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Trying to figure out how this hero stuff works

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OPEN Trying to figure out how this hero stuff works

Post by Guest June 26th 2017, 2:14 am

Vincent hovered high above the city of Chicago looking down on it.  To anyone who could possibly see him it would appear as though a new hero has arrived in the city diligently looking for crime up above with his super senses.  That could not be further from the truth.  Vincent wasn't floating above the city in an attempt to look for crime, his eyesight was barely better than that of a normal human.  He stayed up there because he had absolutely no idea what he was doing.  Sure he's a powerful metahuman, but he was paralyzed by the idea that he could fuck up.  Maybe he hit someone too hard, killed them, and now he's wanted for murder, maybe people can't actually survive being caught from large heights, maybe there was someone down there who had power suppression along with a pistol.  All these hypothetical scenarios and many many more ran through his head while he just stood there.  "Ah... fuck it I'm never going to become a hero if I keep standing around here and running every possible scenario through my head.  Besides if I fuck up here I could just go home and stick to the West Coast instead."  Slowly but surely Vincent made his way to the ground making sure that he didn't cause sonic booms or anything else that would put him in the spotlight.  Once he hit the ground Vincent pulled up his hoodie and walking around looking for crimes to stop.


Around an hour and a half later in a generic alleyway.

A mugger is busy holding a woman at knife point.  He's already told her everything that muggers usually tell their victims.  "I don't wanna hurt you", "Just give me the money", etc.  This time is different though.  This time a well-meaning wannabe superhero happened to stumble upon this altercation.

"Hey!" The boy shouted as he walked into the alleyway.  "You better return that or you'll regret it!"

The man turned around startled until he saw the person confronting him.  He had expected a cop or a hero to be standing in front of him.  What he got was what appeared to be an idiot in a hoodie and some cargo shorts threatening to kick his ass.  "Do you seriously think that you can stop me?"  He asked in a sort of mocking tone as he waved around his knife.

"Uh... yeah?  You think I would try to confront you otherwise?"  Vincent asked as he inched towards the man.

Once Vincent was within arms reach the mugger quickly tried to stab him in the stomach.  Much to his surprise Vincent was able to grab onto his wrist and stop his arm dead in its tracks.  Before he could even question what had just happened the mugger was thrown into a wall and knocked unconscious.

"Cool,"  Vincent said quietly to himself.  "My first act as a hero went relatively well."  And after quickly making sure that the man wasn't dead he jumped onto a nearby building and continued searching for crime to stop.


A few hours later

Vincent sat atop of the warehouse bored out of his mind.  After taking down a few gang members he had figured out that there was a big drug deal going on at this ware house.  "Maybe they lied to me."  He thought to himself as he sat there.  "That would make a lot of sense... they just wanted me to just stop both-"  His thought was cut off by the sound of a van pulling into the parking lot.  "Cool I guess they weren't lying to me."  As soon as the van stopped Vincent crashed down into the ground and at the same time he heard a figure approaching the scene as well.

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OPEN Re: Trying to figure out how this hero stuff works

Post by ShroudedKonqueror June 26th 2017, 4:27 pm

Adam soared level with the Chicago skyline, reducing speed as he approached the city. The fading sunlight glinted dully off of the slate grey titanium wings of his armor while the graphene of the main armor shielded him from Chicago's typically blustery winds. He couldn't believe he was still tracking down this organization. He didn't even know their name, but he had been trying to track their operation and shut them down since the Chimera attack on DC, his home. The employees he had found in New York confirmed that they were bigger than that one facility he busted up, but the question is: how big? The only way to find out was to take the trail given to him. But he wasn't giving up. They made an unrelenting enemy the day they kidnapped his sister.

All that being said, he didn't have much to go on. They destroyed their PDAs almost as soon as they saw him; his technopathy could only access a few messages and the only thing of consequence out of that was "Chicago." So now he was here with no idea what to look for.

He flew between buildings at low speed to help him maneuver and to help him identify anything that may be out of place. A seemingly abandoned warehouse on the outskirts of the city caught his attention.

Seems like a good place for your regular quasi-scientific terrorist organization to set up.

The thrusters on Adam's mechanical wings stopped him instantly and allowed him to several hundred feet above the warehouse. A white van approaching the warehouse further intrigued him. He lowered his altitude slightly, just observing the warehouse for now.

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 66
Age : 29
Registration date : 2017-06-10

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OPEN Re: Trying to figure out how this hero stuff works

Post by Guest June 26th 2017, 5:04 pm

As Adam descended he would hear the sounds of guns being fired and people getting punched out.  Whatever was down there fighting seemed to be too distracted to notice that one had peeled off from the group, and is making a beeline for the warehouse entrance at the moment.  With all the random mooks right in front of him dealt with Vincent walked up to one of them and slapped him lightly to wake him up.  "Hey... so I was told there was a drug deal going on here tonight, and before I turn you in to the police I was just curious about what kind of stuff you were selling."

Between his concussion and the fact that Vincent was told the wrong information the mook looked at him with a confused stare.  "What the fuck are you talking about?  There's no drug deal going down here!  Are you stupid?"

When he heard there was no drug deal going down Vincent dropped the man he was interrogating.  "Oh crap... I really messed this one up."  He thought to himself.  The idea that he had just beaten down a group of innocent people made him feel sick.  "Wait... if these guys weren't doing anything illegal then they probably wouldn't need to carry guns around with them!"  He felt a wave of relief rush over him as he picked the man back up again.  "Okay so maybe there isn't a drug deal going on here tonight, but something probably is going down here or you wouldn't need those guns."

The still concussed mook laughed at these Nightwing level mental gymnastics.  "Do you seriously think it would be that easy for me to tell you what we're doing here tonight?"

"I mean..."  Vincent was racking his brains desperately trying to think of a response to that.  When he couldn't figure one out he just went with his instincts.  "Yeah... I did."  He stated sadly.

"Oh my god you're the dumbest superhero ever."

"Hey you know what...  Fuck you."  Vincent slammed the man into the ground to knock him out again.

Meanwhile while all that was happening the one mook is still running towards the warehouse.

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OPEN Re: Trying to figure out how this hero stuff works

Post by ShroudedKonqueror June 26th 2017, 9:52 pm

Moments after he committed himself to investigating the area, shit kicked off; bullets were flying everywhere, people were shouting out, and some guy in a hoodie and cargo shorts, obviously powered, was throwing armed men around like they were used toys. Under the suit, Adam raised an eyebrow.

Ok, so while he's doing that, I'm just going to check this out for a moment.

The world became awash with red as he activated the infrared lenses on his visor. Flailing red figures arced about just under him as the superhuman threw the men around, but when he turned his gaze to the warehouse he had switch off the thermal vision immediately and blink spots out of his eyes.

He muttered to himself, "Why the fuck was that so bright? What's in there?"

But before he could investigate, he noticed a figure sprinting away from the commotion and the superhuman didn't seem to notice him. He wasn't going to get away, Adam had questions that he needed answers to. He accelerated towards the fleeing man, careful to monitor his speed so that he didn't kill him on impact.

Kill him! Then he can't erase any of the data.

He ignored the voice, monitored his approach and then slammed into the guy, causing an audible wheeze as he was flung to the ground, writhing in pain. Adam flipped him over to kneel on his chest, the Titanium armor wasn't heavy enough to cause permanent damage.

"Don't move and I won't cave your chest in," he whispered.

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 66
Age : 29
Registration date : 2017-06-10

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OPEN Re: Trying to figure out how this hero stuff works

Post by TravisHalls June 26th 2017, 11:19 pm

Watching his clients getting beaten up by super heroes was something Halls always enjoyed, until of course he had to intervene and save them.  And by looks of the one who just knocked out one of them, he was not going to have much time to get them out.  Especially if...  That winged creature overhead comes for them...  
Oh crap...  He is...  OK, of course this happens, I should be used to it...  OK...  Time to make your money...

Travis snaps his fingers making him disappear from his watch point and reappear right next to the man Vincent had just knocked out.  Travis quickly threw his hand on his cliental's neck and snapped his fingers with his other hand disappearing into the night to the predetermined location in less than a second.

Looking down at the unconscious man Travis muttered,
OK, now your friend...  Who I believe may not be as easy...*cough*. Probably going to bring me a lot of pain...

Status :

Quote : "Why should I help save people that may grow up to be evil?"

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 25
Job : College Guy
Registration date : 2017-06-24

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OPEN Re: Trying to figure out how this hero stuff works

Post by Guest June 27th 2017, 1:40 am

Vincent saw a man teleport in, grab one of the people he knocked unconscious, and teleport out. "Okay so there's a teleporter here... Guess that makes things a little bit harder for me." Vincent contemplated just leaving because he didn't really have the means to deal with a teleporter, but then he heard Adam slam the man who got away into the ground. He flew over to the commotion.


A moment later

The man that Adam had pinned to the ground looked up at him with a terrified look on his face. "What the hell do you want? Do you think there's a drug deal going down here also?"

As he said this Vincent approached Adam. "So I missed one of them." He noticed that he had his knee on his chest. "Do... do you want me to just leave? Because it's not really a problem if you ne-"

"No for the love of God please don't leave me with him!" The man begged Vincent. "You're a hero! Don't let him hurt me!" During this whole conversation Vincent just looks uncomfortable under his hood


Wherever Travis happened to teleport at the same time Vincent went over to check on what Adam was doing.

The unconscious man woke up once again, probably with severe brain damage from being knocked out twice within the span of thirty seconds. "Listen I get that you have powers and all, but maybe you shouldn't try to go after that guy." He attempts to sit himself up. "I think you should just grab everyone he knocked out and just get the hell out of here."

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OPEN Re: Trying to figure out how this hero stuff works

Post by TravisHalls June 27th 2017, 8:47 am

I'm already the hell out of there...  And trust me, I would love to do that...  Except, I am being paid for getting them all out of there and I highly doubt they will pay me for anything less...   Thank god they pay me half upfront...

Travis then snap his fingers teleporting himself back to his watch point, he notice that the two "heroes" were together, probably beating up that fleeing idiot.  Travis then snap his fingers to the location of one of the knocked out men, grabbed him by the neck and snap his fingers again bringing him to the location of the first man he saved.  He snapped back to his previous location and did the same with the rest of passed out crew.  In matter of seconds he had everyone back to safety, everyone except of course...  Travis snapped his fingers and teleported to his watch point, waiting for some opportunity to snatch his client away.

Come on...  Let go of him...  

Status :

Quote : "Why should I help save people that may grow up to be evil?"

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 25
Job : College Guy
Registration date : 2017-06-24

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OPEN Re: Trying to figure out how this hero stuff works

Post by ShroudedKonqueror June 27th 2017, 11:27 am

He must have looked like the angel of death to the poor man. Silhouetted by the high noon sun, he could probably only see the massive wings behind Adam and the glowing green eyes looming behind his visor. That visage was his only chance to squeeze information out of this guy. He never interrogated somebody before and didn't know if he even could without the voices starting.

His mental preparation was interrupted by the superhuman approaching Adam and posing a number of questions. Just as he turned his head to speak to him, the guy underneath his knee began to panic for whatever reason.

I guess I'm scarier than I thought.

You're not intimidating dumbass.

Adam ignored the superhuman for now and took the time to use his technopathy to connect to all of the digital devices these guys may have been carrying. He closed his eyes and reached out with his mind, feeling for the channels linking his mind to all the technology around him. But something was wrong.

Adam shot to his feet, frantically looking around the parking lot of the warehouse.

"Where the hell is everyone else that got knocked out?!"


Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 66
Age : 29
Registration date : 2017-06-10

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OPEN Re: Trying to figure out how this hero stuff works

Post by Guest June 27th 2017, 12:00 pm

Vincent chuckled nervously he didn't know how the dude in the suit would react to finding out that he had lost everyone.

"I'll just tell him the truth." Vincent thought to himself. "Best case scenario he's completely understanding of the fact that I'm new and don't know how to deal with somewhat weird powers, or worst case scenario he tries to attack me in anger and I just kick his ass."

"Yeah about that. They might've been teleported out faster than I could figure out what was going on, but on the bright side if he's trying to get everyone then we'll have one more chance to catch him!" He stood there waiting to see how the guy in the suit would react while also waiting for whatever had rescued the unconscious mooks.

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OPEN Re: Trying to figure out how this hero stuff works

Post by TravisHalls June 27th 2017, 4:57 pm

"welp..."  Halls thought, "That winged thing's leg is off him, let's see if I can get it just a little bit farther away.  I may come out of this unscathed."  With that thought Travis snapped his fingers and teleported into the alley that held the winged man looking thing and the superman looking thing.  Travis stood there a good 25 yards away from the "heroes" and spoke ever so slyly,

Well...  Seems like you have something I want.  So, I'll ask nicely, can I have him?

Pointing at the man on the ground.  Travis stood there with his brown trench coat lightly swaying back forth with the breeze, waiting for a response.

Status :

Quote : "Why should I help save people that may grow up to be evil?"

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 25
Job : College Guy
Registration date : 2017-06-24

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OPEN Re: Trying to figure out how this hero stuff works

Post by ShroudedKonqueror June 27th 2017, 8:27 pm

Things were getting much too complicated much too early into this search. Even though this much action must mean that he's barking up the right tree; or he could have gotten himself caught up in some other intricate scheme. He stood there for a moment, digesting all of the information he took in during this whole incident. His first priority was information meaning his best course of action was to gather as much of it as he possibly could.

He turned back to the man on the ground, now in the fetal position facing away from Adam. His arm was jittering around and his breathing was audibly frantic.


Adam seized the man by the throat and lifted him above eye level in one jarring motion. He was getting tired of these creeps erasing all their data.

"Drop it!"

He only whimpered.

Adam cycled through various threats when a sly voice came from his left side. He glanced over to see a scarred man with brown hair draped around his face. Another mysterious figure; this was really starting to get out of hand.

"Nah, I think I'll keep him. I'm not done with him yet."

He's gotta be working with this other superhuman! The strong one was hired to kill them if they were discovered and the teleporting one was hired to get anyone out that the first one couldn't kill! You must kill them all!

Adam's head whipped around to face Vincent.

"Are you working with them?!" He was nodded his head towards the guy he had hoisted in his hand. "Or with the teleporter?!"


Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 66
Age : 29
Registration date : 2017-06-10

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OPEN Re: Trying to figure out how this hero stuff works

Post by Guest June 27th 2017, 10:27 pm

Vincent was extremely confused by Adam's questioning of him. He could see him working with the teleporter that made a little bit of sense, but working with whatever organization hired these guys? If he had been hired to work with the mooks then why would he be violently attacking them? The other thing, though he wasn't going to say it outright because it's extremely arrogant, is that why would he need help dealing with these guys? Sure he could've missed one or two of them, but that could be solved by flying around the area for a bit and picking them off. "No I'm not working with either of them." Vincent stated bluntly.

"Look I was just told something was going down here tonight by a pretty big chunk of the criminals that I had stopped earlier today. I have no idea what the teleporting guy is doing here, probably got works for whatever organization that guy you're holding is a part of."

"In fact why instead of standing around here and speculating, why don't we just ask the man directly," Vincent turned to Travis. "So why are you here exactly? Do you have some sort of issue with these guys or are you working with them?"

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OPEN Re: Trying to figure out how this hero stuff works

Post by TravisHalls June 27th 2017, 10:49 pm

Travis was completely taken aback by the reasoning that was done by two before him.  The winged thing first acting as if he didn't understand anything and then accusing the superhuman of helping these idiots?.  At first he was hoping that the winged creature was going to attack the superhuman, but to no avail.  Then the attention was shifted back to Travis, but not in the way Travis was hoping.  With his eyebrow cocked he answered, kinda,

I'll be whatever you want along as I get him back... or you kill him, I'd be OK with that too.

Travis at this point was more interested in how this was going to play out than receiving his money, which is no small feat.  Travis stood there, eyebrow still cocked looking at the metal winged...  thing and the boy band looking super guy...

Status :

Quote : "Why should I help save people that may grow up to be evil?"

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 25
Job : College Guy
Registration date : 2017-06-24

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OPEN Re: Trying to figure out how this hero stuff works

Post by ShroudedKonqueror June 28th 2017, 1:09 am

Adam shook his head almost imperceptibly as he did his best to keep his grip on the situation. His paranoia was taking over.

Ok, there's no proof of any foul play here....can't let the paranoia win. Look at the facts and only the facts.

He listened to the exchange between the superhuman and the teleporter. Who was this guy? What team was he playing for? Conventional wisdom would lead one to believe that he was hired to give people a quick getaway if they found themselves in why was he telling them to kill this guy? He must be playing at something...he seemed like an particularly slick talker who probably has multiple ulterior motives. He had to stay on his guard.

"Well I'm not going to kill him because I need information from him, but you can't have him either." Adam shrugged. "Sorry about your paycheck."

He turned his attention back to the guy in his grasp only to see his PDA go completely white as he erased the remainder of his data and corrupted every file and program on the device. Deep, red anger dating back months coursed into every corner of his body. This organization did the unforgivable. They kidnapped his sister. They made him kill. Their presence is preventing him from bringing his mother to the US and now they got him in a suit of armor playing superhero while he tries to track them down. And he hasn't had shit to show for it.


The ground at his feet cracked as Adam slammed the guy into the ground somewhat harder than he should've and then put his foot on his chest. He faced the teleporter with both fists raised, ready to release pulse bolts at a moments notice.

"Alright, new game here!" The last thing Adam said rung in his mind as he formulated a new plan. " You tell me what the fuck is going on here and you can have this mook and collect your paycheck. Otherwise, who knows what I'll do to him."

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 66
Age : 29
Registration date : 2017-06-10

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OPEN Re: Trying to figure out how this hero stuff works

Post by Guest June 28th 2017, 1:31 am

Vincent winced when he saw the man get slammed into the ground a little too hard. This whole thing had gone horribly horribly wrong. What started out as a drug bust is now a three-way stand-off between Vincent, an extremely angry man in a winged suit, and a teleporter. A part of Vincent wanted to just knock them both out and solve this later, but he wasn't sure if either of them had anything that could catch Vincent by surprise. "Maybe I could try to deescalate the situation." He briefly contemplated. "Yeah... I'll see how that goes. I know superheroes don't usually try to deescalate the conversation by talking, but hey it's worth trying!"

"Armor guy relax." Vincent said as he walked towards him getting ready to dodge anything if Adam decides to attack him. "I don't think the teleporter wants to hurt us, and even if he did I'm pretty sure we could handle it."

He pointed to the warehouse the man was running into. "Besides if neither the teleporter or the minion don't know anything you might be able to find something in the warehouse he was trying to run into. Right?"

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OPEN Re: Trying to figure out how this hero stuff works

Post by Sponsored content

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