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It's beginning to feel a lot like Halloween [closed]

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It's beginning to feel a lot like Halloween [closed] Empty It's beginning to feel a lot like Halloween [closed]

Post by LastFear October 2nd 2015, 4:54 pm

When you think of terror in big cities you normally think of the traffic, low income areas or maybe hopped up gangbanger waving a piece in your face over a watch, but that is about to become the least of your worries now that an ancient evil has found it's way into the concrete jungle!

The air hung heavy in the night sky as the moon created long reaching shadows that looked like they wanted to swallow up anyone who crossed there path. Quickly walking down the quiet street a young woman held her coat close to her body, there seemed to be a unnatural chill in the air that froze her to the bone. Every little noise caused her to jump and pick up her speed, living in the city her whole life it was rare that sirens and cars weren't flooding the air with noise pollution, but tonight a silence fell over this particular part of town. Luckily for her the small brick building she called home was just coming into sight as a wave of relief washed over her body she relaxed and slowed her pace.

Unfortunately that was the mistake that allowed Strig to get in position to strike from the shadows. He had followed her since she left the small diner that consumed her life but now was the monster of the nights time to eat.

Jumping from the shadows with a speed and ferocity that would bring down the largest man Strig was on his unsuspecting pray in a flash, before she knew what was happening a strong hand was around her throat lifting her off the ground and into a dark alleyway.
She tried to scream but her vocal cords where already crushed and useless, a tactic that came from years of practice by an experienced killer. While fear was always a great motivator it often attracted a crowd that Strig had no patience for as his hunger was screaming at him with an unrelenting force.

She only saw the black hair and red eyes for a second before long, sharp fangs dug deep into her neck with violent recklessness, ripping and tearing away the muscle/flesh. She barely felt a thing before her life force was drained....

Last edited by LastFear on October 3rd 2015, 12:25 am; edited 1 time in total


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Number of posts : 25
Age : 32
Registration date : 2015-09-24

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It's beginning to feel a lot like Halloween [closed] Empty Re: It's beginning to feel a lot like Halloween [closed]

Post by Lotsofluck October 2nd 2015, 5:20 pm

Night patrols were always the worst, but it was what Alex had to resort to more and more. It was getting harder to sneak out during the day with his mother ever increasing vigilance. Alex hovered high up in the air, looking down on the city. It was beautiful in its own way at night. So full of life and light. Every day he was here, it felt more and more like home. Felt more and more like a place he was meant to protect. Speaking of which, Alex best get on that.

He flew down a bit lower, keeping a steady pace as he soared above the buildings. Things had been pretty good lately, no real catastrophes ever since Alex stopped the incident at the warehouse. Not that he took credit for the downfall in meta human incidents, just that they had been rather lucky of late. Now Alex was on general crime stopping duties, helping old ladies cross the street and propping up collapsing bridges. He felt calm and secure, gliding over the town with a small on his face.

Till he got to Fifth street. This was on the bad part of town, cross the highway. It was a bit more run down then most of Chicago, but it had been picking up with a recent effort. But now... now it was just dead quiet. The city was never just dead quiet. Alex landed in the middle of the street, walking to a stop. This was.. odd. This entire street felt off. In recent months Alex had been learning to trust his gut. Now his gut was telling him something was wrong. Telling him to run. Alex pushed aside the instinct to bolt, instead pushing to investigate. He walked along the street, not sure what he was looking for. On the sidewalk he found something odd. Crouching down to one knee, Alex bent to examine it. He touched the red substance with two fingers.

Alex: "Blood?"

He looked up, now on edge. This blood was fresh. Where had it come from?


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It's beginning to feel a lot like Halloween [closed] Empty Re: It's beginning to feel a lot like Halloween [closed]

Post by LastFear October 2nd 2015, 5:38 pm

Blood soaked the front of Strig's shirt and face from the unrelenting attack, a sign of a great night from his point of view. Wiping the precious life sustenance off his face as he knelt over the body Strig admired his handy work while pulling a small dagger from his back pocket. Like all of the greatest hunters he took a trophy from his prize, sliding the razor sharp blade through the soft flesh until he hacked a ear clean off and slipped it in a small leather pouch.

This poor woman was no longer recognizable, nothing but bone remained on most of her face and neck from the brutal attack. Not that Strig feared what would happen if someone recognized his kill, normal laws did not apply to the dead.

Admiring his work one last time Strig slowly wandered into the street and meandered down the lonely road hoping to bump into some poor soul that he could turn into desert...


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Registration date : 2015-09-24

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It's beginning to feel a lot like Halloween [closed] Empty Re: It's beginning to feel a lot like Halloween [closed]

Post by The Perfect Sandwich October 2nd 2015, 8:03 pm

It was a wonderful night in Coronel's opinion. As he longed for dread and gloomy scenes, one had arrived and what better time then the night sky looking down. It gave a beautiful killing intent as if it was requesting people to start randomly dying. He calmly walked through alleys and streets trying to find so means of population that had escaped prying eyes. He searched roof tops for 2 people in the middle of their love ceremony, but nothing was found. People were keeping close together tonight and made it more challenging for him to hack away at a meaningless creation.

As he searched he seen two older men wondering into a run down building. It was in disarray as he seen the entrance was in a trashed up alley and the windows were welded shut as if keeping everyone out. The door look like high grade, thick metal with just a small slot to peer out of.

As the two slipped inside he would make his way over with out raising attention. He had his own wanted poster in one hand and a metal rebar in the other, but he kept that piece of him more concealed. He tapped the door making an alarming noise; the guy jumped and quickly opened the slide door.
Can I help you?
Well yeah... you can. Do you see this guy on the wanted poster, handing off the poster through the hole the man grabbed it to unfold the same man's face at the door, that person is me and I ask that you let me in.

The man pushed back in fear seeing the poster and his face. It was at random that he was there and as quick as he fell he ordered everyone to draw their weapons.
Wrong answer, but thanks I need that answer.

He held the rebar up and pressed it to the lock of the door. Using his ability it was like an armor piercing bullet that knocked out the deadbolt and killed the man taking refuge on the floor. The door creaked open as a chill of silence went through the air. When it stopped against the wall only gunshots were heard for around 2 minutes. As the time passed and the men emptied their clips, Coronel made his way in. Using ammo he found (caught) he used bullet by bullet to rip through his targets. It was like a furious storm of metal ripping through flesh leaving no identity for the gang members.

Finally, it was all done. Blood covered the walls and washed through the open door into the alley. Everyone was killed and who knows the amount. He stepped out through the door and started walking down the alley passing a bunch of hookers. They were tripping on their own feet and as they came across the door only a deafening scream could be heard and Coronel wore a grin from ear to ear.

As he made his way through town using the tops of buildings he had seen another man killing a helpless lady. "Dammit... Why the hell is there another guy like me here." He was a little bit pissed as he came to the idea to fight him. He wanted every life he could get. That woman could have been one more person to make him happy.

He grabbed the concrete side rail of the building and jumped down landing in front of the guy. He used his ability to help him down, but also made the concrete crack to send a shock to the guy. Striking fear was something that threw everyone off their game.

Sorry I have no time to explain... so, he unleashed a telekinetic force hoping for a miraculous hit that would kill him in one blow. He did not want to give the guy any time to react so close up was the perfect idea to fight.

Coronel's Advancements
The Perfect Sandwich
The Perfect Sandwich
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Humor : Donuts and Donut holes? Are you trying to suggest something?
Registration date : 2011-04-22

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It's beginning to feel a lot like Halloween [closed] Empty Re: It's beginning to feel a lot like Halloween [closed]

Post by LastFear October 3rd 2015, 12:16 am

Quiet nights never remain quiet for long. Strig was feeling content with a full belly and warm blood on his breath but some folks just can't let a demon be happy.

Just as the young looking sack of living flesh dropped in front of Strig he attacked entirely unprovoked. A sign of a reckless and impatient young life. Without blinking an eye a cloud of dark mist surrounded Strig as phased away from the mysterious man, feeling curious though he only went about 100 feet behind the assailant. Reappearing he got a better look at his attacker and could tell there was something supernatural about him.

"Why must we fight?" the words came out slowly in a playful manner, confrontation was a favorite of Strigs but it seemed unnecessary here. Standing up straight his old bones cracked and creaked while he looked over his opponent. "There is plenty of death to go around."


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Number of posts : 25
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Registration date : 2015-09-24

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It's beginning to feel a lot like Halloween [closed] Empty Re: It's beginning to feel a lot like Halloween [closed]

Post by The Perfect Sandwich October 14th 2015, 9:26 pm

As his attack went off into the distance. It lifted a building right off it foundation knocking it into another killing several people. Well it was not his intention, but what ever worked best for the night. He was more lively at night, because he really loved to scare people and not at all by the common joke. He felt the guy reappear about 100 or so feet behind him.

With the guys question he held up his hands and began to use his ability, but he would not try and hit him in the front again, but this time he would try his back. He pulled a car at the guy. It was silent except the fact that the air was being effected and you could hear a slight whistle like a stealth sound. It is not that there is more people to go around. I just like killing and fighting. So you being a meta human is just a big up for me, and oh I am going to kill you. So fight back or die.

He levitated upward so he would not be hit by the flying car. Would not be fun getting hit by it.

Coronel's Advancements
The Perfect Sandwich
The Perfect Sandwich
Posting Master
Posting Master

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 444
Location : unown
Age : 30
Job : unown
Humor : Donuts and Donut holes? Are you trying to suggest something?
Registration date : 2011-04-22

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