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Colt Storm(Charge)

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Colt Storm(Charge) Empty Colt Storm(Charge)

Post by RevalE700 September 2nd 2024, 7:36 am

<div class="hero">
<div class="characterName">Colt Storm</div>

<div class="characterTitle">"Charge"</div>

<div class="hero2">
<div class="heroHeader">The Bio</div>
[b]Real Name:[/b] Colt Storm
[b]Hero Name:[/b] Charge
[b]Title:[/b] The Living Lightning
[b]Alignment:[/b] Neutral Good
[b]Age:[/b] 16
[b]Gender:[/b] Male
[b]Race:[/b] Human
[b]Hair:[/b] Curly, black with bright blue streak
[b]Eyes:[/b] Electric blue
[b]Height:[/b] 5’6
[b]Weight:[/b] 160 lbs
[b]Blood type:[/b] O+

<div class="heroHeader">The Looks</div>

Normally, Colt wears a t-shirt and basketball shorts with slippers. As Charge, Colt wears a suit of skin-tight armor toe-to-neck. The armor is made of an iron/nickel cobalt alloy that can magnetically change shape to his liking. Also included is an oval visor that cover’s Colt’s eyes, leaving where they should be two small vertical bright blue lines. The suit allows him to be more resistant to physical attacks, including water and blunt force. Afterward, Colt can transform his suit into a simple curved walking stick as a disguise.

<div class="heroHeader">The Personality</div>

Colt Storm is a quirky one. He is generally a cool guy, he is nice to people, supportive, respectful. However, he is more than willing to stand up for himself and fight for others. He has an odd sense of humor, sometimes killing it and other times… No . However, Colt is incredibly intelligent; he mainly studies the electricity, but he knows a lot about other subjects too.

<div class="heroHeader">The Story</div>

Colt Storm always knew he was gifted, even before his powers manifested. He was reading from age 4 and graduated college at 13. Colt’s parents were immensely proud of him, especially considering he decided to live with them to take care of them. He created a mini lab at home, and got to work studying electro-magnetic fields. One afternoon, while looking for inspiration at the local scrapyard, Colt found some government agents searching through piles. Just as he was walking away, Colt found an oddly shaped lightbulb. It was narrow at the base, then tapered unevenly along the sides until the point on the end. Attached was a tag with lettering: Experiment #208. Colt pocketed the bulb and took it to his lab, where he ran various tests. Incorrectly concluding the bulb was a factory defect, Colt screwed it into his lamp and turned it on. The bulb glowed bright blue for 5 seconds, then imploded in front of Colt’s face. The blast leveled his home, killing his parents. Colt, who was knocked unconscious, woke up a few minutes later. Colt eventually found his parent’s corpses, burned beyond recognition. Colt wept for them, until he heard sirens in the distance. It was at that point something weird happened. Colt realized he was floating 2 feet of the ground, and he was emitting a blue electric charge. Over the next few months, Colt would rent an apartment with his college money, test his newfound abilities, and vowed to never again act so recklessly at the expense of others! Colt Storm would then be known to all as Charge!

<div class="heroHeader">The Powers</div>

Electro-Magnekinesis: Due to being in direct contact with the blast from Experiment 208, Charge’s DNA has been linked to the electromagnetic spectrum on a molecular level, allowing him to be able to manipulate electromagnetic fields for various uses, including:

-Electric Burst: Charge can emit electric blasts up to 1500mw. He can also control exactly where bolts go, whether that is in a straight line, all around him, etc. The maximum range of the bolts could be up to a mile assuming the bolts went straight and they didn’t come into contact with anything. Theoretically, Charge can also be a human AED, but no attempt has been made.

-Flight: Charge can lift himself in the air by ‘static clinging’ to air particles. He can move by pushing himself off the particles he is on. His top speed could reach up to 90% the speed of light, though he usually doesn’t need to go that high.

-Phasing: Charge can charge his molecules with enough force to phase through solid objects up to 15ft deep, assuming the material doesn’t have a built in resistance to electricity. He can phase through bullets, walls, etc.

Magnetism: Charge can alter magnetic fields up to a short distance, allowing him to manipulate metal close to him to form his armor.

<div class="heroHeader">The Weaknesses</div>

Water: Charge can’t use his electric attacks underwater, as it shorts them out. He can swim and drink it, but it temporarily renders him powerless(The swimming part, not the drinking part. Seriously, stay hydrated kids!)

Rubber: Likewise, Charge’s attacks don’t work on rubber. He can come into contact with it, but still can’t use his powers on it nor phase through it.

Volatile Flight: When flying, Charge relies on his bio-electricity heavily. If his powers were somehow hindered mid-air, he would be ‘vulnerable to gravity’.

-Rain: Charge needs to be careful not to fly for too long in rainy weather, or else risk his powers deteriorating.

Limited Magnetism: Due to his lack of practice in this area, Charge has limited range for his magnetism, which is about a few feet from his skin. All he can really do with it is summon his costume and staff.

Easily detected: Charge isn’t exactly trying to hide. His intense electric powers are easily detectable to sensors, and his magnetism is affected similarly.

Self-hinderance: Not exactly a weakness, but worth mentioning. Colt is secretly terrified to go all out, lest he risk harming anyone else. He really only lets loose on villains, but even then he’s careful not to kill them.

<div class="heroHeader">The Items</div>

The Stick: When he is not wearing his suit, Colt can magnetically turn the suit into a walking stick with a simple curve at the end as a disguise. He can switch it back and forth if need be.

The downside is that the stick needs to be practically touching Colt in order for him to turn it into his armor.

<div class="heroHeader">The Minions</div>


<div class="heroHeader">The Fluff</div>


<div class="heroHeader">The RP Sample</div>


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Last edited by RevalE700 on September 7th 2024, 12:41 am; edited 2 times in total

Status :

Quote : “With great power comes great responsibility.”

-Uncle Ben

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 4
Location : Metropolis
Age : 16
Job : Student in the art of Teleporting(It’s German)
Humor : Three goats walk into a bar and order drinks. The barkeeper screams in horror at the sight of talking goats and runs away. The goats just stare, confused.
Registration date : 2024-09-02

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Colt Storm(Charge) Empty Re: Colt Storm(Charge)

Post by Rorking September 6th 2024, 3:44 pm

hey, so Staff aren't always checking the site for new characters and sheets. your best bet to get him approved is hopping into the discord and letting staff know he exists.


Status :

Quote : I've looked into the eyes of a god and you know what? IT PISSED ME OFF.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 61
Location : Where ever I happen to be
Age : 26
Job : What's that?
Humor : Wanna hear a joke? My life. Wanna hear another one? my sex life.
Registration date : 2020-03-10

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Colt Storm(Charge) Empty Re: Colt Storm(Charge)

Post by RevalE700 September 6th 2024, 5:43 pm

I’ll try there. Thank you!

Colt Storm(Charge) Img_0210

Status: Neutral Good

Status :

Quote : “With great power comes great responsibility.”

-Uncle Ben

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 4
Location : Metropolis
Age : 16
Job : Student in the art of Teleporting(It’s German)
Humor : Three goats walk into a bar and order drinks. The barkeeper screams in horror at the sight of talking goats and runs away. The goats just stare, confused.
Registration date : 2024-09-02

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Colt Storm(Charge) Empty Re: Colt Storm(Charge)

Post by Demonhunter September 6th 2024, 6:19 pm

ok so just a fast read over, the immediate things first, please use the application provided. linked here: Makes it easier for staff to read and find all relevant info.

We don't really use the stat system anymore so that isn't nessicary.

I'm going to recommend a bit more depth to these abilities. You have a good foundation but tell me more about how they work, how he functions, upper limits? If he did something as hard as he could, how much specifically could that power generate. Get all that updated and I'll get back to ya.
Site Moderator
Site Moderator

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 389
Registration date : 2020-05-01

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Colt Storm(Charge) Empty Re: Colt Storm(Charge)

Post by RevalE700 September 7th 2024, 12:43 am

Okay, I’ve corrected about everything you mentioned, but if I made a mistake somewhere, feel free to point it out.

Colt Storm(Charge) Img_0210

Status: Neutral Good

Status :

Quote : “With great power comes great responsibility.”

-Uncle Ben

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 4
Location : Metropolis
Age : 16
Job : Student in the art of Teleporting(It’s German)
Humor : Three goats walk into a bar and order drinks. The barkeeper screams in horror at the sight of talking goats and runs away. The goats just stare, confused.
Registration date : 2024-09-02

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Colt Storm(Charge) Empty Re: Colt Storm(Charge)

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