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Elisheva "Ellie" Wong

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Elisheva "Ellie" Wong Empty Elisheva "Ellie" Wong

Post by The Nekromonga Sat Jan 19, 2013 2:57 am


Basic Biography:

Real Name: Elisheva Wong
Renegade/Hero/Villain Name: Various.
Title: The unseen one
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Age: 35
Gender: Female
Race: Chinese American
Hair: brunette
Eyes: grey
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 170 lbs
Blood type: AB+

The Looks

Ellie in all her Finery (Picture is Gong Li):

Ellie as Red Scorpion (Deathstroke by Schockthegreat):

Ellie as "X" :

Ellie as Sage (Kate Bishop Hawkeye):

The Legacy

Personality:   Ellie- the Real Ellie- is a cold, logical, disconnected human being given over to her philosophy of good, driven by the need to control and impose order in the world. She is well aware of her lack of genuine relationships, but doesn't seem to care, even when others are concerned for her. In the public eye most people see a rich playgirl who loves the limelight and gossip, who may as well just be a figurehead of a multi-national corporation. After all, how could such a ditzy girl be in charge of Wong Enterprises?

And, when she puts on her masks, she assumes the role and personality perfectly. Red Scorpion is a professional mercenary and armsdealer with a warrior code, but is overcome with bloodlust in battle. Mr.X is objective and rational, but inquisitive and curious. Sage is upbeat, bubbly and a cheerful valley girl heroes like to be around... Almost as if Ellie becomes entirely different persons.

History: Ellie was born into a world of violence- being the daughter of a Shanghai Triad Boss's 4th wife. That meant she was virtually non-existent by the misogynistic culture she grew up in. Her first taste of brutality was at the hands of a half brother who chose her as the object of bullying; but Ellie knew she was different. She talked back, she fought back, and never cried or screamed when her drunken father punished her for maiming his son, his heir. Growing up though, the boys proved to be poor successors, spoiled and lazy due to their father's own doing, incompetent with money or with their fists.

In contrast Ellie was cold, driven, always needing to prove herself. She was always top of her class, the best martial artist, the best actress, and later a maverick with engineering, coding and business. Through sheer merit she gained her father's grudging respect, and her siblings' jealousy. By her 21st birthday she had doubled her father's finances and holdings, and had fought off assassinations. She had introduced metagene drugs to the Triads, involving them in the lucrative trade. Yet, she yearned to escape the criminal world. When her mother died, Ellie had nothing left to hold her back- in a single hammer blow, she exposed the family's dealings to the Chinese Government while keeping her businesses intact.

Ellie fled to the United States to re-establish herself and a conglomerate. There she learned of the metahuman situation- the chaos of cities that had them- and the potential such beings had to change the course of the world. She realized to some extent she was one of them, although in a subtle way- the genes were mostly in her brain. Thus she started taking steps, creating identities, playing... hero. or villain, but ultimately furthering her own agendas.

The Powers and Weaknesses


Power 1: Peak Human Conditioning - thanks to limited cybernetics, advanced medical technology, hormone treatments and a highly effective regimen of nutrition, exercise and biofeedback, Ellie is in as peak condition as a human can get. Agile, strong and tough. All of the above are necessary for maintenance, as  otherwise years of a long, violent life would take their toll on her body.

Power 2: Diversified Combat Training - Ellie has travelled the world and trained with dozens of masters in hand to hand, CQC, weapons, marksmanship, martial arts and even mysticism. She extensively studies their movements and learns at an accelerated pace. She is a superb and deadly combatant, armed or unarmed, with most conventional weaponry, and an expert tactician.

Power 3: Smart - Ellie is a very fast learner and user of almost any field of study. Her main interests lie in aeronautics and programming, though she is also skilled in engineering, chemistry, forensics, etc... add to that access to an extensive database of knowledge, there is almost no discipline or science she cannot learn.

Power 4: Iron Will - Ellie's training and drive gives her an uncommon determination to pursue her goals. As a side effect she is almost entirely fearless. She is highly resilient to mental fatigue and hardship, be it derived from physical pain, psychic attacks or magical attempts to influence her mind.

Power 5:Tech - Ellie possesses a massive technical and industrial base to produce highly customized arms and armor to suit her needs, especially equipment that is "signature" to each of her cover identities. Plasma technology, Nanotechnology and advanced metallurgy appropriated from Alien Artefacts acquired have allowed Ellie to push the boundaries of science for her own gain. (see item apps below)


Weakness 1: Fragile: Ellie is, for the purpose of durability, a human. A very fit human with limited cybernetic augmentation, but human nonetheless. She also undergoes routine medical maintenance, and maintains a strict exercise regimen as her body has begun to show the wear and tear of a long, violent life.

Weakness 2: Sensitive Identity: Ellie Wong is a very well known figure in the corporate world, employing tens of thousands of highly skilled employees around the world, running dozens of high technology companies. If her ties to Red Scorpion were found out, it would spell disaster for her credibility and jeopardize the jobs- and lives- of those in her employ. Her identity is a secret she protects at almost any cost. Ellie Wong acts very differently in the public eye compared to how she is when she's doing her "work".

Weakness 3: Law vs. Order: Ellie values order, not justice. If a tyrant or crime boss maintains order in society, Ellie sees no need to remove them from power, especially if it would result in anarchy and loss of life. If she feels or calculates that a hero's actions would result in net disorder, Ellie will put them down hard.

Weakness 4: Sociopath: Ellie does not feel empathy or compassion for her fellow man. She's aware of it and pretends to be with her social outreach programs, but deep down she couldn't care less. She would off someone if it served her purposes without a second thought.

Weakness 5: Control Freak: Ellie likes to be in control. She holds the reigns of her company and her Executives very tightly. In roleplaying terms, she will always try to tell people what to do, thinking she's always right.

Weakness 6: Paranoia: Ellie does not trust anyone. She has no peers, only subordinates; she cannot effectively coordinate or connect with anyone without suspecting them of the potential for treachery. She also does the thing where she makes contingency plans to take down any metahuman she encounters. In roleplay terms, she isn't on anyone's side, and she's always playing an angle.

Weakness 7: Wow, she sounds like a Jerk: Raising orphans to be soldiers in her private army? Cybernetically rebuilding her second in command? Driving Dragon Girl away? Firing people for finding out about her secret identity? Bribing cops? making deals with crime bosses? Ellie does it all, and more, because she is operating on her own sense of right or wrong, and does not take criticism easily. She also has no real social skills, and can't be "authentic".

Weakness 8: Becoming the Mask: When Ellie assumes an identity, she really ASSUMES the identity. She can be in complete denial when exposed, continuing to act as her character for a few hours, before reality sets in and she has to center herself.

RP Mechanics

RP Mechanic(s):

Substantial Wealth: Ellie, as the founder and CEO of a large aerospace and software conglomerate, possesses a large industrial and technical base to... do anything she wants really, that is within the scope of what large conglomerates would do.

Cover Identities: A master of disguise and acting, coupled with nanotech body alteration and masks allow Ellie Wong to assume various cover identities to fulfill her goals. Capable of fooling even Dragon Girl's nose, Ellie's deceptions allow her to approach her objectives nearly undetected.

Notable Cover identities include international armsdealer Red Scorpion, The enigmatic information broker "X" , A teenaged hero from L.A. Sagitarii (Sage), And the dreaded Ronin-vigilante, Kurenai. She can also assume mundane identities like laborers, janitors, technicians, secretaries and other such menial professions to go unnoticed.

Polyglot: Through her advanced mental capacity, Ellie is capable of reading, writing and speaking every language, including ancient/dead languages, secret languages, coded language, sign language and even alien languages.


Alien Beam Rifle: Reverse Engineering Alien Weaponry, Ellie has developed a portable plasma rifle capable of tremendous damage with relative ease.

Weakness: The plasma beam is a thermal based attack and may not affect some resistant targets. The highly complex power system limits the number of shots per battery, and Ellie can only carry so many. The tech is also DNA locked and cannot be reproduced.

Advanced Alloy Sword: Appropriating Alien Metallurgy, Ellie has developed an extremely strong and durable Sword that is capable of altering its conductivity to full resistivity when a positronic charge is applied (AKA flips a switch)

Weakness: The Alloy is strong and light, but not indestructible. As the alloy is used to make mundane weaponry, anyone can use them.

Advanced Alloy Bow: Appropriating Alien Metallurgy, Ellie has developed an extremely strong and durable Compound Bow, including its component bowstring and alloy arrowheads, with adjustable pull strength.

Weakness: The Alloy is strong and light, but not indestructible. As the alloy is used to make mundane weaponry, anyone can use them.

Nanofabric Powered Skin-suit: The latest in advanced Nanotech engineering coupled with alien nano-circuitry, Ellie possess a suit that enhances her performance in strength, endurance and combat as well as monitor and maintain her health. It also serves as body armor capable of turning aside deadly attacks, and has a stealth function.

Weakness: The suit's power system must recharge after three uses or risk blowing out, and can only power one ability at a time- Strength, Speed, Stealth or Durability. It cannot Cloak and grant super strength at the same time. Can be disabled by EMP.

Nano-Explosives: Ellie always has need for explosions. These small, marble sized pellets pack the explosive power of a demolition charge. They also have variants such as flashbangs, incendiaries, cryobombs, glue bombs, chemical, or gas grenades.  They can be crafted as arrowheads as well.

Weakness: Limited carry capacity. Must be programmed with a specific detonation (remote detonation, timed detonation, proximity, etc...) . Attacking the explosives directly can cause catastrophic results.

Spy Glasses: Basically a wireless supercomputer condensed into the size of glasses. Capable of performing all functions that supercomputers can conceivably do.

Weakness:  Glasses can be knocked off. Can be disabled by EMP. Can be hacked.


The Danger Divas: An elite team of highly trained and equipped, all-female mercenaries. Comparable to the Special Forces of most nations, and equipped with armament sufficient to deal with low metahumans, the Divas perform Ellie's wet work when her attention is elsewhere.

Weakness: The Divas are baseline humans trained to within human limits and can only handle certain threat levels. They usually serve Ellie in a supporting role.

Physical Priority
(You are to put these physical attributes in order from 1 to 4. 1 is the highest priority, 4 is the lowest.)
Agility 2
Endurance 3
Reaction 1
Strength 4

Last edited by The Nekromonga on Thu Jul 02, 2015 11:39 pm; edited 38 times in total
The Nekromonga
The Nekromonga
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Humor : I made a Lesbian Feminist Ninja Vampire Samurai.
Registration date : 2013-01-18

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Elisheva "Ellie" Wong Empty Re: Elisheva "Ellie" Wong

Post by Chellizard Sat Jan 19, 2013 6:26 am

All right; hearing others thoughts is only up to the other character. And it would be a 2 ABI power for Telepathy alone.

Mind Fray would be roughly 4 ABI, if not 5 on it's own. Again, this power cannot be used without an Okay from another player.

Things that go against the wills and actions of other characters are frowned upon here, and are banned for fighting uses, usually. These powers would be better used as an RP mechanic, and Ellie should have a different form of Telepathy/Psychochinesis or something. Where she can lift objects, move objects, etc with her mind. Or lift herself and fly.

But her grid is full, so my best idea would be this.

Make her Telepathy and Mind Flaying Abilities be RP mechanics that are worked out to use in PM's for certain topics, and give her the ability to use her Powers for something else.

I'm iffy on Telepathy anyway.

I'd like Forcewave, Pat, and maybe Jack Maroon to comment on this application as well, to give their opinions on your power.

-My DeviantArt-
Elisheva "Ellie" Wong JiLqjv0
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Quote : "A woman's place is in the sky with the goddamn birds."

Nekromonga (08/23/2017 10:05PM): Chellizard the Internet Born, Mother of Nerds, first of her name, Queen of the Gamers and the Roleplayers

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Registration date : 2009-11-15

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Elisheva "Ellie" Wong Empty Re: Elisheva "Ellie" Wong

Post by Jack Maroon Sat Jan 19, 2013 7:37 am

Don't have much time, so I'll try to briefly sum up my thoughts.

Telepathy: Only with consent. Shit's gatta be consensual, ya dig. It be aight with non-essential npc's tho. (suggested 1 or 2 ABL)

Mind Fray: Second verse same as the first.

General opinion on psychic mind-powers (except telekinesis): Don't do it. Headaches galore, for you, others, and especially staff members.

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Elisheva "Ellie" Wong Empty Re: Elisheva "Ellie" Wong

Post by The Nekromonga Sat Jan 19, 2013 8:00 am

Had a feeling Mind powers might be a big No-No in roleplaying.

Changed it to the back-up powers, edited above.

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The Nekromonga
The Nekromonga
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Quote : Neko is 9 now. Neko has many medical issues.

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Elisheva "Ellie" Wong Empty Re: Elisheva "Ellie" Wong

Post by Chellizard Sat Jan 19, 2013 8:29 am

Increasing stats aren't allowed until 7+ ABI; same as stat changing items. It's kind of an unspoken rule, but it's a rule.

Regeneration/Healing has to have it's own Ability pool; not coupled with another power.

Your first power,

Nekromonoga wrote: Internal Bio-psychokinesis: The ability to influence limited change or control over biological cells (Self only.) Scope of Ellie's ability includes a passive boost to her natural healing rate, and once a day for several minutes, the ability to boost a physical attribute by +1 -OR- greatly enhancing her perception of time, enabling her to act and react without delay. (boost fighting skill by +1)
Roleplay: The basis of Ellie's power, where her psychic abilities help to guide her physical development and maintain her well being. It affects both her body and mind, and her self awareness makes her a cool, calm person.

has three different powers in one.

Healing/Regen. Boosting a physical stat. Enhancing Perception of Time. Time manipulation of any kind is a no no.

So, that power is three powers, and based on them would be:

2 ABI Regen, 7 ABI for the ability to boost a stat, and then the Time Perception thing.. eh no.

Nekromonoga wrote:2 - Cyberpathy: The ability to interface and communicate with computers, computer mainframes, and any data processors at a speed that's equal to, if not greater than, that of the computer itself. She can also send e-mail using only her mind. She is generally always in contact with her nano-tech laptop, almost like a companion. NOTE: This means she cannot control mechanical machines without computer aided interfaces- such as AK-47's, engines in old muscle cars, old factory equipment, and so forth.
Roleplay: This ability, coupled with her conventional knowledge of computer source code, makes Ellie a superb hacker and intelligence gatherer. Oddly enough, the emergence of this ability stresses her mind, and she must often meditate to shut her mind off from the information overflow of the internet. This is why she prefers reading.

Is a separate power, and would cost all 5 ABI you have at this point in time.

Frankly, all the powers you want come out to a total of: 5 ABI + 2-3 ABI + 7 ABI = 15 ABI points, but split into different Ability bars for your powers.

Thus, making your characters physical stats lower.

You need to go back and read over the stat equivalents, and look at other applications that have Ability powers.

-My DeviantArt-
Elisheva "Ellie" Wong JiLqjv0
~Main Characters~
Naomi | Skyler | Nate | Chelle | Tyuki | Gerard | Miri | Uzma |  Malus | Vihaan
Anna | Girl Alive!
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Quote : "A woman's place is in the sky with the goddamn birds."

Nekromonga (08/23/2017 10:05PM): Chellizard the Internet Born, Mother of Nerds, first of her name, Queen of the Gamers and the Roleplayers

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Humor : [18:47:50] Spirit Corgi : Dear mods, I need my apps unapproved. If you don't do it an orderly time, I will compare you to nazis and tell everyone how you are stiffening my creativity, yours truly, a loving member of the site.
Registration date : 2009-11-15

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Elisheva "Ellie" Wong Empty Re: Elisheva "Ellie" Wong

Post by The Nekromonga Sat Jan 19, 2013 8:40 am


I think I'll start with a simple, no powers character.
The Nekromonga
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Elisheva "Ellie" Wong Empty Re: Elisheva "Ellie" Wong

Post by Alpha Sun Jan 20, 2013 10:07 pm

Looks good to me,approved until stated otherwise

Elisheva "Ellie" Wong CjhXQha
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Elisheva "Ellie" Wong Empty Re: Elisheva "Ellie" Wong

Post by The Nekromonga Mon Sep 23, 2013 1:29 am

Edited her starting wealth to 5, will just adjust when I've done more threads and gained xp...

Pushing int up to 8, expending 10xp to pay for me wealth and transferring the free stats over there.

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Quote : Neko is 9 now. Neko has many medical issues.

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Elisheva "Ellie" Wong Empty Re: Elisheva "Ellie" Wong

Post by Forceaus Tue Feb 04, 2014 7:06 pm


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Elisheva "Ellie" Wong Empty Re: Elisheva "Ellie" Wong

Post by The Nekromonga Tue Feb 04, 2014 7:14 pm

With wealth gain substitute points, Fighting Skill can now be raised to 8.

1 substitute point is still available, will save it for the future.

Dragon Girl Experience
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The Nekromonga
The Nekromonga
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Quote : Neko is 9 now. Neko has many medical issues.

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Humor : I made a Lesbian Feminist Ninja Vampire Samurai.
Registration date : 2013-01-18

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Elisheva "Ellie" Wong Empty Re: Elisheva "Ellie" Wong

Post by Forceaus Tue Feb 04, 2014 7:16 pm


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Elisheva "Ellie" Wong Empty Re: Elisheva "Ellie" Wong

Post by Forceaus Thu Jan 29, 2015 12:45 am

Unapproved for edits

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Elisheva "Ellie" Wong Empty Re: Elisheva "Ellie" Wong

Post by The Nekromonga Thu Jan 29, 2015 12:51 am

Assigned free floating point to strength.

Ellie can no longer be Batman.

Dragon Girl Experience
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The Nekromonga
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Quote : Neko is 9 now. Neko has many medical issues.

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Registration date : 2013-01-18

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Elisheva "Ellie" Wong Empty Re: Elisheva "Ellie" Wong

Post by Forceaus Thu Jan 29, 2015 12:55 am


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Elisheva "Ellie" Wong Empty Re: Elisheva "Ellie" Wong

Post by Forceaus Wed Jul 01, 2015 10:52 pm

Unapproved for edits

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