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The Curator

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The Curator Empty The Curator

Post by Vorik Yesterday at 11:28 pm

The Curator

"So HIDEOUS! This DEMANDS my attention!"

The Bio

Real Name: Graceful Endeavor
Hero Name: The Curator
Age: 527
Gender: Indeterminate
Race: Magical construct
Hair: None
Eyes: Violet
Height: 5,8
Weight: 124lbs

The Looks

An intricately and wonderfully sculpted mannequin made out of enchanted richly colored wood. They have a slender and graceful build with slim shoulders and thin limbs. They wear a narrowly pointed purple bycocket hat with a feather in its cap and elegant ornate tights and tunic found in Venetian masquerades. Their face is featureless but hidden behind a stylized gold smirking mask that gives the impression that they know something funny that you don’t.

The Personality

Grace is a connoisseur of the fine arts and has dedicated their existence to learning everything about it. Much like their creator, they see beauty as the objective truth in the world and the only thing that truly matters.

They have a burning passion and hunger for the new and the exquisite in all things and will not settle for anything less than artistic perfection in all things. They have high standards for beauty and are a diva to work with.

They see it as their duty to carry on the creator’s dream of finding true beauty amidst all the ugly. Vain, self-important, and dramatic, most will be hard-pressed to tolerate Graceful Endeavor but those that can will find them a steadfast ally.

The Story

Graceful Endeavor strutted down the pristine halls of the castle. Their boots clicked on the marbled stone and the soft velvet carpets as they passed by intricately carved busts and statues. They nodded their masked head at the various mannequins cleaning and working around the castle before finally coming to the Royal Chambers.

The Royal Chambers were the epitome of extravagance with gold, gems, and beautiful artwork everywhere they looked. This was Grace’s favorite spot in the world. Sitting down on a large ornate chair and staring off at a large oil portrait of itself, it admitted the gentle curves of its face, the subtle details that only an artist could see, the poignant refinement.

‘Yes.’ It thought

‘We are truly on the path of perfection.’ It mused before sighing and slinking deep into the cushions of its chair.

“So why does it feel as if I hit a dead end? This is the 6th world I’ve traveled to and I’ve encountered nothing but uncouth barbarians and eyesores believing they are masterpieces…And don’t even get me started on the unsymmetrical ugliness!”

They bemoaned while draping their wooden hand over their face.

“So much ugliness in all these worlds and I am expected to find the beauty in all of them? Truly, a daunting task that would make a less beautiful person crumble under the strain.”

They got up and with a flourish of their hand, the room rotated and changed. Furniture and decorations magically moved and transformed until the Chambers resembled a study with a warm fireplace, a giant ornate globe, and a large statue of an old man. Grace looked at the statue and bowed holding its extravagant hat.

“Oh creator, how I miss you so. Why doth you let me suffer the indignities of your untimely end in our search for beauty? I have served faithfully for 432 years as your steward and curator of this castle and yet all these years I go so alone.”

Grace clutched their hat to their chest dramatically and sighed a mournful sigh.

“It is a troublesome road you laid out for us creator and all the more troublesome that I do so alone now but rest assured. I, Graceful Endeavor,  the most wonderful and perfect of your creations will fulfill your dream of finding true beauty. Even if it takes a thousand thousand years, for I am anything but a humble servant of the fine arts.”

They gave a deep bow before flourishing their hat back on. They approached the globe and laid their well-polished hand on its surface causing it to glow a magical light. They swipe through a series of holographic images of Earth tsking and muttering all the while.

“Too plain, too one dimensional, been there already and never again.”

They did this for the next hour until they finally stopped and tilted their head in interest.

“And what is this my fine eyes see? An Earth that is new! An Earth that is different and unique! My my.” Grace brought up some more descriptions of this parallel world, seeing charts and summaries.

“Ohoho, a world with colorful capes and people with charming powers! How wonderfully unordinary to the usual rabble.”

With a wave of its hand, the Castle shuddered as the magic built up.

“Oh Creator, you have blessed me so with such a find. With all the whimsy and charming characters of this world, surely we will find another step towards true beauty!”

As Grace giggled to themselves the Castle crossed the barrier between dimensions into a world of superheroes and villains, of evil and good.

The Powers

Magical Construct: Graceful Endeavor is a masterfully created mannequin brought to life through powerful magic. They are immune to all biological harm and their body is strong, durable, fast, and nimble. They can easily lift semi-trucks, move at 80MPH, shrug off small caliber bullets, and contort their body freely.

Body Backups: In the event of Grace’s demise, another mannequin in the castle will become the new Grace, effectively making them immortal.

Teleporting: Grace can freely teleport anywhere around them up to 100ft and back to the castle regardless of distance.

The Weaknesses

God Will You Ever Shut Up?: Grace LOVES to chew the scenery and needs the dramatic. They will waste time playing up a role or a scene even to their detriment.

We Do It Right or Not At All!: Ever the diva, it is not so much as they win, they win in STYLE. If they feel like the narrative demands more stakes and tension they will make the situation worse for the sake of DRAMA.

Grace will never stoop low enough to work with someone they find repulsive and hideous. If their ally becomes too unsightly they will need to convince Grace to tolerate their sorrowful appearance.

The Minions

Has the entire host of mannequins at its command.

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