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Siren In The Night

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OPEN Re: Siren In The Night

Post by GamerXZ July 6th 2017, 10:27 pm

Siren looked back to see that the others were already on her tail. Although she was ahead right now that would change in no time. As such, she began scanning the area for a place where they could all work things out, and if necessary, fight it out. Before long, she noticed a wide open space in the middle of a park so she let herself descend in that direction.

She put her arms behind her head and looked over her shoulder at where she figured fish man would land, "Alright, you got me where you wanted, so I'd appreciate it if you start talking and tell me what you want with me. Also, let's be clear on one thing. I don't care who you are or about those you work for, but if you so much as lay a hand on that guy you assaulted again, unprovoked...I'm gonna turn you into sushi, got that?"

Not the wisest choice of words, perhaps, but Siren's usually pleasant mood had been soured by tonight's events and if worse came to worst, she had the capability to back up her claims.

Post Adept
Post Adept

Number of posts : 344
Registration date : 2013-07-23

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OPEN Re: Siren In The Night

Post by The Hound July 7th 2017, 5:45 pm

The cornflower skinned creature with the needle-like teeth descended alongside the Siren, its eyes narrowed as it watched with extreme caution. Next was when the Siren spoke, both confirming that they were away from others, but also stating that the humanoid that this creature had earlier assaulted was under her protection, and she would likely become hostile, should he prove to do any such thing again. The creature chuckle when she made the comment about sushi, uncertain of what it meant at first before a lens over his eye alerted him to the translation.

"That statement is rather aggressive. I would choose my words far more carefully..." the creature mused aloud, it's eyes narrowed rather threatening at the Siren. It was obvious that the sushi comment was not appreciated. It began looking around as Atlas and Hound arrived. The Hound had felt very little discomfort in the flight, though he couldn't help but wonder why he didn't somehow combust when he flew at the high velocities that he had been carried. The creature noted Atlas, then Hound and then finally he looked back to Siren. "I also have very little similarities to any form of aquatic life on this rock..." It chided as it's eyes then moved to Atlas.

"This being is not from this planet. For the sake of itself and for mankind it should be returned to it's place within the galaxy, lest it bring more attention than is needed." The cerulean skinned creature stated as it's clawed fingers began to tap against it's biceps.
The Hound
The Hound

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

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Number of posts : 64
Age : 29
Registration date : 2016-08-13

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OPEN Re: Siren In The Night

Post by Atlas July 7th 2017, 6:50 pm

Ascending into the sky, he caught the sound of whoever was being chased speaking to the odd creature. Keeping the odd trench coated male pressed close to him, eyes narrowed upon the alien, following the other person into an open park and following that lead. Well this meant that he could settle Hound onto the ground, rather than carrying him around like he was. From what he could tell one of them was being aggressive, and the alien was not too pleased with that tone being taken with him. ”I’d agree with you but you haven’t exactly been discrete yourself.” he crossed his arms over his chest, narrowing his eyes in a slightly annoyed fashion.

”So you can go back to whatever planet or space station you come from or i’ll have to..kindly deport you..” The crack of knuckles enunciated this statement, though he had a feeling they would not listen to vaguely threatening words.
Posting Apprentice
Posting Apprentice

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 294
Registration date : 2015-01-29

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OPEN Re: Siren In The Night

Post by GamerXZ July 8th 2017, 12:26 am

"Uh, yeah...sorry to be blunt, bu you can forget about deporting me," Siren remarked to the fish alien, "I've actually grown rather attached to this planet so I think I'm gonna stick around for a while longer. That, and I got folks who'd be very upset if I suddenly decided to up and leave with little warning..." Her eyes scanned over those who had gathered here before narrowing at the guy who wanted to kick her off the planet, "Also, I don't trust you. Not only do I know nothing about who you are or who you work but..."

She gestured to the guy with the black tendrils, "I kinda saw you saw off that poor guy's arm for no good you'll have to forgive me if I don't take your words at face value," The alien heroine gazed up at the night sky and a small smile crossed her features as she saw the stars, "...Maybe I am from elsewhere...but this world is my home now, and the people here need me. If I ever do decide to leave, it'll be on MY terms, nobody else's," That smile stiffened when she looked back at fish face, "So, I'm gonna give you a chance to walk away and we can all pretend this little scene never happened..."

Post Adept
Post Adept

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 344
Location : Canada
Age : 31
Job : College Student
Registration date : 2013-07-23

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OPEN Re: Siren In The Night

Post by Xan July 9th 2017, 12:22 pm

The modern day sucked. At least, that's what Bartholomew was sure of. For what it was worth, despite the chaos that the time period presented (what with trash monsters, zombies, and the like), he had to say preparations for his new "project" were going better then expected. In fact, he considered it the best thing to happen to him since coming back. His idea of making a new super-group was exactly what the world needed right now, even if he currently didn't have any members. He was almost certain with the high amount of "metas", or whatever the media called them, around some would end up joining him.

He hurried around New York, bustling from place to place in his human form, putting up posters and slips of paper with what he considered a rather "hip and stylish" logo written on them in marker and glitter. He was trying to advertise for his upcoming event, and while trying to get around the city as fast as possible, he tried to take a short cut he remembered from years long ago to get him back to the business hosting his little "get together".  

As was becoming increasingly common for him, however, Bartholomew ended up crashing what appeared to be some sort of high tension moment between some "metas" or some otherworldly beings, or whatever, something clearly of the not  normal-human variety. Not sure what was happening, and confused about the best way to get past them all, Bartholomew stood awkwardly at the end of park's entrance trail as he held onto the stack of papers againist his chest.

"Hey hip dawgs and kats, what's er...going on?"


Status :

Quote : "Baby, the man of groovitude is here to freshen up your day, liven up the party, and kick evil's ass! "

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 36
Registration date : 2017-04-13

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OPEN Re: Siren In The Night

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