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The tortures of the damned

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The tortures of the damned - Page 6 Empty Re: The tortures of the damned

Post by Adam Johnson April 9th 2018, 3:07 am

”yeah, you still need to eat. Unless i’m suddenly misunderstanding human physiology entirely.” He considered the male, now tripping on the blood he had ingested to heal himself. This did in a sense make him wish he had actual healing magic, but for now his blood was the only thing that fell into that category. His blood was however was a potent drug, one that many humans upon consuming it desired once again. If Matt had an addictive personality, then he had a feeling the male would want to drink more. For now he had to make sure whatever weird food cravings he had were satiated. ”If you call being beaten to near death high, then yes I was very high.” Adam steadily lead the man along with him, hoping he didn’t take the sudden urge to shout at people. He lead him to one of the near by little sandwich shop his daughter gave glowing reviews about.

”You like sandwich shops right? I heard the soups pretty great here, but not enough blood in them for my taste.” Stepping through the door he could smell the scent of food. ”Just try not to...bring too much attention to us. I don’t need to fight off the police...again.”

Adam Johnson
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Number of posts : 125
Registration date : 2016-07-28

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The tortures of the damned - Page 6 Empty Re: The tortures of the damned

Post by Humanity April 9th 2018, 3:26 am

Something about a near death experience was more than he needed to hear. He was helped to a small sandwich and basically pointed to a booth. He went over and he sat in his chair. Neglecting the fact he had a bloodied over sweater, and he was pretty much high. He stopped and sat in the chair. His hair was a bit of a mess, thrown about as he pulled at it, petting himself for a moment as he started at the table. There was a little boy a few tables away that was continuing to play with his food, splashing animal crackers into his soup. The child noticed Humanity looking and he waved with a childlike glee. Matthew waved bac k, matching the boy's enthusiasm in a way he probably shouldn't have. Despite everything, this not-Dante dude, Adam. He was pretty freaking cool. Of all the vampires he knew...this guy was like...his fifth favorite. Chelle and Vitale were pretty high up there. Moonscryer too, despite the fact he was a stuck-up asshole that needed to be forced into submission on a regular basis.

"Dude. I'm a vegan...because like, Humans aren't' true carnivores...or even omnivores. We...We're frugivorous... But like... I could really...really use a steak right now. Just like; I always ate them rare. Just cooked enough but... I dunno." He said as blood seemed to drip from the side of his mouth a little. Reaching up he scratched his head as he tried to read the menu. "I dunno mate. Just get whatever. I'm just...hungry." He said as he yawned, stretching out, then folding his arms on he table and laying his head down. He wiped his mouth and then leaned up again, looking at the stains on his sleeves, confused as to how his fresh blood got there. He started to sniffle, as if he were sick and his nose wrinkled.

"Ugh. I hate that smell." He let his head drop back down as Adam continued about whatever he was doing.


The tortures of the damned - Page 6 Humani11
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "If you can call me a hero...the next shot's on you."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 716
Age : 28
Job : The Villain
Humor : I used to be the dragon king, but then I took a can of plot bullshit to the knee. I'm just waiting for my powers to "miraculously" come back now.
Registration date : 2014-01-19

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The tortures of the damned - Page 6 Empty Re: The tortures of the damned

Post by Adam Johnson April 9th 2018, 3:40 am

The two of them probably looked like a mess, with Adam having a shirt torn at the shoulder with blood coloring it and Matthew...well he looked terrible. Aside from the blood that was coursing through him, likely vitalizing him and bringing about this high stupor. His friend seemed to wave to a child enjoying their soup as the young human returned the waving. It was adorable in an odd sense, but likely not something that anyone else would have thought. Hearing that he was vegan proved to be an interesting revelation, one that didn’t seem to fit and yet it did. Until he mentioned  liking his steak basically raw, which meant...something? Maybe his blood was bringing about a hunger for meat that didn’t exist for a long while.

Adam sighed, wondering how he got himself stuck in this situation. ”Didn’t think you would be affected this badly.” Adam noted, furrowing his brows before turning his attention to the menu and picking out what was called a Philly cheese steak and a spud loaded with as much as possible. Once the order was done, he brought Matt to a seat where it would only a take a little until the food itself came around. It smelled like food he expected a human to enjoy, and so he just waited for the male to do whatever with it. ”So, need me to escort you home or do you think you’ll be fine doing that? ” An annoyed sigh worked from him. "Why do I always get stuck with the kids?"

The Son of The Raven - Samael Christensen
Osiris - The Undead king
Adam Johnson
Adam Johnson
Post Mate
Post Mate

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 125
Registration date : 2016-07-28

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The tortures of the damned - Page 6 Empty Re: The tortures of the damned

Post by Humanity April 9th 2018, 4:12 am

Matthew looked at the food placed before him and let out a heavy sigh, a small smile curling to his lips as he lifted his head up and placed his hand son the sandwich. He adjusted himself as he looked around, noting that there were a few people that were noticing his apparent bloody sweater. If Adam didn't want attention, sadly Matthew wasn't helping.

"Oooh! Thankyouthanktouthankyou!" Matthew said like a little gremlin before opening his mouth. His canine fangs semeed to be a bit sharper than they used to be as small little pricks on his lower lip continued to bleed as he tore into the sandwich like a savage. He practically inhaled a third of it in a single chomp, blood leaking from the corner of his mouth as he began to chew. He gave a smile before looking at Adam. "Yeah, I can get home bro. Just question." He quizzed as he made a small point to cover his mouth, setting the sandwich down before clearing his throat and taking a drink of water, some of his blood refluxing into the glass of water, spilling out and spreading out like a downward smoke.

"Where am I, and where the fuck is home?" He asked before a rather large man in a suit with an eyepatch sat down in the booth next to Adam.

"I believe I can be of some help with that. Right, scoot ya-self over lad." the tanned New Zealander said as he basically pushed Adam aside into the booth. The few streaks of silver hair present were matched only by the few that flaked his beard, a small smirk forming. the one-eyes man turned his head and looked to Adam. "Well points for gettin' him right messed up. I've been trying for ages, but the resilient little shit can't get drunk and won't touch a cigarette, let alone anything hard. Pat yourself on the back, kid. You've done good." he said. He looked over back to Matthew who was just trying to contain his smile as he slowly rotated his jaw in a circular motion as he chomped on his food.

"So, let's make this quick then. You tell anyone, and I do mean anyone about what went on here tonight, and I'll know. When you do, I'll be waiting. I appreciate you looking after the kid here, and you look like a sensible sort. You need to forget everything about tonight. Samhain, the kid, the angel that cut your arm. All of it. If you can do that, you can use this. Anytime, any place. A drop of your blood on it, and whatever your problem, it will go away. You take this, you use it. You use it wisely. But...tonight and any...crazy theories you may have stay forgotten. If they don't... I won't hesitate to erase you from the board. Not you. Not Samael. Not Malphas. Not even Rochelle Takeiro, for as much as I adore and respect her...can save you. There's cost to you. It's not a's a trade. " The man said as he left two cards on the table for Adam. The man then stood up out of the booth and tossed a golfer's cap to Matthew.

"Hurry up kid. I'll be outside when you're done." He said to Matthew, leaving him smiling and Adam to sit there. Matthew looked to Adam and nodded as he swallowed more of his sandwich. After he did, he finally spoke...

"He a friend of yours?" he asked, proving he had no idea who that in fact was.


The tortures of the damned - Page 6 Humani11
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "If you can call me a hero...the next shot's on you."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 716
Age : 28
Job : The Villain
Humor : I used to be the dragon king, but then I took a can of plot bullshit to the knee. I'm just waiting for my powers to "miraculously" come back now.
Registration date : 2014-01-19

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The tortures of the damned - Page 6 Empty Re: The tortures of the damned

Post by Adam Johnson April 9th 2018, 4:33 am

As soon as the sandwich appeared before him, his human friend began to wolf the sandwich down as if it would be the last food he would ever eat. His eyes could see it, the blood leaking from the corner of his mouth as if he were hurting himself while violently eating. The question between inhales was where he was, and what home even was. Adam drew in an exasperated sigh, trying to respond when someone butted into their conversation. The accent itself was nothing really, but how he shoved him aside and added themselves into the conversation was another matter. Adam really hated annoying people and their propensity to...well do just that. Even with all the vampiric strength at his command, he still had to deal with that.

This unknown person talked as if they knew Matt and from there he had a feeling this conversation was getting a little threatening. In his centuries of life, Adam had plenty of people threaten his unlife and many of them even tried to act upon it. From calm to taught with nerves his body went, as if any second he would have to lash out at this unknown person. Instead of acting rashly, he just sat there and waited for them to get to the point. Eventually he set two cards down, threw a cap to his eating friend and stood up. ”No, he’s not.” He muttered contemplatively, looking to the male as they left the restaurant and then back to Matt.

”Well..this was fun and i’m sure i’d love to meet you again sometime. If you need me for anything or feel like that weirdo with the accent is a danger; just call me. I’m sure you have my number on you somewhere. I have important vampire things to do.” With a motion of the hand he collected the cards and settled them into his right pocket. ”I already paid for the meal, so don’t feel obliged to pay or anything.” Important vampire things would likely come down to actually resting for once, but in the end that was fine enough for him.

He needed rest anyway.

The Son of The Raven - Samael Christensen
Osiris - The Undead king
Adam Johnson
Adam Johnson
Post Mate
Post Mate

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 125
Registration date : 2016-07-28

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The tortures of the damned - Page 6 Empty Re: The tortures of the damned

Post by Sponsored content

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