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Pasteur Empty Pasteur

Post by superguy1 October 20th 2016, 12:13 am


"Recyler,  Homeless Chic"

The Bio

Real Name: Leeroy Tucker
Renegade Name: Pasteur
Title: Homeless Chic Organic Tinkerer Extraordinaire, Recycler
Alignment: True Neutral
Age: 27
Gender: Male
Race: African-American
Hair: Black
Eyes: Brown
Height: 6'0
Weight: 187
Blood type: B-

The Looks


Where's anything and everything. His look can be described a "homeless chic"...if that's a thing.

The Personality

He's the type to joke around during a fight, and appears happy and carefree, despite his internal pain. Intelligent and inquisitive, always trying to push the limits of his powers and understand them.

The Story

Leeroy Tucker was born and raised on the South Side of Chicago to a single mother. The middle child of five, he was used to falling by the wayside and doing his own thing. From a young age Leeroy found himself in constant trouble. By age 14, he had been suspended three times for various types of vandalism and general mischief. His mother had far too much on her plate to deal with him, so for the most part, he raised himself. As time went on, his situation became worse, and he was eventually expelled from school, after accidentally setting fire to the only lab of his underfunded school. Essentially alone, and without school to occupy his time, Leeroy became heavily involved in gangs, specifically in their manufacturing and selling of drugs. Despite the fact that he treated school as a game, he had always excelled at science, chemistry and biology especially.

As the months and years went on, Leeroy was making good money from his illegal activities, but he'd grown bored of it. He wanted fun. Excitement. And that's just what he got when he decided to steal a couple millions of dollars worth of narcotics from the gang, using it to run away and travel the world.He eventually made his way to New York, setting up his own operation and making a killing. He had an expensive penthouse, a nice car, and his fiance, Melissa, who he loved dearly. Things were seeming perfect for the kid no one cared about, and he was finally content in life.

This all changed, however, the night before his 23rd birthday.  After a night out on the town with Melissa , they decided to take a detour through the local park. They walked, hand in hand under the moonlight, and just talked. Planning their future together. They didn’t know they had been followed. See, Leeroy's theft wasn’t something he could just run away from, as the men who owned the drugs he stolen were powerful and angry, and had spent a lot of time and money to find him. Which they did. The last thing Leeroy saw was the moon, as he held Melissa’s hand. Then he was hit, and there was darkness.

He woke up in a large, empty, and abandoned building. Sounds were echoing through it and Leeroy could feel...things everywhere. He could feel these...traces. Like shadows, except he wasn't seeing, he was feeling. He was pulling them together, and the shadows became more and more clear, little pieces starting to fit in, until he had something. His creature attacked his captors, who were unable to harm it. It's torso was a trash bag, with most of the contents emptied except for banana peels, human waste product, and more organic waste. Through the top of the bag, the main head was that of a cat, well into the stages of decay, surrounded by the body parts of other animals. A few wings, seemingly from pigeons, protruded from it's back and left side, while a human-like arm, made mostly of clumped dirt, and some embedded glass, extended from the right. The creature freed him, before collapsing back into a pile of trash, after Leeroy pulled his power back. Melissa was barely breathing, and Leeroy , thanks to his new abilities, could feel what was wrong with her. Several broken ribs, fractured shin, punctured lung, and her brain was dying from lack of oxygen. Using what he could salvage from the animal remains, he bonded flesh and bone with Melissa, healing her injuries, before calling the police, giving her a kiss, and leaving. He knew that she wouldn't remember him due to brain damage from the lack of oxygen, and he knew that as long as he was around, she was in danger.

Knowing his presence only endangered her, Leeroy took to the road, making money however he can. Taking the name Pasteur in reference to the famed biologist, Leeroy is a  modern, super-powered nomad, doing what he wants, when he wants to.

The Priority

1. Reaction
2. Endurance
3. Agility
4. Strength

The Powers

Control Over Anything Organic: Leeroy’s main power is centered around his ability to manipulate organic matter, dead or alive. He is able to sense them and their biology. He gains a full understanding of what they are, how they work, and what/how he needs to put them together  to create what he chooses.  His abilities affect anything organic, or produced by something organic. That could be anything ranging from bacteria, to the flesh of a dead animal, to fecal matter. If it's organic, or from an organic organism, he can control it. His creatures can work independent of him, depending on the brain structure he gives them. The more complex they are, the more they can do on their own. His creatures can either operate under their own will if he so chooses, or under his direct control.  This allows him to manipulate bacteria to use as an offensive weapon to spread disease or sickness.

Advanced Biological Understanding: Despite his inability to control a living human, he can understand their biology, allowing him to find any and all injuries, sicknesses, etc. This is true for all organic things.

"Healing" through Biomorphing:This is one of his more interesting abilities. While he can't simple touch a wound and heal it, he can use other organic matter to heal it by filling it in and changing the genetic makeup of it as much as he can, to replace it. For example, if someone lost an arm, he couldn't cause a new arm to grow, but he could use a variety of animal flesh and bone to form something similar, if not identical, that would work much like a real arm. Capable of working independent of his power after a while.

The Weaknesses

Focus and Complexity: The more advanced the creature, the harder it is to create, and the more time it takes. For instance, Scumbag could create several simple minions made of rat remains and garbage, in minutes, and he could control them himself. However, if he wanted to create something with enough intelligence to fight for itself, or something made to last (having a system for the removal of waste, ability to digest matter, etc etc) that could take hours, or even days to make if he wanted it to be autonomous, and even if he didn't, the more complex the creations, the more of his focus it requires to function.

Human Physiology: Outside of his healing abilities, he is still an average human man physically. In confrontations with superhumans, he relies solely on his creations for offense, as he can do very little in that regard. Like most people, damaging his brain will kill or render him crippled, provided that enough of the brain is destroyed so he can't use his power.

Concentration and time: While he can create limbs/heal others, it takes a long time, hours at least, and depending on the extent of the damage it could take weeks. He was to create a link with the brain of the person, which requires the participant to be willing to let him in, otherwise he can't, and he must get the brain to recognize this new mass of fleshes and other foreign material, to function as that body part should. This isn't mentioning the time it would take to create a working limb, which is hefty in it's own right. He is also unable to control complex living organisms, being limited to dead, nonliving, or uncomplicated organisms like plants or bacteria.

The Fluff

Though he can't control inorganic matter, he will occasionally incorporate it in a creature. He may line a creature with shards of glass or scrap metal, for example. He can't control it at a fundamental level though.

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Last edited by superguy1 on March 16th 2018, 12:09 am; edited 1 time in total




Carl Gator:
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Pasteur Empty Re: Pasteur

Post by Samael Christensen October 20th 2016, 1:15 am

Application Checklist

1. Does this application's Bio have the adequate information? (Yes)
Comment: None

2. Does this application's Look section have at least one photo, or six sentences detailing their character? (Yes)
Comment: None

3. Does this application have adequate personality information listed? (Yes)
Comment: None

4. Does this application have a detailed history with plot oriented information? (Yes)

5. Does this application properly use the priority list? (Yes)
Comment: None

6. Does this application have the proper 1:1 ratio for Powers:Weaknesses? (Yes)
Comment: None

7. Do the items on this application have adequate weaknesses? (Yes/No)
Comment: (None if yes.)

8. Does the Minion on this application have the proper 1:2 Powers:Weaknesses?
Comment: Not applicable

9. Do the RP Mechanics actually qualify as a role play mechanic? (Yes)
Comment: None

10. Is there an RP sample? (No)
Comment: (Not applicable)

Application created by [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] | This code is open-source and available for free use.

Samael Christensen
Samael Christensen

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Warnings : 0 Warnings
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Registration date : 2012-08-21

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Pasteur Empty Re: Pasteur

Post by Zonkes March 15th 2018, 11:23 pm

Moved for edits.
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

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Quote : I sure love to manipulate people.

Warnings : Banned
Number of posts : 649
Location : Somewhere between hell and a hand basket
Age : 28
Job : Professional Manipulator
Humor : This site is great <3
Registration date : 2017-01-10

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Pasteur Empty Re: Pasteur

Post by superguy1 March 16th 2018, 12:09 am





Carl Gator:
Posting Apprentice
Posting Apprentice

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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 274
Location : Planet 2-T3x-4g
Age : 25
Job : Student
Registration date : 2011-10-10

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Pasteur Empty Re: Pasteur

Post by Zonkes March 16th 2018, 1:03 am

Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : I sure love to manipulate people.

Warnings : Banned
Number of posts : 649
Location : Somewhere between hell and a hand basket
Age : 28
Job : Professional Manipulator
Humor : This site is great <3
Registration date : 2017-01-10

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Pasteur Empty Re: Pasteur

Post by Sponsored content

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