doors with a solid resolve, following obsidior. He slammed his hands on the doors and turned the inside to C4 and igniting it, violently. He breached the door and walked inside, slamming his hand on the wall inside. His enraged mind still working on odd transmutations and turned the wall into an odd material. He was gonna find what is going on and he was gonna stop them.

The hate inside you breeds!
It's getting hard to breathe.
The walls around you fall.
Your legs are getting weak.
You drop down to your knees!
Your mind’s forsaken you!

Glen Oaks Nightmares. (Open to Heros and Villains) - Page 3 Bash15
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 938
Location : Somewhere in the middle of NOWHERE!!!
Age : 34
Job : workin at a local grocery store.
Humor : Shoving Food into a bag and eating your money!?!
Registration date : 2009-10-29

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Glen Oaks Nightmares. (Open to Heros and Villains) - Page 3 Empty Re: Glen Oaks Nightmares. (Open to Heros and Villains)

Post by Dr Everyone December 9th 2010, 4:57 pm

"Ill follow you only because I doubt you would give me the information I came for if I didn't. And if you lied to me, well, ask the others who have lied to me. Unfortunately, they are all currently 6 feet under."

Dr.Everyone resentfully followed the man. Something wasn't right. A man acting so cheery in a abandoned mental hospital. Perhaps one of the old patients?

"I wont stop until this planet is a lifeless rock and I choke to death on the toxic air."
[URL=]Glen Oaks Nightmares. (Open to Heros and Villains) - Page 3 DrEPG_zps79285077[/URL]
Doctor Everyone's Theme Song:
Dr Everyone
Dr Everyone
Posting Master
Posting Master

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : Banned
Number of posts : 436
Age : 26
Humor : Sarcasm
Registration date : 2010-10-01

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Glen Oaks Nightmares. (Open to Heros and Villains) - Page 3 Empty Re: Glen Oaks Nightmares. (Open to Heros and Villains)

Post by Bliss December 9th 2010, 9:01 pm

The cage caught Bliss by surprise. Her field exploded blasting the scorpions. "Where did that come!? I was going to ask you a relevant question, but scorpions!? Really!? Dammit!" Bliss put her shield back up to prepare herself for whatever came next. After the state of befuddlement Bliss regained her composure. "So you take our fears and make them real. This shadow thing is interesting, didn't expect it to be honest. There's some flaws in the fear thing." Bliss leaned against the wall of the cage. "So, did you have a screwed up childhood or something?"


Mitsy's Boutique


Glen Oaks Nightmares. (Open to Heros and Villains) - Page 3 D3d4aa511c4d025601eecb3540adc5f1


Status :

Quote : I'm pretty much the Captain Kirk of this place when I'm not too busy being the Han Solo.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2166
Job : Exerter of feminine "Whiles"
Humor : [16:00:27] devistation : bliss you only bann me because you are scared you use your moderator powers to get rid of people u know is right but hate because they are right but if anything there is treatment for your disease of being scared of better people so you should go by some have fun bye bye
Registration date : 2010-11-18

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Glen Oaks Nightmares. (Open to Heros and Villains) - Page 3 Empty Re: Glen Oaks Nightmares. (Open to Heros and Villains)

Post by Kizer December 10th 2010, 4:38 pm

The doors were already wide open when he got there. The message he was given was certainly shady. He figured it came from nightkill. He walked down the hall, collecting shards of glass in the area along the way, creating a vortex like shield around him.
"Alright, I am here. What is it?"
His voice echoed in the seemingly empty building. He could easily see there were signs on conflict and struggle around here.
"Looks like there was one hell of a party before I showed up..." He thought to himself.

Glen Oaks Nightmares. (Open to Heros and Villains) - Page 3 Kizer_12
Posting Apprentice
Posting Apprentice

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
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Registration date : 2010-11-13

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Glen Oaks Nightmares. (Open to Heros and Villains) - Page 3 Empty Re: Glen Oaks Nightmares. (Open to Heros and Villains)

Post by Guest December 10th 2010, 6:17 pm

Nightmare wrote:A person stood looking at the newest entry his head tilted before he laughed opening his arm's "Well if it isn't Dr. Fredrick Van Flamel Here at last. The man was old with graying white hair and sparkling blue eyes, He wore a white lab coat and held a sheet of papers "Come on come on dear boy we have so much work to do" The man turned walking deeper into the Hospital.

The body of Amy turned looking at Nightkill, It had reformed but blood still poured and bone showed from the ravaging bites, Her eyes were full of pain and sorrow as a huge cage slammed closed around her and more demons pooled from the ground. They stared at the intruder opening there hands and drooling jaws "We have come to feast, Will you be our meal too" There eyes were nothing but stone but everything else was grizzled rotting flesh.

Nightmare took the woman's hand and nodded obviously having gotten deeper into her mind, "I am glad your here and now you will be safe" The shadows drew them down, down, down into the dark basement. Nightmare landed on the smooth stone while Eclipse would fall into his shadow cage that was placed under her feet, The cage slammed shut as the image of the boy vanished and Nightmare stood in front of her wreathed in shadows with only red eyes staring at her "Welcome to my home Eclipse I am happy to meet you at last" Nightmare opened his hands as scorpions rained down from the ceiling into the cage "Covered in scorpions".

(That last part was requested by a fan)

(Nightmare, we love you.)

Nightkill relaxed slightly. This was clearly an illusion. Amy would be dead by now. Unless the demons could heal, and were dragging out the torture.

Doubt seeded in Nightkill's mind, and he pulled out his sword.

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Glen Oaks Nightmares. (Open to Heros and Villains) - Page 3 Empty Re: Glen Oaks Nightmares. (Open to Heros and Villains)

Post by Rex December 11th 2010, 1:29 pm

Nightmare laughed looking at Eclipse and shrugged "My childhood was tormented by Nightmares for as long as I can remember why should others not be effected'" Nightmare spun around back to the monitors leaving Eclipse to her own thoughts.

Nightmare spotted the new guy enter and turned to eclipse his eyes sparkling "Friend of yours, Let's let him keep coming"Nightmare formed a large group of poisonous snakes that hung on the walls and slithered through the floors there lounges flickering as they rose up moving there heads back and forth ready to strike if the new man came.

Nightmares fingers flicked as the demons around Amy grew bigger and stronger with thick corded muscle slavering jaws that reached there chest being double jawed they could crush someone with ease, Long claws as long as swords grew from there old fingernails and each one was now 7'0 tall. One roared as thick spines grew from it's back the arms growing to the length of a gorillas with eyes of a hawk. New teeth grew up into 5 rows of razor sharp points before letting out a massive roar that shook the hallway. There were seven of the brutes and each one was solid and ready for battle.

The old man laughed looking back at Fredrick and kept walking shaking his head over the papers "Now now my boy stay calm now the slower you go the better the answers in the end my dear Fredrick Van Flamel just calm down. The old man turned into a room of high tech equipment with a large vat of flaming liquids, They were once again back in Fredrick's lab before the accident.

The Ancient Wizard stepped out in front of Tobais his body hazy as he shook his head. "My boy you asked for the Arcana you wanted the power so much but you did not think of the consequences of your actions, Remember for every action there is a more devastating reaction" He turned leading Tobais down one of the dark hallways "You see I gave you that book to teach you power but you chose to move further before your ready that is your own fault my dear Tobais now come" The man lead him room from room once again Tobais was back at his families Library.

Posting Apprentice
Posting Apprentice

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 265
Registration date : 2010-12-05

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Glen Oaks Nightmares. (Open to Heros and Villains) - Page 3 Empty Re: Glen Oaks Nightmares. (Open to Heros and Villains)

Post by Kizer December 11th 2010, 1:53 pm

As he walked deeper into the building, he began to hear a hissing noise. He had stopped in his tracks. Slithering. Whatever it was, it was getting closer. The glass shard vortex around him started to pick up speed. He continued walking forward. It wouldn't be long before he heard a "SHNK" kind of sound. Blood had hit the floor. He looked behind him to see what was left of a snake. The top of it's head was separated from the rest of it from the mouth.
"...stupid animal."
As he continued to walk down the halls, he would be greeted with similar sounds from similar creatures.
"Is this some kind of test, Nightkil!l?" He shouted into the darkness. He began looking through the windows of rooms to see if there was anyone else near by. Nothing yet, sadly.

Glen Oaks Nightmares. (Open to Heros and Villains) - Page 3 Kizer_12
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Registration date : 2010-11-13

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Glen Oaks Nightmares. (Open to Heros and Villains) - Page 3 Empty Re: Glen Oaks Nightmares. (Open to Heros and Villains)

Post by Bash December 11th 2010, 2:03 pm

Tobais saw the wizard pass him like a ghost, "My boy you asked for the Arcana you wanted the power so much but you did not think of the consequences of your actions, Remember for every action there is a more devastating reaction" He said.

Tobais was angered, the Wizard is the real part. The wizard was behind this, and this wizard was trying to subdue him. Tobais would not let him, "I wanted neither power nor the Arcana!" He turned the wall into a spike trying to impale the incorporeal wizard. Had Tobais been calm, he would have noticed that, but his mind is scattered, flustered. "I only wanted the book for how to use Alchemy! And you are wrong! That doesn't follow the laws of matter and mass!" He ran after the Wizard who seemed to be ignoring him,

"You see I gave you that book to teach you power but you chose to move further before your ready that is your own fault my dear Tobais now come"

Tobais shook his arms open, "Then why? You didn't even tell me not to use this. Had I known, I wouldn't. I was never warned not told what the arcana was. I would not have sacrificed my family like so. But I..." He stopped, noticing the familiarity of the library. What was the wizard conjuring up now? Why HIS library? How did it get here? What were the wizards plans? Was Tobais to give up his mastery of alchemy and become an apprentice? Could he bring back his family? If so what was the cost? Blood for blood; life for life. Would this wizard be willing to help him? after all that letter said he would find answers? Is this it? Why the torment though? And why was Obsidior here? What affiliation did he have with the wizard? Tobais waited for the Wizard to say something.

The hate inside you breeds!
It's getting hard to breathe.
The walls around you fall.
Your legs are getting weak.
You drop down to your knees!
Your mind’s forsaken you!

Glen Oaks Nightmares. (Open to Heros and Villains) - Page 3 Bash15
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 938
Location : Somewhere in the middle of NOWHERE!!!
Age : 34
Job : workin at a local grocery store.
Humor : Shoving Food into a bag and eating your money!?!
Registration date : 2009-10-29

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Glen Oaks Nightmares. (Open to Heros and Villains) - Page 3 Empty Re: Glen Oaks Nightmares. (Open to Heros and Villains)

Post by Bliss December 11th 2010, 3:21 pm

Bliss put her hand in her pocket to disguise and began to text a message to Adriano.

Nothing is real. I'm captured, but safe. Don't worry if you see anything else.

Bliss focused her powers to attempt to shatter the security monitors she saw. She would start with the monitor that showed Adriano, then Tobais, then Nightkill, and then would attempt to bring down all of the monitors. "Tormented childhood? Well this is a healthy way to cope with that. You realize that making meta humans go crazy with fear can make them go overkill with powers, right?"


Mitsy's Boutique


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Status :

Quote : I'm pretty much the Captain Kirk of this place when I'm not too busy being the Han Solo.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2166
Job : Exerter of feminine "Whiles"
Humor : [16:00:27] devistation : bliss you only bann me because you are scared you use your moderator powers to get rid of people u know is right but hate because they are right but if anything there is treatment for your disease of being scared of better people so you should go by some have fun bye bye
Registration date : 2010-11-18

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Glen Oaks Nightmares. (Open to Heros and Villains) - Page 3 Empty Re: Glen Oaks Nightmares. (Open to Heros and Villains)

Post by Rex December 12th 2010, 2:23 pm

Who's Post?

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Glen Oaks Nightmares. (Open to Heros and Villains) - Page 3 Empty Re: Glen Oaks Nightmares. (Open to Heros and Villains)

Post by Guest December 12th 2010, 5:37 pm

(Mine, I think.)

Nightkill had his sword out. "I heavily suggest you back off." he said, his sword literally snarling, something they all heard. Wires shot out of his body, attaching themselves to a camera in the room.

There. Instant view of everything and anything in the building. There were other people here too.

Nightkill's thoughts were interrupted by demons rushing at him. He started stabbing and slicing. The fight was on.

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Glen Oaks Nightmares. (Open to Heros and Villains) - Page 3 Empty Re: Glen Oaks Nightmares. (Open to Heros and Villains)

Post by Rex December 13th 2010, 7:06 pm

Nightmare looked at Eclipse and sighed as his Monitors were destroyed, closing his eyes nightmare begged for patience before picking up a Ipad and connecting into the camera system and sat back looking at the multiple screens "Don't try sending messages this room is lead lined you won't get any signal here", Nightmare looked over at her before turning back to the camera.

The 7 demons rotated around in a circle as one got close it was killed with a single slice but this allowed the other 2 to get right up on NightKill, One lunged for the head aiming to snap it in his jaws and crush down while the other moved down aiming to gash the legs open with the sword long talons.

The Wizard sat down as a fire roared up in the fireplace and the man turned his wise eyes onto Tobais "Ah Tobais when will you learn that you can't blame me for using that spell, I told you that this would not be easy but you rushed ahead of yourself and paid for it" The Wizard opened a book sliding it to Ch 3 and gave it to Tobais "That chapter is about the Philosophers stone everything you needed to know was right here at your home, Study what you do not know of and you will see that it requires a blood sacrifice but you did not study you rushed ahead like a fool and you will not blame me for your mistakes". The Wizard stood up looking at Tobais "Read that and when your done just call me and we will talk again" With that the Wizard walked out of the room leaving Tobais alone.

Nightmare chuckled watching Kizer his eyes glittering, The man's hallway would end with nothing but a large wooden door with Runic symbols written on them from a ancient Runic glyph that to Nightmare read Travel but he doubted Kizer new old Runic. The door was unlocked but if Kizer turned around he would see another wall slam close leaving the only way forward the door, Spikes slid out of the wall and began to move forward towards the man.

Posting Apprentice
Posting Apprentice

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 265
Registration date : 2010-12-05

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