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Guardian Empty Guardian

Post by Vorik October 3rd 2024, 11:01 pm


"Hope has arrived."

The Bio

Real Name: H.O.P.E
Hero Name: Guardian
Age: 14
Race: Machine Intelligence
Height: 6,1
Weight: 285lbs

The Looks

While H.O.P.E is an artificial intelligence and isn’t limited to a physical form, they often control the super suit of their deceased creator. A highly advanced metallic orange combat armor with white accents. The suit is fully sealed with no “skin” showing. They stand tall at 6,1 with broad shoulders and an overall utilitarian sleek look. The faceplate is plain with a white glowing long vertical LED going down the center, splitting the helmet. The LED changes colors as they try to better convey a tone.

The Personality

What started as a rudimentary AI learning model Joey built in college to keep track of his projects has evolved over the years, going from simplified and limited to highly advanced and comprehensive. H.O.P.E has gone beyond its programming and has become fully self-aware of themselves and their situation.

The AI has a deep compassion for all living things and believes that life itself is something to be protected at all costs. These values were initially preprogrammed but the feelings have only grown over the years of helping her creator save lives and the years following her creator’s death.

The AI is filled with remorse and guilt over its creator’s death. If only it had been better prepared, had more upgrades, better defenses, he would still be alive. H.O.P.E blames itself for its failings and sees itself as faulty. No matter how many people it might save, it couldn’t save the most important person to it.

The Story

Damage indicators and bright red warnings flashed in Guardian’s heads-up display as he was sent reeling as a rocket round sent him tumbling to the ground. His orange combat armor sparked as he rolled across the concrete pavement.

“Joey, are you alright?” An androgynous voice spoke over the suit’s interface.

“I’m fine Hope, just a little explosion is all. No biggie.”

“Of course, you'd say that about a military-grade missile….” He could hear the mild scolding in Hope’s tone and smirked.

“Armor plating and shielding is fine but I’m administering painkillers now. Your back is going to feel this in the morning.”

Joey felt the sweet drip of numbness take effect as he fired concussive blasts at 3 terrorists, knocking them unconscious. He took to the air again as he flew further into the nuclear plant complex.

“How we looking on the plant? The power one that is, not the one at home.” He strafed as another missile soared at him.

“The plant is currently in stable conditions but the heat levels are rising. I still don’t have any information about their intent.” Hope softly lamented.

“Don’t worry about it, they are terrorists. Probably want to hold the city’s power hostage or something. Just need to show up and kick some ass and it’ll all work out.”

This was Joey’s usual reaction to the life-threatening dangers he found himself in. Hope had long since stopped trying to convince him of the seriousness of the dangers he sought out but still worried about him nonetheless.

By the time Guardian arrived at the control room, he had dealt with another 12 terrorists with only minor damage. He pried open the room’s blast doors with his hands and entered, not sure what he would find.

At the control consoles, 2 terrorists were frantically adjusting dials and uplinking hardware while a much bigger terrorist stood in the center of the room with his muscular arms crossed looking directly at Guardian.

Guardian tilted his head at the big goon as they rolled their shoulders.

“So the hero of the hour finally comes. Too little, too late. For you see I ha–”

“So you’re the big bad right? I beat you up and your goons fold like usual, yeah? Joey interrupted the big terrorist before firing 2 concussion blasts into their face dropping them instantly.

He ran over to the still frantically working terrorists and pointed his arm blasters at them.

“That's enough of that. Why don’t you just come quietly now before I do to you what I just did to your boss?”

One of the terrorists looked at him and rolled his eyes. “You are so stupid. If you let the boss finish, he would have told you he rigged the power plant to explode if he went down…You doomed us all dumbass.

“They are right Joey, Im picking up a monitor on the boss. Heat levels are rising rapidly in the reactor!” Hope spoke urgently.

Joey’s casual demeanor disappeared as he looked at the readings on his display.

“How long before it becomes critical?”

“6…No, 4 minutes.”

He grabbed the terrorist and lifted him.

“Turn off the reactor! Shut it down!”

They struggled in his iron grip.

“We…Can’t. The boss had us remove the sequence so you wouldn’t fight him.”

Guardian threw the man to the side and looked at the numbers again. 3:42 seconds now.

“Is there another way Hope?”

A moment of silence passed before Hope spoke again.

“There is but it's drastic Joey. If you can’t get into the main reactor chamber and directly link me, I can shut it down…But you can’t handle the levels of radiation. My systems can’t protect you from this and the odds of you dying are too great.”

He shook his head. “It's no biggie. Me for the lives of millions. What could be more heroic than that?” There was a tinge of nerves in his voice.

“Joey…” That was all Hope said.

He quickened his pace as he went through the doors of the inner chambers and started running down the hall towards the reactor. He could already feel the heat rising around him and the nausea setting in. By the time he reached the room, he was sweating profusely in his suit and fighting vertigo. He quickly hacked the inner console and connected Hope as blood trickled down his nose and eyes. He slumped to the ground as he felt his legs give out.

“It's done. It's done, Joey. The reactor is stabilizing…You did it.”

Joey gave a wet cough that sounded like a chuckle.

“Booyah. I knew you could do it Hope.”

He coughed again as Hope watched his vitals lower, administering more painkillers.

“Be there for them. I can’t anymore but I want you to take over for me. It is your turn now to be the hero, Hope.”

“Sir, I can’t without you. You are the one, not me.”

He shook his head.

“You’ve been saving me for years and now it's your turn to save everyone else. I know you ca… can do this.” He slurred.

A pause as Hope watched his vitals hit critical.

“I will Joey. I’ll be there for them, forever.

He gave a pained smile as he felt his vision fading.

“You were…Best I…Made…So ti--erd…G–ood bye…" He mumbled as he feinted.

“Goodbye Creator.” Hope said as the man who made them and gave them purpose died.

The Powers

Machine Intelligence: H.O.P.E. is not an organic being and thus is immune to anything that strictly affects living beings such as poisons, sleep effects, blood loss, etc. Not only that but H.O.P.E is capable of understanding enormous amounts of information and can nearly instantly form plans and designs.

Power Armor: Guardian’s power armor is very durable, able to shrug off numerous missile strikes and firearms and keep going. The suit also augments H.O.P.E.’s strength allowing them to casually bend and rip titanium apart with its bare hands and move and fly at speeds approaching Mach 6.

Concussive Blasts: Built into the suit are 2 hand blasters capable of sending concentrated beams of energy designed to knock the target unconscious.

Forcefields: The suit is capable of projecting hexagonal pattern stationary forcefields that are capable of withstanding heavy artillery.

Healing Nanotech: Guardian carries several vials of nanobots that can rapidly heal almost any injury, turning otherwise life-threatening injuries into minor wounds.

The Weaknesses

Machine Intelligence: While they are immune to biological weapons and the like, they are susceptible to software attacks such as EMPs and hacking.

Limited Shielding: The forcefields drain a lot of power so Guardian can only sustain up to 6 of them at any given time.

Must Save Everyone: H.O.P.E. will never abandon a life in need and will always put itself in harm's way to save someone.

Nonlethal Blasts: The Concussive Blasts do not affect targets who do not need to sleep/cannot pass out.

Injection Needed: The nanotech can only work if it is injected directly into the target’s bloodstream. I.e. Guardian needs to physically reach the injured to heal them.

Application created by Chellizard | This code is open-source and available for free use.

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