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Fricton  Empty Fricton

Post by Fricton June 24th 2017, 3:18 pm


"Let's roll... Slide... Whatever."

The Bio

Real Name:  Samuel Johnson
Renegade Name: Fricton
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Race: Genetically Modified Human
Hair: Black
Eyes: Black
Height: 1.8 m
Weight: 90 kg
Blood type: A+

The Looks

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Fricton stands at 1.8 m with a lean build, and is ripped, however not obscenely. He isn't cyborg enhanced, however his cells have been slightly altered due to exposure in the 4th Dimension.

His dark hair  is heavily gelled, and is sometimes said to others as "one of his best qualities". His suit has a clear part on it's hood which he can pull over his face for protection..

He stays in costume all the time, and as such doesn't have any masks or things to hide his identity. Has a symbol on his chest which looks like an up-facing arrow that is silver.
The Personality

Fricton is very cocky, and thinks he is best. He always gives his most into a competition, and never backs down from a fight. However, though he is aggressive he usually follows common sense of raw emotion. He rarely does something without thinking of what might happen, although he doesn't always predict correctly.
The Story

Fricton used to be Samuel Johnson, a world-famous scientist who specialised in the area of time travel. He tried multiple times to find a way to break into the 4th Dimension, which he believed to be time. Many were sceptical at first, but he gradually got sponsors and funders in his research. At one point he believed he had cracked it, when he managed to accelerate pencil's time to the point it bio-degraded, at least that's what he thought. He had actually managed to send it through the real 4th Dimension, the Dimension of Forces.

The Dimension of Forces/The 4th Dimension, is a realm where you can properly see the forces themselves, and not just their results. You can actually see hazy fields of gravity, you can see the force pushing a ruler off a table. However, in the 4th Dimension forces are multiplied thrice-fold, making it unsuitable for life. While there he gained insight into friction and ways it could be used, possibly even making the energy needed to construct his time-machine.

When he returned to the 3rd Dimension he found that he still had residue in him, letting him see the forces still. He also realised that he could manipulate friction to a certain degree. Believing he had found something better than time travel, he attempted to return to the 4th Dimension once more, but the machine overloaded because of his new powers, making it self-destruct. The explosion destroyed his lab, as well as all the years of research he had done. Deciding to quit life as a scientist, he started life as a super instead. While he wanted to be good, he was frowned upon for his methods, and gradually drifted away from the superhero community.

The Priority

1. Agility1
2. Endurance4
3. Reaction2
4. Strength3

The Powers

Friction manipulation: Fricton can manipulate the level of friction of things within an arm's length, making it vary from impossible to move to sliding with zero resistance. (Permission based)

Igniting: By manipulating a moving object’s friction that he touches, he can make it heat up to the point of ignition. He uses this to punch, setting his hand on fire. (Permission based)

Genius Level Intelligence: He is incredibly intelligent, however he isn’t unnaturally smart.

Flight: He can’t really fly, however he can glide at 20-50 kilometres per hour, depending on the wind conditions. Combined with his Igniting ability he can become a flaming juggernaut.

Parkour: By increasing and decreasing his suit’s friction he can wall-run, climb and slide well.

Speed: By increasing his boots traction, he can run at 60 km/h.

Force View: He sees the forces themselves, not just their effects. This helps him see the amounts of force things are exerting, the friction of an object/surface and the concentrations of kinetic energy.

The Weaknesses

Extinguishing: The fires he makes are normal flames; meaning a water or wind based character could easily extinguish them.

Over-Reaching: As is shown in his back-story, Fricton will sometimes try to reach beyond his limits, with catastrophic consequences.

Turning: While he is flying he is unable to quickly turn, making him vulnerable.

Electricity: Electricity reacts badly with his genetics, causing his abilities to randomly trigger and cancel.

Binding powers: Powers such as ice and stone trapping his legs are extremely effective as he has no efficient method to free himself.

Cats: He is allergic to cats. They making him sneeze and give him welts where they touch him.

Hubris: He almost always thinks he is right and can do things best.

The Items

Black suit with hood (clear part which goes over face), temperature proof.:
Temperature-Proof: He wears a full body suit with a hood that keeps him protected from 300 C to -400 C temperatures.
Mending: His suit is not damage resistant, and it takes quite a while to restitch/make new ones after it is damaged.

Black belt made of same material as suit.

Several bags of dust on his belt, when he throws them he can make a fire cloud by igniting them.

The Minions

The Fluff

Due to his exposure in the 4th Dimension the area around him is unsettling, as the residue energy in  his genes gives of 4th Dimension pulses.
Like almost every other super, he is in good condition.
The RP Sample

Fricton stands up, after having just landed in a heap outside a bank.
"Man, seriously? I really need to work on my landings."
He turns to face a pair of crooks, who he just noticed.
"Are you the dudes I was told about? I deserve proper competition. Alright, give the money back to the clerk. I don't wanted to hurt you."
The pair of thugs open fire on him, fired a continuous stream of bullets. After they stop, they are shocked to see Fricton standing there, unscathed, with a wall of bullets in front of him.
"Really boys, you're gonna need to try harder than that. I mean, at lest give me a challenge."
He releases his hold on the bullets, letting them fall to the floor. He dashes forward, and punches one of the thugs in the jaw before taking his gun.
"Dude, give it back. We were only kidding. I swear!" the punched thug exclaims.
Training the barrel on them, he says "1 false move and I fire. Now drop the gun. Clerk? Tie them up will ya?"
The clerk runs forward and takes the dropped gun, before tying up the thugs.
"I'll leave you to handle it", Fricton says, before running out the door and up the skyscraper across the road.
"Honestly, the things I need to do. Why do they never back down?"

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Last edited by Fricton on June 27th 2017, 6:40 am; edited 6 times in total

Status :

Quote : Burning Halls Of FIre,
Life's Eternal Dream Of Time
The Age Of Burning
- Haiku by Fricton

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 11
Location : Aussie, Mate!
Age : 22
Job : Professional Procrastinator
Humor : The kind where someone is on fire
Registration date : 2017-06-24

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Fricton  Empty Re: Fricton

Post by Shadowoof June 27th 2017, 5:11 am

Need to add that the friction on others is permission based (Fire power as well when lighting people)

Speed needs to be set for both flight and running speed. How fast is he. Which also means that the speed weakness is null because if you run 80mph. Well. Your are indeed slower then a speedster.

Please better explain what force view is, what it does and how it affects him.

Hubris and the over reaching, you need to take those into account, otherwise they will need to be replaced. So if you write it, make it happen.

Transplant is something you choose, it's a do or die. And that is up to you, so please change again.

Also, need to add a weakness, seem to be one power up over it.

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1508
Location : Right behind you
Age : 24
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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Fricton  Empty Re: Fricton

Post by Fricton June 27th 2017, 5:18 am

Hey wolf,
 the extra weakness is because you're also counting the superior fitness as a power. it isn't one, it's kinda the given he's a superhero, he's fit kind of thing. it's not supernatural and it's not an excessive natural ability.
And don't worry about the hubris, it's part of my original idea:
Friction scientist dude who thinks he's the best at everything

Status :

Quote : Burning Halls Of FIre,
Life's Eternal Dream Of Time
The Age Of Burning
- Haiku by Fricton

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 11
Location : Aussie, Mate!
Age : 22
Job : Professional Procrastinator
Humor : The kind where someone is on fire
Registration date : 2017-06-24

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Fricton  Empty Re: Fricton

Post by Shadowoof June 27th 2017, 6:49 am

Approved unless stated otherwise.

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1508
Location : Right behind you
Age : 24
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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Fricton  Empty Re: Fricton

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