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Swordsmaster Empty Swordsmaster

Post by Swordsmaster April 14th 2012, 10:45 pm

Darren Cross

"Fairy dust isn't close enough to Pixie Dust man..."

The Bio

Real Name: Darren Cross
Hero Name: Swordsmaster
Title: Boy Blunder, that kid with a sword, ninja dude , New Guy, the jokster swordsman,TALONS HOBO KID, The Fastest Boy Alive
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Age: 17
Gender: male
Race: Metahuman
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Blue
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 155
Blood type: AB

The Looks

Darren has brown hair which he never seems to style, instead simply throwing water on it in the morning to keep the cowlicks down. He has light blue eyes that look as if they’d been plucked right from the sky and two scars that go across his back from when he was living on the streets back in Australia. The boy is not your average run of the mill kid either, just looking at him a person can see he’s peppy and happy, ready to go do something at a moment’s notice. Mainly because he is ready to do something, anything, and everything all at once if given the chance. He never slouches and always appears to be the happiest man alive even when things start to get rough he’ll keep that happy go lucky appearance and stance.

Darren didn’t have the best clothes in the world or too many items of clothing for that matter. He had two pairs of underwear and a pair of shorts and that was it. He is usually found wearing a pair of swim trunks as even though he’s moved away from Australia he still loves the beaches.  Darren wears armor that is mostly made of leather and is lightweight making it easier for him to move around his opponent preferring speed to brute strength. The armor does cover his entire body though complete with a hood, making it look as though he is some sort of white and orange thief, which he of course finds quite amusing.
The Personality

Like all Hyperkinetic's Darren tends to have a deep mistrust in authority and typically resist seeking help with emotional and physiological problems.

Darren is a smart, funny, and resourceful person doing all this, 'hero work' simply because he finds it fun. He loves to learn new things, make jokes and get 'smooth ' with the ladies but he is completely oblivious when it comes to that subject and do simply messes up and is laughed at. Though all that aside from his life on the street and intense training and learning with his powers he is honest and honorable. Though he likes to tell himself he is the greatest hero the world has ever seen he is only in this for the fun of it and thrill of running across rooftops stopping the 'bad guys'.

Though Darren may at times keep to himself, usually when under a great deal of stress or thinking, he is very talkative. He loves animals and nature, though he is not a vegetarian and loves to eat meat. He believes that there is good in all of us even if it's deep down, because of this he will try to bring it out and make the person see this as well. He is a defender of the week and the poor, he hates to see those who are not as well off as others beaten or abused just because they can't either defend their selves or don't have the money to do things that normal people can do.

ADHD to the MAX. The young man literally cannot sit still for more than a couple of seconds and always seems to having something else on his mind. In most cases of Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder you hear of cases where even the smallest of things distract the poor soul who has the disorder. In Darren’s case this is true times about ten; from falling leaves to butterflies to even something happening somewhere twenty feet away he’s more interested in what’s going on elsewhere than around him. He cannot stay focused on one thing for more than five seconds and is always moving from this to that, brain constantly dragging him away to look at this, to look at that, or talk about random unrelated things for minutes on end until he’s wandered so far from the original purpose he’s not even sure who he’s talking to anymore. When he gets going nothing in this world besides a nice clonk to the back of the head will get him to stop, or a few shouts in his ear. The only time he is not moving and is anywhere near what could be described as peaceful is when he is sleeping or knocked out. Otherwise you are going to be dealing with one hyper Australian.

Personal space much? Darren doesn’t have too great a grasp on the accepted value of personal space and tends to find his way squeezing into what others would determine uncomfortable time and time again. Being raised in an orphanage of over a hundred kids and then living on the streets for three years in a children’s gang and then by yourself three more years kind of washes away the concept of how close to someone is acceptable or not.

Women, in the sense that whenever he’s around them him his brain turns to mush. The poor boy still can’t seem to figure out how females work and why he can never seem to get anything more than a couple sentences or gargled crap out when he speaks. Okay so no it isn’t that bad but whenever he is around a girl or girls his brain just stops working and instead whatever he thinks or whatever he wants to think just kind of comes out. There is no censor at all at this point he blabs all the way to hell and back, usually embarrassing himself and those around him. This wouldn’t be that bad if he wasn’t constantly trying to flirt with girls.

Darren’s sense of right and wrong is a bit cartoonish. To him there is no grey area there is no in-between, you are either good or bad and because of this outlook on life he judges people the same way. This can be a tad harsh but also makes him pretty closed minded in regards to difficult decisions other people make and doesn’t allow him to understand the reasoning behind it. If he views you as good then he’ll be more inclined to trust you and be friends with you, if he thinks you’re ‘evil’ or bad chances are you won’t be getting that second chance.

Darren has one physical flaw that most people, behind him at least, can see from ten feet away. He has two scars across his back etching from his right shoulder all the way down across his back. These scars came not from monsters or from training during camp sessions. These scars instead come from regular human beings with regular knives in ‘regular’ old Sydney, Australia. In fact it happened only a few days before the events that transpired with Darren’s friend Lauren and by the same people. Having found the young boy wandering around their ‘territory’ and even daring to steal some bread from them they brought Darren back to his own group and carved the cuts into his back with rusted knives while they made everyone else watch. To this day the memory haunts him as he blames himself for what happened to Lauren because he was unable to do anything to help her because of the wounds. The sight of them or the sight of similar scars on other people still momentarily make the boy freeze up, shutting him up even if only for a few seconds.
The Story

Darren is your average kid he grew up loving movies, sports, cartoons and all that jazz. Only difference is Darren grew up in an orphanage in Australia having no clue who his parents were. In the orphanage he had some friends but none ever stayed long always being adopted and tone before they could become too close. It seemed as if fate simply wanted to play with his emotions for life as he would always just start to become good friends with someone before they were whisked away. But that never seemed to stop him at thirteen him and a girl he was slowly falling for, but did not know it at the time, ran off to start their own life thinking they'd never be adopted.

When the two had made it to the streets him and Lauren, the girl whom he left with, slowly but surely lent toward the small life of crime trying to survive on their own. It started out as only petty shop lifting, some purse stealing here and there and things such as that, but nothing was ever serious crimes  even when they joined a small gang the next year. At the ripe young age of fourteen Lauren had her virginity stolen from her by a rival gang and turned to her best friend with the news. This infused Darren's wrath,and along with being struck by lightning and some 'magic', triggered his dormant mutant genes gaining superhuman strength, speed, endurance,reflexes,and a superhuman knowledge of sword fighting.  Exerting himself he mastered all forms of combat with a sword and was about to take out the gang only to see a caveman there beating them to a pulp for reasons unknown to him.

This of course surprised fifteen year old Darren Cross but intrigued him as well. When he returned to his 'home' to bring the news to his 'family' and new girlfriend he found them all dead with bullet holes and knife marks through their bodies . Confused, saddened and distraught by the scene he fled Australia to become a hero like the caveman he saw earlier that day. Though traumatized by the former event he knew by becoming a hero he could prevent deaths and rapes like the ones he's seen in his short life. So taking his trusty sword and a couple daggers he stowed away on a ship and fled to America to start his new life as Swordsmaster the newest hero to hit the streets of America.

The Priority


The Powers

((All 8 Advancements went into his Speed, First Seven Advancements taken from The Ranger; the Last one from Darren himself.))
Power 1: Hyperkinetics: Darren's mind is perfectly in tune with the rest of his body allowing for flawless aim, perfect balance and enhanced motor skills. Essentially he is able to throw an object with incredible accuracy and with enough force that at times it can be lethal, this also carries over to any projectile he fires with a gun or bow. As for his Balance unless acted upon by an outside force that is stronger than he is Darren will not fall down or even teeter one way or the other, when he does fall he would of course land on his feet like a cat. His motor skills are nearly flawless and he can preform any action without hitch.

Power 2: Adaptive Muscle Mimicry: Darren has adaptive muscle mimicry which enables him to watch another person’s physical movements and duplicate them without practice, no matter how complex. This is limited to non-superhuman abilities though so no copying powers or the like as this power is not Power Mimicry.

Power 3: Super Human Speed/Reaction time: To Darren the rest of the world simply moves slow while he himself is always accelerating forward.  Darren believes himself to be one of the fastest beings ever to have existed. Although his top speed has fluctuated over the years, more recently its limits have become difficult to chart (being placed somewhere around Mach 45 or around 35,000 Mph/55,000 Kph), supposedly limited by what he himself knows or believes to be achievable. His senses and cognitive processes also function at speeds to match the extremes velocities which he can achieve. Even while motionless he can adjust them to the point where the world around him looks to be standing still, his body instinctively adopting proportionate speed as soon as he moves. While running Swordsmaster is protected from friction and impact damage by what he refers to as an “aura” generated from the high speeds of force. Likely the result of the gravitational forces escaping his body, it also affords objects or people whom he is carrying while running  the same protection. This would appear to be selective being that he is still able to inflict damage to opponents by slamming them into things, suggesting that this is not merely a defensive reflex, but something which he has at least a degree of control over.

Power 4: Superhuman Strength: Darren has 'sup-par' Superhuman strength able to lift up to a maximum of 10 Tons, it's not his main power and thus is why his punches aren't nearly as strong as actual brutes and big strength heroes but it still packs a wallop. Exspecially when it's a punch hurtling at you at speeds that break the sound barrier by a lot.

Power 5: Low Level Superhuman Durability: he is physically tougher than a person is usually capable of becoming, has greater stamina and more resilient. Things like bullets and knives now do only little damage to him.

Power 6: Multilingual: Due in part to Darren's hypercognitive ability, or Hyperkinesis, as well as a side effect of his Adaptive Muscle Memory and Super Speed the Boy Blunder is able to read and speak any language he hears. (This is more of a fun fluff thing but still a power, see Weakness)

The Weaknesses

Weakness 1: Having lived on the streets since the age of ten Darren only has school teachings taught to him at an orphanage up until the age of ten. Therefore he is not in any sense of the word book smart, thus making him struggle in anything harder than basic math, reading, and writing. In all honesty it is probably even worse than most children had up to that point because of his severe case of ADHD making focusing for him harder than it should have been. As well as that the young man also cannot drive a car, and although not a major weakness he himself finds it to be one as he doesn’t think he’ll ever succeed in passing a driver’s test what with being an ‘illegal immigrant’ and all of that lovely stuff.

Weakness 2: Under stress his aim, balance, and motor skills can worsen. Under enough stress they can even become worse than that of a normal person. Darren's ability of Hyperkinetics is tied to his emotional state as much as it is his mental state. The better the mood he's in the better his aim, balance, and motor skills will be the worse the mood the worse they are. As well as that if he's in enough pain they worsen as well.

Weakness 3: Darren's ability of AMM is limited to physical movements and thus canNOT duplicate any powers or superhuman abilities. It also cannot duplicate anything he himself is physically unable to do.

Weakness 4: Despite his joking manor and seemingly uncaring attitude Darren cares very much for everyone. Hell he became a 'Super Hero' in an attempt to save his 'family' and after that failed he took off in hopes of saving everyone else and he will do just that. It's an overused weakness and one Darren knows the 'bad guys' are going to exploit but the kid just can't help himself. If someone else is in danger he will go out of his way to save them even it means putting himself in harms way. He'd give himself up to save even just one person. Even if that person didn't deserve it or weren't exactly 'innocent'.

Weakness 5: Darren although the fastest boy alive is not strongest and most durable boy alive. If he over exerts himself he can pass out of exhaustion and go into a exercise educed coma. Sure, it's only for a day or two but it is a high possibility. (Essentially if Darren is running at anywhere near his top speed so Mach 30  or above for more than three posts for any reason he will pass out and will be out until the conclusion of the thread.)

Weakness 6: Super High Metabolism. Sure, teenage boys eat a lot but Darren? Darren could eat an entire Golden Corral by himself and then go eat Pizza Hut out of house and home. He has to constantly be eating something when he isn't running just so his body can keep up with the excess energy it's giving off to allow him to move at such high speeds.

Weakness 7: So, it's been mentioned quite a lot in this app that Darren has ADHD but it should be said th-WOA SHINY! He's easily distracted by shiny things, it's a tick. He got it from growing up the way he did where he had to steal to survive and it's kind of carried over into his everday life. The kid likes shiny things and is certain to see them where ever they may be, running off to take them or simply get distracted by their shinyness. It's quite sad actually.

Weakness 8: While our lovable swordsman is able to read, comprehend, and speak any language he hears there is of course some downside to this. He in fact does not realize he is able to speak all of these different languages and when he does speak a language other than English it is generally about a sentence or two before he reverts back to English. Additionally as stated before Darren has the education of someone about the age of 10, therefore reading is not one of his strong suits even in English, let alone an entirely different language.  
The Items

Item Name: Sword of the Swordsmaster

Item Description: A sword Darren happened to have found while running amuck in Australia, much to his surprise though it was very dull and so he took it to a sword shop where he himself fixed up the blade, giving it a nicer shine and much nicer cut. It also doesn't help that the sword was on him when he got struck by his magical lighting that 'gave' him his powers.

Item Power: It's a sword, it cuts and slashes, parries and jabs. Except it isn't exactly a normal sword anymore. This baby is able to cut through even the toughest of Superhumans. Darren hasn't exactly tested that theory all the way but so far he hasn't found a Superhuman with skin hard enough to shatter the weapon of his namesake.

Item Weakness(es):
Fire. Sure, most weapons are forged from fire and this one could certainly take the heat of any normal fire. But superhumanly hot fire? Probably not. In fact it could quite possibly melt the sword down to nothing. Something Darren himself isn't even aware of.
Also Lightning or Electricity. The Sword is a magnet for lighting and Electricity and Darren himself isn't exactly durable enough to take lightning head on. Which is why it is a bad thing that his sword attracts it.

Item Name: Hidden Daggers of the Swordsmaster

Item Description: Made from normal daggers and modified to work secretly and silently, used as last ditch efforts in close quarters combat.

Item Power: These daggers are spring loaded to pop out of the wrists on Darren's costume when needed. Although strong enough to cut through some pretty tough skin they are not as strong as Darren's signature weapon and could break easier than the sword.

Item Weakness(es):
Fire. Sure, most weapons are forged from fire and this one could certainly take the heat of any normal fire. But superhumanly hot fire? Probably not. In fact it could quite possibly melt the sword down to nothing. Something Darren himself isn't even aware of.
Also like stated above these blades are strong sure, but they aren't nearly as strong as Darren's sword. They'll stand up to some pretty tough opponents and even people more durable than Darren himself is but they will only hold out for so long. Eventually they'll meet their match and will shatter.

The Minions

The Fluff

Darren, due to his Adaptive Muscle Mimicry and the time spent training with and fixing any flaws in the 'learned' sword fighting techniques, is a master at most forms of combat with a sword and expert at some without a sword that he of course learned through watching videos. His 'main' Sword Fighting Techniques are (all though he does know more these are the ones he will usually be seen using can switch from one to one and even integrate them with ease):
German School of Fencing, Company of Masters, T'ai chi ch'uan/Taijijian,Fu Style Wudang Quan, and Kenjutsu
Darren is also an expert at Parkor and Free Running due to his Adaptive Muscle Mimicry, as of late he has learned how to swim and is somewhat 'skilled' in the uses of fire arms though he prefers close quarters combat.
The RP Sample

Application created by Chellizard | This code is open-source and available for free use.

Last edited by Swordsmaster on August 15th 2017, 4:53 pm; edited 21 times in total

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Swordsmaster Empty Re: Swordsmaster

Post by Ace April 15th 2012, 9:40 pm


I used to have a signature
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Swordsmaster Empty Re: Swordsmaster

Post by Chellizard July 21st 2012, 12:04 am

Woot. Nice; approved and moved. :3

-My DeviantArt-
Swordsmaster JiLqjv0
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Nekromonga (08/23/2017 10:05PM): Chellizard the Internet Born, Mother of Nerds, first of her name, Queen of the Gamers and the Roleplayers

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Swordsmaster Empty Re: Swordsmaster

Post by Forceaus December 4th 2012, 11:09 am

unapproved for stat changes

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Swordsmaster Empty Re: Swordsmaster

Post by Swordsmaster December 4th 2012, 12:32 pm

Updated to fit

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Quote : "Fairy dust isn't the same as Pixie dust man..."

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Swordsmaster Empty Re: Swordsmaster

Post by Forceaus December 4th 2012, 12:47 pm

Reapproved for new stat system

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Swordsmaster Empty Re: Swordsmaster

Post by Forceaus November 29th 2014, 11:18 pm


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Humor : I'm the cult of personality and history shows again and again that nature points out the folly of man.
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Swordsmaster Empty Re: Swordsmaster

Post by Swordsmaster October 22nd 2015, 11:57 pm

Updated to fit new system.

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Quote : "Fairy dust isn't the same as Pixie dust man..."

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Swordsmaster Empty Re: Swordsmaster

Post by Samael Christensen October 25th 2015, 10:52 pm


The immortal with not enough patience for this- Adam Johnson (Vampire boi)
The Ravens Son- Samael Christensen
The Half angel/Half brother - Nathaniel Christensen
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Samael Christensen

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Swordsmaster Empty Re: Swordsmaster

Post by Chellizard June 21st 2017, 3:46 pm

Moved for edits.

-My DeviantArt-
Swordsmaster JiLqjv0
~Main Characters~
Naomi | Skyler | Nate | Chelle | Tyuki | Gerard | Miri | Uzma |  Malus | Vihaan
Anna | Girl Alive!
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

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Quote : "A woman's place is in the sky with the goddamn birds."

Nekromonga (08/23/2017 10:05PM): Chellizard the Internet Born, Mother of Nerds, first of her name, Queen of the Gamers and the Roleplayers

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Humor : [18:47:50] Spirit Corgi : Dear mods, I need my apps unapproved. If you don't do it an orderly time, I will compare you to nazis and tell everyone how you are stiffening my creativity, yours truly, a loving member of the site.
Registration date : 2009-11-15

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Swordsmaster Empty Re: Swordsmaster

Post by Zonkes January 24th 2022, 4:49 pm

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