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Le Pig

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Le Pig Empty Le Pig

Post by The Black Angel June 11th 2013, 12:07 pm

Real Name: Le Pig (AKA The Pig and Lord of the Flies)
Renegade/Hero/Villain Name: The Pig
Title: The Desolate One/ Lord of teh Flies
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Age: Unknown
Gender: Genderless
Race: Unknown
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Red
Height: 15 FT 3
Weight: 3,392 lbs
Blood type: AB

Character Image/Character Costume Image (Or Description):

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Le Pig's true form is that of a terrible, giant beast, largely muscled, and well over fifteen feet tall, weighing well north of 3,000 lbs. His head is that of a vicious wild boar, which blazes with deep red eyes, razor sharp tusks and teeth protrude from his massive mouth. His body is seemingly ape like, as he walks upright, which is due to his previous life as a divine entity. Le Pig is gender less, though he's often referred to in the masculine form. He has a great set of wings, his wings making it apparent he was at one time a divine being, though something looks clearly off with them, making it also apparent Le Pig is an evil entity. This gives whoever beholds Le Pig a clear indication to both his gilded past, as well as his damned present and future. His arms are long, and massively muscled, covered with a coat of thick black fur, along with the rest of his body. Le Pig's hands are gigantic, each hand has four ape like fingers, with large claws at the end of each finger. His legs are also ape like, hugely muscled, and with large claws at the end of his feet, which could easily tear a man in two.

Le Pigs true form wears no clothing. Le Pig is also able to easily to change form into a shadow, which easily hides his massive form, as well allows for speedy travel. This means he often times is not in his true form at all, traveling through this world as a dark, shadowy, mist. This obviously aides Le Pig during his work, as he often comes to his enemies or victims totally disguised, before finally revealing himself to attack. Considering Le Pig was once a divine entity known as an "Ethos" before time was time, he was once among the most beautiful creatures in the universe. His beautiful appearance was however ripped away when he crossed the path of another, more powerful divine entity, whom he betrayed, yet was defeated by. Stripped of his beauty for all time, left hideous as an eternal reminder of his betrayal. Le Pig is very sensitive about his current looks, and is enraged when anyone calls him ugly. To make matters worse for Le Pig, he's often covered with flies, hence why he's called Lord of the Flies.

Personality: Le Pig holds a deep seeded resentment that his looks were taken from, when he stood with the cosmic forces of darkness, against forces of light, during a time long ago, during the a time when human life was being deeded on Earth. An Ethos, a race of divine entities, Le Pig (Then known as Gossamer) fell in love with another beautiful Ethos, known as Kalea, who belonged to another, more powerful Ethos, who ruled over the entired race as Emperor. Gossamer and Kalea began a torrid affair, which was strictly forbidden by these ancient divine beings, whose strict, sacred, morale code meant everything to them. Determined to be together however, Gossamer and Kalea began to conspire with their sworn enemies, ancient evil entities, known simply as "The Fallen Ones". A mixture of corrupted Ethos, evil spirits, and ancient forces of darkness, the Fallen Ones wished to crush the Ethos, and rule the universe as a place of torment and suffering until the ending of time.

Gossamer's and Kalea's plan with the Fallen Ones hatched, the young Ethos Prince was proclaimed leader of the Fallen Ones, who pledged them their loyalty. With Gossamer leading the forces of evil, the great battle between the Ethos and Fallen Ones began, the fate of the universe swinging in the balance. However the Fallen Ones were swiftly defeated by the forces of light, and Gossamer's punishment was severe. as he was to remain a disgusting, hideous, glutton, for all of time. Worse yet, Kalea was executed in front of him by her jealous husband. Driven nearly mad by the loss of his looks, his lover, and his divinity, among other things, Le Pig often laughs hysterically like a madman, though he's certainly made the most of being a powerful force of chaotic darkness in the world, where he rules over a domain underneath a Volcano, a place of fire and suffering, where he torments human victims chosen at random, until their certain deaths. 

Ruler of his own domain, which he calls "The Kingdom of the Pig", Le Pig takes much pleasure in tormenting those who've led lives of over-indulgence and over-consumption of food, drink, or wealth items to the point of extravagance or waste for the remainder of their miserable lives. The torture of these unfortunate humans easing the pain of a life where he's lost everything he's ever had. Here in this blazing inferno, Le Pig is master of his own domain, and though he's lost much, he truly believes as he said many ages ago "Better to reign in a wasteland than to serve in an Eden.", despite all of his misfortunes.

Easily taken as aloof, Le Pig is not unintelligent, though is not a genius, and is very impulsive. He's content consuming massive quantities of food, drink, and wealth, earning him the nickname Le Pig by the cruel divine beings. Nicknamed the "Pig" here on Earth, Le Pig truly seems to be one, as he's often covered in flies, which fill his fire scorched Domain, eating from the slush of human remains both live and dead, as well as countless amounts of rotten food and filth. Le Pig has grown indifferent to the flies, the dirt, and the waste long before now, embracing both his connection with the fly, as well as his title of Lord of the Flies, as his domain is called the Kingdom of the Fly. 

Le Pig is often subject to fits of extreme rage, as he's extremely angry about the destruction former lover, former life, and his beauty by the Ethos, who he views as dictators, who oppress their own kind with their strict morale code, and also the simple fact that he hates humanity both for the fact they have so much of divine beings favor, but also because they're such a deeply flawed race. This makes Le Pig take great pleasure in tempting humans towards a path of gluttony, as well as possessing the divine beings "Favored creatures", forcing them into doing evil deeds , which he does with great frequency on Earth. Many of Earths infamous tyrants, serial killers, and great villains were in fact possessed by Le Pig or his ranks of the Fallen Ones, who've left their imprint on humanity, albeit very much from the shadows. Cocky, Le Pig has the utmost confidence that the forces of dark will triumph over the forces of light eventually, and he acts as if it's just a matter of time before Earth is turned into a living hell. This is another reason why he holds humans in such contempt, because in his view their simply taking up what's soon to be his space.

Though Le Pig resents the fact he's been damned to a life for substandard then he use to live, he's for the most part fiercely to the Fallen Ones he leads. Bidding his time Le Pig gladly wishes to lead the forces of evil against the forces of the Ethos one last time, this time fighting on Earth, which more and more is becoming a battlefield between the forces of light and dark.

History: Once a divine being known as an Ethos, Le Pig, then known as Gossamer, was among the most beautiful creatures in the entire universe. Living a life of leisure, near limitless power, as an Ethos Prince. However subservience to his master, Gossamer was among the most powerful Ethos standing for light and good in the universe. These ancient, divine beings lived by a set of strict morale codes, and their powers allowed them to seed life throughout the universe. Truly mystical beings, the Ethos stood for all that was good with the universe, and power that goodness can unlock.

However, Gossamer broke this morale code by becoming infatuated with his masters wife, another Ethos named Kalea, Empress of the Ethos. What started as simple infatuation, soon became an affair, which soon became obsession with one another. The young Ethos Prince and Empress began playing a dangerous game with one another, as both knew the penalties for breaking the morale code if they were discovered.

Strictly forbidden from being with one another, Gossamer and Kalea turned to their races mortal enemies for help, ancient evil entities known as the Fallen Ones, which inhabited the universes desolate lands, seeding evil and destruction. With the help of the Fallen Ones, Gossamer and Kalea hatched an attempt to overthrow Kalea's husband Emperor Brulasati. What followed was the "War of the Cosmos", as Gossamer led the forces of dark, against the forces of light in an epic three day clash across the universe. Gossamer's rebellion and quest to rule the Ethos began the epic convention of large-scale warfare, as thousands of Ethos and Fallen Ones clashed in the skies. The battles between the Ethos and Fallen Ones taking place over three bloody days of suffering, murder, and pain. The final battle saw Gossamer's former master, Emperor Brulasati defeating the entire legion of Fallen Ones, including Gossamer, and banishing them from the cosmos, exiling them to the fires of the planet known as Earth, not before he executed Kalea however. Following this purging of the Ethos, Le Pig was made Lord of these lands, a chaotic, desolate land of fire, ash, and suffering.  As such, when Le Pigs legions were defeated, they to followed him to Earths fires,  Le Pig, was followed by several great evil entities, and many, many more, who journeyed with Le Pig to their new kingdom, of which he famously said  "Better to reign in a wasteland than to serve in an Eden.".

Le Pig, made his home on Earth within a massive Volcano, still active to this day in Indonesia. It is from here that Le Pig first began kidnapping, torturing, and eventually killing his human victims, whom he viewed with great contempt since his days as an Ethos. Le Pigs activities on Earth have influenced humanity greatly, as the Egyptian's came to know him as Ammit, the devourer, who ate lost souls alive, condemning them to an eternity in the Lake of Fire. He also influenced various Christian and Islamic ideas on what happens in the afterlife, through the fear he has inspired with his torture of the "Lesser Race", which has imprinted the meaning of fear in the hearts of the mortal, early humans minds.

The Ethos that Le Pig once desired to lead have not acted against him, as they believe his eternal suffering is pain enough for breaking their morale code, and the fear he's struck into the hearts of humanity has kept the race in line through fear. Banished to his firey domain, Le Pig has long plotted his revenge against these Ethos, whom took his former life, his beauty, and his great love.... Kalea.... Whose death is a wound that suffering and the passage of the sands of time simply cannot heal. Le Pigs great rage over Kalea death still burns, and he longs for a day he can bring these divine tyrants to heal.

Increasing his ranks, as well as his presence in his earthly domain, Le Pig has sensed the Ethos's influence over humanity waning, as such he's sensed his time to bring about an age of endless suffering and sorrow is near, all he needs to do is destroy the weakening Brulasati and his race.

Power(s): Le Pig is capable of shape shifting into a dark shadow, he also has a special connection with flies, which allows him to see what they're seeing.

Occult: 3
Strength: 6
Speed: 2
Durability: 7
Ability: 8
Fighting Skills: 3
Flight: 1
Wealth: 1

Last edited by The Black Angel on June 16th 2013, 5:50 pm; edited 6 times in total

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The Black Angel
The Black Angel
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Le Pig Empty Re: Le Pig

Post by Chellizard June 14th 2013, 12:33 pm

Actual Religion is not a part of this world. There is no set God. There is no Lucifer. There are only realms in this world that manifest certain types of mythos such as Angels and Demons; but they have their own planes of existence.

Not to mention this whole character is a form of copyright; even if it's from the Bible.

I'd like any and all references to the Bible to be edited out of all aspects of your profile.

If that breaks your character, I apologize, but having copied and pasted bits of your profile into google has led me to realize you copy, pasted, and reworded most of your profile.

Needless to say; I am going to have to say no to this character.

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Quote : "A woman's place is in the sky with the goddamn birds."

Nekromonga (08/23/2017 10:05PM): Chellizard the Internet Born, Mother of Nerds, first of her name, Queen of the Gamers and the Roleplayers

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Registration date : 2009-11-15

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Le Pig Empty Re: Le Pig

Post by The Black Angel June 14th 2013, 3:35 pm

I can rework this, just give me a little time. I'll switch the name, but keep the principles the same. I posted in Deviant, but I'll say here to, that just because my character comes from hell, doesn't prove, disprove other Gods, a Godess, they can certainly all exist in different dimensions, etc... etc... But like I said I already have an idea to rework this to make it better for you guys.

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The Black Angel
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Le Pig Empty Re: Le Pig

Post by Chellizard June 14th 2013, 4:00 pm

We do not name certain aspects of the religion on this board as true or false. Such as, your character can believe in whatever they want, but pulling your characters backstory straight from the bible with a mild twist is a no. Please don't do that.

And I understand you worked hard on this character, but you're RPing as him/her in a thread when the character has not even been approved.

So. :[

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Quote : "A woman's place is in the sky with the goddamn birds."

Nekromonga (08/23/2017 10:05PM): Chellizard the Internet Born, Mother of Nerds, first of her name, Queen of the Gamers and the Roleplayers

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Humor : [18:47:50] Spirit Corgi : Dear mods, I need my apps unapproved. If you don't do it an orderly time, I will compare you to nazis and tell everyone how you are stiffening my creativity, yours truly, a loving member of the site.
Registration date : 2009-11-15

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Le Pig Empty Re: Le Pig

Post by The Black Angel June 14th 2013, 4:04 pm

NP I'm reworking things now. I'll clean the thread up once I get this approved. I ended up jumping the gun a bit because I wanted to my O.C.E.A.N initiation to get moving, which I shouldn't have done.... So my apologies.

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The Black Angel
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Le Pig Empty Re: Le Pig

Post by Chellizard June 14th 2013, 4:13 pm

The Black Angel wrote:NP I'm reworking things now. I'll clean the thread up once I get this approved. I ended up jumping the gun a bit because I wanted to my O.C.E.A.N initiation to get moving, which I shouldn't have done.... So my apologies.

It's fine! :]

It was great, it just broke a few of our lore things. Like I said; the Bible stuff is fine.. for your character to believe in. But we try our best not to make certain characters be representations of preexisting things like God's Favorite Angel, Lucifer, and etc. There was some really bad old history on his place that I cut out to avoid stuff like this, haha. So, once I get the lore for this place written up, you'll see what I was talking about. (:

But of COURSE Demons can exist. Your demon can still exist! :] Just change his/her origin to a made up place. Make it interesting! Very Happy If you can, try to find some concept art of Beelzebub instead of using the photo you have now. (:

You can say that... as legend goes "insert bible blabber"... but then write his "real" story. (:

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Quote : "A woman's place is in the sky with the goddamn birds."

Nekromonga (08/23/2017 10:05PM): Chellizard the Internet Born, Mother of Nerds, first of her name, Queen of the Gamers and the Roleplayers

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Registration date : 2009-11-15

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Le Pig Empty Re: Le Pig

Post by The Black Angel June 16th 2013, 1:37 pm

K, think I'm ready to reapply Chel, let me know if this is good or not for you.

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The Black Angel
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Le Pig Empty Re: Le Pig

Post by Chellizard June 16th 2013, 2:03 pm

Is he only able to shapeshift into one form? And is all the Ability geared toward the flies?

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Quote : "A woman's place is in the sky with the goddamn birds."

Nekromonga (08/23/2017 10:05PM): Chellizard the Internet Born, Mother of Nerds, first of her name, Queen of the Gamers and the Roleplayers

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Registration date : 2009-11-15

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Le Pig Empty Re: Le Pig

Post by The Black Angel June 16th 2013, 10:34 pm

Yes, just a dark shadowy mist. Does the fly power have to be 8 ability? Or can I divide it up?

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The Black Angel
The Black Angel
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Le Pig Empty Re: Le Pig

Post by Chellizard June 16th 2013, 11:13 pm

As long as he only transforms from his human to the Le Pig form, then it's free. Because his stats stay the same, right?

If the stats do not change, and the character only has a "human" form then we're good to go.

And 8 ABI is a good place to start for seeing through flies. You should limit the range to a certain amount, however. Go by about.. 10-20 meters per ability level; so he could potentially use flies for up to 80 to 160 meters away.

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Quote : "A woman's place is in the sky with the goddamn birds."

Nekromonga (08/23/2017 10:05PM): Chellizard the Internet Born, Mother of Nerds, first of her name, Queen of the Gamers and the Roleplayers

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Registration date : 2009-11-15

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Le Pig Empty Re: Le Pig

Post by The Black Angel June 17th 2013, 3:44 am

Ya his stats don't change at all.

Alright 80 - 160 meters, got it.

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Le Pig Empty Re: Le Pig

Post by Chellizard June 17th 2013, 2:53 pm


Approved and moved.

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Nekromonga (08/23/2017 10:05PM): Chellizard the Internet Born, Mother of Nerds, first of her name, Queen of the Gamers and the Roleplayers

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Location : The Internet
Age : 31
Job : I Work Full time/Artist/Charizard Enthusiast
Humor : [18:47:50] Spirit Corgi : Dear mods, I need my apps unapproved. If you don't do it an orderly time, I will compare you to nazis and tell everyone how you are stiffening my creativity, yours truly, a loving member of the site.
Registration date : 2009-11-15

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