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Lilliana "The Traveler" White

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Lilliana "The Traveler" White Empty Lilliana "The Traveler" White

Post by The Swolefather November 5th 2017, 1:21 am

Lilliana White

"Wibbly wobbly timey wimey, my ass."

The Bio

Real Name: Lilliana White
Renegade Name: The Traveler
Title: The Sheriff of Space and Time/The Drunken Wanderer
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Age: 28
Gender: Female
Race: Human/Dimensional Being
Eyes: Surging Neon Blue
Height: 5'2"
Weight: 140 lbs
Blood type: Cross-Dimensional Energy

The Looks

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Lilliana's Outfit/Weapons:
The Personality

Lilliana has grown bitter over the years of stealing herself away from different dimensions, watching the youthful joy in their faces drain to hardened peacekeepers. Behind this rough exterior, is someone who misses the laughter and carefree nature to life. When given the chance, and surrounded by good people, she reverts back to the life of the party she once was. She is extremely confident, if not arrogant, and very disciplined due to her training. To say she was without compassion wouldn't be far off, but at times her empathy gets the best of her.
The Story

Lilliana was born in an alternate dimension of the world we know.
Her life began in their version of New Orleans, where she lived a very average life. Between the celebrations, graveyard lurking and random encounters of the supernatural kind, life was great. Her family ran a bakery, where she would help run out deliveries.
The day she learned of her powers, is the day the book was dropped on her doorstep by a young woman with lavender hair. The book described interdimensional travel in extreme detail, and how to achieve it. Surprisingly, the concepts weren't that complicated, and with a few tries, she had opened her first portal.
A few weeks had gone by, and she had grown more confident with her creations of rifts. With this bravery came stupidity, as she stuck her hand into the dark void, it closed, taking her arm clean off.
Years had passed since she opened a rift again, the phantom pain constantly haunting the stump where her should once was. The woman visited once again, leaving a note, coaxing her to begin opening rifts again.
Reluctantly, Lilliana opened the rift, only to be dragged in by a robotic arm. Her old life closed behind her.
Before her, stood older, bitter version of herself. She spent what felt like years training under the guidance of her future self, before she was deemed ready. The two fused, as Lilliana had done thousands of times before, combining the experience and talents of yet another one of herself.
Now her whole existence was based on helping maintain space and time.
The Priority

1. Reaction
2. Agility
3. Endurance
4. Strength

The Powers

The Traveler of Space and Time: Lilliana has mastered dimensional and time travel, able to travel through space and time with ease.

Dead eye: Lilliana is a dead shot with her six shooter, rarely missing a shot.

Master Swordsman: Lilliana has had plenty of time to master her skills with a sword.

Dimensional Shifting: Lilliana is capable of shifting in between dimensions, making her intangible

Dimensional Ricochet: Much like a cartoon, Lilliana can create small rifts between dimensions, able to send an attack back at the user.

Basic Teleportation: Lilliana can teleport within a dimension to anywhere she can see with her eyes.

Interdimensional Energy Manipulation: Decades of traveling through time has allowed Lilliana to manipulate the dimensional energies that inhabit her body. She is capable of creating a blade likened to the omniblade from Mass Effect with the energy, blast it out in beams, enhance her weapons with it, as well as create waves of it. This energy causes radiation burns to anything it touches.

Creator: Lilliana is able to create pocket universes for storage.

Dimensional and Timeline Omniscience: Lillian needs to keep up to date on the events of different time lines and the histories of different dimensions, whether future, present or past. This allows her to know all possible outcomes in a situation.
The Weaknesses

Human Body: Lilliana was born human, and only has human durability.

While between dimensions Lilliana can not interact with either dimension.

Dimensional Overload: If Lilliana travels between dimensions too often in a certain amount of time, her body will overload with energy, causing extreme exhaustion and sickness.

Life Force: Though Lilliana can be harmed from travelling between dimensions too often, if she is cut off from traveling, she will fade away.

Lilliana can not open rifts if she is surrounded by lead, or touched by it.

Lilliana is a raging alcoholic and constantly needs to drink.

Lilliana is unable to aim or properly fight if she's not completely wasted.

If Lilliana is separated from her booze, she flies into an irrational rage

Lilliana is extremely uncouth, and is terrible at being charismatic or diplomatic.

Not always present: Lilliana, due to her constant travels, at times isn't completely in touch with reality, as if lost in another dimension or timeline.

Lilliana is beyond impatient and starts acting irrational if things take too long.

Habitual Liar/Manipulator/Two Faced: Lilliana often loves to employee the help of others to do her work. She does so through the use of lies and false faces.

Loner: Lilliana is incapable of understanding/empathy due to years alone with herself, literally. So when it comes to building relationships, she's inept.

Superiority Complex: Lilliana believes that she's vastly more important than everyone else.  She is willing to sacrifice other people for her own goals, which are obviously more important than anything else.

Adrenaline Junkie: Lilliana is the type to leap out of planes and open her parachute at the last minute, drive 100 through residential streets or put herself in fights for the rush.

Hard of hearing: Due to the power of her pistol, and the insane blast that emits from it, Lilliana is beginning to lose her hearing slowly.

Damaged Nerves: Lilliana's out extremities are incapable of feeling pain due to exposure to dimensional energy earlier in her life.
The Items

Schwarzschild is Lilliana's 30mm handcannon.

Omni-directional bullets: When fired, the bullets can enter a rift, able to be directed from any direction.

Pocket Ammo: Lilliana never needs to reload her hand cannon due to a pocket dimension being connected to the chambers.

Schwarzchild can only be fired by Lilliana's robotic arm

Schwarzchild has substantial recoil, greatly decreasing Lilliana's aim the faster she fires it.

Schwarzchild is so extremely loud that every time Lilliana fires it, it causes a loud ringing in her ears.
Hovud is Lilliana's sword, named after Heimdall's blade.

Hovud is capable of emitting dimensional energy from its edge.

Phasing blade: Hovud can phase from existence for a split second, allowing Lilliana to bypass the defenses of her enemy.

Hovud also drains Lilliana of her energy the more she uses it.

Hovud is made from a steel equivalent to steel, leaving it relatively brittle.

Robotic Arm:

Superhuman trigger speed: Lilliana's robotic arm is capable of firing her revolver at inhuman speeds.

Boosted strength: Lilliana's robotic arm posesses peak human strength.

360 degree wrist rotation: The wrist of Lilliana's robotic arm can rotate a full 360 degrees.


Overload: If Lilliana travels between dimensions too often, her arm will overload and need to reboot.

Maintenance Required: Lilliana's arm needs constant maintenance, even if it can take a beating. If not taken care of, it will malfunction.

Asymetrical Strength: Only the arm is slightly stronger, not the rest of the body.

Power source needed: Dimensional power has a fine line, Lilliana must travel often enough to keep the charge in her body to power her arm.

The Travelers Armor:


Lilliana's armor is extremely durable, allowing her to not be punctured by most bullets.

Lilliana's armor allows her to boost her strength or speed in short bursts.


Lilliana's armor is relatively heavy, making it hard for her to sneak, and makes it impossible to float.

When Lilliana boosts her strength or speed, she uses the dimensional energy she exudes to boost the suit.

The Fluff

Resting bitch face: Lilliana constantly looks angry, and she can't help it.

Lilliana's skin is light, with a constant energy flowing about it. When touched, the skin crackles like a plasma ball.

Lilliana constantly smells like ozone due to her dimensional travels.

Lilliana has stopped aging since she began her travels.[
The RP Sample

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The Swolefather
The Swolefather
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Quote : SHRP's strongest member
Lift things up, put them down.
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Registration date : 2016-08-29

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Lilliana "The Traveler" White Empty Re: Lilliana "The Traveler" White

Post by CainVulsore November 11th 2017, 2:18 pm

Approved Until Stated Otherwise
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Quote : "Bitch, I am the Lord of Shadows."

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Age : 27
Registration date : 2011-08-21

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Lilliana "The Traveler" White Empty Re: Lilliana "The Traveler" White

Post by Zonkes March 30th 2018, 8:56 pm

Retired upon request. Evil or Very Mad
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

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Quote : I sure love to manipulate people.

Warnings : Banned
Number of posts : 649
Location : Somewhere between hell and a hand basket
Age : 28
Job : Professional Manipulator
Humor : This site is great <3
Registration date : 2017-01-10

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