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Arcadian Royalty.

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Arcadian Royalty. - Page 3 Empty Re: Arcadian Royalty.

Post by Johanna Sharpe May 7th 2018, 7:51 am

Johanna’s eyes looked everywhere in the attic, except for the demon girls eyes. She sure as shit didn’t want to mention what happened to the shield. She wasn’t even sure why she was even entertaining the idea of explaining her trade to someone she just met. But her pride got the better of her. “I still have everything I took. No one was willing to shell out any cash for ‘em.” by this point, Johanna had reclined against the wall. She was going to be here a bit longer, so she figured she might as well make herself comfortable.

“Everything is sitting in a bag under my bed, or at least I think they are. I haven’t exactly been home all that much to notice. Can’t say the same for the shield though….” That last sentence came out very quiet. More of a quip on Johanna’s part, instead of an admission of its current state, which was pieces. The ashen haired teen couldn’t help but get a little red in the cheeks as she was asked if Jake was hot.

Her eyes darted all over the place and she seemed to have to clear her throat quite a bit before finally answering. “I uh, um. Yeah. You could say that.” For some reason being asked if Jake was hot or not made Johanna think back to the time when they had their genders reversed. She wasn’t sure why that would pop into her head, but if she were taking all forms of Jake into consideration, then his time as a female counted. For some reason this lead to Johanna blurting out something far more embarrassing than admitting she thought the boy was attractive. “He aint a half bad looking girl either.” her eyes trailed up to the sky as she visualized him as a girl once again.

Johanna Sharpe
Posting Apprentice
Posting Apprentice

Number of posts : 211
Registration date : 2016-08-05

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Arcadian Royalty. - Page 3 Empty Re: Arcadian Royalty.

Post by Shadowoof May 7th 2018, 8:33 am

Euna found herself growing interested in this girl, it seems you don't try to force information on her, she is more... Receptive. Euna couldn't exactly get the best idea on the girl's mindset, besides that she hated the whole Arcadian part of herself and was a thief with a lot of money, even when she couldn't sell things she stole.

She wasn't exactly clear on the shield however, so Euna just shrugged, leaning against the wall as she gave the princess a reassuring grin. "Ahhh don't worry bout the shield. Took too much of my time up anyway." Yet the shield wasn't even the most interesting part, aww man. She was so happy she got this girl to talk, her eyes caught everything, every shift, every blossom of rosy cheeks.

The final part however, caught her by surprised, and she burst out laughing, before snorting a final bit, just as she started containing herself. "Okay... Okay... He's a hot guy that also looks hot as a girl. That's freaking awesome. I can already tell he'd be a possible keeper. Man, last guy I dated was.. Well. Seriously dated was about two years ago. Boring but calming. My fault it didn't work out however." Euna sighed, before bouncing off the wall and skipping back to the brown chest, opening it up and looking at the practical sea of green.

"Know, I take back what I said Princess. You can say hi anytime. You got something old. I'll buy it. Something magic, I'll buy it. And if I can't buy it... I'll figure something." Euna explained, before looking back to the girl, the staff in her hands bouncing off her shoulder and rising into the air every few seconds, as if showing her wonder of what to follow up after that. She felt like she needed too follow up with something, but she couldn't think of how, of what... Till she could.

"And girl. Don't think I care bout all that Arcadian shite. I just... I allowed my emotions to take over when I smelt yea. I don't like arcadians. I don't care who the hell your mom is and I certainly don't care that you're a princess or that my Dad was once the king or something. I just don't know your name so till then, you're Princess to me. We cool?"

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1508
Location : Right behind you
Age : 24
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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Arcadian Royalty. - Page 3 Empty Re: Arcadian Royalty.

Post by Johanna Sharpe May 9th 2018, 6:05 am

Johanna nearly turned a shade of crimson. Did she seriously just say that? The fact that the demon girl was laughing at her, only stood to worsen the thief’s embarrassment. She found herself now pouting and angrily staring at the red skinned girl. *What the fuck is wrong with me! Thank god he didn’t hear me say any of this* Johanna said burring her face in her palms to hide her shame. Her mind had been a serious mess as of late. Where did she get off saying Jake was good looking. She didn’t even like the boy. Ok that was a lie, but she’d never admit it to anyone.

The ashen haired teen was seconds away from just leaping out the window to her left just to avoid digging herself into a deeper hole. The red skinned girl continued to entertain her for a little bit. Saying that Johanna was more than welcome to stop by anytime. *Why the hell would I want to do that?* she thought. She had been trying to leave ever since she set foot in this attic the first time around. Still the demon didn’t seem half bad.

She seemed more than capable of holding her own, and she had attitude to match. It wouldn’t hurt Johanna any to have more friends. As of now that group was only occupied by two people, Jake and Olive. And unlike everyone else Johanna had met in her lifetime, this demon girl seemed the least likely to stab her in the back. It was at the mention of Arcadian’s that Johanna couldn’t help but arch a brow. How was that even possible? For someone to despise their own kind. The demoness seemed to have a great deal of resentment. “Well I guess the saying holds true, you are what you eat.” she said with a shrug.

The joke might have been in bad taste, but Johanna was merely taking a small jab at the demon. On that note she was just about ready to leap out of the attic window. She paused however as she thought about the girls nickname for her. Johanna was never in the business of giving out her real name, but she disliked her mother and that side of her enough to give up the goose just this once to a stranger. “Please don’t ever call me princess again. My name is Johanna. You can call me Jo for short.” With that she’d give a cheeky salute to the demoness and leap out the window where she’d swing off into the afternoon sky.

The Characters
Johanna Sharpe
Johanna Sharpe
Posting Apprentice
Posting Apprentice

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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 211
Registration date : 2016-08-05

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Arcadian Royalty. - Page 3 Empty Re: Arcadian Royalty.

Post by Shadowoof May 9th 2018, 9:14 am

Euna found herself enjoying the small embarrassment she could pull from the cold hearted teen... Maybe not so cold hearted. A play, a mask. Everyone wore them, this girl wore hers well. But it just served to make Euna enjoy her just that much more, more then she should have, anyway.

And that was ignoring the pun of her... Past. Actually, Euna had a frown once more as the girl made a move to the attic window, but it wasn't one that would mean much. Not when Princess gave the demoness her name. Johanna. Her frowned turned to a smile as the girl left. "I like it. Not the Jo part however. I like the whole of it. Johanna. So nice to say... I wonder if I dyed my hair white next time... Nah. Suits her better." Euna pondered to herself as she watched the girl swing... Yes, swing. Though the city, away. Did those come out of her? Huh. Weird. Hilarious, but weird.

Quietly laughing to herself, Euna closed her window and looked around at everything she had ignored so far, for so many years. Artifacts and clothing, money and trophies. Weapons and metals. All from when she decided she would find things as old as she, older, just like how she was found... Only then she chose to try and live normally... That hadn't worked out for the past couple of years however, and this chance encounter with an Arcadian. Well, the girl. Johanna.

"Maybe it's high-time I got back into the treasure hunter business... Yea... Screw it. I'm in and I got my lucky hat to boot. Look out world. Euna is back." Euna loudly declared to herself and the many spiders that had taken residence in her home, tipping her hat to them and skipping along to the stairs. She had a lot to do. And she was going to enjoy every second of it.

The End.

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1508
Location : Right behind you
Age : 24
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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