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[QUEST] The Lost Continent [Part 1]

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[QUEST] The Lost Continent [Part 1] Empty [QUEST] The Lost Continent [Part 1]

Post by Ghoul May 5th 2017, 10:58 pm

Ghoul looked out at the Chilean countryside from the window of his first class seat paid for by the U.S. government. He wasn't sure how he would find this sword, but as he read more about it; he realized something. Magic = freaking bullshit. According to legend, this blade that he - and possibly the world at large - was going after could allegedly... do so much fucking magical bullshit. He sighed staring at the page. According to this book, the blade was guarded by multiple guardians. Golem, Undead, and things so horrible that the author couldn't describe them. Great. They send an indestructible zombie, to face destructable zombies and stone monsters... admittedly, a better plan than just sending a guy with a gun and a bad attitude. Knowing the government though; they'd probably do just that.

Landing on the ground at the international airport, Ghoul smelled the rainforest air and looked around seeing a woman getting mugged immediately after getting off the plane. He pulled off his own arm, and proceeded to beat the man trying to mug an innocent woman. No one hurts women around Ghoul. Then, the woman decided to mug Ghoul. Entering the airport with nothing but his coat, shirt, and mask. He realised that this country was going to be a pain in his ass. His feminine legs which were rotting somewhat; were entirely bare. He sighed and went into the airports clothes shop to buy pants, covering his shameful secrets. Surprisingly; no one even blinked an eye. Apparently Chile was such an awful place, an actual zombie didn't even phase them.

He moved to hail a cab, and gave them a number to call for financial reimbursement. Instead, he wound up losing the pair of shoes that he had just bought. He ground his teeth and sat down at a table where he was supposed to meet his partner in this. Whoever that might be.

Status :

Quote : People call me the Ghoul because - among other things - my job is horrifying most days. It's about time I get one day where it's not that bad.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 10
Registration date : 2017-04-19

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[QUEST] The Lost Continent [Part 1] Empty Re: [QUEST] The Lost Continent [Part 1]

Post by Knightfall May 7th 2017, 8:00 am

"Never thought I'd have the chance to do something like this in my life. Both visiting this dump and nabbing that sword." Nathaniel's plane arrived on time at the desired destination with seemingly no trouble. He'd been told to meet up with the his partner in the international airport of Chile. Their mission: extract Hel's blade. This was both exciting and intimidating at the same time considering that if this was the sword from mythology then that was some serious power in one sharp package. But powerful artifacts from myth don't go unprotected, that was the intimidating part. Nonetheless he took up the task enthusiastically and walked into the airport. "Watch it." Nathaniel said as he shoved past several traveling tourists and locals heading to the place specified. As the crowd thinned slightly he looked ahead and saw a man in a mask and coat. "There's my guy. What's with the get-up?" Knightfall dipped his helmeted head down and walked over to the table taking the seat across from the supposedly cautious individual. Knightfall raised his head slightly to look at the man where he supposed his eyes were behind the mask and uttered the code word to assure it was in fact him. "Bacon."

[QUEST] The Lost Continent [Part 1] 2rggabb
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Quote : "Woo yeah! I'm like fucking Spider-Man bitches!" -Knightfall
"Didn't your parents ever teach you not to play with guns?" -Knightfall

"Show me a hero and I'll write you a tragedy." -F. Scott Fitzgeral

Warnings : 2 Warnings
Number of posts : 160
Age : 32
Job : Whatever pays well.
Humor : Dark and sarcastic.
Registration date : 2017-01-19

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[QUEST] The Lost Continent [Part 1] Empty Re: [QUEST] The Lost Continent [Part 1]

Post by The Nekromonga May 7th 2017, 9:40 am

The U.N. Humvee was driving through the busy streets of Chile's capital city, Santiago. Despite being a South American country, the city's high elevation meant a relatively dry, cold weather. The population were out in throng, crowding the streets and sidewalks with stalls and vendors. People were shoulder to shoulder with each other and the cars on the road, traffic crawling at a glacial pace.

"Sorry ma'am, but the city is quite busy at this hour." One of the U.N. soldiers in the Humvee, a middle-aged Chilean native apologized to her passenger. He blew the horn in frustration as the traffic refused to not only move, but an intrepid motorcycle cuts into his lane.

"...We're close to the meeting area, aren't we?" The other U.N. soldier asked, matching her briefed meeting place with the signs up ahead.

"Yes ma'am." He responded, taking a polite look at his passenger before moving the car... a full 2 feet forward, before traffic stopped him again. This new girl is pretty small... did she really meet the army's minimum height requirement?, he thought, but couldn't shake the feeling the meek asian lady in glasses had more to her than meets the eye.

"Find us some parking then while I get the ..." She sighed as she read the name of the organization she was working with. "H.A.M. agents." She got out of the Humvee and headed towards the bar, towering over the locals.


Heads in the bar might not have turned at some queer fellows who reeked of death and alcohol, but more than a few eyes were turned when the door bell sounded and a UN soldier entered. Standing five feet and six inches tall and wearing the U.N's signature Blue Beret, as well as glasses to hide her eyes, June Young entered, looking more like a student than a soldier.

Reviewing her file, she made sure she had the right people. The smell coming from one of them proved most unpleasant to June's heightened olfactory sense. She stifled her discomfort and introduced herself, discreetly, though she was conscious of prying eyes. Suspicious of the U.N. presence in their town. "You must be the HAM agents. I'm the operative with the U.N."

Dragon Girl Experience
Dabbler Experience
The Steel Sage Experience
Thalassophobia Experience
Lady Deathblow Experience
The Nekromonga
The Nekromonga
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

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Quote : Neko is 9 now. Neko has many medical issues.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2582
Location : Philippines
Age : 35
Job : Architect, Master Builder
Humor : I made a Lesbian Feminist Ninja Vampire Samurai.
Registration date : 2013-01-18

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[QUEST] The Lost Continent [Part 1] Empty Re: [QUEST] The Lost Continent [Part 1]

Post by Adam Johnson May 16th 2017, 2:36 am

The Blade of Hel, a weapon that by all mythical standards would be a rather powerful artifact and one that Elena Marie would not want in the hands of those undeserving of its power. Magic, by nature was a temperamental thing and not something that could be used by anyone that thought they could. That was why she had drawn herself from whatever hiding she was doing, to hunt down the blade and claim it for herself. For the sake of the world of course, and perhaps to amass magical power at the same time. Being content with what power she had now was not good, especially not when the world slowly began to find itself beset by horrors beyond human imagination. Contemplating such things was what caused her to tighten her grip upon the magical rapiers hilt, feeling the energy that flowed through the weapon like a humming pulse.

A small group by the name of HAM had begun to take interest within the weapon and with that she had to intervene within that adventure to obtain the weapon. Perhaps even turn those that came along into nothing more than hapless casualties. Nothing more than people lost to the throes of greed that came with humanity.

Dressed in what looked to be a semi-casual business attire with a white mink coat thrown over that, Elena Marie stepped into the cafe with the weapon at her side veiled from human eyes with a simple glamour. It would not have done for someone to see the weapon and freak out after all, so she went as minimalist as possible as she took a seat alongside a zombie as well as a few others. An unexpected gust, but one that would likely draw all the nice questions. She expected some to even become hostile towards her, but that was not something she was worried about.

”You are the HAM agents, correct?” She said HAM with an almost amused tone, seemingly drinking from a cup of warm tea she did not have a moment ago.
Adam Johnson
Adam Johnson
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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 125
Registration date : 2016-07-28

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