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A museum for strange encounters (Dub)

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A museum for strange encounters (Dub)  - Page 3 Empty Re: A museum for strange encounters (Dub)

Post by Johanna Sharpe June 21st 2017, 5:11 am

It had begun, the lack of action had gotten the better of the vigilant boy and he was the first to act. In unison with his very first hunch a ripple echoed throughout the area, stirring the residual energies that lay dormant. Johanna’s mind fired into overdrive and emitted an almost kaleidoscope style effect for her eyes to read. Shooting out in every direction were after images of the boy, each one lead to a different future, each one showing a different outcome that could come true. This flood of information had to be read and analyzed by Johanna in order for her to make the best of her unique ability.

Of the possible futures Johanna could see, there were three in total that lead to an attack on her, while the others seemed to read as strategic movements for cover. Taking into account what the boy had said earlier, Johanna immediately ruled out anything that appeared nonagressive, and focused on reading the boys attacks instead. Johanna was running out of time in making her decision, each future all seemed rather plausible, but one of the three truly stood out. It appeared to Johanna as though the kid was moving in a rather erratic way. This gave Johanna the queue she needed or at least she hoped she needed in order to react to the masked boy’s attack.

Just as the boy’s body began to move towards the young thief, her suspicions were proven correct. She knew what he was going to do, at least in this instant anyway. With that in mind Johanna’s arm quickly slipped behind her back where she dislodged one of her gas mines from her belt. In the same instant the boy began his leap, Johanna triggered the mine and threw it up into the air behind her back. Using her quick reflexes, the young girl would then roll forward away from the quickly spreading cloud of sleeping gas. As she came out of her roll, Johanna would turn to face the boy and fire off a strand of her webbing from her wrist in an attempt to grab the boy. If the sticky thread connected, Johanna would use all her strength to pull the boy down out of the air and slam him into the roof. If her attack missed then there was really no loss, and she would once again be in position to the the boy make a counter attack….if there was one.

Johanna Sharpe
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Number of posts : 211
Registration date : 2016-08-05

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A museum for strange encounters (Dub)  - Page 3 Empty Re: A museum for strange encounters (Dub)

Post by Shadowoof June 21st 2017, 5:28 am

Jake cursed at his misfortune to have the girl react so damn quickly, already he had to hold his breath as the gas mine made quick work to spread into the air, too late he was to not breath in but a fraction of hit, the wave of drowsiness taking over once more. In his tamed state of falling, Jake wasn't prepared for when he felt a strand of sticky webbing strike him. And like that, his decent came even faster as his back `went right into being slammed into the gravel like ground.

Doing his best to keep his mouth shut and immediate damage from the roof, Jake went immediately into action as he hit the ground, a agitating sensitization of pain went though his back as he roll backwards onto his feet in hope that the girl still held onto the sticky strand of webbing she had stuck in him before twisting the part of his body the strand connected to backwards in an effort to fling the girl towards him not only for the effect of her own gas mine but also as he would step forward to shoulder charge her as she came towards him. A two for one attack, he hoped.

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

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Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1508
Location : Right behind you
Age : 24
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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A museum for strange encounters (Dub)  - Page 3 Empty Re: A museum for strange encounters (Dub)

Post by Johanna Sharpe June 21st 2017, 5:44 am

Johanna’s plan went off without a hitch, her ability to see possible outcomes had given her the slight edge she needed to get in the first few licks of this soon to be all out brawl. Things were looking up and she was in an advantageous position until the boy began his roll backwards. In her small moment of triumph Johanna had forgotten to undo the strand of webbing that was still firmly attacked to the boys chest. With the momentum of his roll, there was a sharp tug on the thread and it quickly became a double edged sword for the young girl.

As the line was drawn taut Johanna tried to plant her foot on the ground in an attempt to generate enough van der waals to prevent herself from being flung through the air, but it was no good. The soles of Johanna’s suit failed to gain any sort of traction against the loose gravel of the roof and she was forcefully tugged through the air and sent hurling at the boy and the cloud of her own sleeping gas. Luckily for Johanna, she was keen enough to take in a deep breath as she flew through the air, thus preventing her form taking in the noxious gas.

It all happened in a brief instant, but for Johanna it felt like several minutes had gone by before she collided with the boys shoulder. Johanna was sent crashing down into the ground and a loud gasp and groan of pain rang out as she back slammed down into the many small idols that rested in her duffle bag. Her eyes quickly narrowed in anger towards the boy and with that she tucked her legs up into her chest and launched both of her feet at the vigilante’s chest in an attempt to knock him over the ledge of the roof. Johanna was keen enough in this moment to undo the strand of webbing this time just in case her kick was successful. And with that she quickly rolled away from the boy to put some distance between them.

“That really hurt creep. If any of those statues broke, you’re gonna owe me!” In truth, while slamming into the little idols did cause her some pain, she tried to sell it more, hoping that the thought of her being hurt would lower the boys defenses.

The Characters
Johanna Sharpe
Johanna Sharpe
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Number of posts : 211
Registration date : 2016-08-05

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A museum for strange encounters (Dub)  - Page 3 Empty Re: A museum for strange encounters (Dub)

Post by Shadowoof June 21st 2017, 6:01 am

Feeling her slam into her shoulder, Jake smiled under his mask, happy that the attempt had worked wonders. However in his early victory smile, Jake did not see the two legs coming from the darkness and slamming into his chest with an hard hit. Coughing out in pain, Jake felt himself raise from the ground and go well over the edge, the sharp pain in his chest was a new sensation to the pain he normally felt when he used his red energy like power, but realizing that falling was going to be a worse pain, Jake flipped his body so he was upwards and allowed his wings out, catching himself mid air.

Seeing an opportunity to be a tricky bastard, Jake turned his red vision on and looked up, seeing the young woman as a bright red lump though the roof. Using the sight to see the girl, Jake began to fly around the building, able to keep away from the girl and know her every whereabouts because of his vision, Jake would fly as silently as he could as he made his way to behind her, but rather then fly up, Jake dropped down and flew up, using the full might of his speed which was rather quick, he let the wings fold back under his skin and turned off the red vision as he used the gained momentum to raise higher into the night sky and he fell towards the young woman silently, thankful for the removal of his shirt as he bounded towards the girl, aiming to land his feet with the full force of his strength and the added weight of the fall, knowing that hit or miss, he would collapse the roof under them. But at this point. Who cares. From what he saw, no other life form was directly under them, which allowed freedom of... destruction for at least a few levels.

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1508
Location : Right behind you
Age : 24
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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A museum for strange encounters (Dub)  - Page 3 Empty Re: A museum for strange encounters (Dub)

Post by Johanna Sharpe June 21st 2017, 6:34 am

The kick landed with a tremendous thud and as planned, the boy went up and over the ledge to the building. She immediately rushed to the ledge half hoping that she hadn’t just sent the boy plummeting to his death, only to remember he had wings just as she peered over the ledge. This was a very poor place to be in for Johanna. While she could easily react to most attacks, she no longer had vision of her opponent and he had three possible directions he could approach and attack her from. Johanna kept her back pressed to the ledge so that her field of vision allowed her to see to the left, right, and directly in front.

Her head remained on a swivel until she caught a quick glimpse of something shoot right past the roof on an upward trajectory. By the time her gaze had shifted skyward, the masked kid was in the middle of a rapid descent, legs outstretched and looking to put Johanna clean through the roof. While she didn’t need her power to know exactly what was about to happen, she partially wished it had triggered just to give her enough time to formulate some sort of plan. As it stood, Johanna only saw two possible outcomes, she either attempted to pull herself out of harms way, or she stayed and took the brunt of the dive kick.

Failing to fire of a strand of webbing in time, Johanna’s hand slid across the top of her duffle bag where her fingers glided over the ridge of the war goddesses shield. With a quick tug Johanna retrieved the shield from the bag, slipped her arm through the straps in the back and raised it just in time for it to absorb the shock of the kids dive bomb. The distinct sound of metal being hit filled the air and was soon followed by the sound of wood splintering and cement crumbling as the two teens fell into the room below.

Dust filled the air as debris fell around them. Johanna’s eyes peaked out from behind the rim of the shield to see where the boy had landed. Again a small swell of anger overtook the white haired girl as she brought the shield up and kicked forcibly off the ground. Johanna propelled herself at the boy with the shield in front. She was looking to deliver a devastating shield bash that would put the boy through the wall behind him. The tight confines of the room they had crashed down into was definitely not the arena Johanna wanted to be fighting in. She much preferred the wide open space of the roof and would have to devise a way of getting the fight to go back top side.

The Characters
Johanna Sharpe
Johanna Sharpe
Posting Apprentice
Posting Apprentice

Status :

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 211
Registration date : 2016-08-05

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A museum for strange encounters (Dub)  - Page 3 Empty Re: A museum for strange encounters (Dub)

Post by Shadowoof June 21st 2017, 6:52 am

The kick was a mild success, for rather then hit the target he hoped, she had used the shield she had taken from the museum as a defensive weapon, smart. However, the two still, crashed though the roof like he had hoped, what he had not taken into consideration was the jarring sense he had in his leg from the impact of him kicking the shield, small, and wearing off, but a worry.

Landing on the ground of the room they were now in and happy to be in, as enclosed spaces were more his style, Jake looked around the dust settling room for the girl, who was already in motion, the shield now her weapon as she charged at him with a force driven jump. Not seeing enough time to dodge, Jake decided to respond with direct force and brought his leg up to kick the shield back, hoping his leg delivered force would match hers, however, even with the action, Jake was pushed back into the wall from the force of the shield hitting him and he hitting it, but not enough for him to be going though it, but enough he slammed against the wall, he just hoped while he got up from that, his action of kicking the shield had done something to keep the girl back, otherwise. He would be looking up to something far worse and he feared he would not be able to react to it as quickly as he had just now.

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1508
Location : Right behind you
Age : 24
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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A museum for strange encounters (Dub)  - Page 3 Empty Re: A museum for strange encounters (Dub)

Post by Johanna Sharpe June 22nd 2017, 5:23 am

Despite her preferring the wide open space of the roof above, Johanna was actually happy to have surfaces that she could actually gain traction with. As she launched herself at the masked kid, he rose to challenge her with a swift kick. Moments before impact, Johanna braced for the incoming recoil she expected to experience from the boys counter attack, but Luckily for the young thief the shield absorbed a large amount of the shock dished out by the kick. In the instance that the two had collided, Johanna planted her right foot firmly behind herself, with an actual floor beneath her feet, she was able to generate enough van der waals force to make her feet stick to the ground of the room the two were in.

The boy bounced backwards off of the shield and crashed into the wall behind him. Not exactly the outcome Johanna wanted, but the impact and an extremely poor display of balance, the masked boy fell to the ground. The white haired girl loomed over him for only a brief second, but it felt as though it dragged on for much longer. Johanna’s eyes descended on the fallen boy. With a bloodthirsty and almost psychotic smile on her face, Johanna threw her shielded arm forward with the intent of slamming the rim of the shield into the boy’s face.

Johanna didn’t stop there however, no, instead she flew into a frenzy, unleashing blow after blow from both her shielded arm and her fist. After throwing a series of punches Johanna rose up and backed up a bit. Despite not feeling tired she was definitely winded from the furry she had unloaded. Her hands remained tense and tightly clenched into fists. Whether the kid blocked every blow or not, Johanna had a strong feeling that he would be able to take the beating, and would be back on his feet quickly. She had to be ready for whatever other tricks the masked vigilante had up his nonexistent sleeves. "Come on! Get up! I know that's not all you've got!" Johanna's blood felt like it was on fire and fighting was the only thing that could cool her off. No longer did she desire to flee and make off with her haul from the museum. She wanted to see this fight through, she wanted and welcomed the challenge, which was something she couldn't quite understand.

The Characters
Johanna Sharpe
Johanna Sharpe
Posting Apprentice
Posting Apprentice

Status :

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 211
Registration date : 2016-08-05

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A museum for strange encounters (Dub)  - Page 3 Empty Re: A museum for strange encounters (Dub)

Post by Shadowoof June 24th 2017, 2:04 am

Looking up, Jake found the edge of the woman's new weapon facing him and before he could react, he felt the shield hit above his eye and did it hit. Her strength matched with the metal of the shield sent him to the ground where her second attack struck him. Realizing he needed to defend himself, Jake threw his arms in-front of her attacks stopping as many of the fists and shield slams she threw at him as he could, not able to stop all of them. His head throbbed, his arms were following suit yet all Jake could think about was what he was going to do next. Jump at the wall then at her? Aim for her legs? Punch the shield to push her back? Or... Use the red energy. Not directly, not with the full force he could offer, that would destroy the building around them, her if he got a direct hit, shield or not. But he could limit it to his fingers, he had done it before, but... If he was to do that, he would have to aim for the shield. He didn't know how durable she was, he wasn't planning on finding out.

Finally, the painful onslaught stopped and Jake heard the girl telling him to get up, to keep fighting. And he was planning on it, getting to his feet, still low, Jake considered all the options he had, and in the end, chose one he hadn't thought of till now. A way to get rid of the her or at least her shield. Thought in mind, Jake bull rushed her, aiming a fist at her chest area in an effort to taunt the shield out, she had a good defense with it here, she would use it. But whether she did or not, the punch was a fake, it was here he decided between the wall or over her, he chose over. Jumping before his fist got close to the girl, Jake would perform a flip over the girl, but half way, about above her, Jake reached down to grab ether her shoulders or what he hoped would be the edge of the shield for when he completed his flip he would proceed to use his forward momentum to lift whatever he could grab upwards and fling it at the opposite wall of the one he was just forced against.

Not yet done, Jake jumped at the wall as soon as he had done the action of the flip and throw, colliding against it before pushing off it to the ground, and from the ground to the roof, avoiding the hole. From there, he repeated the jumping action, from wall to ground to roof to wall to ground to roof. Showing a complete control of his body and knowledge of what to move and how to land before jumping again, years of gymnastic experience and how lack of safety because of his natural strength and durability allowed him to perform such feats. He kept at for a few short seconds, every landing he thought of aiming for the girl but he held back before aiming for the white haired girl and lunging at her finally, hoping the randomness of the jumps and the increased momentum would allow him to get close enough he could crash into the girl with a large amount of force.

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1508
Location : Right behind you
Age : 24
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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A museum for strange encounters (Dub)  - Page 3 Empty Re: A museum for strange encounters (Dub)

Post by Johanna Sharpe June 24th 2017, 6:02 am

Johanna had admittedly expected the boy to just rush at her by this point, she didn’t need her powers to see he wanted this as bad as she did by this point. The tactic he employed was rather simple and it took Johanna back a bit with its simple nature. *Bull rushing? Really?* she thought to herself as the masked kid closed the small distance between them in pretty much the blink of an eye. His arm shot forward as he attempted to punch Johanna, Seeing this coming from a mile away, Johanna turned her upper body and leaned away from the punch. Under normal circumstances this would have worked against a normal opponent, but this was nether a normal circumstance, nor was the boy a normal opponent.

Just as his punch was to miss, the boy leapt into the air above Johanna. His arms reached out and gripped her by the shoulders firmly. Before Johanna could even realize what was happening, she was being hurled through the air. Her back collided with the wall and she blacked out almost instantly as all the breath was knocked from her body. The young thief plummeted several stories before she regained consciousness. Despite the fog she was in from just waking from being blacked out, Johanna fired off a strand of webbing from her shooter instinctively. The thread stuck to the brick exterior of the building and pulled tight almost instantly. Johanna’s decent came to an extremely abrupt stop and her body was forced into the side of the building.

The young girl let out a groan of pain and winced as her shoulder bounded off the wall a second time before she stopped swinging through the air. Johanna shot a glance up to the hole that her body had put in the wall several feet up from where she had caught herself. Her eyes narrowed in anger as she began to plot her revenge. As much fun as she was having in the back of her mind, she knew this fight had to come to an end sooner or latter and she intended on being the victor. Johanna placed her back against the wall and allowed her self to stick there while she devised her retaliation. Reached to her belt she retrieved her very last sleep gas mine. Johanna then removed the shield from her arm and stuck the mine to the back of it.

One she had rigged the shield to be a mobile gas delivery system, she looked around for anything she could use to swing to. She eventually spotted another water tower on the roof across from her. A slick smile crept onto her face as she visualized her plan. By know the boy had to have wondered if she had survived the fall or not, and she was going to use that to her advantage. With a strong kick off the wall, Johanna disengaged and twisted her torso upward back towards the hold she had fallen out of. Using the torque of her rotation, Johanna launched the rigged shield into the room where the boy was. She then in the same instant fired a thread at the adjacent water tower and used it to perform a slingshot maneuver. Johanna used the gained momentum from the arching swing to launch herself back at the building she and the vigilante had been fighting in. As she circled back and now faced the building, she fired off tow strands of webbing at the wall on either side of the hole she had fallen from.

With the boy in sight, Johanna’s grip tightened on the webbing and she pulled with all her might which caused her to rocked forward with both legs extended. She aimed to hit the boy with a flying kick, hoping that her trap had worked or at least distracted him long enough for her kick to catch him off guard.

The Characters
Johanna Sharpe
Johanna Sharpe
Posting Apprentice
Posting Apprentice

Status :

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 211
Registration date : 2016-08-05

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A museum for strange encounters (Dub)  - Page 3 Empty Re: A museum for strange encounters (Dub)

Post by Shadowoof June 24th 2017, 9:28 am

Jake slid along the ground after finally landing, for in his blind rush to attack her, he had not even realized what he had done, a hole in the wall signaled that she had been thrown out of the building. Surprised and cursing his own stupidity, he questioned if the girl had run or not, for in the few short seconds he had been jumping she... No. She wouldn't run, she was too invested in this fight to see it go like this. She wanted to win, she wanted to prove she was stronger. She wanted wanted him to keep fighting because she was... Excited by the thrill of battle. And in battles, you aimed to win.

Turning his red vision on, Jake looked and found the girl, her red form hanging by the wall of the building. Right now she was in the middle of something, her next plan no doubt. Backing away from the hole in the wall, Jake kept an eye on her as he planned his own action. He could jump down after her, but she would see him and avoid him. And wings vs web. She would win as soon as she got a shot at them. They were large targets and he didn't think he would be able to fly well if they were all stuck together. Same with jumping from the walls of the buildings, he was simply outmatched. However, she was already in motion, a see though round object flew towards the hole. Jake followed it's motion and saw that it was the shield of hers, a gas spewing from it. Smart. If he was at the hole, that would have been a problem, score one for his sight.

Holding his breath and looking back to the white haired thief, he smiled at his own advantage of being able to see her, watch her every motion, the red pluses of life that lit her up signaling her every whereabout. Her every move. Deciding to use her own weapon against her, Jake run to the hole, grabbing a hold of the shield. He would stand by the hole as she performed her rocketing lunch towards him and with all his might, he turned and flung the shield at her, aiming right for, that she would be hit or she could grab or avoid it as a distraction. For as soon as he threw it, Jake danced to the side of the wall and waited, his red sight allowing him to watch whatever action she chose, but for her if she was to continue the attack, he would wait as she would get closer so he could fling his arm out and slam downwards on her as she entered the room. Of course, that was if she was still on course to it, for the shield she could have easily went for it rather then continue the attack. And for that, he would simply have to wait and react again. As long as he could hide and she was out there, he held the advantage. For now.

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1508
Location : Right behind you
Age : 24
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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A museum for strange encounters (Dub)  - Page 3 Empty Re: A museum for strange encounters (Dub)

Post by Johanna Sharpe June 24th 2017, 10:43 pm

Johanna cursed under her breath as she noticed almost from the moment that her webs hit the side of the outer wall of the building, that he plan was going to fail, but that was alright, for she was know for being able to adapt on the fly. As the boy launched the rigged shield from the hole and directly towards her, Johanna brought both her hands upwards, this shifted the tension of the webs, which in turn caused her body to dip downwards and out of the shields path. This sudden shift in trajectory redirected the rocket kick into the side of the building one floor down instead.

Several bricks dislodged from the wall and tumbled towards the ground below as Johanna’s body collided with the side of the building for a second time. This time she was more coherent however and was able to think much faster. Turning her gaze towards the wayward shield, Johanna would fire a strand of webbing at it, snagging it out of the air. In the same instant that the webbing latched onto the shield, Johanna arched her arm back, redirecting the rogue shield back at the hole this time however, she had a better idea. Instead of letting the shield enter the room and end up back in the masked kid’s hands, she would do something she probably should have done in the first place.

Johanna quickly disengaged from the wall like she had just moments earlier. This time she directed herself up and away from the hole. Holding her breath as the shield tumbled end over end right past her. The young thief then fired a strand of webbing from one of her shooters, when she did this, she placed her finger just above the ejection port. Instead of coming out as a solid strand, the addition of Johanna’s finger caused the webbing to spread outward like an actual spiders web.

The web expanded as it flew at the opening, eventually blanketing the hole loosely. The shield would shortly follow suit and would stick to the web dead center. The underside pointed directly into the room and allowed the gas to continue to pour out. Johanna fell out of the sky and landed on top of the water tower across the way, lowering into a crouched stance as she kept her eyes locked on the webbed hole for any sign of the masked vigilante. He somehow had an advantage of tracking her through walls, it was a trick she hadn’t quite figured out yet, but with the new trap set up, she could wait patiently for the kid to leave the room, or sit in there and pass out. He couldn’t hold his breath forever could he?

“Come on.” she mumbled to herself repeatedly as she patiently waited for the boy to make his next move.

The Characters
Johanna Sharpe
Johanna Sharpe
Posting Apprentice
Posting Apprentice

Status :

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 211
Registration date : 2016-08-05

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A museum for strange encounters (Dub)  - Page 3 Empty Re: A museum for strange encounters (Dub)

Post by Shadowoof June 25th 2017, 5:40 am

Shoot, she wasn't going for it. Keeping to the wall, he kept watching the girl till she made her newest plan in motion, causing Jake to back away from his wall as the wall of webbing covered the hole of the wall, with her shield the fourth mine tonight spew gas into the room, which would force him out of the room, less he fall asleep. Deciding on what to do, Jake backed away to under the hole that was formed. He could  move though the wall, get outside and try to sneak around to get another surprise on the girl. Or he could take the assault directly to her.

One pathway was too quick, the other was too long. And with no middle in sight, Jake took the easy way and jumped though the hole in the roof, landing on the gravel roof and looking to the white haired girl with bright red eyes, before turning them off so that his normal vision came back. Seeing as they were near the side of a building, Jake considered returning to the sneak plan, possible, much better then running at her with all her ranged ability's. Turning his red vision back on, Jake jumped off the side of the building while unleashing his grey wings before turning and flying along the sides of the buildings towards the girl, flying as fast as a car, Jake managed it rather quickly, but now was the actual attack, not from the air, he already did that... He would have to make a different tactic if he wanted to actually succeed.

Deciding to fly till he knew she was looking the other way of him, Jake would fly upwards over the edge of the building but rather then continue upwards he made a path right to the base of the water and as soon as he was there he touched his feet onto the ground and jumped right up to the top of it, planning to knock the girl off the tower if she remained but planning on perching himself on it anyway.

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1508
Location : Right behind you
Age : 24
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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A museum for strange encounters (Dub)  - Page 3 Empty Re: A museum for strange encounters (Dub)

Post by Johanna Sharpe July 1st 2017, 12:49 am

Well at least she had proven herself right. Johanna watched as the masked boy took the most obvious yet logical approach to avoiding the gas. She watched as he leapt out of the hole in the roof. The kid looked around for a bit before locating Johanna on the roof across the way. Johanna watched on in intrigue as the boy planned out his next move. From where she was sitting, she held full advantage. There was nothing the would be vigilante could do that would surprise her, and that held true as he put his plan into motion.

Johanna’s turquoise eyes watched on in anticipation as the boy dove off the side of the other building and spread his gray wings. He circled around the side of the other build, dipping out of sight for just an instant before Johanna relocated him as he approached the side of the building she was on. As the masked kid reappeared over the ledge, Johanna was ready for him. His dash into an attempt to dislodge her from the water tower would meet nothing but air as Johanna would leap up and away from the tower moments before the boy would reach it.

“Not this time kid!”

As Johanna flipped over the boy she fired off two web blasts in an attempt to pin the boy to the water tank. In the same instant, the slippery young thief would fire off tow more strands of webbing, this time they were aimed at the top of the tower. Making sure her grip was tight and that the lines attached to the tower were taught, Johanna would use her momentum in conjunction with her impressive strength to topple the tower. Loud cracking noises echoed out from the towers old and rotted wooden base. The metal tank itself began to let out an eerie moan as Johanna’s strength influenced the structure. She aimed on bringing the whole thing down onto the boy whether he was stuck to it or not.

The Characters
Johanna Sharpe
Johanna Sharpe
Posting Apprentice
Posting Apprentice

Status :

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 211
Registration date : 2016-08-05

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A museum for strange encounters (Dub)  - Page 3 Empty Re: A museum for strange encounters (Dub)

Post by Shadowoof July 1st 2017, 1:07 pm

The move was a half success, he got her off the water tower. But from there, his plan became a problem as he landed on the tower and spotted the girl firing her webbing's at him. Trying to avoid them directly, he hadn't thought about his wings and in avoiding them slightly, his right wing got hit, trapping him to the water tower. Trying to rip his wing from the tower, Jake found himself having trouble till he felt the tower under him rumble and the sounds of wood creak and break and the water under him rumble as the tower began to topple.

Jake had a fact session in his mind happen as he fell from the tower to under it, his wing extending but leaving him trapped under the weight of the tower, which was... a lot. If he really tried, twenty thousand gallons would be around the normal carry size of a water tower, that was heavy, that was beyond anything he could carry, hell, this roof if struck by the weight of this thing falling would... He would.

He didn't know what to do at first, panic taking over for a moment before he realized that for a moment... He could be strong enough. If but for a single, precise moment. But it couldn't be the whole of his hand, that could have drastic problems in itself and would hurt a lot more then what he considered now. Focusing his left hand's fingers, the chaotic red energy would cover just around the tips of three of his fingers, leaving his pinkie and thumb little safe from the force that was about to be unleashed. Facing the ever encroaching tower of water and what would be death, he would let it fall till he could get his feet firmly on the ground thanks to his trapped wing as he would then thrust the three fingers into the wood of the tower and not a second later, the effect of the red energy took place.

The impact of the enhanced strength bent the wood upwards before the entire tower blew up, wood splintering and shattering in several directions, the water inside the tower itself had shot upwards and spread about, with the amount of water inside not as much as there should have been, evaporated by the initial force, but the remaining water, which still attested to quite a bit rained down along the roof top and further away. Jake himself stood in the center of the downpour, his left hand shaking as the three fingers he had used were black and blue, bleeding and painful, the hand seemed a little scorched as well, bruised but not as badly as the fingers were.

Looking towards the girl, Jake would move his wing and rip the wood and web that had stuck to it with his right hand, remains of the shattered tower, he would then let the wings fold into his back as he placed his left hand behind him. "I try not... To use that ability. When I face those who would die to it... It also hurts... A lot.." Jake managed as he looked at the girl, not sure if she would continue the fight or not, not sure if the display of strength would even do anything to her in the blood crazed mood she was in. But that fright, the use of the energy and the fact she almost willingly set a well over his and her strength limit combined weight on top of a building.

He was just... tuckered out, his pain from the past head banging she delivered returning with more force, mixing with the throbs of pain coming from his fingers. "Look... I already planned on letting you go with your... Catch. Loot. Whatever. I don't care. So get your shield from the other building. Go. Maybe we may get another chance for a rematch later, never impossible no? Or attack me again. I'm already in pain. What's a little more." Jake stated, rubbing what little of his forearm that wasn't hidden behind his back in an effort to just do something about the pain of the broken fingers. But he was light on his feet, on his toes the ever so slightest as he waited for the girl to take an action, leave or attack.

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1508
Location : Right behind you
Age : 24
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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A museum for strange encounters (Dub)  - Page 3 Empty Re: A museum for strange encounters (Dub)

Post by Johanna Sharpe July 2nd 2017, 3:49 am

Johanna watched on with anticipation as the boy’s wing was pinned to the side of the tower. The echoing destruction of the old wooden base and weakening metal was but a sweet requiem for the foolish masked boy. Johanna somehow knew this wouldn’t be the end, not by a long shot. If she had gained any sort of knowledge from this blood crazed state she was in, it was that the boy had been hiding something from her. Almost on queue as she thought the words, the boy would brace himself for a moment before rotating his body and pointing three of his fingers at the tower.

A brief flash of red light caught Johanna’s eyes as the masked kid thrusted his hand at the tower. A magnificent bang rang out across the roof top as the rotted wood was blown to splinters. The metal tank holding the water erupted, its contents sent into the air where what was left of the water rained down on the two teens. The new challenge and thrill of this ability sent chills down Johanna’s spine, though it wasn’t out of fear. Johanna’s hands clenched tightly into fists and a wicked smirk crept onto her face. She was exhilarated by the prospect of the added level of danger this kids ability now presented.

A strange thought then crossed the young thief’s mind. If the kid had this kind of power, why didn’t he use it before? Perhaps he thought it would be to much for Johanna, or maybe there was another reason. Johanna’s eyes soon wandered to the three fingers the boy had used to stop the water tower from crushing him. His hand told her all she needed to know. His fingers were black and blue and the swelling could easily be seen from where she was standing. His hand had taken a load of the damage as well. In a way, seeing the kid as battered as he was, was enough to make Johanna feel a bit sorry for him, and in the same instance drove all the blood lust out of her.

Her hands eased up as the boy began to speak, his words partially muffled behind his mask. The thrill of the fight soon left her and the instincts of a thief returned. With all the commotion the two had been causing, it was only a matter of time before the police came a knocking once more. Johanna’s fists loosened up and her body language became less tense. She slowly approached the boy with a wide grin on her face. Something about his comment of not using his power on those it would kill kind of made her laugh. “Sure you’re strong, but what makes you think you’d hurt lil old me?” She gave a slight chuckle and winked at the boy before finally stopping a few feet away from him.

Johanna turned for a brief moment as she began to dig through her duffle bag. She couldn’t understand what she was doing, or why she was doing it, but something really made her want to give something to the kid. Like a token of good faith or even a token of remembrance, whatever the reason was, Johanna now found herself holding out one of the war goddess idols to the kid. Not sure if he’d take it from her hands or not, Johanna placed the idol on the ground and approached the side of the building.

The white haired turn glanced at the boy over her shoulder with a smile on her face. “Next time we do this little song and dance, do me a favor and don’t hold back, and I wont either.” She then winked and leapt off the build and over to the other one to retrieve the stolen shield. After prying it from the webbing, Johanna tucked the shield into the duffle back next to the sword. She shot the boy one more glance and then swung off into the night, and back to her hotel.

The Characters
Johanna Sharpe
Johanna Sharpe
Posting Apprentice
Posting Apprentice

Status :

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 211
Registration date : 2016-08-05

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A museum for strange encounters (Dub)  - Page 3 Empty Re: A museum for strange encounters (Dub)

Post by Shadowoof July 2nd 2017, 5:42 am

Jake kept his gaze to the girl clear and strong as she strode towards him, making an effort to taunt him as she came. But was rather surprised, the surprise even showing on his face when she dug though her bag of loot and produced a idol of the war goddesses, handing it to him. He hesitated when she held it out to him, not wanting to walk into a possible trap of hers but calmed down when she placed it on the ground and left, but as she left, Jake noted that she left leaving behind a remark similar to the alternate clover he had met before. That next time, do better. Be better.

Watching her jump off the roof, Jake walked to the edge of the roof and watched as she took her shield and offered one more glance for him to match before swinging off into the night, to who knows where. Licking his lips, Jake went back to the still idol where she had left it and picked it up, examining the statue of the forgotten goddess. A token of there match, a reminder that she was someone who existed. Looking to his ruined fingers, Jake wondered what would happen the next time they met, if they met. And what would be different when it happened. Deciding that, that was for another day, he unleashed his wings once more and leapt off the building, flying back towards Samaels. And hoping that he didn't have one of his many... Friends over tonight when he would eventually make it back. It was not something he wanted to to see or hear. And after tonight, he just wanted to sleep. A peaceful sleep that would allow his damaged fingers to heal.

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1508
Location : Right behind you
Age : 24
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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A museum for strange encounters (Dub)  - Page 3 Empty Re: A museum for strange encounters (Dub)

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