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Harvester Empty Harvester

Post by Vorik October 5th 2024, 2:29 am


"Humanity is a garden to be cultivated."

The Bio

Real Name: Andrea Rezav
Villain Name: Harvester
Gender: Male
Race: European
Hair: Black
Eyes: Gray
Height: 5,10
Weight: 154lbs

The Looks

Harvester is a gaunt and pale man with sunken eyes and cheeks. His pale skin is cold and leathery to the touch. He has an almost corpse-like appearance. While he may look feeble his grey eyes show a sharp cunning and intelligence.

He wears a plain black and white business suit that wouldn’t be amiss in a corporate office space with short cropped black hair. Overall he looks like a man who doesn’t get much sun but is otherwise plain looking.

In his costume as Harvester, he wears alchemically soaked bindings around his limbs and chest with his face hidden under a black veil and a dark tunic.

The Personality

Harvester is a man of absolutes. He firmly believes that mankind will fail if there is not a hand to guide it and not just to guide it but to make it strong. He sees himself as a gardener tending his harvest, culling the weaker crops so that the next season’s grows more bountiful. In his mind, complacency and “peace” is the antithesis of life. Good times make for weak people and weak people make for bad times, bad times make for strong people… This is his truth.

While he is willing to commit horrible atrocities to the human race he views it as a necessary evil that has no malice in it. If a million need to die to save a billion then so be it but he will never be cruel about it.

The Story

Harvester looked over the destroyed houses and burnt farmlands of the small village. He stepped over the corpses that littered the cobblestone roads and cluttered the small huts. His gaze looked over the bodies with a cold analytical attachment.

‘Not a single survivor.’ He mused to himself.

‘A burgeoning hamlet of 600 and not a single one was immune to the plague I made… Did I go too far? Was it too potent or were these people simply too weak to survive the next natural plague regardless of what I did?’

He continued walking as he tallied the numbers in his head.

‘Next time I will try a slower-acting plague, perhaps a mere sleeping sickness. Target the farmers and cause a famine as no one tills the fields. The plague won't be fatal but the hardship of hunger will suffix. It will make them stronger.’

He nodded to himself.

He strode past the small church when he heard the faint sounds of someone’s ragged breathing.

‘A survivor?’ a small hope in him grew only to be replaced with disappointment as he looked around and saw them. An emaciated man, prone on the ground. He looked like a stiff breeze would do him in. With measured steps, he approached the man.

“Pl–please, help me.” He gasped through strained breath.

Harvester stood over the man and considered him.

“I see. You are not a survivor after all. Just one that is taking longer than the others. I wonder if you have a unique immune system but its not enough.” He shook his head.

The man didn’t seem to quite understand him and muttered again.

“Help me.”

Harvest took a step back as the man reached out to him weakly.

“I am helping. You and everyone else.” He paused as he considered his words.

“I’m sorry you are the cost for this but it is necessary. Through your death, a thousand may live.”

“W–why have you…Done this?” The man asked.

A question Harvester has asked himself often. He couched next to the man pulled out a rag and patted the man’s sweating forehead.

“People… Well, people need hardship. Minor difficulties if you will. Small harmful effects over time make them more resilient, and more steadfast. What I do is encourage that growth through guided means.”

He motioned to the desecrated landscape around them.

“None of you would have survived a natural plague if my controlled plague did all this…You were already doomed. However, through this, the town will have a clean slate to be better, and stronger. The soil and plants will become fertile with you and the new settlers will grow strong. They may even pick up a weaker strand of my plague after a time and develop resistance to it and the natural plagues to follow.

The man looked at him deliriously.

“I don’t expect you to understand. Not many people have lived the countless lifetimes I have and seen the consequences of complacency. The world needs this and I will do whatever it takes to make sure we thrive.” There was a conviction in his voice.

Harvester stood up and walked away as the man softly called out to him for help. Harvester added the man to the tally.

The Powers

Dark Alchemy: Harvester has perfected the art form of alchemy over centuries and has become a horrifying master of it. He is capable of brewing alchemical potions that go against the rules of nature. Plagues, potions of strength, healing, and more he can create.

Unnatural Fortitude: Over the millennia Harvester has exposed and subjected himself to untold amounts of chemicals, plagues, and potions to the point that he is more undead than alive. He is extremely hard to kill, incredibly durable, and no longer has any biological needs like eating or breathing. He also doesn’t age.

The Weaknesses

Prep Needed: He cannot make potions and elixirs up on the spot. He needs a laboratory with stocked ingredients to perform his dark magic.

Holy Source: Holy magic or blessed items have a profound effect on Harvester, hindering his supernatural abilities.

Change Daily: His Alchemy wrappings need to be taken off and resoaked in an alchemical mixture daily to remain active. Putting him in a spot where he can’t soak his wrappings will make his item useless.

The Items

Enchanted Alchemy Wrappings: These wrappings further augment Harvester's physical attributes, allowing him to perform acts of supernatural strength and speed. He can run at 60MPH and bench a compact car with ease.

Application created by Chellizard | This code is open-source and available for free use.

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Number of posts : 186
Registration date : 2019-09-15

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