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Dread Empty Dread

Post by Vorik October 5th 2024, 9:46 pm


The Bio

Real Name: John Harris
Villain Name: Dread
Title: Leader of the Marks
Age: 27
Gender: Male
Race: Caucasian
Hair: Black
Eyes: Red
Height: 7,2
Weight: 384

The Looks

Dread is a menacing and intimidating figure. He is brawny and muscular, standing at 7,2, and his rugged face gives a no-nonsense vibe. His red eyes are bloodshot and his hair is slicked back.

He dresses similarly to that of a medieval executioner with a black hood and cloak, a half-skull mask, and dark trousers with combat boots. His muscular chest is bare, showing the many scars he has earned over his career of villainy.

The Personality

Dread is a brute of a man who prefers to strong-arm his way and power through problems. He doesn’t mind getting his hands dirty but he prefers to sit around and chill. When Dread does have to work and take care of his criminal gang he uses intimidation and fear to keep people in line and from doing something stupid. The Marks are his little family and he sees himself as the big brother for his crew, getting them out of trouble. He cares about drugs, money, and women. He will go to great lengths to make people fear him.

The Story

In the backroom of an old warehouse in the southern part of New York, a group of 5 hardened men sat at a table. None of them made small talk as they occasionally glanced at each other with questioning looks. They had been sitting there for the last 40 minutes, waiting.

The door creaked open as a large figure’s silhouette framed the doorway. A hooded man strode into the room, bits of blood splattered on his bare chest and his knuckles. He cracked his neck with several loud pops as he took the second to last seat at the head of the table. They regarded the others with a glance from his skull mask.

“So I’m sure you are all wondering why I called all of you here when we are all busy running things for the Marks.”

He saw the questioning looks from his men glazing at the still-empty chair and chuckled while cracking his knuckles.

“I wouldn’t worry about Denver and more about yourselves. I did just get done beating him to death after all…”

He gave a grisly smile as he showed the blood on his hands. The lieutenants started fidgeting in their chair but they didn’t dare speak, knowing the consequences.

“Do you think I am to be fucked with? That you can go around MY back, plotting and scheming? That no one would know their place in our little crew of who the big man is?”

He stared them down challenging them to speak.

“We–We didn’t mea–”

The supervillain slammed his fist on the table, cracking it.

“You didn't think you would fuck it all up but you have and now I as the boss need to figure out what to deal with you lot.”

He looked at his hand that smashed the table and removed a splinter embedded in his hand. The wound closes quickly.

“I brought this gang from the ground up. ME. Do you know who the fuck I am? I'm Dread, the most feared villain in all of New York! You lot should be kissing the ground I walk on for the easy life you have. Money, hookers, blow. All of these and all I want is your respect and instead, you snivel and slink around.”

He stood up and slowly paced around the seated men, gingerly resting his rough-blooded hands on them as he spoke.

“Do you know how I got us to where we are today as one of the biggest gangs to not fuck within the hotspot of heroes where you can’t shit without looking a hero in the eye?”

Dread gripped a man’s shoulder hard enough that he heard their bones break and the man cry out.

“Fear. The only thing that people respect is that. Fear and power. A hero fucks with you? Kill their family, and their dog, and then break their legs to make them an example.” He left the man with broken shoulders and moved on to the next.

“Fear and power, fear and power. Imagine for a moment. Think carefully about how stupid it is to fuck with a man who gains power through fear. Someone who can rip you apart just…like…this.”

He ripped the jaw off another and snapped their neck. The body dropped to the floor as blood pooled around the table. The lieutenants cried out in fear and started to stand up in a scramble for the door. With unnatural speed, the villain through the table with such force it the impact killed 2 more as he leaped at the remaining 2, ripping them apart and beating them to death.

Several moments passed as he loomed over the corpses of his men who thought they could betray him. A group of Marked men entered the room with clear fear in their eyes. He turned to them.

“Let this be a message to everyone in the gang that no one fucks with Dread. I am your boss in our happy little family and don’t you ever forget it. If any of you disagree then you can join the pile.”

With that, he stood up and rolled his shoulders before he walked out of the room.

The Powers

Fear Empowerment: Dread is physically empowered by the fear of those around him. He becomes faster, stronger, more durable, and heals more quickly with the amount of people experiencing fear. If they fear him specifically then the effect is more substantial. He can sense fear.

The Weaknesses

Fearless: If no one is around that is fearful then his powers begin to wane until he is just a big and strong dude.

The Items

Headsman Axe: A giant battleaxe the size of Dread’s body. It's just a normal abliet giant steel axe.

The Minions

The Marks gang.

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Number of posts : 186
Registration date : 2019-09-15

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