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The White King

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The White King Empty The White King

Post by Vorik October 5th 2024, 3:22 pm

The White King


The Bio

Real Name: Anthony Childs
Villain Name: The White King
Age: 127
Gender: Male
Race: Cyborg
Eyes: Yellow
Height: 7,4
Weight: 634lbs

The Looks

The White King is a cybernetically altered “man” in the loosest terms. Everything about him save for his genius mind has been surgically replaced with cybernetics and hardware. He is a giant, standing at an imposing 7,4. His body is made of a white ceramic-titanium alloy with gold filigree and black and white checkerboard patterns. He wears a gold crown and his face is featureless outside his glowing yellow eyes. A regal cape drapes down his broad shoulders.

The Personality

The White King is better than you and he knows it. He is used to being the smartest man in the room and expects people to listen to him. Years of built-up resentment and frustration have made him short-tempered when it comes to people, even more so to those in charge. He doesn’t think highly of politicians or world leaders, believing they are corrupt and soft, not willing to do what it takes to bring about world peace. The world is run by idiots to him and who is better to rule the world than the most capable and smartest man?
While he is a tyrant of a small country, he is a benevolent one, just so long as you follow his law and do as he says.

The Story

The White King looked out at his city, his empire from his ivory tower. He saw the pristine and clean streets, the orderly neighborhoods, and the many people going about their day like wonderful cogs in his glorious machine.

A feeling of pride swelled in his chest as he watched all this. It had taken the better part of a lifetime to raise this city from broken rubble and blood to the masterpiece it is today. He remembered the day he began his mandate to save the world.

He had been young and naive back then. Believing he was doing his part in World War 1, helping create new and better weapons to save the day. There was so much more he could have offered his country but the politicians always said no to his life-changing tech. Cleaner energy, more efficient cars, synthetic blood, they only say value in his weapons and nothing more.

The final straw was when he proposed his detailed and very simple plan for ending world hunger. It would have been costly and eaten into the military funds but his work was sound. If the plan was approved then in just 10 years no child would have to go to bed hungry, no man would die of thirst. He even went as far as to beg before the corruption as they laughed him out of the room. They didn’t even bother reading his designs, only stating they had focuses elsewhere and this was not of any importance.

That was the day he realized the truth. No matter how good his intentions, and how thorough and easy his plans were, those in charge did not want meaningful change as it risked their power. He was a fool to believe in the capacity for good for the sake of it. No, mankind needed a strong guiding hand to lead them and an iron fist to control them.

The next week he enacted his new plan. Using his Supertech, battle armor, and weapons of war, he launched a 1 man crusade upon the warlords of the small country of Yutai. It was a hopeless battle for them and by the end of the week he had removed the rot. The easy part was over and the hard part began.

He spent decades rebuilding the war-torn land, and new infrastructure, laws, and governance were created. It took years for the people to accept him as their undisputed king but they had little say in the matter. Those who wanted to could leave but those who stayed bowed.

Over the 70 years of reconstruction, he had not only improved his kingdom but himself. As his body weakened and failed with age he replaced himself, making himself better, faster, and stronger. The world needs a strong king, one who could last lifetimes. His body was a small price to pay for this end.

As he came back to the present his eyes turned downcast. It had taken 70 years to establish his power and build a utopia but the recent events of London’s destruction have opened his view. He cannot afford to waste any more time with his work here when the world is at peril from rampaging children and demigods. His power is secured but he must extend his influence towards the world stage. With measures resolved, he considered his new conquests.

The Powers

Super Genius: Anthony Childs is insanely smart and is easily one of the smartest people in the world. He is a leading expert in AI, robotics, and nanotech.

Robotic: King is almost completely robotic and thus is immune to biological needs and hazards. He is incredibly durable and able to shrug off artillery shells with ease. He is also incredibly strong, able to lift freight trains with ease.

Castling: He can teleport and swap positions with his chess pieces.

The Weaknesses

Superior: King is the smartest and knows it but he wants everyone to know it too. He will opt for displays of his superiority even when it would be easier and more efficient to just win.

Charge Up: He cannot spam his teleports and needs to recharge it for 5 seconds after every use.

Children: While he may do terrible things to rule, he has a soft spot for children and will always go out of his way to protect them from harm.

The Items

Gravity Hammer: He wields a supertech scepter that can act as a gravity well making it hit much, much, much harder. It can hit with the weight of 20,000 tons.

The Minions

Countless robotic drones he styles after chess pieces

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Number of posts : 186
Registration date : 2019-09-15

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