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Dr.Everyone Empty Dr.Everyone

Post by Dr Everyone October 1st 2010, 9:58 pm

Real Name: Fredrick Van Flamel
Renegade/Hero/Villain Name: Dr.Everyone (The moniker held more meaning in Dr.Everyone's past when he could shapeshift, but now it only reminds others of his goals: To kill everyone.)
Title: Dr., Doctor, D.Sc (Doctor of Science)
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Age: 38
Gender: Male
Race: Caucasian
Hair: Blonde
Eyes: Green
Height: 6' 3"
Weight:183 lbs.
Blood type: HH

Character Image:

Personality: Doctor Everyone is a genocidal, anti-social, psychopath. Scarred from his accident, his strict, fun-less childhood, and the loss of his parents, Doctor Everyone has became a completely insane person with one goal in mind: The extermination of all life on Earth. He picks fights and does destructive, out of the way things for no reason other than because those things are available to do. He rarely associates with anyone, partly because most people steer clear of him due to his unstable, unpredictable nature. He feels no guilt, no remorse, and has no value for life of any kind. He does not recognize beauty, innocence, or anything. He's cold, heartless, and evil to the core.

History: He was born to Liza and Frory Van Flamel in 1982 in Chicago. His father wanted his son to grow up to be very successful in America so he made Fredrick spend almost every moment of his childhood studying and reading. As such he did not make many friends and developed an anti social attitude. Although children like him would be emotionally and psychological scarred during the years of schooling, he was able to skip through school fast as he had studied his whole life. He finished highschool by 14, but his parents did not have the money to send him to college. Because his family was poor and his parents had just immigrated before his birth, he was denied a scholarship. He got a job with his father, moving heavy equipment and materials for all sorts of companies, studying in his spare time. He did this for 4 years and eventually he had enough money (him and his father together) for him to attend college for a few years.

Half a year into his first year in college he was offered a spot at Harvard, for free. He then spent time at Harvard, studying mostly physics, biology, and chemistry. He stopped going to college when he got his PhD in Chemistry, but that was not why he stopped. His parents where killed in a plane crash when a plane crashed into their suburban home. He never expressed his feelings and began to look for a job, himself now having nowhere to stay. A military laboratory offered him a spot in developing materials with altered atoms, so they could cloak and easily dodge incoming projectiles. The laboratory was also trying to develop new, high powered ammunition. He wished to start on something that already had high energy, something which would make creating atoms with unique properties easier. From there, he could move on to altering common atoms and military equipment. He began experimenting with radioactive elements, bombarding them with gamma radiation as well as colliding the high-energy atoms with electrons, protons, and neutrons to try and change it's atomic structure. But because the radioactive materials could not maintain their structure, their higher energy state always reduce them to a very hot, energetic, liquid state. Each failed experiment was dumped into a large vat with the rest of the plasma. One day while discarding yet another failed attempt at High Energy Atomic Alteration, he lost his balance and fell in. The high temperatures around him began to burn him, but for some reason the damage was not as severe as it should have. A witnessing lab assistant quickly used on scene lab equipment to remove his superior from the vat, expecting a charred body. But he found the Doctor much alive, and he was taken to a hospital ICU and then a burn ward. After nearly a year and a half, Fredrick began to feel no more ill effects from the accident on his body. Even if he had, he didn't care. He had discovered, during his stay in the hospital, that he could not only control any fire around him, but that he could also create fire out of thin air that didn't burn him. More recently, he had found he could change his appearance by concentrating on the image he wanted to look like. He also found that he could fly by moving his energy and fire to his legs. He did not know how all of this was possible, as he wasn't a physicist or biochemist, but he enjoyed his new powers. But he hated how the world around him had and was mistreating him. His parents died, his childhood was robbed from him in favor of education. And now, his future was taken as well all thanks to a work accident. He saw the way people looked at him, he heard their whispers. He saw the children point at him and look at their parents. Some insulted him, others giggled from afar and a joke his ears could not hear. He had become a freak, but now he had the means to exact revenge on not just those who mocked him, but the very Earth that had deemed him fit for all the hardships and suffering.

For a while, Dr.Everyone roamed the world after his release from the hospital. Using unknown means, he had made the hospital believe he was dead. From the day of his hospital escape to now, Dr. Fredrick Van Flamel died and Dr.Everyone was all that remained. He killed so many people in those first years after the accident that now the acts have been called the "Everyone Genocide". The UN has convicted Dr.Everyone of genocide and crimes against humanity. India and Pakistan both have outstanding death warrants for his head. Any and All law enforcement agencies in the US have warrants for his arrest with deadly force authorized. The US Military has Dr.Everyone listed as a top priority for capture, with deadly force authorized. Congress passed a Bill after the Doctor's D.C. rampage that killed many civilians and a few government officials, including a senator from Hawaii. That Bill states that under no authority, act, bill, mandate, amendment, or any order of any kind can Dr. Everyone be given amnesty for his acts. After his attempted attack on the White House, the President has no barred any action against Dr.Everyone. But these are all reactions to the evil, twisted actions of a demented mind.

While fighting a supervillain on the Pakistan-India border during the Pakistan-India war, Dr.Everyone accidently killed himself in a immensely strong attack. Due to the assistance of cyborg creation of his, a cannibal girl he had met in D.C., and the magical resurrection granted by infamous witch Elena Marie, Dr.Everyone was reborn into the world. He found himself in a new body absent of scars and burns. His mind was not sick and insane like his last had been, and he found himself opposed strongly to killing anyone who didn't try to kill him first. But as a consequence of his resurrection, the Doctor could not remember anything that happened since his accident. He found himself in a world that hated him, and he had no clue why they attacked him. His memories slowly returned in the form of nightly nightmares, each night bringing back another puzzle piece to the last few years. He continued his villainy, mostly in the form of bank robbery, until Project Perfection attacked New York City in the Assault. It was during the height of the Assault that Dr.Everyone finally remembered the entirety of the horrid acts he had committed, including the murder of children. Sad and disgusted with himself, Dr.Everyone flew far away from the fighter, planning suicide. Had it not been for the intervention of a young man Dr.Everyone had duped, used, and mentored, the Doctor would have died right there. After convincing him that he could change and repay the world for what he had done, Phoenix helped Dr.Everyone announce to the world that he was no longer a villain, and that he would be doing anything in his power to repay the world for his crimes. He was a friend and ally of both Phoenix and the Talons that Phoenix commands for a short while. But with no end to the world hating him, and his conscious bombarding him with the guilt and memories of the things he had done, Doctor Everyone took control of all the Jumbo-Trons in Times Square and killed himself by slitting his throat as the whole world watched...and cheered.

A year later, the King of Fools, leader of the Court of Madness, lured five OCEAN members into New Orleans with threats of destroying the city. Amongst those members was Shi Ryurou, a physical embodiment of death. The King of Fools, utilizing magic, Dr.Everyone's old facemask, and Shi's presence, brough Doctor Everyone back to life. Unfortunately, due to the timeframe the facemask was worn by Dr.Everyone, he was resurrected with his originally insane, genocidal personality; Which was exactly what the King of Fools wanted to happen.

Power(s): Dr.Everyone possesses pyrokinesis. The fire that he summons, creates, and controls cannot harm him, but is fully capable of harming anything and everything else.  He can throw the fire like a ball or projectile, form the fire into whip-like extensions he holds in his hands, summon walls of fire in fixed areas for as long as he holds it in place, extrude fire like a flamethrower, breathe fire, and cover his entire body with fire. In the broadest description of his powers, Dr.Everyone can do anything and everything with the fire he creates. Dr.Everyone also possess the ability of flight, this most likely caused by a mix of his pyrokinesis and as an effect of his accident.

Intelligence: 6
Strength: 2
Speed: 3
Durability: 5
Ability: 10
Fighting Skills: 4
Magic: 0
Spells: 0
Flight: 2
Wealth: 1

Last edited by Dr Everyone on June 24th 2013, 11:27 pm; edited 21 times in total
Dr Everyone
Dr Everyone
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Warnings : Banned
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Age : 27
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Registration date : 2010-10-01

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Dr.Everyone Empty Re: Dr.Everyone

Post by Illya December 29th 2011, 5:51 pm

Moved for edits
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Dr.Everyone Empty Re: Dr.Everyone

Post by The Silence January 5th 2012, 1:08 am

Nothing changed really

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The Silence
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Dr.Everyone Empty Re: Dr.Everyone

Post by Chellizard January 6th 2013, 6:48 pm

Unapproved and moved for the new Stat System update.

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Nekromonga (08/23/2017 10:05PM): Chellizard the Internet Born, Mother of Nerds, first of her name, Queen of the Gamers and the Roleplayers

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Registration date : 2009-11-15

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Dr.Everyone Empty Re: Dr.Everyone

Post by Dr Everyone January 6th 2013, 8:52 pm

Updates finished. If everything checks out, please move it back to the accepted section.

"I wont stop until this planet is a lifeless rock and I choke to death on the toxic air."
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Doctor Everyone's Theme Song:
Dr Everyone
Dr Everyone
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Posting Master

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Warnings : Banned
Number of posts : 436
Age : 27
Humor : Sarcasm
Registration date : 2010-10-01

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Dr.Everyone Empty Re: Dr.Everyone

Post by Chellizard January 6th 2013, 8:58 pm


Starter characters start out with no stat higher than 8.

And your grid never had a level 7 stat.

Your character's old grid had 6 EP; so that would translate to either 7 or 8 Ability.

And you had 21 points on your old grid, meaning you now have 32 points on this grid;

We don't take flight out of the point pool. Flight is an actual stat on the grid.

I apologize for calling you an idiot; but it's a bit tedious when everyone repeats the same thing to you multiple times yet you ask the same question over, and over.

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Quote : "A woman's place is in the sky with the goddamn birds."

Nekromonga (08/23/2017 10:05PM): Chellizard the Internet Born, Mother of Nerds, first of her name, Queen of the Gamers and the Roleplayers

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Registration date : 2009-11-15

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Dr.Everyone Empty Re: Dr.Everyone

Post by Dr Everyone January 6th 2013, 9:02 pm

Yes it did. His EP was at level 7, and I think that EP translates over to Ability, so I made it 10. The grid on this that listed him as having 6 EP was outdated, as I could not keep this thread up to date because nobody would move it. This is the first time I've been able to update it in months.

And he's not a starter character, he's an old character.

"I wont stop until this planet is a lifeless rock and I choke to death on the toxic air."
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Doctor Everyone's Theme Song:
Dr Everyone
Dr Everyone
Posting Master
Posting Master

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Warnings : Banned
Number of posts : 436
Age : 27
Humor : Sarcasm
Registration date : 2010-10-01

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Dr.Everyone Empty Re: Dr.Everyone

Post by Chellizard January 6th 2013, 9:16 pm

The grid in your signature said that you had 6 EP; and you are eligible to change that grid whenever.

I would like a link to your EXP Sheet, and I would also like to explain this to you.

Your grid shows in your actual stats that you have 31 points spent.

The first wealth point is "free."

It's a static point that represents starter money for everyone's characters.

That point cannot be used toward your initial starter pool.

Also, as stated before, your old grid, in your signature, showed you had 6 EP. You are only allowed to have 8 Ability in correspondence to that.

And, as I stressed in the Cbox, Flight does not take away from your grid; it is a stat, and I think you understand that now, based on your grid.

Also, your grid should look like this, based on your old one:

32 points to spend; level 6 EP.
Intelligence: 6
Strength: 4
Speed: 4
Durability: 5
Ability: 8
Fighting Skills: 3
Magic: 0
Spells: 0
Flight: 2
Wealth: 1

Occult is not needed; if you read the Stat Equivalents page, you would see that the first three points in INT and OCC share the same basic descriptions. Occult is not "free" though, and nor is INT if you have Occult.

If your EXP Sheet can PROVE that you purchased 7 EP before the new stat system, then you can arrange your grid to reflect that, but as it stands, that is the grid you should have.

Also, you shouldn't have made your own grid, but it's okay.

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Nekromonga (08/23/2017 10:05PM): Chellizard the Internet Born, Mother of Nerds, first of her name, Queen of the Gamers and the Roleplayers

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Registration date : 2009-11-15

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Dr.Everyone Empty Re: Dr.Everyone

Post by Dr Everyone January 6th 2013, 9:29 pm

I can assure you, and Phoenix can verify, that I had 7EP. The power grid in my signature always reflected that. My EXP thread will show that two power points were obtained and spent. [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]\

After we have cleared this up, I'll edit my grid and app with the other things you have pointed out.

"I wont stop until this planet is a lifeless rock and I choke to death on the toxic air."
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Doctor Everyone's Theme Song:
Dr Everyone
Dr Everyone
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Registration date : 2010-10-01

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Dr.Everyone Empty Re: Dr.Everyone

Post by Chellizard January 6th 2013, 9:55 pm

All right then. You can adjust accordingly. But you understand that you don't need Occult on top of Intelligence, okay? (:

And as for your EXP thread, you have a few threads that should not be EXP worthy, and should be Retconned, but are EXP Worthy.

For example: [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] should be retconned, but is EXP worthy.

[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] show's obvious God-Modding from you in RP.

That should not be EXP worthy on your part, and to be honest, God-Modding is against the rules. It's site-ban worthy.

So, You can have your 10 Ability, if you can afford it.

Because if you can't, and to be honest, you really can't, afford the points, then you shouldn't have the stat. I don't mean to be rude, or seem rude; but there's rules, and they need to be followed. If you can figure out a way to afford that 10 stat, go for it, but if not, you will be in debt, and thus, owe EXP.

So, my best advice is to spend the points you can, and buy what you can, rather than getting your grid the way you want it right now; cause being in debt is not fun.

Even if it's just on an RP forum.

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Nekromonga (08/23/2017 10:05PM): Chellizard the Internet Born, Mother of Nerds, first of her name, Queen of the Gamers and the Roleplayers

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Registration date : 2009-11-15

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Dr.Everyone Empty Re: Dr.Everyone

Post by Dr Everyone January 7th 2013, 8:35 am

After adjusting my EXP thread to bring it up to the current system, I modified my power grid. It should be all good.

"I wont stop until this planet is a lifeless rock and I choke to death on the toxic air."
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Doctor Everyone's Theme Song:
Dr Everyone
Dr Everyone
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Registration date : 2010-10-01

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Dr.Everyone Empty Re: Dr.Everyone

Post by Chellizard January 9th 2013, 6:14 am

Approved and moved.

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Quote : "A woman's place is in the sky with the goddamn birds."

Nekromonga (08/23/2017 10:05PM): Chellizard the Internet Born, Mother of Nerds, first of her name, Queen of the Gamers and the Roleplayers

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Registration date : 2009-11-15

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Dr.Everyone Empty Re: Dr.Everyone

Post by Forceaus June 8th 2013, 9:30 pm

Unapproved upon request

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Dr.Everyone Empty Re: Dr.Everyone

Post by Forceaus June 24th 2013, 11:30 pm


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Dr.Everyone Empty Re: Dr.Everyone

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