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Akoris Hoqor, the Scarab [Alert boss]

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Akoris Hoqor, the Scarab [Alert boss] Empty Akoris Hoqor, the Scarab [Alert boss]

Post by Zonkes June 18th 2024, 10:14 am


"I am he who ruled and shall rule again. "

The Bio

Real Name: Akoris Hoqor
Villain Name: The Scarab
Title: The Shadowed King, Councilman Akoris of Defiance, Great Akoris, Judge of the Dead
Alignment: Lawful Evil
Age: Unknown
Gender: Male
Race: Mummy Lord, prior Human
Hair: N/A
Eyes: Glowing Purple
Height: 7’6”
Weight: 120 lbs

The Looks

Tall and lanky, the desiccated body of Akoris Hoqor is impressively tall. It is wrapped in oiled and perfumed linens. Upon each bandage are magical glyphs of protection, peace, and a plea to the gods to be merciful. But on top of those are symbols that unless one is studied in ancient Egyptian occult symbolism would not be recognizable. But to those that can recognize them, the purpose is clear. The glyphs are for binding. A binding of power and person.

Akoris is missing several teeth, and his dried green skin is rough and covered in small bumps. In his eye sockets are glowing purple dots that seem to radiate magic and a regal malice. The dots contract, expand, and move as a normal eye might.

The Personality

Pride dictates much of what Akoris does and very much is. Akoris sees anything except order and the complete loyalty of whatever beings he has claimed as a subject as an abomination. Akoris is very proper when speaking, some would even say he has a rather large stick up his… rectum. He is in many ways, a tyrant. Akoris believes that he was meant for world domination, and will do anything it takes to put himself upon that throne.

Akoris also doesn’t take kindly to those that attempt to stand in the way of this glorious destiny, however; Akoris will not tarnish his reputation by going out of his way to ensure these political opponents do not continue to speak the blasphemy…not publicly, at least. Instead, Akoris will simply pick them off when it is convenient for him. Akoris will attempt to keep things business-like and proper, however; in terms of his “equals”, Akoris will compete fairly, and only scheme behind their backs.

The Story

Akoris of Hoqor was once a feared name throughout the kingdom of Egypt. Back when men understood what it was to have gods in their presence.

Akoris of Hoqor was not born to be the pharaoh, no. Akoris was lowborn. His family were papyrus farmers that tended to royal gardens. When he was young, Akoris broke into the palace under cover of night and stole sacred texts. The pharaoh of that time had every lowborn son in the city’s left hand removed for the crime, but Akoris had escaped into the desert.

He learned magic there, and with the magic came a hunger for power. The boy grew, but he grew larger and more twisted than other boys. Not ugly, but wrong. Unnatural. He grew taller until he towered over even grown men, warriors even. His eyes glowed with purple light that seemed to look down upon you just for existing. His body was lanky and though it seemed weak was stronger than a hundred men.

It was a foregone conclusion when he killed the previous pharaoh. No one could’ve stopped him. At least that’s what the ones meant to guard the pharaoh said.

His reign was short but terrible. He expanded the military, invaded neighboring kingdoms, and even made his way as far as Babylon’s gates who could’ve guessed that something as simple as a scorpion sting could undo him?

When Akoris of Hoqor died, they wrapped him in the traditional ceremonial linens. Meant to protect the soul on the way to dust and grant peace with one’s death. But they also wrapped him in powerful magic. Meant to ensure he could never return to this plane again.

When the spirit of Akoris found out, he screamed so loud it shook apart the capital city of Howor and destroyed any evidence of its existence. Barring the tomb where they hid him away.

Centuries passed before the king was brought before Anubis and Ammut. He begged for leniency, for a stay of execution. And to his shock, the jackal-headed god permitted it. He was allowed to judge the dead.

As time passed fewer and fewer souls required judgment and Anubis began taking the judges for their final trial. This wasn’t good for Akoris, so before he himself could be judged he repeated his first act of treachery.

He stole two sacred artifacts from the god of the dead and with them his return to life after all, bypassing an enchantment laid by a death god should be easy when you have a death gods power.

Akoris awoke in his old body, long since decayed and rotted away. But the binding still functioned. It kept him from leaving his sarcophagus or even moving at all. He wanted to scream but nothing would come to him. So he waited. And he planned.

In the early 1900s, a Dutch explorer located the lost tomb of Akoris. He was so excited to get rich that he didn’t even care how much he damaged the writing on the body or the sarcophagus. As thanks for releasing him, Akoris turned him into his minion.

He had been released, it would seem, at a freak show in New York City. When he began walking around, the government sent agents to capture him. Weak and unsure of this new body the agents had quickly managed to detain him. They destroyed his minion and cast him down a deep dark hole in Nevada where it seemed they sent every monster they came across.

Akoris did what he did best. He schemed his way to the top, taking out political rivals along the way. He used underhanded tactics, murder, and sheer power to win himself the top spot in the monster city of Defiance, and when no political rivals remained, he made deals with entities stranger and stronger than himself and retrieved the Horn of Long Night from the depths of Defiance.

He has come to claim his rightful seat as king of this world. All hail the God King. All hail Akoris Hoqor.

The Powers

Superhuman Stats:

Insect Related Spells:

“Dark Magic”:

“Wrap Magic”:

“Sand Magic”:

“Hexes and Curses (Permission Based)”:

”Sun Magic”:

King of Monsters:

“All Hail the God King”:

Accord of Concordia:

The Weaknesses


The Items

The Staff of Anubis - An item which allows Akoris to use the magic he learned in life, in death. Stolen from Anubis himself; it is soulbound and will only work for Akoris.

The Book of the Dead - Another item stolen from Anubis, the book details many rituals and spells that Akoris has not yet learned or deciphered. The tome changes for each reader, and for Akoris it is currently mostly blank, with 3 spells he didn’t know in life being presented to him.

The Minions

The Fluff

Akoris does not require oxygen or food to survive.

The RP Sample

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Akoris Hoqor, the Scarab [Alert boss] Empty Re: Akoris Hoqor, the Scarab [Alert boss]

Post by inquisitor June 18th 2024, 6:58 pm

Approved. Bring the Long Night to Earth.
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