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Arcadian Royalty.

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Arcadian Royalty. - Page 2 Empty Re: Arcadian Royalty.

Post by Shadowoof March 28th 2018, 2:47 am

"Well, information goes both ways you know." Euna retorted, but she got her answers anyway. The girl didn't eat, and perhaps Euna should have known. She was merely the daughter of a knight and some Arcadian she never met before. Why would the daughter of the Queen eat arcadians. Why would the Queen even. She was powerful enough as it was. Not that Euna ate for power... Not back then.

Still, it seemed Euna ran out of easy questions to ask... Far too quickly. She needed something to keep the girls interest. Why? Euna wasn't even sure. "Well. To clarify. Some Arcadian's ate each other for power, if some meant a lot of the ones that you... I guess you might consider common in human terms." Euna frowned, before she thought of something. The battle worn roof. A battle between Arcadian's had gone on there. She could learn enough there.

"And before you ask. Any questions. Are you sure about that? There was this rooftop. Torn apart by battle. Smelt like an Arcadian slaughter fest besides another smell. Strange one too. I've smelt demons before. Smelled like a demon and some other strange thing had a baby and the baby went and blended itself with a bunch of herbs. But umm. Ask away anything you have." Euna bit her lip as she waited for the answer and any questions the young girl gave, knowing that she could answer only so many... But the more she learned... The more she... What... Learnt? Why did she even care. She got by with a normal life for decades. Century's. Why was she ruining that, even the slightest bit, for this girl.

Maybe it was the Arcadian blood. Maybe Euna felt like she needed to respect that royal blood... Nah, she'd spit in the Queens eye if she had the balls for it, and she had rather nice ones at that... Just not brave ones.

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Arcadian Royalty. - Page 2 Empty Re: Arcadian Royalty.

Post by Johanna Sharpe April 17th 2018, 2:41 am

Johanna didn’t know how she wanted to swerve the question, the demon girl asked her. It was none of her business if Johanna was on that roof top or not. Besides that, they were in New York there were plenty of metas in town that could have caused that destruction. Johanna decided to roll with that, even if the demon had said the roof smelt like Arcadian’s….whatever that meant. “What roof exactly? I don’t tend to get out much.” she said, averting her gaze on an old clock on the wall.

Why was she even here? She wanted nothing to do with her mother or this other part of herself. Yet here she was sitting on an extremely dusty couch opposite a supposed demon from the same place her mother came from. Her metal fingers began to rap on her thigh as there was an awkward silence that now filled the large old home. *why the hell did I follow here again?* this question played on repeat within Johanna’s mind. She glanced at the red skinned girl across from her. She looked nothing like Johanna’s mother, or the little one that followed her around.

How could Johanna even be sure that this demon was even telling the truth? Why did she even care? This was a waste of her time. Surely there was a bank or jewelry store nearby that she could be robbing instead. The ashen haired girl would let out a sight before leaping to her feet. “Well this has certainly been uneducational. Thanks for that. I’m gonna get going!” she said pointing to the front door. “smell ya later!” she said poking fun at the way the demoness had tracked her down.

The Characters
Johanna Sharpe
Johanna Sharpe
Posting Apprentice
Posting Apprentice

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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 211
Registration date : 2016-08-05

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Arcadian Royalty. - Page 2 Empty Re: Arcadian Royalty.

Post by Shadowoof April 17th 2018, 9:09 am

Girl was avoiding her questions again and Euna felt like that was going to be most of her... Well. Questions. All this girl did was deny. It was only when Euna had verbally attacked her that the girl got defensive. Truthful. But now, it was now that hit her. Euna hadn't realized it and she wanted to kick herself in her perfectly normal perfect damn bosoms for not seeing it sooner. Because she would have been in the same mindset as this girl if it was switched... Maybe.

The girl truly didn't care for what Euna had to say, from the feel of things, perhaps the fact she came was alone, an inch of curiosity that Euna didn't have to give. And she herself? The only reason was because the moment confused her. There was this girl. This human. Humans, who she has been around for the past hundred of years. Here was this human Arcadian girl who was the Queens daughter. The mere information was exhausting and new. She was a damned, idiot. Didn't help her mind wasn't on right with that hunger of hers.

So when the girl jumped to her feet, pointed to the door and told Euna she was leaving, there was nothing that would stop Euna from stopping her. In fact, Euna herself stood up and motioned to the door. "Right. Look I'm fuken sorry bout this. Just haven't seen an Arcadian in a couple millenniu-" Euna paused as she looked from the girl to the door.

There was a reason this was her old house. In the doorway stood a man, could be considered handsome in a rugged way, his eyes hidden by sunglasses, but a sharp eye could see the dark tint of veins that seemed to just appear from under the glasses along his skin. "Euna, babe. How is my one and only favorite Arcadian? Who's your friend?" The man spoke with an easy going way, almost as if he expected to be welcome back with open arms, only for Euna to practically growl in return.

"Dante. I told you we were done. Get. Out." Euna's voice carried the underlining of a threat, but it seemed the man was content to ignore her, his eyes on Johanna now.

"Have we met? Cause... I... Swear.." His own nose seemed to twitch and a look of confusion took his face, but then it cleared as if he decided it wasn't important. But Euna seemed to have decided that his twitch of the nose was enough as she stepped in front of his sight to Johanna.

"Girl, do me a favor and fetch the staff from upstairs. Along with the cap behind the pedestal... Quickly please. I'll even pay you to do it. Give. Don't care." The demon woman said as she took a step to the now paused Dante, who seemed to look at Euna with that of disappointment, his tongue clicking as all his attention shifted to Euna.

"I'm stronger then last time dear." The being seemed to taunt, but Euna simply chuckled as lighting crackled above her, forming and taking shape, the bolts aimed at the demon before her.

"You said that last time."

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1508
Location : Right behind you
Age : 24
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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Arcadian Royalty. - Page 2 Empty Re: Arcadian Royalty.

Post by Johanna Sharpe April 20th 2018, 4:59 am

Just as Johanna was about to leave the demon girls home, she came to an abrupt stop. She found her path now blocked by a man. Her turquoise eyes quickly locked onto the thin black veins that just barely poked out past the rim of his sunglasses. As he attempted to put the moves on her, Johanna could feel her metal hand tighten into a fist. She was ready to lay this creep out on the spot, but she wouldn’t truly get the chance as the red skinned demon stepped between them. She apparently didn’t want him there by the tone she took and the way she talked to him.

As Johanna stepped away from the two she felt a familiar twinge. It always crept up her right arm first, then traveled down her back. She raised her metal fist up and scoffed at it. *Holy shit, I cant even get into a verbal confrontation without this shit going off!* she thought to herself. Then she heard the demon girl call out to her, no, more like asked for help. Johanna’s gaze turned away from her fist and to the girl. The main thought rolling through her mind was, why should or would she help this random demon?

She nodded to the red skinned girl and quickly zip lined up to the second floor of the home with a strand of webbing. With a small leap she was already into the attic. She however, did not stop at the pedestal, instead she proceeded to walk all the way to the window she had snuck in through. She had no intention of helping the girl, she didn’t even want to be here in the first place. The ashen haired teen would let out a sigh as her body was halfway out of the window. “Damn it!” She mumbled to herself before climbing back into the attic.

This visit was about to be much longer than Johanna had planned. Walking over to the pedestal, she grabbed the shabby looking wooden shaft and the spear head next to it, then grabbed the cap the demoness had asked for. The young thief would make her way back down to what she assumed was the living room, not sure of what sort of scene she was going to be returning to. “Alright I got your stupid stick!”

The Characters
Johanna Sharpe
Johanna Sharpe
Posting Apprentice
Posting Apprentice

Status :

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 211
Registration date : 2016-08-05

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Arcadian Royalty. - Page 2 Empty Re: Arcadian Royalty.

Post by Shadowoof April 25th 2018, 11:26 pm

A crack of wood breaking signaled Euna getting her ass thrown into the wall from downstairs, quickly followed by a sudden and very loud. "Son of a bitch!" Landing on the floor, the demoness took a quick moment to scan the wall for damage, before looking back to the demon who was slowly approaching. "Dante! That was smoothed, beautiful eighty two years old mahogany wood. Eighty two years old Dante!" Outrageous! Euna commanded more of her power to the room, more bolts of blue lighting appeared above her and shot towards the approaching demon, and once more, runes of light appeared at his hands and adsorbed the bolts with ease. Pulling them in like a rod.

"Baby you know that won't work, now just stop fighting, alright?" While the demon sounded like the reasonable one right now, Euna learned well enough from past mistakes to not fall for that, her middle finger risen at him while he all so calmly walked over, right till a awesome white haired teenage god damned princess appeared at the stairs. And with her magic stick. Euna would have kissed the girl if she wouldn't have gotten something important kicked in the process.

"Hell yea! Slap his ass with it and keeping hitting, magic hurts the fucker and that stick has my magic in it!" Euna called out, right before lunging at Dante with a yell, who had turned to the teen also, right before being distracted by Euna suddenly being atop him. Yet he managed to stay his ground as the tall demoness began trying to maw him with her teeth, snapping and biting at him, his hands quite distracted with grabbing her throat and shoulders to push her off, seemingly afraid of what her teeth might do, despite their current appearance, that of somewhat normal teeth, despite the longer canines.

Only her plan to distract him wasn't long lived, a short second after her lunge and many attempts of biting him, he spun and used his strength to throw the demoness at Johanna with quite the bit of speed, showing that the demon was a lot stronger then he looked as Euna rocketed towards the teen's last location at the stairs.

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1508
Location : Right behind you
Age : 24
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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Arcadian Royalty. - Page 2 Empty Re: Arcadian Royalty.

Post by Johanna Sharpe April 26th 2018, 1:13 am

Johanna arched a brow, this crappy wooden stick was magical? That then brought her to a second train of thought. Despite being the daughter of a demon, there was nothing magical about her. This was made painfully clear when her mother told her the shield she had stolen should have not broken while the teen was using it. If magic was the only thing that could hurt this guy, then it would have to be the demoness who did all the damage. Johanna tried to open her mouth to speak but was interrupted as the red skinned girl was sent flying in her direction.

Luckily the ashen haired teen saw this as a threat, sort of, and her mind began to fire on all cylinders. It was pretty apparent of the direction and path the demon girl was flying, so Johanna adapted to that. With a quick flick of her wrist she’d send the wooden pole up and over the demon. She’d then latch onto the roof to avoid being hit, and would then kick off the roof and grab the pole. Landing just a few feet in front of the demoness’ ex from hell, Johanna would swing the wooden pole at him. Thing was, she wasn’t trying to hit him, it was a feint of sorts. After she had swung the staff, Johanna would flick her other wrist and shoot out a strand of her webbing at the mans face.

Following up the web shot to the face, Johanna would launch herself upwards in an attempt to headbutt the guy in his jaw. "Eat shit, loser!" she'd shot as she sprang up from the ground like a rocket. In the short amount of time it took for Johanna to go from the second floor of the home, to headbutting the demon’s boyfriend, a faint black fire had begun to envelope Johanna. The young master thief was to focused on the ‘fight’ that she had not noticed the flames yet, Or the sudden spike in her body temperature.

The Characters
Johanna Sharpe
Johanna Sharpe
Posting Apprentice
Posting Apprentice

Status :

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 211
Registration date : 2016-08-05

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Arcadian Royalty. - Page 2 Empty Re: Arcadian Royalty.

Post by Shadowoof April 26th 2018, 5:16 am

While Euna was digging herself out of her god damn mahogany stairs, Dante was looking very confused at this girl, girl who moved with speed and power, who seemed to be coated in black flames, who seemed to be... Sniff. He rose his arms in defense to the stick, knowing full well the dangers it presented and unable to back away with how fast the girl was, only for her to suddenly jump into him right after his sight was blinded by... Something sticky, his chin felt as if it was crushed, yet rather then fly back, he stumbled back quite a number of steps, his back hitting a chair and stabilizing him.

"Eeeuuna." His jaw seemed dislocated for a moment, right before a sharp snap could be heard as it seemed to fix itself, the runes on his hand faintly glowing right till the healing finished and he used the hands to rip the webbing off. "Euna. I thought you hated Arcadian's. In fact, I distinctly remember you saying you'd eat the next one you saw... So why is there an Arcadian in your house... Less... This is a forgiveness present. You shouldn't have." A deranged smile on his face, the man stepped towards Johanna, only to have his foot snap, yet once more another mahogany floor board, tripping him up in a show of rather bad luck, for both him and Euna's house.

Who, was staring at this, her wall and the floor, looking rather pissed. "Stop, breaking my house you rapist whore!" Euna yelled as she jumped down and aimed both her hands at the demon, her hands crackled with lighting before arcs of lighting bounced off and then shot towards Dante, who rose his hands to absorb them, only the arcs seemed to grow greater, and he was suddenly grunting in pain as small arcs of lighting would break away and zap at him rather then join the majority being sucked away.

"Girl. While I love what those flames are doing to your hair right now, seriously, you are gorgeous, shove that stick up his ass. Beat him up. I don't care!" The demoness called out midst the sound of crackled lighting, some of the wood near the demoness and the demon snapping from the heat.

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1508
Location : Right behind you
Age : 24
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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Arcadian Royalty. - Page 2 Empty Re: Arcadian Royalty.

Post by Johanna Sharpe April 27th 2018, 7:00 am

Johanna really didn’t like this guy. She didn’t like this whole situation. Hell she was supposed to be relaxing and maybe even robbing a bank or something right about now. Instead, she was here in some strange demon girls house, helping said demon fight off her scummy ex. Every word that poured from this creeps mouth just made Johanna’s skin crawl and her blood boil. This was perhaps the rare occasion where she didn’t mind her demonic power. Her gaze shifted between the red girl and her ex. Her turquoise eyes would shift down to the staff she was holding as the demoness instructed her to use it.

Her lips curled into a smirk as she tossed the wooden pole in the demon girl’s direction. “Weapons aren’t my style.” she said, shifting ehr gaze back to the man. She clenched her fist tightly and the flames surrounding her body danced about with invigorated life. It was almost as if she was feeding the flames. The smirk on her face shifted into a smile. This wasn’t the lust for battle taking over, this wasn’t her giving into her power. No. This was her getting ready to beat the unholy hell out of someone who seemed to severely deserve it.

As the man took a step towards her, the snapping of the floor board underfoot was the signal Johanna needed. With a wave of her hand towards the sky, a pillar of dark energy would shoot up from the ground. It was as if Johanna was throwing a ranged uppercut. After throwing the uppercut the ashen haired teen would throw her arms out to her sides. The room began to grow dark, almost as if the light was literally being drained from it. Johanna would then bring both of her hands together in front of her, and all the light would bleed back into the room as an orb of darkness formed in her joined palms.

“I’d be a bit careful, this snack has a bit of a KICK!” she’d shout. With a sudden grunt, the orb of energy would fire from her palms in the form of a thick beam aimed directly for the ex.

The Characters
Johanna Sharpe
Johanna Sharpe
Posting Apprentice
Posting Apprentice

Status :

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 211
Registration date : 2016-08-05

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Arcadian Royalty. - Page 2 Empty Re: Arcadian Royalty.

Post by Shadowoof April 27th 2018, 6:13 pm

In the corner of her vision, the demon saw the wooden pole, midst the air, a simple glance, and her arm shot from the continuous arcs of lighting to grabbing it, the staff firmly in her hand, while the arcs of lighting was slowly drawling away because of it. However, the girl, not using her weapon, had other means to attack... Right, who was Euna thinking she was. The teen was a god damned princess of course.

Not that Dante knew that, trying to pull his leg free with relative ease, he was unprepared for the sudden dark energy to slam into him, causing him quite the bit of grief from the pillar, but now his focus was truly on the girl and what she was doing, and his surprise and slowly vanishing pain turned to a smile, and Euna's smile turned to a frown. Both had the idea that this girl was doing some sort of magic, from what Euna knew, the Queen was a magical being, and the metal from her home realm relied on magic, so of course princess would have magic.

And asshole ate magic. While Princess was preparing her attack. "Oh no you bloody don't." Euna seemed to growl as she ran towards Dante from the side, for he was throwing his hands forward, prepared to take the brunt of this attack the way he did any other magical attack. That was right before Euna slammed her staff into the mans gut, causing him to double over as electrical sparks surged into him from the point of contact.

But Euna wasn't finished then, right before princess fired off her beam, the demoness would jump on her ex's back and start firing off bolts of electric power into him from her hands, keeping his muscles spasming and his arms down, unable to even attempt what he was planning.

Which in the end, resulted in the two demons taking the brunt of the beam, which Euna was okay with, because she was very much so doing this for purely selfish reasons. Her house simply could not have another hole in it. At least, that was what she was telling herself as the two of them flew into the far back of her house, the asshole demon pinning her to the wall as he was stuck by the beam, his healing attempting to fight the pain and failing.

When the beam was done with him, and he fell forward, Euna found her balance right before jabbing his ribs with her staff with rapid jabs, each one seeming to jolt his body and cause further harm. "Stupid douche with your stupidly big ego and all your stupid stupendous stupidness."   She let out her rather small rage, before looking towards Princess. "Yo, good job Princess, remind me not to piss your royal... Eurr... My tummy."

Looking to Euna's shirt, a hole in the fabric seemed to have appeared, rather large one too, causing the demon to look down and see a slowly healing, but very fine hole in her ex.. A very large one. But while he had a hole in him, Euna just felt like a rocket had punched her gut, several freaking times, for she was a hell of a lot tougher then this ass, still, it hurt, and she was going to make that obvious. "Ow..."

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1508
Location : Right behind you
Age : 24
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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Arcadian Royalty. - Page 2 Empty Re: Arcadian Royalty.

Post by Johanna Sharpe April 29th 2018, 5:24 am

Johanna hadn’t really been focusing on if she was going to hit the demoness’ ex or not. The creepy vibe he gave off had been enough to get the ashen haired girl to actually use her newly discovered power. A power she would gladly never use again if it was possible. She had poured a lot of her hatred for that power into her attack, and perhaps she had over done it. By the time the beam whittled down the ex was now slumped over on the floor, and the red skinned girl had a sizable hole in her shirt.

Johanna took a few deep breaths. She could feel the beads of sweat forming and rolling down her forehead. Her eyes trailed from the demon girl to the guy on the floor. *Holy crap! Did I do that?* the thought to herself. She looked down to her metal hand. The black flames danced about in a gleeful fashion. Was that even possible? The young thief shook her head and took a few steps towards the two demons. “Is…Is he dead? Oh wait, never mind. I can see the bits moving.” she then gagged a bit before cupping her mouth. “ugh that is gross!” she said turning away for a moment.

Johanna would take a moment to collect herself before turning back to face the demoness. She did everything in her power to ensure she didn’t look down at the guys regenerating body. “So uh…What do we do with him?” If they were going to get rid of this pest, then now was definitely the time. Johanna figured they wouldn’t get much in the way of resistance from the guy while he still had a hole in his chest.

The Characters
Johanna Sharpe
Johanna Sharpe
Posting Apprentice
Posting Apprentice

Status :

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 211
Registration date : 2016-08-05

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Arcadian Royalty. - Page 2 Empty Re: Arcadian Royalty.

Post by Shadowoof April 29th 2018, 6:36 am

"No I'm fine too, just stopped him from taking all that magical power of yours." Euna muttered to herself as she looked down at her ex, a soft sigh escaping as she thought about what to do with him... Was Joe still alive? He was good at cleaning bodies... Or was he eighteen ninety five...

Shaking her head, she jabbed her staff into the healing hole, sparks of electrical magic shot off into the wound and she looked to Princess, lips pursed. "I'll throw him out front in the trash and let the trash guy come and take him. No point making his boss angry. You... Head up to the attic and look for the brown chest near the paper clippings. Should be unlocked... If not just break it open. Your payment I guess for helping. Also, if you brought the hat, leave it on the stairs. Oh... Also. There should be a case by the wedd.. By the dress with a tear, should be a case with a dagger, take that too. A princess deserves a royal blade after all. Fun story actually, found it in the Aztec temple. A gift to the people from a goddess and I guess now a gift to you." While the demoness spoke, she began picking up the demon with what looked like some strain, he was pretty big after all, but Euna managed, walking and partially dragging him outside.

Outside, she quickly found the dumpster and pulled Dante into it, stepping back, she closed the lid and sighed. "Should have seen it coming. Always hard to get rid of the dog you feed... Shit... Was the brown chest the one with the pure gold skull or the one with the hundred thousand pesos? Wonder how Bitch is doing, bet she got herself pregnant again in the hours I left like the stupid cat she is." Euna mused to herself as she walked back to her house, her staff rested on her shoulder, hoping her hat really was on the stairs... Heh, the laugh she was going to have if the princess actually got the hat.

"Or was it the million spare I had? Crap I should make sure, getting the stick is not worth a million unmarked dollars... Maybe she didn't even do so... Shame. Kinda starting to like the princess. Got balls... I can't say they are great like mine however..." Euna realized as she rushed towards the stairs and attic, ether arriving with or without the hat on her head when she made it.

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1508
Location : Right behind you
Age : 24
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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Arcadian Royalty. - Page 2 Empty Re: Arcadian Royalty.

Post by Johanna Sharpe May 3rd 2018, 5:07 am

So that was it, this whole ordeal that Johanna that was going to come to light, didn’t. She felt as though she might have overdone it a bit. She allowed herself to embrace and use a power she hated, and managed to go overboard. And now here they were. The Ashen haired teen found herself standing in what she assumed was the living room, to a very old house that belonged to a demon. The male demon lay face down on the floor with a hole through his torso that grew smaller by the second. The red skinned demon had fared much better, as she had escaped with a damaged shirt and maybe a slight tinge of pain.

The young thief remained cloaked in flames as the female demon explained what was going to happen. She planned on just dumping her ex’s body in a dumpster outside and calling it a day. And what a day it was. All Johanna wanted to do today was blow off some steam and try to forget that she was even remotely related to a demon goddess of war. Somehow things never really seemed to pan out how she expected.

If this whole afternoon hadn’t been strange enough, Johanna was now being offered a reward? That couldn’t be right. Nothing about what the teen had seen of this demon girl screamed charity. Still, Johanna was never one to turn down a reward, especially when said reward was money. The dagger she was less enthusiastic about. She had her fill of ancient weapons, especially after having one of her mother’s shields shatter on her. “Brown chest. Got it!” she turned away from the demon girl and smirked. “And anything else I find valuable up there.” she mumbled to herself as she headed up to the second floor of the old home.

Doing exactly as the Demoness had asked, which totally wasn’t Johanna’s style, she placed the girls cap on the stairs before entering the attic. There it was, mere feet away from her, her exit. Seeing the window almost erased any thought of money or reward from her head. She looked down to her hands, the black flames still dancing about. “Goddamn it! Just go away already!” she barked at the flames as if they were going to listen. Johanna would proceed to pace about the attic inspecting all the various things she hadn’t stopped to notice on her way in. Johanna’s turquoise eyes would be torn away from the tattered dress as the demoness’ arrival caught her attention. “Oh! Hey there. Back so soon?”

The Characters
Johanna Sharpe
Johanna Sharpe
Posting Apprentice
Posting Apprentice

Status :

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 211
Registration date : 2016-08-05

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Arcadian Royalty. - Page 2 Empty Re: Arcadian Royalty.

Post by Shadowoof May 5th 2018, 2:24 pm

Euna tried not to let surprise take over at the sight of the still flaming princess in her attic. A part of her had expected this girl to bugger off, but it seems the aspect of a reward was enough to wheel her in for now. Smiling a toothy grin, Euna tipped her slightly worn cap to the girl, walking into the attic with her staff over her shoulders and just taking in the sight.

She hadn't stepped foot in this attic for years. And all at once memory's rushed her. Travels. People. Hunts and finds. The best time of her life resided in this beautiful houses roof. Taking in a breath, Euna allowed her grin to fade back to annoyed expression as she looked to the princess. "Yo. Mind turning that off before you burn something. Cool off or whatever. From what I saw, the moment you attacked, those flames came. Obviously a sign of your will to battle." Euna both remarked and guessed, walking over to a brown case the resided near her many paper clippings, which she didn't give a second look too as she quickly popped open the large trunk.

A moment later, Euna stepped away and shut the trunk with her foot, before turning to the girl with a single stack of notes. "You got me Baal. So I guess eight thousand should do... But you also got my cap when you didn't have too. So you get another two thousand atop that." Euna said as she chucked the bundle of cash to the girl. A lot to most teens, perhaps not all that much to the princess here, but Euna wasn't exactly done, she had the girls attention for now at least. Might as well use it to do what she even got the girl here for.

"Look. Normally, I'd tell you to get now. And I know you want to. Fine. Just a word. I'm sorry. Yes. When I refer to Arcadian's eating each other. I was one that did that. For bad reasons. I went vegan however. Your Mom made enemy's. Still has them. Don't think all because you don't want to do anything with her or any Arcadian like me, means you can avoid all of them. But if you have any problems, need a place to stay. I don't use this house. And Dante only came here because I did. He won't bother you again, even if he did... You can kick ass." Euna wondered over to the window the girl must have used to get in, just to make sure it wasn't broken. She needed to get this place fixed.

"Just don't fuken steal anything. Cause daughter of the war goddess or not. I will not tolerate thieves... Daggers over there. Got anything you want to ask, or say, do so... Otherwise, I hope I never see you again... no offense kid, but I enjoy my arcadian free life and you were simply an exception. Exception is no more. So shoo, get." Euna wasn't sure she actually meant what she said there, but then, she wasn't even sure if the girl was still here, she wasn't keeping an eye on her, and the girl did seem like she wanted out sooner then later... Damn, she was gonna feel silly as hell if princess had up and left midst her talk.

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1508
Location : Right behind you
Age : 24
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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Arcadian Royalty. - Page 2 Empty Re: Arcadian Royalty.

Post by Johanna Sharpe May 6th 2018, 6:48 am

Johanna looked down to her hands when the red skinned girl mentioned the still raging black flames. The ashen haired teen had never put much thought into it, but she was certain she wasn’t going to be burning the building down. That much was evident by the fact that nothing else in the old house had caught fire thus far. And if she was being entirely honest she had no idea how to make them go away. As the demon girl approached the chest that supposedly contained Johanna’s reward, the young thief wiped a bead of sweat from her brow with her metal hand.

Her eyes never left the strange demon girl. Johanna watched as she opened the trunk. There was an awful lot of green in it. The demoness then approached her with a stack of bills and offered it to Johanna as payment for ‘helping’. “Chump change, but I aint gonna complain about spare pocket change.” Johanna stated as she slipped the wad of bills into her pocket. It wasn’t a bad take considering all she did was retrieve a stick and blow a hole through some creeper. Still, if she hadn’t let her curiosity get the better of her earlier, then she wouldn’t have been here for all that.

Johanna shrugged it off and leaned back against the wall next to the torn wedding dress. Her eyes locking with the demon’s as she now seemed more than open about answering Johanna’s questions from earlier. “A vegan demon, now that is something I don’t think I’d ever hear in my life time. And gross. You guys eat each other? I’m beginning to be a little more thankful I grew up here in the city.” Then came a pretty shocking reveal, that Johanna probably didn’t want to hear. Her mother hadn’t lied to her after all. As much as she would have loved to pretend it wasn’t true, it appeared her mother truly did abandon Johanna to keep her safe.

The teen’s fist tightened at the thought. It really only made her angry. It meant as much as she wanted to play the victim, she entirely wasn’t. She was ready to almost give the demon a mouthful, something along the lines of *How would you know. You’re lying and covering up for her cause she’s your queen.* But the rant wouldn’t come. Instead she spotted something on the board behind the girl that changed her tune altogether. Among all newspaper clippings there was one that was from Chicago, ok there were a few from the windy city, but what set this one apart from the rest was the photo. Johanna could recognize that exhibit anywhere, she had spent weeks studying it. “Holy shit I’m famous!”

The Characters
Johanna Sharpe
Johanna Sharpe
Posting Apprentice
Posting Apprentice

Status :

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 211
Registration date : 2016-08-05

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Arcadian Royalty. - Page 2 Empty Re: Arcadian Royalty.

Post by Shadowoof May 7th 2018, 4:54 am

Euna simply smiled to the girl's words, amused. She certainly wasn't afraid to open her mouth and Euna liked that. People ether heard your thoughts out loud or you were a punk. Still, she was expecting the girl to leave faster then this, yet it seemed she was content to stick around if for just a few more seconds, for it seems her eyes caught to something, and that intrigued the demoness.

Her clippings, no not just any of her clippings, most were just about something Euna had found, or done. But she had a small board, the only reason she came to this house really, such small visits she didn't even consider them such, to pin up lost artifacts, new ones being talked about. An old hobby she never rid herself of, and one that seemed to reward her, for the girl claimed she was famous.

If one was to look at Euna now, it would be like her eyes are blurred, before pausing, having read the information with speed. This was the latest one, caused a bit of a uproar in that museum, considering how much they had paid for those things, and Euna had told them to just replicate the weapons, for the originals were both brittle and easy to steal... Wait. What looked like a young man in a mask and a young woman in a full body suit, escaped from the roof and fled with...

Euna frowned at the girl. "You took. Those Madeline statues and the sword and shield? Girl. I spent two months carefully extracting that shield out of a rock. The Idols cost me an arm. Literally. And you went and stole them with some boy? Nice. Where are they? Who's the boy? Is he hot?" Euna shifted from a somewhat serious tone to that of a woman generally curious about what she asked. Did Princess have an accomplice? Or was he like Dante, a bad boy to get back at... Well, Euna did it to get back at... Her dad, she guessed.

But her features went serious again, but her posture was relaxed as she looked down at the teen. "Seriously. Who did you sell them too Princess. I know all the important artifact buyers from the past three hundred years, and I've been meaning to collect that which I found first."

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1508
Location : Right behind you
Age : 24
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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Arcadian Royalty. - Page 2 Empty Re: Arcadian Royalty.

Post by Johanna Sharpe May 7th 2018, 7:51 am

Johanna’s eyes looked everywhere in the attic, except for the demon girls eyes. She sure as shit didn’t want to mention what happened to the shield. She wasn’t even sure why she was even entertaining the idea of explaining her trade to someone she just met. But her pride got the better of her. “I still have everything I took. No one was willing to shell out any cash for ‘em.” by this point, Johanna had reclined against the wall. She was going to be here a bit longer, so she figured she might as well make herself comfortable.

“Everything is sitting in a bag under my bed, or at least I think they are. I haven’t exactly been home all that much to notice. Can’t say the same for the shield though….” That last sentence came out very quiet. More of a quip on Johanna’s part, instead of an admission of its current state, which was pieces. The ashen haired teen couldn’t help but get a little red in the cheeks as she was asked if Jake was hot.

Her eyes darted all over the place and she seemed to have to clear her throat quite a bit before finally answering. “I uh, um. Yeah. You could say that.” For some reason being asked if Jake was hot or not made Johanna think back to the time when they had their genders reversed. She wasn’t sure why that would pop into her head, but if she were taking all forms of Jake into consideration, then his time as a female counted. For some reason this lead to Johanna blurting out something far more embarrassing than admitting she thought the boy was attractive. “He aint a half bad looking girl either.” her eyes trailed up to the sky as she visualized him as a girl once again.

The Characters
Johanna Sharpe
Johanna Sharpe
Posting Apprentice
Posting Apprentice

Status :

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 211
Registration date : 2016-08-05

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