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They say (S)Laughter is the best medicine (Open to 2)

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They say (S)Laughter is the best medicine (Open to 2) Empty They say (S)Laughter is the best medicine (Open to 2)

Post by Zodiac June 15th 2019, 9:24 pm

The world had forgotten the wrath of the evil “Progenitor” when he traveled back in time, deadset to murder his loved ones to prompt his transformation from man to the father of machinasapien. While he would still become the father of the first machines with souls, he unfortunately brought about his own demise. The human robotist Cale, Gadreel as he was known to the group Seraphim, refused to become the monster he witnessed, the one whom converted all organic life to a slow synthesis of man and machine. Instead he destroyed his future self, then with his children he stepped away, retreating into the shadows.

Yet the world was beginning to panic more and more about artificial intelligence, since the A.I ship Olympus crashed into the city under the wrath of Doctor Necrodium. Then Progenitor worsened the issue. Even without his actions being remembered, the presence of robotic and smart-technology had been around forever. The Smartest boy in the world, Zell Atterrius had a 40 foot tall dragon controlled entirely on the whims of an ever-evolving A.I. Zell was revered and loved, but his judgement and big heart was always questioned. Especially when tragedy strikes surrounding a robotics company that showed such great promise.

Marlow Robotics was a pioneer, the first of its kind to utilize theoretical sciences in their methods of engineering. Though not so much the first to do this, but the first to genuinely push the line, peel back the veil and push themselves to a new standard of excellence. Their services and products were trusted and loved by the community. They were the promise that not all machines were destined to be sentient rebels against mankind. That’s what brought out the very worst of this situation. That trust they had with the public, the faith and support they had would falter and shatter as robotic constructs escaped, quietly slipped through shadows and began to take the lives of humans. Moreover they did so intelligently, in a way that showed they were learning...

“Is it what you’ve feared?” Zodiac asked, sitting upon the stairs, elbows planted upon plated knees eyes shifting from behind the mask, peeking from under the hood of his heavy duster. He was unused to seeing his “boss” so uneasy. With a deep inhale the man shook his head, the light from the computer bouncing from his glasses.

“It’s too similar. But he’s dead. I saw to that.” He sighed as he began to look back through the past, newspaper clippings showing up on the screen as his research flashed as fast speeds. To Zodiac it was agonizingly slow, how people could stand such a slow paced life he could never fathom. With a sigh, the man leaned back in the chair and hands behind his head as he seemed to kick back.

“Copycat killer?” Zodiac asked, only warranted a single chuckle from the young man, leaving him unsure if it was a sign of amusement or a disguised scoff.

“An opportunity...” He said as he leaned forward, hands to the table as he pushed out and stood up, brushing off his shirt. He made a few clicks with his mouse, and a picture came up. Zodiac’s eyes widened. “With the fear surrounding the company it will likely usher in transparency. Open border policy with the police, so to speak. We’re going to capitalize on it for the sake of restoring your speed to its former glory. This device is the key to charging your atomic bonds, it’s called the R.E-M.I.S. It’s somewhere on-site. I think it’s time to see if Marlow Robotics can outrun their guilt.”

“They can’t...” Zodiac said as his body began to vibrate the air around him becoming much thinner as items began to float off the tables. With a suppressed boom, directed differently the bunker vibrated, but no damage was actually done. The young man stood there, looking at a picture of the previous owner of the robotics company, their uncanny familiarity.

*********** Later That Night ***********

The factory was still very much alive. Personnel and employees still hard at work as they continued with the company's designated projects. It was a twenty four hour company, the shifts that never slept. So many employees, so many fathers, mothers, daughters and sons. All of them pulled together to form the instrument of a twisted man’s machinations. Perhaps it was only a greedy man’s machinations. Either way, by the end of the night he would very much be a deadman. As would many of these workers who stood in the way of his objectives.

Tonight was going to be a chaotic night. Zodiac let the information slip through the dark web, about a potential attack on Marlow and it’s company. He even dropped the anonymous tip to the Chicago police department. He wanted to draw out his prey, he wanted to draw as much attention as possible. He wanted to create as much fear and discord as possible. He wanted to show the denizens of the world just how badly it needed to be purged. A corrupt corporation that profits, the enablers that hide behind their badge and allow them to get away with it. The false heroes and false gods that would stand in his way. They would all fall, they would see the futility of going against the world’s deadliest hitman.

The high beam lights were seen all over, every inch of the premises was lit inside and out. Police vehicles formed a checkpoint before entering the parking lot, then patrolling vehicles kept a continual yet ever changing rotation. Dogs were lead by leashes, and a group of guns was hired out. It was the privatized army of sorts, given the same rights to defend the company and the employees from danger, armed to the teeth with experimental weaponry that was jointly designed between Marlow robotics and the engineering branch of the world’s leader of Genetic engineering and research.

The parking lot was emptying out quickly, though many tried to remain hidden and keep safe behind the extreme measures their employer had taken to keep the premises secure. Black cars lined the back, several police cruisers, all of them manned but the lone one on the outer corner, and a lone unmanned one by the loading bay. The laboratory was not only hidden and concealed, but defended by technology the world had yet to genuinely encounter. Zodiac...Guilty Spark knew that the hardest part of this mission would be preparing for the devices he knew could kill him if he wasn’t careful. His speed did not secure his victory in the laboratory….

They say (S)Laughter is the best medicine (Open to 2) Guilty10
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Quote : "Killing never takes a villain out of this world...It just replaces them."

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Age : 28
Job : Your salvation through destruction.
Humor : [19:13:20] @ Forceaus : The racking of sperring skirrs means you rack disciprine
Registration date : 2013-08-18

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They say (S)Laughter is the best medicine (Open to 2) Empty Re: They say (S)Laughter is the best medicine (Open to 2)

Post by Puglife43vr June 15th 2019, 9:51 pm

Fear. All humans feel it. Whether they had super strength, super intellect, or super speed, everyone feels fear. And that fear literally feeds Markus's power. Tonight, in Chicago, there was a lot of fear.

A whole facility was on lockdown with men and women of the Chicago PD in fear for their lives as well as the scientists within the facility. It was the perfect opportunity to reveal himself to the world. Mark's lip curled into a smile from ear to ear.

A long stream passes through the streets of Chicago, leaving a path of destruction in its wake. Stores robbed, cars beaten to pulps, men and women trapped beneath vehicles.. This being was fast enough that he could do these things in seconds.

He travels through buildings, phasing. He Spooks little children, throws bricks on cat tails, and leaving scratches on sleeping peoples' faces, letting them wake up thinking they were visited by a spirit. Which they were, in a way. This all added the Fright's Might, a force that enhances Mad Dash's powers. His bodies fills with energy as he continues his rampage.

Mad Dash bolts on down to the local gun store, filling up a duffle with enough guns and ammo to start a small militia! He runs on down to the facility from there, ready for the force of police seen on the local News. He's at his max speed now, having sent the city into a fright in the night. Mad Dash looks to the facility from atop a building. He looks down on them and shakes his head.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk. All that money spent on protection wasted."

They say (S)Laughter is the best medicine (Open to 2) HRN5OeL
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Quote : "What would you do... For a Klondike bar?"

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They say (S)Laughter is the best medicine (Open to 2) Empty Re: They say (S)Laughter is the best medicine (Open to 2)

Post by The Bolt June 16th 2019, 1:30 pm

Bolt’s life had taken on a level of tedium.

Catch some of the small time criminals, bring them to jail and have people whisper about him in the ways that people talked about a cop they liked well enough. Not one of the heroes that were spoken about with reverential tones on forums, in Youtube videos and other social platforms. School as close as it was to coming to an end was no better, piling a special kind of stress that only it could despite not being able to compete with the concept of saving lives and mostly wallets. Maybe that was causing him to grow rusty, yet that was also what caused him tor react to the information he had been slipped. Existing on the Dark Web and a few other sources which were likely police only accessed though as Aaron assured multiple times it was totally not that illegal.

Which he assumed meant very illegal but please don’t ask any questions about it.  So he didn’t ask any questions and just made sure Cypher knew about his newest heroic venture he wanted to undertake. A little more dangerous than normal but then again he didn’t want to let anyone think he was too afraid to act. Stop villains before they could do anything that would lead to people being hurt and there was an entire building of people to save or so the aerial map portrayed. He was only going off the things fed through the visor of his hero costume, which he felt had gone through many repairs over the months he had been working. Mostly those small holes worn within the heat resistant black material which seemed to conform to his body without looking like some kind of skin suit.

So much preparation but he was used to it. His own speed being something that he didn’t want  causing any unnecessary collateral damage with. Not like there weren’t plenty of heroes who were who didn’t have an issue with breaking things. He didn’t want to be one of those people and instead that meant making sure to be careful about what he did.  That genetics firm and another technological giant was in trouble; which meant that he would be doing something to protect the business sector. A first for him but then again he could deal with it.  That was when the scattered reports of random property damage cropped up like plants and he was informed of that pretty quickly.

”Here I thought this was going to be the only attack,” He spoke to himself with a disappointed frown, allowing a spark to leap from an index finger along the others before discharging and fading into the empty air. He licked his lips, brimming with a kind of anticipation that brimmed within him much like the electricity.

Taking that anxiety he turned into momentum as he moved through the city. Keeping below sonic speeds to avoid the momentous boom that came with it and the possibly shattered windows of the people who were caught in the wake. More blur than anything else to the people around him as he felt everything become nothing more than a blur to him in that kind of tunnel vision way. Car turned over, people bleeding on th ground and a trail of destruction that felt as if it were leading him somewhere though he didn’t know where. Not until he came close enough to the scene where the other crime was going to take place and couldn’t break beyond the police barricade without making himself a threat to the place. In their eyes anyway.

Even a glimpse of the virtual army left him reconsidering if he should even go close to them. Rethinking the danger he put himself in by even considering it. Seemed like they were preparing for something alright and he didn’t know what it was. Even if there was not much he could do, Bolt would try something anyway if it meant he could help people. He took a deep breath in and eyed the roof of the building. Less secure but also equally as so compared to the other. Perching atop one of the many buildings around them, crouching low as he allowed the change. Hopefully it wouldn’t be obvious or people wouldn’t notice as first his fingertips converted to electricity. One thing he could trust was this form didn’t produce the loud thunder that lightning from the sky did. It coursed through his body until the world around him was all streaming past him in a way that felt as if he were losing sight of everything.

That was when he stopped.

Skidding along a high roof with shoes that threatened to wear down but didn’t. The edge rose to greet him and stopped inches short with his arms flailing around in pinwheel motions. Wind whipping at his face and eyes wide before he took a few steps back. ”Damn, almost ended up a smear on the pavement,” He mumbled to himself, wiping away non-existent sweat droplets from his forehead and whipping around quickly to see the beginnings of someone rising to the top floor. One of the many patrols and he quickly darted into the shadows of one of the many manufactured fixtures. Crouching low enough that he was sure that they wouldn’t notice him unless they went about bringing dogs through their fancy compound. Something told him this place wasn’t even the most well thought of but then again he was working with half the think tank elsewhere. So for now Alex would work with what he had.
The Bolt
The Bolt
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Mega Poster!

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1262
Age : 28
Humor : [19:51:49] Samify : Sean gave and I recieved many things
Registration date : 2011-04-26

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They say (S)Laughter is the best medicine (Open to 2) Empty Re: They say (S)Laughter is the best medicine (Open to 2)

Post by Zodiac June 19th 2019, 4:30 am

Silent was far from how the night had been. As the world seemed to continue on peacefully, there had been tremors, disturbances with the fears and anxieties of people in their homes, chaos unfolding in a way that made Zodiac question if the return of the Primordial One was at hand. Thankfully, he did not need to worry about it. There had been a new contender to the ring, one that seemed to move at a more... subtle speed than the eye could follow. Actually it looped right around being so aggressive that it basically obliterated the sound barrier, ultimately more subtle speed for the assassin.

A quick analysis of the man, if it could even be called that, was the first thing he had done, the same as he had always done from the safety of cover. He was careful, and perceptive as he always was. Immediately he recognized the resonance that peered before the optic display, recognizing it as a similar effect to his mentor’s own devices. So this too was a being that fed on fear? How interesting to find, one such as this….

A distraction came to his sight, he realized soon by the same, signature lightning and the same grating voice. He would have laughed were he not perfectly concealed from all sense of perspective. So he was here too? No doubt sent by his beloved team to foil his plans yet again. Unfortunately, this time Bolt would have far more than he bargained for. It was true, Zodiac was in fact known as Bolt’s greatest adversary, written throughout time. But this night was one night where Bolt could not stop him. Adding another to the fray would not help him.

The entire compound was ready. Gene-Tech provided some surveillance. The equipment was manufactured for the S.T.A.R.K corps, and they combated metahumans of all kinds. Granted it was in inexperienced hands, so that would be a balancing enough factor. In fact, if these weapons has been in the hands of the S.T.A.R.K corps, there would be no way possible that Zodiac would succeed tonight. Their reputation was unmatched. Sadly, so was Zodiac. He longed for a challenge.

One day…. One day HE would be that challenge. But for now, he would remain unmatched. Save for his mentor…

Bolt was welcomed by one of the security officers, wondering what he was doing here. It wouldn’t be long before true hell was raised. Bolt had many of his allies, and if they showed up the difficulty would be intensified. To face the human that could keep up with a speedster that supersedes exit velocity again. How he wished for that. He was all too curious of the new competitor as well. What were they here for? How much of a threat were they? Only time could tell…

"Well good evening there, Bolt. I'm afraid I'm gonna have to ask you what brings you here this evenin'. Compound is closed down due to lingering threats of attack." One of the officers said as he stepped from his car.

They say (S)Laughter is the best medicine (Open to 2) Guilty10
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "Killing never takes a villain out of this world...It just replaces them."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 643
Age : 28
Job : Your salvation through destruction.
Humor : [19:13:20] @ Forceaus : The racking of sperring skirrs means you rack disciprine
Registration date : 2013-08-18

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They say (S)Laughter is the best medicine (Open to 2) Empty Re: They say (S)Laughter is the best medicine (Open to 2)

Post by Puglife43vr June 19th 2019, 11:06 am

Mad Dash would start setting up atop the building. He takes a seat cross legged, going through the duffle with his checklist. Mad Dash has enough firepower to arm a very small militia. Sure, if another speedster were to show up, they would likely be able to outrun bullets, however, the security down there wouldn't be.

Mad Dash puts his fingers on the bolt of his new best friend. A bolt-action sniper rifle. He pulls the bolt back and sets his site on some guy that looked nothing like an armed guard.

"Now, who the hell are you? Ah, well, you'll die all the same."

Mad Dash isn't too experienced with firearms, but he has the internet. He'd adjust the bipod for maximum stability. Diamanten puts his finger on the trigger.

"Ready... Aim... FIRE!"

He screams into the night, alerting everyone within a few hundred feet of him know something was about to go down. As he screams 'FIRE' he sends a round flying at 2.8x the speed of sound.

They say (S)Laughter is the best medicine (Open to 2) HRN5OeL
Posting Apprentice
Posting Apprentice

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Quote : "What would you do... For a Klondike bar?"

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 298
Registration date : 2018-06-03

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They say (S)Laughter is the best medicine (Open to 2) Empty Re: They say (S)Laughter is the best medicine (Open to 2)

Post by The Bolt June 19th 2019, 4:00 pm

Well, so much for stealth. He had the feeling being the lightning and speed hero he was that trying to use the shadows as his ally would have been pointless. Still he tried, popping up once he was revealed and looking around with an awkward glance. He could always run away but that would just make him look bad. Local hero runs from the cops? Now that sounded like some kind of piece meant to make him look like the villain. So he did reveal himself, popping up like a kind of whack-a-mole to see what other cops were staring at him. Had to be more than one considering how that worked. ” see that’s what i’m here for actually,” He managed, hoping his voice didn’t sound like it were cracking. Now that would have looked bad on him to this security guard with their oddly high tech looking gear which he had the feeling would not feel good hitting him.

”wanted to see if I could help with the whole attack thing, especially since...well it seems like there might be more than one metahuman on this,” Was that a good enough reason? He didn’t know what multi-billion dollar companies expected from the people trying to protect their employees. That wasn’t what he was worried about, more so the faint screaming that rang out in the distance and the sound of a gunshot exploding in the distance.

All at once the world felt as if it were slowing down and he turned towards the source of the sound to see what looked to be...a bullet. Heading towards the guard he was talking to or maybe him? It was probably one of the two, though he didn’t have the time to think too hard on the concept of who was about to get shot with a bullet. Instead he acted without needing to be told and his body responded; moving him through the space between bullet and very human man. Electricity sparked out from his body as he  reached for the metal projectile and  snatched it from the air; putting enough pressure on the side of the projectile to keep it from going further.

All at once time moved forward for him again and he slammed into the wall, unable to really stop on the dime he needed. Allowing the round to drop to the ground he stepped from the hole he made in the wall.  ”Okay, they have a sniper now. I’ with that.” And like that he tried to square away the location the bullet came from and realized he had no idea. ”you do whatever it was you’re hired to do.” Running up the sides of buildings and just finding them would do well enough. So he took off at a faster pace, breaking the sound barrier and running up one of the buildings that the tech team told him to do and came face to face with the being holding...a small arsenal of weapons.

Arcs of electricity broke from him and his eyes glowing a neon blue through his mask. ”Now that’s pretty rude,” One of those arcs were aimed for the sniper rifle and would have melted it to hot slag if it hit.
The Bolt
The Bolt
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Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1262
Age : 28
Humor : [19:51:49] Samify : Sean gave and I recieved many things
Registration date : 2011-04-26

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They say (S)Laughter is the best medicine (Open to 2) Empty Re: They say (S)Laughter is the best medicine (Open to 2)

Post by Zodiac June 20th 2019, 8:56 pm

Slow. Everything was going so slow as it unfolded. Zodiac saw everything. He certainly had more than enough time to process it all. Moving and perceiving things at the speed he moved made it agonizingly painful for him to watch and wait. But patience was a skill long since acquired by the ineffable Zodiac. He waited, wondering how it would develop. Keeping himself focused on a frequent time, he heard a loud announcement of “FIRE!”, drawing his attention to the would-be assassin a bullet firing off. A quick measurement of trajectory and when produced against already present data of his previous encounter of Bolt, he quickly ascertained that the bullet moved about half of the speed of Bolt.

Bullets don’t travel that quickly. The average ballistic shot only fires at 2,500 feet in a second. There had to be a sense of imbuement to this power, something that allowed him to push his own force through the gun. Zodiac mused as he found himself slightly entertained at the concept. Of course, it would be just like Bolt to not only save the security guard, but to run up and announce himself to the newly identified speedster. Zodiac realized that with Bolt now in the mix, there was a higher standard to be held here. A new thing he had to do. He watched, expectantly, wishing that these two did not take long in order to ramp up their collective speeds.

He felt what one could call a flutter in the icy cold thing he called a heart. This would be the first time he was able to see Bolt go against a foe other than himself, the fact that Bolt stood no chance was already apparent to Zodiac. But to see where Bolt could go, what he could learn. It was no doubt that in a feat of speed alone, Bolt was outmatched. But that did not mean he was going to be easily outdone. Electricity and lightning could still potentially move faster than even the Guilty Spark could in this pathetically crippled state. The paic began to set in from the more humanized components of the police.

  "Put the compound on high alert! Code Teal! CODE TEAL! Get the Anti-Speedster personnel and their weapons out here now!" The officer yelled, looking up at Bolt, unsure of everything that just happened. He knew that if this was going to escalate, then it would do so the same way everything else happened with speedsters. With incredible, blinding speed....

They say (S)Laughter is the best medicine (Open to 2) Guilty10
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "Killing never takes a villain out of this world...It just replaces them."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 643
Age : 28
Job : Your salvation through destruction.
Humor : [19:13:20] @ Forceaus : The racking of sperring skirrs means you rack disciprine
Registration date : 2013-08-18

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They say (S)Laughter is the best medicine (Open to 2) Empty Re: They say (S)Laughter is the best medicine (Open to 2)

Post by Puglife43vr June 20th 2019, 9:17 pm

Mad Dash would look to the approaching speedster. He would jump slightly as lightning turned the gun to molten slag, pooling on the ground. He'd smile a devilish smile. His whole appearance was quite devilish actually, being a demon and all. The hot glowing red highlights on his body brighten, his eyes narrowing.

"Ah, a fellow speedster. I see you're using electricity. Fast. But you yourself didn't seem to get here too quickly. Still detectable with my heightened perception. You're gonna be a piece of cake. You know, I'm going to be the last thing you ever see. Does that... Frighten you?"

Within, Markus longs to tear the other speedster to shreds before a crowd of children nearby. However, Mad Dash himself wants to take him for a run. Show him true speed.

Mad Dash would turn an bolt in the opposite direction from Bolt and the facility. At first he would dodge around buildings at nearly his top speed. However, he'd change it up with his phasing ability, moving through surfaces and traveling up walls at some points.

"How're you holding up back there? You should've brought backup, boyo!"

As a way to further hide his identity, Mad Dash would refer to the fellow speedster as boyo. This way, he'd assume that Mad Dash was really an older male if the looks weren't enough.

They say (S)Laughter is the best medicine (Open to 2) HRN5OeL
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Quote : "What would you do... For a Klondike bar?"

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 298
Registration date : 2018-06-03

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They say (S)Laughter is the best medicine (Open to 2) Empty Re: They say (S)Laughter is the best medicine (Open to 2)

Post by The Bolt June 21st 2019, 2:21 pm

Lightning arced from his body and reduced the weapon to useless molten metal hissing and sputtering across the rooftop. The demonic looking man began to speak, mostly typical villain dialogue before running off and leaving him more perplexed than anything else. He didn’t think he was the first speedster faster than him that he had to face before did he? Was he really expecting him to follow? ”They don’t make them like they used to,” He muttered to himself, thinking on the various speed based villains his father supposedly had faced back in his hay day. Some faster than him, but he didn’t allow something like that to keep him from being able to act and keep up with them. There was a reason he was remembered and some of those villains were nothing more than side notes within his gallery.

He took a deep breath inwards, feeling the electrical grid around him buzzing with electricity. The entire city was brimming with the power that he needed. Running through wires, connectors and everything in between. If there was one place he was most powerful, it would have been here with a nigh unlimited supply. His eyes followed the shape that was only faintly blurred through, around and even across buildings. Lets see how this goes.

For all that superior speed the only thing he could do was run away. All at once he was in motion,  down the side of the building with the side gliding over his feet until the concrete met him and kept him going. Focusing on the electricity within various of the lines that moved through the city , where they pooled and gathered to create dangerous little electrical grenades. Even now he could see the creature was too fast for him, so no point in trying to run after him.

So he waited for them to pass through his vision, as he darted past one of the police cruisers and multiple electrical sources would explode with bolts which all seemed to seek out Mad Dash. Far faster than Bolt could have moved and likely a little too fast to simple outrun, not with this mans level of speed anyway. ”What’s wrong? Lightning a little too fast for you?” He hooted once skidding to a stop.
The Bolt
The Bolt
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They say (S)Laughter is the best medicine (Open to 2) Empty Re: They say (S)Laughter is the best medicine (Open to 2)

Post by Zodiac June 24th 2019, 11:01 pm

Zodiac found himself more amused than he should have been. Bolt was a surprising foe, the offspring of a famous heroic duo that had long since retired from the spotlight. A speedster and an electrokinetic. He was so fortunate to inherit both of his parent’s powers in an almost unhindered way. But the truth of why Bolt was so powerful? Why Bolt was more than a match for even Zodiac himself when he moved at his fastest so far from now? Well perhaps that was something that Mad-Dash would experience tonight…

Zodiac watched as the speedsters had left the facility. It seemed as though the presence of anti-speedster units were a deterrent for their remaining on the premises. He had hoped for more chaos to be present before he made his move, but alas...the time to strike was nigh. The alarms were sounding off. After he had what he had come for, he would perhaps amuse himself with returning to see how Bolt fared against this… “Mad-Dash” fellow. Yes that seemed appropriate. The soldiers had all come out, he could see the electrical impulse emitter placed inside the main production area of the foundry itself. He had an idea.

“Units 1 and 2, take a specialist unit with you. Unit 2 will depart first. Unit one, give 3 minutes before pursuit.” The radio frequency of the officers seemed to and feedback for a moment, before a voice came over. The voice’s instructions sounded like that of a superior officer. They weren’t foolish, they did not just agree to whatever was said. The man whom talked with Bolt challenged this order.

“What? On whose authority!? What’s your authorization code?” The man challenged, barking and altogether unclear as to why they would charge after the enemies when they were perfectly fortified.

“SND-CDR71. S- Sand, N- Normal, D-Drill. C-Cat, D-Drill, R-Radioactive. Lucky number 7, and number 1. ” The voice replied. The odd order was then validated and they dispatched the units to the vehicles. The vehicles were at the corner of the parking lot. Each unit would be comprised of a vibrational counter-cannon as well as a soldier dressed in a mach-suit, then you had the actual officer whose job would be to stand and look pretty it would seem…

The first unit pulled off, by the time the Mach-suit soldier and the VCC got to the second car, they got in and looked to the officer, whom sat there, looking straight ahead. They looked at him and slammed on the car’s dash.

“It’s been two mintues. Hurry up or they’ll get away.” The soldier said. The officer said nothing for a moment, but as he looked away he heard a voice.

“Seatbelts save lives...” He heard this, immediately the VCC weidling man quickly buckled himself in. The soldier scoffed and looked to the officer.

“You can’t tell me you believe that shit. I’m in a fuckin’ Mach-suit. I don’t think a seat-belt is gonna help me much.” He said, staring at the officer, who just seemed to stare off ahead. “Are you fucking kidding me right now. Hey. You wanna drive or not? Hey...Hey? Oh god...” The man in the mach suit suddenly realized something was wrong, after placing a hand on the officer’s shoulder and their head leaned forward, mouth opening and a small stream of sanguine poured from their mouth onto the carpet.

“...The officer didn’t believe me either...” The voice came, disembodied and surrounding them. The doors locked faster than the man in the Mach-suit could move. The car turned itself on and began to speed off, peeling out tire tracks onto the pavement as it turned and aimed itself directly into the foundry. The collision was aimed right into the Impulse emitter. The crash cause a shockwave to send through the foundry, pieces of the building began to fall and people outside had been knocked to the pavement. From the collision there was a lone survivor. Several bodies in the foundry were left fried, dead. There was one trembling young man. He sat in the back of the car.

“They never believe me...but studies have shown...” The man winced and shook in terror as the car began to shift. The door opened and the roof peeled back. Folding in on itself as the metal slid and slowly began to form into a unified shape. It looked to be a face in front of him, a long duster coat as the body began to solidify, a car becoming Zodiac. The man stood, an eye looking down upon the younger man that had once been in the back seat. Zodiac leaned down and placed a hand on the young man’s cheek before patting it. “Seatbelts save lives.” Zodiac left the terrified, trembling lone survivor of the impact. The guards from outside came to investigate the explosion, meanwhile Zodiac was already headed down, down beneath the ground….

“See you soon...” He chuckled as the elevator doors closed. He was so close to retrieving what he came for. This was almost too easy.

They say (S)Laughter is the best medicine (Open to 2) Guilty10
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Quote : "Killing never takes a villain out of this world...It just replaces them."

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Job : Your salvation through destruction.
Humor : [19:13:20] @ Forceaus : The racking of sperring skirrs means you rack disciprine
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They say (S)Laughter is the best medicine (Open to 2) Empty Re: They say (S)Laughter is the best medicine (Open to 2)

Post by Puglife43vr June 25th 2019, 4:21 pm

"Not a chance, boyo!"

Mad Dash continued sprinting through the streets, sources of electricity exploding, sending bolts flying toward him. He tries dodging and weaving at first but electricity is fast. Much faster than Mach 14. He continues speeding down but he is struck, propelling him through the air and throwing him into a police car.

"Looks like I was a bit cocky."

While upside down in the side of a police car, he looks at his hand. He attempts to phase his hand but only sees a mild blur before vibration stops. Interesting. He had only recently gotten his powers and didn't really know what his weaknesses were yet. It appears electricity stops his phasing.

"So, uh, hero! Join the dark side! Together we can rampage through Chicago, speedster and faster speedster!"

They say (S)Laughter is the best medicine (Open to 2) HRN5OeL
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Quote : "What would you do... For a Klondike bar?"

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They say (S)Laughter is the best medicine (Open to 2) Empty Re: They say (S)Laughter is the best medicine (Open to 2)

Post by The Bolt June 28th 2019, 2:51 pm

Not all bolts struck their target but he didn’t need them to do that. Instead he watched the being collide with one of the cars, glass breaking and what seemed like metal denting inwards. A show that he had done some level of damage to him, even if he didn’t show it when he spoke. The real sign was his ridiculous segway into a join me speech which he thought was mostly something that happened in movies and tv shows. Despite the mask, his incredulous reaction was more than obvious enough to the devious speedster. He shook his head, keeping glowing blue eyes on him so he didn’t think he could just run away.

”So, you can give up now or I can zap you until you go unconscious and you get thrown in a meta prison anyway.” Sparks leapt from his body, all fading within the air, all unspoken threats. That was when he heard it, the explosion that rang off in the distance. Everything snapping into place all at once, eyes wide and his mind clicking things into place.

He was supposed to be stopping someone and it wasn’t this person.

””Ugh, i’m not supposed to be dealing with you.” The blast of lightning he shot off was off-handed before running off towards the source of the explosion which was now apparent in a pillar of smoke rising. He wasn’t wasting his time, because there were actually people dying there. Well, he had the feeling that was the case anyway. Rushing past the guards to the sight of a smoking generator and bodies doing the same amount of smoking. ””Alright guys, two speedster. What’s the plan? He spoke into his little receiver to get some help from the team.

Last edited by The Bolt on June 29th 2019, 10:53 pm; edited 1 time in total
The Bolt
The Bolt
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Humor : [19:51:49] Samify : Sean gave and I recieved many things
Registration date : 2011-04-26

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They say (S)Laughter is the best medicine (Open to 2) Empty Re: They say (S)Laughter is the best medicine (Open to 2)

Post by Zodiac June 29th 2019, 9:00 pm

Bolt’s Team (on Coms)

His time attached to the Primordial of Chaos was enlightening. He had become very adept at discerning the things that chaos birthed. Emotion, Fear, Love and so many more. This would have been the first time Bolt had dealt with anything even remotely supernatural. Matthew sighed, knowing full well what to do, but being bound by the limitations of circumstance.

“Don’t turn your back on them first and foremost.” He said, his little “Proxy” icon showing up on the team’s board. Sitting in the small conference room, Proxy kept his feet up on the desk, several computers around watching satellite footage. He brought his thumb to his lips and began to nibble nervously at the tip of his thumb. HE knew what Bolt was up against, and he knew that there was no way that he would make it out of this alive, if he kept doing what he was doing.

“Bolt that speedster is faster than you, almost three times as fast from what we’ve seen so far, and he’s radiating this...unknown signature.” Cypher said, though she tried to remain calm, the concern in her voice was practically oozing. It didn’t help when there was a sudden screech over the coms.

“OH NO! AAAAHHHHHHHH!!!” A loud cry came from the background, the sound of SS screaming in the background as if he were being torn limb from limb. “Oooh God no, wh-hy-hy!!!!!!!!!! I burned iiiiit!” The man loudly wept as he wandered into the room with a mournful face, looking down at a bag of popcorn. Proxy stood with an icy-cold glare that made the metahuman shiver. Cypher brushed her sandy blonde hair to the side, looking lost and confused as ever.

“Right, well. In other news. Don’t turn your back. Remember when you’re fighting a faster opponent that you need to use your electricity, but you’re going overboard. Conserve your energy. Generating electricity is harder on your body than running is. I can appreciate the whole “lightning cloak” thing like we were practicing to use against Guilty Spark, but at the current rate you’re gonna wear out and lose your “cloak” faster than a prom-night virgin.” Proxy instructed, his tone was fast and resolute, taking command of the situation from behind the computer and bringing up readings of energies in the system.

“Sounds like you’ve got some experience, huh?” Slim asked, though the small hum of amusement from Slim was cut off by the sound of a loud crash, leaving Bolt only to imagine what had just happened. “Ah, Christ man! Calm down. It’s a’ve obviously haven’t been to prom yet.”


At the Scene
Bodies lay to rest upon the pavement, several officers stood up, looking at the whimpering man by the generator. Then you had a few men in mach suits, their maximum speed seeming to be just barely over the speed of sound. Three men in the suits were all that remained by the compound, but there were several vibrational counter cannon units remaining, approximately twelve, the thirteenth suffering a nervous breakdown by the destroyed generator.

“The compound was infiltrated. Now that it’s on the inside the key will be to keep it from getting out. Secure, Contain then from there we’ll evaluate what comes next.” The head officer said as he walked around. The VCC units all seemed to focus on the elevator, several cops treading along the distance of the walls, guns trained. “How’d things go with...the other one. Think it’s a coordinated attack?” The officer asked Bolt, assuming that his experience as a hero would come in handy with the assessment of the current situation.

They say (S)Laughter is the best medicine (Open to 2) Guilty10
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Quote : "Killing never takes a villain out of this world...It just replaces them."

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Age : 28
Job : Your salvation through destruction.
Humor : [19:13:20] @ Forceaus : The racking of sperring skirrs means you rack disciprine
Registration date : 2013-08-18

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They say (S)Laughter is the best medicine (Open to 2) Empty Re: They say (S)Laughter is the best medicine (Open to 2)

Post by Puglife43vr June 30th 2019, 8:22 pm

Mad Dash took a bit of damage being thrown into a vehicle. His body rolled off of the car's roof and he'd land on his arm and wince in pain. Markus would slowly lift a leg, raising himself to a kneeling position. Clutching his arm, he'd proceed to enter the vehicle he'd landed on and start hotwiring it. The things you learn when you mix with bad crowds. Markus begins speaking with the Fear Demon about their next plan of action. "I say we grab this car and speed up toward the soldiers. Speed out of there last second and try to ram them to hell." He was pretty oblivious to them being equipped with meta tech.

"You're making it quite obvious that you've never faced a squad like this before. Besides, we need to generate fear in order to, y'know. Use our favorite move?" Mad Dash stretches, forgetting about the immense pain in his body. He grits his teeth and starts diverting power from the his source of fear to healing. "Look, this hero speedster is way under us. You gotta step it up. Represent! He shut down our phasing, figure out something else we can do!"

"Yeah, okay. I gotcha!" Mad Dash, with his somewhat healed limbs would take off, blasting at Mach 13, a little less than his top speed. He'd need to build up a bit more for that. He'd zip through the city streets of Chicago toward his enemies. He'd take several dark, jagged spikes from about his body. Compared to him, they'd be moving in slow motion. He'd abuse this by running up behind as many as possible and putting shards in their necks and lower backs, likely weakpoints, before Bolt could retaliate. In real time, a normal person would just see a flash of light and dead men if Markus were to succeed. Quite... Frightening.

They say (S)Laughter is the best medicine (Open to 2) HRN5OeL
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Quote : "What would you do... For a Klondike bar?"

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They say (S)Laughter is the best medicine (Open to 2) Empty Re: They say (S)Laughter is the best medicine (Open to 2)

Post by The Bolt July 2nd 2019, 1:49 am

Of course it was stupid.

Alex shouldn’t have turned his back on the speedster villain to deal with what felt like a bigger problem. Cypher and Proxy had said as much, though it didn’t hit him immediately. He saw him making contact but something told him it would take more than a half hearted bolt to actually take him down.  ”Doesn’t look like they were working together. Was a little too chaotic and disjointed,” Mostly for someone that had called their crime in beforehand.  If they were so confident they wouldn’t have called anything in beforehand.

Actually that sounded genius on second thought.

That was when it happened, something moving through at speeds too fast for humans to consider and too fast for him to react to now. He could have protected himself sure, but not these men. Only watching each one have a shard jammed into necks, sides and even knees as he slowly moved to respond. Electricity building within his fingers and watching it slam into a wall with a bright spark. He was far too slow but he was stuck with the bodies that all seemed to slump with eyes wide hitting the floor.

So there he was stuck with an arm stretched outwards with fingers splayed and a stupid look on his face. Lights began to flicker around him, and then all at once he felt pure electricity rush into him from every point possible around him into his body. A cloak formed from the energy of the building, though most of the energy found itself released in blind bolts of energy at the speedster responsible for killing...well he couldn’t even count them right now.

Did it matter if he could?
The Bolt
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