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The tortures of the damned

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The tortures of the damned Empty The tortures of the damned

Post by Adam Johnson October 6th 2017, 5:26 pm

Fingers were curled around his throat, those black eyes so full of contempt looking down on him. It just pissed him off so much. ”I’d wipe that grin of my face if I were you.” He growled, pulling back and slamming Damian into the wall with a resounding slam.

Lily as going to kill him for this.

Feet came up, slamming their heels into his chest, breaking a few ribs and sending Adam flying into a shelf. Splintering wood, and sending books clattering over onto the floor, pages  falling from their leather containers. The taste of coppery blood came up within his mouth, spat out in a thick globule. ”Was that the best you go?” He could feel his ribs knitting back together, removing themselves from his lungs which were doing the same.

Not quick enough, as the blade came towards his head, narrowly avoiding the decapitation that would have come. Biting into the bookcase, and catching there to give him the chance to push forward.  Bullrushing him across the small shop, and slamming him into a large glass display, displacing a few jars of unknown liquids and herbs. There was the sound of something breaking, shattering like bone.

With a turn, Adam threw the demon or whatever across the room and into a wall. Dry wall didn’t stand up well to the force, breaking and caving in to leave him dangling from the wait down. They didn’t move beyond that, giving him a little time to breath. Hoping that whatever cracking sound he heard was their neck, if snapping the neck would even do anything. ”Don’t know what I were so worried about.” He spoke after a few seconds, and even that was too soon.

Flames began to lick up around the store, cutting off the entrance and even rising up around him. ”You like to take your sweet time don’t you?” He spoke, muffled by the wall as he pulled himself out, a few puffs of white chalky dust issuing, some of it sticking to his clothes. ”Alright leech, wasted enough of our time.” Adam opened his mouth to speak but all that came out was a scream as the flames began to consume him, turning ever signal from his cells into jabs of pain.

His was nothing more than a human torch now. How much time passed since then was unknown.

The fires had subsided now, only painful memories that flared up with each movement. Concrete scraping across skin, now black like charcoal and shriveled like burnt meat on the spit. Walking had been lost to him for now, legs barely able to support his weight, and feeding next to impossible save for those that were simply too out of their minds to stop him. Despite the disgusting tinge drugs gave to blood, he has no choice within the matter.

Sam was in trouble and he needed to get strong again. Strong enough to stand on his own, to fight if need be. Human blood wasn’t doing him any good, barely restoring the destroyed cell and only really bringing back life to eyes that had shortly become lifeless. Reflecting little light, giving credence to his appearance of a revenant having crawled from the grave burnt by hell itself. Dragging himself through the projects of Chicago, well that was what he had been reduced to.

Who would have thought he was a proud creature of the night now?

A human scent hit his nostrils, slurring and speaking words that he barely understood. Were they speaking English or that spanish that people occasionally did? Pain blurred the words far too much, leaving him in a haze of confusion that only begged for one thing.

Blood to end it, to make him whole.

His fangs had extended, stabbing into his lower lip and drawing thick blood, running down his burned lips. All he had to do was bite their necks, break the carotid and drink until there was nothing left. Until the heart no longer beat, and they were dead. Fingers gripped onto the brick wall, attempting to lift his broken frame, higher and higher until his feet trembled from the weight of his own body, blood strained eyes focusing on the person looking as if they were taking a piss. Not even paying any attention to him, though what they were doing here was the only stray thought that hit his mind.

Beyond that was the blood, and what had to be done.

With all the preternatural strength endowed to him, Adam threw himself forward, black arms wrapping around their neck and teeth puncturing the skin, bringing a rush of blood hitting the roof of his mouth. The pleasure was instant for him, arms regaining an iota of strength to force them allowing him to take pint after pint until the arms not longer resisted, grew lax and even the sound of their heartbeat began to still. This went on, draught after draught until life was extinguished entirely.

Letting the body drop to the ground, Adam stumbled back with legs weak, despite the lack of pain and collided with another wall clumsily. ”Fuck...” He growled, voice sounding like sand paper running over gravel. It would be sunlight in..three hours at most, and he needed more blood, and shelter, crawling over to the body and running a small smear of his own blood, which faded into the skin and left no trace of the bite.

At the very least he had that much foresight.

The Son of The Raven - Samael Christensen
Osiris - The Undead king
Adam Johnson
Adam Johnson
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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 125
Registration date : 2016-07-28

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The tortures of the damned Empty Re: The tortures of the damned

Post by Humanity October 6th 2017, 7:41 pm

It was an average night in Chicago, it didn't take long for Humanity to remember just why he hated this city so much. The Hale family had the supernatural mafia family act going as they seemed to keep a thumb on absolutely everyone and everything. He didn't know how they did it, but somehow they even knew when he was visiting this dump of a city. Now don't mistake it, they were a very friendly family, and they were tight-knit. They were almost perfect...that's probably why he despised them so much. He was always very cold when he was around them, not to them in particular, but he just seemed like a much more jaded person, even Niall took note of it. Matthew was all too pleased to know that his mutt was, in fact, not a Hellhound as he had previously been accused by the other vigilantes. He had Arianna Hale check, and if that bitch says he's a normal dog, then he's a normal goddamn dog. Arianna even offered to print out a little letter and sign it, stating that the dog passed all manner of occult inspection. Of course Matthew politely declined, then had to explain that it was for the safety of Drifter. He would show that to Luke, the he'd mock Arinnna and somehow it'd find it's way back to her and he'd end up with the mind of a cat.

    "Hey boy, calm down." Matthew chuckled as he ran his hand over his companion's ears, the dog had affectionately nuzzled into him, with surprising force. He almost managed to knock Matthew over. The Dog seemed to have taken note of something, growling and whimpering as if trying to get the young man's attention. "Awe. What's wrong with my boy, huh? What's wrong buddy?" He asked, his voice was filled with warmth, as if talking to a child as the dog began to growl a little and push off it's forepaws and turn it's head, making a flipping like motion, almost as if beckoning him to follow.

 Matthew curiously followed, but then as he saw his dog's body lower to the ground, his ears shooting straight backwards and his lips snarling up. Matthew reached into his coat, pulling his dagger out from his coat's inner pocket. Peering over the side, he looked to find that there was an individual on the ground, as another sat against the wall, wounded. The smell of burning flesh permeated the air as a stench of death seemed to burn itself into the atmosphere. Matthew looked at the man sitting against the wall, then squeezed his dagger, only to feel it begin to burn his hand. He let out a little hiss before relaxing his grip, realizing that this was his patron child. With a little growl, Matthew sheathed the dagger and buried his hands into his pockets and walked forward, being as calm as possible.

  "Oh hey are you okay?" Matt asked, putting on an innocent and concerned face as he knelt down by the wounded and charred beyond recognition vampire. He genuinely was concerned. He couldn't help it. Part of being Yamm was getting emotionally attached to vampires. It's awful, especially since Matt was more of a dog person. "W-we gotta get you help. Come on, let's get you out of here."


The tortures of the damned Humani11
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "If you can call me a hero...the next shot's on you."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 716
Age : 28
Job : The Villain
Humor : I used to be the dragon king, but then I took a can of plot bullshit to the knee. I'm just waiting for my powers to "miraculously" come back now.
Registration date : 2014-01-19

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The tortures of the damned Empty Re: The tortures of the damned

Post by Adam Johnson October 6th 2017, 8:44 pm

Minutes passed, blackened body leaning against the brick with a slowly rising chest. Each breath was like razor wire through his lungs, sheer agony that he had to go through again. Pain, this had become his own existence but hopefully it would not be the rest of it. Goddammit, never thought I would get myself stuck in this situation. The palms of his hand pressed against the rough street, attempting to push a weak body upwards. To move, find food and hopefully begin the healing process.

It was almost odd how sharp his senses became when he couldn’t do anything else, aside from attempting to move. These attempts to move, get to safety lead to the sounds of something padding, nails clipping against the ground. It sounded like a dog, or maybe a large cat. Adam could not quite tell, until the scent of dog hit his nose like a freight train. It was an oddly pleasant scent, but it was paired along with something else.


He couldn’t tell what that was. It was human, but there was a certain undercurrent to the scent that made it strange. Tantalizing but very strange. Then again, that was how all humans smelled to a starved creature like him. Did all humans smell like the ocean? Adam couldn’t help smirk, the curl of the lips splitting skin and sending another lance of pain through him. This wasn’t the best position to be in, hungry, weak and at the mercy of a human who likely wanted to put an end to the monster. Dying was something that Adam expected, but  the hiss of a metal against some kind of leather could be heard;twice.

Having someone so close, smelling like blood and life made him ache. The damn fangs wouldn’t go away, like an errant erection in a social event that requires standing up. ”Do...I look okay?” His voice, despite the grizzled action movie quality did not sound amused. Hazel eyes focusing on him through a veil of pain, contemplating the artery at his neck.

If only they knew the help he actually needed. He drew in a wheezing breath, coming out as a hacking cough. ”Well, since you want to help me so much.” His body tried to move to wrap arms around him, coming as a clumsy flailing and him flopping face first onto the concrete.

”Fuck...this hurts, and what the hell are you looking at mutt?” He growled, seeming to give up on moving for a few minutes.

The Son of The Raven - Samael Christensen
Osiris - The Undead king
Adam Johnson
Adam Johnson
Post Mate
Post Mate

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 125
Registration date : 2016-07-28

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The tortures of the damned Empty Re: The tortures of the damned

Post by Humanity October 6th 2017, 10:23 pm

The vampire went to wrap his arms up, Matthew thought that he would be attempting to bite him, unfortunately for him he was unaware how this whole "patron" thing worked and fell over like a sack of potatoes. It was probably better off that way in truth, but Matthew found himself sighing as he looked over the charred flesh of a monster. It looked as bad as that chick on Skyrim, Astrid or whatever. Matthew chuckled a little as his dog growled, seemingly angry at the vampire. While Matthew couldn't hear a thing, the dog seemed to pierce through the veil and speak directly into the mind of the vampire.

Oh dear. Looks like we've had us a bit of a tumble. I suppose that's what you get for trying to take a bite out of the patron lord of vampires. Here's a little tid-bit, boy. Unless you like choking as much as you like burning, keep your fang off. Because believe me, this boy won't need saved from you... The voice died down but the once neutral and slightly pleasant scent was now replaced by a thick, acrid scent, marking that the dog no longer found any interest in the vampiric one. The air would likely choke him, despite not needing to breathe, the feeling of your lungs being on fire was likely not something he'd want to experience. But sooner rather than later a state of unconsciousness would take over the vampire, leaving Matthew to look at him and sigh.

"I'm starting to feel like a mobile blood bank..." He grumbled as he reached down, rubbed his faithful companion on the snout before reaching down and picking up the vampire. The fact that he had clothes burned off him, charred black skin and all other forms of problems would make navigating the city difficult...but somehow he'd make it work. He was sure that he had a safe house nearby...

By the time the vampire awoke again, he'd find himself in a bed under soft blankets and a blood bag attached to an IV pole, stuffed up his nose and down his throat, a means to heal him it would seem. His body was fully healed and he was left to look around a rather nice looking room, red carpet and red lower half of the wallpaper and trip with a white midsection. The bedside table was rosewood, polished and furnished properly and the lights were embedded to the walls, they appeared to be faux candles and the flatscreen television across the room. The room was also haven to a refrigerator, one that had two pouches of blood marked "Autologous."


The tortures of the damned Humani11
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "If you can call me a hero...the next shot's on you."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 716
Age : 28
Job : The Villain
Humor : I used to be the dragon king, but then I took a can of plot bullshit to the knee. I'm just waiting for my powers to "miraculously" come back now.
Registration date : 2014-01-19

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The tortures of the damned Empty Re: The tortures of the damned

Post by Adam Johnson October 6th 2017, 11:11 pm

Adam hated it, the feeling of having his body too weak to do things. Too weak to do anything, and now at the mercy of this human, someone he was too weak to even feed from. Were they one of the few humans who thought it wise to hunt his kind, well there would have been no need to guess how this went. Having a voice pierce through his mind was unexpected, speaking about a patron lord of vampire as if that should mean something to him. Did their kind even have some manner of god that looked over them? It was never a thought that penetrated his mind within the hundreds of years that composed his life.

An odd scent filled through the air, acrid and bringing about a painful burning within his lungs. A low growl issued from his throat, attempting to push himself up, attack the source of the pain with a mind that was too clouded with it. Growing cloudier, and darker until darkness was the only thing that controlled him. This blackness that was unconsciousness, and dreamless sleep. It didn’t feel like death,  or how Adam had imagined death would feel like. This falling into a deep, black and fathomless chasm that only eventually relented and spat him up.

Soft cloth was pressed against his flesh, ruffling with the small motions he made from moving around. Feeling something down his throat, tongue running over the plastic tube that kept him from seemingly talking effectively. His hand rose before his face, once blackened flesh looking reddened, pink even but whole. As if the damage had never been done and he was whole once again.

Adam removed the tubes from nostrils and throat with a simple pull, letting blood dribble from it across the pristine sheets. The blood on his lips, well it tasted good. Not quite like human blood normally did, something about it tasted different. He laid in the bed for a few minutes, taking in the room around him lit by the artificial illumination of a lamp.

Was it the human? This patron of vampires as the odd voice within his head had said, though it as questionable. With a shift of a leg, he tossed the blankets aside and let them fall to the floor with a low shuffle, a ruckus almost to his senses. The only thing that really turned his mind from apprehension was the smell, faint from a fridge embedded into the wall. It was blood, the same that dripped in small trails on his lips, licked up without much of a regard for it. Walking over to it with deliberate steps, he opened the fridge and bit into one of them without a second thought. Draining the blood, as the red color left his skin in rapid form and let it that faintly tanned pale color. It felt like he had been in pain for so long, and now that pain was gone.

Once his hunger was satiated, Adam let his gaze scan over the room and fall upon what he assumed was a door. He was aware of his own nakedness, but didn’t put much thought to it. Clothes could be found later, once figured out what exactly was going on, and not like he had that quaint sense of modesty anymore.

The Son of The Raven - Samael Christensen
Osiris - The Undead king
Adam Johnson
Adam Johnson
Post Mate
Post Mate

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 125
Registration date : 2016-07-28

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The tortures of the damned Empty Re: The tortures of the damned

Post by Humanity October 7th 2017, 12:33 am

The Safehouse was kept well, if nothing else Matthew could say that he had the most strict policy when it came to letting his friends and the other vigilantes use his safe houses. He spent a fortune on all of these locations, and killed some people to ensure their secrecy. His only rules were that you leave the place in the way you found it. Which was always in pristine condition...or else. Last time one of these places had been left a wreck, Matthew was sure to exact vengeance. Ahnk's arm took months to recover from the incident.

Through the dark wood door, Adam would find his way to a small hallway. To the left he could see an open section, then right around that corner was some linoleum and granite counter tops. The safe house was particularly ornate, there were tropical plants in the corners and some scenic artwork of what appeared to be Rome, in the far corner of the living room section there was a statue of a man in the center of a fountain. A glass and marble coffee table cat in the center of the room with a bowl of fruit in it, a local newspaper was laid on it, certain sentences of mysterious sightings and reports were highlighted.

If he were to head to the right he could then head down a hallway on the left, revealing a couple closed doors. Adam was mostly alone at the moment, though if he were paying attention, he'd notice that a clicking noise came from the darkened kitchen area as a lone red light remained on. The oven was on, and the smell of meat cooking filled the air. Apparently from the digital timer, there were a good ten minutes left before whatever was cooking was finished. Though Adam might find who he was looking for once another clicking sound came from one of the rooms in the back, and the faint sound of a voice could be heard.


The tortures of the damned Humani11
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "If you can call me a hero...the next shot's on you."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 716
Age : 28
Job : The Villain
Humor : I used to be the dragon king, but then I took a can of plot bullshit to the knee. I'm just waiting for my powers to "miraculously" come back now.
Registration date : 2014-01-19

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The tortures of the damned Empty Re: The tortures of the damned

Post by Adam Johnson October 7th 2017, 1:05 am

This home was oddly ornate, well kept even. It held faint traces of the same scent that had brought him here, that strange human was vexxing him now. Tropical plants that likely belonged with more sun over their head, and the faint trickling sound of a fountain. This place would have been comparable to Rome in design, despite the fact he had only seen the empire in the height of its power either through his sires own home or television. This place was full of unknowns, and those unknowns put him on edge. As if death would rise form the shadows and strike like a snake.

Leaning over the coffee table, he took note of the newspaper with a few words highlighted. Sentences that likely had some importance to someone. Adam raised the paper close to eye level, lids narrowing in deep consideration as he drank in the words specifically worked out from the rest. They meant something, but perhaps they meant nothing to him considering he had his own worries.

Like where was he and how long he had been out.

With quickly waning interest, the vampire set the paper down and took the other way. There had to be something there, a means by which he could leave and then from there try to find proper clothing. Being naked, especially in this unknown location made him feel even more uncomfortable. A clicking sound came at the edge of his hearing, slow and monotonous as he approached with an even more deliberate pace. That proved unnecessary when he saw it was nothing more than an oven cooking something, denoted by the scent.

It looked like he was alone, until  a voice caused him to let his breath catch within his throat, fangs sliding from their sheaths and out like small weapons. Falling to his knees as if being smaller would make him safer, Adam slunk in the shadows that existed towards the voice. Eventually pressing his back to the wall and looking around a turn within the path towards one of the back rooms. He would let them come to him, and maybe work from there.

Maybe kill them or just talk.

The Son of The Raven - Samael Christensen
Osiris - The Undead king
Adam Johnson
Adam Johnson
Post Mate
Post Mate

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 125
Registration date : 2016-07-28

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The tortures of the damned Empty Re: The tortures of the damned

Post by Humanity October 7th 2017, 3:01 pm

It would be a while before anything happened, but eventually the door to the room would open a little, a passing comment mumbled to himself would confirm that the occupant of the building not wanting to miss the buzzer on the oven. The voice continued to talk to itself a little bit as their footsteps could barely be heard on the soft carpet. The room he was in seemed to be some form of study, the clicking of a mouse could be heard as the squeaking of a chair leaning back groaned. The clicks were few and far between, though the scribblings of a pencil to paper was a much more common sound. It didn't take long for a long and exasperated sigh to come from the room.

"I should really go check on the oven..." He said, his anxiety present. He knew the alarm would work, he knew the timer would work, but that wouldn't stop his mind from painting the worst case scenario. It was odd that he had as vampire, or at the very least an incredibly charred individual was resting in his home but he was more concerned about the oven. A small popping sound with a little clicking and ticking of plastic was heard before the sound of a small object being placed on the desk whispered through the wind. After an audible gulp the denizen of the home cleared his throat. "Nope. Mind over matter. It's fine." He said, trying to sound convicted in what he said, but completely and utterly unsure of himself. The struggles of an anxious and fearful person were real.

Matthew continued to take his notes for the next couple minutes, if he was interrupted then he would need to adjust his schedule a little, but if not then he had a few more minutes before the food would be properly cooked. Of course it wasn't as if the vampire needed to worry about such things.


The tortures of the damned Humani11
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "If you can call me a hero...the next shot's on you."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 716
Age : 28
Job : The Villain
Humor : I used to be the dragon king, but then I took a can of plot bullshit to the knee. I'm just waiting for my powers to "miraculously" come back now.
Registration date : 2014-01-19

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The tortures of the damned Empty Re: The tortures of the damned

Post by Adam Johnson October 7th 2017, 5:05 pm

Adam stood there silent as a statue, expecting something to happen but nothing did. No one moved through the door, or even made noise beyond those small sounds that came with domestic life. Keys clicking, and these small sounds he couldn’t quite place beyond the fact they existed. There was someone beyond that door, human possibly, and likely a threat. Underestimating humans, well now that would have lead to him being burned again should he get careless. There came the small sound of a voice, male with a tinge of anxiety coming through.

Something was bringing them anxiety, almost made him feel sorry for the guy. Reminded him of the cambion he found himself constantly looking after, hoping that he didn’t get himself killed through some ill begotten grudge they held. Was it the same for this person, or was Adam thinking a little too deeply into things. His teeth grated over the soft skin of his lips, considering the fact he couldn’t afford to keep sitting here when there was something that could be done. Well, there was only one thing he could do and that was approach the door with those nearly silent steps and rap his knuckles against it.

”Excuse me, you wouldn’t happen to have any clothes on you? I’m a little naked and it’s breezy in here.” Adam spoke up, letting the male respond in whatever way he would. Keeping ears open for whatever sound suggested the movement of a weapon or anything along those lines.

The Son of The Raven - Samael Christensen
Osiris - The Undead king
Adam Johnson
Adam Johnson
Post Mate
Post Mate

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 125
Registration date : 2016-07-28

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The tortures of the damned Empty Re: The tortures of the damned

Post by Humanity October 7th 2017, 10:14 pm

Matthew heard a rapping on the door, suddenly his heart began racing as he immediately stood, turning a full one-eighty before his foot found itself on his chair and his pencil in his hand like a combat knife, ready to strike. Despite his sudden reactions he sighed and began to tremble, shocked by the sudden change of tempo from his daily life. He quickly looked about, sighing as he realized that if he wanted clothing he'd need to go fetch them. Matthew cleared his throat and started to walk towards the door.

"Uhm...yeah. If you could just step over into the other room, I'll get you some. Oh uh...uhm. Hold on a sec." Matthew said, realizing that them stepping over into the other room didn't fix the present nudity problem, or the comfort zone of the vampire. Without a second thought he looked around the room. Other than a pillow from the loveseat by the bookshelf there wasn't much to cover up with. With a sigh the removed his shirt and held it out through the door. "Here just...censor yourself or whatever so I can cross over." He said, waiting for the vampire to take the shirt in order to preserve some standard of modesty. When that was accomplished he's make a quick bolt across the hall, opening the door and stepping into the bedroom, the lights turning on as he made his way to the closet.

"S-so uhm. What kind of clothes do you-uhm. W-what makes you comfortable? Do you dress up or jus-" He was rambling a little before he turned to look at the vampire in question, only to find his jaw dropping. He had been floored as he saw a very, very familiar face and he flushed with frustration and confusion. "D-Dante? I-I mean...You're a vampire? I-I had no idea. I guess that just...surprises me." He seemed to calm down a lot, though his frustration was understandable and his confusion seemed to be centered around the3 fact he seemed to know this "Dante" person. Matthew turned back to his closet, looking over back at Adam and searching for clothes to suit his particular tastes.


The tortures of the damned Humani11
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "If you can call me a hero...the next shot's on you."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 716
Age : 28
Job : The Villain
Humor : I used to be the dragon king, but then I took a can of plot bullshit to the knee. I'm just waiting for my powers to "miraculously" come back now.
Registration date : 2014-01-19

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The tortures of the damned Empty Re: The tortures of the damned

Post by Adam Johnson October 7th 2017, 10:48 pm

This guy was being awkward, painfully so and it amused him to some degree. Not that seeing nude people was a norm for most, save for the most sexually explored types or people that frequented gym showers. Making him wonder if actually stepping into the other room would do anything, until the short was passed through the door for him to do whatever with. Jurry rigging it up a little to become a psuedo cloth wrapped around his waist became the goal, managing to cover up all the bits that needed to be covered up. Anything to make this odd human feel more comfortable it seemed, though in the end Adam didn’t care.

Having all of your flesh reduced to the texture of a burnt hotdog put things into perspective. ”Alright, i’m half way decent or whatever.” He said, giving the male the opportunity to dart out like a furtive little mouse, questioning what his choice in fashion was. ”Whatever you got. Just hope it actually fits.” Not that the shirt around his waist by any means looked small, and he wasn’t fat to begin with. It was when their face turned towards him that the expression dropped, looking odd in composition of emotion. As if the guy had seen a ghost, or something along those lines.

Who the hell was Dante? It sounded like a name, more akin to the Divine Comedy but he had never been called by that name before. Adam’s expression of brief confusion was apparent, head cocking to the side in this expression that did not comprehend what was being said to him immediately. ”Dante? Who the hell is that?” He asked, Looking actually curious for a moment, confused but curious.  Was this Dante a shapechanger that had stolen his face or perhaps some manner of lost twin that had been thrown through some rip within time itself? With arms crossed over his chest, Adam watched the male dig through the closet with faint appreciation.

Didn’t hurt they had that whole scrawny muscle look going on. Thinking back on it, Adam felt like he actually had a type, and should probably not be thinking weird things about perfect strangers. Instead taking whatever clothes he was handed and slipping into them as best he could.

The Son of The Raven - Samael Christensen
Osiris - The Undead king
Adam Johnson
Adam Johnson
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Registration date : 2016-07-28

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The tortures of the damned Empty Re: The tortures of the damned

Post by Humanity October 11th 2017, 12:14 am

"Nevermind. Sorry. I'm just...all over the place." This guy wasn't Dante. Oh boy, that was a bit of a relief. It would have been incredibly awkward to have to explain the elaborate housing to Dante, especially when the last time they saw each other was in their High school parking lot, Matthew trying to logically explain why he had to make distance between him and all of his friends. Stepen, Steven, James and the rest of them. All of them were people he had to say goodbye too. Dante and Alex were no exceptions, nor Jordan or Shael. Matthew pulled off white shirt and threw it over his shoulder, then he tossed a black shirt with a strange red curling and horned design on the chest.

He pulled down a pair of black jeans and tossed them to his vampiric houseguest and walked over to a small dresser with a television on top of it. Pulling out the drawer he pulled out a pair of socks and tssed them over to the Dante look-alike before putting his shirt on himself. After his shirt was back on, he'd put his glasses back on and adjust his beanie before clearing his throat and stepping away. He made his way towards the kitchen, leaving the other guy alone to change. Matthew would pull out the food and let out a small faint whistle, causing the medium sized dog to bolt out of the room and blow past the door, running and sitting at the foot of the kitchen table, tail wagging fervently.


The tortures of the damned Humani11
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

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Quote : "If you can call me a hero...the next shot's on you."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 716
Age : 28
Job : The Villain
Humor : I used to be the dragon king, but then I took a can of plot bullshit to the knee. I'm just waiting for my powers to "miraculously" come back now.
Registration date : 2014-01-19

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The tortures of the damned Empty Re: The tortures of the damned

Post by Adam Johnson October 11th 2017, 2:24 am

All over the place? Now that was an interesting way of just saying he mistook him for someone else, or perhaps there was more to that statement that one would think. Regardless clothes came in a stream, shirt, pants and socks which he put all of them on with a swift blur of motion. Feeling suddenly better about not being nude, he took the shirt that had served as an impromptu cloth and handed it back to the person that offered it. Now that he could check off being healed, and clothed then perhaps he could get to contacting Sammy, maybe getting things back to a more reasonable norm. That was when the smell of food wafting through the residence hit him, sniffing a few times and trying to remember why humans would even eat this stuff.

It had been too long since he actually enjoyed it.

The male had walked off to leave him alone to change of course, following afterwards once he was fully clothed. That was when the sound of whistling and a dog bounding through, though what it was bounding towards he could not tell. His footfalls were silent, unheard in the hearing spectrum that humans could boast. ”What’s that you got cooking there?” He asked with a smirk, waltzing over to the table with the dog and eyeing them with an arced brow.

You’re not a real dog, are you? A small mental message sent to them, wondering if he would even get anything back.

The Son of The Raven - Samael Christensen
Osiris - The Undead king
Adam Johnson
Adam Johnson
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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 125
Registration date : 2016-07-28

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The tortures of the damned Empty Re: The tortures of the damned

Post by Humanity October 13th 2017, 1:03 pm

"Oh. It's just something for the doggy." He said as he seemed to sniff a little, withdrawing the half cooked meat and setting it on the counter. "Let it cool down a little. Cooked meat is easier on digestion and SOMEONE is recovering from eating chocolate." He said, a tinge of irritation angled towards the dog as he turned around and finished turning the oven and kitchen appliances off.

    The dog immediately began looking around, whining loudly as it seemed to try and figure out where the voice was coming from. It let out pained little whimpers before growling and then barking, it's head shifting as it seemed to notice something. Suddenly the dog took a lunge forward, spinning around as if to make an about-face maneuver to strike at an unseen foe behind him. Alas his attack was not successful, and so he turned once more and gave a powerful snap. Now he was in a continuous loop, trying to catch his ever elusive tail, completely convinced that it was the voice whispering to him.

   ""Hey! Knock it off!" Matt yelled to the dog, but the stubborn mutt didn't listen as the furry little loop began to diverge away, bumping into a wall and causing the beast to seize up and stare at Matthew and his familiar looking friend. The beast would wait a few moments, growl and then return to chasing his tail away from the wall. "Or, ya know. Sure. Fuck you dad." He said with a soft scoff and shaking his head, fixing his glasses on his face and pulling off his beanie. He turned around and muttered that he would put butter in his beanie and beat the dog with it, but that proved to be a bit of a bluff.

          "So...vampire, huh?" Matthew asked as he stood by the refrigerator, crossing his arms and looking at this guy. "Got a name, or should I stick with calling you "Lost Boy"?"


The tortures of the damned Humani11
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "If you can call me a hero...the next shot's on you."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 716
Age : 28
Job : The Villain
Humor : I used to be the dragon king, but then I took a can of plot bullshit to the knee. I'm just waiting for my powers to "miraculously" come back now.
Registration date : 2014-01-19

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The tortures of the damned Empty Re: The tortures of the damned

Post by Adam Johnson October 13th 2017, 4:57 pm

Feeding dogs cooked meat? Now that was an interesting concept right now and not something people normally did with their beloved companions. Them having eaten chocolate did explain so many things, considering apparently they were not supposed to eat any of that. Th dogs reaction to his little mental message, causing it to leap and jump around as if something had bit at it. It was almost sad to hear the animal whining, if only because he couldn’t help feeling sympathy towards the animal. That whining came back to it chasing its tail, doing things that one expected from a dog.

”Cute little guy if you can get over the excessive barking.” Adam noted, leaning against one of the counters and looking down at the animal as it eventually returned to chasing its tail. This looked like something that bothered the human, mentioning putting butter in their beanie and threatening the dog with it. ”Aaaand the fact they don’t speak english.” He amended, rolling his eyes and then turning to the person that had asked him a question. Mostly about what he was and then his name, which would likely make things much easier than whatever nickname he came up with on the spot.

”A vampire, yeah.  And I assume you’re human, or something along those lines?” Hm, now that he wasn’t starving the scent of his blood wasn’t as tantalizing. ”Lost Boy is fine but you can call me Adam too. Latters what the parents actually named me, dull I know.” He shrugged, pacing around the room in an almost antsy manner. ”So saving random vampires something you do often or is this just a one time thing?” He would of course let the male answer before asking any more questions.

”Got a cellphone on you? I kinda need to make a call real quick.”

The Son of The Raven - Samael Christensen
Osiris - The Undead king
Adam Johnson
Adam Johnson
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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

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Number of posts : 125
Registration date : 2016-07-28

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