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Underwater adventures (Luke, double exp)

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Underwater adventures (Luke, double exp) - Page 2 Empty Re: Underwater adventures (Luke, double exp)

Post by Alpha July 28th 2016, 5:25 pm

Food could wait, honestly he could get the stuff whenever he wanted but adventure waited for no man. ”We can eat whenever, but we can’t always have an adventure.” He said, once Lucas caught up to him, not really lessening his stride as he thought over what could have caused such shaking. As far as leaving his child, well they could take care of themselves well enough as far as he knew. Unless they decided to sucker punch a shark or something along that line.

From what he could tell the staff had more interesting thoughts, though they weren’t anything really worth looking into. Nothing about giant squids attacking them or someone exploding the place, well that was until his massive sweep of the minds of the people here actually caught something. A mention of blowing up the engine, something that would cause the thing to sink to the bottom of the ocean and of course making sure that certain people were dead.

Well apparently someone wants to blow this place up, and me too. So that’s our adventure. He sent the psionic message to Lucas to avoid actually mentioning the situation out loud. As naive as he seemed, Travis tended to know how people worked just from the people around the company he supposedly owned. We should probably check out the engine room, since that sounds like an important place to blow up first. Just like that, the place shook against, and suddenly lights flickered off. Well, a few hours into the cruise was a good enough place to start if anything else.

They were out far enough to make rescue attempts annoying, though just blowing up the engine didn’t do anything when it came to killing people. ”Scratch that, you um….I know there are some kind of escape pod type things, so find one of those. I have something I wanna look into.” And like that he just ran off.


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Post by Lucas July 28th 2016, 6:25 pm

Escape pods? Escape pods. Travis wanted Lucas to get in an escape pod, alone, and then somehow navigate back home from the bottom of the ocean? No, not happening. It was better to be in a big tin can under water then a little one. Plus, what made Alpha think they would let a thirteen year old on one of those aforementioned little tin cans? There was just so much wrong with that Lucas couldn't even begin to say why.

That's when the 'ship' shook again, and the lights began to flicker. How could this thing be breaking after a few hours? It was clearly somebody tampering with things, and that was all but confirmed by Alpha telling him what was on people's minds. Great, it couldn't just be a fun cruise could it? It had to be some power grab or some blood bath. Every single time.

"That's the dumbest idea I've ever heard. I'm staying with you." Lucas said with a shake of his head once the lights turned back on and the shaking stopped. He kept following the surprisingly speedy stride of his parent, and would continue to do so no matter what he was told. Lucas was truly glad that Travis was thinking of his safety, but just saying 'go save yourself, kid' did pretty much nothing to actually protect him. Lucius would want him to stay with Travis, so that's what he was doing.

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Underwater adventures (Luke, double exp) - Page 2 Empty Re: Underwater adventures (Luke, double exp)

Post by Alpha July 28th 2016, 7:04 pm

”Or you could not and follow me.” He then added with a shrug, not really offering any kind of argument. If they really wanted to follow him, well he wouldn’t do anything to stop him, and likely he would have to deal with the wrath of Lucius for it regardless. Well that was something he could deal with, so Travis didn’t think too much on it. Part of him wondered if there was any escape pods, though it just made sense that they would have a few of them, though likely they would be more than dingy metal pods.

”Just stay close to me.” He said, stepping around the people who appeared to be moving to said pods. His first place to go was the engine room, check to see if it was just some sort of mechanical failure or something else entirely. This involved messing with the perception of a few people to let them pass, but what they did happen upon was a room with flames spewing from it along with choking black smoke. Well, it looked like things were quickly descending into something even more annoying than originally thought.

”Okay, so I am not doing anything about that.” He then said, now annoyed that the adventure ended up being just someone blows something up. ”We are leaving now, and never mentioning this to anyone ever again, okay?”

Underwater adventures (Luke, double exp) - Page 2 CjhXQha
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Underwater adventures (Luke, double exp) - Page 2 Empty Re: Underwater adventures (Luke, double exp)

Post by Lucas July 29th 2016, 5:24 pm

So he was supposed to stay close to Travis now? Make up your mind man! First Alpha wanted him to leave, now he wants him here? Granted Lucas said he was going to do that, but that still didn't excuse Travis saying it like it was what he wanted all along.

But whatever, that's not what mattered right now. What mattered was the engine, and the people on the cruise. Unfortunately, the former of which was already in flames, and the latter seemed like it would follow soon enough. Alpha said they were going to leave, but, Lucas assumed that meant they weren't going to help anyone. That was kinda the default conclusion to jump to when you had villains for parents.

"What about everyone else? We can't just leave them!" Lucas said. He wasn't sure if Alpha would listen. The man seemed a little less dickish since the whole headshot thing, but he still was Alpha, so still a dick.

Lucas stopped moving, crossing his arms and looking at Alpha in a way that said 'not moving until you agree'. It seemed the boy was pretty serious about this.

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Underwater adventures (Luke, double exp) - Page 2 Empty Re: Underwater adventures (Luke, double exp)

Post by Alpha July 30th 2016, 10:00 pm

Alpha rolled his eyes. A very Vexus thing to do but he did that, turning to look to Lucas with a slightly annoyed expression. ”Well i’m trying to be responsible and get you out of a burning death trap, because these people aren’t my son.” So he actually hooked an arm under Lucas and lifted him up, creating a small membrane of psionic energy around him in case they decided kicking was the best course of action. ”I could probably save everyone but first I need to make sure you’re not going to die. I actually like you, so that would be no good.” He said, as another explosion could be heard, follow by a large rush of water just behind him. Naturally he responded, creating a barrier of semipermeable telekinetic membrane that halted the flow rather quickly, followed by a small pulse looking for anything human shaped.

This was followed by him  setting Lucas down. ”Alright fine. Go and help people evacuate, don’t get yourself killed or the glum dickbag will not let me hear the end of it.” He added, as people were pulled gasping and some near death from the depths, part of him wondering where such an explosion could be coming from. That being until he made note of an off shape within the waters, one swimming about rather quickly for someone human shaped. Well it seemed like he had some idea on who was messing around with them but then the question was how he would deal with said problem. His mind went back to Lucas for a moment, remembering that the files showed that they didn’t show any real superhuman capabilities, meaning he couldn’t rely on him to do anything about this.

Alright, so I can hold my breath for a good few minutes, but at this depth the pressure might be a bit annoying. I probably need to think things out more carefully now. Holding this barrier here was an easy enough thing, though he was aware he couldn’t undo the massive damage done to the hull, so what Alpha did was let himself slip into the water, as coldness filled in around him. From there was forcing the massive hold within the place caused by sudden explosion closed, allowing them precious few minutes for everyone to get out of there.

He trusted Lucas could do something about everything else, and part of him wondered if that lady with the dress was even still around. Not like she would stay in a sinking ship, despite the fact it was already technically sunk. That was when something flew through the darkness, nicking his cheek and releasing a bit of blood into the water, something that felt like a bit of sharkbait. ”Well, there’s one of you but something tells me they have accomplices.” Even within the dark waters, he could sense the disturbances within his telekinetic field that were those escape type pods that felt like small bumps on the underside of the vessel, now ripped open.

Underwater adventures (Luke, double exp) - Page 2 CjhXQha
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Underwater adventures (Luke, double exp) - Page 2 Empty Re: Underwater adventures (Luke, double exp)

Post by Lucas July 31st 2016, 6:02 pm

"Hey! Put me down!" Lucas yelled, trying to squirm free but finding it pretty much impossible. Alpha was using some of his telekinesis or whatever. God that was an annoying power.

It didn't matter though. Soon he was set back down and told to get to work evacuating. What Travis was going to do Lucas didn't know, but he didn't really care either. So he ran off and started yelling for people to get to the escape pods.

"The ship is filling with water! Get to the pods! Everyone needs to leave quickly!" Lucas yelled a few times as he passed people. Most followed, but of course there were always those skeptics that would start trying to see for themselves. They would probably be first to die.

As the pods left and one by one he sent his fellow passengers off, he noticed what a presence in the water a bit too stealthy or too fast for him to see, which was saying something. Most of the pods were ripped open, and, in horror, Lucas watched as the people he had tried to save died.

Travis...... I don't think anyone's getting out of here. Lucas said over the telepathic link, worried.

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Underwater adventures (Luke, double exp) - Page 2 Empty Re: Underwater adventures (Luke, double exp)

Post by Alpha July 31st 2016, 7:07 pm

You’ve got to be kidding me. He mentally complained in response to the telepathic message, rolling his eyes as he realized this would only be going one way, if people were just picking the pods off now. Okay, just make sure now one does anything stupid like getting into the pods, I have something probably incredibly stupid i’m going to do. He would let that happen, as he  first let the telekinetic field scan outwards until it latched onto any unwanted shapes within the water and then, suddenly increasing the pressure around that point he could feel that figure mulch underneath it without much resistance. A large amount of the escape mechanisms had been messed with, meaning that he likely could not use them if he wanted to get out of here with Lucas the traditional method and that onlt meant one thing.

Well, if the idea of secrecy was something that he once enjoyed, well that was something that he would have to get over now. Any that tried to make use of these pods would find them forcibly held in place, though the entire ship began to rumble as it felt as if they were being pulled upwards. This would go on until someone astutely  noted by looking through a window that they were actually above water, floating along as if being held by an unknown force. Water drained from within the holes in the hull, rushing out of I, and getting rid of one small problem of there being a massive ripped in a giant submarine boast that probably weighed thousands of tons. This thing is way lighter than I thought. He noted, slowly levitating the thing towards shore which was still out of sight.

Okay Lucas, we should be back in port around…..maybe six hours. I don’t really know, i’m probably moving this thing a lot slower than it can move itself. So play some video games until then or something.

Well it only took four hours but that was a boring four hours of him lifting a massive ship, eventually letting it settle upon a beach after giving people some time to scatter. From there everyone could run off the ship. Travis letting himself in through the massive hull breech and looking around for Lucas until he found him. It felt like it took forever but he did find him,

”I think we should do something simple like beach vacation next time. Having the ship blow up just is not fun.”

Underwater adventures (Luke, double exp) - Page 2 CjhXQha
Alpha's underlings:

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Quote : I was built with no purpose beyond just to satisfy , the tireless thoughts of these curious minds

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Underwater adventures (Luke, double exp) - Page 2 Empty Re: Underwater adventures (Luke, double exp)

Post by Red July 31st 2016, 9:23 pm

Lifting the entire ship out of the water was something Lucas did not think was within Alpha's ability, but here he was, doing it just fine. Granted it would take a terrifying four hours, but at least the majority of those on board were not going to die.

Whatever caused this disturbance didn't matter, because clearly their plan had been foiled. What did matter though, was telling Lucius everything.

Lucas didn't know quite why he wanted to tell, he just thought it was something his other parent should know. He wasn't trying to get anyone in trouble, but how do you even keep something like this to yourself? Once on the beach, he called Daniel, Lucius' Chief of Staff.

8 Hours Later

"What you did was ridiculously stupid. I can't believe i actually trusted you to care for anything in the state your in...." Lucius said to Alpha and Lucas, who were now in his office in The Sanctuary. The man was clearly angry, as well as incredibly busy. He had to take time out of business to make sure this wouldn't happen again, as much as he needed to tend to other matters.

"What made you think that a luxury submarine inviting rich and powerful people on a free cruise would be safe? That's a recipe for a blood bath! You fell for the cheapest trick in the assassin's handbook!" Lucius said, yelling at Alpha while his eyes were locked on the holographic computer in front of him. He eventually took a breather, settling himself down. He really just didn't know how a supposed genius could have thought that was a good idea.

"Get out, both of you. We'll deal with this later. In the mean time, don't do anything else that is too idiotic." Lucius said. He would remain silent the rest of their visit, tending to his business rather then this not very well thought out matter.


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Underwater adventures (Luke, double exp) - Page 2 Empty Re: Underwater adventures (Luke, double exp)

Post by Adam Johnson July 31st 2016, 9:29 pm

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Underwater adventures (Luke, double exp) - Page 2 Empty Re: Underwater adventures (Luke, double exp)

Post by Chellizard August 1st 2016, 3:19 am

A+ for Lucas being a hideaway to crash Alpha's vacation.

Also, A++ for the epic adventures.

Luke gets a char slot, Pat gets rad XP.


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