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Silencer Empty Silencer

Post by Vorik Yesterday at 4:34 pm


The Bio

Real Name: Ivan Volkov
Renegade Name: Silencer
Age: 74
Gender: Male
Race: Russian
Hair: Gray
Eyes: Blue
Height: 6,2
Weight: 178lbs

The Looks

Ivan is an old man pushing into his 70s. His pale skin is leathery and wrinkled. Despite his advanced age, he stands tall at 6,2 and is muscular. He has a scraggly beard and short gray-combed hair. His pale steely blue eyes show deep tiredness. He wears gray military fatigues.

The Personality

He is a man who is just tired of it all. He is tired of fighting, tired of the violence, and tired of hardship. Ivan wants to just live the rest of his life in silence with his family but it seems to him that he was not destined to have a peaceful end. The events of London shook him and the loss of his daughter and granddaughter broke his heart. He feels as though he has no purpose in life until a mysterious Benefactor gives him the chance to make the world right again. The world will always be in chaos as long as there are supers like him running about causing trouble. It is up to him to take down the more egregious troublemakers.

The Story

Deep in the Siberian wilderness, 20 miles from the nearest settlement an old man sat in his cabin and stared numbly at his TV. His aged face was stoney and emotionless as he watched the same video for the thousandth time.

“Smile next to the dolphins Anya! Your parents will want photos of you from the trip or they will think I didn’t take you out.”

Ivan said from behind the camcorder. His hand entered the shot as he pointed to the dolphin exhibit.

Anya giggled ran over to the spot and tried to strike a pose that made her seem more grown up than the 10-year-old she was.

“Perfect Anya, just like a princess.”

She smiled and rolled her eyes. “I’m not a little girl Grandpa! I’m 10 now! That like all grown up.”

She playfully pouted as Ivan chuckled.

“Missy, when you are my age, everyone is a kid.”

He flipped through the museum booklet, trying to find the next interesting thing to show her. He had never been to the Russian Aquatic Assembly before but he knew his granddaughter loved sea life. He hoped he could nurture this into a career for her one day.

“Want to go see the penguins? I heard they have big ones called Emperors. Might even be wearing little crowns.”

Her eyes lit up with excitement.

“Penguins are sooo cute! Let's go!” Her small hand grabbed his large rough hand as she started pulling him along.

Ivan sighed as the video stopped there. He wished he had bought a better camera for that trip. One that didn't corrupt footage from water damage. He was about to rewind the video when there was a knock on his door. Using his senses he detected only 1 person, a woman. Grabbing his pistol he leaned next to his closed door.

“Go away. No visitors.”

He could hear the smile in the woman’s voice as she spoke.

“Mr Volkov? I’m not here to sell you anything, I’m here to send you an invitation.”

He cracked the door open and looked at her with tired eyes. The woman was wearing a nice black suit.

“Go away.” He was about to close the door in her face when she spoke.

“It is about London.”

He paused.

“What would you know about London?”

Her still-present smile perked up.

“We know a great deal about the who and the why. May I come in?”

He sighed and opened the door fully. “Fine.”

They went over to his small kitchen table and sat down.

“Well, what do you want? If it's for work, I’m retired and I don’t care about how much the pay is. I'd be living in a better place than this if I did.”

She chuckled.

“Oh Mr. Volkov, we understand your retirement but given the…Recent events… the higher-ups decided it would be prudent to offer our condolences for your loss and an opportunity.”

He remained expressionless as he waited for her to continue.

“A wealthy and very generous benefactor is torn up about the tragedy of London and wishes to extend their full aid and support to you in your time of need.”

He looked at her for a moment. “What's the catch and what is the offer for this “support”?”

“Oh, the catch is nothing more than what you already want to do. The Benefactor wants to restore peace and order in the world and the only way to do that is to have answers for the rising metahuman threat. A man of your skills is just the kind of person the Benefactor needs. They will offer you all the funding, tools, and men you could want and all you have to do is eliminate Metas who have become too problematic.”

Ivan thought it over. He had been retired for the last 12 years from the hitman business and wasn’t thrilled about the idea of killing people again. He had lost the taste for violence long ago. He was about to tell her no when she spoke again.

“Before you answer Mr. Volkov, think about the lives you would save. Imagine the children who’d still be around today if someone like you was around to answer these threats.”

He glanced back to the paused TV again, at the still image of Anya smiling at him. An anger bubbled inside him.

“If I do this…I do it my way. I want full discretion and control over what I do. I’m not in the business of killing innocent people, just the scum that abuse their power for chaos.”

She nodded and her smile got more predatory.

“That, we can happily do. You won’t regret this Silencer. The Benefactor will be pleased.”

The scene fades out as the hitman considers the struggle he is diving back into. His thoughts kept returning to Anya visiting London.

The Powers

Sensory Manipulation: Silencer can manipulate his own and every living being’s senses around him in a 1 mile radius. He can tap into other people’s senses to see/hear etc, shut off senses altogether, or overload sensory input to knock out/kill. He has extremely good senses, able to see for miles and hear even very quiet sounds from miles away.

The Weaknesses

Old: Silencer is getting up there in age and his body isn’t what it used to be. He doesn’t have the stamina for long fights and gets winded easily.

Hitman With A Heart: Ivan is not in the business of killing innocent people and will abandon a mission if the only way to fulfill it is to kill innocent. He will go out of his way to protect children.

The Items

Rail Rifle: A high-tech modified railgun turned into a sniper rifle. The rifle is capable of making accurate shots from 3 miles away and firing rounds capable of penetrating all but the hardest of metals and materials.

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