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Lord of Glass

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Lord of Glass Empty Lord of Glass

Post by Vorik October 3rd 2024, 5:54 pm

The Lord of Glass

"The Sin Reflected"

The Bio

Villain Name: The Lord of Glass
Title: The Sin Reflected, The Twisted Image, The Living Lie
Age: 18412
Race: Demon
Height: 8ft
Weight: 177

The Looks

A demonic entity made out of colorful stained glass. An inner light gives off a soft glow, basking the area around him in the reflective shades of his glass. They stand at an imposing 8 feet tall but are far too narrow and lean to be humanly proportioned with too long arms and legs. One could call him beautiful like a work of art but the twisted, jagged, and fragmented shards give off an unsettling. Hundreds of faces swirl beneath the glass panels of the demon, crying out in pain and agony. The demon is more of an abstract shape than a person with no face of its own. Its inner light intensifies with its emotional state.

The Personality

Cruel and malicious, the demon is unrepentant in the chaos it causes. It sees all living things as lies and deceit. Everyone wears a mask, never truly being themselves for fear of opinions, morality, or consequences. It firmly believes that the greatest crime is to deceive one’s self from their truth.

The demon sees itself as the great punisher of those who lie to others and themselves, reasoning out their choices for evil with “good intentions” when they should call their actions for what they are. Murder will always be murder no matter how pretty you dress it up. The Lord of Glass will bring light to those unfortunate enough to earn its attention and make them confront their repressed urges and dark desires.

The Story

The Lord of Glass is a being of demonic origin that came into being when man first told themselves a lie. A comforting lie to justify a hateful action they committed to another. A lie that distorted the truth and shaped the narrative so that they were in the right and they were justified in their sinful action. This was the lie that brought the demon into being. To be a dark reflection of the twisted narrative people trick themselves into.

Creator of the mirror dimension the Lord of Glass has ruled over its hellish court for countless eons. Every lie, every distrustful action, every false intention has only grown its realm and its own power. It is here that the Lord enacts its “righteous” punishment on the greatest of deceivers, those who lie to themselves. The demon sees itself as the great punisher and bringer of the absolute truth, seeing itself cast a harsh light upon the false realities of those who are damned.

Anyone unlucky to earn the attention of the demon will find themselves trapped in a demonic hellscape composed of twisted and fragmented glass surfaces and endless mirrors. Everywhere the damned look, they will find only the warped and sinister forms of their darkness made real, scorning them, abusing them, and assaulting them. Those trapped here will have to confront their inner demons forever and see the ugly truth of themselves, knowing that they will never change.

The demon has only personally come a handful of times to the world to collect those who commit the greatest lies that cause the most destruction. Each and every time they have come there has been great societal collapse. Empires dying due to wanton ambition and insane rulers, kingdoms vanishing in a night of horror and violence as nobles fight each other for power, mass death of untold millions, carnage and mayhem. All of these are precursors to his summoning.

Recent times have shown the signs of the Lord’s return. Reflections warbling and behaving strangely showing inaccurate reflections like they were ripples in water, faint crackling sounds of shattering glass can be heard at times, mirrors suddenly and violently cracking, and those who have earned the ire of the demon can sometimes feel its presence and hear its voice in their dreams, calling out to them in contempt.

The world is primed for its return as the events of London have caused untold destruction as millions have died and billions have suffered over the actions of a great and terrible falsehood. A being of godlike power, calling themselves Ascendant, their “hero”, only to brutally massacre everyone in their attempts to “save”. This falsehood has become the catalyst for drawing the Lord of Glass into the world as every day, more and more people fight amongst themselves over super beings in us vs them mentalities.

As the world fragments and shatters under the sin of lies, the Lord of Glass approaches, drawn out by the horrific actions of London. Their return is inevitable and soon its realm will spill over like a tidal wave, washing away all the hate, lies, and sin. The dark truth will be revealed.

The Powers

Immortality: The demon is nigh unkillable and can only be banished for a time before it reforms back into its dimension. Nothing outside of the removal of the concept of lies will permanently kill them.

Silicon Control: They have absolute mastery over any silicon-based material, able to move it telekinetically and form it however they wish. They have a range of 50 miles.

Mirror Domain: All reflective surfaces are under the domain of The Lord of Glass. They can see, hear, and move through any mirrored surface with ease. This has a range of 100 miles.

Demonic: The demon is incredibly power, able to lift skyscrapers, and durable enough to shrug off all but the most powerful of blows. They can quickly regenerate and transform their body with excess silicon. Their very presence evokes intense dread in those around them as they remember every harmful action they ever took, every lie they told themselves, every falsehood they fought for.

Twisted Doppelganger: The Lord can conjure dark and twisted doppelgangers of those who look upon him. These reflections have all the abilities and skills of the original and can reform from any reflective surface large enough for them to fit through.

The Weaknesses

Holy Magic: Any holy/divine-based weapon is a bane towards the Lord of Glass and prevents the regeneration of any wounds inflected with said weapon.

The Truth: Twisted Doppelgangers will stop existing if the person they are reflecting repents and reveals their darkest truths to themselves and the world.

Banishment: While Holy Magic can hurt them, banishment is the most effective way to deal with them. The Lord of Glass cannot easily return to the world and has to be summoned once more.

Cruelty: The Lord of Glass will not always do the most optimal thing it should do if it is trying to win. It wants the people who oppose it to suffer and repent. It will go out of its way to keep giving people chances just to see them further struggle and despair.

The Minions

Has untold legions of Shardlings under its command.

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