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The tortures of the damned

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The tortures of the damned - Page 3 Empty Re: The tortures of the damned

Post by Humanity December 13th 2017, 5:22 pm

The second Adam made note of a child being a price of Hell, the German Shepherd in the room had it's head up and glaring directly at Adam, almost as if he had just called him for food. Of course Matthew hadn't noticed, but it didn't take long for him to answer his vampiric compatriot's offer. He had brought to light the fact that the things of the supernatural world feed upon things such as fear, death and other unpleasentries of being a mortal. All Matthew could do was smile and think to himself: Dude, that explains every mentor I've had, ever.

"I don't think I'm the guy for the job, and I doubt you want to go after this thing. I mean if you do I can get you in touch with the right people." He said, though the German Shepherd seemed to become quite territorial of his owner, having now scampered over and jumped into Matthew's lap. He continued to stare at Adam, though his owner seemed to take no notice of this.

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The tortures of the damned - Page 3 Empty Re: The tortures of the damned

Post by Adam Johnson December 13th 2017, 6:54 pm

Adam’s eyes shot momentarily to the dog which seemed to shift. The sound of fur rubbing against carpet, eyes narrowed in the animal approximation of a glare at him. It could have been the dog acting in the way that animals acted towards his kind, or a flash of intelligence within those guileless eyes of his. Nothing that he thought overly much on, turning his attention instead back to Matthew considering that he was the focus of the conversation. An overly affluent human without much of a supernatural flair to himself. Beyond blood that apparently had a rather potent healing property to vampires.

”Honestly, most of the things I end up going after I don’t want to. Let’s just say my friends have a tendency to piss off the wrong people.” Cryptic as it was, Samael did have a tendency to do stupid things that pissed off people he ended up having to deal with. The fact that he came close to death, now that was a very uncomfortable situation for everyone. Still, he was someone who helped his friends despite the fact they did stupid things.

His eyes followed the dog as it settled onto the males lap, narrowing slightly but nothing beyond that. ”If it’s a problem that’ll affect me in the long run, I might as well deal with it.” Draining the last of his crimson concoction, Adam hummed. Letting the sound draw out. ”So I suppose you would have to direct me towards these right people in time, or now. Whichever is convenient.”

The Son of The Raven - Samael Christensen
Osiris - The Undead king
Adam Johnson
Adam Johnson
Post Mate
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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 125
Registration date : 2016-07-28

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The tortures of the damned - Page 3 Empty Re: The tortures of the damned

Post by Humanity December 20th 2017, 12:08 am

The date would be set then. Matthew made a point to call Dante almost immediately, then transitioned into calling on other help, if it was applicable. The people he would reach out too were a rather weird group of meshed together people. Adam, Dante, Ryan, Guilty Spark and none other than Silus himself. It was going to be a very interesting meeting of the minds when it all came together. Matthew just had to be there to point them all in the right direction, thankfully. Dealing with Samhain and his bullshit wasn't his favorite pass time.

The meeting of all concerned parties happened two night later, and it happened in the very alleyway where Matthew had found Adam. It was a rather secluded location, and it offered a great chance for Adam to potentially run into the same assholes that scorched him up last time, especially since Matthew may or may not have let it leak into the supernatural underworld that Adam was calling them out to meet him there. It would all come to fruition, he just knew it would.

Matthew was first on the scene as he placed the motorcycle's kickstand down and leaned it up, taking the helmet on and revealing his beanie. The alleyway had small puddles of water from the washing rain a few hours earlier. All he needed now was Adam, and hopefully soon enough the people whom attacked him. Then he would worry about the others showing up...though his eyes went to the puddle and he smirked a little, noticing there hadn't been a puddle anywhere else on the wet street. He wouldn't draw much attention to it though, as he crossed his arms and let out an exashperated sigh of boredom.


The tortures of the damned - Page 3 Humani11
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

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Quote : "If you can call me a hero...the next shot's on you."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 716
Age : 28
Job : The Villain
Humor : I used to be the dragon king, but then I took a can of plot bullshit to the knee. I'm just waiting for my powers to "miraculously" come back now.
Registration date : 2014-01-19

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The tortures of the damned - Page 3 Empty Re: The tortures of the damned

Post by Adam Johnson December 20th 2017, 2:13 am

Setting up a meeting for them was the most convenient, so Adam went along with it. Getting himself set up and using those two days for his own purpose. Dealing with bullshit from someone that wanted to create vampires, well that was not something he wanted wandering around. Just thinking about it made the blood within him chill, so that was why he waited until the sun began to set before coming out. Having access to his own clothes felt nice, so Adam changed and went out to the very alleyway he had been found by the odd human. No longer burned beyond functioning, with pale flesh replete with blood. Samael was as difficult to get ahold of within those two days, so perhaps something was going on in that front.

He was second on the scene, like a pale shadow as he landed soundlessly beside Matthews motorcycle. The air smelled of moisture, and was replete with the sounds that came with a city. They were here for their collective goal, Adam letting his hands rest in his pockets while silently taking all sensory around him. Of course he had heard about someone using his name to call someone out, but whether those people actually showed up he could not tell.

”Sounding bored there. Didn’t expect waiting for an old as dirt vampire to take so long?” He spoke up finally, noting an odd scent mingle with the air. Human, but something else with it. A burnt scent, not quite brimstone but to his sensitive nose it was potent. Someone or something was close, though he was too focused on that to notice the puddle rippling despite the lack of a breeze. It was familiar, but held an edge that felt odd.

”Because it looks like we have company.” As if on cue a humanoid shape appeared on the other end of the alleyway, wreathed in writhing shadows.

The Son of The Raven - Samael Christensen
Osiris - The Undead king
Adam Johnson
Adam Johnson
Post Mate
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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 125
Registration date : 2016-07-28

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The tortures of the damned - Page 3 Empty Re: The tortures of the damned

Post by Humanity December 28th 2017, 8:20 pm

"Company? Nothing a little silver won't fix." Matthew said as he drew the pistol from his belt, the gun aimed at the stranger. For a moment he watched as if attempting to discern if this was a friend or a foe. The German Shepherd let out a little growl before seeming to "speak" a bit and gain his master's attention. "This demon with you, Adam?" He asked, as carefree and light-hearted as ever, the dog seeming to notice Sam and his eyes flicking between the vampire and the demon. What a world they lived in, but that was a tree he wouldn't bark up. For many, ironic, reasons.

Matthew lowered his gun and kept wary watch over the newcomer. Though the attention was moved from the man as the loud and not-so-careful steps of another could be heard. The tapping of shoes and the shifting of water-repellant thick coat announced all to well whom had arrived. Matthew turned and nodded with a slight smile as an almost identical replica of Adam arrived. He looked a little more colorful, having skin of a slightly different background in genetics, and his eyes were an off green-blue, but structurally they were practically the same. The same black hair, though the newcomer wore it in a fauxhawk and had a very similar dress style to Matthew. He wore a black flannel shirt with small trims of red, black tightly fitted jeans and a white undershirt with strange black scribbles that seemed as if it said "I'm Fine" on it.

"Gentlemen, may I introduce to you; Dante Amuri-Alighieri" He said, leaving Dante wide-eyed as he looked to Adam and seemed to notice the immediate similarities, leaving him speechless.


The tortures of the damned - Page 3 Humani11
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "If you can call me a hero...the next shot's on you."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 716
Age : 28
Job : The Villain
Humor : I used to be the dragon king, but then I took a can of plot bullshit to the knee. I'm just waiting for my powers to "miraculously" come back now.
Registration date : 2014-01-19

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The tortures of the damned - Page 3 Empty Re: The tortures of the damned

Post by Adam Johnson December 28th 2017, 10:39 pm

Erratically the shadows writhed, dancing and squirming around the figure that had appeared at the end of the alleyway. Smelling of something he couldn’t quite shake off until the scent hit his nostrils fully. ”And it’s not someone I was expecting.” Adam muttered, eyes beginning to piercing through the darkness to notice the sight of copper hair and eyes that blended with the darkness around it. ”Sammy and Matthew why don’t you both put down the weapons?” He spoke up, catching the question about knowing the half-demon which had recalled his constructs.

”New friend of yours Adam?” The shadows peeled from his body, revealing him in his full jerkish glory. Pale as he normally was, save for his veins standing out as black lines against flesh. Hair a little messy but otherwise fine.

”He’s...a friend. Normally isn’t so demon looking but I stopped trying to understand what was going on with him.” Adam explained, hoping that Matthew would lower his weapon which seemed to happen. The dog responded to him in an odd fashion, turning between its master and the ginger. ”Now that you’re here, maybe you can help us out with something.” Any help against someone trying to create a new race of vampire was nice, though another body being added to their meeting increased the intrigue.

”It’s like i’m seeing double and...not complaining.” Samael noted, having noticed Dante before Adam who looked just as surprised as Dante.

”Okay, I can see why he mistook me for you. A little less like death but I can see it.” A few inhales from his nostrils. ”That is very weird. Well, it’s nice to meet someone as handsome as myself.” He smirked, extending a hand to shake. Likely Dante would notice the flesh was cold to the touch, oddly so. Withdrawing his hand to his side. ”So, I was supposed to help stop someone from creating vampires?”

The Son of The Raven - Samael Christensen
Osiris - The Undead king
Adam Johnson
Adam Johnson
Post Mate
Post Mate

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 125
Registration date : 2016-07-28

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The tortures of the damned - Page 3 Empty Re: The tortures of the damned

Post by Humanity December 29th 2017, 2:57 pm

Matthew was more than content to lower the weapon and offer a small smile, a friendly nod to compliment it. Any sense of hostility he had left, now that this "Sammy" had been identified by Adam as a friendly. Dante and Adam would exchange their social graces, a handshake coursing and giving Dante the chills as he seemed to step back and keep closer to the people he genuinely knew.

"Uh- yeah. Samhain is trying to make a new breed of parasitic creature. It's a cross breed between Angels and Vampires. Celestial based Vampires..." Dante said before looking to Sammy and Adam, a worried and slightly discouraged look on his face flashed briefly as he looked to Matthew, his heartbeat going irregular for a moment as if he were under great distress.

"Celestial Vampires aren't the kinda thing we want running around. The other sect's and broods are more than enough to keep me busy, thank you much." He said as he walked over to the puddle of water, squatting down he dipped his finer in it and started to poke it. "Ryan. Ryan please tell me this is you, otherwise I'm going to look like a whack-job." He continued to poke the puddle for a moment. Dante eyed Matthew as if he were off his rocker, then looked around at the given "party" of their adventure. Dante couldn't shake the feeling that this was not going to end well...

        Especially once the dog came over and started to try and drink the puddle...


The tortures of the damned - Page 3 Humani11
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "If you can call me a hero...the next shot's on you."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 716
Age : 28
Job : The Villain
Humor : I used to be the dragon king, but then I took a can of plot bullshit to the knee. I'm just waiting for my powers to "miraculously" come back now.
Registration date : 2014-01-19

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The tortures of the damned - Page 3 Empty Re: The tortures of the damned

Post by Adam Johnson December 29th 2017, 4:06 pm

”A crossbreed between vampires and angels? Here I thought I was dealing with enough angels as it was.” Adam sighed, Samael appearing to share the same sentiment. He perked up somewhat upon hearing the irregularity within his heartbeat, just assuming that had something to do with meeting his doppleganger. A likely response from anyone really, but then again he was dealing with the same thing. Luckily his heart didn’t quite beat the same as his, and no one expect Sammy was around to hear any shifts.

”If it means we don’t have to deal with another race of self righteous pricks i’m up for helping out.” Samael added in, drawing sunglasses from his back-pocket and letting them cover his eyes behind a glamor. However  Matthew had proceeded to walk over to a puddle and begin to poke it, speaking to the gathering of water as if it were alive somehow. Even referring to it as Ryan.

That would have looked crazy until the puddle shifted, a hand shape rising from it and followed by head shape before becoming more solid. ”I’m here i’m here. Now could you stop sticking your finger in me in front of your friends.” A splash of water was all that was reserved for the dog as Ryan rose completely from the puddle, looking about as pale as Adam but with a thin sheen of frost. Dressed up in jeans, a plain shirt and a leather jacket over that. ”So I heard something about stopping vampires from being made so...i’ll help.” Burying his hands into the pockets of the jacket, and gave everyone else a glance.

”So is that everyone or do we have anyone else popping up?”

The Son of The Raven - Samael Christensen
Osiris - The Undead king
Adam Johnson
Adam Johnson
Post Mate
Post Mate

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 125
Registration date : 2016-07-28

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The tortures of the damned - Page 3 Empty Re: The tortures of the damned

Post by Humanity December 29th 2017, 8:09 pm

"But an audience makes it so much more exciting. We could send them home..." He said sarcastically as he playfully gave a light swat to Ryan's head with a small smile. The demon agreed to slaughtering some angel-born creatures some moments earlier, and Adam was apparently feeling energized and ready to go. It was rather evident by the way he spoke. Matthew sighed as he looked about. He called on two others for help, but they weren't here. He didn't figure the one would show, but the was an interesting development. "We're still waiting on one..."

"Who is it?" He asked, Matthew looked over his shoulder to Dante, muttering a response, leaving Dante confused. With another moment in the wind, Dante had time to look and observe everyone, getting a decent read on their interactions. After a few minutes, Matthew sighed as Dante spoke. "Whoever this is, we're going to need to do this without them. We've got a narrow window of opportunity."

"I know...but he NEEDS to be here. For three reasons, without him here this victory over Samhain will just be another petty battle...I'm not interested in winning battles, not when I'm trying to stop a war." He instructed Dante, before looking to Ryan. He had to wonder if the boy's pale and slightly frosted exterior had any true meaning. He knew all too well that people with powers tended to manifest what they felt within, but where did that put Ryan? Poor, innocent little Ryan? He had heard that he'd recently taken up life's guiltiest little pleasure, but did that really change him that drastically?

"Sorry to keep you waiting." A familiar voice called, pulling Matthew from his thoughts as a small child walked down the alley in an oversized brown hoodie and torn up jeans. His piercing Indigo eyes faintly glowed within the night as he smiled at Matthew, only for his smile to find Ryan and fade slightly, then disappearing altogether. "So...stopping some vampires?" He asked as he looked around, seeing the people they had at the little junction. Matt, Ryan, A set of twins, a ginger with sunglasses and a motorcycle that belonged to Matthew.

"Oh...a kid. Yeah, this kid is going to with this war of yours. I can see it now." Dante said, earning an almost uncharacteristically piercing stare that sent shivers up even Silus' spine. He turned from Dante and smiled, his friendly demeanor showing as he looked between Silus and Ryan, catching the tension and almost suffocating on it. He had to wonder if Ryan even knew it was there.

"Don'tcha know I go about my father's business?" Silus asked as he looked around with a little wave. "So... where whats the plan?"

"Samhain is utilizing two individuals to guard the area he created. Blood Tithe and Azrael are on point, they're flanked by the vampires known as "The Agents of Azrael". They are an incredibly dangerous bunch, but they are loyal to Azrael only. They seen any angel vampires get loose and they won't hesitate to put an end to that. Blood Tithe isn't someone we can just out-shove, he's calculating...but he's not without a heart. In fact he's arguably more human than the man he was created from. Silus and Ryan can take care of him. I can deal with Azrael's lackey's while Dante leads someone to the genesis-chamber. Got any volunteers? " Matt asked as he looked to Sam and Adam, wondering which one would go with Dante and actually complete the objective.


The tortures of the damned - Page 3 Humani11
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "If you can call me a hero...the next shot's on you."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 716
Age : 28
Job : The Villain
Humor : I used to be the dragon king, but then I took a can of plot bullshit to the knee. I'm just waiting for my powers to "miraculously" come back now.
Registration date : 2014-01-19

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The tortures of the damned - Page 3 Empty Re: The tortures of the damned

Post by Adam Johnson December 29th 2017, 8:49 pm

Should his flesh have adequate blood flow, Matthew would have seen Ryan blush but there was only a slight change within color as he leaned against a wall. ”’re joking with me.” Ryan muttered, as Adam and Samael congregated to their own section of the alleyway. Adam seemingly talking with Samael about something until their final member came. That being a child, messily dressed but looking a little young compared to the others. Ryan was the one that reacted most visibly, frowning and turning away while only giving the faintest of sideways glances.

Adam could feel the tension within the area and it could be cut with a knife.

”It’s a child? Feeling this is a little questionable here Matt.” Adam noted, bruised eyes narrowing as they focused upon Silus in a curious manner. ”But if he can help then I won’t complain...too much.” Eyes glowing off indigo, now those were not something he had seen before. Silver, or even bloody red but not a glowing purple. Not letting his mind focus too much on the minor features of an odd child that would help them defeat evil angel vampires.

Granted he was technically a demon vampire but that was another story entirely.

”I can accompany him to this genesis chamber or whatever.” Samael offered up, feeling for the crystal within his left pocket. ”Any excuse to ruin schemes like this I suppose.”

”And that leaves me...with helping you?” Adam questioned looking to Matt, arcing a brow and smirking. ”I mean unless someones expecting me to do something else?”

The Son of The Raven - Samael Christensen
Osiris - The Undead king
Adam Johnson
Adam Johnson
Post Mate
Post Mate

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 125
Registration date : 2016-07-28

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The tortures of the damned - Page 3 Empty Re: The tortures of the damned

Post by Humanity January 10th 2018, 7:13 pm

Matthew listened for a moment, though the more the people seemed to question the boy, the more his small and shy smile became bold and apparent. He was a daring one, if nothing else. But of course he looked to see Ryan, and he then looked to Dante, only to be shocked a little as he grew nervous once more. If what Matthew had told him was true, then he was looking at someone very important to him, and the prospect of that created the smallest specks of anxiety. Silus had a thousand things to say and do, and there were most certainly a flurry of emotions between his friends and family.

"This child is none other than Peter Pan himself, and I couldn't be any more thankful that he showed up." Matthew said with a smile. The boy just shrugged a little, his little smile lighting his indigo eyes up ever so slightly.

"Well.. ya know...when a lost boy calls, I'll come flyin'." He said meekly as he buried his hands into his pockets, looking about as he seemed to get embarrassed about the attention having been on him. But he was grateful that the people had established their plan, and now Matthew was bound up with the Dante look-alike, while Samael would take part in assisting the Adam look-alike. Ryan and Silus would have their own time to brood or do whatever was required. Matthew dispensed out little ear-pieces with a high frequency Bluetooth connection. It suddenly started to feel like a formal military operation.

"Pan and Ryan are going to approach Samhain's lair directly. Dante will lead Sammy-boy through the facility through the entrance he found. Samhain's power will detect Pan and if anything else he'll be focused. If he's not focused enough, Dant-erm. Adam. Sorry. Adam and I are going to flank the facility and I'll call in a friend of mine. We'll provide a distraction. When Azrael appears, two of us will need to break off and deal with him directly, which leaves someone else to handle the Agents of Azrael..." Matthew's plan was explained a little bit, though his whole process wasn't entirely set out. He walked over to his motorcycle and began to rummage through a compartment under the seat, withdrawing a bag of several components. He walked over to Adam and smiled, his commanding demeanor seeming to shift, like a bi-polar patient, the aura of an entirely different person was present.

"We'll move into position. It's 30 minutes from here on foot, human pace. No powers, don't bring suspicion. Pan and Ryan head out first. Then us. Dante leads Sammy after." He seemed to simplify things for everyone, but then his attention was truly with Adam in that moment. Silus sighed and nodded as he started to turn and walk away. "I'm gonna be using a LOT of things vampires don't like. But, since I've got friends in all the dark places, I've come prepared." He then opened the bag and offered up several random items that seemed to be nothing special. The first one looked like some form of lotion, the other was a small pair of circles with screw on caps, a contact lens case no doubt. The final items were a water-bladder and a small paintbrush with a small container of clear liquid.

[color=chartreuse]"This lotion will protect you from UV light, it has wax-like properties but the chemicals sink into your skin like lotion, it won't fix your fire problem, but it'll let you be exposed for a little longer before combustion. Contact lenses adapt to light and compensate for vampiric eyes. This invisible ink will help me get you ready for Azrael. He's a walking Holy Symbol and he holds a blade that means death for even those we consider immortal. When you approach a holy symbol or marking, or are on blessed grounds, the ink lights up. We'll put it on first then you can use the lotion for yourself. The Water-bladder you can actually wrap around your neck and keep it in your mouth. The bag's filled with blood, and something else to give a bit better of an oomph to vampiric healing...Unless you, you know...don't want the stuff. Fair warning though... I'm not changing my load-out."[color] He joked a moment as he reached into the back and held the paintbrush in hand.


Silus continued to walk quietly with Ryan, as they started towards the place of meeting. There was a chill in the air that Silus recognized, but yet he never spoke of it. He waited as they walked, wondering if Ryan would even say anything...or if he had truly forsaken everything he was. Everything that he was to everyone, or what everyone was to him.


The tortures of the damned - Page 3 Humani11
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "If you can call me a hero...the next shot's on you."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 716
Age : 28
Job : The Villain
Humor : I used to be the dragon king, but then I took a can of plot bullshit to the knee. I'm just waiting for my powers to "miraculously" come back now.
Registration date : 2014-01-19

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The tortures of the damned - Page 3 Empty Re: The tortures of the damned

Post by Adam Johnson January 10th 2018, 9:38 pm

”Peter pan huh? Well nice to have you along.” Adam said, considering the shorter male with silent intrigue. There was something more to him than the softness of youth, but that was likely something more of interest to the strange frost boy. Hopefully the two of them didn’t mess up in a way that caused a new species of vampire to be born an terrorize mortals more than metahumans already apparently did. Granted that could have just been the propaganda that grew commonplace as the years went on.

If humans wanted people to swallow their crap, then that was usually the best option.

Everyone however was separated with their prospective partners, an odd tension existing between the child and their partner Ryan. Adam could not help wondering if that would alter their ability to do this mission, considering his understanding of military tactics was from movies not surprisingly enough. The weakest link and all that nonsense.

Following the suit of everyone else, Adam pressed the ear piece into his ear with Samael doing the same. Appearing a little more comfortable than he was with a device like that, granted Adam always had his own reservations with modern technology beyond television. His eyes followed Matt who would remove something from their motorcycle, bringing these items over to him. Odd looking as they were, he had a feeling this was an actual offering. Everyone else would break off , going to their duty with the youngest going, followed by his look alike and Sammy. Hopefully the cambion would take care of himself.

Try not to get yourself killed. Adam let the telepathic message off to Samael, letting him response however he wanted even if that didn’t really lead to a visible reaction. So he would keep his attention in the items being offered to him, likely means by which he could defend himself from methods that would take down his kind.

He should have seen these coming.

”yeah, wasn’t expecting you to change anything. Lucky for me you aren’t the type to tell me get over it. Not exactly in the mood to get set on fire again.” Adam smirked, accepting the items which for the most part would help lessen his crippling weaknesses. Hopefully they were not overly needed but he did expect something to happen, considering if this guy was really a human then he would be well prepared. No hunter walked into a den of the undead without proper preparation. It was how his old family ended up as nothing more than cinders.

Taking everything and putting it where it would be needed, Adam let the odd thing rest around his neck and raised his jackets hood a little. ”So, how about we get movin?” He questioned in a good natured fashion, motioning with his head for the male to come along and began walking.

Despite his inability to feel cold Ryan could feel that cold tension within the air between him and Silus. While he wasn’t absolutely sure, something told him that someone had informed his friend...perhaps former friend about what he had done. It would have explained the looks, reluctance to even glance at him. ”I assume you already know.” Ryan spoke up, breaking the silence like ice. ”That...probably explains why you haven’t said anything to me yet.” As they walked, he almost dreaded any response but he would have to own up to it.

Regardless of what that meant.

The Son of The Raven - Samael Christensen
Osiris - The Undead king
Adam Johnson
Adam Johnson
Post Mate
Post Mate

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 125
Registration date : 2016-07-28

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The tortures of the damned - Page 3 Empty Re: The tortures of the damned

Post by Humanity January 17th 2018, 3:19 pm

Matthew nodded and allowed Adam to lead them to their designated area. Matthew was fully prepared to combat some vampiric minors. Of course he also had to worry about Azrael, though he found himself less and less concerned with it as he traveled with Adam. He double tapped his phone and typed in quite a few characters before silencing and taking off vibration, knowing that at when the time came, vampiric sensory would pick up on that very easily.


Dante was stuck with the strange cambion. He seemed to have some form of dark energy seething from him, although there was a small light on the inside. Something human still remaining. Dante cleared his throat nervously as he started to rub his arms and looked around, trying to calm himself in the presence of a darker and quite possibly higher power. Of course, Dante had learned all too well how to perceive such things. Samhain had done something right, at least. But now Dante knew it was up to him, and these total strangers to save Samhain, by stopping him. Dante didn't have any clue as to why Samhain was beginning these drastic actions, or what his endgame was at this point. But what he did know was that cosmic, angelic vampires were an issue.

Dante finally lead Samael to the side entrance, though his own presence was something that none had yet perceived. The occasional vampiric patrol walked past, taking a small smell before deciding it was a familiar scent and walking off. Dante cleared his throat a little with a small swig of water, thankful that the vampires didn't have the best sense of hearing when they were so young into their immortality. " long have you known....Adam, is it?" Dante asked, unsure of how to even begin finding out information on the odd otherworldly doppelganger.


Silus and Ryan walked, though it had mostly been silent. Of course, Ryan managed to muster up the courage to talk to him, and bring up the fact that he obviously knew about Ryan's attack on Lucius and his family. Silus didn't even dignify it with a response. He stopped walking, looking straight ahead at the warehouse they were going to make their move on. Silus closed his eyes and took in a depe breath, letting out a slow, pained exhale. The chilled air stung his nostrils, and lungs.

"Yeah..." Silus said as he let out a hissing exhale, trying to keep himself calm. He let the silence linger for a moment before stuffing his hands into his front pockets and shifting his head a little, his hair tossing to the side before adding to the comments. "After Lucius killed all those people in the boat...when I lost Yancey... I saved them. Then, I saved him. I redeemed him, Ryan. You might not see the good in him, and it's true. He's a murderer. but so are you. So his Matty. There are a ton of people that you're surrounded by who are murderers...who were horrible, horrible people. Now here they are. Heroes, symbols. Beacons."

"I'm mad because you didn't come to me for help. I'm mad because everything I put into helping make Lucius a better person might be for nothing, after all the good he was starting to so. But most importantly...I'm mad because you've turned around and become the very monster that victimized you. You're a villain, Ryan. You took your victimization and victimized others. You do it...a LOT. Frozen castles in the middle of L.A, white outs that could possibly kill hundreds of people, oh and let's not forget the kid your powers killed back then." This was probably the first time he'd ever seen Silus genuinely angry. He looked to Ryan and his eyes were cold, cold enough to make even ice pale in comparison. The cold hard stare and the balled up fists, the tense stance as he clenched his jaw. "Think of everything you've ever experienced. Think about when you met us, think about everything you've done. Meeting Austyn, Matt, Cale...all of those feelings, all those emotions. Isalia had just as many memories, just as many feelings and emotions. She loved, just like I love, just like you did. Now...because of you...and INNOCENT young woman....someone I was sup-no... forget it. She didn't deserve it. Just like your mother didn't deserve it." Silus said as his frustration caused the whites in his eyes to turn a bit bloodshot and water up, though he pushed it back. suppressed it.

"I'll do everything I can for you. Just like I will Lucius. But until you figure out who you are...and who you want to be... You're just another villain to me. Just another murderer...and as far as I'm concerned. My best friend, Ryan, is just another victim of yours. We need to get this over with...I'm gonna catch a cold." Silus said a she brushed off Ryan and just walked up towards the warehouse. As he walked, he half expected Ryan to piss off, though Silus couldn't imagine that Ryan didn't know that it was going to happen. As Silus approached, there was a loud whistle that came from Silus as he began to wave his arms fervently, the look of pure anger still on his face as he called out.

"HEY! Blood Tithe! Get out here!" He yelled. There was silence all throughout the area, though Silus' eyes continued to shift as he watched around, seeing a few places of movement. It took a small while, but after a goof minute's worth of delay, the warehouse shipping port opened, and a glowing red sphere was seen under a hooded veil with menacing jaws. It was the once-evil carbon copy of Lucius Alba, walking from the darkness to greet that which called him out.


The tortures of the damned - Page 3 Humani11
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "If you can call me a hero...the next shot's on you."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 716
Age : 28
Job : The Villain
Humor : I used to be the dragon king, but then I took a can of plot bullshit to the knee. I'm just waiting for my powers to "miraculously" come back now.
Registration date : 2014-01-19

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The tortures of the damned - Page 3 Empty Re: The tortures of the damned

Post by Adam Johnson January 17th 2018, 3:59 pm

Samael followed the strange human that looked just like Adam. Keeping to himself while trying t figure out what he exactly was. While the possibility of someone being a doppelganger or changeling was possible, he wasn’t sure that was the case. The truesight given to him by his rune would have seen through whatever made him look like Adam, yet all he saw was the same face as before. It was an odd feeling, seeing someone that he cared about and yet knowing that was not them. Yet he did nothing, just following him until they reached what looked like the destination. Taking in a small breath through his nostrils to take in all the small scents around them.

Occasionally the vampires would walk past them, reeking of youth and trying to smell them out. Luckily their senses didn’t ferret the two of them out and continued walking onwards. ”Three years now. Not a long time by his standards but i’’m not exactly old myself.” Not too much given away but he knew that the guy likely wanted some information about someone that looked like him. It was an odd feeling, likely having to explain this whole thing. ”If you want any actual information about him, i’d suggest talking with Adam yourself. He’s pretty open about certain things.” He let silence longer for a few seconds, before looking to Dante with an arced brow.

”Well you’re leading the way, so what do we do next?”


Ryan had expected Silus to hear, either through Lucius himself or someone else. Yet he didn’t expect the response, locked within a stunned silence while the child unloaded on him. Each word filled with an icy anger that seemed to pierce through even his own resilience to cold, leaving him shivering despite the silence and breaking through the fragile resolve he had managed. No responses could formulate within his brain, melting like frost would on a hot summers day. He couldn’t tell if shock of pain had kept him quiet, yet he couldn’t speak all the same. Instead all he did was numbly follow suit, eyes now more glassed over than actually icy.

They had a mission to do and that’s all his mind was on. Silus walking ahead of him and the massive metal door to the warehouse creaking open, revealing the one beyond in dark wardrobe and wreathed within an oddly familiar energy. It wasn’t Lucius but this Blood Tithe person that Silus mentioned. Not meeting him directly like Silus was, Ryan was more content shifting into a liquid form and slinking into what he felt was a strategic position while the temperature itself began to lower. Getting any advantage they could against this guy was good enough, just so they could get this over with.

The Son of The Raven - Samael Christensen
Osiris - The Undead king
Adam Johnson
Adam Johnson
Post Mate
Post Mate

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 125
Registration date : 2016-07-28

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The tortures of the damned - Page 3 Empty Re: The tortures of the damned

Post by Humanity February 12th 2018, 9:30 pm

Matthew watched as Blood Tithe came over to take a knee, he half anticipated Ryan to strike immediately, though he was most certain that if he did...Silus would have gone turncoat in that instant. Silus was a loving and forgiving boy, but he reminded him a lot of...well...him at a younger age. He was watching Silus undergo an metamorphosis that turned a wide-eyed loving little boy into a monster in a mask. Silus was almost perfect in every way, but it was a miracle to wonder how long it would take for him to break.

"...We need to improvise." Matthew said as he gathered some of his explosives. "...They're too calm. Too assured. My friend will meet you at the flank, hold your own until then handsome. I'm gonna blow shit up." He said with a smirk as he wandered off. He would wait for there to be enough distance between him and the vampire, allowing the vampire to reach the flanking route. Once there he'd likely find two hooded young vampires with oddly shifting eyes.

"You aren't of the brood...but you are of the chosen? Have you come as a brother of Azrael?" The first called out to ask, though soon enough another's eyes began to glow a bloody orange red tinge, like a smoldering ember. "He does not belong here!" before going into a full out sprint at Adam.

Shortly after the one charged, a loud explosion went off and immediately distracted the other two, however the peripheral agents were alerted and began to swarm in, a few even ignoring Adam and running past as a few broke off to deal with him.


Silus watched as the doors opened to the inner workings of the warehouse. He could feel a shift in gravity from his rather one-sided conversation with Ryan. He had to confess that as far as faith went, he was losing it. Not just in Ryan, but in everyone and everything. What was the point in helping if the ones you loved turned on you? Turned on each other? Couldn't anyone out there see just how much they all mean to him? Couldn't they all see that somehow, some way that they were killing him? That wasn't an exaggeration either, though very few people knew that. The dark circles under his eyes, the paler than usual skin. It wasn't just a show.

The cloaked figure emerged from the warehouse, appearing to be just like Red, but covered in mechanical armor, rings and circles of the strange alloy as he walked in tattered cloak and robe. He looked like some form of robotic futuristic monster with a single glowin eye that pierced the darkness of his good, and glowing fangs in the form of a permanent scowl. Blood Tithe emerged, but he was far from alone. At his side was something that shocked Silus, a woman with long black hair and a rather feminine version of a young man he knew. He didn't exactly expect this was some sort of futinari cyborg ninja with pheromone manipulation...but this WAS the Automatron. As Blood tithe approached, he held a fist up, causing the beautiful woman to stand still as the monster approached.

He came to Silus, the last step he took reached a bit farther out as he took to a knee, coming to eye level with the small boy as the power to the teeth turned off and all form of menace seemed to fade, save for the one glowing red eye.

"Silus. You've come..." He said, almost shocked. Silus smiled slightly and nodded.

"I can't help Lucius yet. It's too soon..." Silus said as he seemed to swallow. He seemed like he was fighting something off inside as the monster let out a sigh and reached an arm out, pulling the boy closer with his hands on his shoulders.

"It's too soon for all of us. But I promise you, he will never be me. Never again. You need to understand that. When he thought that we'd killed you...He killed me. Without contest. Silus, you cannot fix things you did not break...but you make things better for all that are broken." The monster rubbed Silus' shoulder and patted him in affirmation, knowing that what he said was both true and right. Just as Lucius had Silus, Orpheus had The Author, and without either of them...Orpheus and Red would still be broken and battered. But he could feel it in his synthesized bones. Silus was uncomfortable. He was uneasy, and something was amiss. "Why are you really here? Be honest with me, and I will with you."

"If that's true then why are you allied with Samhain?" Silus asked rather sharply, causing Orpheus to give pause. He mauled the question over for a minute and spoke carefully.

"So you're here to stop us..." Orpheus stated, as if the revelation struck him.

"That's no-Are we not beyond such deceit? We would give our lives for each other, but we would try to spare ourselves from truth?" Blood Tithe peeled away at the layers of trust within Silus, anchoring himself on the promises and the past they had. Silus looked away for a moment before nodding at Orpheus.

"How many? Where?" He asked, Silus looked hesitant, pressured even for a moment. "Silus, Samhain has found a way to fix it all.To fix everything." Orpheus sounded almost frightened as he spoke now, the smallest hints of fear evident.

"O-Orpheus I-I-" Silus began to stammer as he tried to avert his eyes, but Orpheus moved his head, not allowing his eyes to flee.

"Silus, Lucius has done terrible things. I have done terrible things. But now there is a chance to take back everything we've lost. My daughter..." Orpheus looked to the puddle of water beside Silus. "I understand that pain. I understand that suffering...and that is the only reason you still live, Ryan Lester. I do not blame you, and I will not shame you. But what Samhain is on the verge of could undo the damage...My daughter, Ryan's mother... A sister... A brother. None of them need to have lost their life." Orpheus said as he looked to Silus, reaching up he removed his mask and allowed the scarred over half human face revealed.

"Humanity and Dante. They're going to stop Samhain's plans here." Silus confessed for a moment. Orpheus' eyes widened for a moment as he nodded and attempted to comfort Silus for his betrayal, a small rub to the arm as he pulled the boy closer to wrap his arms around him.

"I know this was a difficult thing for you to do. I'm sorry you had to do it...but this is the right thing to do." He said as he stood up and turned to walk away, his mask fastening on. "Our numbers and power are too great for Humanity to overcome...but he will still cause damages. Hector, alert our new allies to the pending danger, set them to high alert. My master is on the premises." He commanded. At that comment Silus spoke up once more.

"O-Orpheus! If she's here....does that mean that they joined you too?" Silus asked, to which the monster turned over his shoulder slightly and gave a solemn nod. Silus took in a shaking breath before wiping at his eyes. "O-ORPHEUS!...Don't let anyone die..."

"If we succeed... then they will live once more anyway." He stated, the Automatron staring at the puddle with a rather scornful look upon her face. A loud explosion sounded off, making Orpheus' heart sink, as he stood frozen and watching the large haze lift to the sky.


"O-oh. Alright. I guess I could." Dante said meekly as he cleared his throat nervously and rubbed his forearm, a small tic of his. He heard battle outbreak as a small explosion sounded off, immediately Dante looked to Samael, waiting for him to give the go-ahead to proceed into the open room. As Sammy had the experience in stealth and stratagem, he'd leave him to his area of expertise.


The tortures of the damned - Page 3 Humani11
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "If you can call me a hero...the next shot's on you."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 716
Age : 28
Job : The Villain
Humor : I used to be the dragon king, but then I took a can of plot bullshit to the knee. I'm just waiting for my powers to "miraculously" come back now.
Registration date : 2014-01-19

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The tortures of the damned - Page 3 Empty Re: The tortures of the damned

Post by Adam Johnson February 12th 2018, 10:27 pm

”Improvise, I think I can do that.” Adam noted as the to of them continued to move through the territory they were making way in. Of course keeping out of the way from these strange new vampiric hybrids was one thing, but having to fight them eventually did not sound too pleasant to him. Not that there was much of a choice there now that he was deep into the operation, and now the human said he was going to blow things up.

Just brilliant.

“Handsome? I feel like I'm obligated to make some kind of joke about buying me dinner first.” Regardless of wry humor, Adam broke off from Matt and went around in an attempt to flank them like he was expected to. The human would approach two strange ones with raised hoods, attempting to get their attention until he pulled up a flanking position to take them out without much of a hassle.  Unlucky for him stealth was not something that could work out when one of them noted he was there and then charged him.

The speed itself was impressive but Adam had fought his own share of vampiric people before. It would take someone centuries older to take him on like this, especially with his own enhancements. ”A little rude to exclude me like this brother.” He slipped forward, each motion a blur to anyone with less than enhanced senses as his palm slammed upwards. He felt something crack as their body was pushed back, further propelled by a kick twisted into their stomach.

They didn’t have much time to react as he came forward, driving a fragile skull into concrete with all the strength his body could produce. Cracking the thing like a fragile eggs, splattering greymatter and odd smelling blood across his shirt and the ground. An explosion had rung out during his small scuffle and with that more of them funneled inwards, some even ignoring him for another problem entirely. ”You’ve got to be kidding me.” Adam groaned, as he went once more into the combat around him.

Well and tried to work back towards the strange human that he was working with.

From his puddle vantage point Ryan watched Silus and the door open to reveal the one beyond it. It didn’t take much to realize that they were someone that he recognized and without a doubt it changed the air around them. Regardless, Silus approached him without an issue, the two of them acting as if they were friends to some degree. Despite the growing void he felt between him and Silus, there was no denying the sinking dread that came with seeing him approach and even speak with a known monster without any care in the world. The odd part of this was the fact that he referred to Lucius as someone else despite the fact that he was standing before them.

So many questions and nothing that really answered them. All of it felt wrong, and he didn’t like that feeling. The two of them were speaking, mostly of things that had no real value to him beyond suggesting the two of them had some manner of history together. None of it made sense, and in a sense that was why he did nothing. A part of him wanted to know what was going on, something that asking simple questions wouldn’t get done.

Someone would get defensive and he would be left as ignorant as before. So he said nothing, wondering if and when he should make a move as the temperature itself actually began to cease lowering. Return to whatever it was before, not cold but perhaps even mild while he waited and this person that resembled Lucius would eventually turn to him. Giving in that way Lucius did the reason why he was still alive.

That was of course when the grand moment came and betrayal appeared to be the response.

”Silus, what are you doing?” He finally broke his silence, looking more than anything confused with the situation that was unfolding before him. Silus giving away who was here, even though he didn’t expect Humanity to be among the people here. The only thing that did matter was the fact that he had sold out Matt, and that was more than enough reason to be angry, if anger could equate to what he was feeling right now. Honestly he was confused and with his powers that was worse.

”Don’t look so nervous. We still have a lot to get done before this is even close to being over.” Giving Dante the equivalent of a soft pat on the shoulder, he took point and slipped into the open room before them. He had grown used to dealing with particular tics with people, them reacting a certain way and in a sense he could sympathize with the guy. Something told him that he didn’t deal with this kind of thing very often, and that just made his thoughts drift back to his little mutt he took care of on occasion. The small explosion that took place in the distance suggested they were already running into snags, meaning that...well he didn’t want to think about that.

Sticking to the shadows was his main thing and he made sure the dark areas of the room were sufficiently dark, slipping through them with a surprising amount of silence. ”Keep with me and just...I guess point me in the right direction. Honestly don’t know too much about this mission.” He explained in a hushed voice to Dante, trying to lead him the best way he could through the more stealthy sections of things.

The Son of The Raven - Samael Christensen
Osiris - The Undead king
Adam Johnson
Adam Johnson
Post Mate
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Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 125
Registration date : 2016-07-28

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