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The Lost Ranger

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The Lost Ranger Empty The Lost Ranger

Post by Vorik October 3rd 2024, 2:10 pm

Sarah Marston

"The Lost Ranger"

The Bio

Real Name: Sarah Marston
Hero Name: Undecided
Age: 23
Gender: Female
Race: Caucasian
Hair: Red
Eyes: Green
Height: 5,10
Weight: 142

The Looks

Sarah is a fair-skinned woman in her early 20s. She stands above average height with a lithe and toned body from years of consistent workouts. She has bright green eyes brimming with curiosity and short light red hair that is messily cut into a bob hair as though she took a knife and just started cutting. She wears what every patient at Black Moore Asylum, white sleeveless shirts and stringless sweatpants.

The Personality

Years of isolation, hardship, and lack of freedom have worn away at Sarah like water eroding a stone on the beach. The naive eagerness and childlike wonder she had as a child is gone but in spite or possibly to spite her situation, Sarah never broke.

The world as she knows it may be gone but she has had years to deal with her inner turmoil and the helplessness her power put her in and has come to an almost zenlike calmness. She misses her old life, misses seeing motion, misses hearing her favorite music groups but she has learned to let go of what she has no control over and cherish what she does have.

Sarah sees her power as a prison but is not caged or defined by it. She will make the best her every moment she finds herself in a time-stopped world and appreciates the unique beauty that only she can see.

She dreams of one day getting out of Black Moore Asylum and seeing how the world has changed in the past 11 years and more importantly, finding her brother, Frank.
The Story

Even when she could barely walk, Sarah knew what she wanted to be when she grew up. From the moment she first saw superheroes fly over her house to the first episode of Ultra Rangers defeating the week’s big bad monster and striking silly poses, she was hooked.

In her mind, she felt that this was her calling. Helping people, spreading a good message to others, and more importantly feeling like you can do something for those who could not. Why would she settle for being an oil baron like her parents when she could do something cool, exciting, and worthwhile? There was also the unshakable feeling inside her that there was something more for her. Something fundamental, like she was vaguely aware of having another sense or a third arm but she never could describe her feeling as anything more than a hunch. She hoped it was some sort of awesome superpower like flight.

The best years of her life were growing up as a kid with her twin brother Frank. Frank was always the more reserved and shy of the 2 of them but Sarah had a way of getting him out of his shell, stopping him from getting wrapped up in his head, and just having fun with her. They played pretend, talked for hours about what kind of Ultra Rangers they would be, and did whatever sounded fun those days. Sarah considered these years perfect and that nothing was going to stop the unstoppable duo that was Frank and Sarah, The Green and White Rangers.

Her plans for the future for Frank or her were abruptly ruined as shortly after her 11th birthday she had awakened what she had long suspected, her powers. Years she dreamt of that moment, of waking up and having super strength or being able to teleport. The amount of freedom she anticipated, the possibilities she could do were finally here…And she was trapped in a world of her power’s creation.

The world was cold and still, beyond silent as everything and everyone was frozen, as if stuck in time. A lifeless world of statues where only she could move only she can be, can…Do anything. The silent world wasn’t stuck forever as it seemed to flicker every 10 seconds, advancing the world forward in time until it froze again. Sarah didn’t live in a world of motion, moving from moment to moment. She lived outside of it skipping across fixed points like a time-lapse photo set for every 10 seconds.

In panic and fear, she sought her parents for help only for the unthinkable to happen. They had abandoned her, worse than abandoned, they saw her as a problem and a slight on the family name. They locked her away in her room before rushing paperwork, sending her away to Black Moore Asylum. They stripped her identity from her, treated her like a criminal, and put her in a cage, all because it would have been bad publicity for the family. Sarah never even got the chance to say goodbye to Frank.

For 11 years Sarah has lingered in the asylum, living in a still world, unaware of the outside, her brother, and her family. She has long since accepted her life but knows that one day, she will be free. Free to bring down her parents, free to see the world, and free to see her brother gain. She understands better than anyone that with time comes opportunity and she will be ready for when it happens.

The Powers

Alternating Time Stop: Sarah has the incredible power to manipulate time. Her power puts her in a constant alternating cycle of time stops. There are two states that she cycles through, World State and Self State. While in World State everything besides Sarah is frozen in time and is unaware of anything that happens during the cycle. She can act freely during this state. In Self State, she is trapped in time, unaware while the world moves around her. During the Self State, she and everything she is wearing or wielding is completely invulnerable, unable to be harmed or changed. Each state is on a 10-second cycle.

The Weaknesses

Tech Disability: The vast majority of devices and machines won’t work in time stop. Firearms won’t fire bullets, digital screens are stuck on a single image, elevators won’t move, etc.

Uncontrolled Power: Ever since Sarah entered puberty and awakened her power she has been utterly unable to control it. She doesn’t get to decide how long her time stops last, turn it off, or anything else. She is as much a victim of her power as anyone else.

Silent World: Being in a constant cycle of time stops makes it nearly impossible for Sarah to have a normal conversation with others as they will only see her as an immobile statue that doesn’t make any noise. Furthermore, she can't hear anything while in her time stop as not even sound moves. Those who realize she can’t hear could use this against her.

Baseline Human: While her power is powerful, she is a regular person in terms of fitness. She cannot do anything a normal person wouldn’t be able to do such as lifting cars, running at super speeds, flying, shooting lasers from her eyes, etc.

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