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Two of a Kind

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INV ONLY Re: Two of a Kind

Post by Spidress September 16th 2017, 1:44 pm

Victoria met the professor's eyes for some time before shyfully lowering her gaze. Her cheeks turned red and she stroked some hair behind her ear.

At his request, she began to follow Keshawn. Her hips swayed from side to side as she strode toward him.

In their time alone with one another, the two spiders conversed closely. At first Keshawn was hesitant to speak, keeping to himself for minutes at a time. But eventually he gave way to Victoria's charisma, and he found himself sharing his life's story with her.

Coming to understand him far better, Victoria vowed to become something of a mentor to him. To say she saw immense potential in the boy was an understatement; it'd be on her to ensure that he realized his potential and that he used his powers for good.

Eventually the two of them were summoned back by the professor. With Victoria leading the way back this time around, they stood before him.


Number of posts : 87
Registration date : 2017-08-26

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INV ONLY Re: Two of a Kind

Post by Logic October 4th 2017, 4:07 pm

Color Code:
Dr Mathus

As Scarlet took the lead on their way back, Keshawn didn't trail too far behind her. It was annoying having to open up to someone else, or even doing it period. It was something different, change, and no one usually likes change. Keshawn was one of them. Taking the time to pull his mack out and slide it back over his head. Followed by his hood, they returned to see the professor has indeed changed everything. Still standing at the computer with his back facing the computer screen, he turned towards the two with his arms up.

"Welcome back. I take it you two have taken the time to get acquainted?" He smiled, looking over towards Keshawn who he noticed had his mask back on. He wasn't sure if that was a good sign or not. "I'll take the brief silence as a yes." Turning towards the computer he lightly began tapping on the keyboard. Tiny diagrams and pictures of DNA prints showed up on the screen once more, his right index finger pressed on one larger button which caused the room to give off a slight tremor.

The floor at the center of the room slowly began to open up into an even larger circle. But Keshawn and Scarlet were both in a safe enough position that they didn't have to worry about it. Especially since this was a process that Keshawn knew all too well. It reached a point where it stopped opening, and slowly across a large table and onto it was an even larger reptilian strapped to it. He seemed unconscious, held down by large straps that look like they could barely wrap around the Reptilian's larger muscles.

From there, another button was pressed, and a large cylinder shaped glass dropped around the table. Locking the metahuman inside. Dr Matheus smiled, everything was going perfectly, so he returned his attention towards Scarlet as she was the most foreign to this situation.

A large image appeared on the screen.
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"I would like you to meet D-Rep, short for the DownTown Reptillian. He states it's to..rep his hood. As some would say. He is single-handedly responsible for 20 deaths in New York since his mutation, 0 before the incident. Chris Newgate, a guy who held a bright future in football and came from an even darker background. His gang-related activity has been wiped cleaned though, for me to believe he somehow paid it off in order to get into college. But that is none of my concern at the moment. My concern is his outer appearance and abilities.He and Keshawn here, are originally from the same area surprisingly. "

He tapped one more button, as two large metal figures slowly dropped from the ceiling. If you watched movies it seemed they held a similarity to ray guns that aliens use.

The Hooded Spider just remained to look at him, knowing all too well what D-Rep was capable of. "He's come with immense strength, enhanced reflexes. Almost impenetrable skin, and an even worse attitude."

It seemed however that D-Rep was waking up. His eyes abruptly opening up to reveal tiny splits as pupils. Something most reptiles have, scanning the room to take in his surroundings. "W-where am I?!" He looked down to see himself strapped to a table and tightened his muscles to try and break his way out. "Get me outta here! What is this?!" His senses instantly locking in on The Hooded Spider, and from there he gave off a malicious snarl, showing his teeth. "You! I remember you! Hooded Spider you did this to me! Wait till I get outta here and get my hands on you! You got lucky last time, but now I'll tear you to shreds!" It seemed he was absolutely oblivious to the others present in the room, but the Hooded Spider knew this behavior all to well for him to be phased by the threats. However, he did slowly walk up towards the glass. "After this, you won't have to worry about that ever again." He turned and walked back.

"Why you little! Wait til i get outta here! Do you know who I am? I'm D-Rep! D-Rep! You got lucky last time!" He was now shaking, slowly loosening up the restraints.

"Let's cut this meeting short." Professor Matheus stated, tapping one more button on the keyboard. The large ray guns glowing a bright blue shooting large rays of lightning onto D-Rep, the man letting out a vicious cry as his body was jolting from the strikes. White lights radiating off his body and lighting up the room to an almost blinding point of view. Those who took the chance to look would notice how D-Rep was quickly getting smaller and smaller, scales flaking off and vanishing as his scaly skin turned smoth.

It lasted for about a minute, before diming down. If Scarlet looked that the screen at the screen she would notice that D-reps DNA structure has been altered. The parts of his DNA that made him into this, monster, have been eliminated at the source and channeled to this large bottle cylinder by the computer, it was like a large green liquid-like gas, mixing two impossible properties.

And D-rep, was no longer D rep. Back to his old self, he was a skinny lad smaller than keshawn strapped to the table those who would look would notice that he was now unconscious.
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"And there you have it, if one can create one can also destroy. However matter cannot be created nor destroyed. So I had to, relocate his DNA which is this green substance beside me, and add in DNA to replace the ones already taken. Making him a full human, his memories are back to normal and he will forget whatever happened during that time. However, we won't." He looked over towards Keshawn who was staring at the guy strapped to the table.

"When Keshawn said we take monsters off the streets permanently, this is what he meant. Getting rid of meta humans who pose a threat to society one step at a time." Pressing one more button the vile of the Reptilian DNA gas slowly began to sunken into the desk. Where it was frozen for a later date.

"So now...tell me what you think of that?" His eyes locked over towards the Scarlet Webb.

Main Char: The Hooded Spider(Keshawn)

Status :

Quote : "Life isn't about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself."
-Professor Matheus

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 44
Registration date : 2017-04-12

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